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For Questions Number 7-8 You Have To Write With Minimum 150 Words

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For questions number 7-8 you have to write with minimum 150 words

1. Could you please to write down some idea using some clauses noun, adjective and adverb
clauses with the topic ‘What is the job of your dreams? Use specific reasons to support
your reasons.
Answer :
Diriwayatkan dari Jabir berkata,”Rasulullah saw bersabda,’Orang beriman itu bersikap
ramah dan tidak ada kebaikan bagi seorang yang tidak bersikap ramah. Dan sebaik-baik
manusia adalah orang yang paling bermanfaat bagi manusia.” (HR. Thabrani dan

My dream job is when it can bring me to the pleasure of Allah SWT. One way that I have to
do is to be someone who is useful to others.
Narrated from Jabir said, "The Messenger of Allah said, 'The believer is friendly and there
is no good for someone who is not friendly. And the best of humans is the most beneficial
to humans. " (Narrated by Thabrani and Daruquthni)

Dari Ibnu Umar bahwa seorang lelaki mendatangi Nabi saw dan berkata,”Wahai
Rasulullah, siapakah orang yang paling diicintai Allah ? dan amal apakah yang paling
dicintai Allah swt?” Rasulullah saw menjawab,”Orang yang paling dicintai Allah adalah
orang yang paling bermanfaat buat manusia dan amal yang paling dicintai Allah adalah
kebahagiaan yang engkau masukkan kedalam diri seorang muslim atau engkau
menghilangkan suatu kesulitan atau engkau melunasi utang atau menghilangkan kelaparan.

It was from Ibn Umar that a man came to the Prophet and said, "O Messenger of Allah,
who is the person whom Allah loves the most? and what charity is the most loved by Allah
swt? " The Messenger of Allah answered, "The person who is most loved by Allah is the
person who is most useful to humans and the most beloved of Allah is happiness that you
put into a Muslim or you eliminate a difficulty or you pay off debt or eliminate hunger.
(Narrated by Thabrani)

Hadits di atas telah memotivasi saya untuk menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik.
Insyaa Allah saya akan berusaha untuk menjadi orang yang bisa bermanfaat bagi orang lain.

The above hadith has motivated me to become a better person.

Insyaa Allah, I will try to be someone who can benefit others.
Could you please to make some sentences related to the topic of ‘Time should never be
wasted’ using subject and verb agreement pattern.
Answer :

Time should never be wasted. a sentence that states that time is important.
I, you, maybe even everyone in the past wasted time.
Maybe that was then, but we will try to stop doing it again. Not today and beyond! Insyaa

Questions 9-10 answer the questions related to the text

The Ministry of Foreign Commerce and Economic Progress has issued a business license to the
Qua Ping Trading Corporation, Thailand’s firs joint-venture foreign trade company. The Bangkok-
based venture was set up through an agreement between the Eastern Trading Company of
Bangkok, which holds a 52% share in the new venture; the Fidushi Corporation of Taegu, a
27% share; and the Detroit-based Global Agro company, 21%.

The new venture is being capitalized at $11.5 million and will trade in consumer and industr ia l
electronics and machinery for both light and heavy manufacturing.

This venture company is a direct result of a pledge mad by Thailand’s Minister of Finance in
Soul at the Asian-Pacific Economic Corporation forum in 1961. According to one economic
analyst, foreign companies will benefit from this new venture company because of a 3%
lowering of tariffs on goods exported to Thailand, while Thailand will have opportunity to learn
from foreign management styles.

2. Please make the conclusion related to this text?

Answer : The Ministry of Foreign Commerce and Economic Progress has issued a business license to the
Qua Ping Trading Corporation.
3. Giving your response related about the benefit the deal from the ministry?
Answer : Foreign companies will benefit from this new venture company because of a 3% lowering
of tariffs on goods exported to Thailand, And Thailand will have opportunity to learn from foreign
management styles

I think the benefit deal from the ministry is :

Lowering of tariffs on good exported from thailand this also means that the cost exported
product to thailand is also decreased. Foreign companies will benefit from this new
venture company because of 3% decrease the tariff for good issued to thailand , while
thailand will have opportunity the learn from foreign management styles.

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