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2 - Dina - Essential Tajweed Rules

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Essential Tajweed Rules

Prepared by: Shaykha Dina Essam

4-uT ^
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuh,

Dear Reader,

One of the best acts of worship in Islam is reciting the Quran

beautifully and smoothly.

The Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said:

"Verily the one who recites the Qur'an beautifully, smoothly, and
precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient
angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering
or stumbling through its verses, then he will have TWICE that
reward." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Ever since teaching Quran to non Arabic speaking students, I

realised the need to write a manual which would equip the
students to recite the holy Quran beautifully and smoothly.

Janat Al Quran books aim to make learning the Quran easy for all
students whether adults or children, beginners or advanced level.
The books explain the Tajweed rules in English while the terms
remain in Arabic with a translation for each term.

The books explain the Tajweed rules according to the narration of

Hafs from the Imam Asem in the way of Ash-Shaatibiyah.
My sincere thanks go to my teachers who have taught me the
science of Tajweed and the Quran recitation in the ten Qira'at.
Special thanks to my sisters in Islam who helped me to enhance
the books.

Message to the students:

Learning the Quran with a qualified teacher is of paramount
importance. Correct recitation of the Quran can only be achieved
through regular practice of the Quran with a teacher who can
correct the mistakes.

Reciting the Quran on a daily basis is essential so the student can

correct the mistakes pointed out by the teacher. Regular duas and
patience are important to make your Quran journey easy and full
of Barakah.

Message to the teachers:

Kindly be reminded to always renew your intention for teaching
the Quran and to ensure the work is done solely for Allah's sake.
It is important that we always motivate the students and inspire
them to love the Quran.

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'la accept all our good deeds to

please Him. May Allah unite us all in Jannah with his prophet Salla
Allahu Alaihi wa Sallam.

Dina Essam


A Vjannat

What some Shaykhs and teachers

have said about the book

The Quran is the word of Allah which was revealed to the heart of the
prophet SAW with an Arabic tongue. It was revealed Muratal (recited
beautifully with Tajweed), that is the way it should always be recited and
listened to so the listener can be in the beautiful Jannah of the Quran.

Jannat Al Quran books is a fantastic attempt from Shaykha Dina to get

the reciter reach the Jannah of the Quran in order to make the Quran a
path to the Firdaws in the hereafter in Shaa Allah. The Tajweed rules are
explained with simplicity and clarity for anyone to understand. May
Allah SWT reward the author of the book and the learners of the Quran.

Shaykh Samir Abd-Alazeem

Al-Azhar University

I would like to thank Shaykha Dina Essam for this great effort. We have
always acknowledged this Khair and hard work from her in serving
Allah's religion and His holy book.

I have read Jannat Al Quran books and found a good organisation for all
the books and an easy explanation for all the Tajweed rules. Having all
the Tajweed rules in those set of books makes the reader or the
knowledge seeker who has learned the rules able to recite the Quran
precisely with Allah's will. May Allah grant you success.

Shaykh Tamer Ibrahim,

Al-Azhar University

A Vjannat

What some Shaykhs and teachers

have said about the book
In the name of Allah who has revealed the holy book. I ask Allah to grant
success to everyone who serves His religion, and give Barakah to Janat
Al Quran books, this great work, that serves Allah's book.

These books give the chance to non Arabic speakers to understand the
science of Tajweed of His book, for what they contain of valuable
knowledge and simple method of explanation.

Sincere thanks to those who have helped in getting this book to the
light in this way that is suitable for serving Allah's book.

I ask Allah to grant success to the writer and the learners of these
books. May Allah grant Hidayah (guidance) to people through the
learners of His book and may they become the best of people as the
prophet said, "The best among you are those who learn the Qur'an and
teach it.".

Mostafa Ibrahim
Al-Azhar University

The structure of Jannat Al Quran books will allow the student to

successfully study the highly complex science of tajweed with simplicity.
I would recommend it for sure!

