Abebe Yilma - 2
Abebe Yilma - 2
Abebe Yilma - 2
Abebe Yilma
JUNE, 2018
This is to certify that the thesis prepared by Abebe Yilma, entitled: Causes of Delinquency and
Means of Prevention: The case of Remand Home in Lideta Sub-City, Addis Ababa and
submitted to Addis Ababa University, School of Social Work in partial fulfillment for the
requirements of the degree of Master of Art in Social Work complied with the regulations of
Addis Ababa University and meet the accepted standards with respect to originality and quality.
Internal Examiner
External Examiner
First and for most I would like to say thanks for the Almighty God for he gave me this
chance in my life ,and all the courage to start and finish this thesis project. Secondly, my deepest
appreciation goes to my advisor Dr. Commander Demelash Kassaye for his constructive
comments and guidance as well as material support in doing this thesis project. Thirdly, I would
also like to thank the remand home administrator Ato Andualem Taffese for his acceptance and
cooperation to conduct my study in his esteemed organization. I would also like to thank Ato
Mulgeta Yohanese the remand home record officer for his welcoming acceptance and
cooperation throughout my study in the rehabilitation center. My heartfelt appreciation also goes
to my friend Ato Efrem Teka for his great contribution in writing this thesis project. I would also
thank my friend Ato Wendesen Ayalew (Executive Director of Organization for Social
Development) for his all rounded support in the making of this thesis. I would also like to extend
University) for his all rounded support, encouragement and the valuable comments he gave me
throughout my thesis project. Finally, I would like to say thank you for all of my family
members especially for my beloved wife for their psychological, economical, material, and all
other necessary encouragements and supports throughout my life and in the making of this
This study is aimed at identifying causes of delinquency and means of prevention to deter
the prevalence of youth delinquency. It mainly focused on both male and female delinquents who
are involved in delinquent behavior and under treatment and rehabilitation in the remand home
and center for rehabilitation. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative research
methods. Random sampling technique was used to select 50 male and 10 female delinquents and
other participants of the study. In addition to this two crime investigator police officers from
Lideta sub-city police department were purposively selected to participate as key informants of
the study. The primary data was mainly collected through in-depth interviews and administration
of the questionnaire, after which pre-coding, coding, categorizing and theme were developed for
analysis. The data from qualitative method was analyzed thematically by coding the inputs from
the responses. The data from quantitative method was cleaned and organized in the table and
then analyzed using descriptive statistics like percentages, frequencies and presentation followed
by illustrative explanation. The findings of this study was indicated that economic problem, peer
pressure, environmental influence, parental alcoholism and overcrowding family, lack or
inadequate family support, breakdown of families as a result of divorce and death, lack of proper
child development and care skills, the influence of medias (films, TV shows and video), illegal
child trafficking, street life and less involvement of social institutions in preventing delinquent
behavior are the major causing factors of delinquency. The finding also showed that working
with the family, the school and involving social institutions, working on awareness creation on
the community at large, providing child care related trainings for parents, proper socialization
of children by the family, school and religious institutions, establishment and expansion of
community-based correctional centers, strengthening the prevention work undertaken by
community policing, enhancing economic development through hard work in both rural and
urban areas, teaching about the effect of delinquency and crime in religions institutions and
schools besides their formal teachings and improving the existing gap of the law used to treat
children by the courts were among the major ways of preventing delinquency. The findings of the
study was also showed the role social institutions can play in preventing delinquent behavior
before it has occurred as well as it indicated the influence of youth delinquency to develop the
behavior of criminality in the latter age. The study has implications for social work profession,
future researchers, for juvenile justice/court system and for school of social work in dealing with
the problem of delinquency.
Table of Contents
Contents Page
Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................................. i
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................................... 5
1.3. Objectives of the Study ...................................................................................................... 12
1.3.1 General Objective ......................................................................................................... 12
1.3.2 Specific Objectives ....................................................................................................... 13
1.4 Significance of the Study .................................................................................................... 13
1.5 Major Research Questions .................................................................................................. 14
1.7 Definition of key Terms ..................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................... 17
2. LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................................... 17
2.1 Theoretical Explanations For The Causes of Delinquency and Crime ............................... 17
2.1.1 The Individualistic Perspective .................................................................................... 18
2.1.2 Sociological Perspectives ............................................................................................. 20 The Social –Structural Approach to Delinquency .................................................... 20 Anomie Theory ....................................................................................................... 21 Sub–Cultural Theory ............................................................................................. 22 Cultural Deviance Theory ..................................................................................... 22 Social Strain Theories ............................................................................................ 23 Differential Social Organization Theory ............................................................... 23 The Social -Process Approach to Delinquency ...................................................... 24 Social Control Theory ............................................................................................ 24 Labeling Theory .................................................................................................... 25
2.1.3 Psychological Perspectives ........................................................................................... 25 Social Learning Theory ............................................................................................. 26 Psycho- Analytic Theory .......................................................................................... 26
iii Psycho-Dynamic Problem Solving Theory .............................................................. 27
2.2 Causative Factors for Crime and Delinquency ................................................................... 27
2.2.1. Bio-Psychological Factors and Delinquency............................................................... 28
2.2.2. Bio-Social Factors and Delinquency ........................................................................... 28
2.2.3. Multiple Factors and Delinquency .............................................................................. 28
2.2.4. Family and Delinquency.............................................................................................. 29
2.2.5. Peer Group and Delinquency ....................................................................................... 29
2.2.6. Religion and Delinquency ........................................................................................... 29
2.2.7. Poverty and Delinquency............................................................................................. 29
2.3 Sources of Prevention of Delinquency ................................................................................ 30
2.3.1. Prevention through the Family .................................................................................... 30
2.3.2 Prevention through the School ..................................................................................... 32
2.3.3 Prevention through Recreational Facilities................................................................... 33
2.4 The issue of Delinquency in the Ethiopian Context ............................................................ 33
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 36
3. Research Methods ..................................................................................................................... 36
3.1 Research Design .................................................................................................................. 36
3.2 Description of the Study Area ............................................................................................. 36
3.3 Participants of the Study ..................................................................................................... 37
3.4 Sampling Techniques and Sample Size .............................................................................. 37
3.5 Method of Data Collection .................................................................................................. 38
3.5.1 Questionnaire Administration....................................................................................... 39
3.5.2 Secondary Data ............................................................................................................. 39
3.5.3 In-depth Interview and key Informant Interview ......................................................... 40
3.6 Method of Data Analysis .................................................................................................... 41
3.7 Ethical Considerations......................................................................................................... 41
4.1 Data Presentations of Major Findings and Discussions ...................................................... 42
4.3. Summary of Data Collected through an In-depth-Interview with the Administrator .... 61
4.4. Summary of Data Collected through Key Informant In-depth-interviews with
Investigating Polices ................................................................................................................. 64
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 70
5.1. CNCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................... 70
5.2. Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 73
5.2.1. Recommendations for the Remand Home ................................................................... 74
5.2.2. Recommendations for the GOs, NGOs, CBOs and the Private Sectors ...................... 76
5.2.3. Recommendations for Social Workers ........................................................................ 78
5.2.4. Recommendations for Social Institutions .................................................................... 79
5.2.5. Recommendations for Future Researchers .................................................................. 80
5.3. Implications of the Study ................................................................................................... 81
5.3.1. Implications to Social Work Profession ...................................................................... 81
5.3.2. Implications for Future Researches ............................................................................. 83
5.3.3. Implications for Juvenile Justice/Court System .......................................................... 84
5.3.4. Implications for the School of Social Work ................................................................ 84
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 86
Annexes ........................................................................................................................................ 91
Appendixes ................................................................................................................................ 117
List of Tables
Table 2. Background information of respondent’s parents and their employment status .......... 466
Table 3. Family Problem, Crucial Issues of Concern among Family Members, Income of
Table 4. The Duties and Responsibilities of Social Institutions in Preventing Delinquency ....... 51
Table 5. Respondent’s Opinion on the Possible Causes of Delinquency and the Role of Social
Table 6. Respondents own Reasons to become Delinquent, their Acceptance by the Community
Although there is no universal agreement to the exact meaning and nature of delinquency,
According to him delinquency implies some forms of antisocial behavior, involving personal and
social disorganization, a value judgment applied to the laws of society, and the act tends to affect
people adversely. The individual may be seriously affected by his own action, but it usually
In the history of human society, in one way or another, there has been no time that men
became absolutely free of problems. One of the most serious problems in human society is the
problem of deviation from social norms. Anti-social behavior has occurred since the beginning
of human appearance in the world. Crime and delinquency are some of manifestations of such
anti-social behaviors. Delinquency and violent crime threatens the quality of life of urban
dwellers in the world. Not only does this divert scarce resources from urban social development,
but it also constitutes a serious impediment to the city’s economic development. Globally, crime
patterns are changing. Offenders are getting more and younger; and violent crimes are becoming
more common. In addition, our life, our views of the world and our ways of knowing about
crime have under gone considerable change with the changing patterns of crime in recent years.
The roots of such violence may be frustration, particularly for youth are important factors.
Violence, crimes and anti-social behaviors are thought to be products of social inequality, social
According to the (2003) World Youth Report on juvenile delinquency, it is impossible to
develop effective prevention programs without understanding the reasons behind juvenile
involvement in criminal activity. Different approaches are used in scientific and practical
literature on juvenile crime and violence to define and explain delinquent behavior by young
young people between the ages of 12 and 20. Sociologists view the concept more broadly,
believing that it covers a multitude of different violations of legal and social norms, from minor
underpinnings of delinquency, sociologists associate the specifics of youth behavior with the
home, family, neighborhood, peers and many other variables that together or separately influence
the formation of young people’s social environment (World Youth Report, 2003).
The report also indicates that anti-social behavior may be a normal part of growing up or
the beginning of a long-term pattern of criminal activity. According to this report, The United
Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (the Riyadh Guidelines) assert
that “youthful behavior or conduct that does not conform to overall social norms and values is
often part of the maturation and growth process and tends to disappear spontaneously in most
individuals with the transition to adulthood”; a great majority of young people commit some kind
of petty offence at some point during their adolescence without this turning into a criminal career
in the long term. While delinquency is a common characteristic of the period and process of
becoming an adult, it is very important to note that juveniles often create stable criminal groups
with a corresponding subculture and start to engage in the activities of adult criminal groups, in
As research indicates youth who start offending early in childhood are far more likely to
become serious, violent, and chronic offenders later in life than teenagers who begin to offend
during adolescence. This is opportunity to direct these young offenders to a better path because
research indicates that they are at an age when interventions are most likely to succeed in
quality and process of interaction between parent and child. If communication breaks down at
any point, it could lead toward delinquent behavior. In addition to that the absence of family as a
unit could affect childhood and how children socialize. Where the family fails, other socializing
Juvenile delinquencies have implications for national security, which in turn can affect
national economics through their negative impact on tourism and foreign investment. Extreme
deprivation of basic life necessities can force children and youth to seek survival means and may
involve in criminal activities such as pick pocketing and stealing. Among other things,
environmental, cultural and social participation played an important role in the rates of crime and
delinquency. The slum youth participate in culture that prescribes or encouraged delinquent
behaviors. Nowadays, the problem of delinquency is more serious and wide spread in developing
countries that have embarked in the process of rapid urbanization (Andergachew, 1992).
According to Andergachew (1992), Ethiopia is one of the developing countries where the
majority of the people live below the poverty line. Young people constitute the majority of the
poor. Moreover, the wide spread poverty, rapid urbanization, drought and famine, armed
conflict, destabilizations of family life etc. have left millions of children in Ethiopia without care
and protection. In Ethiopia, the problem of juveniles was mainly vagrancy than hardened
delinquency. A survey research done in urban centers have shown many street boys were
migrants from the surrounding rural areas who moved to the cities in search of employment and
education when they failed to get what they wanted they stayed on the streets and started begging
and or doing odd jobs such as working as partners in market places rather than return to their
situation for the people. It will be very problematic to provide appropriate social services for
younger generation. One of the social problems directly linked with economic imbalance of
society is delinquency. Ecologists were trying to provide a link between population densities;
physical deterioration like bad housing conditions in slum areas and delinquency. Delinquency
prone areas have certain characteristics: high rate of deviant behaviors, great culture diversity,
high population mobility, socio economic deprivation, anonymity, and deterioration of buildings
(Johnson, 1961). Currently, a large number of people migrate from rural areas to urban centers in
search of better standard of living, education, employment and social services. Juveniles
migrated to Addis Ababa in search for better life and when they fail to meet their expectations,
their chance of involving in illegal activities found to be amplified. This indirectly worsens the
problems of most social ills including delinquency (Andargachew, 1976). Andargachew (1976:
when these boys who migrated from rural to urban fail to employment
or educational opportunities, which is common in cities and large
towns of Ethiopia, they prefer to stay on the streets, doing odd jobs,
rather than returning to their villages where the prospect may be
much grimmer.
Most of the time delinquents are considered as agents who disappoint or harm the
community by ignoring the social norm of the country. Therefore, they will be discriminated and
marginalized from family and community at large. As the result, delinquents may be forced to
become obstacle for the regular development of the country. With this regard. Howard beaker
tried to explain the cause of crime as a process of labeling by other individual or law
enforcement agencies. By making the rule that define the criminal, Beaker cited in Adler (1995:
184) argued “certain member of the society create outsiders” and he went even further
suggesting that people can be labeled simply by being falsely accused crime is therefore
originates not as a qualitative act of individuals himself or herself but as a consequence of the
programs without understanding the reasons behind juvenile involvement in criminal activity.
Therefore, this study will try to reveal the causes of delinquency and the means of prevention as
juvenile delinquency. Most of the studies that have been conducted so far on juvenile
Banham (2012) and Farrington (2010) have conducted their research on the causes of
juvenile delinquency and their study has indicated that there are many underlying factors that
influence criminality among juvenile delinquents. Their research findings help to understand that
delinquency is not caused by any single factor, but many factors such as individual, family,
Further, Augustine (2012) and John (2010) have researched the causes of juvenile
delinquency in Ghana and Kenya respectively. Their study results shows that deviant peer
association, substance use, poverty, divorce, apathy in schooling and labeling by neighbors are
considered as causes. The findings of these studies show only the causes of juvenile delinquency.
This study mainly focuses on the development of effective programs and interventions to reduce
juvenile delinquency, and the findings of the study showed that the most effective interventions
and behavioral programs for serious and violent juvenile offenders were interpersonal skills
training, individual counseling. Likewise, Bertrand (2001) has studied interventions for children
in conflict with the law and found strong evidence for several effective treatments, including
vocational skill training, improving parent-child relationship, problem-solving skills and anger
coping therapy. Still, the above mentioned researches have not described means of prevention of
juvenile delinquency. These studies were to effective treatment of the problem after it occurred.
Moreover, research works that are conducted by Darbouze (2008), Jerome (2009), and
Simpson (2013) focused on the rehabilitative programs and therapeutic methods employed to
assist juvenile delinquents. Their research findings indicated that rehabilitation is essential
intervention to juvenile delinquents such as probation supervision, work readiness training, and
cognitive skill training will change delinquent behavior and reduce the frequency of juvenile
delinquency, very few studies have been conducted on the issues of youth delinquency in
For instance, Betelehem Wondimu (2014) conducted a research on comparative study of
juvenile delinquency between Addis Ababa and out of Addis Ababa raised juveniles in Addis
Ababa. She concluded that, juveniles migrated to Addis Ababa in search for better life and when
they fail to meet their expectations, their chance of involving in illegal activities found to be
amplified. This study indicates that migration can be seen as one cause of delinquency and
crime. Currently, a large number of people migrate to Addis Ababa from rural areas and other
urban centers in search of better standard of living, education, employment and social services.
