Corrugated Steel Pipe, Metallic-Coated For Sewers and Drains
Corrugated Steel Pipe, Metallic-Coated For Sewers and Drains
Corrugated Steel Pipe, Metallic-Coated For Sewers and Drains
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: A760/A760M − 15
1. Scope units and SI units are not necessarily equivalent. SI units are
1.1 This specification covers corrugated steel pipe intended shown in brackets in the text for clarity, but they are the
for use for storm water drainage, underdrains, the construction applicable values when the material is ordered to A760M.
of culverts, and similar uses. Pipe covered by this specification
is not normally used for the conveyance of sanitary or 2. Referenced Documents
industrial wastes. The steel sheet used in fabrication of the pipe 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
has a protective metallic coating of zinc (galvanizing), A90/A90M Test Method for Weight [Mass] of Coating on
aluminum, 55 % aluminum-zinc alloy, or zinc-5 % aluminum- Iron and Steel Articles with Zinc or Zinc-Alloy Coatings
mischmetal alloy. A153/A153M Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on
1.2 The several different metallic coatings may not provide Iron and Steel Hardware
equal protection of the base metal against corrosion or abrasion A307 Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts, Studs, and
in all environments, or both. Some environments may be so Threaded Rod 60 000 PSI Tensile Strength
severe that none of the metallic coatings included in this A428/A428M Test Method for Weight [Mass] of Coating on
specification will provide adequate protection. Additional pro- Aluminum-Coated Iron or Steel Articles
tection for corrugated steel pipe can be provided by use of A449 Specification for Hex Cap Screws, Bolts and Studs,
coatings applied after fabrication of the pipe as described in Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105/90 ksi Minimum Tensile
Specification A849, or by use of polymer precoated corrugated Strength, General Use
steel pipe as described in Specification A762/A762M. A563 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts
A563M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts (Met-
1.3 Section 9 is intended to be applied to corrugated steel ric)
pipe joints. The several different types of corrugated steel pipe A742/A742M Specification for Steel Sheet, Metallic Coated
joints provide various qualities. This specification is not and Polymer Precoated for Corrugated Steel Pipe
intended for routine quality control testing or in-field accep- A762/A762M Specification for Corrugated Steel Pipe, Poly-
tance testing, but is intended to establish performance limits of mer Precoated for Sewers and Drains
the pipe joints, as well as the test requirements and test A780 Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas
methods for the joints as described herein. of Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings
1.4 This specification does not include requirements for A796/A796M Practice for Structural Design of Corrugated
bedding, backfill, or the relationship between earth cover load Steel Pipe, Pipe-Arches, and Arches for Storm and Sani-
and sheet thickness of the pipe. Experience has shown that the tary Sewers and Other Buried Applications
successful performance of this product depends upon the A798/A798M Practice for Installing Factory-Made Corru-
proper selection of sheet thickness, type of bedding and gated Steel Pipe for Sewers and Other Applications
backfill, controlled manufacture in the plant, and care in the A849 Specification for Post-Applied Coatings, Pavings, and
installation. The installation procedure is described in Practice Linings for Corrugated Steel Sewer and Drainage Pipe
A798/A798M. A929/A929M Specification for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated
1.5 This specification is applicable to orders in either by the Hot-Dip Process for Corrugated Steel Pipe
inch-pound units as A760 or in SI units as A760M. Inch-pound B633 Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc on
Iron and Steel
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A05 on
Metallic-Coated Iron and Steel Products and is the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee A05.17 on Corrugated Steel Pipe Specifications. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved May 1, 2015. Published May 2015. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1979. Last previous edition approved in 2013 as A760/A760M - 13. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
DOI: 10.1520/A0760_A0760M-15. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Feb 2 18:16:55 EST 2020
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Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia - PUJ (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia - PUJ) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
A760/A760M − 15
B695 Specification for Coatings of Zinc Mechanically De- helical ribs projecting outwardly, and shall also have metallic-
posited on Iron and Steel coated steel inserts placed in the ribs so that the inside surface
C1619 Specification for Elastomeric Seals for Joining Con- of the pipe is essentially smooth.
crete Structures 4.1.5 Type II—This pipe shall be a Type I pipe which has
D1056 Specification for Flexible Cellular Materials— been reformed into a pipe-arch, having an approximately flat
Sponge or Expanded Rubber bottom.
F568M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Externally 4.1.6 Type IIA—This pipe shall be a Type IA pipe which has
Threaded Metric Fasteners (Metric) (Withdrawn 2012)3 been reformed into a pipe-arch, having an approximately flat
2.2 AASHTO Standards:4 bottom.
T241 Test for Helical Continuous Welded Seam Corrugated 4.1.7 Type IIR——This pipe shall be a Type IR pipe which
Steel Pipe has been reformed into a pipe-arch, having an approximately
T249 Test for Helical Lock Seam Corrugated Pipe flat bottom.
2.3 AISI Standard:5 4.1.8 Type IIS—This pipe shall be a Type IS pipe which has
AISI 100 North American Specification for the Design of been reformed into a pipe-arch, having an approximately flat
Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members bottom.
4.1.9 Type III—This pipe, intended for use as underdrains or
3. Terminology for underground disposal of water, shall be a Type I pipe which
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: has been perforated to permit the inflow or outflow of water.
3.1.1 fabricator—the producer of the pipe. 4.1.10 Type IIIA—This pipe, intended for use as
underdrains, shall consist of a semicircular cross section,
3.1.2 manufacturer—the producer of the sheet. having a smooth (uncorrugated) bottom with a corrugated top
3.1.3 minimized coating structure—a coating characterized shield.
by a finer metallurgical coating structure obtained by a treat-
4.2 Perforations in Type III pipe are included in three
ment designed to restrict the formation of the normal coarse-
classes as described in 8.3.2.
grain structure formed during solidification of the Zn-5 Al-MM
alloy coating. 4.3 Zn-5 Al-MM alloy-coated material is available in two
coating classes, or structures, as follows:
3.1.4 purchaser—the purchaser of the finished product.
4.3.1 Class A—Minimized coating structure.
3.1.5 regular coating structure—the normal coating struc- 4.3.2 Class B—Regular coating structure.
ture resulting from unrestricted grain growth during normal
solidification of the Zn-5 Al-MM alloy coating. 5. Ordering Information
3.2 Abbreviations: 5.1 Orders for material to this specification shall include the
3.2.1 55 Al-Zn—55 % aluminum-zinc. following information as necessary, to adequately describe the
3.2.2 MM—mischmetal. desired product.
5.1.1 Name of material (corrugated steel pipe),
3.2.3 Zn-5 Al-MM—zinc-5 % aluminum-mischmetal.
5.1.2 Type of metallic coating (zinc, aluminum, 55 Al-Zn
4. Classification alloy, Zn-5 Al-MM alloy (see 6.1)). For Zn-5A1-MM coating, the class coating structure
4.1 The corrugated steel pipe covered by this specification is (Class A minimized, etc.) (4.3).
classified as follows: 5.1.3 ASTM designation and year of issue, as A760-_____
4.1.1 Type I—This pipe shall have a full circular cross for inch-pound units or as A760M-_____ for SI units.
section, with a single thickness of corrugated sheet, fabricated 5.1.4 Type of pipe (4.1),
with annular (circumferential) or helical corrugations. 5.1.5 Diameter of circular pipe (Table 1), or span and rise of
4.1.2 Type IA—This pipe shall have a full circular cross pipe-arch section (Tables 2-9),
section, with an outer shell of corrugated sheet and an inner 5.1.6 Length, either total length or length of each piece and
liner of smooth (uncorrugated) sheet, fabricated with helical number of pieces,
corrugations and lock seams. 5.1.7 Description of corrugations (7.2),
4.1.3 Type IR—This pipe shall have a full circular cross 5.1.8 Sheet thickness (8.1.2),
section with a single thickness of smooth sheet, fabricated with 5.1.9 For Type I and Type II pipe, the pipe fabrication
helical ribs projecting outwardly. method, whether with annular corrugations or helical corruga-
4.1.4 Type IS—This pipe shall have a full circular cross tions (see 7.1.1),
section with a single thickness of smooth sheet, fabricated with
NOTE 1—Pipe with annular corrugations with spot welded or riveted
seams is designed by different criteria compared to pipe with helical
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on corrugations. Pipe with annular corrugations must consider seam strength. Therefore, consideration of the method of fabrication is important when
Available from American Association of State Highway and Transportation pipe is installed under certain conditions of loading.
Officials (AASHTO), 444 N. Capitol St., NW, Suite 249, Washington, DC 20001,
5.1.10 For Types IS and IIS pipe, the type of insert required,
Available from American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), 25 Massachusetts whether from metallic coated steel sheet or from polymer-
Ave., NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20001, precoated metallic-coated steel sheet (see 6.6 and 8.1.2).
