Invariants of Locally Symmetric Spaces: Documenta Math
Invariants of Locally Symmetric Spaces: Documenta Math
Invariants of Locally Symmetric Spaces: Documenta Math
Martin Olbrich
1 Introduction
During the last two decades L2 -invariants have proved to be a powerful tool in
the topology of compact manifolds (see [15] for an overview). Although they
can be defined in purely combinatorial terms we are interested here in their
equivalent analytic versions: They are spectral invariants of the p-form Lapla-
cians of the universal cover of the manifold. For particular nice manifolds these
might be computable. Indeed, the aim of the present paper is to extract from
the representation theoretic work of Harish-Chandra [9] and Borel-Wallach [2]
information on the spectral decomposition of the form Laplacians on Rieman-
nian symmetric spaces of the non-compact type which is sufficiently explicit
in order to compute the spectral invariants of interest. We try to do this in a
rather detailed way which, we hope, keeps the paper readable for nonspecialists
in harmonic analysis. 1
Let X → Y be the universal cover of a compact Riemannian manifold. Set
Γ := π1 (Y ). The form Laplacian ∆p = d∗ d + dd∗ defines a non-negative,
elliptic, self-adjoint operator acting on L2 (X, Λp T ∗ X), the square integrable
p-forms on X. By ∆0p and ∆cp = (d∗ d)0 we denote the restriction of ∆p to
the orthogonal complement of its kernel and the coclosed forms in this orthog-
onal ∗complement, respectively. We consider the corresponding heat kernels
e−t∆p (x, x0 ) := (P∗ e−t∆p )(x, x0 ), x, x0 ∈ X, for ∗ = ∅, 0 or c. Here P∗ denotes
the orthogonal
projection to the corresponding subspace. The local traces
tr e−t∆p (x, x) are Γ-invariant functions on X. For a thorough discussion of the
following definitions we refer to [14], [17], [16], and [15].
We set Z
−t∆∗ ∗
TrΓ e p := tr e−t∆p (x, x) dx ,
where F ⊂ X is a fundamental domain of the action of Γ on X and dx is the
Riemannian volume element of X. Then the L2 -Betti numbers are given by
p (Y ) := lim TrΓ e ∈ [0, ∞) .
They are equal to the von Neumann dimension of ker ∆p viewed as Hilbert
N (Γ)-module, where N (Γ) is the group von Neumann algebra of Γ. If the
spectrum of ∆p has no gap around 0 the Novikov-Shubin invariants of Y are
defined by
0 β
α̃p (Y ) := sup{β | TrΓ e−t∆p = O(t− 2 ) as t → ∞} ∈ [0, ∞] .
It measures the asymptotic behaviour of the spectral density function of ∆ p at
0. In case of a gap around 0 we set α̃p (Y ) := ∞+ . Replacing ∆0p by ∆cp we
obtain the analogously defined Novikov-Shubin invariants αp (Y ) of d∗ d. Using
the action of the exterior differential d on the Hodge decomposition of L2 -forms
we obtain
α̃p (Y ) = min{αp (Y ), αp−1 (Y )} . (1)
Finally, if αp (Y ) > 0 for all p (or, more generally, if X is of determinant class
(see [15])), then the L2 -torsion of Y is defined by
1X 1X
ρ(2) (Y ) := (−1)p+1 p log detΓ (∆0p ) = (−1)p log detΓ (∆cp ) ,
2 2
where for ∗ = 0, c
µ Z ε ¶
∗ d 1 −t∆∗ s−1
− log detΓ (∆p ) := TrΓ e p t dt
ds |s=0 Γ(s) 0
Z ∞
+ TrΓ e−t∆p t−1 dt
1 Note added in proof: In the meanwhile the interested reader can find a discussion with-
out proofs of the results of the present paper in the recent monograph [16] which gives a
comprehensive treatment of the theory of L2 -invariants.
for any ε > 0, where the first integral is considered as a meromorphic function
in s. By Poincaré duality ρ(2) (Y ) = 0 for even dimensional manifolds Y .
