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Module 2

2A: Single Phase Circuits: Analysis, with phasor diagram, of circuits with R, L, C, R-
L, RC, R-L-C for series and parallel configurations. Real power, reactive power,
apparent power and power factor.
2B: Three Phase circuits: Advantages of 3-phase power, Generation of 3-phase power,
Three-phase balanced circuits, and voltage and current relations in star and delta
connections. Measurements of three phase power using two wattmeter methods.
From fundamentals show that current through the resistance is in phase with voltage across it
and also prove that power consumed by resistance is given by
P = V I Watts

Fig.2.1 Fig.2.2
Consider an AC circuit with a pure resistance R as shown in the figure 2.1. The alternating voltage

The current flowing in the circuit is i. The voltage across the resistor is given as VR which is the same
as �. Using ohms law,

From equation (1) and (2) it is clear that in a pure resistive circuit, the voltage and current are in
phase. Hence the voltage and current waveforms and phasor can be drawn as shown in the fig.2.2.
Instantaneous power

The instantaneous power consists of two terms. The first term is called as the constant power term
and the second term is called as the fluctuating power term.
Average power

As seen above the average power is the product of the rms voltage and the rms current.The voltage,
current and power waveforms of a purely resistive circuit is as shown in the figure2.3.

As seen from the waveform, the instantaneous power is always positive meaning that the power
always flows from the source to the load.

From fundamentals show that current through the inductance is lagging by an angle π / 2
radians ( i e 900 ) w.r.t. the voltage across it. Also prove that power consumed by pure
inductance is zero.


Consider an AC circuit with a pure inductance L as shown in the figure.2.4. The alternating supply
voltage ,

The current flowing in the circuit is i. The voltage across the inductor is given as VL which is the
same as v.
Inductive reactance XL ( It is equivalent to resistance in a resistive circuit. The unit is ohms.

From equation (1) and (2) we observe that in a pure inductive circuit, the current lags behind the
voltage by 900 as shown in the fig.2.5

Fig.2.5 Fig.2.6

Instantaneous power

Average Power

Hence the power absorbed in a pure inductive circuit is zero.

As seen from fig.2.6 in the power waveform, the instantaneous power is alternately positive and
negative. When the power is positive, the power flows from the source to the inductor and when the
power in negative, the power flows from the inductor to the source. The positive power is equal to the
negative power and hence the average power in the circuit is equal to zero. The power just flows
between the source and the inductor, but the inductor does not consume any power.

From fundamentals show that current through the capacitance is leading by an angle π / 2
radians ( i e 900 ) w.r.t. the voltage across it. Also prove that power consumed by pure
capacitance is zero.


Consider an AC circuit with a pure capacitance C as shown in the figure.2.7. The alternating voltage
v is given by

The current flowing in the circuit is i. The voltage across the capacitor is given as VC which is the
same as v. The current through the capacitor as follows
From equation (1) and (2) we observe that in a pure capacitive circuit, the current leads the voltage by
90⁰ . Hence the voltage and current waveforms and phasors can be drawn as below in the fig.2.8.


Capacitive reactance
The capacitive reactance XC is given as It is equivalent to resistance in a resistive circuit. The unit is

Instantaneous power
The instantaneous power in the above circuit can be derived as follows

As seen from the above equation, the instantaneous power is fluctuating in nature.
Average power
From the instantaneous power we can find the average power over one cycle as follows

The average power in a pure capacitive circuit is zero. Or in other words, the power consumed by a
pure capacitance is zero.
The voltage, current and power waveforms of a purely capacitive circuit is as shown in the figure2.9.

As seen from the power waveform in fig.2.9, the instantaneous power is alternately positive and
negative. When the power is positive, the power flows from the source to the capacitor and when the
power in negative, the power flows from the capacitor to the source. The positive power is equal to
the negative power and hence the average power in the circuit is equal to zero. The power just flows
between the source and the capacitor, but the capacitor does not consume any power.
From fundamentals show that power in series RL circuit when excited by alternating voltage is
given by P = V I CosΦ Watts

Consider an a.c. circuit containing a pure resistance R ohms and a pure inductance of L henrys as
shown in fig 2.10.