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Feb 2 18:16:55 EST 2020
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Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia - PUJ (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia - PUJ) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
A760/A760M − 15
TABLE 1 Pipe Sizes
Nominal Minimum
Inside Corrugation SizesA Ribbed Pipe Outside
Diameter CircumferenceB
11⁄2 by 1⁄4 in. 22⁄3 by 1⁄2 in. 3 by 1 in. 5 by 1 in. 3⁄4 by 3⁄4 by 71⁄2 in. 3⁄4 by 1 by 111⁄2 in. 3⁄4 by 1 by 81⁄2 in.
in. mm in. mm
[38 by 6.5 mm] [68 by 13 mm] [75 by 25 mm] [125 by 25 mm] [19 by 19 by 190 mm] [19 by 25 by 292 mm] [19 by 25 by 216 mm]
4 100 X 11.4 264
6 150 X 17.7 441
8 200 X 24.0 598
10 250 X 30.2 755
12 300 X X 36.5 912
15 375 X X XC 46.0 1148
18 450 X X X X X 55.4 1383
21 500 X X X X 64.8 1620
24 600 X X X X 74.2 1854
27 675 X X X X 83.6 2091
30 750 X X X X 93.1 2483
33 825 X X X X 102.5 2561
36 900 X X X X X X 111.9 2797
42 1050 X X X X X X 130.8 3269
48 1200 X X X X X X 149.6 3739
54 1350 X X X X X X 168.4 4209
60 1500 X X X X X X 187.0 4675
66 1650 X X X X X X 205.7 5142
72 1800 X X X X X X 224.3 5609
78 1950 X X X X X X 243.0 6075
84 2100 X X X X X X 261.7 6542
90 2250 X X X X X 280.3 7008
96 2400 X X X X X 299.0 7475
102 2550 X X X X X 317.6 7941
108 2700 X X X X X 336.3 8408
114 2850 X X X X 355.0 8874
120 3000 X X X X 373.6 9341
126 3150 X X X 392.3 9807
132 3300 X X X 410.9 10274
138 3450 X X X 429.6 10740
144 3600 X X X 448.3 11207
An“ X” indicates standard corrugation sizes for each nominal diameter of pipe.
Measured in valley of annular corrugations. Not applicable to helically corrugated pipe.
Additional size for Type IS pipe.
TABLE 2 Pipe Arch Requirements—22⁄3 by 1⁄2-in. Corrugations TABLE 3 Pipe Arch Requirements—68 by 13-mm
(A760) Corrugations [A760M]
Equivalent Minimum Equivalent Rise,A Minimum
Pipe Arch Span,A Rise,A Maximum Pipe Arch Span,A mm Maximum
Diameter, Corner Diameter, Corner
Size, in. in. in. B,B in. Size, mm mm B,B mm
in. Radius, in. mm Radius, mm
17 by 13 15 17 13 3 51⁄4 430 by 330 375 430 330 75 135
21 by 15 18 21 15 3 6 530 by 380 450 530 380 75 155
24 by 18 21 24 18 3 71⁄4 610 by 460 525 610 460 75 185
28 by 20 24 28 20 3 8 710 by 510 600 710 510 75 205
35 by 24 30 35 24 3 91⁄2 780 by 560 675 780 560 75 225
42 by 29 36 42 29 31⁄2 101⁄2 885 by 610 750 870 630 75 240
49 by 33 42 49 33 4 111⁄2 970 by 690 825 970 690 75 255
57 by 38 48 57 38 5 131⁄2 1060 by 740 900 1060 740 90 265
64 by 43 54 64 43 6 15 1240 by 840 1050 1240 840 100 290
71 by 47 60 71 47 7 161⁄2 1440 by 970 1200 1440 970 130 345
77 by 52 66 77 52 8 18 1620 by 1100 1350 1620 1100 155 380
83 by 57 72 83 57 9 20 1800 by 1200 1500 1800 1200 180 420
A 1950 by 1320 1650 1950 1320 205 460
A tolerance of ±1 in. or 2 % of equivalent diameter, whichever is greater, is
2100 by 1450 1800 2100 1450 230 510
permissible in span and rise.
B is defined as the vertical dimension from a horizontal line across the widest A tolerance of ±25 mm or 2 % of equivalent diameter, whichever is greater, is
portion of the arch to the lowest portion of the base. permissible in span and rise.
B is defined as the vertical dimension from a horizontal line across the widest
portion of the arch to the lowest portion of the base.
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Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia - PUJ (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia - PUJ) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
A760/A760M − 15
TABLE 4 Pipe Arch Requirements—3 by 1-in. or 5 by 1-in. TABLE 6 Pipe-Arch Requirements—3⁄4 by 3⁄4 by 71⁄2-in. Rib
Corrugations (A760) CorrugationA
Equivalent Minimum Equivalent Minimum
Pipe Arch Span,A Rise,A Pipe-Arch Span,B Rise,B
Diameter, Corner Diameter, in. in. Corner
Size, in. in. in. Size, in.
in. Radius, in. in. Radius, in.
20 by 16 18 20 – 1.0 16 + 1.0 5
40 by 31 36 40 − 1.8 31 + 1.8 5
23 by 19 21 23 – 1.0 19 + 1.0 5
46 by 36 42 46 − 2.1 36 + 2.1 6
27 by 21 24 27 – 1.5 21 + 1.5 5
53 by 41 48 53 − 2.4 41 + 2.4 7
33 by 26 30 33 – 1.5 26 + 1.5 5
60 by 46 54 60 − 2.7 46 + 2.7 8
40 by 31 36 40 – 1.8 31 + 1.8 5
66 by 51 60 66 − 3.0 51 + 3.0 9
46 by 36 42 46 – 2.1 36 + 2.1 6
73 by 55 66 73 − 3.3 55 + 3.3 12
53 by 41 48 53 – 2.4 41 + 2.4 7
81 by 59 72 81 − 3.6 59 + 3.6 14
60 by 46 54 60 – 2.7 46 + 2.7 8
87 by 63 78 87 − 4.4 63 + 4.4 14
66 by 51 60 66 – 3.0 51 + 3.0 9
95 by 67 84 95 − 4.8 67 + 4.8 16
73 by 55 66 73 – 3.3 55 + 3.3 12
103 by 71 90 103 − 5.2 71 + 5.2 16
81 by 59 72 81 – 3.6 59 + 3.6 14
112 by 75 96 112 − 5.6 75 + 5.6 18
87 by 63 78 87 – 3.9 63 + 3.9 14
117 by 79 102 117 − 5.9 79 + 5.9 18
95 by 67 84 95 – 4.2 67 + 4.2 16
128 by 83 108 128 − 6.4 83 + 6.4 18
103 by 71 90 103 – 4.5 71 + 4.5 16
137 by 87 114 137 − 6.9 87 + 6.9 18
112 by 75 96 112 – 4.8 75 + 4.8 18
142 by 91 120 142 − 7.1 91 + 7.1 18
117 by 79 102 117 – 5.1 79 + 5.1 18
Negative and positive numbers listed with span and rise dimensions are negative A
For Type IIR and Type IIS pipe.
and positive tolerances, no tolerance in opposite direction. B
Negative and positive numbers listed with span and rise dimensions are negative
and positive tolerances; no tolerance in opposite direction.
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A760/A760M − 15
TABLE 8 Pipe Arch Requirements—3⁄4 by 1 by 111⁄2-in. Rib 7.1.1 Type I pipe shall have annular corrugations with lap
Corrugation joints fastened with rivets or resistance spot welds, or shall
Equivalent Minimum have helical corrugations with a continuous lock seam or
Pipe Arch Span,A Rise,A
Diameter, Corner
Size, in.
in. in.
Radius, in.
welded seam extending from end to end of each length of pipe.
20 by 16 18 20 – 1.0 16 + 1.0 5
The type of fabrication used shall be the option of the
23 by 19 21 23 – 1.0 19 + 1.0 5 fabricator unless otherwise specified.
27 by 21 24 27 – 1.5 21 + 1.5 5 7.1.2 Type IA pipe shall be fabricated with a smooth liner
33 by 26 30 33 – 1.5 26 + 1.5 5
40 by 31 36 40 – 1.8 31 + 1.8 5 and helically corrugated shell integrally attached at helical lock
46 by 36 42 46 – 2.1 36 + 2.1 6 seams extending from end to end of each length of pipe. The
53 by 41 48 53 – 2.4 41 + 2.4 7 shell shall have corrugations of nominal 22⁄3 or 3-in. [68 or
60 by 46 54 60 – 2.7 46 + 2.7 8
66 by 51 60 66 – 3.0 51 + 3.0 9 75-mm] pitch.
Negative and positive numbers listed with span and rise dimensions are negative
7.1.3 Type IR pipe shall be fabricated with helical ribs
and positive tolerances, no tolerance in opposite direction. projecting outward with a continuous lock seam extending
from end to end of each length of pipe.