As it was indicated on the above research, when they fail to meet their expectations, their chance
of involving in illegal activities found to be amplified which indirectly worsen the problems of
most social ills including delinquency. Andargachew (1976: 338) claimed that “when these boys
who migrated from rural to urban fail to employment or educational opportunities, which is
common in cities and large towns of Ethiopia they prefer to stay on the streets, doing odd jobs,
rather than returning to their villages where the prospect may be much grimmer.”
Amos and Charles (1966) claimed that the social economic ills that are predominant in
urban centers should be given more emphasis. According to them, “Urban life has helped to
create a significant amount of delinquent behavior. This is not delinquency resulting from
Getaneh Worku (2009) also conducted a research that examines compatibility of Ethiopian
juvenile justice system with the international standard. The result of the research indicated that
even though the juvenile justice system of Ethiopia is compatible with the international
standards, it lacks coordination and effective implementation. Further, Dehab Mustefa (2016)
conducted a research on community based correction practices for juvenile delinquents. The
study found that CBCCs provided entertainment, empowerment, treatment and participatory
activities. The activities made CBCCs conducive for bringing about behavioral changes develop
different skills and most importantly keep their contacts with family, relatives, friends and other
community members. This study indicates that focus should be given that CBCCs provided
entertainment, empowerment, treatment and participatory activities. This study also gives
In Ethiopia the studies conducted by Betelehem Wondimu (2014), Getaneh Worku (2009),
Dehab Mustefa (2016), Selamawit Abebe (2006), Dawit Damte (2015), Tesfamariam Mebratu
(2017) on the different dimensions of juvenile delinquency focused on juvenile justice system,
juvenile court, the link between family factors and delinquency, the effectiveness of delinquency
treatment. These and other studies conducted so far in Ethiopia in general and in Addis Ababa in
particular indicates that social institutions such as family, school, religious organizations,
recreational centers can play a significant role to prevent delinquency before it has occurred. But
they did not examined and mentioned in detail about the roles that social institutions can play to
prevent delinquent behavior. Therefore, my study will try to examine in detail the roles that
social institutions can play to prevent delinquency and crime in addition to assessing the major
causing factors of delinquency and means that are in place to prevent it.
In line with this some of scholarly research studies and articles that address prevention and
rehabilitation in reference to juvenile delinquents and the UN Guideline for the Prevention of
Juvenile Delinquency (1990) indicate the necessity of preventing delinquent behavior. The
Guideline also explained in detail about the roles that social institutions can play in preventing
delinquency early before it occurs. Accordingly, preventing delinquency can play a significant
delinquent behavior is crucial step in curbing and halting juvenile delinquency (Maclver, 1996).
Research has demonstrated that focus on risk factors that appear at young age is the key to
preventing child delinquency and its escalation into chronic criminality. Researchers have
identified prevention strategies that prevent and reduce delinquency and promote pro-social
adult criminal careers and thus reduces the burden of crime on its victims and on society. In his
study Flores (2003) demonstrated that the focus on risk factors that appear at a young age is the
key to preventing child delinquency and its escalation into chronic adult criminality. The author
concludes that, by intervening early, young children will be less likely to engage to the
accumulating risks that arise later in childhood and adolescence and less likely to incur the
negative social and personal consequences of several years of disruptive and delinquent
In addition, the UN Guideline for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (1990) that is
adopted by the general assembly recognizing the need to develop national, regional and
international approaches and strategies for the prevention of juvenile delinquency as clearly
stated in the preamble. Since this guideline is concerned about the prevention of juvenile
delinquency most of its provisions are devoted to the principle, strategies and policy of
prevention. From the reading of this guideline it is evident that a society is required to owe a
high priority on the needs and well-being of the family and all of its members. This is so
because, the development of all kinds of tendencies, for better or worse are at least to a certain
The other area which needs the focus of the government under the guideline is the school.
Obviously, next in importance, to what the family does to the child is what the school does to a
child. The school should be a fertile ground for the starting point of good behavior. It is because
of this that governments are put under obligation, under this guideline, to make public education
accessible to young person. In general, families and schools need to work together in order to
The Riyadh guideline under its article 32 emphasizes on the importance of community-
based services and programs which respond to special needs, problem, interests and concern of
young person in the efferent of preventing delinquency (UN, 1990). Article 57 of the guideline
independent organ, the purpose of which is to ensure the status, right and interests of young
persons are upheld and that proper referral to available service is made.
In the effort of preventing delinquency the government must, therefore, develop policies
and strategies that ensure the best interest of the child, encourage and facilitate the establishment
and working of agencies and institution which owe in one way of the child best protection,
guidance and care. Generally, the family, the school, the community, private and public
institution need to work hand in hand towards protecting and guiding the child so as to drift from
temptation of delinquency.
In addition to the aforementioned studies carried out in Ethiopia, Selamawit Abebe (2006)
conducted a research on the situation of children of imprisoned mother and the finding indicates
that children of imprisoned mothers live in a very difficult situation deprived of their basic needs
and right. This study also indicates that, the literature on criminology and criminal justice in
Ethiopia neglects and not gives special attention for the issues of female offending. Dawit Damte
(2015) also conducted a quantitative study on perceived parental behavior of juvenile delinquent
boys in the remand home. The study found evidence for the association between parenting and
delinquent behavior in the Ethiopian context. This implies that both family characteristics and
parenting practices are important to consider. This study shows that considering the direct impact
of social institutions on the behavior of children by indicating the association between parenting
juvenile delinquents and available rehabilitation programs in remand home, Addis Ababa. Based
on the finding of his study, the circumstances which got the participants into delinquency can be
trace to multiple experiences such as lack of familial support, histories of abuse, deviant peer
influence, school\education problems, inadequate extended family support and the likes. This
demands that, in an attempt to solve the problem of juvenile delinquency, equal attention must be
paid to these factors. According to him, any intervention which is designed to prevent juvenile
in handling and preventing of juvenile delinquency. This conclusion clearly indicates that, it is
necessary to study the techniques of preventing youth delinquency in addition to studying its
before it takes place, rather than to act against it after it has occurred. The term prevention could
be defined as something evil, unpleasant or distractive waits on the wings of the stage of life, but
human ingenuity can foresee and prevent it. Prevention therefore is a measure taken before a
criminal or delinquent act has occurred. Therefore, this study was tried to investigate the major
means of preventing youth delinquency in addition to studying its major causing factors.
Even though several studies have been done on the various dimensions of youth
delinquency in different countries of the world, very few studies have been conducted in
Ethiopia as well as in the city of Addis Ababa specifically on means that are used to prevent
delinquency. The researches so far conducted on the issue in Ethiopia focused on juvenile justice
system, juvenile court, the link between family factors and delinquency, the effectiveness of
delinquency treatments. Therefore, my research was carried out to assess the major causing
factors as perceived by those in the remand home as well as means that are in place to prevent
delinquency as viewed by those in the remand home. This is because studying only the causes of
delinquency without giving emphasis for means of prevention might not be effective to reduce
and alleviate this problem. In general, none of the above studies focused on both the causes and
means of prevention of delinquency. Rather, they have largely focused only on the causes and
Thus, this study was attempted to investigate the major causes leading youths develop the
behavior of delinquency and identify the means that are in place to prevent delinquency based on
the experiences and views of those in the remand home. By taking the above mentioned research
gaps into consideration, the study was intended to meet the following objectives:
The general objective of the study is to assess the major causes of delinquency and identify
the means that are in place to prevent youth delinquency as viewed by those in the remand home.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
latter age
The study was intended to investigate causes of delinquency and identify the means that
are in place to prevent youth delinquency based on the experiences and views of those in the
remand home. . So, the study have significance for concerned government bodies, non-
institutions to understand the issue of youth delinquency in terms of its causes, manses that are
used to prevent it. The findings of the study also had inform the concerned bodies to consider
the issues of youth delinquency in their projects, policies, and practices so that they, in their part
will contribute for the effective prevention of delinquent behavior before it occurred.
factors is important to reduce and avoid the problem of youth delinquency. Therefore, the
findings from this study may help to identify means that are important to prevention programs
for delinquents required, and provide ideas for how to best deal with and prevent youth
The study results also provide juvenile justice, remand home and stakeholder’s variety of
information on the causes and menses that are in place to prevent youth delinquency.
Furthermore, understanding the causes and manses employed to prevent delinquency helped to
The finding of the study is also significant in terms of motivating other researchers to take
part in related investigations in the future. Conducting intensive study by involving the
delinquent juveniles and different organizations as study participants to study the prevention of
delinquent behavior by focusing on the roles that social institutions can play to tackle such a
social problem in comprehensive and in-depth way is another direction for future research.
This study had provided in-depth information on the causing factors that contribute to
juveniles get involved in delinquent behavior. Moreover, the output of the study will also inform
for police organizations and other practitioners in the area to work in collaboration with the
existing social institutions, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and the public at
large by focusing on prevention of delinquent behavior before it has occurred. This study also
has a meaningful significance for the researcher. It enables to advance knowledge, skill and
value spectrum in conducting social work research, and also provides opportunity to know more
in the area of the role of social institutions to prevent delinquency. In general, the findings of this
study have a greater significance in the area of youth delinquency and can be used as input for
By taking the objectives listed above into account, the leading research questions were:
3. What is the role of social institutions in preventing delinquency?
4. What is the influence of youth delinquency to develop the behavior of criminality in latter
The study was mainly focused on juvenile delinquents involved in delinquent behavior and
currently receiving rehabilitation services in the Remand and Rehabilitation center of Lideta
Sub- City. Therefore, the scope of the study was limited to juvenile delinquents who are between
the ages of nine and seventeen and commit an act which would be considered as a crime.
Regarding issues included in this study, the study was limited its scope at assessing the causes
and means of prevention of delinquency. My study was intended to collect data from juvenile
delinquents, the Remand home counselors as well as crime investigator police officers of lideta
In terms of geographic scope, this study was conducted at Lideta Remand and
Rehabilitation center in Addis Ababa. Therefore, this study was bounded to the Remand and
Rehabilitation Center for juvenile delinquents. The site is intentionally selected as it is the place
Crime:- the famous Italian positivist Rafael Garaffalo defines crime as “an act that offends the
- They argued that there is no crime without law. This is because of the fact that society
Criminal-is a person who has committed a legally forbidden act (Andargachew.1988: 28).
Delinquency- implies some forms of antisocial behavior, involving personal and social
disorganization, a value judgment applied to the laws of society, and the act tends to affect
people adversely. The individual may be seriously affected by his own action, but it usually
regarded as anti-social when the group affected adversely (Neumeyer, 1956: 28).
Jvenile delinquency – is a child whose anti-social tendencies appear so grave that he becomes
Juvenile delinquent- a young person who is not yet an adult and who is guilty of commiting a
The thesis is organized by five chapters. The first chapter presents introduction, statement of
the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, major research questions, and the
scope of the study, definition of key terms, ethical considerations and about the general
organization of the thesis. Chapter two deals with review of literature which explains the
different theoretical explanations forwarded by professionals in the area, causative factors for
delinquency and crime, sources of prevention of delinquency and crime as well as deviance in
the Ethiopian experience. Chapter three explains about the methods of the study that was
employed in the study. These include; research design, description of the study area, participants
of the study, sampling technique and sample size, method of data collection, method of data
analysis and ethical considerations. The fourth chapter presents major findings and discussion.
The final chapter explains the conclusion, recommendations and the implication of the study.
The causes of delinquency and crime have been studied by many professionals and by
various disciplines. These professionals and various disciplines may be categorized under
sociological and psychological perspectives. From the positivist school of criminology, the
individualistic perspective, the sociological perspectives which are focusing on the social–
structure approach and the social–process approach as well as psychological perspective were
presented. Accordingly from the social–structure approach five theories have been selected.
These include Anomie theory, Sub-cultural theory, cultural deviance theory and social strain
theory and Differential social organization theory. And from social–process approach two
theories such as social control theory and labeling theory were discussed. From Psychological
In general this part mainly focused on some related concepts and perspectives of the study.
These are theoretical explanations regarding the causes of delinquency and crime which are
discussed above , causative factors for delinquency that explains about bio-psychological,bio-
social factors, multiple factors and delinquency, as well as family, peer group, religion, poverty
prevention through the family, school and recreational facilities were discussed.
In this regard, many theoreticians explained the causes of delinquency and crime in
various ways. Some writers consider the causes of delinquency as the result of individual
weakness. They argued that delinquency and crime is the result of mental or biological
deficiencies. Other writers tried to explain the causes of delinquency and crime in comparatively
opposite way. Writers from sociological schools of criminology, for instance claimed that
delinquency and crime are the outcomes of malfunctioning in the social system. Theories of
delinquency focus on factors that will cause a delinquent behavior to describe how these factors
Although many theories have been advocated to explain the issue of delinquency, there is no
single theory that has been universally accepted. As it was discussed in detail on the theoretical
explanations below many theories have been designed to explain particular aspects of deviance
than all aspects. Generally there are two theoretical perspectives of delinquency, biological-
psychological and sociological while the psychological perspective stresses on the personal and
inner control, the sociological perspective centered on the social control or the system and
institutions of the society and community. So, the lack of these social and personal controls may
result the involvement in delinquency. Although a number of conceptual schemes have been
proposed based on the above points under the two perspectives, in attempt to specify the causes
of delinquency, only a few of these will be discussed here based on their contribution and
The Individualistic Perspective emphasizes that the causes of delinquency rest essentially
within the individual, through the results may be directed outwardly against others. The
positivist, based its premises on the belief that, first criminals are born, not made, and secondly,
that they conform to certain physical characteristics which make them to look different and
easily distinguishable from normal human beings. Cesare Lombroso, who popularized this (Trait
Theory) conclude that “the typical criminal is characterized by such physical traits as low
forehead, ear deformation, reciding chin, and other marked symmetry.” (Neumeyer, 1956: 90).
Cesare Lombroso is also one of the founders of the biological school of criminology. He became
known for his theory of the - born criminal‖ as a result of his research. According to him,
criminals are atavists and resemble to more primitive beings. These born criminals could be
recognized by different external features like receding foreheads, huge jaws, and large or handle-
shaped ears. These external features of individuals may result them to be lazy, morally
insensitive and lack feelings of guiltiness (Hagan and Parker, 1999). According to Francis &
Pamela (2010), an individual whose body structure and psychological characteristics inherent the
atavistic traits, can be identified from the civilized and socially well-adjusted individuals.
Lombroso also searched for relationships between criminality and age, marital status, sex,
profession, diet, and environment. For example, for female deviancy, he pointed out its root in
continued to reason out why, he explained the fact that women's supposed to be inferior to male
and their delinquency is a less common phenomenon than male criminality. However, he
explained that if one observed female prostitution as the distinctive female crime, male and
female criminality could be seen as similarly prevalent in society. He also stated that, a woman
became a prostitute more through a special tendency of her creature than because of any other
social explanation. Within this analysis, he concluded that while social conditions can cause a
small part of criminality, most of the criminals are the results of their biological factors. Thus,
Based on the above premises, positivists advanced that the study of crime should
emphasize the individual, scientific treatment of criminal behavior. One of the trait theorists,
Enrico Ferri, believed that a number of social and organic factors caused delinquency. He
concludes that “Strict adherence to preventive measures based on scientific methods would
eventually reduce crime and allow people to live together in society with less dependence on the
penal system” (Adler,1 995: 63). In general, the positivist school assumes that physical and
psychological factors such as genetic contributions have a direct effect on individual’s behavior,
It is interesting to understand why crime rates vary from one neighborhood to the other,
from group to group, with in large urban areas. This will be answered by the sociological
explanations. The contemporary sociologists showed the causes of delinquency and crime from
The social-structural approach to criminology, consider social structure as the root cause of
the crime problem. They assumed that “people are law abiding but when they are under great
pressure will resort to crime.” (Adler, 1995:111). The ecologist school of criminology viewed
that crime is a function of social change that occurs along with environmental change (Sue Titus
Reid, 2000: 116). Ecologists were trying to provide a link between population density, physical
deterioration (example, bad housing conditions in slums) and delinquency. They also believed
that changes in physical environment might reduce the intensity and number of crime.