The alternating voltage v is given by :

The current flowing in the circuit is I. The voltage across the resistor is VR and that across the
inductor is VL.
VR = IR is in phase with I.
VL = IXL leads current by 90 degrees.
The phasor diagram is shown in figure2.11. The current I is taken as the reference phasor. The
voltage VR is in phase with I and the voltage VL leads the current by 900. The resultant voltage V can
be drawn as shown in the figure. From the phasor diagram we observe that the voltage leads the
current by an angle ɸ or in other words the current lags behind the voltage by an angle ɸ.

The waveform for an RL series circuit is shown below in the fig.2.12.


Instantaneous power

Average power
From the instantaneous power we can find the average power over one cycle as follows
Power Factor
The power factor in an AC circuit is defined as the cosine of the angle between voltage and current

Classify the types of power in AC circuit

In an AC circuit, the various powers can be classified as
1. Real or Active power
2. Reactive power
3. Apparent power
Real or active power in an AC circuit is the power that does useful work in the circuit. Reactive
power flows in an AC circuit but does not do any useful work. Apparent power is the total power in
an AC circuit.
Real Power
The power due to the active component of current is called as the active power or real power. It is
denoted by P.
P = V I CosΦ = I2R
Real power is the power that does useful power. It is the power that is consumed by the resistance.
The unit for real power in Watt (W).
Reactive Power
The power due to the reactive component of current is called as the reactive power. It is denoted by
Q = V I SinΦ = I2XL
Reactive power does not do any useful work. It is the circulating power in the L and C components.
The unit for reactive power is Volt Amperes Reactive (VAR).

Apparent Power
The apparent power is the total power in the circuit. It is denoted by S.
S = VI = I2Z
The unit for apparent power is Volt Amperes (VA).
Power Triangle
The power triangle is right angled triangle with P and Q as two sides and S as the hypotenuse. The
angle between the base and hypotenuse is ɸ as shown in the fig.2.13.

From fundamentals show that power in series RC circuit when excited by alternating voltage is
given by P = V I CosΦ Watts.

Consider an a.c. circuit containing a pure resistance R ohms and a pure capacitance of C Farad as
shown in fig 2.14.

The alternating voltage v is given by � = ��

The current flowing in the circuit is I. The voltage across the resistor is VR and that across the
capacitor is VC.
VR=IR is in phase with I
VC=IXC lags current by 90 degrees
The phasor diagram is shown in figure.2.15


The current I is taken as the reference phasor. The voltage VR is in phase with I and the voltage VC
lags the current by 900. The resultant voltage V can be drawn as shown in the figure.2.15. From the
phasor diagram we observe that the voltage lags the current by an angle Φ or in other words the
current leads the voltage by an angle Φ.
The waveform for an RC series circuit is shown below in the fig.2.16


Instantaneous power

Average power
From the instantaneous power we can find the average power over one cycle as follows
Power Factor
The power factor in an AC circuit is defined as the cosine of the angle between voltage and current

i. e,
Explain the series RLC circuit for the following cases when
(a) XL > XC, (b) XL < XC and (c) XL = XC

Consider an AC circuit with a resistance R, an inductance L and a capacitance C connected in series
as shown in the figure2.17. The alternating voltage � is given by
� = ��
The current flowing in the circuit is I. The voltage across the resistor is VR, the voltage across the
inductor is VL and that across the capacitor is VC.
VR = IR is in phase with I
VL = IXL leads the current by 90 degrees
VC = IXC lags behind the current by 90 degrees
With the above information, the phasor diagram can be drawn as shown in the fig.2.18. The
current I is taken as the reference phasor. The voltage VR is in phase with I, the voltage VL leads the
current by 90° and the voltage VC lags behind the current by 90°. There are two cases that can occur
VL>VC and VL<VC depending on the values of XL and XC and hence there are two possible phasor
diagrams. The phasor �� − �� or �� − �� is drawn and then the resultant voltage � is drawn.
From the phasor diagram we observe that when VL>VC, the voltage leads the current by an angle Φ or
in other words the current lags behind the voltage by an angle Φ. When V L< VC, the voltage lags
behind the current by an angle Φ or in other words the current leads the voltage by an angle Φ.
From the phasor diagram, the expressions for the resultant voltage V and the angle ɸ can be derived as

From the expression for phase angle, we can derive the following three cases
Case (i): When XL>XC
The phase angle Φ is positive and the circuit is inductive. The circuit behaves like a series RL circuit.
Case (ii): When XL<XC
The phase angle Φ is negative and the circuit is capacitive. The circuit behaves like a series RC
Case (iii): When XL=XC
The phase angle Φ = 0 and the circuit is purely resistive. The circuit behaves like a pure resistive
The voltage and the current can be represented by the following equations. The angle Φ is positive or
negative depending on the circuit elements.

