1a. Matrix Algebra
1a. Matrix Algebra
1a. Matrix Algebra
Unit Structure
1.0 Overview
1.1 Learning Objectives
1.2 List of Special Symbols
1.3 Basic Concepts and Definitions
1.4 Determinant of a Matrix
1.5 Cofactor Method for A-1
1.6 Properties of Determinants
1.7 Summary
1.8 Supplementary Exercises
1.9 Answers to Activities & Supplementary Exercises
Matrices and determinants constitute the structure of matrix algebra that pervades and
enriches almost all areas in science and engineering computations. In this Unit, various
types of matrices are defined before introducing briefly the topic on the algebra of matrices
in general. The determinant of a matrix is then treated in detail, including the main
properties associated with it. The co-factor method for finding the inverse of a matrix is
also introduced.
Unit 1 1
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
1. Do matrix operations
A a general matrix
aij (i, j) entry in matrix A
A a ij
matrix A of order m by n
M ij minor of aij
D determinant of a matrix
A determinant of A
A 1 inverse of matrix A
x column vector
xi ith component of vector x
Unit 1 2
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
Square Matrix
If the number of rows of a matrix equals the number of columns ( m = n), then the matrix
is called a square matrix of order n. The principal or, leading diagonal of the square
matrix defines the entries a11 , a12 ,..., a nn . For example, the matrices
Unit 1 3
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
are square matrices of order two and three respectively. The elements a11 , a 22 and
b11 , b22 , b33 constitute the principal diagonals of the matrix A and B respectively.
Diagonal Matrix
a11 0 0
0 a 22 0
0 0 a nn
Zero Matrix, 0
The identity or the unit matrix is a diagonal matrix in which all the diagonal elements
aii , i = 1, ..., n are equal to 1. It is denoted by I and is written as
1 0 0
0 1 0
I .
0 0 1
Unit 1 4
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
is called an upper triangular matrix. Note that all the entries below the main diagonal are
a11 0 0
a a 22 0
L ,
a n1 an 2 a nn
is called a lower triangular matrix. This time, all the entries above the main diagonal are
Unit 1 5
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
Transpose of a Matrix
If A aij
, then the transpose of A, denoted by A , is obtained by interchanging the
a11 a 21 a m1
a a 22 am2
A .
T 12
a1n a2n a mn
Clearly A T A . For example, if
1 5 7 6
A 2 3 4 5,
0 0 1 0
1 2 0
5 3 0
AT .
7 4 1
6 5 0
Unit 1 6
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
Symmetric Matrix
2 3 1 9
1 4 0
1 5 3 4 0 2
, 4 2 7 , , etc.
5 7 0 7 3 1 0 5 8
2 8 1
Skew-Symmetric Matrix
A square matrix A aij
is called skew-symmetric if A T A . Clearly the diagonal
elements are zeros because aii aii if aii 0 for all i. For example
0 1 2
A 1 0 3,
2 3 0
is a skew-symmetric matrix.
Hermitian Matrix
A square matrix A aij
is called a Hermitian matrix if
AT A ,
Unit 1 7
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
where A aij , and the overbar denotes complex conjugate. Hence
a ji aij , i, j = 1, ..., n
for an n x n Hermitian matrix A. It follows that the elements along the principal diagonal
of a Hermitian matrix are always real. For example, one can easily verify that
2 1 i 0
A 1 i 2 i ,
0 i 2
is a Hermitian matrix.
If, in addition, A is a real Hermitian matrix, then A T A , that is, A is a symmetric matrix.
Skew-Hermitian Matrix
Hence, a ji aij , i, j 1, ..., n. . It follows that the elements along the principal diagonal of
0 2i 1
A 2 i i i ,
1 i 2i
a Skew-Hermitian matrix.
Unit 1 8
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
1 1 1 2 0 4 4
(1) A 2 0 1 , B 1 1 . BA is not defined although AB 5 3 .
1 2 4 1 3 8 14
2 0
2 1 3
(2) A , B 1 1 . AB is 2 2 whereas BA is 3 3 .
1 2 1 1 3
2 1 2 0
(3) A , B . AB and BA are of the same size. However
1 2 1 1
3 1 4 2
4 2 3 1
Addition is commutative
Unit 1 9
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
Associative Laws
( A B) C A ( B C )
( AB)C A( BC )
Distributive Laws
A( B C ) AB AC
( A B) A B
Additive Identity
A 0 A
A A 0
0 A A0 0
Multiplicative Identity
Unit 1 10
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
A. This number contains important information about the matrix and is written as
For 2 x 2 matrices:
a b a b
A , A ad bc.
c d c d
Unit 1 11
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
Example 1
1 2 3
4 1 2 3
A 4 1 1 , M 13 13 and M 21 11.
1 3 1 3 3 1
From Example 1, A13 (1) (13) M 13 13 and A21 (1) ( 21) M 21 11 .
It follows that the cofactor Aij is either Mij or - Mij depending on whether the sum i + j is
even or odd. Aij can be associated with the entry aij as follows.
3) Assign a "+" or "-" sign according to the position of aij on the checkerboard below,
and in general .