From now on let X = G/K be a Riemannian symmetric space of the noncom-
pact type. Here G is a real, connected, linear, semisimple Lie group without
compact factors, and K ⊂ G is a maximal compact subgroup. It is the uni-
versal cover of compact locally symmetric spaces of the form Y = Γ\X, where
Γ∼ = π1 (Y ) can be identified with a discrete, torsion-free, cocompact subgroup
of G. It will be convenient to consider also the compact dual X d of X. X d
is defined as follows: Let g, k be the Lie algebras of G, K. Then we have the
Cartan decomposition g = k ⊕ p, and gd := k ⊕ ip is another subalgebra of the
complexification of g. Let Gd be the corresponding analytic subgroup of the
complexification GC of G. Then Gd is a compact group, and X d = Gd /K. We
normalize the Riemannian metric on X d such that multiplication by i becomes
an isometry TeK X ∼ = p → ip ∼ = TeK X d . In this paper we are going to prove
the following theorem:
Theorem 1.1 Let n = dim Y and m = m(X) := rkC G − rkC K be the funda-
mental rank of G. Let χ(Y ) be the Euler characteristic of Y . Then
(2) n
(a) bp (Y ) 6= 0 ⇔ m = 0 and p = 2.
(2) n vol(Y )
In particular, b n (Y ) = (−1) 2 χ(Y ) = χ(X d ).
2 vol(X d )
(b) αp (Y ) 6= ∞+ ⇔ m > 0 and p ∈ [ n−m n+m
2 , 2 − 1].
In this range αp (Y ) = m.
(c) ρ(2) (Y ) 6= 0 ⇔ m = 1.
Note that n − m is always even and positive. Part (a) of the theorem was
known for a long time, at least since Borel’s paper [1]. For special cases see
also [4], [5]. For the convenience of the reader we include a proof here. In fact,
we prove a stronger statement which should have been known to the experts
although we were not able to find it in the literature:
The strategy of the proof of (b) can already be found in Lott’s paper [14],
Section VII. To be more precise, Equation (1) implies the slightly weaker result
∞+ p 6∈ [ n−m n+m
2 , 2 ] or m = 0
α̃p (Y ) = n−m n+m . (2)
m p ∈ [ 2 , 2 ] and m 6= 0
Lott proved the first line of (2) and that α̃p (Y ) is finite and independent of p
for the remaining values of p. He indicated how one should be able to compute
the precise value of α̃p (Y ). But he finished the computation in the real rank
one case, only. In addition, already Borel [1] showed that the range of the
and thus
ρ(2) (Y ) = vol(Y ) · T (2) (X)
for a certain real number T (2) (X). Note that in contrast to ρ(2) (Y ) the num-
ber T (2) (X) depends on the normalization of the invariant metric on X (of
course only via the volume form). A well-known symmetry argument ([18],
Proposition 2.1) yields that T (2) (X) = 0 whenever m 6= 1. Lott [14] (see also
[17]) showed that T (2) (H n ) 6= 0 for n = 3, 5, 7, where H n is the real hyperbolic
space (his values for T (2) (H n ) for n = 5, 7 were not correct). This led to the
conjecture that T (2) (H n ) 6= 0 for all odd n which was open until the work of
Hess-Schick [11] who found a trick in order to control the sign of log detΓ (∆cp )
in terms of p and n. So they were able to show that there is a positive rational
number qn such that
µ ¶ n−1
(2) n 1 2
T (H ) = − qn . (3)
Here the metric on H n is normalized to have sectional curvature −1. Along
the same lines Hess [10] obtained
Let us introduce
Qn = n−1
( 2 )!
and rewrite (3) as
n−1 πQn
T (2) (H n ) = (−1) 2 . (5)
vol(S n )
Recall that S n is the compact dual of H n . The rational number Qn which
does not depend on the normalization of the metric has a nice interpretation
in terms of Weyl’s dimension polynomial for finite-dimensional representations,
see Proposition 5.3. But its significance remains to be clarified further, and it
seems to be difficult to write down a practical formula valid for all odd n. One
has Q3 = 13 , Q5 = 31 221
45 , Q7 = 210 . For further information see [11].