Hence the power in an RLC series circuit is consumed only in the resistance. The inductance and the
capacitance do not consume any power.

What is the significance of power factor?

Power factor is defined as the cosine of angle between the applied voltage and the current flowing
through the circuit.
Power factor is also defined as the ratio of active power to apparent power or the ratio of resistance to
impedance in a circuit.
Power factor is just a numerical value, but signifies the nature of the circuit, i.e., whether the
equivalent circuit is resistive, inductive or capacitive.

Power factor expressed as lagging or leading. Lagging power factor means that the current is lagging
with respect to voltage and the circuit is inductive in nature. In case of leading power factor, the
current leads the voltage and the circuit is capacitive.

Active power component should be as large as possible because this component does useful work in
the circuit. This is possible only for smaller phase angle ( i.e. greater power factor ). For this reason
the power factor of the circuit to be as near to 1 as possible.

2.1 An alternating current i is given by i = 141.4 sin 314t Find i) The maximum value
ii) Frequency
iii) Time Period
iv) The instantaneous value when t=3ms
i =141.4 sin 314t
i= I m sin ωt
i)Maximum value Im=141.4 V
ii)ω = 314 rad/sec
iii) T=1/f = 0.02 sec
iv) i=141.4 sin(314x0.003) = 114.35A

2.2 An ac circuit consists of a pure resistance of 10 and is connected to an ac supply of 230 V, 50 Hz.

Calculate the (i) current (ii) power consumed and (iii) equations for voltage and current.

(i)I = V/R = 230/10 = 23A

(ii)P = VI = 230 × 23 = 5260W

(iii)Vm = 2V = 325.27V

I m = 2I = 32.52 A
ω = 2πf = 314rad / sec
v = 325.25 sin 314t V
i = 32.52 Sin314t A
2.3 Two similar capacitors are connected in series and a voltage with an instantaneous value of
e=100sin314t is applied. Calculate the capacitance of each capacitor if the rms current taken by
the combination is 0.6A.


2.4 A voltage of 100V at 50 Hz is applied to a RL series circuit. The current in the circuit is 5A
lagging behind the voltage by 35°.write the expression for the current and the voltage.
RMS value of applied voltage V = 100V
Maximum value of applied voltage Vm = √2 V = 1.414 V
RMS value of current in the circuit I = 5A
Maximum value of current in the circuit Imax = √2I = 7.1A
Frequency Ф=50Hz
ω = 2∏f = 2∏*50 = 314
Expression for voltage V = VmSin ωt = 141.4Sin 314t
Current lags behind the voltage by an angle Ф=35°
Expression for current, i = ImSin(ωt- Ф) = 7.1 Sin(314t-35°)

2.5 A series circuit with R=10Ω , L=50mH and C= 100µF is supplied with 200V, 50Hz. Find i)
the impedance ii) current iii) power and iv) power factor.
Important Problems:
1. An inductive coil takes 10A and dissipates 1000W , when connected to a supply of 250V ,
50Hz. Calculate the inductance of the choke coil.
2. A coil of resistance 8Ω and inductance 15mH is connected in series with a capacitor of
capacitance 150µ F , across a supply of 200v, 50Hz. Calculate i) the impedance of the circuit
ii) the current and iii) power consumed.
3. Two impedances (4+j10)Ω and (6+j4) Ω are connected in parallel across an ac supply and
dissipates 600 W. Calculate the power taken when the impedances are connected in series
across the same supply.
Phase is a winding or circuit. Single phase system is a system with one phase A System with more
than one phase are called Poly phase systems. A Poly phase system contains two or more AC voltage
sources of the same frequency. The source voltages have a fixed phase angle difference between
them. The most widely used poly phase system is the 3 three phase system. Three phase systems are
commonly used for the generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electric energy.

Advantages of Three Phase System

A three-phase AC system consists of three-phase generators, transmission lines, and loads

It is also used to power large motors and other heavy loads.