Ayah Yussuf Teama

Al-Azhar University
Table of Contents

Seeking Refuge. 1
Saying Basmalah. 2
The Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween. 3
Izhaar. 3
Idghaam. 5
Iqlaab. 9
Exercises. 13
The Rules of Meem Saakin.14
Ikhfaa Shafawi. 14
Idghaam Shafawi. 15

Izhaar Shafawi . 15

The Rules of Noon and Meem Mushaddad.17

Laam Shamsiyyah & Qamariyyah. 19

Laam Qamariyyah.19
Laam Shamsiyyah. 20

Table of Contents

The Natural Madd.26
Mudd-ul-Munfasil. 2g

Madd-ul-Badal. on
Madd-ul-Aridh Li-Sukoon
Heavy and Light Letters.
Signs of Stopping.45


First Section
Seeking Refuge and Saying Basmalah
The Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween
The Rules of Meem Saakin
The Rules of Noon and
Meem Mushaddad

A Vjannat
Seeking Refuge

(jUaJLuJI dilLi
I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed satan.

Seeking refuge is required at the time of reciting

the Quran.

Manners of seeking refuge

Seeking refuge silently
1 - If the reader is reading silently or alone.
2- At the beginning of the prayer.
Seeking refuge loudly
1- If the reader is reading loudly and others are listening to
his recitation.
2- If the reading is done by turn in a classroom, the first
reader seeks refuge out loud and the rest do it silently.
If the reading is cut off by coughing, sneezing or explaining any
rules related to the Quran, then there is no need to repeat
the seeking of refuge.
Saying Basmalah

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Manners of saying Basmalah

- It is necessary to recite it at the beginning of every
Surah, except Surah At-Tawbah as this Surah was
revealed to cancel the peace treaty.

- If you start from the middle of any Surah, you have the
choice to say the Basmalah or not.

- If you start with an Ayah that speaks about Allah, His

names , His attributes, the name of prophet Mohammad
(peace and blessings be upon him), or the believers, you
should recite Basmalah to separate between seeking
refuge and the Ayah.
Example: jo’ji\j ojllllf jj &\ Jls

- If you start with an Ayah that speaks about shaitan or

the hellfire, you shouldn't recite Basmalah.
Example: JULkiJL jilll j Ill Jls

The Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween

Noon Saakin: A Noon without Harakah or with a Sukoon

above it.
Tanween: A Noon Saakinah which comes at the end of
nouns. It is pronounced but not written.
(ji *
Noon Saakin is a letter whilst Tanween is a symbol__

The Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween

1- Izhaar 2- Idghaam
3- Iqlaab 4-Ikhfaa

1- Izhaar jtp>i
Izhaar means to make clear.
Izhaar Letters: Throat letters £ <._4 <•*
Method of pronunciation: If a Noon Saakin or a Tanween is
followed by any of these six throat letters, the Noon Saakin
or the Tanween is pronounced clearly without Ghunnah.

Sign in the Quran: O

The Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween

Examples of Izhaar

Tanween Two Words One Word

litres' Oj-^j a

9 9 s

J* oi 4JLC^

^ ♦ '' ''
9 i * " *f
cf- •ft*y- t

% & c

>9*1 9 9 \ Ul

J^J=r\ t

^y*ht c
The Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween

2- Idghaam fii.ii
Idghaam means to merge.

Idghaam Letters: 03I0JJ

Method of pronunciation:
If a Noon Saakin or a Tanween comes at the end of a word,
and is followed by any of these 6 letters in the next word,
then the Noon Saakin or the Tanween will be merged into
the next letter.

Idghaam is divided into 2 groups:

1- Idghaam with Ghunnah

2- Idghaam without Ghunnah

The Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween

1- Idghaam with Ghunnah

The Letters for Idghaam with Ghunnah:
If the Noon Saakin or the Tanween is followed by any of
these four letters, the reciter should make Idghaam with
Method of pronunciation:
Skip the Noon Saakin or the Tanween and pronounce the
following letter with Ghunnah (from the nasal cavity).
. - _ jj s
Sign in the Quran:_(J

Examples of Idghaam (3 and

Read Written
> >
9> » > 9> * >
r1^ &
Noon Saakin
* " * *>

*' S’ ' ' \\ ' S' " \t\ '

o^JlP JLa
* '9 "
bji [£>•

Note: There is no Shaddah above the Waaw & Yaa. This is

called an incomplete Idghaam as the Ghunnah of the Noon
Saakin is pronounced.

The Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween

Examples of Idghaam (j and a)

Read Written

Noon Saakin
✓ ) *


-i *

*0 ** .? .