7.1.4 Type IS pipe shall be fabricated with helical ribs
TABLE 9 Pipe Arch Requirements—19 by 25 by 292-mm Rib projecting outward with a continuous lock seam extending
Corrugation from end to end of each length of pipe, and shall also have
Pipe Arch
Span,A Rise,A
Minimum metallic-coated steel inserts placed in the ribs in conformance
Diameter, Corner
Size, mm
mm mm
Radius, mm
with 7.8 so that the inside surface of the pipe is essentially
500 by 410 450 500– 25 410 + 25 130
580 by 490 525 580– 25 490 + 25 130 7.2 Corrugations—The corrugations shall be either annular
680 by 540 600 680– 40 540 + 40 130
750 by 620 675 750– 40 620 + 40 130 or helical as provided in 7.1. The direction of the crests and
830 by 670 750 830– 40 670 + 40 130 valleys of helical corrugations shall not be less than 60° from
900 by 750 825 900– 45 750 + 45 130 the axis of the pipe for pipe diameters larger than 21 in. [525
1010 by 790 900 1010 – 45 790 + 45 130
1160 by 920 1050 1160 – 55 920 + 55 155 mm], and not less than 45° from the axis for pipe diameters of
1340 by 1050 1200 1340 – 60 1050 + 60 180 21 in. [525 mm] and smaller.
1520 by 1170 1350 1520 – 70 1170 + 70 205 7.2.1 For Type I and IA pipe, corrugations shall form
1670 by 1300 1500 1670 – 75 1300 + 75 230
1850 by 1400 1650 1850 – 85 1400 + 85 305 smooth continuous curves and tangents. The dimensions of the
2050 by 1500 1800 2050 – 95 1500 + 95 355 corrugations shall be in accordance with Table 10 for the size
Negative and positive numbers listed with span and rise dimensions are negative indicated in the order, except if the depth measurement of one
and positive tolerances, no tolerance in opposite direction. or more corrugations is less than the minimum depth in Table
10. Then the depth of all corrugations between adjacent seams
shall be measured and the values of Table 11 for minimum
average depth and minimum corrugation depth shall apply.
electroplating process as provided in Specification B633, Class
Fe/Zn 8; or mechanical process as provided in Specification NOTE 4—Inspection frequently consists of measurement of the depth of
B695, Class 8. Other hardware items used with coupling bands one or a few corrugations. If such measurement indicates insufficient
shall be zinc coated by one of the following processes: hot-dip
process as provided in Specification A153/A153M; electroplat- TABLE 10 Corrugation Requirements for Types I, IA, II, IIA, and III
ing process as provided in Specification B633, Class Fe/Zn 25; Pipe
or mechanical process as provided in Specification B695, Class Nominal Size
Maximum Minimum Inside RadiusC
25. PitchA DepthB Nominal Minimum
6.5 Gaskets—If gaskets are used in joining systems, they 11⁄2 by 1⁄4 D
1 7⁄ 8 0.24 ⁄
9 32 0.25
shall be a band of expanded rubber meeting the requirements of 22⁄3 by 1⁄2 2 7⁄ 8 0.48 11 16⁄ 0.5
Specification D1056, or elastomeric seals meeting the require- 3 by 1 31⁄4 0.95 9⁄16 0.5
5 by 1 55⁄16 0.95 1.57 1.4
ments of Specification C1619. millimetres
6.6 Metallic-Coated Steel Inserts—Metallic-coated steel in- 38 by 6.5D 48 6.0 7 6.5
68 by 13 73 12 17 12
serts for Type IS and Type IIS pipe shall be of the same 75 by 25 83 24 14 12
material specified for the pipe in 6.1 and shall have a metallic 125 by 25 135 24 40 36
coating of the same type and coating weight. In addition to A
Pitch is measured from crest to crest of corrugations, at 90° to the direction of the
these requirements, when specified in the order, the metallic- corrugations.
Depth is measured as the vertical distance from a straightedge resting on the
coated steel insert shall be fabricated from polymer precoated corrugation crests parallel to the axis of the pipe to the bottom of the intervening
sheet conforming to Specification A742/A742M. valley. If the depth measurement of one or more corrugations is less than the value
indicated herein, the depth of all corrugations between seams shall be measured,
and the requirements of Table 11 shall be applied (see 7.2.1).
7. Fabrication C
Minimum inside radius requirement does not apply to a corrugation containing a
7.1 General Requirements—Pipe shall be fabricated in full helical lock seam.
The corrugation size of 11⁄2 by 1⁄4 in. (38 by 6.5 mm) is available only in helically
circular cross section except for Type IIIA pipe which is corrugated pipe.
described in 8.4.
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A760/A760M − 15
TABLE 11 Referee Requirements for Corrugation DepthA 7.3 Riveted Seams—The longitudinal seams shall be stag-
Nominal Size Diameter
Minimum Average Minimum gered to the extent that no more than three thicknesses of sheet
Depth Corrugation Depth
are fastened by any rivet. Pipe to be reformed into pipe-arch
11⁄2 by 1⁄4 all 0.24 0.20
shape shall have seams meeting the longitudinal seam require-
22⁄3 by 1⁄2 12 through 21 0.48 0.40 ment of 8.2.2.
22⁄3 by 1⁄2 over 21 0.49 0.44
3 by 1 all 0.98 0.92 NOTE 7—Fabrication of pipe without longitudinal seams in 120° of arc,
5 by 1 all 0.98 0.92 so that the pipe may be installed without longitudinal seams in the invert,
millimetres is subject to negotiation between the purchaser and the fabricator.
38 by 6.5 all 6.1 5
68 by 13 300 through 525 12.1 10 7.3.1 The size of rivets, number per corrugation, and width
68 by 13 over 525 12.4 11 of lap at the longitudinal seam shall be as stated in Table 14,
75 by 25 all 24.9 23
125 by 25 all 24.9 23 depending on sheet thickness, corrugation size, and diameter of
See 7.2.1 for application of Table 11.
pipe. For pipe with 1-in. [25-mm] deep corrugations, 1⁄2-in.
[metric M12] diameter bolts and nuts may be used instead of
rivets on a one-for-one replacement ratio. Circumferential
seams shall be riveted using rivets of the same size as for
depth, application of the requirements in Table 11 provide for acceptance longitudinal seams and shall have a maximum rivet spacing of
where greater depth of some corrugations compensates for lack of depth
of others. These measurements would normally be made at one location 6 in. [150 mm], measured on centers, except that six rivets will
between seams on a length of pipe. be sufficient in 12-in. [300-mm] diameter pipe.
7.2.2 For Type IR pipe, the corrugations shall be essentially 7.3.2 All rivets shall be driven cold in such a manner that
rectangular ribs projecting outward from the pipe wall. The the sheets shall be drawn tightly together throughout the entire
dimensions and spacing of the ribs shall be in accordance with lap. The center of a rivet shall be no closer than twice its
Table 12 for the size indicated on the order. For the 11.5-in. diameter from the edge of the sheet. All rivets shall have neat,
[292-mm] rib spacing, if the sheet between the ribs does not workmanlike, and full hemispherical heads, or heads of a form
include a lock seam, a stiffener shall be included midway acceptable to the purchaser, shall be driven without bending,
between ribs. This stiffener shall have a nominal radius of 0.25 and shall completely fill the hole.
in. [6.4 mm] and a minimum height of 0.20 in. [5.1 mm] 7.4 Resistance Spot Welded Seams—The longitudinal seams
toward the outside of the pipe. shall be staggered to the extent that no more than three
NOTE 5—When requested by the purchaser, the pipe manufacturer shall thicknesses of sheet are fastened by any spot weld. Pipe to be
provide independent verification that the nominal dimensions of the reformed into pipe-arch shape shall also meet the longitudinal
profile supplied meets or exceeds the effective sectional properties seam requirement of 8.2.2 (Note 4).
published in Practice A796/A796M. Such effective sectional properties
shall be determined in accordance with AISI S100, North American
7.4.1 The size of spot welds, number per corrugation, and
Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. width of lap at the longitudinal seam shall be as stated in Table
NOTE 6—The nominal dimensions and properties for smooth corruga- 14, depending on sheet thickness, corrugation size, and diam-
tions and for ribs are given in Practice A796/A796M. eter of the pipe. Circumferential seams shall be welded using
7.2.3 For Type IS pipe, the corrugations shall be essentially spot welds of the same size as for longitudinal seams and shall
rectangular ribs projecting outward from the pipe wall, but have a maximum weld spacing of 6 in. [150 mm], except that
with the width of the rib opening on the inside surface of the six welds will be sufficient in 12-in. [300-mm] diameter pipe.
pipe wall slightly less than the inside rib width elsewhere on 7.4.2 All spot welds shall be made in such a manner that the
the rib cross section. The dimensions and spacing of the ribs sheets will be drawn tightly together throughout the lap. The
shall be in accordance with Table 13. outside edge of each spot weld shall be at least 1⁄4 in. [6.5 mm]
Nominal Size
Rib Bottom Outside BottomA Outside Top Outside TopA Outside
Width,B min Depth,C min Spacing,D max Radius, min Radius, max, avg Radius, min Radius, max, avg
A760, in.