According to Johonson (1978) Delinquency prone areas have certain characteristics; high rate of
deviant behavior, great culture diversity, high population mobility, socioeconomic deprivation,
Anomie theory which was formulated by Robert Merton is based on the idea that “People’s
aspirations, and therefore their definition of success and failure, are to a large extent determined
by goals set for them by their culture”. (Robert Merton and Robert Nesbit, 1976 cited in Adler
1995) However, the culture does not enable all members of the society to realize their goals.
Those whose aspirations could not be met through the legitimate goals fall in to the condition of
anomie. For Merton, the condition of anomie develops where the disjunction between culture
goals and institutionalized means for their achievement is great. As results of this people are
forced to do whatever means are available where anomie is more abundant, we are likely to find
Robert Merton used the word anomie to refer to the split between cultural defined goals, and
socially acceptable modes of reaching out for these goals. He said, the breakdown of norms of in
the society led for hardly existence of effective instrument for the guideline of individual’s
behavior for a longer period. Criminal and other aberrant behavior can be regarded as a symptom
of a disjunction between culturally prescribed aspiration and socially structured avenues for
realizing those aspirations. Where anomie is more, people are forced to choose socially
unacceptable means to achieve what they desire, the automatically increase the rates of crime
21 Sub–Cultural Theory
Albert Cohen (1960) and other theorists cited in Adler, Mueller and Laufer et al., (2001)
view crime and delinquency in a different way. They assumed that these problems are ways of
conforming to the norms of other cultures or sub-cultures that are different from cultures of
urban society. Cohen expended his explanation by focusing for example on male lower class
delinquents in the United States. He assumed that in American society males of all social levels
are judged by the same set of standards, especially when they move out of home and compete
with other youths in school and occupational settings. In this respect, lower class children are
less likely to perform well in terms of these criteria. Thus; they may find themselves with their
self-respect damaged. (Robert Merton and Robert Nesbit, 1976 cited in Adler 1995)
Albert Cohen also stated that delinquents are sub individual who grow up in delinquent
cultures, with criminal activities and a person who shares a value system that is different from
dominant culture. According to Cohen; “Lower class youth are frustrated because they are
evaluated by middle class standards. Media and school constantly promotes the value of success
in life yet lower class youth are ill equipped to translate such aspiration in to effective action. As
a result, lower class youth are led to delinquent sub-culture” (Cohen, 1961:181)
Culture deviance theory holds that delinquency is a result of youths’ desire to conform to
lower–class neighborhood cultural values that conflict with those of the greater society. Lower-
class values include being though, never showing fear, living for today, and disrespecting
authority. Those adolescents who share lower-class values and admire criminals, drug dealers,
and pimps find it difficult to impress authority figures such as teachers or employers. They
experience a form culture conflict and are rendered in a capable of achieving success in a
legitimate fashion; as a result, they join together in gangs and engage in a behavior that is
According to Robert (1992) The theoretical explanations of deviance and delinquency that
are grouped together under social strain theories share an underlying assumption that non-
conforming behavior of an individual is the result of the confusion and disturbance individuals or
groups experienced in a social settings. This shows that, when individuals confronted with new,
traumatic and frustrating social situations, they may respond in a deviant and perhaps criminal
manner. That is why the social strain theories view deviance and delinquency as a result of the
social structure in which they occur. Robert also stated that, where there is a greater degree of
social disorganization and denied access to culturally approved goals in the community;
juveniles may find themselves in situations where social norms are not clearly defined. So,
location in aversive school and family environments has a direct effect on the delinquency of the
individual. As a result, these individuals may find delinquent activities as their suppliers of
different opportunities to achieve social identity and social status. More contemporary
generalized strain theories have stretched the concept of strain beyond economic goals and the
blockage of culturally approved methods for achieving them, to the more general interpersonal
strain and frustration experienced by juveniles in their everyday lives including distress over the
structure of their world (Robert, 1992). To sum up delinquent sub-culture emerges in response to
Edwin Sutherland and Donald Cressey (1960) cited in Ainsworth, 2000 standout in the
development of this theory. They were basically attentive to the question why criminal behavior
occurs in the first place. They developed their theory by explaining how the rate and distribution
According to them, “In non-literate and peasant societies, social influences are relatively
uniform, harmonious and consistent”. There is little rate of crime in these societies social
organization that is normative conflicting stemming social pluralism. This social heterogeneity
leads to normative in congruence. In other words, the social influences are often in harmonious
and inconsistent, as opposed to those of the peasant societies. As a consequence; ‘the informal
societies from staying in to non-conformity have become attenuated, thus allowing individuals to
easily drift in to law breaking’. Edwin H. Sutherland assumed that all criminal behaviors are
learned through association with criminal. He pointed out that “a person become delinquent
when encounters an excess of definitions unfavorable to it” (Johnson, 1978: 47). So from these
explanations we can say that people learn crime and delinquent behavior along with the
The social –process approach, on the other hand, explains the causes of delinquency and
crime as the process by which a person becomes a delinquent. One of the theories under this
category is the social control theory. This theory focuses on the process of socialization or how
individual behavior is controlled in primary group relations, and how the large macro social
institutions such as education, religion, law and the political system maintains order in society
(Wiatrowski, 1978).
The concept of social control has a focus on the process of socialization or how individual
behavior is controlled in primary group relations, and how the large macro social institutions
such as education, religion, law and the political system maintains order in society. The primacy
is given to relationships, commitments, values, norms and beliefs. The bond formed by juveniles
in their childhood to the society can prevent them from becoming involved with delinquency
while those who fail to form this bond become delinquents. This shows the availability of inverse
society. Law-breaking according to the theory is ascribed to the soft social bonds, to the
breakdown and absence of these bonds or to the socialization processes that are supposed to
encourage law-abiding conduct in society (Wiatrowski, 1978). According to this theory social
institutions such as the family, religion, education, economy, law and political system can play a
significant role in shaping the behavior of individuals and groups. In line with this my study will
try to assess the role social institutions can play in preventing delinquency.
On the other spectrum of criminology, Howard Beaker tried to explain the causes of crime
as a process of labeling by other individuals or law enforcement agencies. ”by making the rules
that define the criminal “Beakers argues “certain member of societies create outsiders” he goes
even further, suggesting that” people can be labeled simply by being falsely accused. Crime is
therefore, originates not as a qualitative act of individual as himself or herself but as the
consequence of the application of the law. “(Adler, 1995:184). According to this explanation
labeling theory stress that most youths commit some delinquent acts but only few are labeled as
Psychologists claimed that crime is the result of mental illness or personality disorder. They
give more credit for mental deficiency and feeling of guilt as major causes of crime. Uneven
mental growth , under or over development of mental processeses,lack of mental control, mental
defects and disorders ,or a combination of these factors may be associated with delinquent
behavior (Neumeyer, 1956: 100). Psychologists believed that proper treatment of mental
Social learning theorists (Bandura, 1979) cited in Ainsworth, 2000 assume that delinquent
behaviors are acquired through direct and observational learning experience, poor examples, or
lack of reinforcement of prosaically behaviors. They point to the tangible rewards associated
with delinquent behavior (particularly when attractive alternatives are not available and non-
tangible rewards such as approval by social status among peers or attention from parents). Once
a youth has engaged in delinquent behavior both the promises of future rewarded and the threat
of future punishment exist. But in as much as the probability of getting cough (arrested) is fairly
law and the youth may “get away with” delinquent behavior (an experience that serves to
reinforce the behavior), the criminality or delinquency is likely to persist. (Garranshah, 1986
Psychoanalytic theory is not a single coherent theory but variety of hypothesis developed by
psychoanalysts since the term of the twentieth century from the pioneering work of Sigmund
Freud. Generally, these theories postulate that delinquent behavior results when the restraining
forces in the superego (one’s conscience and self-ideal) and the ego (mediator among the super
ego, the id, and reality) are too weak to curb energy). Psychoanalytic theory asserts that human
nature is largely determined by the id instincts which are basically antisocial and immoral in
character. (Zastrow, 1996). According to Zastrow (1996), this theory postulates that current
behavior is largely controlled by early child hood experiences. Deviant behavior is viewed as
personality as a way of dealing with some adjustment problem. The problems is generally
viewed as a conflict among various ingredients of the personality; wishes, drives, fears, strivings,
loyalties, codes of ethics, and so on. Situational factors are generally deemphasized because the
to him, a serious short coming of the theory is that often extremely difficult to determine
precisely which wishes, drives, fears, or ethics motivated someone to commit a crime. For
example, the following internal desires have all been advanced as motivation for committing
rape; unfilled sexual desires, a desire for violence and feelings of inferiority, all of which are
theorized to be temporarily alleviated during rape as the offender feels a sense of power and
Delinquency and Crime are seen as the outcome of several shortcomings due to personal,
psychological, ecological, economic, social and other related pressures, which contribute to the
process of personality development. However, the general causative factors in respect to the
2.2.1. Bio-Psychological Factors and Delinquency
According to bio- psychological explanation for the causes of crime and delinquency,
both body type and mental health have a strong association with individual personality and
behavior. An interaction of physique, character and mental mental abnormalities have an over
component but minimize the importance of mental health. It considers criminal behavior as the
outcome of nature and nurture. Scholars under this theory argued that every person has a
person with biological difficulties may predispose to acquire criminal behavior that aggravate by
Other writers argued that crime and delinquency are not of the results of a single causative
factor as physical weakness or mental abnormality, mental illness and social dysfunction. There
is no single cause of juvenile delinquency. The early child hood period which is considered by
students of child life as the most significant period in the development of personality and
character, is also a period for the foundation of juvenile behaviors (Facts about juvenile
delinquency, 1932). As it is stated by David et al., on the Introduction and overview of juvenile
delinquency and juvenile justice, economic, social and cultural factors, urbanization, family,
migration, the media, exclusion, peer influence and delinquent identities are identified as the
general causes of juvenile delinquency although they are not identified as the sole reasons.
2.2.4. Family and Delinquency
In urban areas, the old safety net system is disintegrating due to domination of nuclear family
system, broken homes, absence of kin control and other reasons. Parents hardly have time to
supervise their children due to the life style in urban areas. Confusion of or disagreement on
values among family members also could be a fertile ground to child to become delinquent.
More research has been devoted to the family as a factor in delinquency than to any single
influence. This is appropriate because of vital significant of the family as the cradle of the
Youths are likely to spend more time with their friends than their family. Peer groups
activities. Studies have found out that “learning crime from one’s peers, especially in the form of
youth groups is the strongest determining factor in criminal involvement especially in urban
socialization by instilling a pattern of religious belief on the people. For a long time, religion is
considered as an important controlling agent the behavior of members of the society; however,
secularization and modernization have gradually eroded this importance. (Gomez, 1989: 191)
outgrowth of economic degradation and class cleavage. Marxist criminologists concluded that
when economic conditions are good, the amount of crime should be low, but when conditions are
bad crime should be high. Poor people have only little chance to provide the basic needs of their
children that is why many youths engage in criminal activities to fulfill their needs.
It is preferable to intercept criminal and delinquent behavior before it takes place, rather
than to against it after it has occurred. The term prevention could defined as something evil,
unpleasant, or distractive waits on the wings of the stage of life, but human ingenuity can forces
and prevent it. Prevention therefore is a measure taken before a criminal or delinquent act has
It is well known fact that the family is an important institution and its influence on human
behavior in various ways. The family may be viewed in three ways as s biological,
psychological, and sociological unit. Tappan argues; “…more research has been devoted to the
family as a factor in delinquency than to any single influence. This is appropriate because of vital
The family may influence socio cultural variables such as place of residence, size of
education, religion, housing condition etc… that contribute to development of personality. For
instance, lower income families have little chance to have good housing, mostly reside in urban
slums. The failure of the family responsibilities could have greater impact up on the behavior of
the person especially at early stage of development. It is widely accepted that broken homes has
a significant influence on the behavior of young criminals. According to Jhonson; “when death,
desecration, divorce or long separation causes the absence, of one or both parents, the child is
supposedly subjected to economic handicaps, loss of affection relationships and inadequate
Broken home seems to force individuals to engage in deviant acts to fulfill their economical,
psychological and social requirements specially young people who came from female headed
and lower class families are predisposed to this phenomenon. (Johnson, 1978: 122)
Amos and Wellford said; “Delinquents came from lower class families in which the bread
winner is unemployed or engaged on unskilled or semi- skilled mental labor. In most cases,
single mother are unemployed or engaged in laborious unskilled activities which left them with
little time to supervise their children” (Amos, 1967: 76). According to ecologists, physically
deteriorated, density populated areas and slums where there is overcrowded and bad housing
with less situation which promote delinquency.The idea that near, weary, neglected, anonymous
buildings are inimical to human spirit, that they are likely to have they distinctive and possibly
Bad housing condition may force individuals to get out to the street since they could not get
enough space at their home. It also means that children have to engage in pass time activities,
which are not acceptable by the norms and values of society while they are roaming in the street
out of lack of alternatives. Warm affection of parents for their children, which is easier to find in
small size family have a decisive impact to mold the personality of a child in a proper manner.
Most research on family relation indicated that there is warm affection of parents for their
children more often among non- delinquents and hostility parents.( Andargachw,1988: 230) As it
was indicated in the above statements homes in which there are unsatisfactory personal relation
because of neglect, drankiardness of parents, and the absence of familial discussion may develop
stress and confusion among children and as a result it leads them to be delinquents.
A child can learn the cultural norms of the society, which became the guidelines for adult
behavior, either from the family or from the school. Next to the family, the school is an
important agent to shape individual behavior. According to Jhonson, of the extra familial
institutions, the school has the closest contact with children over the longest time and remarkable
impact as an agency of social control broadly defined. The failure of school in general and
teachers in particular to recognize the likes and dislikes, fears and anxieties, abilities and
disabilities, unsatisfied craving unfulfied desires of the student may pave the way for many
students to rebel against school itself and may take the first step to became delinquent. The
retarded or failing students need attention, otherwise they dropout prematurely create various
other problems school drop-out is the likely consequence of the absence of proper counseling
services which deals with the problem of students. It is also the result of luck of adequate
equipment and financial support, poorly trained teachers, and program insufficiently adjusted to
the varied needs of people. Many scholars argued that school dropouts are the accelerating agent
for the rates of delinquency. The major causes of delinquency and crime by young people is
alarming rate of school dropouts and school leavers. (Andargachew, 1988: 44) Most school
leavers and drop-out do not have any sources of income to subsidize their financial requirements.
Weinberg also claimed that many delinquents are dropout who leave school at and age but have
no jobs opportunities shortage of money to quire their basic needs such as food, shelter, closings
etc. may force them to involve in theft, robbery and other deviant activities.
2.3.3 Prevention through Recreational Facilities
There is a strong and distinctive belief that recreation could alleviate anti-social behavior
Torkildsor,said that “recreation appears to need to justified, keep youth of the streets, produces
good citizens” white paper also stressed its contribution to the reduction of hooliganism and
delinquency among young people. Although there is no sufficient knowledge concerning the
possible correlation between recreation and alleviation of delinquency; all leisure activities and
mass media influences are becoming the powerful weapon to attract youngsters from different
parts of society simply to exhibit the delinquent behavior. Johnson argued that most organized
recreational programmes are directed to all youngsters on the premise that delinquency will be
Lack of recreational facilities and services which are suppose to attract and keep young
people away from the street, means that many people have no alternative but to engage in
socially unacceptable activities.With this regard the shortages of recreational facilities in school,
residual areas and in other places make the young people to change their attitude to harm full
practices like alcoholism, drug addiction etc…which easily promotes to dreadful delinquency.