^+ VJ aJ L> aJ
^ ^ c.

Note: There is a Shaddah above the Noon & Meem. This is

called complete Idghaam as the Ghunnah of the Noon
Saakin is not pronounced. The Ghunnah pronounced is the
Ghunnah of the following Noon and Meem.

The Noon Saakin and the Idghaam letter should be in

two different words, otherwise the reciter should not
make Idghaam. In this case it will be Izhaar Motlaq.

This is found in 4 words in the Quran:

9 i-r*
The Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween

2- Idghaam without Ghunnah

The Letters for the Idghaam without Ghunnah: j J
If Noon Saakin or the Tanween is followed by any of these
two letters, there is no Ghunnah whilst making Idghaam.
Method of pronunciation:
Skip the Noon Saakin or Tanween and pronounce J or j
without Ghunnah.

Examples of Idghaam without Ghunnah

Read Written

, * > ,
Noon Saakin
«• *- d==H
* iM of ""

** **

9 C > 9 5 t

Note: There is a Shaddah above the Raa & Lam. This is called a
complete Idghaam as the Ghunnah of the Noon Saakin is not

The Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween

3- Iqlaab (Qalb) ul - vili

Iqlaab means to convert or change

Iqlaab letter:
Method of pronunciation:
If a Noon Saakin or Tanween is followed by " <_j ", it is
converted into Meem and the reciter should make
Sign in the Quran:-O

Examples of Iq|laab
Read Written

£ ^ ^ £ ^ "
0441 01241
Noon Saakin
(One Word) f

9 x *^ r
Noon Saakin - ♦ - ^ b*
(Two Words) £ * _5
<o» **

Is* " " "t Is* " ir
Jua| IJLOO lJual
-- * -- ♦
The Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween

4- Ikhfaa *\&\

Ikhfaa means to hide

Ikhfaa letters: Any letter other than the letters of Izhaar,

Iqlaab or Idghaam.

Method of pronunciation:
If any letter other than the letters of Izhaar, Iqlaab or
Idghaam follows Noon Saakin or Tanween, the reciter
should hide the Noon Saakin and make Ghunnah.
If the Noon Saakin or Tanween is followed by a heavy
letter (Ja* ), the sound of Ghunnah should also be
heavy. If the Noon Saakin or Tanween is followed by a
light letter, the sound of Ghunnah should also be light.
JL? /
Sign in the Quran: — --^

In order to pronounce the Ikhfaa correctly, place your

tongue at the point of articulation of the Ikhfaa letter and
pronounce the Ghunnah.

The Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween

Examples of Ikhfaa
„ Noon Saakin
Tanween (One/two words)
’.l \ o
^ a3
Susu* fj/ d>

<Cob o*^3 JCL£*

* jp - ♦

t^\% O*
9 ' M.' ' A
JuJji cjIJlC. \ >. !•* a"

£S>\L*^> J*

\jL} Js.
. jy, X l3
lH ^

^ *2a3

5l? ^tr i

J5^ J
f " JJ» ' ' -.u
Jy^ £

The Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween

Important Points
1- Avoid placing the tongue at the point of articulation of
the Noon while pronouncing the Ghunnah. The reciter
should place his tongue at the point of articulation of the
Ikhfaa letter.

2- Avoid prolonging the harakah of the letter before the

Noon as in the reciter should avoid pro¬
longing the Kasrah or the Fathah.

3- When the letter before the Noon Saakin has Dhammah,

the reciter should make the Ghunnah in the state of
Sukoon (without making Dhammah) as in

4- The Ghunnah should be heavy if Noon Saakin or

Tanween is followed by a heavy letter, and it should be
light if Noon Saakin or Tanween is followed by a light

Find the rules of Noon Saakin & Tanween in the
following Ayahs then read the Ayahs

:Jbu«dJI Jls

<_ail j-xlil aAiJ

IjiuL^jJ AJoo S&"

c-j jS o! ^-4^1

li[ lllc-
^ ^ ^

„ * s't*1" '
(^yO •XSvta^-ij ^

1jL<v 9
J I LajJ LjJ 1jl li

(“^=4^ Oi pfr>l

111 filijidljj

The Rules of Meem Saakin
Meem Saakin: A Meem without Harakah (f ) or a Meem
with a Sukoon. (f)

The Rules of Meem Saakin

1- Ikhfaa Shafawi
2- Idghaam Shafawi
3- Izhaar Shafawi

1- Ikhfaa Shafawi
Ikhfaa means to hide.