Unit 1 12
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
Development of a Determinant
a m1 am2 a mn
A a11 A11 a12 A12 a1n A1n (cofactor expansion by row 1).
Example 2
1 2 3
Evaluate the determinant of the matrix A 0 4 0 .
5 6 7
4 0 0 0 0 4
A 1C11 2C12 3C13 1M 11 - 2M 12 3M 13 1 2 3 32.
6 7 5 7 5 6
Unit 1 13
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
1 3
A 0C 21 4C 22 0C 23 4 M 22 4 4(7 15) 32.
5 7
As an exercise, you can check A using the cofactor expansion by column one.
Note: It is better to choose to expand the determinant using a row or column which will
lead to less or simpler computations. For instance, it is easier and quicker to
expand by the row or column that contains zero entries.
Example 3
2 x 2 3
Solve the equation 2 1 x 6 0.
1 2 x
1 x 6 2 3 2 3
2 x 2 0
2 x 2 x 1 x 6
2 x x1 x 12 2 2 x 6 12 31 x 0
or x 3 x 2 21x 45 0
Unit 1 14
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
Activity 1
1 3 3
(ii) 2 6 3,
1 1 2
2 1 1
(iii) 1 10 1 .
2 3 1
4x 3 2 1
2. Solve the equation x 3 4 0.
2x 1 1 1
Unit 1 15
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
Adjoint Matrix
The matrix of cofactors of A defines the matrix whose (i,j) entry is Aij, the (i,j) cofactor of
A. The transpose of the matrix of the cofactors is called the adjoint matrix and is
denoted by Adj A .
1 2 1
For example, if A 3 6 1
3 3 2
9 7 8
Adj A 3 5 4 .
9 3 0
Unit 1 16
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
A aij
is invertible or non-singular if and only if there exists a matrix A 1 such that
AA 1 A 1 A I . A 1 is given by
A1 Adj A. (4)
Properties of Inverse
A 1 is unique.
( A 1 ) 1 A.
1 1
(A) 1 A , a scalar.
A 1 .
Note: There is no way to define matrix division. Only invertible matrices have a
multiplicative inverse. But be careful! Matrix multiplication is not commutative; if
you multiply an equation through by a matrix, you must multiply both sides on the
right or both sides on the left.
Unit 1 17
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
Example 4
1 2 1 0 2 3 a11 0 0
a11 a12
A , B 3 6 1 , C - 2 0 4 , D 0 a 22 0 .
a a
21 22 3 3 2 3 4 0 0 0 a33
1 a 22 a12
A 1 .
a11 a 22 a 21 a12 a 21 a11
9 7 8 9 / 12 7 / 12 8 / 12
1 1
B 1
Adj B 3 5 4 3 / 12 5 / 12 4 / 12.
B 12
9 3 0 9 / 12 3 / 12 0
1 / a11 0 0
D 1
0 1 / a 22 0 .
0 0 1 / a33
Unit 1 18
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
Activity 2
For each of the matrices given below, compute the adjoint matrix and hence determine the
corresponding inverse matrix.
1 0 1
(i) A 2 1 1 ,
1 1 2
1 0 1
(ii) B 2 2 3 .
1 1 0
2. AT A .
3. If A I , then A 1.
4. If any two rows (or columns) of A are interchanged (or swapped) producing a
matrix B , then B A .
Unit 1 19
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
7. If a scalar multiple of one row (or column) is added to some other row (or
column) producing a matrix B then B A . For example, if
a a12 a
11 11 a12
A , then
and B
a 21
a 22
a 21 ka11 a 22 ka 12
A1 A2 A3 ... A1 A2 A3 ...
Unit 1 20
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
10. If the cofactors of one row are multiplied by the entries of a different row, the
result is zero.
Example 5
1 a bc
Show that 1 b c a 0 .
1 c a b
1 a bc 1 a a bc
1 b c a 1 b a b c (using property 7.)
1 c a b 1 c a bc
1 a 1
(a b c) 1 b 1 (using property 6.)
1 c 1
Activity 3
xa a a
(i) a xa a x 2 ( x 3a).
a a xa
Unit 1 21
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
x2 x 1
(ii) y 2
y 1 x y x z y z .
z2 z 1
In this Unit, you have studied matrices and their operations, including the determinant of a
matrix. You have learnt the different properties of the determinant of a matrix, as well as,
applying the co-factor method to obtain the inverse of a square non-singular matrix.
e ax ae ax
(i) 0,
xe ax 1 ax e ax
e ax sin x e ax cos x
(ii) 0,
e ax (cos x a sin x) e ax (a cos x sin x)
x3 5 1
(ii) 8 x 1 1 0.
1 x2 4 1
Unit 1 22
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x1 x2 x3
y1 z1 y2 z2 y 3 z 3 2 y1 y2 y3 .
z1 x1 z2 x2 z3 x3 z1 z2 z3
4. Prove that
Activity 1
2. .
Activity 2
1 1 1
(i) A 1
3 1 1 .
1 1 1
Unit 1 23
Mathematics II – MATH 1211
3 1 2
(ii) B 1
3 1 5 . .
0 1 2
Supplementary Exercises
2. (i) x y.
(ii) x 1,2,2 / 3.
Unit 1 24