⁄ by 3⁄4 by 71⁄2
34 0.68 0.73 73⁄4 0.10 0.50 0.10 + t 0.50 + t
⁄ by 1 by 81⁄2
34 0.68 0.95 83⁄4 0.10 0.50 0.10 + t 0.50 + t
3⁄4 by 1 by 111⁄2 0.68 0.95 113⁄4 0.10 0.50 0.10 + t 0.50 + t
A760M, mm
19 by 19 by 180 17 19 197 2.5 12.0 2.5 + t 12.0 + t
19 by 25 by 216 17 24 222 2.5 12.0 2.5 + t 12.0 + t
19 by 25 by 292 17 24 298 2.5 12.0 2.5 + t 12.0 + t
The average of the two top rib radii and of the two bottom rib radii shall be within the minimum and maximum tolerances. The term “outside” refers to the outside surface
of the pipe.
Width is a dimension of the inside of the rib but is measured on the outside of the pipe (outside of the rib) and shall meet or exceed the specified minimum width plus
two times the wall thickness (that is, 2t + 0.68 in. [2t + 17 mm]). Rib width measurements shall be taken at the top and bottom of the rib. The maximum allowable difference
between the top and bottom rib width measurements is 0.1875 in. [4.8 mm].
Depth is an average of ribs within one sheet width measured from the inside by placing a straightedge across the open rib and measuring to the bottom of the rib.
Spacing is an average of three adjacent ribs spacings for 3⁄4 by 3⁄4 by 71⁄2 pipe and two adjacent rib spacings for the 3⁄4 by 1 by 111⁄2 pipe and 3⁄4 by 1 by 81⁄2 pipe measured
center-to-center of the ribs, at 90° to the direction of the ribs.
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A760/A760M − 15
TABLE 13 Rib and Insert Requirements for Types IS and IIS Pipe
Rib Requirements Insert RequirementsA
Bottom Bottom Top Top
Narrowest Widest Depth, Spacing, Outside Outside Outside Outside Preformed Preformed
Width, minB Width, minC minD max E
Radius, Radius, Radius, Radius, Width, min Width, max
minF max, avgF minF max, avgF
A760, in.
0.68 0.70 0.73 73⁄4 0.10 0.25 0.10 + t 0.25 + t 13⁄8 1 1⁄ 2
A760M, mm
17 17.5 19 197 2.5 6.0 2.5 + t 6.0 + t 34.9 38.1
The metallic coated insert shall have a U or channel configuration with legs that make continuous contact along the two inside surfaces of the ribs that project outwardly,
exclusive of material on the rib and insert radii. The insert shall be dimensionally compatible with the formed rib such that it essentially fills the rib but does not extend
beyond the inside surface of the pipe. The exposed surface of the insert shall be positioned in the rib such that it is no more than 0.20 in. [5.0 mm] from the inside surface
of the pipe.
Narrowest width is a dimension of the inside of the rib and is measured on the inside of the pipe.
Widest width is a dimension of the inside of the rib but is measured on the outside of the pipe (outside of the rib) and shall meet or exceed the specified minimum width
plus two times the wall thickness (that is, 2t + 0.70 in. [2t + 17 mm]).
Depth is an average of ribs within one sheet width measured from the outside by placing a straightedge across the outside flat surface of two ribs and measuring to the
bottom outside radius on the outside surface of the pipe along one edge of the rib.
Spacing is an average of three adjacent rib spacings measured center-to-center of the ribs, at 90° to the direction of the ribs.
The average of the two top rib radii and of the two bottom rib radii shall be within the minimum and maximum tolerances. The term “outside” refers to the outside surface
of the pipe.
TABLE 14 Riveted and Spot Welded Longitudinal Seams pipe. The lock seam for Type IR and Type IS pipe shall be
Nominal Corrugation Size formed in the flat zone of the pipe wall, midway between two
Specified Sheet 22⁄3 by 1⁄2 in. 3 by 1 in. 5 by 1 in. ribs.
Thickness [68 by 13 mm]A,B [75 by 25mm]C,D [125 by 25 mm]D,E 7.5.1 The edges of the sheets within the cross section of the
Rivet or Spot Weld Diameters, min lock seam shall lap at least 5⁄32 in. [4.0 mm] for pipe 10 in. [250
in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm mm] or less in diameter and at least 5⁄16 in. [7.9 mm] for pipe
0.052 1.32 ⁄
5 16 8.0 ... ... ... ... greater than 10 in. [250 mm] in diameter, with an occasional
0.064 1.63 5⁄16 8.0 3⁄ 8 9.5 3⁄ 8 9.5
0.079 2.01 5⁄16 8.0 3⁄ 8 9.5 3⁄ 8 9.5 tolerance of −10 % of lap width allowable. The lapped surfaces
0.109 2.77 3⁄ 8 9.5 7⁄16 11.0 7⁄16 11.0 shall be in tight contact. The profile of the sheet shall include
0.138 3.51 3⁄ 8 9.5 7⁄16 11.0 7⁄16 11.0 a retaining offset adjacent to the 180° fold (as described in
0.168 4.27 3⁄ 8 9.5 7⁄16 11.0 7⁄16 11.0
AASHTO T249) of one sheet thickness on one side of the lock
One rivet or spot weld each valley for pipe diameters 36 in. [900 mm] and
smaller. Two rivets or spot welds each valley for pipe diameters 42 in. [1050 mm]
seam, or one-half sheet thickness on both sides of the lock
and larger. seam, at the fabricator’s option. There shall be no visible
Minimum width of the lap is 11⁄2 in. [38 mm] for pipe diameters 36 in. [900 mm] cracks in the metal, loss of metal-to-metal contact, or excessive
and smaller, and 3 in. [75 mm] for pipe diameters 42 in. [1050 mm] and larger.
Two rivets or spot welds each valley for all pipe diameters. angularity on the interior of the 180° fold of metal at the
Minimum width of the lap is 3 in. [75 mm] for pipe of all diameters. completion of forming the lock seam.
Two rivets or spot welds each crest and valley for all pipe diameters. 7.5.2 Specimens cut from production pipe normal to and
across the lock seam shall develop the tensile strength as
provided in Table 15, when tested according to AASHTO
from the edge of the sheet. The welding shall be performed in T249. For Type IA pipe, the lock seam strength shall be as
such a manner that the exterior surfaces of 90 % or more of the tabulated based on the thickness of the corrugated shell.
spot welds on a length of pipe shall show no evidence of 7.5.3 When the ends of helically corrugated lock seam pipe
melting or burning of the base metal, and the base metal shall have been rerolled to form annular corrugations, either with or
not be exposed when the area adjacent to the electrode contact without a flanged end finish, the lock seam in the rerolled end
surface area is wire brushed. Discoloration of the spot weld shall not contain any visible cracks in the base metal and the
surfaces will not be cause for rejection. tensile strength of the lock seam shall be not less than 60 % of
7.4.3 Welding equipment shall be qualified before use, and that required in 7.5.2.
the qualification shall be verified before each work shift and
when changing sheet thickness, all as described in Annex A1. TABLE 15 Lock Seam Tensile Strength
If use of the equipment at the approved machine settings fail to Specified Sheet ThicknessA Lock Seam Tensile Strength, per Unit
produce satisfactory welds, fabrication shall be stopped until Width, min
adjustments are made and the equipment is requalified. in. mm lbf/in. kN/m
0.040 1.02 175 30
7.5 Helical Lock Seams—The lock seam for Type I pipe 0.052 1.32 240 42
shall be formed in the tangent element of the corrugation 0.064 1.63 340 60
profile with its center near the neutral axis of the corrugation 0.079 2.01 520 91
0.109 2.77 700 122
profile. The lock seam for Type IA pipe shall be in the valley 0.138 3.50 880 154
of the corrugation, shall be spaced not more than 30 in. [760 0.168 4.27 1200 210
mm] apart, and shall be formed from both the liner and the A
For Type 1A pipe, the thickness shall be that of the corrugated shell.
shell in the same general manner as Type I helical lock seam
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A760/A760M − 15
7.6 Helical Continuous Welded Seams—The seam shall be shall be matched in a joint such that the maximum difference
parallel to the corrugations and shall have a continuous weld in the diameter of abutting pipe ends is 1⁄2 in. [13 mm].
extending from end to end of each length of pipe. Welding shall When pipe with any size helical corrugation or rib is
be done utilizing ultra high-frequency resistance equipment. rerolled to form annular corrugations in the ends, the usual size
Seams shall be welded in such a manner that they will develop of the annular corrugation is 22⁄3 by 1⁄2 in. [68 by 13 mm].
the full strength of the pipe and not affect shape or nominal 7.7.2 If a flanged finish is used on the ends of individual
diameter of the pipe. Welded seams shall be controlled such pipe sections to facilitate field jointing, the flange shall be
that the combined width of weld and adjacent coating burned uniform in width, be not less than 1⁄2 in. [13 mm] wide, and
by welding does not exceed three times the metal thickness. shall be square to the longitudinal axis of the pipe.