The letter of Ikhfaa Shafawi: lj

Method of pronunciation:
If the Meem Saakin is followed by the reader should
hide the Meem and pronounce it with Ghunnah. This
should be in two words.

It is called Shafawi because it is pronounced from the

lips. The word Shafawi refers to lips in Arabic.

Examples of Ikhfaa Shafawi

The Rules of Meem Saakin

2- Idghaam Shafawi
Idghaam Shafawi means to merge.

The letter of Idghaam Shafawi: ^

Method of pronunciation:
If Meem Saakin is followed by then Meem Saakin
will merge with the next Meem and will be pronounced
with Ghunnah. This should be in two separate words.

The Meem after Meem Saakin should have Shaddah (“')

Examples of Idghaam Shafawi

cyt f-v.)
X /"
«* .
✓ 9

Ik *


The Rules of Meem Saakin

3- Izhaar Shafawi ji^ki

Izhaar Shafawi means to make clear.

The letters of Izhaar Shafawi:

All the letters other than "<_j - ^"

Method of pronunciation:
If the Meem Saakin is followed by any letter other than
- f", it has to be pronounced clearly without

Examples of Izhaar Shafawi

Note: In case of Izhaar Shafawi, the Meem Saakin will have

a Sukoon above it.

The Rules of Noon and
Meem Mushaddad
If a Meem or a Noon has a Shaddah, the reciter must make

Examples of Noon and Meem Mushaddad

< 9 0

^ ♦ 1**

>4 -



Note: If the reciter stops on a word ending with a Noon or a

Meem Mushaddad, Gunnah should be pronounced.

Find the rules of Meem Saakin, Noon and Meem
Mushaddad in the following Ayahs then read the
:JUj-aU! Jls

J4 fjj
> Zs

a > a

V Y»-
Y> v


> a

» ^ » * Z*
(3 ^

V? p44


Second Section
Laam Shamsiyyah & Qamariyyah

A Vjannat
Laam Shamsiyyah & Qamariyyah
There are two rules for ( J ) when the definite article ( Jl)
is attached to an indefinite word.
1- Izhaar
2- Idgaam

Laam Qamariyyah
Rule: Izhaar which means to make clear.
Izhaar Letters: iolLai'j
Method of pronunciation: If Laam Saakin is followed by
one of the letters above, then Laam is pronounced. The
Alif 0) in the definite article becomes Hamza-tul-WasI, it is
pronounced with Fathah at the beginning of the word
but it is not pronounced when joining the words.

Examples of Laam Qamariyyah

When preceded At the beginning When preceded At the beginning
by a word or a letter of a word by a word or a letter of a word

✓ **

[ o ./->■» 1
/A* %
*♦ ix x ^ *
Laam Shamsiyyah & Qamariyyah

Laam Shamsiyyah
Rule: Idghaam which means to merge

Idghaam Letters: The rest of the letters.

ULjCi) jj (jJo 1 $** IS l-Qjo jh3 Juo
The first letter in every word in this couplet.

Method of pronunciation: If Laam Saakin is followed by one

of these letters, then the Laam is not pronounced and the
letter after Laam will have Shaddah. The Alif (0 in the
definite article is called Hamza-tul-WasI, it is pronounced
with Fathah at the beginning of the word but not
pronounced when joining the words.

Examples of Laam Shamsiyyah

When preceded At the beginning When preceded At the beginning
by a word or a letter of a word by a word or a letter of a word

> » S' t'f"

oJtsaff* f*Stf
✓ ^ ✓ ^
^ O' 4 |

JAP' oylJl (j
. r -si f


Find the rules of Laam Shamsiyyah & Qamariyyah in

the following words

4-«—1ft] i j.: g.n

p- 9.^
3 JJ>H\

UJ r6 /^
3 C-olL dUj%
^ ? ‘‘'t j ^ >
\Ji AJLa

Qalqalah means: Making an echo or jerking sound at the
articulation point of the letter.

The letters of Qalqalah: x*

Method of pronunciation:

If any of the letters from x* are Saakin (either the letter

has a Sukoon or is Saakin because of stopping), the reciter

should make Qalqalah.