(Menbere,1988: 23)
Almost in all countries of the world including Ethiopia, now a days, given the youth culture
manifested by technologies like internet and videos, different youth behaviors are homogenized
and globalized, which facilitates the ground for youths to easily master delinquent behaviors.
Juvenile delinquency is also the result of the existing opportunity structure and justice systems so
that it has also a regional future (David, Karl, Beate and Amanda, 2004). According to Sue
(2003), the most common responses given for why most of the young people commit crime are
According to John and Andargatchew (1994), the primary cause of juvenile delinquency in
Ethiopia is poverty, unemployment and family dysfunction. Majority of the offenses in Ethiopia
have economical causes, manifested with non-violent theft. Radda (1996) also raised the failure
of family‘s awareness regarding the proper ways of raising child as another cause that leads
children to commit offences in Ethiopia. But, according to Facts about juvenile delinquency
(1932), although there are many factors to produce delinquency and delinquent behaviors, the
As I have widely mentioned in the statement of the problem part of this thesis, some
researches that have been conducted in Ethiopia in general and in Addis Ababa in particular on
the different dimensions delinquency indicated that the problem of youth delinquency is one of
the problems that is found especially in urban centers of the country which needs attention from
Even though several studies have been done on the various dimensions of youth
delinquency in different countries of the world, very few studies have been conducted in
Ethiopia as well as in the city of Addis Ababa specifically on sources of preventing delinquency.
The researches conducted in Ethiopia so far focused on juvenile justice system, juvenile court,
the link between family factors and delinquency, the effectiveness of delinquency treatments.
Therefore, my research is carried out to assess the major causing factors as well as means of
preventing delinquency. This is because studying only the causes of delinquency without giving
emphasis for means of prevention might not be effective to reduce and alleviate this problem.
In general, none of the above studies focused on both the causes and sources of prevention of
delinquency. Rather, they have largely focused only on the causes and treatments of delinquent
behavior. Thus, my research will be conducted to investigate the major causes as well as sources
of preventing delinquency.
Research Methods
The study employed both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Accordingly, the
with having a purpose of assessing and describing the issue under the study. As stated in the
research design in which the role of the researcher is to observe measure and describe the
phenomenon as it exists (Amir, 2004). Accordingly, since the intended study will not employ
experimental tests, this method found to be suit for my purpose of assessing and describing the
The Remand Home found in Addis Ababa which is located in Lideta sub-city is a place
selected by the researcher where the study was conducted. It is accepted that the problem of
delinquency is mostly confined with larger towns and cities. Addis Ababa is one of the major
industrial zones of the country where many international, national organizations found in it, and
it is a home of multiple ethnic groups where all participates in different economic activities. In
additional to this the city was surrounded by rural areas from which many people migrate to it in
search of job and better standard of life, education and employment opportunities. These
conditions made the city susceptible for delinquency and crime. For this reason the researcher
conducted a research to investigate the causes of delinquency and means of prevention in the
selected area. According to Bimal (2013), delinquency is found in the most urbanized sections of
a country. Since Addis Ababa is the capital and the most urbanized city of the country while
attracting the large proportion of immigrants compared to other cities with representing a high-
risk area for juvenile delinquency, the city is selected to be a research site.
The study populations were youth delinquents who are receiving rehabilitation services in
the Remand Home in the year 2018. In addition to this administrator of the remand home and
crime investigating police officers were also participated in the study project.
The sampling technique of the study is random sampling techniques. Accordingly, purposive
sampling method for the sake of finding the right person related to the case under investigation
was employed. Purposive sampling method was used to identify the person who is pertinent to
the study under investigation will be picked. This is employed due to the fact that- according to
Martin (1996), facilitates the ground for the researcher to get the most suitable and productive
samples. The study samples were 50 male and 10 female youth delinquents who filled the
questionnaire and 10 male 2 female delinquents from the Remand home are also the samples for
whom an interview was conducted. Administrator of the remand home and two investigating
police officers are also the samples for which a key informant interview was conducted based on
Regarding the administration of the questioners, delinquents in the remand home were
selected. The sample populations were selected using random sampling method. This is because
the researcher believes that this sampling technique is helpful for it gives a chance for him to
choose relevant people who will provide appropriate information for the purpose of the research.
There were a total of 124 juvenile delinquents at the time of my study in the remand home
among whom 114 of them are boys and 10 of them are girl juveniles. From these 114 boy
juvenile delinquents, 50 boys were selected as a sample to fill in the questionnaire and since only
10 girl juvenile are found, as a result, through availability sampling techniques, all 10 girl
juvenile delinquents were included in the study as a sample to fill in the questionnaire.
For this study data was collected from both primary and secondary sources. The primary
data collection methods comprised the qualitative and quantitative methods. The crucial feature
the hidden meanings, to search for the non-obvious features, to find the multiple interpretations,
to see the implied connotations and to hear the unheard voices. By aiming to grasp those features
from the study, qualitative method is designed to be the data collection method beside the
quantitative one. Among the qualitative data collection methods, one in-depth interview with the
administrator of the remand home, twelve with juvenile delinquents in the Remand Home, and
two with crime investigator police officers from the selected Lideta sub city police department
were employed. As Amir (2004) stated that questions in an in-depth interviews goes beyond the
presumed surface level of respondents’ feelings and into deeper layers of their consciousness in
which the inquiries directed at the unseen and the hidden dimensions of the self. Accordingly,
the use of key in-depth interviews on this study is to supplement the data found through a close
ended questionnaire and to get the hidden meanings and experiences on the ground.
distributed to collect data from juvenile delinquents found in the Remand Home. According to
Abiy et al., (2009), a closed type of questionnaire is the most widely used type of questionnaire
and the data collected through this technique are unsophisticated and frank given the simple
questions asked. Closed ended questionnaire was used in this study to collect data from
juveniles. In addition, open ended questionnaire was used as a supplement to amass data that
could not be accessed through the closed one. In sum, the necessary data were collected through
in-depth and key informant interviews, and administration of both open and closed ended
In order to have an in-depth understanding of the major causing factors and means of
prevention of delinquency, this study used both primary and secondary data collection
data to strengthen the study. The researcher collected data from juvenile delinquents,
administrator of the remand home and key informants as source of primary data.
In undertaking the study, the following research instruments and steps were applied and
taken, respectively.
Initially questionnaire which includes open-ended and closed ended types were prepared and
administered for 50 male and 10 female youth delinquents from the Lideta sub-city
administration Remand home. Their responses were interpreted and analyzed using tabulation
Literature review was made, assessing all relevant documents from different sources that
elucidate magnitude, nature and demographic factors of the problem. Attentions was also given
to the existing sources showing the different dimensions as well as to what is known and the
3.5.3 In-depth Interview and key Informant Interview
the participant’s perspective on the research topic. During in-depth interviews, the person being
interviewed is considered the expert and the interviewer is considered as the student. The
researcher’s interviewing techniques are motivated by the desire to learn everything the
The primary data was collected using in-depth and key informant interviews and
administration of the questionnaire.Thus the in-depth interview was used to collect data from
the remand home administrator in his office, from the selected juvenile delinquents in class
room for male and in their dining room for females as well as from investigating police officers
in their office. All interviews were conducted by the researcher and information was collected
from research interview respondents in Amharic language which latter translated in English
language. The duration of an interview varies for the different respondents. They also provide
information about their, thoughts, or feelings in response to questions raised by the interviewer.
Cloth-ended and Open ended questions were worded so that the research participants can have
the chance to explain on the topic. During interviews tape recorder was used to catch up the
For this research the researcher conducted an interview with two key informants who are
crime investigator police officers working in Lideta sub-city administration police department.
The researcher believed that these informants can provide detailed information due to the
3.6 Method of Data Analysis
The data from qualitative method was analyzed thematically by coding the inputs from the
responses. In so doing, themes within the collected data were identified. Thematic analysis,
according to Ezzy (2002), is more of inductive since the categories into which themes will be
sorted are not decided prior to coding the data in which, the research may take the researcher into
issues and problems not anticipated earlier. The themes in this study too will not be identified
prior rather they came out of the collected data. For the quantitative method data collection
technique, the raw data was firstly coded and data entry was done.
The study was conducted in accordance with the code of ethics in which the ethical
requirements relate to scientific validity, welfare of the participants, and respect for the dignity of
participants. Moreover, the ethical norms for this study is designed to respect human dignity,
respect freedom and self-determination of the participants, obtained informed consent, debriefing
participants about the research, and keep the confidentiality of participants. Accordingly, right of
juveniles who do not believe they are guilty and juveniles who do not want to take part in the
study were respected and excluded from the study. Beside, all participants were informed that
they could refuse to participate, or withdraw in the middle of the study if they want so.
Informants was given written consent documents that provided details about the research,
responsibilities/duties of the researchers, the rights of informants, and the use of the research
results. Key in-depth-interviews were also be conducted after ensuring that the informants
understood about the study and securing the signed consent. Consents regarding juveniles in the
remand home was sought from concerned personnel in the remand home.
This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data acquired through both
qualitative and quantitative methods which comprises questionnaire and key informant in-depth-
interviews. The units of analysis of this study were delinquents found in the remand home of
Lideta sub-city who were detained there until this study was conducted. The delinquents who
filled the questionnaire were selected by using random sampling technique by the belief that this
technique helps better to select the appropriate and relevant sample. Lideta sub-city
administration police department investigating police officers and administrator of the remand
home were selected using similar technique for whom an interview was conducted.
Both techniques of data collection were designed in accordance with the research objectives
and questions of this research. Accordingly, the questioners for delinquents in the remand home
has six parts in which the first part of the questioners focuses on the background information of
the respondents; the second part is about background information of respondents parents and
their employment status while the third part presents about family problem and crucial issues of
concern among family members, income of parents and housing condition. The fourth part of the
delinquency. The fifth part focuses on the respondent’s opinion on the possible causes of
delinquency and the role of social institution in preventing delinquency. The final part deals
with respondents own reasons to become delinquents, their acceptance by the community and
their future plan regarding their behavior. Based on these parts, the findings of both the
Among the 60 questionnaire, 50 filled by male delinquents and the rest 10 are by female
delinquents. It was tried to cover the maximum number of juvenile delinquents found in the
remand home in the questionnaire. Out of the 114 male juveniles at the time of this study, only
50 of them were selected to fill the questionnaire and all the available 10 female delinquents also
filled the questionnaire. As it was discussed above, out of the 60 juveniles 83.3% (50) are male
delinquents and 16.7% or 10 are female. Since the remand home hosts juvenile delinquents
between the age of 9 and 17, the juveniles who participated in the study fall under this age span.
By assuming that these juveniles may not know their exact age, the interval was used.
Accordingly, among the juvenile delinquents, juveniles between the ages of 13-17 accounts for
the highest percentage i.e. 63.3% (38), while juveniles between the ages of 9-12 accounts 36.6%
(22). Whereas there are no delinquents less than the age of 9. (See Table 1)
No Variable Response
Frequency Percentage
1 Sex
I) Male 50 83.3 %
II) Female 10 16.7%
Total 60 100 %
2. Age
i) Less than 9 Years 0 0%
ii) 9 to 12 Years 22 36.7 %
iii) 13 to 17 Years 38 63.3 %
Total 60 100 %
3 Educational information
Learn 55 91.7%
Do not learn 5 8.3 %
Total 60 100 %
4 Grade level
A. First cycle (grade 1-4) 29 48.3. %
B. Second cycle (grade 5-8) 25 41.7 %
C. High school (grade 9-10) 2 3.3 %
D. Illiterate 4 6.7 %
E. Read and write 0 0%
Total 60 100%
5 Level of school dropout
A. First cycle (grade 1-4) 5 8.3%
B. Second cycle (grade 5-8) 4 6.7%
C. High school (grade 9-10) 0 0%
Total 9 15%
6 Reason of school dropout
A. Family influence 7 11.6%
B. Teachers influence 0 0%
C. Peers influence 2 3.3%
D. Economic problem 1 1.7%
E. Difficultness of subjects 1 1.7%
F. Other 0 0%
Total 11 18.3%
10 Religion
Orthodox Christianity 36 60 %
Catholic 8 13.3 %
Protestant 6 10 %
Muslim 8 13.3 %
Non-religious 0 0%
Other 0 0%
Total 60 100%
As shown in table 1, the majority of the delinquents are male and the number of female
delinquents is lower than male. This shows males are involved in delinquent and criminal
behavior more often than females. This is may be because of genetic influence and the nature of
division of labor between male and female which made males more susceptible of these
behaviors. Concerning their age, the majority of the delinquents fall between the ages 13-17
years. Some delinquents are between the age group 9-12 and no delinquents found less than the
age of 9. This shows that most children start to engage in delinquent and criminal acts after the
age of 10 years than under this age. Most young people are tending to engage in delinquent and
criminal acts because of peer pressure environmental influence and other related reasons.
Concerning the educational attainment of the delinquents the majority of them attended first
cycle education and most of them attended second cycle education. Very few of them attended
secondary education. Out of school dropout delinquents the majority of them dropout from
school at the first cycle and some of them stop their education from second cycle.
Family problem, peer pressure, economic problem and environmental influence are some of
the reasons mentioned for school dropout and few of them do not start to attend education due to
family related as well as their own behavioral problems. Again above half percent of the
delinquents are born out of Addis Ababa this show that most of the delinquent acts are
committed by migrants. With regard to their current place of residence the majority of them are
living in Addis Ababa and some are living in other towns of Ethiopia. Whereas, few of them are
living in other rural areas of the country. From this one can conclude that rural –urban
migrantion is one cause which can accelerate of delinquency and crime in urban centers.
Finally the majority of the delinquents are orthodox Christian religion followers while the
rest follow catholic, protestant and muslin religion although the majority of them are belonging
to orthodox Christian religion delinquent act and crime is committed by all religion followers.
This shows that either these religious institutions play little role on their followers behavior in
such a way that they do not engage in delinquent or criminal act in their religious teachings or
the believers were not shaped by the religious teachings. From this we can conclude that
religious teachings need to shape their followers behavior by giving attention to delinquent and
criminal matters.
