Introduction To Class 5ab - 11ab Qur'An:: (Imam Ja'far As Sadiq (A) )
Introduction To Class 5ab - 11ab Qur'An:: (Imam Ja'far As Sadiq (A) )
Introduction To Class 5ab - 11ab Qur'An:: (Imam Ja'far As Sadiq (A) )
For those Students who are in the process of learning how to recite
Qur’an, a separate Qur’an Manual will also be given.
For those Students who are already reciting Qur’an, some rules
included in this Manual will be taught to them to improve their
recitation further.
All Students will do the Tafsir part of the syllabus and attempt the
Qur’an Coursework which is at the beginning of this Manual.
Recite the Holy Qur’an and Memorise it. Allah (swt) will not
punish the heart in which the Qur’an has been placed.
(Imam Ja’far As Sadiq (A))
In this lesson we will learn how to respect the Holy Qur’an and how to recite it.
1. The words of the Holy Qur'an should only be touched after doing
Wudhu. Allah says: None should touch it except the purified.(al-Wáqi`áh, 56:79)
4. Even if you know the verses by heart, it is better to recite while looking at the words,
as this increases the rewards many times.
5. It is Mustahab to recite the Holy Qur'an with your head covered and while facing the
7. When the Qur’an is being recited, listen attentively and do not eat or talk.
Allah says:
And when the Qur’an is recited, listen to it with (full) attention, so that you may
be blessed with mercy. (Al-A`raf, 7:204)
8. Do not leave the Holy Qur'an open and unattended or in a place where it may be
disrespected. Recite from it regularly and do not leave it unread on the shelf.
Allah says:
And the Prophet (S) shall say, “O my Lord! Verily my people abandoned this
Qur’an.” (Al-Furqan, 25:30)
10. Worn-out pages of the Holy Qur'an or paper with verses of the
Holy Qur'an must not be thrown in the bin, Instead they should be
Re-cycled or buried.
Holy Qur’an, Tafsir of S V Mir Ahmed Ali
The Science of Reciting the Qur’an, M Surty, Pages 30-34
Prophet Dawood (A)
Prophet Musa (A)
Prophet Isa (A) Prophet Muhammad (S)
According to many traditions, the revelation of the Holy Qur’an began on the 23rd night
of the month of Ramadhan (Laylatul Qadr). They began when the Prophet (S) was 40
years old and continued for the next 23 years.
The Holy Qur’an broadly contains:
1. Ahkam: These are verses about the Furu’-e-Din from which the
Mujtahidín prepare the various Fatwas to do with Salaat, Sawm,
Haj etc.
2. Tareekh: These are the verses that narrate the history of people
who lived before our Holy Prophet (S).
3. `Aqa’id: These are verses that explain the Belief in the Unity of Allah, the Prophet
(S) and the Day of Judgement.
- His duties to himself i.e. how to lead a successful life in this world and the
- How to act with other people i.e. how to contribute as an individual towards the
betterment of society.
- His duty to his Creator i.e. how to worship Allah.
The Prophet (S) has said, “The most excellent amongst you is the one who learns the
Qur’an and teaches it to others.”
“The more Qur’an is recited in a home, the greater the good for it. The lives of the
people in the house are made easier. When the angels view this house from the
heavens they see it shining in the same way as stars seen from the earth.”
“The heart gathers rust just like iron; remove this rust by reciting the Qur’an.”
“Whosoever recites 100 verses daily from the Book (Holy Qur’an) in the order it is in,
Alláh writes for him the reward equal to all the good actions of every one on this earth.”
The number at the top signifies the number that this Ruku` is in the Surah.
The number in the middle signifies the number of Ayat between the last Ruku`
and the present one.
The number at the bottom signifies the number that this Ruku` is in the Juz’.
So, in this example from Súrah al-Baqarah,
This is the 23rd Ruku` in the Surah,
there are 6 Ayat between Ruku` number 22 and 23, and this is the
7th Ruku’ in this Juz’
and this is the 7th Ruku` in this Juz’.
This Surah was revealed in Makka. It has four verses. It is Surah number 112 in the
Holy Qur’an. It is one of the most important Surahs of the Holy Qur’an.
When the Jews asked our Holy Prophet (S) to describe Allah, this Surah was revealed
in reply.
