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Overview, Context and Materials Required

Section Description Main Connection to Instructional Planning

Your Indicate your name Gia Pak
Grade Indicate the grade level Grade level​: Spanish I
level and of the students
Rationale How does your lesson Rationale: ​The idea of learning a language is to try it out. An
rationale coincide with engaging way to try out the language is to have students use
your Philosophy of the language pragmatically, or use the language in a strategic
Teaching and Learning? way to get what they want. This coincides with my philosophy
of teaching and learning because I believe genuine practice of
the language is important. In this lesson, I desire to center this
lesson around people’s instincts to naturally divide against
those who are deemed as dangerous. Their language will be
key to seeking those who are “dangerous” and those who are

Estimated Provide an estimate of 50 minute lesson that includes…

time for the time needed for the Vocabulary Review (15 minutes)
lesson/acti lesson/activity. Ladron Activity (40 minutes)

Overview Provide a short Students will be reviewing the following concepts:

description (2-3 uses of Tener, Ser, and Llamarse. In order to do
sentences) of the that, students will be reviewing how/when each
activities in the lesson. verbs are used. Afterwards, in order to accurately
assess their knowledge of the terms, students will
participate in an activity called “encuentra a los
The objective of this activity is for students to
figure out who are the “ladrones” among them. To
figure that out, they must utilize the vocabulary
Materials List the materials you Google Slides:
will need and the https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12k5OnfUlR
materials the students K7wO2C0gX5DrDZ6pDAPi6gu-sCn9h3_uI4/edit?usp=
will need. Include sharing
quantities and indicate Handouts/Reflection Assignment:
which are attached. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FStqsqXZYUm
Back These activities are in Back pocket activity 1:
pocket place in case the other Instead of diving into the review, students could have the
Activities activities don’t work option of practicing the greetings/introductions by preparing
out. for a skit. However, instead of the students picking a partner to
present with, students would be given a sock (yes, a sock), to
Students could spend the rest of the hour preparing the sock.
Within that time frame--as they are preparing the
sock--students would be expected to write up a script for them
to memorize (hola, como estas...etc.)
The next day of class, students would be expected to prepare a
“puppet show” to present in front of the class.

Back pocket activity 2:

After the review, students would be asked to review the Spanish
greetings video (​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5R2qyp9NYM
After watching the video, students would be asked to compare
and contrast Spanish greetings vs. American greetings.

Attending to the Learners: Prior Knowledge and Standard Connections to

Lesson Plan

Sec Description Main Connection to Instructional Planning

tion Considerations
Explain what you think will be ★ Students may feel overwhelmed by the ladron
students’ ​prior knowledge activity after the review. Thus, it is important
about the content, including that you explain EXACTLY what is expected of
the alternative ideas or them before the activity happens.
challenges you anticipate ★ Make sure that students do not go ahead until
students might face and how you tell them to do so.
you plan to work with each of
these challenges during the
lesson. Also explain your ideas
about how students are likely
to respond to the tasks in the
lesson and how you might use
these l​ ikely responses​ to focus
students on the intended

Learning Goals and Standards Definition

Sec Description Main Connection to Instructional Planning

tion Considerations
Lear List the learning goal(s) you ● Students will be able to:
ning have for your students. Use ○ Greet others in Spanish
goal measurable behaviors that ○ Introduce themselves in Spanish
s can be linked to the ○ Express themselves in Spanish

Con State the standards for C

​ ommunication 1.1​: Students engage in 
nect Foreign Language Learning conversations, provide and obtain information, 
express feelings and emotions, and exchange 
stan opinions

Sec Description Main Connection to Instructional Planning
tion Considerations
Typ Name the type of assessment Students will be assessed by their participation during the
e of you will use to assess student review presentation, however I will mostly be focusing on their
asse learning (e.g., worksheet, exit participation with the Ladron activity.
ssm slip, teacher observation,
ent whole group discussion).

Instructional Sequence: Script, Management/Norms, Expectations and Materials

Sectio Description Main Connection to

n Instructional Planning Considerations
Time/O Structure your 50 minutes lesson that includes…
utline lesson/activity into chunks Vocabulary Review (15 minutes)
or segments in order to 1. Students will be reviewing the following concepts:
break it down into its uses of Tener, Ser, and Llamarse. In order to do
component parts, and then that, students will be reviewing how/when each
list the time it will take to verbs are used. The slides are organized as so:
complete each part. You a. Guion (Scenario) (30 seconds)
may even want to add an b. Q and A to the given scenario (30 seconds)
additional column to c. Reviewing the verb used in the scenario (2
indicate larger chunks of minutes)
instruction. d. Practicing the verb with a partner (2
e. Overall, there are 3 guiones (5 minutes
each) and the last accumulation activity will
require an additional 5 minutes of practice.
(Must talk with 4 students.)

2. The guiones focus on what students would do in a

certain situation. In this situation, there’s a new exchange
student named Jorge in their class. They will have to
determine how to: Ask for his name, ask where he is from,
and ask how old he is. After they accomplish this task,
they will then practice these questions with one another.
At the end of the presentation, students will have the
opportunity to practice all of the concepts with two

Ladron Activity (40 minutes)

a. Students will be given the instructions and
purpose of the activity. They will also be handed
out the identity sheets (Some of which will indicate
the ladron mark. On the identity sheet, the ladrones
would most likely have a common-themed middle
name. For instance, all of the ladrones would have
a middle name with a halloween-themed monster, a
marvel superhero, or a character of a movie, etc. (5
b. Students will have to fill out the identity handout (5
c. Students will be asked to put their heads down,
and the ladrones will have the opportunity to know
who were the other ladrones in the classroom (10
d. Talking (20 minutes)
Students will be given 20 minutes to begin
introducing themselves to one another while taking
e. Two Rounds (10 minutes; 5 minutes each round)
Students will be given 2 rounds to begin accusing
one another. The rounds will be divided by the
-Students will be given 3 minutes to start accusing
one another of being the ladron
-Students will be given 2 minutes to say their
nominations in Spanish

Notes Include additional things Management and Norms

and that you want to
remind remember to do during ● I will be circulating the classroom during partner
ers, instruction. This includes activities, and will address any unwanted behavior
includin management (Make sure students are on task.)
g considerations (e.g., how ● If students are finished, they are to sit and wait quietly
manage you will manage the without distracting anybody else.
ment distribution and clean up
conside of materials, transitions Expectations:
rations between segments of ● Students are expected to engage during the lecture,
instruction, group work (if and they are expected to participate in the intermittent
relevant), and students activities of the review.
who finish early from a ● Students are expected to stay on task during the
task.) activities.
● Students are expected to wait quietly once they are
finished with their work.
● Students are expected to raise their hands, not talk out
of turn
● Students are expected to pick up the reflection papers
on the way out.

Critical What are some critical Questions:

Questio questions you’ve formed 1. Would the review be sufficient enough
ns during the process of for students to be able to use the
crafting the lesson plan? language for the activity?
2. Would there be enough time to do the
3. Would this activity be too
overwhelming for the students? Are
my instructions clear enough?

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