Frequency percentage
11 Do parents alive
A. Yes 41 68.5%
B. No 19 31.7%
Total 60 100%
12 Who alive
A. both alive 27 45 %
B. only father 6 10%
C. only mother 10 16.7%
D. both dead 17 28.3%
F. other
Total 60 100%
13 Do they lie together
A. Yes 25 41.7%
B. No 35 58.3 %
Total 60 100 %
14 marital status of parents
A. live together 24 40 %
B. divorce 22 36.7 %
C. remarried 5 8.3 %
D. Widowed 5 8.3 %
F.I don’t know 4 6.7 %
Total 60 100%
Total 60 100%
their employment status the table shows that more than two third of the respondent’s parents are
alive and 1/3rd are not alive and some have only one of their parents and both of their parents are
dead. In addition more than half of the respondent’s parents have been still live together. From
these findings it can be observed that the highest numbers of delinquents are from broken
families headed by single parent of whom most of them are headed by female. As a result of this
members of the family especially youngsters may face various problems for their proper
socialization and normal development The higher percentage of death, divorce and absence of
one or both parents may force children to become economically weak to meet their various needs
and wants as well as to be depressed emotionally and as a result they may tend to develop
delinquent and /or criminal behavior to overcome the challenges of life they faced. With regard
to the parents educational status the majority of them are illiterate and some of them are reached
secondary education. But very few parents have certificate and degree level of education. This
indicates that as the parents level of education decreased the tendency of their children to engage
Concerning the respondent’s parent’s employment status as shown in table 2, indicates the
majority of the respondent’s fathers are engaged in factory work, handicraft, pity trade and other
less paying works. This indicates that parents have little chance to provide their family members
with sufficient material and emotional needs due to their low income they earn and less amount
of time they spent to look after their children as well as to satisfy their children’s emotional and
psychological requirements. In addition to this, more than half of the respondents mothers are
house wives who do not contribute for the income of the family and most of them are also
engaged in less paying jobs. This can accelerate the family problems mentioned above. The
above result indicates that the majorities of respondent’s parents are either unemployed or
Table 3. Family Problem, Crucial Issues of Concern among Family Members, Income of
Parents and their Housing Condition
S.N Variable Response
Frequency Percentage
18 Family problem
Alcoholism 10 16.7%
Mental illness 5 8.3%
Physical illness 6 10%
Disagreement in relation to economic issues 20 33.3%
Disagreement on non-economic issues 9 15%
Others 10 16.7%
Total 60 100%
19 Having positive Relationship with parents
A. Yes 31 51.7%
B. No 29 48.3%
Total 60 100%
20 Reasons for not having positive relationship
Since my parents died and I am living with 17 58.6 %
Because I am drug addicted 10 34.4 %
Because I am sleeping outside my home 1 3.4 %
Because I feel happy 1 3.4 %
Total 29 100%
21 Discussion among family members
Yes 36 60%
No 24 40%
Total 60 100%
22 Monthly income of parents
A. 0 to 220 Birr 7 11.7%
B. 201-600 Birr 5 8.3%
C. 601-800 Birr 11 18.3%
D. 801-1400 Birr 13 21.7%
E. Above 1400 Birr 24 40%
Total 60 100%
23 Housing conditions of the family
governmental 18 30%
Private 23 38.3%
Association 15 25%
Rent from private 4 6.7%
60 100%
24 Number of rooms of the house
one room 5 8.3%
Two rooms 29 48.3%
Three rooms 16 26.7%
4 and above rooms 10 16.7%
Total 60 100%
25 Family size
A. 1-3 15 25 %
B. 4-6 27 45 %
C. Above 6 18 30 %
Total 60 100%
As indicated in table 3, while more than half of the problems happened in the family are due
to disagreements related to economic issues and around one third of the problems happened due
to disagreement on non-economic issues and alcoholism. In addition to this, mental illness and
physical illness were also contributes in less amount for problems happened in the family of the
respondents. More than half of the respondents do not have positive relationship with their
parents due to lose of their parents and behavioral problems of their children which includes drug
addiction. Again the majority or more than half of the respondent’s family members made
discussions to solve their problems whereas around half of the respondent’s family members do
not discuss among themselves to solve their problems peacefully. As a result most of the family
illness and physical illness may be aggravated due to lack of discussion among family members.
This condition may lead to the breakdown of the family which brings economic problems
which in turn made them to engage in delinquent and criminal behaviors. From this, it can be
said that lack of discussion among family members may result in the breakdown of the family
and the occurrence of delinquent and criminal behaviors. As the same table indicates near two
third of respondent’s parents’ monthly income lies between 600 and 1400 birr and only one third
of respondent’s parents get more than 1400 birr per month. This could be the reason for most
respondent’s family members to disagree on economic issues that probably push children and
other family members to engage in any income generating activities using any illegal methods in
order to fulfill their material needs. From this we can conclude that economic problem is the
major problem which leads to the breakdown of the family which in turn made the youth to
As shown in table 3, around half of the respondents who have more than six children had
lived in houses rented from private and governmental house which have only two rooms. This
crowded and discomfort able condition of housing has a number of negative implications on the
wellbeing of the family as a whole and especially on the proper development of the youth.
Children brought up in such homes suffer severe emotional and psychological distress. As a
result they believed that the only way to get freedom is to leave their homes, stop their education
and join street children who live in areas where they develop delinquent and criminal behavior.
This shows that housing condition of a family and having large family members has its own
No Variable Response
Frequency Percentage
26 common economic activities of the area
Petty trade 19 31.7%
Hotel and Restaurant 11 18.3%
Big business enterprises 6 10%
Factories 9 15%
Alcohol and chat 18 30%
Video houses 15 25%
Other 2 3.3%
Total 60 100%
27 Presence of Social institutions in their locality
Yes 46 76.7%
No 14 23.3%
Total 60 100%
28 Institutions operate in the area
Schools ,hotel and restaurant ,churches ,mosques
,health centers ,banks ,trade unions and small tea 46 100%
Total 46 100%
29 Presence of recreational centers in their kebele
A. Yes 35 58.3 %
B. No 25 41.7 %
Total 60 100 %
30 Places they spent much of their time
As shown in table 4, the common economic activity of the residential quarter of the
majority of the respondents are petty trade, Hotel and restaurant, alcohol and chat as well as
video homes. Only few respondents replied that there are big business enterprises and factories
around their living area. This shows that the majority of the respondents are from areas where
there are plenty of illegal video houses alcohol and chat trade and petty trade activities. This
indicates that activities like illegal video houses and alcohol and chat have a negative effect on
children as these conditions facilitate fertile ground for them to indulge in delinquent and
criminal behaviors.
As indicated in table 4, one third of the respondents replied that as there are no social
institutions providing enough social services in their locality. Only two third of the respondents
said that there are some social institutions such as hotel and restaurants, small food houses,
schools, health centers, banks, religious institutions and trade unions. This indicates that in the
total absence of social institutions which can provide the necessary social services in any area
most people including youths are forced to engage in anti-social behaviors and criminal acts.
This is because social institutions have their own role to play in preventing delinquency and if
there is absence of these institutions in a society, most people are likely to have delinquent
Those who said there are some social institution operating in their locality mentioned that
health centers, economic institutions(banks), trade unions are some of the social institution
operating in their area. Again those who said that there are no recreational institutions in their
locality spent most of their time in schools, churches, engaging in sport activities, studying with
friends and at home. There are also youths who replied that as they are spending their time in
hotels, playing pool, sitting in the village, in film and video houses as well as by engaging
On the same table for item 31, more than half of the respondents replied that social
institutions have higher role in preventing delinquency and crime. One third of the respondents
said these institutions have medium role to prevent such acts and only few respondents said that
social institutions have play lower role in preventing delinquency and crime. So governmental,
non-governmental organizations and the public at large need to give attention for the
establishment and expansion of social institutions to benefit the society by services they can
provide to them. This is because social institutions can play a greater role in preventing
Table 5. Respondent’s Opinion on the Possible Causes of Delinquency and the Role of
No Response
Level Percentage
32 possible causes of delinquency
Increment of population 37 20 3 60 60 33.3 5 100
Family problem 29 25 6 60 48.3 41.7 10 100
Shortage of recreational facilities 30 20 10 60 50 33.3 16. 100
addiction 32 20 8 60 53.3 33.3 7 100
unemployment 32 23 5 60 53.3 38.3 13. 100
low income 35 19 6 60 58.3 31.7 3 100
35 22 3 60 58.3 36.7 8.3 100
unhealthy social environmental
37 17 6 60 61.7 28.3 10 100
unhealthy physical
33 the role of social institutions in
preventing delinquency
family 41 18 1 60 68.3 30 1.7 100
school 40 18 2 60 66.7 30 3.3 100
religious institutions 42 16 2 60 70 26.7 3.3 100
Police/legal institutions 39 19 2 60 65 31.7 3.3 100
youth centers 39 19 2 60 65 31.7 3.3 100
traditional institutions 40 15 5 60 66.7 25 8.3 100
Concerning the opinion of respondents on the causes of delinquency only a small portion of
them are responded that the listed possible causes such as increment of population, family
problem, shortage of recreational area, addiction, un employment, low income, un healthy social
and physical environments can have low role to cause delinquency and the majority of the
respondents responded that the listed cause can have high and medium role to cause delinquency.
From this we can conclude that increment of population without balanced economic
development, the existence of problem in a family, shortage of recreational areas particularly for
the youth ,drug ,alcohol and chat addiction, increasing rate of unemployment, getting low
income, living in unhealthy social and physical environments are considered as the major causes
of delinquency in urban centers. Regarding the role of social institutions in preventing delinquent
behavior before it has occurred, few respondents are responded that family, school, religious
institutions, youth centers and traditional institutions can have lower role to prevent delinquency.
On the other hand more than 90% of the respondents agreed that these institutions can have
This implied that social institutions are served as the corner stones to prevent delinquency in a
society. For this very reason: governmental, non-governmental organizations and the public at
large need to give attention for the establishment and expansion of social institutions to benefit
the society by services they can provide to them. This is because social institutions can play a
Table 6. Respondents own Reasons to become Delinquent, their Acceptance by the
No variables Response
Frequency Percentage
Total 47 100%
37 respondents reasons to engage in criminal acts
economic problem 12 28.5%
bad relationship with parents 15 35.7%
broken family 5 12%
peer influence 5 12%
being orphaned 1 2.3%
other 4 9.5 %
Total 42 100%
38 Reasons for the youths to engage in delinquent
Economic problem 18 30 %
Family problem 20 33.3 %
Peer pressure 9 15 %
environmental influence 7 11.7 %
lack of adequate social services 6 10 %
Total 60 100%
39 Acceptance of respondents behavior in their
Yes 9 15%
No 51 85%
Total 60 100%
40 respondents future plan to change their behavior
No 43 71.7%
17 28.3%
Total 60 100%
As shown on table 6, one fourth of the respondents replied that as they are used drugs and
three fourth of which do not use drugs or substances. Cigarette, chat, alcohol, hashish, benzene
and shisha are the substances used by delinquents. This shows that drug addiction is one of the
causes that lead the youths to engage in other delinquent acts. The respondents also engaged in
criminal activities such as robbery, murder, rape, theft, cheating, and assault, damage to property,
gambling and burglary. But the majority of them engaged in theft and some of them engaged in
cheating, assault and gambling. The same table also shows that the majority of the respondents
are forced to engage in criminal behavior because of the bad relationship they have with their
parents and economic problem they faced. 35.7% because of family problem, 28.5% because of
economic problem. Some of them committed criminal acts due to broken family, peer
of lack of adequate services. This implied that economic problem is one of the major causes
which can force people to engage in delinquent and criminal acts. Similarly, family problems are
also be the major force, peer pressure is one strong force especially on youths to engage in
delinquent and criminal acts. Environmental influence and lack of adequate social services also
By the response given to the item asking whether the people in respondents neighborhood
or community accept or not accept their delinquent and criminal behavior the majority of the
respondents replied that their behavior is not accepted by people in their neighborhood. But only
few of them are responded that their behavior is accepted by the people in their neighborhood.
Although the majority of the respondents responded that the people in their
neighborhood/community do not accept their delinquent and criminal behavior, some are
responded that their behavior is accepted by the people in their neighborhood. This shows that
the people itself could be blamed for promoting the rates of delinquency and other social
Finally by the responses given for the last item which asks whether the respondents have a
future plan to change their behavior, except few respondents almost all respondents replied that
they have a future plan to change their behavior. This indicates that the remand home can played
a great role in changing the behavior of the delinquents detained in the rehabilitation center. But
those who said they do not want to change their behavior are around 28.3%. This much percent
of delinquents are future criminals unless they can change their attitude and one of the
respondents said that I do not want to stop stealing whenever. So the remand home needs to work
4.2. Summary of Data Collected through an Interview with Delinquents
By the effort made to gather more information, an interview was conducted for 10 boys and
2 girls a total of 12 (twelve) youth delinquents of the remand home. The findings of an interview
For item one which asked them to explain about themselves, their family and educational
background, the majority of them replied that they are living with their parents, few of them are
living only with their father or with their mother. But one of the respondents said that she is
living with her grandparents and she does not know her parents. Regarding their educational
background almost all of them are attending second cycle (grade 6-8) education and one
respondent reached grade 9. This shows that families of most of the delinquents do not properly
supervise and follow their children as it was expected from them. The rest of the delinquents are
living with a single parent family and with their grandparents. From this we can say that family
According to social control theory, social institutions such as the family, religion, education,
economy, law and political system can play a significant role in shaping the behavior of
individuals and groups. In line with this theory, the interview responses given by delinquents on
the causes that are leading youths to develop delinquent behavior includes: family problem,
economic problem, peer pressure, environmental influence, separation of family, video and film
houses that are found in their village, drug addiction, living with relatives and other extended
members of the family because of losing their parents by death are the major causes that leads
For the third item which asked them to explain about their opinion about the means that are in
place to prevent delinquency, all of them replied that: selecting good friend, taking care of
him/herself, spending the leisure time in youth recreational places as well as in libraries, being
away from drug addiction as well as from bad friends, proper care and control of parents for their
children, schools and religious institutions teaching of ethics are mentioned by the respondents as
For the fourth item, almost all of the respondents replied that social institutions such as
schools, religious institutions, youth recreational centers etc. can play a greater role in preventing
delinquency and crime by shaping the behavior of the young generation through their different
roles including teaching about Ethics, values and norms of their society. The fifth item asked
them weather there are social institutions which can provide different services in their locality or
not. They mentioned that there are health centers, youth recreational centers, schools, religious
institutions, libraries and trade unions in their locality. Although there are social institutions
around the village of the delinquents, the roles they played to prevent delinquent behavior is
For the item asking about the services they are getting from the remand home they replied
that: education, food, shelter, cloths and other educational materials, health and counseling
services, sport activities and competition, recreational services once in a week by Lang life band
were the services they are getting from the rehabilitation center. They also explained that these
services can have great contributions to change their delinquent behavior. For the item that asked
them what forced them to engage in delinquent behavior , they replied that conflict with family
leads them to live on streets and to engage in such a behavior, peer pressure, economic problem,
having broken family, conflict are also mentioned as the factors that forced them to engage in
delinquent behavior. They are accepted as they are really violated the norms of their society by
engaging in anti-social behaviors. Finally, for the last item which asked them about their future
plan regarding their behavior, all of them replied that they want to change their delinquent
behavior and to become good citizens after returning to their family and society. They also said
that they want to continue their education here in the center and also after leaving the center.
By the effort made to gather more information, an in- depth interview was conducted for the
administrator of the remand home. The findings of an in-depth interview is compiled and
analyzed as follows.
As multiple factors and delinquency writers argued that crime and delinquency are not of the
results of a single causative factor as physical weakness or mental abnormality, mental illness
and social dysfunction. There is no single cause of juvenile delinquency. The early child hood
period which is considered by students of child life as the most significant period in the
development of personality and character, is also a period for the foundation of juvenile
behaviors (Facts about juvenile delinquency, 1932). As it is stated by David et al., on the
Introduction and overview of juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice, economic, social and
cultural factors, urbanization, family, migration, the media, exclusion, peer influence and
delinquent identities are identified as the general causes of juvenile delinquency although they
are not identified as the sole reasons. In line with this explanation, the remand home
administrator explained that multiple factor such as, lack of proper child care skills, peer
pressure, the influence of media( films, TV and print medias), illegal child trafficking and street
life are the main causes leading youths develop delinquent behaviors. In addition to this
economic development that can result in increased unemployment rate, migration, drug addiction
breakdown of families and expansion of criminal acts can also makes many youths develop
Concerning the means of prevention of delinquent behavior before it has occurred, the
administrator replied that: creating awareness to the public at large is the major one. The other is
including ethical issues that are related with youth delinquency in the formal educational
curriculum. Again Medias need to play their constructive roles in creating awareness to the
general public and especially on the youth so that they can become good and productive citizens.