Damage outside this width shall be repaired as required in 7.7.3 The ends of all pipe which will form the inlet and
Section 11. The fabricator shall certify that the welds have been outlet of culverts, fabricated of sheets having nominal thick-
tested and found satisfactory. nesses of 0.079 in. [2.01 mm] and less, shall be reinforced in
7.6.1 Continuous welded seams shall be tested in accor- a manner approved by the purchaser, when specified.
dance with Section 3 of AASHTO T241. The welded seam 7.8 Metallic-Coated Steel Inserts—The metallic-coated
shall be acceptable if the sum of the length of cracks or other steel inserts for Type IS and Type IIS pipe shall be formed prior
defects on either side of the cup does not exceed 1⁄4 in. [6.5 to insertion into the open rib on the interior surface of the pipe
mm], basing the result on the second test if the first shows wall, and shall be crimped into place. The inserts must be
greater defects. The provisions of the referee test method of placed so they do not become dislodged during normal
Section 4 of AASHTO T241 shall be applicable in the event of handling, installation, and use of the finished pipe product.
disagreement between the purchaser and the fabricator. 7.8.1 After pipe fabrication, but before annular rerolling of Tests of continuous welded seams shall be made as ends, the fabricator shall examine the metallic-coated steel
follows: inserts at each end of the pipe and establish that they are secure Pipe lengths of 24 ft [7.3 m] or less shall be tested on and not easily dislodged. This examination shall be conducted
one end of each length, normally the trailing end. using a 1⁄2 by 1⁄2 by 8 in. [13 by 13 by 200 mm] long steel bar If a length of pipe having a diameter greater than 48 and 2 lb [1 kg], 10 in. [250 mm] long, ball peen hammer.
in. [1200 mm] and length of 24 ft [7.3 m] or less is rejected, the Systematically positioning each insert end at the pipe invert,
following length of pipe produced shall be tested on both ends. the fabricator shall place one end of the steel bar squarely
If the test on either end fails, this entire length shall also be against the underside of the insert at an approximate 45 degree
rejected. angle below the pipe invert and then apply three medium
hammer blows against the opposite end of the steel bar in an Pipe lengths greater than 24 ft [7.3 m] shall be tested
attempt to dislodge the insert. Using the same steel bar and
on each end of each length of pipe. If either end fails, the entire
hammer, the fabricator shall vertically place the steel bar inside
length shall be rejected.
the pipe atop the insert and apply three medium hammer blows
7.6.2 The requirement for conducting quality control tests in against the opposite end of the steel bar in an attempt to press
accordance with 7.6.1 shall not apply for pipe in which the in the insert. If no significant insert movement or damage is
ends have been rerolled to form annular corrugations. The observed, the insert is considered to be secure. Such examina-
manufacturer shall maintain visual evaluation of the quality of tion shall be made each time the equipment is set up to
the weld after rerolling and any indication of weld or base manufacture a pipe of different diameter or sheet thickness, or
metal failure will be cause for rejection of the pipe. to manufacture a pipe with a different insert thickness.
7.6.3 Any indication of cracks, skips, or deficient welds
found through visual inspection will be cause for rejection 8. Pipe Requirements
unless repaired. It is the option of the fabricator to remove the
defective portion of the length of pipe or to manually repair 8.1 Type I, Type IA, Type IR, and Type IS Pipe:
defects in the automatically welded seam. Altered or repaired 8.1.1 Pipe Dimensions—The nominal diameter of the pipe
pipe shall meet the applicable requirements of 7.6. Where a shall be as stated in the order, selected from the size listed in
manual repair occurs within 16 in. [400 mm] of the end of the Table 1. The size of corrugations which are standard for each
length of pipe, a test shall be conducted on both the manually size of pipe are also shown in Table 1. The average inside
repaired section and on the immediately adjacent automatically diameter of circular pipe and pipe to be reformed into
welded section. If either test results in failure under the pipe-arches shall not vary more than 1 % or 1⁄2 in. [13 mm],
criterion of 7.6.1, the length of pipe shall be rejected. whichever is greater, from the nominal diameter when mea-
sured on the inside crest of the corrugations for Type I pipe, or
7.7 End Finish: the inside liner for Type IA pipe, or the inside surface for Type
7.7.1 To facilitate field jointing, the ends of individual pipe IR and Type IS pipe. Alternatively, for pipe having annular
sections with helical corrugations or ribs may be rerolled to corrugations, conformance with the inside diameter require-
form annular corrugations extending at least two corrugations ment may be determined by measuring the outside
from the pipe end, or to form an upturned flange meeting the circumference, for which minimum values are given in Table 1.
requirements in 7.7.2, or both. The diameter of ends shall not NOTE 8—The outside circumference of helically corrugated pipe is
exceed that of the pipe barrel by more than the depth of the influenced by the corrugation size and the angle of the corrugations,
corrugation. All types of pipe ends, whether rerolled or not, affecting the number of corrugations crossed, therefore no minimum
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A760/A760M − 15
circumferential measurement can be specified. pipe or from the inside liner for Type IIA pipe, or the inside
8.1.2 Sheet Thickness—Sheet thickness shall be as specified surface for Type IIR pipe and Type IIS pipe.
by the purchaser from the specified sheet thicknesses listed in 8.2.2 Longitudinal Seams—Longitudinal seams of riveted
Table 16 (Note 9 and Note 10). For Type IA pipe, the thickness or spot welded pipe-arches shall not be placed in the corner
of both the shell and the liner shall be given; the thickness of radius.
the corrugated shell shall be not less than 60 % of the thickness 8.2.3 Reforming Type IR or Type IS into Type IIR or Type
of the equivalent Type I pipe; the liner shall have a nominal IIS pipe shall be done in such a manner as to avoid damage to
thickness of at least 0.040 in. [1.02 mm]; and the sum of the the external ribs. Reforming Type IS into Type IIS pipe shall be
specified thicknesses of shell and liner shall equal or exceed the done in such a manner as to avoid dislodgement of the
specified thickness of an equivalent pipe of identical corruga- metallic-coated steel inserts.
tions as the shell in accordance with the design criteria in 8.3 Type III Pipe:
Practice A796/A796M. For Type IS pipe, the outer thickness of
8.3.1 Type III pipe shall have a full circular cross section
steel sheet shall be specified in accordance with the design
and shall conform to the requirements for Type I pipe, and in
criteria in Practice A796/A796M; the metallic-coated steel
addition shall contain perforations conforming to one of the
insert shall have a minimum specified thickness of 0.052 in.
classes described in 8.3.2.
[1.32 mm]; or alternatively, when inserts fabricated from
8.3.2 Perforations—The perforations shall conform to the
polymer precoated sheet are specified in the order, the metallic-
requirements for Class 1, unless otherwise specified in the
coated steel insert shall have a minimum specified thickness of
order. Class 1 perforations are for pipe intended to be used for
0.040 in. [1.02 mm] and a Grade 10/10 [250/250] polymer
subsurface drainage. Class 2 and Class 3 perforations are for
coating in accordance with A742/A742M.
pipe intended to be used for subsurface disposal of water, but
NOTE 9—The sheet thicknesses listed in Table 16 are the thicknesses pipe containing Class 2 and Class 3 perforations may also be
indicated as available in Specifications A929/A929M, for zinc-coated, used for subsurface drainage.
aluminum-coated, 55 % aluminum-zinc alloy-coated, and zinc-5 %
aluminum-mischmetal alloy-coated sheet. Class 1 Perforations—The perforations shall be
NOTE 10—The purchaser should determine the required thickness for approximately circular and cleanly cut; shall have nominal
each of the types of pipe described in 4.1.1 through 4.1.8 in accordance diameters of not less than 3⁄16 in. [4.8 mm] nor greater than 3⁄8
with the design criteria in Practice A796/A796M, or other appropriate in. [9.5 mm]; and shall be arranged in rows parallel to the axis
of the pipe. The perforations shall be located on the inside
8.1.3 When specified by the purchaser, the finished pipe crests or along the neutral axis of the corrugations, with one
shall be factory elongated to the extent specified. The elonga- perforation in each row for each corrugation. Pipe connected
tion shall be accomplished by the use of a mechanical by couplings or bands may be unperforated within 4 in. [100
apparatus which will produce a uniform deformation through- mm] of each end of each length of pipe. The rows of
out the length of the section. perforations shall be arranged in two equal groups placed
8.2 Type II, IIA, IIR, and IIS Pipe: symmetrically on either side of a lower unperforated segment
8.2.1 Pipe-Arch Dimensions—Pipe furnished as Type II, corresponding to the flow line of the pipe. The spacing of the
IIA, IIR, or Type IIS shall be made from Type I, IA, IR, or Type rows shall be uniform. The distance between the center lines of
IS pipe, respectively, and shall be reformed to provide a rows shall be not less than 1 in. [25 mm]. The minimum
pipe-arch shape. All applicable requirements for Types I, IA, number of longitudinal rows of perforations, the maximum
IR, and IS pipe shall be met by finished Types II, IIA, IIR, and heights of the centerlines of the uppermost rows above the
IIS pipe, respectively. Pipe arches shall conform to the dimen- bottom of the invert, and the inside chord lengths of the
sional requirements of Tables 2-9. All dimensions shall be unperforated segments illustrated in Fig. 1 shall be as specified
measured from the inside crests of corrugations for Type II in Table 17.