A three-wire three-phase circuit is usually more economical than an equivalent two-wire single-
phase circuit

This is because it uses less conductor material to transmit a given amount of electrical power.

The output of three phase machine is always greater than single phase machine of same size,
approximately 1.5 times. So for a given size and voltage a three phase alternator occupies less
space and has less cost than single phase winding having same rating

It is possible to produce rotating magnetic field with stationary coils by using three phase
system. Hence three phase motors are self starting.

Three phase system give steady output.

The system is said to be balanced when the various voltages are equal in magnitude, the various
currents are equal in magnitude and the phase angles are the same for each phase

An m phase system consists of voltage sources which conventionally consists of m voltages

substantially equal in magnitude and successively displaced by a phase angle of 360 0/ m, For 3 phase
system, m = 3, Phase angle = 360 / 3 = 1200
Three Phase EMF Generation: - A 3 phase system has voltage sources which conventionally
consists of three voltages equal in magnitude and displaced by phase angle of 1200


When three identical coils are placed with their axes at 120 0 apart from each and rotated in a uniform
magnetic field, a sinusoidal voltage is generated across each coil. Electrical displacement = 360 0/m =
360 0/3 = 120 0 where m = number of phases.

Consider a 3 phase, 2 Pole Alternator as shown in the fig.2.19. It has three sets of coils aa‟, bb‟ and
cc‟ symmetrically spaced such that their axes are 120 0 apart from each other. When the rotor is
rotated in the anticlockwise direction at a constant angular velocity ω rad/sec at a sinusoidal voltage is
generated across each coil. Generated emf have the same frequency.

The coils are identical; the generated voltages have the same magnitudes.

The generated voltages in the coils are given by

Voltage vaa‟ = VmSinwt

Voltage vbb‟ = Vm Sin(wt – 120 0)

Voltage vcc‟= Vm Sin(wt – 240 0)

OR Voltage vcc‟ = Vm Sin(ωt + 120 0)

In a balanced 3 phase system, vaa‟+vbb‟+vcc‟=0

In Polar form, Vaa‟ = V L0 0

Vbb‟ = V L-120 0

Vcc‟ = V L-240 0= V L120 0

Phase Sequence


From the waveforms shown in the fig.2.20, Vaa‟ leads Vbb‟ by 1200Also Vbb‟ leads Vcc‟ by
1200.Also the three voltages reach their positive maximum values in the order Vaa‟, Vbb‟, Vcc‟. The
order in which the phase voltages reach their maximum values is called the phase sequence.
Phase rotation, or phase sequence, is the order in which the voltage waveforms of a polyphase AC
source reach their respective peaks. For a three-phase system, there are only two possible phase
sequences: a b c and c b a. If the three coils are rotated in the anticlockwise direction, the phase
sequence is abc. f the rotor is rotated in the clockwise direction; the voltages reach their positive
maximum values in the order Vcc‟ Vbb‟ Vaa‟. Therefore the phase sequence is cba or acb

Thus the phase sequence is determined by the direction of rotation. In practice, the three phases are
represented by the three colors Red, Yellow and Blue. The two possible phase sequences are RYB or
RBY. By convention RYB phase sequence (ABC) is taken as positive.RBY phase sequence(ACB) is
taken as negative.
Types of Three phase Systems
The number of connecting wires maybe reduced by the interconnection of the three phases to form a
single 3 phase AC source. This results in saving of copper. The general methods of Interconnection
are: 1.Star(Wye or Y) Connection
2. Delta(Mesh) Connection
Star(Y) Connection
In this type of interconnection, similar ends(Starting ends or Finish) ends are connected together to
form the neutral point.Star connection is obtained by connecting similar ends of the three coils either
“starting or finishing.The other ends are joined to the line wires. The common point is called the
neutral or Star Point, which is represented by N. Star connection is also called Three Phase 4 wires (3-
Phase, 4-Wires) system as shown in the fig.2.21

3 phase, 4 wire system


3 phase, 3 wire Star Connected System

Relation between Line Voltage and Phase Voltage

For a 3phase, 3 wire system

This is a balanced 3 phase system with its phase and Line voltages as shown in the fig.2.22. The
potential difference between any line terms that is the line voltage is the phasor difference between
the phasor voltages of these terminals.