In line with this, social institutions are also major means of preventing delinquent acts before
occurring. Especially religious institutions do not played their roles on the young generation as it
was expected from them. Since these institutions have great acceptance in the society, they need
Concerning the relationship between youth delinquency and their involvement in crime in
their future life career, the administrator said that although there is no a study conducted on the
issue so far in our country as well as in the city of Addis Ababa, there are indications that show
latter age. He also added that the current state of youth delinquency is higher and delinquent
acts are increasing from time to time in the country in general and in the city of Addis Ababa in
particular. By the response given to the item asking whether the remand home made an effort to
prevent delinquency and crime before occurring, he said that there is no effort made to prevent
it instead, the remand home can give proper correctional and rehabilitation services, providing
training by different professions to make delinquents have good relationship with the society
and becoming productive citizen when they go out from the center .In addition to this there is an
effort made by counseling sector of the center to change the behavior of the delinquents through
teaching them by professionals assigned to do this. The outside prevention was made by police
and courts. But the center work only on juveniles detained there. He also said that the center
will try to facilitate conditions to work in cooperation with other stack holders to prevent
delinquency and crime before accruing in the future from now on wards. This shows that the
remand home administration do not work on preventing delinquency and crime before
The finding of the study revealed that, the remand home focus on rehabilitation programs
for delinquents after they committed crime and after they joined the rehabilitation center. Thus,
the ultimate goal of all interventions in the remand home is the rehabilitation and correction of
juvenile delinquents. Therefore, the center should have close connection with the community in
order to facilitate preventing and community based rehabilitation. Systematic linkages should be
created between the remand home and projects that offer preventive programs for vulnerable
children that are at risk of being in conflict with the law. Such linkages result not only in the
development of more comprehensive programs but create the involvement of more actors in
juvenile justice projects. So the remand home needs to play this role in the future by giving
The administrator also indicates that the center doesn’t work on prevention of youth
delinquency so far, but it provides correctional and rehabilitation services such as counseling,
education, rehabilitation and skill trainings for delinquents. He also suggested that community
based works need to be done for more effective actions in tackling and preventing youth
delinquency in the city. This is to mean that delinquents need to be educated and corrected in the
community. Whereas, the center don’t worked on the prevention except working in collaboration
with the police as the stakeholder. Although the correctional actions taken by the center are not
satisfactory, they are good regarding improving the behavior of the delinquents. But, for more
effective actions in tackling juvenile delinquency in the future, it is necessary to bring attitudinal
change on the community by working on awareness creation at wider scale. In relation with this
the establishment of community based correctional centers need to be done in order to see and
provide correctional services for youths who are involved in delinquent actions at the grass root
The administrator also explained the challenges that the organization faced. These includes:
the increase of the types of delinquent and criminal acts committed by the youth, the increase of
the number of youths who are engaging in delinquent and criminal acts from time to time, not
working on prevention, the less attention given for the youths, budget constraint, the setup of the
organization is not favorable for delinquents who are in the center and it is also not a conducive
By the effort made to gather more information, key informant in-depth interview was
conducted for 2 (two) investigating police officers of Lideta sub-city police department who are
working on women and children cases. The findings of an interview are compiled and analyzed
For the first item which asked them to explain about their work position is in the
organization, they replied that they are working as women and children unit crime investigating
police officers. All the respondents replied that delinquent acts are those actions taken by the
youth that violated the values and norms of the society. These actions are committed by children
who have parents as well as those children who do not have parents and most of them committed
these acts repeatedly. But some of them stopped the behavior after receiving rehabilitation and
correctional services in the center. The delinquent acts that are commonly taking place in the city
of Addis Ababa includes: theft, robbery, murder, cheating, homosexuality, rape and conflict.
They also agreed that urbanization and rural-urban migration is one of the major causes that
exposes youths in urban centers to delinquent and criminal behaviors such as theft and robbery.
In addition to children who are migrants, children from Addis Ababa are also largely engaged in
Almost all the respondents replied that most delinquents come from rural areas in search of
better standard of living, education employment and other social services in urban centers
especially in Addis Ababa. However, what they encounter at their destination is challenging
.They did not get job, education, living house and they become even unable to meet their basic
needs, This condition leads them to stay on streets and to engage in practice of bagging as well
as doing odd jobs. This again makes them to engage in delinquent behavior and criminal act.
This implied that, urbanization and rural-urban migration expose people especially youths in
urban centers to delinquent and criminal behavior. Similarly for the item asking explanation on
the imbalance between population growth and economic development makes many youths
develop delinquent and criminal behavior, all the respondents replied that imbalance between
population growth and economic development is one of the major causes of delinquent and
criminal behavior, since it creates conflict between neighbors on issues related to economic,
living places, sanitation problems and associated things which make neighbors not to live
together peacefully. This shows that imbalance between population growth and economic
development causes delinquent and criminal behavior in urban centers. The respondents
strengthened this idea by showing the contemporary condition of the world. They said
globalization aggravated the economic and other related problems especially in developing
Concerning the opinion of respondents on the causes of delinquency, two of the respondents
replied that family problem related to low income, environmental influence, shortage of social
institutions including Sport fields, Library , Youth centers , economic problem , uncontrolled
population growth, the existence of unfavorable conditions which attract the minds of children
in their home , school and environment , not creating awareness on the negative effect of crime
and the existing gap of the law currently used in courts to punish juvenile delinquents which
made them to commit delinquent acts as a result of no serious punishment imposed on them are
In addition For the item asking the means of preventing delinquency, they answered that
providing child care related trainings for the society, proper socialization of children by the
family, school and religious institutions, enhancing economic development through hard work
in both rural and urban areas, limiting the rate of population growth using various ways, giving
Civic and Ethical Education, creating awareness about delinquent behavior and its impact in
rural and urban centers especially for the youth , Teaching about effect of delinquency and
crime in religions institutions and schools besides their formal teaching were among the major
ways of preventing delinquency. The respondents also strengthened this by their explanation
that at present social institutions do not play their role as it was expected from them to prevent
delinquent behaviors. So they need to contribute their share by making the youth good citizen
According to Jhonson (1978) when death, desecration, divorce or long separation causes the
absence, of one or both parents, the child is supposedly subjected to economic handicaps, loss of
affection relationships and inadequate socialization. In line with this idea, the respondent’s
opinion on the role of social institutions like family, schools, religious institutions, youth centers
and other institutions in preventing delinquency and crime, they said that social institutions are
important agents to shape individuals behavior in a positive way and this can play a crucial role
By the response given to the item asking about the efforts made by their organization so far
to prevent delinquency before it has occurred, the investigating police officers replied that there
are efforts made by their organization such as awareness creation programs by community
policing at local level to prevent delinquent behavior before it has occurred. They added that
there is a strong relationship between youth delinquency and their involvement in crime in their
future life career which is related with the less punishment imposed on delinquents due to the
existing gap of the law used in courts to treat them which made them to commit delinquent acts
With regard to the current state of delinquency and its trends from time to time in Ethiopia
in general and in Addis Ababa in particular in numbers, all the respondents responded that the
number of juvenile delinquents send to the remand home is increasing over time in the country.
The same is true for city of Addis Ababa. But still the number shows increment from time to
time up to the level of criticalness especially in the city of Addis Ababa at present than the
previous years. The other is the current trend of delinquency in terms of complexity, all of the
respondents both from the remand home and from the police department of Lideta sub- city
agreed that there is an increase of delinquent and criminal acts both in type and in number. They
also said that although their organization is working with the sub-city’s children and youth office
to tackle and prevent youth delinquency by awareness raising issues, it doesn’t brought the
desired change.
The types of correctional methods that are taking place regarding delinquent children include
providing counseling, educational services. In here delinquents from Addis Ababa do not stay in
the center rather they returned to their parents by bail. There is a monthly follow up for these
children by our counselors in order to see their behavioral improvement. But this is not enough.
For the item asking about their suggestion for more effective actions in tackling and
preventing youth delinquency in the city in the future, Almost all of the interviewees suggested
that awareness should be raised on how to raise juveniles at the family, school and community
levels, different youth centers should be available for juveniles, serious work should be done on
prohibiting street life and reunion of juveniles on the street with their families and community
based correction centers should be widened. According to the investigating police officers, the
remand home is becoming a hiding place for juveniles committing different types of delinquent
actions. As a result, it is creating a space in which these juveniles can learn other delinquent
behaviors from each other. So that, community based correction centers should be established
and strengthened in which delinquent juveniles can correct their behavior from different
The concerned bodies need to work towards improving the existing gap of the law used to
treat children by the courts. Their organizations short and long term plans in working on
prevention of delinquency before it occurred include that strengthening the on and of awareness
raising works done by community policing by working in collaboration with the concerned
bodies. The respondents also explained about the strength and weakness of your organization in
working on prevention of delinquency. The already started awareness raising works done by
community policing at the grassroots level was mentioned as their organizations strength.
Whereas the interruptions occurred on awareness raising and not working in collaboration with
At the end by additional comments and ideas given by the investigating police officers and
administrator of the remand home, such kinds of researches can help to identify the existing
problems as well as indicate solutions regarding the cause and ways of preventing delinquency
and crime. So these kinds of studies should be strengthened and conducted by professionals
who are working on the area. They also said that their organization is always ready to facilitate
and encourage such kinds of studies as much as possible. This implied that studies conducted on
the causes and means of prevention of delinquency and crime are so important to identify the
prevailing problems as well as to propose effective means of prevention. From this we can
conclude that professionals on the area and other concerned bodies need to give special
emphasis for such kinds of researches to contribute their share in order to solve these social
The objective of the study was to assess the causes of delinquency and to identify the
means that are in place to mitigate youth delinquency based on the findings of the study. In
order to address the research questions, the researcher interviewed three key informants and
twelve delinquents who has been rehabilitating in the Remand and Rehabilitation Center at the
time of my study. To achieve the stated objectives, the study employed both quantitative and
qualitative methods of study, which include the use of an in-depth interviews, key informant
interviews, and administration of questionnaire. Based on the information obtained through the
analysis and interpretation of both the questionnaire and an Interview, the researcher concludes
At present various situations are making juveniles vulnerable to commit various crimes and
delinquencies regardless of sex, social origin or country of residence. Young people who are
living in difficult circumstances are at higher risk of committing delinquency often. Among these
difficult circumstances, poverty, breakdown of the family as a result of divorce and death,
economic problem, peer pressure, environmental influence, film and video houses, parental
alcoholism and overcrowding family are among the causes for juveniles to fall into delinquency.
committing delinquency. This study revealed this fact to be true from the responses of
investigating polices and administrator of the remand home as well as the current experience of
the center. In addition to this, delinquents between the ages of 13 and 17 committed the highest
The results of this study revealed that, several causes forced juveniles to develop and engage
in delinquent and criminal acts. Some of the causes identified in the current study include,
divorce and death, lack of proper child development and care skills, the influence of medias
(films, TV shows and video), illegal child trafficking, street life and less involvement of social
divorce. Life on streets of Addis Ababa is also leading the greatest number of out of Addis
Ababa born juveniles to commit delinquency than the Addis Ababa born juveniles. The reason
behind is that, these groups of juveniles migrated to Addis Ababa in search for better life and
when they fail to meet their needs and wants, their chance of involving in illegal activities found
to be amplified. The other reason is that this group of juveniles has greater risk of exposure to be
used by other organized senior criminals than the Addis Ababa born juveniles. On the other
hand, low skill of families on how to properly raise and socialize their children and families’
poor economic situation can also has greater contribution for juveniles to involve in delinquency.
In addition to these causes, the influence of Medias, TV shows, film and video houses and miss
use of technologies are also among the causes that are leading youths to develop and engage in
The study also revealed that the remand home has providing services for delinquents. Some
of the services mentioned in the findings include counseling, formal education, medical services,
vocational and skill trainings. This shows that the remand and rehabilitation center is providing
these services for the purpose of correcting and rehabilitating the delinquents. In providing these
services the remand home faced some challenges which includes: the increase of the types of
delinquent and criminal acts committed by the youth, the increase of the number of youths who
are engaging in delinquent and criminal acts from time to time, not working on prevention of
delinquent behavior, the less attention given for the youths, budget constraint, the overall
structure of the center is not favorable for delinquents and it is also not a conducive environment
for work. These challenges need immediate response by the concerned bodies in order to sustain
the work of the center by providing the desired services for the youths who are admitted to the
Theft and robbery are the types of delinquency committed by delinquents with highest
number. In addition, assault, rape, murder, drug addiction and the use of alcohols are also among
There are no complex types of delinquencies committed by juveniles in the city, at present
there is an increase of delinquent and criminal acts both in type and in number. In line with this,
the result of this study indicated that there is a strong relationship between youth delinquency
and their involvement in crime in their future life career which is related with the less
punishment imposed on delinquents due to the existing gap of the law used in courts which
made them to commit delinquent acts repeatedly. They are also easily released from the remand
home and returned to their parents by bail rather than staying in the center and this can be seen
as another cause.
With regard to the means of prevention of the problem of youth delinquency, the result of
the study indicated the following as the major means of preventing delinquency. These includes:
working with the family, the school and involving social institutions, working on awareness
creation on the community at large, providing child care related trainings for parents, proper
socialization of children by the family, school and religious institutions, establishment and
undertaken by community policing, enhancing economic development through hard work in both
rural and urban areas, giving Civic and Ethical Education, teaching about the effect of
delinquency and crime in religions institutions and schools besides their formal teachings and
improving the existing gap of the law used to treat children by the courts were among the major
The current activities of engaging the community to prevent delinquent and criminal acts
through community policing can also be taken as the central point. Community based correction
centers should be established and strengthened in which delinquent juveniles can correct their
behavior from different educations delivered to them by members of the community such as the
According to the remand home administrator, the overall structure of the remand home is not
favorable for delinquents as well as for work. It is necessary to upgrade the overall structure of
the remand home to provide quality services for delinquents. Since the remand home is a place
where delinquent behaviors, their future life and personality can be shaped; the concerned bodies
should give attention for the center so as it can be a conducive environment for delinquents and
for work.
5.2. Recommendations
Delinquency and crime are among the major problems which the contemporary society
faced today. They can be caused due to many causative factors which are mentioned throughout
this research. There are also some effective means of preventing this social problem as it was
discussed in this study. Therefore, an immediate and proper measure should be taken from the
side of the government, non-governmental organizations, social institutions, community based
organizations, other stake holders and the community at large to alleviate these social problems.
Based on the findings of the study, the researcher would like to recommend the following major
The remand home should strengthen its effort of shaping the delinquents behavior by
providing counseling, education and training services to prevent them from being future potential
criminals. Again, this institution needs to expand its role in preventing delinquency and crime
outside of the center by working in collaboration with other legal institutions and concerned
From the findings, the remand and rehabilitation center is currently providing different
rehabilitation programs and services for delinquents. In doing so, the remand home is also facing
some challenges that require attention in order to make it continue the services given to
delinquents. For this reason, individuals, groups, communities, society, social institutions, the
government, non-government organizations and the remand home need to work in collaboration
in order to mitigate the challenges that the center faced and to provide all the necessary services
for delinquents.
