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ENGR 058 (Control Theory) Final: 1) Define The System

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ENGR 058 (Control Theory) Final

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This exam explores the design of controllers for an inverted pendulum system; often
called the broomstick balancing problem.. The exam is almost exclusively design. You
can do most of the exam as a single MATLAB file and give me the published output
(only a few of the problems require any derivation). If you do this, make sure the
individual problems are well separated (you can give each it's own subheading in the
published document). You can send a pdf if you don't have access to a color printer.
Do all problems, each counts equally toward your final grade.

1) Define the system

The wikipedia page on the inverted pendulum defines the following equations for the
pendulum (images from wikipedia page).
Linearizing around all positions (θ and x) and velocities being zero (i.e., equilibrium)

a. Show that this can be represented by the state space system (with m=M=g=ℓ=1)

b. Define the state space system in MATLAB with θ as output. Call it "ssIPTheta" (i.e.,
ssIPTheta=ss(A,B,C,D);) (ss=State Space, IP=Inverted Pendulum,Theta=angle output).
2) Transfer function
a. Show that if the output is θ that the transfer function of the system is given by

If you use "tfdata", be sure to use "minreal" to cancel poles and zeros (the result may still
have a small error). Alternatively, you can use the state transition matrix, Φ(s) and evaluate
Use the variable GIPTheta in MATLAB when you define the function (G=transfer function,
IP=Inverted Pendulum, Theta=angle output). Note that the system has a RHP pole.
b. Plot the Bode diagram.

3) PD Design
Let's design a controller that is fast compared to system dynamics.
a. Use GIPTheta(s) and design a PD controller with a 60 degree phase margin at ω=20
b. Use a Nyquist plot to verify that the system is stable (in the equation Z=N+P=0).
c. Verify the phase margin with a Bode plot.
d. Find pole locations of the closed loop system (call it GIP_PD_CL) and verify that they are in
the LHP.

3) Discrete Time Implementation, Fast sampling

a. Use T=0.01 and convert the system (GIPTheta(s)) to discrete with ZOH, and the PD
controller to discrete via BLT.
b. Find the pole locations of the closed loop z-domain transfer function.
c. Use the fact the z=esT to verify that the pole locations have not moved appreciably.

4) Discrete Time Implementation, Slow sampling

a. Use T=0.1 (ten times slower than before) and convert the system (GIPtheta(s)) to discrete
with ZOH, and the PD controller to discrete via BLT.
b. Find the pole locations of the closed loop z-domain transfer function.
c. Use the fact the z=esT to verify that the pole locations have moved and the system is
significantly less damped.

5) Discrete Design
a. Use T=0.1 and design a discrete controller to have a phase margin of 60° near 2 radians
per second. (Since sampling is slower, I chose a correspondingly lower crossover
b. Find the pole locations of the closed loop z-domain transfer function.
6) PD as State Control (The rest of the exam considers
only continuous time systems)
We'd like to see how the PD control responds to initial conditions, but that is difficult
with MATLAB when you have a transfer function representation of the system.
a. Show that state control of ssIPTheta with a gain vector k=[kp kd 0 0] is equivalent to PD
control for a system with no input (i.e., a regulator).
b. Use the gains from your continuous time PD controller to with ssIPTheta to make a
regulator. Call is ssPDReg.
c. Find the poles of the system with feedback (again "minreal" may be useful) and show they
are the same as for GIP_PD_CL.
d. Plot θ vs time for initial conditions

My result is below for comparison. Yours should be similar. This corresponds to the
situation where the system starts with the broomstick not at the vertical position - the cart
then positions itself to make the broomstick vertical.

e. Plot all 4 state variables for 10 seconds (the code below does this) and explain, verbally, the
system behavior (especially at long times).
% Plot all four state variables
[y t x]=initial(ssPDreg,[1 0 0 0],10);
plot(t,x); legend('\theta','\thetaDot','x','xdot','Location','se')

7) Full state control of Angle

For the system ssIPTheta
a. Show that the system is controllable, but not observable.
b. Explain breifly, based on the physics of the problem (and previous results) why the system is
not observable (no math is necessary).
c. Design and implement a full state controller with poles at -1±1j and -2±2j. Note, if "acker"
says it has problems with accuracy, you can use "place" instead.
d. Verify that the poles are as specified.
e. Plot all 4 state variables for 10 seconds for

8) Design an observer/controller
a. Modify the system ssIPThetaso that the output is "x" instead of "θ". Call the new system
ssIPx. Since the states are the same as for ssIPTheta, we can retain the same gain vector
for control.
b. Show that the system, ssIPx, is observable and controllable.
c. Find the gain required for an observer with poles that are 4 times further from the origin than
those from the closed loop system (i.e., -4±4j and -8±8j).