From the phasor diagram in fig.2.23, VRY = 2 X VR X Cos 30

= 2 X Vph X √3 / 2

= √3 Vph

VYB = EY – EB = √3 Vph

VBR = EB – ER = √3 Vph

For a balanced 3 phase system, VRY = VYB = VBR = VL

VL = √3 Vph

Hence in a Y – connected system, line voltage is √3 times the phase voltage.

Line Currents and Phase Currents in Star Connection

Each line is in series with individual phase winding, therefore, the value of line current is same as in
Phase windings to which the line is connected. i.e.;

Current in Line 1 = IR

Current in Line 2 =

IY Current in Line 3

= IB

Since, the flowing currents in all three lines are same, and the individual current in each line is
equal to the corresponding phase current, therefore;

IR = IY = IB = IPH …. The phase current

Line Current = Phase Current

IL = IPH Therefore, the value of Line Current and Phase Current is same in Star Connection.

Power in Star Connection

In a three phase AC circuit, the total True or Active power is the sum of the three phase
power. The sum of the all three phase powers is the Total Active or True Power

Total True or Active Power = 3 Phase Power

Power, P = 3 x VPH x IPH x CosФ where CosФ = power factor, Ф = Phase angle between VPH and

Here VL = √3 Vph

IL = Iph

Power, P = √3 x VL x IL x CosФ

Delta Connection

In this system of interconnection, the starting ends of the three phases or coils are connected to the
finishing ends of the coil. The starting end of the first coil is connected to the finishing end of the
second coil and so on. All three coils are connected in series to form a closed mesh or circuit as
shown in the fir.2.24.


Relation between Line Voltage and Phase Voltage in Delta Connection

There is only one phase winding between two terminals (i.e. there is one phase winding between two
wires). Therefore, in Delta Connection, the voltage between (any pair of) two lines is equal to the
phase voltage of the phase winding which is connected between two lines.

If the line voltage between

Line 1 and Line 2 = VRY

Line 2 and Line 3 = VYB

Line 3 and Line 1 = VBR

Then, we see that VRY leads VYB by 120° and VYB leads VBR by

120°. Let‟s suppose,

VRY = VYB = VBR = VL ....................... (Line Voltage)

Then VL = VPH

Relation between Line Current and Phase Current in Delta Connection

The total current of each Line is equal to the vector difference between two phase currents flowing
through that line. i.e.;

Current in Line 1= I1 = IR – IB

Current in Line 2 =I2 = IY – IR

Current in Line 3 =I3 = IB – IY

{Vector Difference}


From the fig.2.25 the current of Line 1 can be found by determining the vector difference between
IR and IB and we can do that by increasing the IB Vector in reverse, so that, IR and IB makes a
parallelogram. The diagonal of that parallelogram shows the vector difference of IR and IB which is
equal to Current in Line 1= I1. By reversing the vector of IB, it may indicate as (-IB), therefore, the
angle between IR and -IB (IB, when reversed = -IB) is 60°. If,IR = IY = IB = IPH …. The phase currents

The current flowing in Line 1 would be

IL or I1 = 2 x IPH x Cos (60°/2) = 2 x IPH x Cos 30°

= 2 x IPH x (√3/2) = √3 IPH (Since Cos 30° = √3/2)

i.e. In Delta Connection, The Line current is √3 times of Phase Current

Similarly, we can find the remaining two Line currents as same as above. i.e.,
I2 = IY – IR … Vector Difference = √3 IPH

I3 = IB – IY … Vector difference = √3 IPH

As, all the Line current are equal in magnitude

i.e. I1 = I2 = I3 = IL

Hence IL = √3 IPH

Power in Delta Connection

Power of each phase, Power / Phase = VPH x IPH x CosФ

Total Power = P = 3 x VPH x IPH x CosФ ….. (1)

We know that the values of Phase Current and Phase Voltage in Delta Connection;

IPH = IL //√3 ….. (From IL = √3 IPH), VPH = VL

Putting these values in power eq……. (1)

P = 3 x VL x ( IL/√3) x CosФ …… (IPH = IL / /√3)
P = √3 x√3 x VL x ( IL/√3) x CosФ …{ 3 = √3x√3 }
P = √3 x VLx IL x CosФ …

Power in Delta Connection, P = 3 x VPH x IPH x CosФ …. or

P = √3 x VL x IL x CosФ

Power measurement


The device used for Power measurement in any circuit is called a Wattmeter.A single phase
wattmeter consists of two coils. Fixed coil (current coil) and Movable coil or pressure coil(potential
coil). The current coil is of low resistance and is inserted in series with the line so that it carries the
line current.The movable coil is of high resistance and is connected like a voltmeter across the line.
Power read by the wattmeter, P= Current through its current coil x Voltage across pressure coil x
Cosine of the angle between the two.