Examples of Qalqalah

* 9 ^

^ 9 ' t
0 djj-x

^ *94 . 0 9"

0 \jLAJ

9 *

0 jit


Types of Qalqalah:

1- Minor (Sughra) ja 'iLiia

This occurs when the letter of Qalqalah is in the middle of a
word, or at the end of a word that you are not stopping on.


2- Medium (Wusta) ^-3 Aisii

This occurs when the letter of Qalqalah is at the end of a word,
the letter of Qalqalah doesn't have Shaddah and you are
stopping on that word.

Example: $A\ - 3

3- Major (Kubra) j j^
This occurs when the letter of Qalqalah is at the end of a word,
the letter of Qalqalah has Shaddah and you are stopping on
that word.

jj *v

Example: - ^>JLi

Note: The sound of the Major Qalqalah is clearer than that of

the Meduim Qalqalah and the sound of the Medium Qalqalah
is clearer than that of the Minor Qalqalah.


Find the Qalqalah and read the words

:JUj-a13! Jls
» C»^
\ Y>-

ijls jj£\
4^1Jj &Jj
. £
O^ior^J '>1
^ ^ >
4 > * X

Uoljolj \Ij__o l_L>-^>-l jJj OjJ-^i

^g-o ^ ^=3 * 4J41 j#5

^^j4jli 4<v*)a > (j-aJ


Third Section


A Vjannat
Madd means lengthening the sound due to one of the
letters of Madd.

All the madd rules are built upon the 3 basic Madd letters:
1- Alif \ preceded by a Fathah ( — ), as
2- Yaa Saakin j preceded by a Kasrah ( — ), as
3- Waaw Saakin 3 preceded by a Dhammah (—), as

Types of Madd
1- Natural Madd (Tabee'ee)

2- Secondary Madd (Far'ee) j-o-II

It is divided into two groups.

The Madd due to Hamza

1- Madd-ul-Muttasil J “ q —II o I)
2- Madd-ul-Munfasil J A « -LI A O II
3- Madd-ul-Badal Jj-ji ^_ji

The Madd due to Sukoon

1- Madd-ul-Lazim ^pui
2- Madd-ul-Aridh Li-Sukoon j0S-jjJJ ^LsJi ^o_ii
3- Madd-ul-Leen jjji j_«_n


1 - The Natural Madd (Tabee'ee) w»::uti .^i

The Natural Madd is one of the Madd letters 1, 3, ij not
followed by a Hamzah ( * ) or a Saakin letter.

It is prolonged 2 Harakas.

Examples of Natural Madd

J 4 *

O "

When you stop on a word that has fathatain above the last
letter, only one fathah and Alif will be pronounced. This Madd is
called Madd Ewad. Juo (I)

*\ja fiXL A_,LCUd \jjLL

(0 No Madd is pronounced if the word ends by Taa

If you stop on Taa Marboutah, it will be pronounced
Haa, example: j


2- Secondary Madd (Far'ee) JooJI

The Madd due to Hamza

1- Madd-ul-Muttasil j^_ji
If a letter of Madd is followed by a Hamzah ( * ) which is

present in the same word, the reader should prolong the

Madd 4 or 5 Harakas. This Madd is obligatory.

Sign in the Quran:



9 y



2- Secondary Madd (Far'ee) y-


The Madd due to Hamza

2- Madd-ul-Munfasil \\

If a letter of Madd is at the end of a word and is followed

by a Hamzah ( ) which is present at the beginning of the

next word, the reader should prolong the Madd 4 or 5

Haraka's. Madd for 2 Harakas (Natural Madd) is

pronounced when stopping on the letter of madd. This

Madd is optional.
Sign in the Quran:



2- Secondary Madd (Far'ee) ji-


The Madd due to Hamza

Differences between Madd-ul-Muttasil & Madd-ul-


1- Madd-ul-Muttasil is present in one word.

Madd-ul-Munfasil is present in two separate words.

2- Madd-ul-Muttasil is present when stopping on the

Madd and when joining the words.

Madd-ul-Munfasil is only present when joining the


3- Madd-ul-Muttasil is obligatory.

Madd-ul-Munfasil is optional.


