Chapter 8 - Motion Revision Notes PDF
Chapter 8 - Motion Revision Notes PDF
Chapter 8 - Motion Revision Notes PDF
• In the physical world, one of the most common phenomena is motion. The branch of Physics,
which deals with the behavior of moving objects, is known as mechanics.
• Mechanics is further divided into two sections namely Kinematics and Dynamics.
• Kinematics deals with the study of motion without taking into account the cause of motion.
• Dynamics is concerned with the cause of motion, namely force.
Figure 1 Figure 2
Look at the figures. In figure1, the car is to the right of the tree. In figure 2, after 2 seconds, the
car is to the left of the tree. As the tree does not move, the car must have moved from one place to
another. Therefore, here the tree is considered as the frame of reference.
Types of Motion
There are three types of motion:
• Translatory motion
• Rotatory motion
• Vibratory motion
Translatory Motion
• In translatory motion the particle moves from one point in space to another. This motion may
be along a straight line or along a curved path.
• Motion along a straight line is called rectilinear motion.
• Motion along a curved path is called curvilinear motion.
• Example: A car moving on a straight road
Rectilinear Motion
Example: A car negotiating a curve
Curvilinear Motion
Rotatory Motion
In rotatory motion, the particles of the body describe concentric circles about the axis of motion.
Rotatory Motion
Vibratory Motion
In vibratory motion the particles move to and fro about a fixed point.
Simple Pendulum
Distance and Displacement
The distance between terminus A and terminus B is 150 km. A bus travels from terminus A to
terminus B. The distance covered by the bus is 150 km. The bus travelling on the same route
returns from terminus B to the terminus A. Thus the total distance covered by the bus during the
trip from A to B and then from B to A is 150 km + 150 km = 300 km.
Suppose a person moves 3 meters from A to B and 4 meters from B to C as shown in the figure.
The total distance travelled by him is 7 meters. But is he actually 7 meters from his initial position?
No, he is only 5 meters away from his initial position i.e., he is displaced only by 5 m, which is
the shortest distance between his initial position and final position.
In this example we can make use of the Pythagoras theorem to determine the displacement.
Now let us consider an object changing its position, with respect to a fixed point called the origin
0. xi and xf are the initial and final positions of the object. Then the displacement of the object
= xf − xi
Case 1
Suppose the object is moving from +1 to +4,
then displacement = xf - xi
= +4 - (+1)
= +3
Displacement: Case1
Case 2
If the object is moving from -3 to -1, then displacement = xf - xi
= -1 - (-3)
Displacement: Case 2
Case 3
If the object is moving from +4 to +2,
then displacement = xf - xi
= +2 - (+4)
= -2
Displacement: Case 3
Case 4
If the object follows the path as shown in the figure then the final position and the initial position
are the same i.e., the displacement is zero.
Displacement: Case 4
From the above examples, we can conclude that the displacement of a body is positive if its final
position lies on the right side of the initial position and negative if its final position is on the left
side of its initial position. When a moving object comes back to the original position the
displacement is said to be zero.
Imagine an athlete running along a circular track of radius r in a clockwise direction starting from
What is the distance covered by the athlete when he reaches the point B?
The distance covered by the athlete when he reaches the point B is
Displacement = AB = 2r = Diameter of the circle (the shortest distance between the initial and
final positions).
Suppose the athlete reaches the initial point A, then the distance covered is equal to the
circumference of the circular track i.e., 2r. But the displacement is zero as the initial and final
positions of the athlete are the same.
Difference between Distance and Displacement
Distance Displacement
It is the actual length of the path covered by a It is the shortest distance between the initial
moving object and final positions of the moving object
Uniform Motion and Non-uniform Motion
The distances covered by car A and car B with respect to time is given below.
Car A
Time in Seconds 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Car B
Time in Seconds 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
The car A travels equal distances in equal intervals of time whereas the car B does not cover equal
distances in equal intervals of time. That is, motion of car A is an example of uniform motion
whereas that of car B is that of non-uniform motion.
When a body covers equal distances in equal intervals of time then the body is said to describe
uniform motion.
When a body moves unequal distances in equal intervals of time or vice-versa, then the body is
said to describe non-uniform motion.
Ram and Krishna run in different races covering different distances. Ram takes 20 minutes to cover
1000 m and Krishna takes 10 minutes to cover 700 m. Who is faster?
To find out who is faster we shall calculate the distance covered by them in one minute.
Krishna covered more distance in unit time. We conclude that Krishna is faster. Speed can be
defined as the distance covered by a moving object in unit time
Uniform Speed
The figure shows the distance covered by a ball at every 2 second interval.
The ball covers 10 m in every 2 seconds. The speed with which the ball is moving at any point
between A and E is 5 m/s. The object is moving with uniform speed.
An object is said to be moving with uniform speed if it covers equal distances in equal intervals of
Here we ignore the friction or resistance offered by surfaces.
Variable Speed
Example: A rubber ball dropped from a certain height (h1) on reaching the ground bounces up to
a height less than the initial one (h2). It continues to bounce but the height to which it raises keeps
decreasing (h3, h4). The distance covered by the ball in unit time decreases. The speed of the ball
varies from point to point.