9) Test the observer controller.

a. Plot all 8 state variables (original variables plus errors) for 10 seconds (or until equilibrium)

if the initial values for the estimates are all correct (i.e., errors are all zero).
b. Repeat if the initial values for the estimates are all zero. (The errors in the estimates should
all decay rapidly compared to system response).

10) Tracker Design

This problem does not use the estimator designed above.
a. Design and implement a tracker for ssIPx with poles at -1±1j and -2±2j and -4. Call it
b. Verify that the poles are placed as desired.
c. Show all state variables as well as the command input if the input is a square wave with a
period of 20 seconds (or until equilibrium) that goes between 0 and 0.2. Plot at least 2 full
cycles. The following code will do this. (The output position (xa(:,3)) should follow the
input command, cmd(:)).
t=linspace(0,40,1000); % Set time vector
cmd = 0.1*(1+square(t*2*pi/20)); % 20=period of square wave command input
[y t xa]=lsim(ssIPx_Tracker,cmd,t); % Perform simulation
legend('cmd','\theta','\thetaDot','x','xdot','Extra State')

11) Just for fun (no points for this problem)

The following code animates the previous solution. It shows the pendulum and the cart
as well as a force vector (direction and magnitude). Note that the original movement is
away from the goal - this tips broomstick towards goal so we need to move towards
goal to finally get stick upright.
co=-ka*xa'; % Controller output
xcart=[-1 1 1 -1]*0.075;
cart=patch(xcart,[1 1 -1 -1]*0.2,[1 0.5 0.5]);
xline=[0 0]; yline=[0 2];
broom=line(xline,yline,[0 0],'Color',[0 0 1],'Linewidth',3);
xforce=[0 0];
force=line(xforce,[0 0],[0 0],'Color',[1 0 0],'Linewidth',2);
goal=line(0,0,0,'Color',[0 0 0],'Marker','o','MarkerFaceColor',[0 0 0]);
axis([-0.4 0.5 -1 3]);
for i=1:length(t),
set(broom,'Xdata',xa(i,3)+[0 2*sin(xa(i,1))],'Ydata',[0 2*cos(xa(i,1))]);
set(force,'Xdata',xa(i,3)+[0 co(i)/4]); % Display scaled force.
set(goal,'Xdata',cmd(i)); % Display goal
Inverted pendulum
Problem 1; System Definition
Problem 2; Transfer function
Problem 3; PD design,
Problem 3; Discrete time PD, T=0.01
Problem 4; Discrete time, T=0.1
Problem 5; Discrete PID design, T=0.1
Problem 7; PD as state control.
Problem 7; Full State Control of Angle
Problem 8; Design and observer/controller
Problem 9; Test of observer/controller
Problem 10; Tracker
Define augmented system
Problem 11; Just for fun, animate the system

Inverted pendulum

clear all

Problem 1; System Definition

M=1; m=1; g=1; L=1;

A=[0 1 0 0;
m*g/M+g/L 0 0 0;
0 0 0 1;
m*g/M 0 0 0];
B=[0 1/M/L 0 1/M]';
C=[1 0 0 0];


sysIP =

x1 x2 x3 x4
x1 0 1 0 0
x2 2 0 0 0
x3 0 0 0 1
x4 1 0 0 0

x1 0
x2 1
x3 0
x4 1

x1 x2 x3 x4
y1 1 0 0 0

y1 0

Continuous-time state-space model.

Problem 2; Transfer function

[n,d]=tfdata(sysIP); % Get transfer function information


syms s
Phi = simple(inv(s*eye(4)-A))
GIP = simple(C*Phi*B)

GIPTheta =

s^2 - 6.661e-16 s - 2

Continuous-time transfer function.

Phi =

[ s/(s^2 - 2), 1/(s^2 - 2), 0, 0]

[ 2/(s^2 - 2), s/(s^2 - 2), 0, 0]
[ -1/(- s^3 + 2*s), -1/(- s^4 + 2*s^2), 1/s, 1/s^2]
[ 1/(s^2 - 2), -1/(- s^3 + 2*s), 0, 1/s]


1/(s^2 - 2)

GIPTheta =

s^2 - 2

Continuous-time transfer function.

Problem 3; PD design,
Part a) Analytic Method, PD


Gpd = tf([kd kp],1) % PD controller

Gloop=minreal(Gpd*GIPTheta); % Loop gain

Gpd =

17.41 s + 201

Continuous-time transfer function.

Part b) Nyquist plot P=1, N=-1 so Z=0. System is stable.


Part c)

Part d)



17.41 s + 201
s^2 + 17.41 s + 199

Continuous-time transfer function.