2- Secondary Madd (Far'ee) ^^J\


The Madd due to Hamza

3- Madd-ul-Badal j^_ji

If a letter of Madd is preceeded by Hamza ( * ) and not

followed by a Hamza or a Saakin letter, then the letter of

Madd will be prolonged two Harakas.


** is* S


> f >



2- Secondary Madd (Far'ee) ^j^\


The Madd due to Sukoon

1- Madd-ul-Aridh Li-Sukoon iJl

If a letter of Madd is followed by a letter at the end of a
word which is Saakin temporarily, because the reader has

to stop on the word, the reader should prolong the Madd

to be Madd Aridh Li-Sukoon.

Madd Aridh Li-Sukoon can be prolonged 2, 4 or 6 Harakas.


•4 _ 1
<J -0-_i

9C. 9 *

• *

Note: This Madd only exists if the reader stops on a word.


2- Secondary Madd (Far'ee) ^^


The Madd due to Sukoon

2- Madd-ul-Leen jjlUI

The Leen letters: Waaw ( 3) & Yaa ( j?) Saakin preceded by

a letter with Fathah ( - ).

If one of the Leen letters is followed by a letter at the end

of a word which is Saakin due to stopping, the reader

should prolong the Leen letter 2, 4 or 6 Harakas.

. 9 9*'

'9' ^ 9*

A9 *
'-fy ♦ •* ♦

Note: This Madd only exists if the reader stops on a word.


2- Secondary Madd (Far'ee) y-


The Madd due to Sukoon

3- Madd-ul-Lazim ^Ul j^cJI

If a letter of Madd is followed by an original Sukoon (not
due to stopping), or a Mushaddad letter, the reciter should
prolong the Madd 6 Harakas.

Types of Madd Lazim

1- Madd Lazim Kalimee 2- Madd Lazim Harfee
a- Muthaqqal a- Muthaqqal
b- Mukhaffaf b- Mukhaffaf

Madd Lazim Kalimee Muthaqqal J-ilo ^

If a letter of Madd is followed by a Mushaddad letter which
is present in the same word, the reciter should prolong the
Madd 6 Harakas.
^ Z» ^

Madd Lazim Kalimee Mukhaffaf > aa o ^g-LS* ^

If a letter of Madd is followed by an
original Sukoon (not due to stopping)
which is present in the same word, the
reciter should prolong the Madd 6
Harakas. There is only one word in the
Quran with this type of Madd.

2- Secondary Madd (Far'ee) ^


The Madd due to Sukoon

Madd Lazim Harfee^^JI ^y_ll j^JI

There are 14 independent letters that occur in the Quran
at the beginning of some Surahs. The mnemonic for these
letters is as follows: ^ 4J jLbll jLs
These letters are attached to each other like ordinary
words. However the individual letters have to be pro¬
nounced by reading out their respective names. Some of
these letters are prolonged 6 Harakas, they are:

Madd Lazim Harfee Muthaqqal Jiio ^x*

If a letter of Madd is followed by a Mushaddad letter, the
reader should prolong the Madd letter 6 Harakas.

Read Written Read Written

a) pJi
^ ^ jS\ Jo*. M

Note: There are 5 five letters that are prolonged 2 Harakas,

these letters are: Example: ah pronounced as li li
(1) The Alif is not prolonged.


2- Secondary Madd (Far'ee) ^x**J\


The Madd due to Sukoon

Madd Lazim Harfee Mukhaffaf v i&k*

If a letter of Madd is followed by a Saakin letter, the reader
should prolong the Madd 6 Harakas.
The letter ^can be prolonged either 4 or 6 Harakas as the
middle letter ^ is a letter of Leen. The preference is to be
prolonged 6 Harakas. This occurs in Surah Maryam and

Read Written Read Written

> ✓

!5 f^ (J

L-5'-9 Cy-sP" \j ft JS\


Find the rules of Al-Madd then read the words

04^1 O^J jXkZ,

—o &p%

j>' jJI \\x>j

(wA^vallj djiiU
a^=pjLL1S 1j
^ ^ ^
\JoIp- \jo^ £■ 1


4 V _>d


Fourth Section

Heavy and Light Letters

Signs of Stopping

A Vjannat
Heavy and Light Letters
There are three types of Arabic letters regarding the
heaviness and lightness.

1- Heavy letters: Jai Jax-o

Method of pronunciation:
The reciter should raise the back of the tongue when
pronouncing these letters.