Wattmeter reading, P = VI Cos φ

Power measurement in a Single phase system


Power measurement in a 3 phase load: Two wattmeter method of power measurement

Two Wattmeter Method can be employed to measure the power in a 3 phase, three wire star or delta
connected the balanced or unbalanced load. In Two wattmeter method the current coils of the
wattmeter are connected with any two lines, say R and Y and the potential coil of each wattmeter is
joined on the same line, the third line i.e. B as shown below in figure (A).

The total instantaneous power absorbed by the three loads Z1, Z2 and Z3, are equal to the sum of the
powers measured by the two wattmeters, W1 and W2.

Considering the above figure.2.27 in which Two Wattmeter W1 and W2 are connected, the
instantaneous current through the current coil of Wattmeter, W1 is given by the equation shown

Instantaneous potential difference across the potential coil of Wattmeter, W1 is given as

Instantaneous power measured by the Wattmeter, W1 is

The Instantaneous current through the current coil of Wattmeter, W2 is given by the equation

Instantaneous potential difference across the potential coil of Wattmeter, W2 is given as

Instantaneous power4 measured by the Wattmeter, W2 is

Therefore, the Total Power Measured by the Two Wattmeter W1 and W2 will be obtained by adding
the equation (1) and (2).

Where P- the total power absorbed in the three loads at any instant

Two Wattmeter Method – Balanced Load Condition

Referring Fig.2.27, the load is considered as an inductive load, and thus, the phasor diagram of the
inductive load is shown in the fig.2.28.


The three voltages VRN, VYN and VBN, are displaced by an angle of 120 degrees electrical as shown in
the phasor diagram. The phase current lag behind their respective phase voltages by an angle ϕ.

Now, the current flowing through the current coil of the Wattmeter, W1 will be given as

Potential difference across the pressure or potential coil of the Wattmeter, W1 will be
To obtain the value ob VYB, reverse Phasor VBN and add it to the phasor VYN as shown in the
phasor diagram above. The phase difference between VRE and IR is (30o-Ф)

Therefore, the power measured by the Wattmeter, W1 is

Current through the current coil of the Wattmeter, W2 is given as

Potential difference across the Wattmeter, W2 is

The phase difference VYB and IY (30o + Ф).

Therefore, the power measured by the Wattmeter, W2 is given by the equation shown below.

Since, the load is in balance condition, hence,

Therefore, the Wattmeter readings will be

Now, the sum of two Wattmeter readings will be given as

The above equation (1) gives the total power absorbed by a 3 phase balanced load.

Thus, the sum of the readings of two Wattmeter is equal to the power absorbed in a 3 phase balance

Determination of Power Factor from wattmeter Readings

As we know that,

Dividing equation (3) by equation (2) we get

Power factor of the load is given as

2.6 A balanced star connected load of (6+j8)Ω per phase is connected to a balanced 3-phase 440 V
supply. Find the line current, power factor, power consumed by the load.

Soln: Zph= 6+J8=10/_53.130

Vph= Vl/√3=440/√3=254.03V



Cosϕ=R/Z=6/10=0.6 lagging P=

P= √3*440*25.40*0.6


2.7 Three resistors are connected in delta across 3-phase 415V, 50 Hz supply. Find the line and phase
current, power consumed by the load.

Soln: Vph= Vl=415




P= √3VlILCosϕ

P= √3*415*7.188*1 (Cosϕ =1 as load is resistive)


2.8 Three similar coils each having resistance 10Ω and reactance 10 Ωconnected in star across 440
V, 3 phase supply. Find line current and reading of each of two wattmeters connected to measure

Soln: Vph= Vl/√3=440/√3=254.03V

IL=Iph (for star connection)

Zph= 10+J10=14.14/_450


= 17.96/_-450


W1=440*17.96 Cos(30-45)=7.633kw

W2=440*17.96 Cos(30+45)=2.04kw

Cross check: W1+W2=P= √3VlILCosϕ=9.67kw

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