Eigenvalue Damping Frequency

-8.70e+00 + 1.11e+01i 6.17e-01 1.41e+01

-8.70e+00 - 1.11e+01i 6.17e-01 1.41e+01

(Frequencies expressed in rad/seconds)

Problem 3; Discrete time PD, T=0.01

GIP_d = c2d(GIPTheta,T,'zoh'); % Convert Plant
Gpd_d = c2d(Gpd,T,'tustin'); % Convert controller
Gcl_d1 = minreal(feedback(GIP_d*Gpd_d,1));

Eigenvalue Magnitude Damping Frequency

9.08e-01 + 1.07e-01i 9.14e-01 6.07e-01 1.48e+01

9.08e-01 - 1.07e-01i 9.14e-01 6.07e-01 1.48e+01

(Frequencies expressed in rad/seconds)


-8.7036 +11.1017i
-8.7036 -11.1017i

ans =

0.9110 + 0.1016i
0.9110 - 0.1016i

Problem 4; Discrete time, T=0.1

GIP_d = c2d(GIPTheta,T,'zoh');
Gpd_d = c2d(Gpd,T,'tustin');
Gcl_d2 = minreal(feedback(GIP_d*Gpd_d,1));

Eigenvalue Magnitude Damping Frequency

-3.65e-01 + 3.60e-01i 5.13e-01 2.72e-01 2.46e+01

-3.65e-01 - 3.60e-01i 5.13e-01 2.72e-01 2.46e+01

(Frequencies expressed in rad/seconds)

Problem 5; Discrete PID design, T=0.1

GIP_w = d2c(GIP_d,'tustin');

Gpd_w = tf([kd2 kp2],1)

Gpd_d = c2d(Gpd_w,T,'tustin');

Gpd_w =

2.727 s + 2.461

Continuous-time transfer function.

Eigenvalue Magnitude Damping Frequency

9.81e-01 9.81e-01 1.00e+00 1.89e-01

7.53e-01 7.53e-01 1.00e+00 2.83e+00

(Frequencies expressed in rad/seconds)

Problem 7; PD as state control.

Since we are feeding back theta with -kp and theta_dot with -kd this is the same as pd control (if input is zero).
Numerator of transfer function will be different than classical PD which has the kp and kd terms in the forward loop
rather than the feedback loop.

Afb=A-B*[kp kd 0 0];
ssPDreg=ss(Afb, B, C, D)
initial(ssPDreg,[1 0 0 0],2);

ssPDreg =

x1 x2 x3 x4
x1 0 1 0 0
x2 -199 -17.41 0 0
x3 0 0 0 1
x4 -200 -17.41 0 0

x1 0
x2 1
x3 0
x4 1

x1 x2 x3 x4
y1 1 0 0 0

y1 0

Continuous-time state-space model.

2 states removed.

Eigenvalue Damping Frequency

-8.70e+00 + 1.11e+01i 6.17e-01 1.41e+01

-8.70e+00 - 1.11e+01i 6.17e-01 1.41e+01

(Frequencies expressed in rad/seconds)

Plot all four state variables

[y t x]=initial(ssPDreg,[1 0 0 0],10);
As t increases, the system reaches a constant velocity with theta=0, so position is changing linearly with time.

Problem 7; Full State Control of Angle

Part a) Controllable but not observable.


ans =

ans =

Part b) We can have the output, theta, equal to zero while velocity in x is constant and x is changing. So theta doesn't give
enough information to determine x. The system is not observable.

Part c

p=[-1+j -1-j -2+2j -2-2j];

ssStateControlTheta=ss(Afb, B, C, D)


36 30 -16 -24

ssStateControlTheta =

x1 x2 x3 x4
x1 0 1 0 0
x2 -34 -30 16 24
x3 0 0 0 1
x4 -35 -30 16 24

x1 0
x2 1
x3 0
x4 1

x1 x2 x3 x4
y1 1 0 0 0

y1 0

Continuous-time state-space model.

Part d


Eigenvalue Damping Frequency

-1.00e+00 + 1.00e+00i 7.07e-01 1.41e+00

-1.00e+00 - 1.00e+00i 7.07e-01 1.41e+00
-2.00e+00 + 2.00e+00i 7.07e-01 2.83e+00
-2.00e+00 - 2.00e+00i 7.07e-01 2.83e+00

(Frequencies expressed in rad/seconds)

Part e

[y t x]=initial(ssStateControlTheta,[1 0 0 0]',10);
plot(t,x); legend('\theta','\thetaDot','x','xdot')

Problem 8; Design and observer/controller

C=[0 0 1 0]


g=acker(sysIPx.A', sysIPx.C', 4*p)' %poles further out

Aobs=[sysIPx.A-sysIPx.B*k sysIPx.B*k;
zeros(size(sysIPx.A)) sysIPx.A-g*sysIPx.C];
Bobs=[sysIPx.B; zeros(size(sysIPx.B),1)];
Cobs=[sysIPx.C zeros(size(sysIPx.C))];


0 0 1 0
ans =

ans =



Warning: Input arguments must be scalar.

sysObs =

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8
x1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
x2 -34 -30 16 24 36 30 -16 -24
x3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
x4 -35 -30 16 24 36 30 -16 -24
x5 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1584 0
x6 0 0 0 0 2 0 -4676 0
x7 0 0 0 0 0 0 -24 1
x8 0 0 0 0 1 0 -290 0

x1 0
x2 1
x3 0
x4 1
x5 0
x6 0
x7 0
x8 0

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8
y1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

y1 0

Continuous-time state-space model.