Al-Ikhlas means “The Unity”. The name of the Surah refers to the fact that this Surah
describes the qualities of Allah very well. That is why the Súrah is sometimes called
Ayah 1. The word “Ahad” used for “one” in the verse is quite different from the usual
word for “one” which is “Wahid”.
Ahad means “one” which has no plural, no divisions and no second or third after it. It is
a unique “one” and is used for Allah only.
Ayah 2. “Samad” means independent - it means Allah does not need anyone or
anything, He is needed by everything.
Ayah 3. He does not have children or parents. He is not like us, who have a beginning
and an end.
Ayah 4. He is different from anything or anyone you can imagine. There is none who
can equal Him.
1. In Salaat, if you make an intention to recite it and start with its Bismillah, then you have to finish it. It
is Mustahab to recite this Surah at least once in every daily prayer. In fact, to recite the same
Surah in both Raka’ats of the prayer is Makruh, except for Suratul Ikhlas.
2. The Thawab of reciting this Surah three times is the same as that for finishing the recital of the
whole Qur’an.
3. When Suratul Ikhlas is recited once, Allah's blessings are showered on the reciter; twice, on his
family; and thrice, on his neighbours also.
4. While performing the funeral ceremonies of Sa'd bin Ma'ad, the Prophet (S) remarked that Jibrael
and other angels were with him because Sa'd was in the habit of reciting Suratul Ikhlas all the time.
Therefore Allah had rewarded him with this dignity.
This Surah was revealed in Makka. It has six verses. It is the last Surah (number 114)
in the Holy Qur’an.
An-Nas means “The People”. This Surah deals with asking for the help of Alláh against
the mischief of jinn and people.
Ayah 1-3. Here we are seeking refuge in Allah by calling Him by different names. We
ask him as the Lord, Who looks after our individual needs. Then we ask him as the
King, Who looks after all his creation. Finally, we ask him as God, Whose will is always
Ayah 4-5. The “Slinking Whisperer” here is Shaitan and his helpers, who lead us to
evil by suggesting bad things to us and then leaving us to suffer the consequences of
our wrong-doing.
Ayah 6. Those who suggest these bad things are from mankind as well as jinn. We
ask Alláh to protect us from them all.
1. It is recommended to recite this Surah daily before sleeping to keep away the evil of
jinn and man.
2. The Prophet (S) has said that one who recites both this Surah and the previous one
(al-Falaq) will be as though he recited all the Books which Allah Almighty has
3. The Prophet (S) also ordered his companions to recite the two Surahs upon waking
up and upon going to bed.
This Surah was revealed in Makka. It has four verses. It is Surah number 108, and the
shortest Súrah in the Holy Qur’an.
When the Muslims asked the Holy Prophet (S) what the word Kauthar meant, he said
it was the name of a stream of great excellence in heaven. From this stream, the
righteous believers will drink. Thereafter the Holy Prophet (S) turned to Imám `Alí (A)
and said, “You will be the one who distributes the water of Kauthar”
Ayah 1. “Kauthar” also means abundance and refers to the abundant good given to
the Prophet (S) in this world and the hereafter.
Ayah 2. Although addressed to the Prophet (S), the instruction is for everyone who
has been abundantly blessed by Allah.
The one who wishes to get closer to Allah should do so by prayer and sacrifice.
Sacrifice here would mean to sacrifice your time, money and even your life in the way
of Allah.
Ayah 3. The male sons of the Prophet (S) all died in their infancy. When his son
Qasim died, some of the Quraish began to taunt him, calling him “Abtar”, a word for an
animal whose tail has been cut off. They meant that the Prophet (S) would have no
In this verse Allah promises him that it would be his enemies and not he, who would
be “Abtar”. We can see the truth of that promise today; there are thousands of
descendants of the Prophet (S) today - we call them Sayyids. On the other hand, no
descendant of the early enemies of Islam can be found.
1. The Prophet (S) has said that Allah will let everyone who recites this Surah drink from
the rivers of Paradise and will give him of the rewards the equivalent to the number of
all sacrifices offered by the servants of Allah on the Day of Sacrifice (Eid al-Adha) or
any other sacrifice intended to seek His Pleasure.
2. Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq (A) has said that one who recites this Surah in his Wajib and
Mustahab prayers will be allowed to drink at the Pool of Kauthar, where he will meet and
talk with the Holy Prophet (S).