We will reduce Theorem 1.1 (c) to (4) and the positivity of Qn . Let X be an
arbitrary symmetric space satisfying m(X) = 1. By the classification of simple
Lie groups X = X1 × X0 , where m(X0 ) = 0 and X1 = SL(3, R)/SO(3) or
X1 = Xp,q := SO(p, q)0 /SO(p) × SO(q) for p, q odd. (Here as throughout the
paper a superscript 0 denotes the connected component of the identity.) Note
that a corresponding decomposition of Y does not necessarily exist. We show
Proposition 1.3
d πQp+q−1
(a) T (2) (Xp,q ) = (−1) 2 χ(Xp−1,q−1 ) d )
L2 (X, Λp T ∗ X) ∼
= [L2 (G) ⊗ Λp p∗ ]K .
Thus our task consists of two steps: First to understand L2 (G) as a repre-
sentation of G × G which is accomplished by the Harish-Chandra Plancherel
Theorem recalled in the present section and, second, to understand spaces of
the form [Vπ ⊗ Λp p∗ ]K , where (π, Vπ ) is an irreducible unitary representation of
G occurring in the Plancherel decomposition. For general G, the second step
will resist a naive approach. However, if π(Ω) = 0, then the space [Vπ ⊗ Λp p∗ ]K
has cohomological meaning, and the theory of relative (g, K)-cohomology as
recalled in the next section will provide a sufficient amount of information.
An irreducible unitary representation (π, Vπ ) of G is called a representation
of the discrete series if there is a G-invariant embedding Vπ ,→ L2 (G). Let
Ĝd denote the set of equivalence classes of discrete series representations of G.
Then we have
Note that m(X) = 0 means that G has a compact Cartan subgroup. The
Plancherel Theorem provides a decomposition of L2 (G) which is indexed by
discrete series representations of certain subgroups M ⊂ G which we are going
to define now.
Let a0 ⊂ p be a maximal abelian subspace. It induces a root space decompo-
sition M
g = g0 ⊕ gα .
α∈∆(g,a0 )
Choose a decomposition ∆(g, a0 ) = ∆+ ∪ −∆+ into positive and negative
roots, and let Π ⊂ ∆+ be the subset of simple roots. For any subset F ⊂ Π we
For more details on the Plancherel Theorem and the structure theory behind
it the interested reader may consult the textbooks [12], [19], [20].
Note that the Plancherel measures pξ (iν)dν depend on the normalization of
the Haar measure dg. In the remainder of the paper we use the following one.
Let dx be the Riemannian volume form of ZX = G/K and Z dk be the Haar
measure of K with total mass one. Then f (g) dg = f˜(x) dx, where
f˜(gK) = f (gk) dk. We normalize the invariant bilinear form on g such that
its restriction to p ∼
= TeK X coincides with the Riemannian metric of X. Let dν
be the Lebesgue measure corresponding to the induced form on a∗ . By these
choices pξ is uniquely determined.
We are now able to give a kind of spectral expansion of TrΓ e−t∆p .
Corollary 2.3
X X Z 2
+kρa k2 −ξ(ΩM ))
TrΓ e−t∆p = vol(Y ) e−t(kνk
P ξ∈M̂d a∗
P ξ∈M̂d a∗
3 (g, K)-cohomology
Note that for V = C ∞ (G)K this complex is isomorphic to the de Rham complex
of the symmetric space X.
Let Z(g) be the center of the universal enveloping algebra of g. If (π, V ) is
an irreducible (g, K)-module, then any z ∈ Z(g) acts by a scalar χπ (z) on V .
The homomorphism χπ : Z(g) → C is called the infinitesimal character of V .