NOTE 11—Pipe with Class 1 perforations is generally available in
diameters from 4 to 21 in. [100 to 525 mm] inclusive, although perforated
pipe in larger sizes may be obtained.
TABLE 16 Thicknesses of Metallic Coated Steel SheetA Class 2 Perforations—The perforations shall be
Coating Type circular holes with nominal diameters of 5⁄16 to 3⁄8 in. [8.0 to
55 Al-Zn Zn-5 9.5 mm], or slots with nominal width of 3⁄16 to 5⁄16 in. [4.8 to
in. mm
Zinc Aluminum Alloy Al-MM 8.0 mm] and not to exceed 1⁄2 in. [13 mm]. The perforations
Coated Coated Coated Alloy shall be uniformly spaced around the full periphery of the pipe.
The perforations shall provide an opening area of not less than
0.040 1.02 x x x
0.052 1.32 x x x x 3.3 in.2/ft2 [230 cm2/m2] of pipe surface based on nominal
0.064 1.63 x x x x diameter and length of pipe.
0.079 2.01 x x x x
0.109 2.77 x x x x NOTE 12—Thirty perforations 3⁄8 in. in diameter, per square foot [323
0.138 3.51 x x x x perforations, 9.5 mm in diameter, per square metre] satisfies this require-
0.168 4.27 x x ment.
An “X’’ indicates sheet thicknesses included in Specification A929/A929M for the
coating types listed. Class 3 Perforations—The perforations shall be
slots with a width of 0.10 6 0.04 in. [2.5 6 1.0 mm] and length
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A760/A760M − 15
gated top shield shall be approximately 63⁄8 in. [160 mm] wide
including a 3⁄4-in. [19-mm] sloping overhang on each side and
shall be secured to the lip of the bottom section by integral tabs
spaced at about 31⁄2 in. [90 mm] center to center. The top shield
shall have corrugations approximately 7⁄8-in. [22 mm] center to
center and approximately 5⁄16-in. [9.0-mm] depth.
9. Joining Systems
9.1 Purpose of Joining Systems—The purpose of joining
systems is to connect adjacent pipe sections, to maintain the
alignment of the pipeline, to transfer shear loads across the
joint, to prevent pipe from separating and to provide the means
for drainage flow to pass from one pipe section to another until
the flow reaches the point of final discharge.
9.2 Joining Systems: Significance and Use—Joining sys-
tems are classified as soil tight, silt tight, leak resistant or
special design, based on the ability of the joining system to
control leakage through the joint. These classifications are
covered in 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.2.3, and 9.2.4. When selecting the
joint type for a specific installation, the need for adequate
structural strength of the pipe joint, after the pipe is installed,
shall be considered for compliance with the requirements of
FIG. 1 Requirements for Perforations 9.2.1 Soil Tight Joining Systems—Soil tight joining systems
for corrugated steel pipe are intended to control the infiltration
TABLE 17 Rows of Perforations, Height H of the Centerline of of soil into the pipe. This joint is resistant to infiltration of soil
the Uppermost Rows Above the Invert, and Chord Length
particles larger than those that pass a No. 200 [75-µsieve. Soil
L of Unperforated Segment, for Class 1 Perforations
tight pipe joining systems shall not have an opening that
Internal Diameter of Pipe Rows of H, maxB L, minB
exceeds 1.0 [25-mm] in. Any passages in a soil tight joining
in. mm ationsA in. mm in. mm system that exceed 0.125 in., shall have a channel length of at
4 100 2 1.8 46 2.6 64 least four times the size of the opening.
6 150 4 2.8 69 3.8 96
8 200 4 3.7 92 5.1 128 NOTE 13—Soil tight joints are the default criteria for joint performance
10 250 4 4.6 115 6.4 160 and will be used unless otherwise specified in the project documents.
12 300 6C 5.5 138 7.7 192
15 375 6C 6.9 172 9.6 240 9.2.2 Silt Tight Joining Systems—Silt tight joining systems
18 450 6C 8.3 207 11.5 288 for corrugated steel pipe are intended to control the infiltration
21 525 6 9.7 241 13.4 336 of backfill material containing a high percentage of fines. A silt
24 and larger 600 and larger 8
tight joining system is resistant to infiltration of soil particles
Minimum number of rows. A greater number of rows for increased inlet area shall
be subject to agreement between the purchaser and the fabricator. Note that the
equivalent to an Apparent Opening Size (AOS) of 70. Where
number of perforations per unit length (perforations per foot [metre]) in each row bands alone do not provide adequate soil infiltration control, a
(and inlet area) is dependent on the corrugation pitch.
geotextile wrap around or a gasket in the joining system will
See Fig. 1 for location of dimensions H and L.
Minimum of 4 rows permitted in pipe with 11⁄2 by 1⁄4-in. [38 by 6.5-mm]
inhibit the movement of silt and larger soil particles.
corrugations. 9.2.3 Leak Resistant Joining Systems—Leak resistant join-
H(max) = 0.46D; L(min) = 0.64D, where D = internal diameter of pipe, inches or ing systems are used to limit the flow of water from the pipe
millimetres as appropriate.
interior to the backfill, to limit the flow of ground water into the
pipe, and where necessary, to provide further control of soil
particle infiltration. In these cases, the joining system shall be
of 1.0 6 0.25 in. [25 6 6.5 mm], spaces 13⁄4 to 21⁄2 in. [45 to tested to establish a leakage rate not to exceed 200 gal per
65 mm] on centers around the circumference and staggered on diameter inch per mile per day [18.5 L per millimetre of
the outside crests of the corrugations of the pipe. No metal diameter per kilometre per day] with a pressure of zero (0.0) to
shall be removed in making the slot. Slots shall be made from 10.8 psi [74kPa] (25-ft head) applied to the joining system as
the inside of the pipe. specified by the project documents. The test shall be witnessed
8.4 Type IIIA Pipe: and certified by an independent laboratory approved by the
8.4.1 Type IIIA pipe shall be fabricated of an unperforated purchaser. Gaskets used in all joining systems shall conform to
semicircular bottom section with a top shield of corrugated the gaskets used in the tested and certified pipe joining system.
steel, both of nominal 0.052-in. [1.32-mm] thickness or greater. 9.2.4 Special Design Joining Systems—Special design join-
The smooth semicircular bottom section shall be approxi- ing systems are used when special projects and unique site
mately 45⁄8 in. [120 mm] in diameter and shall have a conditions require a leakage rate that is less than that described
continuous lip extending outward along each side; the corru- in 9.2.3, or specific structural requirements as outlined in 9.5,
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A760/A760M − 15
or both. Some examples of these special projects and unique 9.3.7 Bell and Spigot—Bell and spigot configurations incor-
site conditions are previously installed sanitary sewers, Brown porate an integral bell that is permanently installed at the
Fields, or high head applications. In these cases, the joining factory to one end of the pipe, while the other end of the pipe
system shall be industry tested and certified by an approved serves as a spigot. The bell shall be affixed to the pipe by
laboratory to establish zero leakage for a period of 10 minutes welding or with mechanical fasteners. The steel in the bell shall
at a pressure specified by the project ranging from 4.0 [28 kPa] meet the thickness requirements of 9.4.1. The bell and spigot
(10-ft head) to 10.8 psi [74 kPa] (25-ft head). The test shall be configuration shall be classified in accordance with 9.2. The
witnessed and certified by an independent laboratory approved spigot end of the pipe shall be re-rolled or provide annular
by the purchaser. Gaskets used in all joining systems shall corrugations to allow placement of a gasket if required. The
conform to the gaskets used in the tested and certified pipe bell shall provide a minimum stab depth of 6 in. [150 mm], or
joining system. 8 % of the pipe diameter, which ever is greater.
NOTE 14—Brown Fields are abandoned industrial or commercial sites 9.4 Requirements—Joining systems shall be fabricated in a
with soil contamination from previous use and now available for new manner that ensures that the band or coupler extends over each
construction. pipe section an equal length. The joining system shall be
fabricated in such a way that proper installation will result in
9.3 Components of Joining Systems—Joining systems shall
performance conforming with 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.2.3, or 9.2.4 as
be of the following types, depending upon the configuration of
required for the project.
the steel band joining the pipe together. If required, the joining
9.4.1 Band, Sleeve, or Bell Thickness and Width—The band,
system shall incorporate a flat, o-ring, or profile gasket. The
sleeve coupler, or bell portion of the joining system shall be
corrugations at the ends of pipe sections being joined shall
sufficiently strong to resist the forces to which it is subjected.
conform to one of the corrugations detailed in Practice A796/
Table 18 provides minimum steel thickness requirements for
bands, sleeves, or bells based on the steel thickness of the pipes
9.3.1 Corrugated Bands—Bands with either annular or being connected. Table 18 does not apply to channel (hat)
helical corrugations. The band corrugation shall match that of bands, which are covered under 9.4.3. The width of coupling
the pipe sections being joined or the annular rerolled ends of bands (9.3.1 – 9.3.3, and 9.3.5) shall be equal to or greater than
those pipe sections. the minimum widths shown in Tables 19 and 20.
