Resistors Module 02 PDF
Resistors Module 02 PDF
Resistors Module 02 PDF
Resistors are
After studying this section, you
should be able to:
components used
to resist the flow of
• Describe common types of resistor electric current and
construction. have a stated value
Surface Mount Technology(SMT). Fig 2.0.1 Resistor Symbols
Many types of
Carbon Film Resistors. resistors are used having different uses and
construction. The most common types have a fixed
Carbon Composition Resistor.
value of resistance so are often called fixed resistors.
Wire-wound resistors. They are shown on circuit schematic diagrams
(theoretical diagrams that show how the circuit
Metal film resistors.
components are connected electrically, rather than what
Thermal Fuse Resistors a circuit looks like physically) using one of the symbols
shown in Fig 2.0.1.
Various types of fixed resistors are used in circuits, they are the most numerous of all electronic
components and their most common job is to reduce voltages and currents around a circuit so that
‘active components’, transistors and integrated circuits for example, that carry out tasks such as
producing or amplifying signals within the circuit are supplied with the correct voltages and
currents to work properly.
Resistors are also used in conjunction with other components such as inductors and capacitors to
process signals in many ways.
Because resistors are ‘passive components’ they cannot amplify or increase voltages currents or
signals, they can only reduce them. Nevertheless they are a most essential part of any electronic
1Watt resistor
Carbon composition, carbon and metal film resistors are available in a range of
power ratings, from 0.125W to 5W. In a resistor, the power that the resistor
must dissipate (get rid of as heat) depends on the voltage difference (V) across the resistor, and the
current (I) flowing through it. These are multiplied together to obtain the amount of power (P) that
must be dissipated using the formula P = IV. For any particular type or value of resistor, the greater
the power rating, the larger the physical size of the resistor.
A wirewound resistor can have a smaller physical size for a given power rating than carbon
composition or film resistors, compare this 5W resistor with the 1W resistor at (labelled 3 in
Fig.2.0.2). Wirewound resistors however, do not not have the close tolerance of composition or film
types. This 4R7 resistor has a tolerance of ±10%.
PCB Mounting Wirewound Resistor
Wirewound resistors usually have a resistance range from around 1Ω to about 50KΩ. Because they
use a coil of wire as their resistive element they tend to act as inductors to some degree. This limits
their use to low frequency circuits up to around a few tens of kilo Hertz (kHz). This example,
available in power ratings up to 25W, is for mounting on a printed circuit board and to prevent heat
damage to the board, the specially shaped legs ensure an air gap between the resistor and the board.
The whole resistor is enclosed in a flameproof ceramic layer.
Metal film resistors are also available in high power types with power ratings less than wirewound
types (typically less than 5W) but having closer tolerances.
In this fusible resistor, the current flowing through the resistor first flows through a spring-loaded
connection that is positioned close to the body of the resistor. The heat generated by the wirewound
resistor under normal conditions would not be sufficient to melt the blob of solder holding a spring
wire in place. If too much current flows through the resistor it overheats, the solder melts and the
wire springs up, opening the connection and stopping the current. This then requires a service
technician to find the cause of the over-current before re-soldering the spring connection to restore
normal operation. It is important to use the correct type of solder (usually stated in the service
manual for the equipment) when re-soldering, since this will affect the temperature at which the
spring opens.
Module 2.1
Resistor Colour Codes
What you’ll learn in Module 2.1 Four Band Resistor Colour Code
The Colour Codes used on resistors in carbon,
After studying this section, you should be
able to:
carbon film and metal film types are widely used
and a ‘must learn’ for electronics engineers. The
• Identify values, tolerances & temperature tables on this page illustrate three common forms
coefficients on colour coded resistors. for four, five and six band resistors.
Four band colour code. In the four band resistor colour code illustrated in
Table 2.1.1, the first three bands (closest
Five band colour code.
together) indicate the value in ohms. The first
Six band colour code. two of these bands indicate two numbers and the
third, often called the multiplier band indicates
the number of zeros, e.g. red, red, red indicates 2200Ω, which is normally called 2.2KΩ or 2K2.
This last version is used in many circuit diagrams and suppliers catalogues (where print may need
to be very small) to avoid 2.2K being read as 22K instead of 2K2 where the decimal point may not
be obvious.
The multiplier band will most commonly
be some colour between black (no zeros),
indicating a value between10 Ω and a value
less than 100Ω, and blue 6 zeros, indicating
a value in the tens of millions, e.g.