The findings of the study showed that, the remand home is currently working by focusing on
rehabilitation programs for delinquents after they have committed delinquent and criminal acts
and joined to the center. Therefore, the center should have to work with the community in order
to prevent delinquent behavior before it has occurred and for the establishment and expansion of
community based rehabilitation centers. Again close contact should be created between the
center and organizations that are working on projects that provide preventive programs for
vulnerable children that are at risk of being delinquent. This can help more for the development
of more comprehensive programs by involving more stakeholders for the better implementation
Based on the finding of this study, the causes which lead the youth into delinquency can be
traced to multiple causes. Some of the causes identified in this study include, economic problem,
peer pressure, environmental influence, parental alcoholism and overcrowding family, lack or
inadequate family support, breakdown of families as a result of divorce and death, lack of proper
child development and care skills, the influence of medias (films, TV shows and videos), illegal
child trafficking, street life and less involvement of social institutions in preventing delinquent
behavior. This demands that, in an attempt to solve the problem of youth delinquency, equal
attention must be given to these causes. This means that, the means and interventions that are
designed and used to prevent delinquent behavior should consider the causes that brought it in
At the end, based on the results of this study, the researcher recommends the remand home to
consider the following in order to improve the treatment and rehabilitation services provided to
delinquents as well as to design effective preventive programs. The remand home need to work
in collaboration with the courts and juvenile justice system to amend the law currently used by
juvenile courts in order to fill the existing gap of this law, recruiting all the necessary human
power including professional counselors, to improve the current services given to delinquents, to
work in collaboration with community-based organizations and the juvenile justice agency,
working with the concerned bodies to speed up and complete the construction of the new
buildings as well as working with social institutions and other stakeholders especially on
5.2.2. Recommendations for the GOs, NGOs, CBOs and the Private Sectors
Based on the findings of the study the following recommendations were given for the GOs,
NGOs, CBOs and the Private Sectors Government should encourage active participation of
community based organizations, social institutions such as religious organizations, the concerned
governmental organizations and the private sectors to work with the remand home, so that the
juveniles are rehabilitated and reintegrated with their family and society. The government should
also encourage juvenile court systems to amend the law that is currently used to impose
punishments on delinquents by facilitating conditions and giving supports for the amendment
and formulation of favorable laws that can help to give proper legal punishments on delinquents
creation programs for families about family roles, values and good child development and care
skills, empowering parents on the risk and protective factors of adolescent problem behaviors,
making the home and the surrounding environment conducive for the healthy development of
The government should also promote the development of rural areas by proving the
necessary support. This development may reduce the rate of rural-urban migration which solves
associated problems including delinquency and crime in urban centers. There should be strong
effort from the side of the government to solve the economic problem of citizens who either earn
law income or unable to support their family by facilitating material, financial and other
The government, private investors and other concerned bodies need to establish and expand
educational access for citizens as it can make people become aware of the norms, values and
laws of their society and equip them with the necessary knowledge and skill to become self-
reliant, low abiding, being able to contribute their own share to avoid delinquent and criminal
Sport fields, Libraries and youth centers should be expanded for youths as recreational areas
by the concerned governmental organizations. Because shortage of different youth centers is the
other reason for the spread of juvenile delinquency. The involvement of the private sectors in the
construction and expansion of these centers can also be crucial for the benefit of both the
GOs, NGOs, CBOs and the Private Sectors need to harmonize their activities in order to
work hard in reducing and alleviating street life through reuniting these juveniles with their
parents and/or with organizations working with children. In line with street life, these parties
need to work in collaboration to tackle the problems created in the city due to rural-urban
migration. Since majority of the out of Addis Ababa born juvenile delinquents are street children,
immediate and serious work is needed to reduce rural-urban migration and the associated street
The concerned bodies need to speed up and complete the already started work to upgrade the
overall structure of the remand home including the physical structures of the buildings. In
addition, the federal and regional governments need to work together to construct additional
remand homes at least at regional levels. This will make the Addis Ababa remand home of
Lideta sub-city to provide effective and efficient services for the city juvenile delinquents as a
The concerned governmental organizations should also give attention to amend the law that
is currently used by juvenile courts to put proper punishments on delinquents by giving them
different supports for the amendment and formulation of favorable laws to penalize juvenile
delinquents so that they do not repeatedly commit delinquent and criminal acts.
Families, schools, religious institutions, the community based organizations and the
community at large are social institutions that are working in shaping the behavior of the young
generation. Families are among the major social institutions that can provide primary
socialization for children in which a juvenile start their first phase of socialization process. Next
to families schools and religious institutions can play a significant role in shaping the behavior of
children. Nonetheless, dysfunctional families, weak control of parents over their children, low
behavior and peer pressure are among the major causes for many youths to engage in delinquent
Since these institutions can have a greater role to inculcate, nurture, and create positive
relationship in the family and among community members and socialize juveniles as well as the
society through ethical and value abiding manners, social workers, need to work on raising
awareness, intervene in to the family related problems like marriage and divorce.
A child can learn the cultural norms of the society, which became the guidelines for adult
behavior, either from the family or from the school. Next to the family, the school is an
important agent to shape individual behavior. According to Jhonson, of the extra familial
institutions, the school has the closest contact with children over the longest time and remarkable
impact as an agency of social control broadly defined. The failure of school in general and
teachers in particular to recognize the likes and dislikes, fears and anxieties, abilities and
disabilities, unsatisfied craving unfulfied desires of the student may pave the way for many
students to rebel against school itself and may take the first step to became delinquent. The
retarded or failing students need attention, otherwise they dropout prematurely create various
other problems school drop-out is the likely consequence of the absence of proper counseling
services which deals with the problem of students. It is also the result of luck of adequate
equipment and financial support, poorly trained teachers, and program insufficiently adjusted to
the varied needs of people. Many scholars argued that school dropouts are the accelerating agent
for the rates of delinquency. The major causes of delinquency and crime by young people is
alarming rate of school dropouts and school leavers (Andargachew, 1988: 44). Most school
leavers and drop-out do not have any sources of income to subsidize their financial requirements.
Weinberg also claimed that many delinquents are dropout who leave school at early age but have
no jobs opportunities shortage of money to quire their basic needs such as food, shelter, closings
etc. may force them to involve in theft, robbery and other deviant activities. For this reason,
social workers need to facilitate and coordinate the activities undertaken by the GOs, NGOs,
CBOs, the Private Sectors, social institutions and other concerned bodies to reduce and alleviate
Social institutions that promoted and harness positive and socially accepted behaviors for
the public in general and youths in particular should be constructed and expanded. Religious
institutions and the mass media should play a constructive role to attract the attention of the
young generation to develop a more positive attitude towards their society and influences them to
become low-abiding citizens. Those individuals who accept the delinquent and criminal behavior
of the delinquents need to change their attitude towards not to accept these behaviors. They also
The work of schools should be collaborated and coordinated with the family, police and
other concerned bodies for a frequent and continued follow up of the children to shape their
behavior towards positive thinking as well as to prevent the occurrence and expansion of
delinquency and crime. With this regard, Civic and Ethical Education should be given at all
levels of education in formal school systems. In addition to this there should be awareness
raising programs about the subject for people who are not attending formal education through
various informal ways. This is because the subject does not only enable citizens to know and
exercise their rights and discharge their responsibilities, but also teaches the norms, moral and
The other important recommendation is for the community, elders and religious leaders. The
community needs to have a community- based correction centers that will make them rehabilitate
while the delinquents are in the community. This will help to minimize the risk of the juveniles
to become more delinquents as a result of meeting and learning different delinquent acts from
other juvenile delinquents in the remand home. In addition, the religious leaders and elders can
play their part in preventing delinquency by provide juveniles with teachings of the moral and
ethical values as well as issues that are related with delinquency beside their formal religious
Future researchers are encouraged to conduct more detailed study both in magnitude and
methods to strengthen the findings to this study which will make further interventions and
prevention programs more scientific to reduce and prevent delinquency. The other point to
mention is that, since this study is limited in studying the causes and means of prevention of
youth delinquency with available limited information, other social workers and/or researchers
can study especially about the means of prevention by involving juveniles found in the city
rather than the remand home through organized large scale projects.
Finally, as researcher social workers could contribute to the scientific community through
conducting further studies regarding delinquency and its means of prevention. They could also
do advocacy services to push the government and policy makers to provide appropriate
Based on the findings of this study, the following implications can be made.
In order to reduce and alleviate the problem of youth delinquency social workers can have
greater roles. The result of this study is one of the implications for the need of social workers
organizations, non- governmental organizations and other stakeholders. They are expected to
work at family, school and community levels in raising awareness and providing trainings
regarding the proper child development and care skills for parents, and the way schools treat
students according to their needs and communities prevent juveniles from engaging in delinquent
They again are expected to give counseling services at the remand home where there are no
social workers in the organization at present. They should also organize and take part in the
reuniting processes of street children and migrants to their parents as these are among the major
causes of delinquency.
This research also exposed the available gaps regarding the law that juvenile delinquents be
penalized in courts. The existing gap in this law to impose serious punishment on youth
delinquents in the country has made many youths to repeatedly engage in delinquent and
criminal acts which will make the overall problem of tackling delinquent and criminal acts very
difficult. Thus, the role of social workers and lawyers in juvenile court system in providing
social workers can intervene by applying their knowledge and skill of social work. Thus,
findings of this research are important for the profession of social work because it will help to
The finding of the study indicated that many youths are forced to engage in delinquent
and criminal acts due to many causative factors. In this regard, social workers can develop many
intervention activities to prevent such a behavior before it has occurred and to improve the living
conditions of children by preventing such anti-social behavior. They can also play a vital role in
raising community awareness of delinquency and crime by focusing on the causes, nature,
impacts and means of prevention, on the rights of children, the roles of social institutions like the
family, schools and religious institutions, community based organizations, and the roles that
parents/caregivers can play in supporting about the proper development of children and the
Again they also need to actively participate in the designing and implementation of
services, life skill trainings aimed at developing skills on how to resist peer pressures, solve
problems, prevent delinquent behavior and managing their social life after joining their family
and society. Therefore, the study indicates potential intervention areas for social work practice to
Mobilizing the community through effective ways in establishing community-based
prevention and correction centers that prevent delinquency can be also one of the means of
preventing it. As the study indicated, several causes forced juveniles get engaged in delinquent
acts. In order to address these challenges there is a great need of social workers intervention in
In addition to this, they can assist efforts to address problems of vulnerable groups like
juvenile delinquents, they can also take part in advocacy services and training programs related
with problems of children, providing support to family/ caregivers, promoting children well-
being and they can also lead and co-ordinate delinquency prevention activities undertaken by
different organizations. In order to deal with these and other situations, Social workers need to
have knowledge and skills of working with juvenile and provide effective services through
As the study revealed, there are no social workers and professional counselors in the
remand home, due to this social workers participation in this remand home is very fundamental.
Finally, as a researcher they could contribute to the scientific community through conducting
further similar studies regarding the different dimensions of delinquency including the causes of
delinquency and its means of prevention. Based on the results of the findings obtained from such
empirical studies, they could also need to do advocacy services to push the government and
policy makers to provide appropriate delinquency prevention related laws and policies.
The other point to mention is that, since this study is limited in studying causes of
delinquency and means of prevention with available limited information, other social workers
and/or researchers can study other dimensions of delinquency in order to solve the problem and
especially to prevent it before it has occurred. Conducting intensive study by focusing on the
means of preventing delinquency that is related with the causing factors in an intensive way is
one direction for future research. This may help to increase understanding of the means that are
in place to prevent delinquency in comprehensive and in-depth way. Therefore, the finding of
This research also exposed the available gaps regarding the law that juvenile delinquents
be penalized in courts. The existing gap in this law to impose serious punishment on youth
delinquents in the country has made many youths to repeatedly engage in delinquent and
criminal acts which will make the overall problem of tackling delinquent and criminal acts very
difficult. Thus, the government, practitioners and juvenile justice/court system need to work
together to amend this law. Social workers and lawyers in juvenile court system should provide
The final important point that I want to mention is that, the school of social work of Addis
Ababa University need to facilitate conditions for social work students to work with the remand
home as well as to involve in the returning process of street children that are coming to the city
with their parents, relatives or other institutions working with children as the practical task of
their study. This can serve as one way of preventing youths who are migrated to the city from
becoming street children and engaging in delinquent behavior. In addition to this, strengthening
the currently established Social Work Professional Association, so that it can contribute its share
organized manner is another important means of preventing youth delinquency and crime. The
Association may also work not only on juveniles found on the streets of the city of Addis Ababa
and the remand home rather it works at national level through organized, large scale projects that
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Zastrow, (1996). Social Problem Issues and Solution. (4th edition). Chicago University: Nelson
Hall Publisher.
Annex-I Questionnaire
Dear Respondents:
This is a questionnaire prepared to investigate and describe the causes of delinquency and
Center of Addis Ababa in which you are detained in now. The purpose of this study is to
describe the main causes of delinquency and to identify means of preventing it based on the
findings which may help to future attempt to deal with the problem of delinquency. The
questionnaire will take you about 30-40 minutes to fill out the form. Please read each questions
carefully and select the most appropriate choice that you decided on. And for the open ended
questions please write your answer on the space provided. If you have any doubt, or ambiguities
In order to know the causes of youth delinquency and to identify means of prevention, clear and
reliable information is required from you. The information you give, will help to make realistic
analysis and identify the causes and means of prevention of delinquent behavior as well as
propose very important preventive interventions. Your name will not be included and every
information you provided will be confidential. You have the right not to participate and to
Study Consent
Are you willing to participate in the study? Make a tick (√) on your choice.
Thank You very much in advance for taking time to fill this questionnaire!!
Addis Ababa University
The objective of this questionnaire is to investigate and describe about the major causes
Remand Home in Lideta sub-city in relation to the social and economic conditions of the
community. Your kind cooperation would be so important for the successful completion of my
study. I would like to thank you in advance for your kind cooperation in filling this
General Instructions:
II. Put a tick (√) mark on your choice on the boxes provided in front of the
III. Give your answer by writing for questions which need a written answer.
1. Sex
4. If your answer is “Yes” for question number 3, what is your level of education?
5. If your answer is “No” for question number 1, at what level did you dropout School?
A. First cycle (grade 1- B. Second cycle (grade 5-8) C. High school (grade 9-
B. Teach
7. If you are not attending school, what is your main reason? Mention: __________________
Non -
12. If your answer is “Yes” for question number 11, who is alive?
13. If your parents are alive do they live together?
14. If your answer is “Yes” for question number 13 what is their marital status?
- -
Complete 9-
Part 3. Family problem and crucial issues of concern among family members income of
18. Among the following which problem does exist in your family?
Other, specify …………………………………………..
21. Is there any way to solve problems through discussion in your family?
B.201-600 birr
C. 601-
A. 1- -
Part 4. Duties and responsibilities of social institutions in preventing delinquency.
26. What is the most common economic activity in your area? (More than one response is
27. Are there some institutions providing social services in your locality?
29. Are there recreational places/centers in your kebele/community before you enter to this
A. Y
30. If your answer is “No” for number 29, where did you spent much of your time?
31. How do you rate the role of social institutions in preventing delinquency and crime?
Part 5.Respondents opinion on the causes of delinquency, social institution role in
32. What do you think about the causes of delinquency and crime in your locality? Put sign(x)
33. What do think about the role of the following social institutions in preventing delinquency
and crime? (Put this sign (x) on the level that you agree from social institutions)
34. Have you ever tried to use substances/drugs?
35. If your answer is “Yes” for question number 7, what are these? (Multiple responses are
36. In what kind of crime you have ever involved before you came to this institution?
A. Murder
K. Other, specify______
38. What forced you to engage in delinquent behavior?
Economic problem
Thank You very much for taking time to fill this questionnaire!!
አዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርስቲ
የዚህ መጠይቅ ዋና ዓላማ በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ውስጥ በተለይም በልደታ ክፍለ ከተማ ውስጥ በሚገኘው
መንስኤዎችን ከማህበረሰብ የማህበራዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ሁኔታዎች አንጻር ለማወቅና በሚገኘው የጥናት ውጤት
መሠረት የመከላከያ መንገዶች ለመጠቆም ነው፡፡ ስለዚህ ለጥናት መሳካት የርስዎ መልካም ትብብር ወሳኝ ነው፡፡
አጠቃልይ መመሪያ፡
2. የቲክ ምልከቱን (√)ከጥያቄዎቹ ፊት ለፊት በተሰጡት ሳጥኖች ውስጥ ትክክለኛውን መልስ በመምረጥ ያስገቡ፡፡
3. የጽሑፍ መልስ ለሚያስፈልጋቸው ጥያቄዎች አጭር እና ግልጽ የሆነ መልሳችሁን በሚነበብ ጽሑፍ መልሱ፡፡
ወንድ ሴት
5. ለጥያቄ ተራ ቁጥር 3 መልስህ/ሽ “አልማርም ” ከሆነ, ከስንተኛ ክፍል ትምህርት አቋረጥክ/ሽ?
8.የትውልድ ቦታ
ሀ. አሉ ለ. የሉም
12. የ 11ኛው ጥያቄ መልስህ/ሽ አሉ የሚል ከሆነ፣ ማን ነው በህይወት ያለው?