The following basic result can be considered as an algebraic version of Hodge
Proposition 3.1 ([2], II.3.1. and I.5.3.) Let (π, Vπ ) be an irreducible uni-
tary representation of G, and let (τ, F ) be an irreducible finite-dimensional
representation of G. Then
[Vπ ⊗ F ⊗ Λp p∗ ]K π(Ω) = τ (Ω)
H p (g, K, Vπ,K ⊗ F ) = .
{0} π(Ω) 6= τ (Ω)
In this section we shall prove parts (a) and (b) of Theorem 1.1 as well as
Proposition 1.2.
Let L2 (X, Λp T ∗ X)d be the discrete subspace of L2 (X, Λp T ∗ X), i.e., the di-
rect sum of the L2 -eigenspaces of the Laplacian. The Plancherel Theorem in
particular says that as a representation of G
L2 (X, Λp T ∗ X)d ∼
= Vπ̃ ⊗ [Vπ ⊗ Λp p∗ ]K .
Let (τ0 , C) be the trivial representation of G. Let π ∈ Ĝd . Then Λπ 6< Λτ0 = ρg .
Proposition 3.3 now yields
1 p = n2 , χπ = χτ0
dim[Vπ ⊗ Λp p∗ ]K = . (9)
0 otherwise
(2) n vol(Y )
b n (Y ) = (−1) 2 χ(Y ) = χ(X d ) . (10)
2 vol(X d )
We will give an alternative, purely analytic proof of that formula in the sequel
of Corollary 5.2. This finishes the proof of part (a) of Theorem 1.1.
We now turn to part (b). In order to compute αp (Y ) we need an expression
for TrΓ e−t∆p .
Proposition 4.1 For any triple (P, ξ, ν) appearing in (7) let B p (ξ, ν) =
d([H ξ,iν ⊗ Λp−1 p∗ ]K ) be the space of coboundaries in the relative Lie algebra
cohomology complex and bp (ξ, ν) be its dimension. Then
c X X Z 2 2
TrΓ e−t∆p = vol(Y ) e−t(kνk +kρa k −ξ(ΩM ))
P 6=G ξ∈M̂d a∗
(see [9], Thm. 24.1, [20], Thm. 13.5.1 or [12], Thm. 13.11). In particular, p ξ
is an even polynomial of degree dim n. The factor (−1)u makes it nonnegative
on ia∗ .
The element Λξ + ν gives the infinitesimal character of πξ,ν : Λπξ,ν = Λξ + ν
([12], Prop. 8.22). Let now ξ ∈ Ξ. Then Propositions 3.2 (b) and 3.1 imply
that πξ,0 has the same infinitesimal character as the trivial representation. It
X u
We decompose pξ (ν) = pξ,2k (ν) into homogeneous polynomials. Set qξ,k =
Z k=0
5 L2 -torsion
For even dimensional manifolds the L2 -torsion vanishes. Thus we may assume
that m is odd, in particular m ≥ 1. Then ∆0p = ∆p . We first want to compute
X n
kX (t) := (−1)p p TrΓ e−t∆p .
2vol(Y ) p=0
µ Z ε ¶ Z ∞
d 1
T (2)
(X) = kX (t)t s−1
dt + kX (t)t−1 dt .
ds |s=0 Γ(s) 0 ε
(see [18], Prop. 2.1 and Lemma 2.3). It follows from (8) that kX (t) ≡ 0 for
m > 1, hence ρ(2) (Y ) = 0.