Such a speed is called a variable speed.
An object is said to be moving with variable speed or non-uniform speed if it covers equal distances
in unequal intervals of time or vice-versa.
When we say that the car travels at an average speed of 60 km/h it does not mean that the car
would be moving with the speed of 60 km/h throughout the journey. The actual speed of the car
may be less than or greater than the average speed at a particular instant of time.
The speed of a moving body at any particular instant of time is called instantaneous speed.
Figure below gives different routes that Shyam can choose from his house to school.
Shyam goes regularly to school by car, with an average speed of 60 km/h. Is it possible to find out
the time required to reach the destination? Yes, you can definitely find out the time using the
But you are not sure of the route which he would have taken. Thus, by just giving the speed of a
moving object it is not possible to locate the exact position of the object at a given time. Thus,
there arises a need to define a quantity, which has both magnitude and direction.
Consider two objects P and Q starting from A. Let them cover equal distances in equal intervals
of time i.e., their speed is the same. Can you tell where each of them would be after say 20 seconds?
P and Q can move in any direction. To locate the exact position of P and Q we require their
direction of motion also.
Thus another physical quantity called velocity is introduced to give us the idea of speed as well as
Velocity is defined as the distance covered by a moving object in a particular direction in unit time
or speed in a particular direction.
Velocity is defined as the distance travelled in a specified direction in unit time. The distance
travelled in a specified direction is displacement.
Therefore, velocity can be defined as the rate of change of displacement.
Uniform Velocity and Non-Uniform Velocity
Imagine that two athletes Ram and Shyam are running with a uniform speed of 5 m/s. Ram moves
in a straight line and Shyam moves on a circular track. For a layman both Ram and Shyam are
moving with uniform velocity but for a physicist only Ram is running with uniform velocity
because there is no change in his speed and direction of motion. Whereas in the case of Shyam
who is running along a circular track the direction of motion is changing at every instant as circle
is polygon with infinite sides and Shyam has to change his direction at every instant.
Thus a body is said to be moving with uniform velocity if it covers equal distances in equal
intervals of time in a specified direction.
A body is said to be moving with variable velocity if it covers unequal distances in equal intervals
of time and vice-versa in a specified direction or if it changes the direction of motion.
All of us know that a car moving on road does not have a uniform velocity. Either the speed or the
direction changes. Whenever a vehicle is speeding i.e., when the speed is increased we say that the
vehicle is accelerating.
To get an idea of acceleration, let us study the change in velocity of a train moving from Bangalore
to Mysore. The train, which was initially at rest starts moving, its velocity slowly increases and
after a certain time interval it attains a constant velocity. As the next station approaches its velocity
gradually decreases and finally the train comes to rest.
When the train starts from rest its speed increases from zero and we say that the train is
accelerating. After sometime the speed becomes uniform and we say that it is moving with uniform
speed that means the train is not accelerating. But as the train is nearing Mysore it slows down,
which means the train is accelerating in negative direction. Again the train stops accelerating when
it comes to a halt at Mysore.
Thus, it is clear that the term 'acceleration' need not always mean that the speed of a moving body
is always increasing, it can also decrease, remain the same or become zero.
In general, acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity of a moving body with time.
This change could be a change in the speed of the object or its direction of motion or both.
Now let us get a mathematical formula for calculating acceleration.
Let an object moving with an initial velocity 'u' attain a final velocity 'v' in time 't', then acceleration
'a' produced in the object is
Acceleration = Rate of change of velocity with time
Unit of Acceleration
Acceleration is a vector quantity.
Different Types of Acceleration
From the above example, it is very clear that acceleration is of different types depending on the
change in velocity.
Positive Acceleration
If the velocity of an object increases, then the object is said to be moving with positive
Negative Acceleration
If the velocity of an object decreases, then the object is said to be moving with negative
acceleration. Negative acceleration is also known as retardation or deceleration.
(1) A ball moving up an inclined plane.
Example of Negative Acceleration
Zero Acceleration
If the change in velocity is zero, i.e., either the object is at rest or moving with uniform velocity,
then the object is said to have zero acceleration.
Example: a parked car, a train moving with a constant speed of 90 km/hr
Uniform Acceleration
If the change in velocity in equal intervals of time is always the same, then the object is said to be
moving with uniform acceleration.
Example: a body falling from a height towards the surface of the earth.
Distance-Time Table and Distance-Time Graph
Mr. X is travelling from New Delhi to Agra in a bus and records his observations.
Distance in km 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
The above table tells us that the bus is covering equal distances in equal intervals of time. The bus
is moving with uniform speed. In such an event, we can calculate the distance covered by the bus,
at any given time.
Consider an object moving with uniform speed v from its initial position xi to final position xf in
time t.
The equation (1) gives the relation between distance, time and average speed.
This relation can be used for making distance-time tables and also to determine the position of any
moving object at any given time.
But it is a long and tedious process especially when we have to determine the position after a long
time or when we have to compare the motion of two objects.
In such situations we can make use of graphs like distance-time graph.
