Alternating Current-1
Alternating Current-1
Alternating Current-1
Alternating current
Current (or Voltage) that varies periodically with time is called an alternating
current (or voltage).
Instantaneous value of alternating current or voltage
The instantaneous value of an alternating voltage is given by
V = V0 sin
Where, V – alternating voltage at time t
V0 - peak value of alternating voltage.
Angular frequency AC
Peak value of AC
The maximum value attained by the current or voltage in either half of the cycle
is called the peak value.
Alternating voltage, V = V0 sin and
Alternating current, I = I0 sin
Where, V0 = NAB , peak value of voltage and
, peak value of current
Angular frequency
– frequency of alternating voltage
Mean value of average value of AC.
The average (mean) value of AC is the mean of the instantaneous values of AC
taken over half a cycle.
1. The relation between mean value and peak value of alternating current
Average (mean) value of voltage, and
Average (mean) value of current,
2. The average value of AC over one complete cycle is Zero. It is because positive
half cycle is exactly equal to the negative half cycle.
rms value or effective value of alternating current
The rms value of AC is defined as the root of the square of the instantaneous
values over a complete cycle.
1. The relation between rms value and peak value of alternating current
The rms value of voltage, Vrms = 0.707V0
The rms value of current, Irms =
2. Alternating voltage and current are represented by rotating vectors called
3. A diagram which represents the phase relationship between alternating voltage
and alternating current is called a phasor diagram.
- - - - - (2)
Where, , peak value of current
From equations (1) and (2), it is clear that the voltage and current are in phase
with each other.
Note: The phase difference between the alternating voltage and current in a
circuit containing pure resistance is 0.
( ) - - - - - - - - -(4)
Integrate on both sides
∫ ( )∫
( )( )
I ( )* ( )+ | ( )
( )
Where, ( ) peak value of current
From equations (1) and (5) it is clear that the current lags behind the applied
voltage by or 90°.
The phase relationship between that the current and voltage in an ac circuit
containing pure inductor is radian or 90°.
Inductive reactance
Inductive reactive is the opposition offered by an inductor to the flow of AC.
We have,
Inductive reactance is the ratio of rms value of voltage across the inductor to rms
value current through the inductor.
1. The S I unit of inductive reactance is ohm (Ω).
2. The inductive reactance is given by
( )
Where, , peak value of current.
( )
From equations (1) and (4) it is clear that the current leads the applied
voltage by .
The phase relationship between the current and voltage in an ac circuit
containing a pure capacitor is radian or 90°.
Capacitive reactance
Capacitive reactance is the opposition offered by a capacitor to the flow of AC.
We have,
( )
Capacitive reactance
Capacitive reactance is the ratio of the rms value of voltage across the capacitor
to the rms value of current through the capacitor.
1. The S I unit of capacitive reactance is ohm (Ω).
2. The capacitive reactance is given by
( )
1. The instantaneous current through a series LCR circuit is given by
( ) If
( ) If
2. If the circuit is inductive
3. If the circuit is capacitive
4. If , the circuit is resistive.
Impedance of an AC circuit
Impedance of an LCR series circuit is the effective opposition for the flow of AC
due to L, C and R together.
1. The SI unit of impedance is ohm (Ω)
2. Impedance of a series LCR circuit depends on
(i) Resistance of the circuit
(ii) Capacitance of the capacitor
(iii) Inductance of the inductor
(iv) Frequency of AC.
3. The expression for the phase difference between current and voltage in an
LCR circuit in terms of resistance and impedance.
This is the resonant frequency of a series LCR circuit.
Resonant frequency
Resonant frequency (f0) is the frequency of the applied AC at which the current
through the circuit is maximum.
The salient feature of series LCR circuit at resonance
1. Inductive reactance is equal to the capacitive reactance, i,e., .
2. Current in the circuit is maximum.
3. Circuit is purely resistive
4. Impedance is equal to the resistance in the circuit i.e., Z = R
5. Phase difference between the current and voltage is zero.
6. Power factor is unity, i.e., cos
7. Series resonant circuit is used in the tuning mechanism of a radio or a
television set.
8. The resonant frequency depends on
1. Inductance of an inductor 2. Capacitance of capacitor.
9. The resonant frequency of series LCR circuit is independent of resistance.
Expressions for Bandwidth and Quality Factor
Note: Sharpness of resonance:
A graph plotting between current and frequency of the applied AC voltage is
called resonance curve.
In LCR series circuit as the applied frequency is increased, the current increases
and becomes maximum at V = V0 and then decreases again.
The maximum current at V0 is given by
Since Zmin = R. Thus, smaller the value of R larger will be the Q-factor of the
circuit. i.e,. the sharpness of resonance is higher and the circuit is more
The sharpness of resonance is measured by quality factor.