Eigenvalue Damping Frequency

-1.00e+00 + 1.00e+00i 7.07e-01 1.41e+00
-1.00e+00 - 1.00e+00i 7.07e-01 1.41e+00
-2.00e+00 + 2.00e+00i 7.07e-01 2.83e+00
-2.00e+00 - 2.00e+00i 7.07e-01 2.83e+00
-4.00e+00 + 4.00e+00i 7.07e-01 5.66e+00
-4.00e+00 - 4.00e+00i 7.07e-01 5.66e+00
-8.00e+00 + 8.00e+00i 7.07e-01 1.13e+01
-8.00e+00 - 8.00e+00i 7.07e-01 1.13e+01

(Frequencies expressed in rad/seconds)

Problem 9; Test of observer/controller

No Initial Error

[y t x]=initial(sysObs,[1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]',10);
legend({'\theta','\thetaDot','x','xdot', 'e_1', 'e_2', 'e_3', 'e_4'})

Inital error in theta (error = -1, so estimate = 0)

[y t x]=initial(sysObs,[1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0]',10);
legend({'\theta','\thetaDot','x','xdot', 'e_1', 'e_2', 'e_3', 'e_4'})
Problem 10; Tracker
Define augmented system

Aa=[sysIPx.A zeros(size(sysIPx.B)); sysIPx.C 0]; Ba=[sysIPx.B; 0];

% Define pole locations and find gains

pa=[p -4]; % Now there are four poles

% Augmented system with feedback

Bfba = [zeros(size(B)); -1];
Cfba = [C 0];

t=linspace(0,40,1000); % Set time vector

cmd = 0.1*(1+square(t*2*pi/20)); % 20=period of square wave command input
[y t xa]=lsim(ssIPx_Tracker,cmd,t); % Perform simulation
legend('cmd','\theta','\thetaDot','x','xdot','Extra State')

% %% Other inputs.
% t=linspace(0,40,1000); % Set time vector
% cmd = 0.1*(1+sawtooth(t*2*pi/20));
% cmd = 0.1*(1+cos(t*2*pi/20));
% [y t xa]=lsim(ssIPx_Tracker,cmd,t); % Perform simulation
% plot(t,cmd,'r:',t,xa);
% legend('cmd','\theta','\thetaDot','x','xdot','Extra State')

ka =

156 170 -112 -160 -64

ssIPx_Tracker =

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
x1 0 1 0 0 0
x2 -154 -170 112 160 64
x3 0 0 0 1 0
x4 -155 -170 112 160 64
x5 0 0 1 0 0

x1 0
x2 0
x3 0
x4 0
x5 -1

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
y1 0 0 1 0 0

y1 0

Continuous-time state-space model.

Eigenvalue Damping Frequency

-1.00e+00 + 1.00e+00i 7.07e-01 1.41e+00

-1.00e+00 - 1.00e+00i 7.07e-01 1.41e+00
-2.00e+00 + 2.00e+00i 7.07e-01 2.83e+00
-2.00e+00 - 2.00e+00i 7.07e-01 2.83e+00
-4.00e+00 1.00e+00 4.00e+00

(Frequencies expressed in rad/seconds)

Problem 11; Just for fun, animate the system

co=-ka*xa'; % Controller output
xcart=[-1 1 1 -1]*0.075;
cart=patch(xcart,[1 1 -1 -1]*0.2,[1 0.5 0.5]);
xline=[0 0]; yline=[0 2];
broom=line(xline,yline,[0 0],'Color',[0 0 1],'Linewidth',3);
xforce=[0 0];
force=line(xforce,[0 0],[0 0],'Color',[1 0 0],'Linewidth',2);
goal=line(0,0,0,'Color',[0 0 0],'Marker','o','MarkerFaceColor',[0 0 0]);
axis([-0.4 0.5 -1 3]);
for i=1:length(t),
set(broom,'Xdata',xa(i,3)+[0 -2*sin(xa(i,1))],'Ydata',[0 2*cos(xa(i,1))]);
set(force,'Xdata',xa(i,3)+[0 co(i)/4]); % Display scaled force.
set(goal,'Xdata',cmd(i)); % Display goal
Published with MATLAB® R2012b

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