10,000,000Ω (= brown, black, blue)
Two special cases of the multiplier band
(band 3) are used for very small values
where gold indicates that the first two
bands must be divided by five, and silver
means divide by 10, e.g. 4.7Ω (or 4R7)
would be indicated by yellow, violet, gold.
The fourth band, separated by a space from
the three value bands, (so that you know
which end to start reading from), indicates
the tolerance of the resistor. Gold (+/-5%)
and silver (+/-10%) being the most
common tolerances.
Notice also that where bands 1, 2 and 3 are
black, this would signify a 0Ω resistor, Table 2.1.1 Four Band Resistor Colour Code
which seems ridiculous as this would
virtually be a piece of wire. Actually there is a reason that 0Ω resistors are available; the reason is
that where a wire link may be needed on a printed circuit board it is easier for automated component
insertion machines to insert a 0Ω resistor that is the same size and shape as a resistor, rather than
have to use another process to insert a wire link. Also this resistor can easily be changed for a
different value where different versions of a circuit may be built, using the same PCB.
The tolerance band on a resistor indicates the spread of possible values of any particular resistor, for
example a resistor marked as 47KΩ +/- 10% will have an actual value somewhere between 42.3KΩ
and 51.7KΩ.
Module 2.2
Preferred Resistor Values
What you’ll learn in Module 2.2 The BS 1852 Notation System for Resistors
The values of resistors are of course quoted in
After studying this section, you should be able to:
• Describe different classes of resistor according to
Ohms (Ω), though with high values, Kilohms
the EIA Preferred Value System. (KΩ) or Megohms (MΩ) are common units.
With low values a circuit diagram may state a
E6, E12, E24, E48, E96 and E192. resistance value as for example 15R instead of
• Describe the BS1852 ‘No decimal point’ notation
15Ω. When a value contains some fraction of a
for resistors. Kilohm or Megohm, such as 4.7KΩ or 5.6MΩ it
will often be written 4K7 or 5M6 respectively.
This is done for clarity. It avoids using the point (.) or the Omega (Ω) symbol, both of which may
be misread when the printing is very small either on printed diagrams, or on actual components.
The EIA Preferred Value System
To manufacture resistors of every possible value would be impractical. Instead Resistors are made
in a restricted range of values and each value is quoted as a specific number of ohms plus or minus
a percentage of the quoted value, this range of possible values is called the tolerance of the resistor.
Overlapping Tolerances
A 100KΩ resistor having a +/-10% tolerance might be any value between 90KΩ and 110KΩ.
Therefore there is no need to manufacture resistors with values between these upper and lower
limits. If a resistor of exactly 100KΩ is needed (an unusual situation) a resistor with the exact value
can be selected from within this range or (more likely) a resistor with a closer tolerance can be used.
The E12 Series
Fig. 2.2.1 shows how these tolerance ranges are
used in the E12 series of resistors to cover
(almost) all possible values of resistance
between 10Ω and 100Ω. The E12 series is so
called because 12 ‘Preferred Values’ of resistor,
each having a tolerance range of +/-10% covers
all values from 10Ω to 100Ω. This range of
values is called a decade, and the next higher
range (decade) in the E12 series covers values
between 90Ω (100Ω -10%) and 902Ω (820Ω
+10%) and so on. The E12 range with its 10%
tolerance therefore has 12 values per decade.
Other ranges of resistors such as the E6 and E24
ranges cover wide ranges of values in a similar
way and have tolerance values of 20% and 5%
respectively. The E6 range has 6 values, and the
E24 range 24 values per decade. The more
accuracy (closer tolerance) needed in resistors Fig. 2.2.1 E12 Series of Overlapping Tolerances
chosen for a particular purpose, the more values
must be in the range chosen (and generally the more expensive each resistor will be).
E48 2% tolerance. In common use, better coverage of the decade range than E24, also used instead of E96
where cost is more important than specific accuracy.
E96 1% tolerance.
E192 less than 1% tolerance, used only where great accuracy is important.
Resistors with wider tolerances need less preferred values to cover a given range than close
tolerance types. More data can be found in Component Distributors catalogues.
Module 2.3
Surface Mount Resistors
What you’ll learn in Module 2.3 Identifying the Values of Surface Mount Resistors
Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Resistors are
After studying this section, you should
be able to:
available in a range of standard packages (shape and
size) agreed by the Electronics Industry Alliance
• Identify the values of surface mount (EIA) through the Solid State Technology
(SMT) resistors.
3 and 4 digit codes.
Association, formerly known as Joint Electron
EIA E-96 code. Device Engineering Council (JEDEC).