Q-factor: The Q-factor of a series resonant circuit is defined as the ratio of the
voltage developed across the inductor or capacitor at resonance to the applied
Or Q-factor can also be defined as the ratio of resonant frequency to the
bandwidth at rms current.
The expression for Q-factor in terms of band width is
1) The Q-factor of a series resonance circuit can be improved.
1. by decreasing resistance of the circuit.
2. by decreasing capacitance of the capacitor.
3. by increasing the inductance of an inductor.
2) The significance of Q-factor is a measure of sharpness of resonance
The difference in the frequencies corresponding to the rms current in a
resonance curve is called a bandwidth.
The expression for bandwidth is
1) Power factor of a series LCR circuit depends on
(i) Inductance of an inductor.
(ii) Resistance of the resistor and
(iii) Frequency of ac source
2) The relation between power factor, impedance and resistance on an AC circuit
Where, R – resistance and Z – impedance.
Where, L – Inductance of an inductor,
C – Capacitance of the capacitor.
1. Maximum energy stored in a capacitor,
2. Maximum energy stored in an inductor,
3. Total energy stored in LC circuit,
4. In LC undamped oscillations,
A transformer is a device used to vary AC voltage and current.
Principle: It works based on the principle of mutual induction.
Construction: A transformer consists of primary coil P and secondary coil S of
insulated wire wound separately over a laminated soft iron core. The input AC
voltage to be altered is connected to the primary coil and the altered output AC
voltage is obtained across the secondary coil.
Expression for Turns Ratio or the theory of transformer
Let be the magnetic flux in each turn in the core at time t due to the current in
the primary coil of the transformer.
Let Np and Ns be the number of turns in the primary and secondary of the
transformer respectively. Then induced emf in the primary coil.
- - - - - - - - - (1)
Induced emf in the secondary coil,
- - - - - - - - - - (2)
If Vp is the applied voltage across primary and Vs is the output voltage across
We have, and (to good approximation)
From equations (1) and(2) we get,
Transformer cannot be used to step up a dc voltage
The transformer is said to be an ideal if the output power is equal to the input
1. If turns ratio, T > 1 i.e., NS > NP. then VS > VP , it is called step up transformer.
2. If turns ratio, T < 1 i.e., NS < NP. then VS > VP, it is called down transformer.
3. The dc supply does not produce a changing magnetic field in the primary.
Hence no emf is induced in the secondary of the transformer. Thus, a
transformer cannot be used in dc.
4. The ratio of input power to the input power in the transformer is called its
efficiency. i.e.,
5. For an ideal transformer,
6. In practical transformer, due to the power losses
1. Copper lasses in a transformer
The primary and secondary winding of a transformer have resistance. The I 2 R
losses that occur due to current flow in these winding are called copper losses.
2. Iron losses in a transformer
The losses occur in the core (hysteresis loss) of a transformer are called core
losses or iron losses.
3. Iron loss can be reduced by using laminated core in the transformer.
4. Transformer cores are laminated to minimize energy loss(hysteresis loss) due
to eddy current.
5. The core of transformer is made of soft magnetic materials (like soft iron)
because they have low hysteresis.
Uses of transformers
Transformers are used
1. in the long-distance transmission of electric power
2. in voltage regulators for TV, Refrigerators etc.
3. In stabilized power supplies
4. for the production of X-rays, etc.
1. Define the following terms.
a) Mean value of AC. b) Root mean square value of AC. c) Peak value of AC.
2. What is the phase difference between current and voltage in
a) Pure Inductor b) Pure capacitor c) Pure Resistor.
3. What is inductive Reactance?
4. What is capacitive Reactance?
5. What is the value of frequency of AC and DC in India?
6. What is impedance?
7. What is Resonance?
8. Define power factor?
9. What is wattles current?
10. What is principle used in transformer?
11. Draw the graphs for the variation of Xc with frequency.
12.Draw the graphs for the variation of XL with frequency.
13. Give the relation between mean value and rms value of a sinusoidal AC.
14. Give the relation between peak value and rms value of alternating current.
15. Mention the condition for resonance in series LCR circuit.
16. Define quality factor and mention the expression for it in a series LCR
17. Write any two uses of transformer.
18. Define band width and mention the expression for it.
19. What are LC oscillations and mention the expression for frequency of LC
1. Derive an expression for instantaneous current when an AC is applied to
pure resistor.
2. Obtain an expression for the resonant frequency in series LCR circuit.
3. Distinguish between step up and step-down transformer.
4. Mention any three sources of energy loss in transformer.
5. What is the power factor in
a) Resistive circuit b) capacitive circuit c) inductive circuit.
1. Derive an expression for instantaneous current when an AC is applied to
pure inductor.
2. Derive an expression for instantaneous current when an AC is applied to
pure capacitor.
3. Derive an expression for impedance and current through LCR circuit
by phasor diagram method.
4. What is a transformer? What is the principle of a transformer?
Describe its construction and working with neat diagram.