2- Light letters: All the other letters except j <. 1 &

J of the word Allah
Method of pronunciation:
The reciter should lower the back of the tongue when
pronouncing these letters.

3- Letters that are sometimes light and

sometimes heavy.
Alif Madd: It depends on the preceding letter. If the
letter before Alif Madd is light, Alif Madd should be
pronounced light.
But if the letter before Alif Madd is heavy, then Alif
Madd should be prounounced heavy.
Heavy and Light Letters

Examples of Alif Madd

Laam in the word Allah

If the word Allah is preceded by a letter with a Fathah or a

Dhammah.then the J in the word Allah will be pronounced
with a full mouth (heavy).
If it is preceded by a letter with a Kasrah.then the J will be
pronounced with an empty mouth (light).
The Rules of Raa

Raa is pronounced with a full mouth (Heavy) in 4 cases:

1- If the Raa has a Fathah or Dhammah above it.

lbj JLSL9

2- If the Raa is Saakin and there is a Fathah or

Dhammah above the previous letter.

JL s' > ^

The Rules of Raa

Raa is pronounced with a full mouth (Heavy) in 4 cases:

3- If the Raa is Saakin or Saakin because of stopping,
and the previous letter is Saakin, and the letter
preceding the Saakin letter has a Fathah or Dhammah,
or if there is Alif or Waaw before the Raa.


4- If the Raa is Saakin and is preceded by Hamzatul-

Wasl which will be pronounced with Kasrah.


The Rules of Raa

Raa is pronounced with an empty mouth (light) in 4 cases:

1- If the Raa has a kasrah.

* *


2- If the Raa is Saakin or Saakin because of stopping

and the letter before it has a Kasrah.


The Rules of Raa

Raa is pronounced with an empty mouth (light) in 4 cases:

3- If the Raa is Saakin or Saakin because of stopping
and the previous letter is Saakin and the letter
preceding the Saakin letter has a Kasrah.


4- If the Raa is Saakin or Saakin because of stopping,

and there is Yaa Madd or Yaa Leen before the Raa.


The Rules of Raa
The Raa will be pronounced with a full mouth (heavy) if it is
Saakin and the letter before it has a Kasrah, and the Raa
Saakin is followed by one of the heavy letters. This occurs
in 5 words in the Quran.





(21:78) LuJI ijyji

(107:14) iSUjij s'

The Rules of Raa
There are some words where the Raa can be pronounced
with either a full mouth (heavy) or with an empty mouth (light).

When stopping on these words, the Raa can be

pronounced with a full mouth (heavy) or with an
empty mouth (light) but the preference is to
pronounce it with an empty mouth (light).
* .*
(77:20) dJs >1 o'
(52:26) f!


(12:34) Ij—wo JLaJI (81:11) j^Xs

(65:15) s'


«• > ♦
.16:54) {{'
s?>e (39 37 30 .21 .18

When stopping on this word, the Raa can be

pronounced with a full mouth (heavy) or with an
empty mouth (light) but the preference is to
pronounce it with a full mouth (heavy).

(87;10) (99 21:12)



Find the rules of the Raa then read the words

» i " »f

c 9 *0

o_)\ 'j^=

l>p' «
0 > .*
) ♦>

-»»" ^ S- 9.J>


Signs of Stopping

Compulsory stop fjkii Jd'J]

—0 The reciter has to stop. Continuation is


The preference is to stop jjl Jspi

The preference is to continue jjl j^ii

£ The reciter has the choice to either stop or


# •

# %
The reciter can stop at either of the points but
not both

V It is not permissible to stop.

L>° os-. It is obligatory for the reciter to pause

The sign ft indicates that there is Sajda which

is Sunnah. The sign
explains the reason why we have to make
( n

Sajda occurred 14 times in the Quran:

Surah 7:206, Surah 13:15, Surah 16:49, Surah
17:107, Surah 19:58, Surah 22:77, Surah 25:60,
Surah 27:25, Surah 32:15, Surah 38:24, Surah
41:37, Surah 53:59, Surah 84:21, Surah 96:19.

© Dina Essam 2014
All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, amended, distributed, or transmitted

in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other
methods, without the prior written permission of the author.

The work is registered with UK Copyright Services.


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