From now on let m = 1. Let P = M AN be a fundamental parabolic subgroup
of G. Then (8) gives
dim n
1 X X
kX (t) = (−1)l+1 dim [Wξ ⊗ (Λev p∗m − Λodd p∗m ) ⊗ Λl n∗ ]KM
l=0 ξ∈M̂d
2 2
e−t(kνk +kρa k −ξ(ΩM )) pξ (iν)dν . (15)
It remains to deal with the case X = X1 . We can assume that G = SO(p, q)0 ,
p ≤ q odd, or G = SL(3, R). Then M ∼ = SO(p − 1, q − 1), n ∼ = Rp+q−2 or
∼ ∼
M = GL(2, R) := {A ∈ GL(2, R) | | det A| = 1}, n = R , respectively, and
0 2
Proof. Formula (17) is a combination of [8], Thm. 37.1, with [9], Cor. 23.1,
Thm. 24.1 and Thm. 27.3. In order to apply these results correctly one
has to take into account that Harish-Chandra’s and our normalizations of the
measures dg and dν all of them starting from a fixed invariant bilinear form
n−dim a0
on g differ by the factors 2 2 ([8], Section 7 and Lemma 37.2) and (2π)m ,
respectively. On the other hand we have
Y dim K/T vol(T )
hα, ρk i = (2π) 2 (19)
(see e.g. [8], Lemma 37.4). Here the volumes are the Riemannian ones corre-
sponding to the invariant bilinear form h., .i. Formula (19) holds for any pair
(K, T ) of a connected compact Lie group and a maximal torus. Applying it also
to the pair (Gd , H d ), where H d is the maximal torus of Gd with Lie algebra
t ⊕ ia, we obtain
Q d d
+ hα, ρg i n−m vol(K)vol(H ) n−m vol(S )
Qα∈Φ = (2π) 2 d
= (2π) 2 A
. (20)
α∈Φ+ hα, ρk i vol(G )vol(T ) vol(X d )
The second equality follows from the fact that the map H d /T → X d ,
hT 7→ hK, is an isometric embedding with image SA . This proves (18). 2
For fixed infinitesimal character there are |W (m, t)|/|WKM | equivalence classes
of discrete series representations, where WKM = {k ∈ KM | Ad(k)t ⊂ t}/T .
Note that there is an embedding W (km , t) ,→ WKM which becomes an isomor-
phism if KM is connected. Furthermore, |WA | = 1 except for G = SO(1, q)0 ,
where |WA | = 2. In any case |WKM ||WA | = 2|W (km , t)|. Let XM be the
0 0
compact dual of XM = M/KM = M /KM . Then |W (m, t)|/|WKM ||WA | =
1 d n−1
2 χ(XM ). In addition, u + v = 2 and
vol(SA ) 1
= .
2π kα0 k
Summarizing the above discussion we obtain
d X 2u
n−1 χ(XM )
kX (t) = (−1) 2
(−1)l+1 kl (t) ,
4kα0 kvol(X )
where Z
+(u−l)2 kα0 k2 )
kl (t) = e−t(kνk pl (iν)dν .
For an even polynomial P and c ≥ 0 set
Z ∞
2 2
kP,c (t) = e−t(y +c ) P (iy)dy .
Then (compare [6], Lemma 2 and Lemma 3, [17], Lemma 6.4, [11], p.332)
µ Z ε ¶ Z ∞
d 1 s−1
kP,c (t)t dt + kP,c (t)t−1 dt
ds |s=0 Γ(s) 0 ε
µZ ε ¶ Z ∞
= s−1
kP,c (t)t dt + kP,c (t)t−1 dt
0 |s=0 ε
Z c
= −2π P (y) dy .
In fact, we have proved the proposition for irreducible X, but (16) shows that
it holds in the general case, too.
Let us first discuss the case G = SO(p, q)0 , X = Xp,q , p ≤ q odd. Then
n = pq and XM = Xp−1,q−1 . Furthermore, the polynomials pl depend only on
the complexification of G, i.e., on p + q. Thus QXp,q = QH p+q−1 . This proves
Proposition 1.3 (a). We emphasize again that QH p+q−1 is a positive rational
number [11]. In fact, Hess-Schick showed that
Z u−l
(−1) pl (y · α0 ) dy > 0 , l = 0, . . . , u − 1 .
Using for instance (20) also vol(X d ) can be easily computed. This proves
Proposition 1.4 and finishes the proof of Theorem 1.1.
[18] H. Moscovici and R. Stanton. R-torsion and zeta functions for locally
symmetric manifolds. Invent. Math. 105 (1991), 185–216.
Martin Olbrich
Mathematisches Institut
Universität Göttingen
Bunsenstr. 3-5
37073 Göttingen