ሀ. አዎ ለ. አይደለም
ቀ. ሌላ ካለ ይጠቀስ --------------------------------
ክፍል 3. በቤተሰብ ውስጥ የሚፈጠር ችግር ቤተሰብ የገቢና የቤት ሁኔታ
ሀ. አለኝ ለ. የለኝም
ሀ. አለ ለ. የለም
25. የቤተሰብህ/ሽ አባላት ብዛት ስንት ነው?
ሀ. 1- ለ. 4- ሐ
ክፍል 4. ማህበራዊ አገልግሎት ሰጪ ተቋማት ተግባርና ሃላፊነት እንዲሁም ተገቢ ያልሆኑ ባህሪያትንና ወንጀልን ለመከላከል
ያላቸው ሚና
26.የምትኖርበት/ሪበት አከባቢ ህ/ሰብ ዋና ኢኮኖሚ እንቅስቃሴ ምነድን ነው (ከአንድበላይ መልስ መመለስ ይቻላል)
ሸ. ሌላ ካለ ይተቀስ --------------------------------
አሉ የሉም
28. የጥያቄ 27 መልሶ አሉ ከሆነ የትኞቹ ተቋማት አገልግሎቱን በመስጠት ላይ ናቸው? ----------------------------------
ሀ. አሉ ለ. የሉም
31. እነዚህ ተቋማት ተገቢ ያልሆኑ ባህሪያትንና ወንጀልን ለመከላከል ያላቸው ሚና ምን ያህል ነው?
ክፍል 5. የወጣት ጥፋተኞቹ ለተገቢ ያልሆኑ ባህርያትና ለወንጀል መፈጸም መንስኤዎች ላይ ያለቸው አመለካከት፤ ማህበራዊ
አገልግሎት ሰጪ ተቋማት ይህን ለመከላከል ላቸው ሚና ፤በማህበረሰቡ ዘንድ ያላቸው ተቀባይነትና የወደፊት አላማ
32. በአከባቢው ለሚከሰቱ ተገቢ ያልሆኑ ባህርያትና ወንጀሎች መንስኤ ይሆናሉ የምትለው/ዪው የትኞቸን ነው?
32.ተገቢ ያልሆነ ባህርያትና ወንጀልን በመከላከል ረገድ የሚከተሉት አካላት የሚኖራቸውን ሚና የ (x) ምልክት
በማድረግ ግለጹ
34. አደንዛዥ ዕጽ ተጠቅመህ/ሽ ታውቃለህ/ለሽ ወይ?
ሀ. አውቃለሁ ለ. አላውቅም
35. የጥያቄ 34 መልስህ/ሽሀ. አውቃለሁ ከሆነ , የትኞቹ ናቸው? (ከአንድ በላይ መልስ ይቻላል)
ሀ. ሲጋራ ሰ. ቤንዚን
ለ. ጫት ረ. ሺሻ
መ. ሀሺሽ
36. እዚህ ተቋም ከመግባትህ/ሽ በፊት በምን ወንጀል ተሳተፍህ/ሽ?
ሀ. መግደል ረ. ማጭበርበር
ለ. ዘረፋ ሸ. ጥቃት
ሐ. አስገድዶ መድፈ ቀ. ንብረት ማውደም
መ.ነፍስ መግደል በ. ቁማር
ሰ.ስርቆት ተ.ቤት ሰብሮ የመግባት ወንጀል ቸ. ሌላ, ይገለጽ_______
37. እነዚህን ወንጀሎች ለመስራት ምን አስገደደህ/ሽ?
ሀ. የኢኮኖሚ ችግር ለ. ከቤተሰብ ጋር ያለው ጥሩ ያልሆነ ግንኙነት ሐ. የቤተሰብ መፍረስ (ፍቺ, የአንዱ
ወይም የሁለቱም ሞት, ስደት መ. የአቻ ተጽእኖ ሰ. አሳዳጊ የሌላቸው
ረ. ሌላ, ይገለጽ ……………………………………………………………
38. ተገቢ ያልሆነ ባህሪ ውስጥ ለመግባት ምን አስገደደህ/ሽ?
Addis Ababa University
Annex-II Key informant interview guide questions for investigating police officers
1. Can you please explain me what does your work position is in your organization?
4. Which of these delinquent acts are commonly taking place in the city of Addis Ababa? Why?
5. Urbanization and rural-urban migration expose youths in urban centers to delinquent and
6. Imbalance between population growth and economic development makes many youths
develop delinquent (anti-social) and criminal behavior. How can you explain this condition?
7. In your opinion, what are the causes leading youths develop the behavior of delinquency?
8. In your opinion, what are the means that are in place to preventing delinquency?
9. How do you examine the role social institutions can have in preventing delinquency and
10. Are there efforts made by your organization so far to prevent delinquency before it has
11. Is there a relationship between youth delinquency and their involvement in crime in their
12. How do you explain the current state of youth delinquency and its trend from time to time in
13. How is your organization working to tackle and prevent youth delinquency?
14. What types of correctional methods are taking place regarding delinquent children?
15. What is your suggestion for more effective actions in tackling and preventing youth
16. What are your organizations short and long term plans in working on prevention of
17. Who are the stake holders working with your organization on prevention of delinquency
before it occurred?
18. What do you think are the strength and weakness of your organization in working on
prevention of delinquency?
Thank You very much for taking time to have this interview!!
አደለ አበባ ዩኒቨርስቲ
በልደታ ክፍለ ከተማ ፖሊስ መምሪያ ውስጥ ለሚሰሩ መርማሪ ፖሊሶች የሚቀርቡ የውይይት ነጥቦች
4. ተገቢ ያልሆኑ ባህረያትን ተብለው ከሚገለጹት ድርጊቶች ውስጥ በአዲስ አበባ ውስጥ በአብዛኛው የሚከሰቱት
5. የከተሞች እድገትና ከገጠር ወደከተማ የሚደረገው ፍልሰት በከተሞች ውስጥ ተገቢ ያልሆነ ባህርያትና ወንጀሎች
6. የህዝብ ቁጥር እድገት ከኢኮኖሚ አድገት ጋር ያልተጣጣመ መሆን በርካታ የከተማ ነዋሪ ወጣቶች ተገቢ ያልሆነ
7. በእርሶ አመለካከት የማህበረሰቡን ህጎች የሚጻረሩና ተገቢ ያልኑ ባህርያት መከሰትና መስፋፋት መንስኤዎች
8. ተገቢ ያልሆነ ባህሪያት ከመከሰታቸው በፊት አስቀድሞ መከላከል የሚቻልባቸው መንገዶች ምንድናቸው ይላሉ?
9. ማህበራዊ አገልግሎት ሰጪ ተቋማት ማለትም ትምህርት ቤቶች የሃይማኖት ተቋማት የወጣት ማእከላት ወዘተ ተገቢ
10. ተቋማችሁ ከአሁን በፊት ተገቢ ያልሆነ ባህሪያት ከመከሰታቸው በፊት አስቀድሞ ለመከላከል ያደረጋቸው ጥረቶች አሉ
11. በወጣት ጥፋተኝነትና በወደፊት ህይወታቸው በወንጀል ውስጥ የመሳተፍ ሁኔታቸው መካከል ግንኙነት አለ ወይ?
12. በኢትዮጵያ ብሎም በአዲስ አበባ ውስጥ ወጣት ጥፋተኝነት በአሁኑ ወቅት ያለበትን ደረጃና ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ ያለውን
13. ተቋማችሁ የወጣት ጥፋተኝነትን ችግር ለመፍታትና ለመከላከል እንዴት እየሰራ ነው?
15. በከተማው ውስጥ የወጣት ጥፋተኝነትን ችግር የበለጠ ለመፍታትና ለመከላከል ምን መደረግ አለበት ይላሉ?
16. የወጣት ጥፋተኝነትን ችግር ከመከሰቱ በፊት ለመከላከል ይቻል ዘንድ የተቋማችሁ የአጭርና የረጅም ጊዜ እቅድ ምንድን
17. የወጣት ጥፋተኝነትን ችግር ከመከሰቱ በፊት ለመከላከል ከእናንተ ጋር በቅንጅት የሚሰሩ ባለድርሻ አካላት እነማን
18. የወጣት ጥፋተኝነትን ችግር ከመከሰቱ በፊት በመከላከሉ ረገድ የተቋማችሁ ጥንካሬና ድክመት ምንድን ናቸው ይላሉ?
Addis Ababa University
1. Can you explain me about, your educational background, your work experience and your
2. What do you think are the main causes leading youths develop the behavior of delinquency?
3. Urbanization and rural-urban migration expose youths in urban centers to delinquent and
4. Imbalance between population growth and economic development makes many youths
develop delinquent (anti-social) and criminal behavior. How can you explain this condition?
5. In your opinion, what are the means that are in place to preventing delinquency?
6. How do you examine the role social institutions can play in preventing delinquency and
7. Are there efforts made by your organization so far to prevent delinquency before it has
8. Do some juveniles come again to the remand home after leaving the remand home?
9. Is there a relationship between youth delinquency and their involvement in crime in their
10. How do you explain the current state of youth delinquency and its trend from time to time in
11. How is your organization working to tackle and prevent youth delinquency?
12. What types of correctional methods are taking place regarding delinquent children?
13. What is your suggestion for more effective actions in tackling and preventing youth
14. What are your organizations short and long term plans in working on prevention of
15. Who are the stake holders working with your organization on prevention of delinquency
before it occurred?
16. What do you think are the strength and weakness of your organization in working on
prevention of delinquency?
17. How do you see the correctional actions regarding improving the behaviors of juveniles?
18. What is your suggestion for more effective actions in tackling juvenile delinquency in the
19. Tell me the challenges you have working as a counselor in this center.
20. At the end, if you have any additional comments or ideas?
Thank You very much for taking time to have this interview!!
አዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርስቲ
1.ስለ ትምህርት ደረጃዎ፡የስራ ልምድዎ እና በተቋሙ ውስጥ ስላለዎት የስራ ድርሻ ያብራሩልኝ .
2. በእርስዎ አመለካከት የማህበረሰቡን ህጎች የሚጻረሩና ተገቢ ያልኑ ባህርያት መከሰትና መስፋፋት መንስኤዎች ይሆናሉ
3. የከተሞች እድገትና ከገጠር ወደከተማ የሚደረገው ፍልሰት በከተሞች ውስጥ ተገቢ ያልሆነ ባህርያትና ወንጀሎች
4. የህዝብ ቁጥር እድገት ከኢኮኖሚ አድገት ጋር ያልተጣጣመ መሆን በርካታ የከተማ ነዋሪ ወጣቶች ተገቢ ያልሆነ ባህሪይ
5. ተገቢ ያልሆነ ባህሪያት ከመከሰታቸው በፊት አስቀድሞ መከላከል የሚቻልባቸው መንገዶች ምንድናቸው ይላሉ?
6. ማህበራዊ አገልግሎት ሰጪ ተቋማት ማለትም ትምህርት ቤቶች የሃይማኖት ተቋማት የወጣት ማእከላት ወዘተ ተገቢ
7. ተቋማችሁ ከአሁን በፊት ተገቢ ያልሆነ ባህሪያት ከመከሰታቸው በፊት አስቀድሞ ለመከላከል ያደረጋቸው ጥረቶች አሉ
8. ወጣት ታራሚዎቹ ከዚህ ተቋም ከወጡ በሁዋላ ተመልሰው የሚመጡበት ሁኔታ አለ ወይ?
9. በወጣት ጥፋተኝነትና በወደፊት ህይወታቸው በወንጀል ውስጥ የመሳተፍ ሁኔታቸው መካከል ግንኙነት አለ ወይ?
10. በኢትዮጵያ ብሎም በአዲስ አበባ ውስጥ ወጣት ጥፋተኝነት በአሁኑ ወቅት ያለበትን ደረጃና ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ ያለውን
11. ተቋማችሁ የወጣት ጥፋተኝነትን ችግር ለመፍታትና ለመከላከል እንዴት እየሰራ ነው?
13. በከተማው ውስጥ የወጣት ጥፋተኝነትን ችግር የበለጠ ለመፍታትና ለመከላከል ምን መደረግ አለበት ይላሉ?
14. የወጣት ጥፋተኝነትን ችግር ከመከሰቱ በፊት ለመከላከል ይቻል ዘንድ የተቋማችሁ የአጭርና የረጅም ጊዜ እቅድ ምንድን
15. የወጣት ጥፋተኝነትን ችግር ከመከሰቱ በፊት ለመከላከል ከእናንተ ጋር በቅንጅት የሚሰሩ ባለድርሻ አካላት እነማን
16. የወጣት ጥፋተኝነትን ችግር ከመከሰቱ በፊት በመከላከሉ ረገድ የተቋማችሁ ጥንካሬና ድክመት ምንድን ናቸው ይላሉ?
17. በተቋሙ የሚሰጡት የማረሚያ ዘዴዎች የታራሚዎቹን ባህሪ የማሻሻሉን ሁኔታ እንዴት ያዩታል?
18. ለወደፊት የወጣት ጥፋተኝነትን ችግር ለመግታት ይቻል ዘንድ ውጤታማ ተግባራትን ከማከናወን አንጻር የእርስዎ
Addis Ababa University
1. Can you explain me about yourself, your family and educational background?
2. What do you think are the main causes leading youths develop the behavior of delinquency?
3. In your opinion, what are the means that are in place to preventing delinquency?
4. How do you examine the role social institutions can play in preventing delinquency and
5. Are there social institutions which can provide services in your locality? If yes, what are
6. What are the services you are getting in this remand home?
7. Do you think that these services can help you to improve your behavior?
9. Do you accept that you are violate the norms of the society?
አዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርስቲ
2. በአንተ/ቺ አመለካከት የማህበረሰቡን ህጎች የሚጻረሩና ተገቢ ያልኑ ባህርያት መከሰትና መስፋፋት መንስኤዎች ይሆናሉ
3. በአንተ/ቺ አመለካከት ተገቢ ያልሆነ ባህሪያት ከመከሰታቸው በፊት አስቀድሞ መከላከል የሚቻልባቸው መንገዶች
ምንድናቸው ትላለህ/ሽ?
4. ማህበራዊ ተቋማት ማለትም ትምህርት ቤቶች የሃይማኖት ተቋማት የወጣት ማእከላት ወዘተ ተገቢ ያልሆኑ ባህርያትና
Appendix 1
that I am free to withdraw my participation in the research at any time. The purpose of the
research has been explained to me and I have been given the opportunity to ask questions about
the research. I understand that any information or personal details gathered in the course of this
research about me are confidential and neither my name nor any other identifying information
Appendix 2
The Remand expresses its willingness for the participation of juveniles under the remand home
in this research project. The organization understands that, the juveniles are free to withdraw
their participation in the research at any time. The purpose of the research has been explained to
the organization and the juveniles. Participants are given the opportunity to ask questions about
the research. The organization understands that any information or personal details gathered in
the course of this research about the juveniles are confidential and that neither juveniles ‘and the
remand home‘s name nor any other identifying information will be used or published without the
Appendix 3
that I am free to withdraw my participation in the research at any time. The purpose of the
research has been explained to me and I have been given the opportunity to ask questions about
the research. I understand that any information or personal details gathered in the course of this
research about me are confidential and neither my name nor any other identifying information
Letter of Declaration
I hereby declare that the thesis entitled Causes of Delinquency and Means of Prevention: The
Case of Remand Home in Lideta Sub-City. Submitted by me for the partial fulfillment of the
MSW to Addis Ababa University, is my own original work and has not been submitted earlier,
either to AAU or to any other institution. I also declare that all the source of materials used for
Signature: _____________________
Date: 8/6/2017
This thesis has been submitted for examination with my approval as the thesis advisor.
Signature: _____________________
Date: _________________________