Because surface mount resistors are so small, there is not enough space for colour code bands. The
markings used to give the value of the resistor consist of 3 or 4 letters or numbers that may be easier
to read with a magnifying glass.
Reading the codes is made more complicated because there are number of different codes in use.
Most common is a 3 number code that works in a similar way to the colour code bands on wire-
ended resistors.
The first two numbers give the first two digits of the resistor's value whilst the third digit gives the
number of zeros (or multiplying factor).
For example:
A resistor marked 332 is 3300 or 3.3KΩ (or 3K3 with the K replacing
the decimal point). A resistor marked 475 is 4,700,000 or 4.7MΩ (or
4M7 with the M replacing the decimal point).
For resistors less than 100 Ohms, the last figure will be 0 indicating NO
zeros. Therefore 33 ohms would be marked 330 ( i.e. thirty three and no
zeros) although some resistors may be marked 33R (to avoid
Fig. 2.3.1 SMT resistors
with Three Digit Code
A 330 ohm resistor would be marked as 331 (thirty three followed by
one zero).
What if the value is even lower, 4.7ohms for example?
Then the decimal point is replaced by letter R to give 4R7.
There is also a 4-digit code in use for resistors with low tolerances of +/-1% or less that gives the 3
digits of the value and uses the fourth digit for the number of zeros (the multiplier).
Using this code a 10 ohm resistor would be marked 10R0, 100 ohms is marked 1000, and a 1K ohm
is 1001 etc.
Module 2.4
Resistor Parameters
What you’ll learn in Module 2.4 Not only Ohms
When considering resistors, resistance is not the only
After studying this section, you should be
able to:
important thing to think about. Like any other
component there are a number of important things to
• Describe important parameters relating to consider. Here are a few of the main parameters. For
full information on any resistor (or in fact any other
Temperature Coefficient.
Frequency Response. component) you should seek out a reliable source of
Power Dissipation. information, which ideally means downloading a
Power De-rating. manufacturer’s data sheet for any particular
Maximum Temperature. component. These are widely available for almost any
Maximum Voltage.
Safety Symbols.
component listed on any manufacturer’s or component
supplier’s web site.
Temperature coefficient
The value of a resistor is dependent on the length, cross sectional area and resistivity of the resistive
material it is made from. The quoted value of a resistor however is actually given as "So many
ohms at a particular temperature". This is because the temperature of the resistor also affects its
The change in resistance due to a change in temperature is normally quite small over a particular
temperature range. This is because the manufacturer has chosen a material having a resistivity not
greatly influenced by temperature. That is, the material (and so the resistor) has a low
TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT. In other words, there is only a small change in value per °C.
This change in value is normally quoted in parts per million (ppm) so a typical resistor would have,
as part of its specification a quoted temperature coefficient such as;
Temperature coefficient: 50ppm/°C
Meaning that the change in value due to a temperature change of 1°C will not be more than 50Ω for
every 1MΩ of the resistor's value (or 0.05Ω for every 1KΩ of its value).
The temperature coefficient quoted above would be typical of a metal film resistor. Carbon film
types have temperature coefficients typically around 200 to 500ppm/°C
The change in value of a resistor with changing temperature is not very dependent on changes in the
dimensions of the component as it expands or contracts due to temperature changes. It is due mainly
to a change in the resistivity of the material caused by the activity of the atoms of which the
material is made.
Frequency Response
Ideally, resistors should act as pure resistors, without any of the characteristics of other types of
component and when they are used in DC circuits they do. In AC circuits however some resistors
may have characteristics that make them unsuitable for a particular purpose. At high frequencies,
some resistors also have characteristics of capacitance and/or inductance. Because of this they will
have a property called reactance, similar to resistance but dependent on the frequency of AC signals
passing through the component. The frequency response of a resistor tells us at what frequencies the
resistor still acts as a pure resistor, without any significant effects associated with these other types
of frequency dependent components. For this reason this parameter is chiefly of interest to people
working with high frequency AC circuits, such as radio frequency (RF) engineers.
Carbon composition resistors although inferior to film type resistors in most other respects, act as
pure resistors at frequencies in the Megahertz (MHz) range (at least those with a resistance below
about 10KΩ) .
Film type resistors having a spiral construction do tend to exhibit the properties of inductors (which
are basically spirally wound coils of wire) but this is not usually a problem until used at frequencies
in the MHz range. Film type resistors that do not have a spiral track, such as surface mount resistors
remain purely resistive up to hundreds of MHz.