9.3.2 Partially Corrugated Bands—Flat bands with a mini- 9.4.2 Band Connectors—The bands shall be connected in a
mum of one corrugation formed along each circumferential manner approved by the purchaser with hardware that has been
edge of the band. These bands are intended for use with suitably galvanized to provide durability. This hardware in-
helically corrugated pipe with its ends rerolled to a 22⁄3-in.-by- cludes angles and integrally or separately formed and attached
1⁄2-in. [68-mm-13-mm] corrugation
flanges that will be connected together with galvanized or
9.3.3 Bands with Projections—Flat bands with projections, cadmium-plated bolts, bars and straps, wedge locks, and straps
such as dimples, are used to join pipe with either helical or or lugs. Bands shall be connected with the bolts in accordance
annular corrugations. The bands shall be formed with the with Table 21.
projections in annular rows with one projection for each 9.4.3 Channel Bands—Pipe sections provided with flanges
corrugation of helical pipe engaged by the band. on the ends will be connected by interlocking the flanges of
9.3.4 Channel Bands—Channel bands that incorporate a two pipes with a channel (hat) band or other band incorporating
connector formed into a channel (hat) shape, shall be used only an interlocking channel, not less than 3⁄4 in. [19 mm] in width.
with pipe having upturned flanges on the pipe ends. Channel The depth of the channel shall be not less than 1⁄2 in. [13 mm].
bands shall conform with the requirements of 9.4.3. The channel band shall have a minimum thickness of 0.064 in.
9.3.5 Flat Bands—When specified by the purchaser, flat [1.62 mm].
bands shall be used with helical corrugated pipe, annular 9.4.4 Sleeve Couplers—Sleeve couplers for pipes less than
corrugated pipe, or pipe with helical corrugations on which the 12 in. [300 mm] in diameter shall be made from steel with a
ends have been rerolled to form annular corrugations. minimum thickness of 0.040 in. [1.02 mm]. The steel thickness
for larger sizes shall conform to Table 18. Alternatively the
9.3.6 Sleeve Couplers—When specified by the purchaser,
coupler shall be a plastic sleeve with adequate strength to
the joining system shall incorporate a push-on type coupler
designed to properly interface with the pipes being joined.
Sleeve couplers generally do not have any external device for
tightening around the pipe. Sleeve couplers shall provide a TABLE 18 Band, Sleeve, or Bell ThicknessA,B
centering device so the coupler laps equally on both pipe being Nominal Pipe Minimum Band
Thickness Sleeve or Bell Thickness
joined. Sleeve couplers for pipe diameters less than 12 in.
in. [mm] in. [mm]
[300 mm] shall have a minimum stab depth of 3 in. [75 mm].
0.109 [2.77] and thinner 0.052 [1.32]
The minimum stab depth for 12 in. [300 mm] through 42 in. 0.138 [3.51] 0.064 [1.63]
[1050 mm] diameters, shall be 6 in. [150 mm]. When sleeve 0.168 [4.27] 0.079 [2.01]
couplers are used with pipes other than Type III or Type IIIA, A
For annular corrugated pipe or helically corrugated pipe with 22⁄3-by-1⁄2-in.
pipe with annular corrugations or re-rolled ends shall be used. [68-by-13-mm] annular rerolled ends.
Applies to joining systems covered by 9.3.1 – 9.3.3, 9.3.5, 9.3.7, and 9.3.6, when
Sleeve couplers are not intended for pipe diameters larger than the coupler is 12 in. [300 mm] or larger and made from steel.
42 in. [1050 mm].
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A760/A760M − 15
TABLE 19 Band Width Requirements for Pipe with Annular not exceed the allowable leakage limit specified in 9.2.3 the
Corrugated EndsA,B joint is qualified as leak resistant at this (zero) external head
Nominal Pipe Diameter Minimum Band Width
in. [mm] in. [mm]
12 to 36 [300 to 900] 7 [175] In the next stage, the head level shall be increased to
42 to 144 [1050 to 3600] 10 1⁄2 [265] satisfy the project specifications or agency limits and the test in
For annular pipe or helical pipe with 22⁄3-by-1⁄2-in. [68-by-13-mm] rerolled ends. repeated.
Applies to joining systems covered by 9.3.1 – 9.3.3, and 9.3.5
NOTE 15—Appendix X1 provides a means of converting the weight of
the leakage into gal/in.-diameter/mile/day [L/mm/km/day] format.
maintain the in-service pipe alignment and meet the require- 9.6.2 Test Assembly Requirements:
ments of 9.3.1 and 9.3.2. Except for the pipe joint under test, the entire test
9.4.5 Gaskets—Where leakage is a concern, the joining assembly shall be restrained and made water tight, to a
system shall incorporate gaskets. Rubber gaskets shall meet the minimum operating head of 25-feet [7.62 m].
requirements of Specification D1056 and elastomeric seals The assembly shall incorporate water tight test pipes
shall meet the requirements of Specification C1619. and restrained, water tight plugs or welded bulkheads for the
9.5 Structural Properties—Joining systems that are subject two pipe ends not incorporated in the joint assembly.
to forces created by differential soil movement or settlement A water tight leakage collection pan shall be sized to
require certain structural properties to withstand the applied collect all leakage from the joint assembly and capable of being
forces. Minimum values for these structural properties are weighed or volume calculated should leakage occur. Regard-
shown in Table 22. These values for a joining system are less of the measurement method used, the collection pan shall
determined by either a rational analysis or a suitable physical be dry and weighed prior to the test.
9.5.1 Shear Strength—The shear strength required of the NOTE 16—No absorptive materials shall be used to direct leakage into
the collection pan. Use of plastic sheeting which is weighed dry and again
joining system is expressed as a percentage of the calculated with the water in the collection pan at each test stage is allowed.
shear strength of the pipe at a typical cross section at a location
other than a rerolled end. 9.6.3 Test Materials:
9.5.2 Moment Strength—The moment strength required of a No materials or components shall be incorporated in
joining system is expressed as a percent of the calculated the joint except those recommended by the manufacturer for
moment strength of the pipe at a typical cross section at a the joint being tested. Unless otherwise recorded in the test
location other than a rerolled end. report, the test pipe for the assembly shall be selected at
9.5.3 Tensile Strength—Where pull-apart (tensile) strength random from the manufacturer’s inventory, made to the re-
is required to control disjointing in slope drains and similar quirements of this specification or A762/A762M.
applications, corrugated, partially corrugated, or channel bands 9.6.4 Joint Assembly:
shall be specified. When special requirements exist, joining The test joint shall be assembled per the manufac-
systems shall provide tensile strength levels of 5000 lb [22kN] turer’s instructions using the test pipe sections, the connecting
for 42 in. [1050 mm] and smaller sizes and 10 000 lb [46 kN] hardware, the connecting band the gasket and any gasket
for larger sizes. lubricant provided by that manufacturer.
9.6 Test Requirements—Joints in Sections 9.2.3 and 9.2.4 Joint Alignment—The corrugated bands or partially
are to be qualified by proof of design testing for conformance corrugated bands shall be assembled and fully meshed with the
with the leakage rate and pressure requirements, if any, as assembly pipe corrugations on each side of the joint.
specified by the project. 9.6.5 Retest and Rejection:
9.6.1 Testing Setup: If the results of any test(s) fail to meet the proposed Separate tests shall be performed for the leak resis-
limit(s), the jointing materials shall be disassembled and
tant and water tight joint configurations but these tests can be
reassembled or replaced in accordance with the manufacturer’s
performed in the same test setup.
recommendations and the test conducted again. If upon retest Test Method—When the test setup is complete, the
the joint does not meet the expected limit the joint does not
short sections of pipe that make up the test assembly shall be
initially filled with water without applying additional external
hydrostatic pressure If no leakage is observed over a 10-minute 9.6.6 Test Report and Certification:
test period, the joint is qualified as water tight joint at the (zero) The test report shall include a complete description
external pressure level. If leakage does occur it is to be of the joint type, including band, band fasteners and any other
captured in a tray, during the first 10 minutes after the joint joint materials included. It shall also include the diameter and
pipe assembly was filled, at which time the leakage rate will be length of the test pipe.
calculated. To calculate the leakage rate, the weight or volume The test head level successfully passed to qualify the
of water that leaked from the joint assembly must be deter- joint as water tight shall be recorded. For joints qualified as
mined. Using the weight of leaked water, the pipe diameter and leak resistant the head test level and the weight of the resulting
the time of leakage, the leakage rate can be calculated leakage over the 10-minute test period at that head level shall
following the example in Appendix X1. If the leakage rate does be recorded.