A distance-time graph is a line graph showing the variation of distance with time.
In a distance-time graph, time is taken along x-axis and distance along y-axis.
Distance-Time Graph for Non - Uniform Motion
Now, let us see the nature of distance-time graph for a non-uniform motion. The following table
gives the distance covered by a bus after every 15 minutes.
Distance covered in km 0 5 15 20 25 30 35
Time in minutes 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
From the above table we can conclude that the motion is non-uniform i.e., it covers unequal
distances in equal intervals of time.
• Take time along x-axis and distance along y-axis.
• Analyse the given data and make a proper choice of scale for time and distance.
• Plot the points.
• Consider any two points (A, B) on the graph.
• Draw perpendicular from A to B to x and y axes.
The slope of the graph, AB= speed
AC t
• Consider another two points P and Q on the graph and construct a right angled triangle PRQ.
QR 35 30 5 1
• The slope = speed= PQ 0.333km / min
PR 90 75 15 3
We can infer that speed is not uniform.
• Complete Graph
Nature of S- t Graph for Non- Uniform Motion and Uses of Graphs
Let us now see the nature of S-t graph for non-uniform motion.
From the nature of S-t graph we can conclude whether the object is moving with uniform speed or
variable speed.
• At a glance a graph gives more information than a table. Both the graphs shown here represent
the increasing speed.
Fig (1) gives us an idea of nature of variation of speed i.e., increase is greater in the beginning up
to time t1 and relatively lower after t 2.
Similarly, fig (2) gives an idea that the increase in the speed becomes greater after t 1. Similar
explanation holds good for the decreasing speed also.
• Graphs can be easily read at a glance.
• Plotting graphs takes less time and is more convenient.
• With graphs, the position of any moving object at any intermediate point of time can be
• Motion of two moving objects can be easily compared.
• Graphs tell us about the nature of motion.
Velocity-Time Graph
The variation of velocity with time can be represented graphically to calculate acceleration exactly
like we calculated speed from distance-time graph.
Let us now plot a velocity-time (v - t) graph for the following data.
Velocity in m/s 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time in seconds 0 2 4 6 8 10
• Analyse the given data and make a proper choice of scale for x and y axes.
• Join the points
• Draw perpendiculars from A and B to x and y-axes.
BC Change in velocity
• Slope of the graph (AB) = acceleration f
AC time
• Complete Graph
V - T Graph
Let us now see the nature of the v - t graph for the different types of motion.
a) Increasing acceleration
Uniform Acceleration Non-uniform Acceleration
Zero Acceleration
Speed-Time Graph of a Car Moving with Uniform Speed
Distance travelled by the car (S) = v x t
To calculate the distance covered by a moving object from a speed-time graph we just have to find
the area enclosed by the speed-time graph and the time axis.
In case of non-uniform motion, the distance covered by the object the speed of the object is
increasing in steps. The speed remains constant during the time interval 0 - t1, t1 - t2, t2 - t3 ......
Figure below gives the motion of an object moving with variable speed.
Speed - Time Graph for an Object Moving with Variable Speed
Calculation of Distance
The total distance covered by the object during the time interval
0-t6 = Area of rectangle 1+ area of rectangle 2+……+ area of rectangle 6.
Equations of Motion
The variable quantities in a uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion are time, speed, distance
covered and acceleration. Simple relations exist between these quantities. These relations are
expressed in terms of equations called equations of motion
The equations of motion are:
(1) v = u + at
(2) S = ut + ½ at 2
(3) v2 - u2 = 2aS
v = u + at I equation of motion
Second Equation of Motion
(v - u) (v + u) = 2aS
[We make use of the identity a2 - b2 = (a + b) (a - b)]
v2 - u2 = 2aS III equation of motion
Derivations of Equations of Motion (Graphically)
First Equation of Motion
Consider an object moving with a uniform velocity u in a straight line. Let it be given a uniform
acceleration a at time t = 0 when its initial velocity is u. As a result of the acceleration, its velocity
increases to v (final velocity) in time t and S is the distance covered by the object in time t.
The figure shows the velocity-time graph of the motion of the object.
Slope of the v - t graph gives the acceleration of the moving object.
BC v− u
Thus, acceleration = slope = AB = AC = t−O
a= ⟹v - u = at ⟹v = u + at I equation of motion
= area of rectangle ACDO + area of ABC
Substituting the value of t in equation (1) we get,
2aS = (v + u) (v - u)
(v + u)(v - u) = 2aS [using the identity a2 - b2 = (a + b) (a - b)]
v2 - u2 = 2aS III Equation of Motion
Circular Motion
In the example discussed under the topic uniform and non-uniform motion we have classified
motion along circular track as an example of non-uniform motion. Let us now see why circular
motion is considered as non-uniform motion. The figure shows an athlete running with uniform
speed on a hexagonal track.
As the number of sides of the track increases, the athlete has to turn more often. Now if we increase
the number of sides indefinitely the shape of the track will approach the shape of a circle.
Therefore, a circle can be considered as a polygon with infinite sides and hence motion along a
circular path is classified as non-uniform motion.
Whirling a hammer in a circle