The resistors with the worst frequency response are not surprisingly wirewound types, as their
construction is really a coil of wire - just like an inductor. Therefore the inductance and reactance
effects must be considered when using wirewound resistors in any circuit operating at frequencies
above a few hundred Hertz (Hz). Wirewound resistors are used for high power applications and are
available in resistances up to a few KΩ. At higher resistances high power metal film resistors may
be used, although they do not have as high a power rating as some wirewound types, they do have a
much better frequency response.
Power Dissipation
This is a measure of the amount of power that a resistor can dissipate without causing it to overheat.
Resistors are manufactured in standard power ratings and mostly these are in fractions of 1Watt
with some larger carbon and metal resistors available in 1Watt to about 5Watts. Wirewound
resistors are normally available in power ratings of up to about 25W, and special wirewound types
are made by component manufacturers in much higher power ratings, often to the specifications of
the customer (the equipment maker).
Power De-rating
Typical maximum temperatures for carbon
composition resistors would be around 100 to
120°C and for metal and oxide film types,
about 150°C. Wirewound resistors can operate
at higher temperatures up to around 300°C. For
power resistors, as an alternative to a specified
maximum temperature, manufactures data
sheets often specify a "Power de-rating curve"
similar to that illustrated in Fig. 2.4.1,which
shows how the specified power rating of the
resistor must be reduced (de-rated) at various
Fig. 2.4.1 Power De-rating Curve
temperatures above the normal operating range.
Maximum Temperature
Resistors are designed to operate within a specified temperature range. Within this range parameters
such as tolerance and temperature coefficient are ‘as advertised’ but outside this range they are not
guaranteed. The most likely limit of the temperature range to be achieved in most uses will be the
maximum due to the heat produced by the working circuit, in addition to any ambient temperature.
Whilst very low temperatures can occur in such circuits as aerospace equipment, high temperatures
can be encountered very locally in almost any electrical equipment due to a resistor being mounted
close to some other heat generating component. The long term effect on a resistor of being
subjected to high operating temperatures is that its resistance value will gradually increase. This is
especially noticeable on resistors having a high resistance value to start with. Where resistors are
used in high power situations this increase in resistance (R) will lead to an increase in the voltage
(V) developed across it as V=IR. As the power (P) dissipated as heat, depends on this voltage
multiplied by the current (I), which will decrease due to the increase in resistance. However the
current will probably not decrease proportionately because other components in the circuit will also
have an effect on the amount of current drawn through the resistor. Because (P=VI), the power
dissipated by the resistor increases, and so will the heat generated. Eventually (in the absence of any
safety measures) the resistor will burn out and/or damage other components in the circuit.
Maximum Voltage
The voltage developed across a resistor as current flows through it places an electrical stress on the
materials from which the resistor is made. If this voltage exceeds the permitted maximum there is a
likelihood of a sudden breakdown of the resistor and a voltage flash over. The maximum voltage
varies greatly between different types of resistor from just a few volts for some surface mount types
to several thousand volts for some specialist high voltage resistors.
All the above parameters plus others such as the amount of random electrical noise generated, may
need to be taken into account when selecting a resistor for a particular application. A reliable source
of information such as a supplier’s catalogue or manufacturer’s data sheet should be consulted when
choosing resistors.
When servicing equipment it is advisable to use replacement components
supplied by the original manufacturer as far as is possible. In addition certain
critical resistors in any piece of equipment may be labelled as a safety
component with a small symbol similar to those shown in Fig 2.4.2. In these
instances, ONLY the manufacturer's direct replacement is suitable. The
Fig. 2.4.2 Safety
markings shown are not universally adopted however, so when servicing any
Component electronics equipment, close attention must be paid to manufacturer’s service
Symbols. manuals for the particular equipment being worked on.
Module 2.5
Potentiometers & Variable Resistors
What you’ll learn in Module 2.5 Resistive Controls
Controls that produce a
After studying this section, you should be
able to:
varying voltage using
resistance are called either
• Describe types of potentiometers and variable
potentiometers or variable
• Describe differences between potentiometers resistors. Although both types
and variable resistors. of control may be physically
Potentiometers the same, it is the way they are
Variable Resistors. connected that differentiates Fig. 2.5.1 Pre-set
Chassis and pcb mounting.
Ganged controls.
between the two types. Resistive Controls
Pre-set controls. A common construction is for the control to have
Multi-turn pre-sets. three connections. One connected to a sliding
Skeleton pre-sets.
contact called the wiper, and the other two to either
end of a fixed resistor called the track. The wiper can be moved along the track either by use of a
linear sliding control or a rotary "wiper" contact. Both linear and rotary controls have the same
basic operation.