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A760/A760M − 15
TABLE 20 Band Width Requirements for Helically Corrugated Pipe
Nominal Corrugation Nominal Pipe Diameter Minimum Band Width
in. [mm] in. [mm] in. [mm]
11⁄2 by 1⁄4 [38 by 6.5] 4 to 18 [100 to 450] 7 [175]
22⁄3 by 1⁄2 [68 by 13] 12 to 84 [300 to 2100] 12 [300]
3 by 1 [75 by 25] 36 to 144 [900 to 3600] 14 [350]
5 by 1 [125 by 35] 36 to 144 [900 to 3600] 22 [550]
TABLE 21 Band Connector Bolt Size 10.1.13 For Type IS and IIS pipe, polymer coating or
Pipe Diameter Bolt Diameter metallic coating on inserts that has been bruised, broken,
in. [mm] in. [mm] disbonded, or otherwise damaged.
#8 [450] ⁄
38 [Metric M10]
$ 21 [525] ⁄
12 [Metric M12]
Type III and IIIA 5⁄16 [Metric M8] 11. Repair of Damaged Coatings
11.1 Pipe on which the metallic coating has been burned by
welding beyond the limits provided in 7.4.2 and 7.6, or has
TABLE 22 Structural Properties of Joining System
been otherwise damaged in fabricating or handling, shall be
Minimum Value
Shear strength (% of barrel strength) 2
repaired. The repair shall be done so that the completed pipe
Moment strength (% of barrel strength) 5 shall show careful finished workmanship in all particulars. Pipe
Tensile (pull-apart) strength none which, in the opinion of the purchaser, has not been cleaned or
coated satisfactorily may be rejected. If the purchaser so elects,
the repair shall be done in his presence.
11.2 The damaged area shall be repaired in conformance The tests covered in each test report shall be with Practice A780 (Note 17), except as described herein. The
witnessed and certified to by an independent laboratory ap- damaged area shall be cleaned to bright metal by blast
proved by the purchaser. A copy of that witnesses signed cleaning, power disk sanding, or wire brushing. The cleaned
certification of compliance with this practice shall be included area shall extend at least 1⁄2 in. [13 mm] into the undamaged
as part of the report. section of the coating. The cleaned area shall be coated within Certification, when required by the purchaser or 24 h and before any rusting or soiling.
specifying agency shall be made by the manufacturer by
NOTE 17—While Practice A780 specifically refers to repair of damaged
providing a copy of this report.
zinc coatings, the same procedures are applicable to repair of other
metallic coatings except as described in this section.
10. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance NOTE 18—Repair of asphalt coating is described in Specification A849.
10.1 The completed pipe shall show careful, finished work- 11.3 Paints Containing Zinc Dust—Paints containing zinc
manship in all particulars. Pipe which has been damaged, either dust, as described in the Materials section of Practice A780,
during fabrication or in shipping, may be rejected unless shall be applied to a dry film thickness of at least 0.005 in.
repairs are made which are satisfactory to the purchaser. [0.13 mm] over the damaged section and surrounding cleared
Among others, the following defects shall be considered as area. Paints containing zinc dust shall be used for repair to all
constituting poor workmanship: types of metallic coatings such as zinc, aluminum, and alloys
10.1.1 Variation from a straight centerline. of zinc and aluminum.
10.1.2 Elliptical shape in pipe intended to be round.
10.1.3 Dents or bends in the metal. 11.4 Metallizing Coating—The damaged area shall be
10.1.4 Metallic coating which has been bruised, broken, or cleaned as described in 11.2, except it shall be cleaned to the
otherwise damaged. near-white condition. The repair coating applied to the cleaned
10.1.5 Lack of rigidity. section shall have a thickness of not less than 0.005 in. [0.13
10.1.6 Illegible markings on the steel sheet. mm] over the damaged section and shall taper off to zero
10.1.7 Ragged or diagonal sheared edges. thickness at the edges of the cleaned undamaged section.
10.1.8 Uneven laps in riveted or spot welded pipe. 11.4.1 Where zinc coating is to be metallized, it shall be
10.1.9 Loose, unevenly lined, or unevenly spaced rivets. done with zinc wire containing not less than 99.98 % zinc.
10.1.10 Defective spot welds or continuous welds. 11.4.2 Where aluminum coating is to be metallized, it shall
10.1.11 Loosely formed lockseams. be done with aluminum wire containing not less than 99 %
10.1.12 For Type IS and IIS pipe, metallic-coated steel aluminum.
inserts that are loose, that protrude beyond the inside surface of 11.4.3 Where 55 % aluminum-zinc alloy coating is to be
the pipe, or that have an exposed surface that is positioned in metallized, it shall be done using the materials described in
the rib more than 0.20 in. [5.0 mm] from the inside surface of 11.4.1 or 11.4.2, or by using an alloy wire of 55 % aluminum
the pipe. and 45 % zinc by weight.
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A760/A760M − 15
11.4.4 Where Zn-5 Al-MM alloy coating is to be metallized, 13. Rejection
it shall be done using the materials described in 11.4.1, or by 13.1 Pipe failing to conform to the specific requirements of
using an alloy wire of 85 % zinc and 15 % aluminum by this specification, or that shows poor workmanship, may be
weight. rejected. This requirement applies not only to the individual
pipe, but to any shipment as a whole where a substantial
12. Inspection number of pipe are defective. If the average deficiency in
12.1 The purchaser or his representative shall have free length of any shipment of pipe is greater than 1 %, the
access to the fabricating plant for inspection, and every facility shipment may be rejected.
shall be extended to him for this purpose. This inspection shall 14. Certification
include an examination of the pipe for the items in 10.1 and the
specific requirements of this specification applicable to the type 14.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, a
of pipe and method of fabrication. manufacturer’s or fabricator’s certification, or both, shall be
furnished to the purchaser stating that samples representing
12.2 On a random basis, samples may be taken for chemical each lot have been tested and inspected in accordance with this
analysis and metallic coating measurements for check pur- specification and have been found to meet the requirements for
poses. These samples will be secured from fabricated pipe or the material described in the order. When specified in the order,
from sheets or coils of the material used in fabrication of the a report of the test results shall be furnished.
pipe. The weight [mass] of metallic coating shall be deter-
mined in accordance with Test Method A90/A90M for zinc, 15. Keywords
55 % aluminum-zinc alloy, and zinc-5 % aluminum- 15.1 corrugated steel pipe; drainage pipe; hydrostatic test-
mischmetal alloy coatings, and in accordance with Test Method ing; leak resistant joints; metallic coated pipe; qualification
A428/A428M for aluminum coating. testing; sewer pipe; water tight joints
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 General—Welding equipment shall be of sufficient TABLE A1.1 Shear Strength of Spot Welds
capacity, of such design, and in such condition as to make Specified Sheet Thickness Minimum Shear Strength
possible the production of first-class welds. Before being in. mm lbf kN
permitted to perform welding on corrugated steel pipe, resis- (A760) [A760M] (A760) [A760M]
tance spot welding machines and operators shall be qualified 0.064 1.63 4 100 18.2
0.079 2.01 5 200 23.1
by means of the test prescribed in A1.2. Tests shall be 0.109 2.77 7 000 31.1
performed by the fabricator’s shop or by a recognized inde- 0.138 3.51 8 500 37.8
pendent laboratory at no expense to the purchaser. Qualifica- 0.168 4.27 10 000 44.5
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A760/A760M − 15
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Leakage limits for gravity flow pipelines such as X1.2.3 Convert the leakage from the test period to a 24-hour
sewers, are typically listed in terms of leakage in gallons equivalent.
[litres] per inch [mm] of pipe diameter per mile [kilometre] of Test duration = 10 minutes = 0.1667 hours
pipeline length per day. Thus, when applying this practice the Test periods per day = 144
test period (10-minutes), the diameter of the test pipe and the Daily leakage rate = 144 × leakage during test period (gallons)
job specific spacing between joints within the pipeline are X1.2.4 Knowing the joint spacing, calculate the estimated
important items. leakage (gal/in/mile/day).
Joint spacing (feet)
X1.2 Using the weight of water collected at the appropriate Joints per mile = 5280 ⁄ joint spacing
test head during the 10 min. test period, the expected leakage D = pipe diameter (inches)
rate for a proposed pipeline can be estimated in the following Leakage Rate = (Daily leakage rate/D) (joints per mile)
manner. Example:
24-in. diameter pipe provided in 30-ft lengths
X1.2.1 Convert the weight of water to gallons. Operating at a 10-ft head with a 10 minute test period leakage of
1.55 lb of water
γ = 62.43 lb/cubic ft
Leakage in the test Weight of water = 1.55 lb
1 gallon of water = 0.1337 cubic ft
Gallons of water 1.55/8.34 = 0.186 gallons in 10 minutes
1 gallon of water = 8.34 lb
Leakage per day 144 test periods in 24 hours = 144 × 0.186 = 26.78
Gallons of leakage in the test = weight of leakage in 10 min
gallons in 24 hours (per joint)
Joints per mile = 5280 ⁄ 30 = 176 joint/mile
X1.2.2 Select the leakage, in pounds occurring during the Total leakage (gal/mile/day) = 176 × 26.78 = 4713.28 gallons per
mile leakage for a 24-in. diameter pipe
test period for a joint test that matches the diameter, operating (Gal/inch/mile/day) = 4713.28 ⁄ 24 = 196.4 gal/in./mile/day
head level and joint type proposed for the pipeline.
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