The schematic symbols used for potentiometers are similar to those used for fixed resistors except
that they have an arrow to indicate the slider in potentiometers or variable resistors that are
accessible to the user. In pre-set controls, available only from within the equipment - for use by
technicians a ‘T’ shaped line touching or crossing the fixed resistor is used, as shown in Fig. 2.5.2.
In the potentiometer the resistance of the track remains the same as the wiper moves, and only the
potential on the wiper changes; in a variable resistor the resistance of the track apparently changes
as the wiper moves and short circuits more or less of the track resistance.
Volume control with a logarithmic track and double pole mains switch that switches both live and
neutral power lines to completely isolate the equipment when switched off.
Two independent potentiometers operated by concentric spindles. Used as volume and tone controls
in old mains radios; the rear (tone) control has a linear track and the front (volume) control, a
logarithmic track. The volume control also operates a double pole mains switch at the rear.
Insulated preset with a low resistance wirewound track for high currents. The connection pins on
this potentiometer are designed for soldering directly into a printed circuit board.
For general user control use. Note the long insulated spindle that may be cut to the required length.
Available in a range or resistance values with linear or logarithmic carbon track.
Two potentiometers sharing a single spindle are referred to as being ‘ganged’ (What one does, the
other does.) Intended for applications such as stereo audio equipment so both channels may be
adjusted simultaneously.
Multi-turn pre-set
Two views of a precision slider preset, the wiper is made to slide slowly along the track by means
of a screw thread turned by a small plastic gear wheel at the end. Provides a simple way of
producing an accurately adjustable voltage.
Insulated miniature pre-set poentiometer for use with voltages up to 200V, pcb mounting, usually
supplied with a small plug in shaft to fit the hexagonal centre hole for easier adjustment. Typical
resitance values range from 100Ω to 1MΩ.
Skeleton presets refer to controls without an enclosing case. A basic track and wiper that can be
adjusted using a small insulated adjusting tool, NOT a screwdriver! Intended for general setting up
purposes and only occasional use.
A larger version of 9. Both of these controls are designed for PCB mounting. Upright and flat
mounting versions are available. Modern types are usually fully enclosed but this example shows
construction and operation more clearly. Small presets may have either carbon or ‘cermet’ (a
mixture of ceramic and metal) tracks.
Module 2.6
Logarithmic & Linear Controls
What you’ll learn in Module 2.6 Two Types of Track
Two types of potentiometers with different tracks are
After studying this section, you should be
able to:
available. These are Linear (Lin) or Logarithmic
(Log) tracks.
• Describe the uses for linear & logarithmic
(taper) track potentiometers. With linear potentiometers, the resistance between
one end of the track and the wiper varies at a
• Describe the operation of linear & logarithmic constant rate as the slider is moved along the track.
track potentiometers. In logarithmic types, the change in resistance is
• Describe the conversion of linear to logarithmic
much less at one end of the track to the other. Fig.
tracks. 2.6.1 shows a graph of the change in resistance for
given equal movements of the slider follows an
(approximate) logarithmic curve; this effect is often
referred to as ‘taper’.
Logarithmic (Taper) Potentiometers
Logarithmic potentiometers are used as volume
controls in audio equipment because the
response of the human ear to the loudness of
sound is also logarithmic. Using a log pot
therefore gives the effect that a setting of full
volume on the control sounds twice as loud as a
setting of half volume. A linear pot used as a
volume control would give large apparent
changes in loudness at low volume settings,
with little apparent change over the rest of the Fig. 2.6.1 Logarithmic and Linear Variation
control’s range.
The action of a logarithmic potentiometer as shown above is only approximately logarithmic and in
fact in many less expensive commercial pots the logarithmic track is actually made up of two
sections of linear track, each having a different resistance. This creates an output which rises slowly
at first due to a high resistance track, then about half way along, the track changes to low resistance,
giving a fast rising output from the slider. Not really logarithmic, but a close enough approximation
to fool the ears.
Lin to Log Conversion
It is also possible to get a close approximation to
logarithmic operation by modifying the potentiometer as
shown below. A fixed resistor having a value about a
quarter of the potentiometer value is connected from the
low (ground) end of the potentiometer to the slider. As the
control is adjusted this resistor bypasses the potentiometer
track by varying amounts giving a curved response similar Fig. 2.6.2 Converting a Linear
to true log operation. Control to Logarithmic