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EnTRAC Transaction Rules

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EnTRAC Transaction Rules

Version 5.3

EnTRAC Transaction Rules

Version 1.0

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Table of Contents

1. Table of Document Versions ...................................................................................................... 7

2. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1. EnTRAC System Overview ............................................................................................... 8
2.2. EnTRAC Portal .................................................................................................................. 9
3. EnTRAC System and Portal Access ........................................................................................ 10
3.1. Requesting User Access to the EnTRAC Portal ............................................................. 10
3.2. Requesting User Access to the EnTRAC System .......................................................... 10
3.2.1. User Access for Large Volume Distribution Contract (LVDC) Customers............... 10
3.2.2. User Access for Master Services Agreements (MSA) Parties................................. 10
4. EnTRAC Homepage ................................................................................................................. 13
5. EnTRAC and the Ontario Energy Board Gas Distribution Access Rule “GDAR” ..................... 13
5.1.1. GDAR Overview...................................................................................................... 13
5.1.2. GDAR Applicability to Utility in Relation to Gas Vendors ........................................ 13
5.1.3. GDAR Service Agreement ....................................................................................... 14
5.1.4. GDAR Electronic Business Transaction (EBT) System ........................................... 14
5.1.5. GDAR EBT Standards Document for the Gas Marketing Industry .......................... 14
5.1.6. GDAR EBT Transport Protocol Between Points ...................................................... 15
5.1.7. GDAR EBT System and EnTRAC’s Role as a Point ............................................... 15
5.1.8. GDAR Requirement for a Market Participant Identifier (MPID) ............................... 16
5.1.9. GDAR Requirements - Encryption, PGP Public / Private Key Pair and Digital
Certificates.............................................................................................................................. 17
6. Data Documents and Transmission Between Parties Over Internet ........................................ 18
6.1. Document Management Overview .................................................................................. 18
6.2. MSA Party Customer – Generating / Sending / Receiving XML Files ............................ 18
6.2.1. XML File Generator .................................................................................................. 18
6.2.2. Uploading XML Files within EnTRAC ...................................................................... 18
6.2.3. Downloading XML Response Files within EnTRAC ................................................ 19
6.3. MSA Party Agent (Gas Vendor) – Sending / Receiving PIPE Documents .................... 19
6.3.1. Receiving PIPE Documents from Gas Vendors ...................................................... 19
6.3.2. Sending PIPE Documents to Gas Vendors ............................................................. 20
7. EnTRAC Nightly Batch Processing .......................................................................................... 20
8. Contract Management Functionality ......................................................................................... 21
8.1. Contract Management Functionality Overview ............................................................... 21
8.2. Master Services Agreements (MSA) Party Management ............................................... 22
8.2.1. MSA Party Management Overview.......................................................................... 22
8.2.2. Creating an MSA Party Record ............................................................................... 23
8.2.3. Viewing an MSA Party Record ................................................................................ 23
8.2.4. Editing an MSA Party Record .................................................................................. 24
8.2.5. Terminating an MSA Party Record .......................................................................... 24
8.2.6. Managing GDAR Market Participant ID for MSA Party Type Agent ........................ 24
8.2.7. Creating a Manager – Managee MSA Relationship ................................................ 25
8.2.8. Viewing a Manager – Managee MSA Relationship ................................................. 26
8.2.9. Editing a Manager – Managee MSA Relationship ................................................... 26
8.2.10. Terminating a Manager – Managee MSA Relationship ........................................... 26
8.3. Pool Management ........................................................................................................... 26
8.3.1. Pool Management Overview .................................................................................... 26
8.3.2. Creating a Pool ........................................................................................................ 27
8.3.3. Managing the Pool Lifecycle, Pool Duration, Pool Terms and States ..................... 28
8.3.4. Managing Pool Billing Options ................................................................................. 29
8.3.5. Searching and Viewing Pool Details ........................................................................ 30
8.3.6. Establishing the MDV For a Pending Pool Term by User........................................ 31
8.3.7. Establishing the MDV for a Pending Pool Term Automatically by EnTRAC ............ 37

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8.3.8. Re-establishing the MDV for a Pool Term Automatically by EnTRAC .................... 38
8.3.9. Managing the Upstream Pipeline Transportation Service Capacity for a Pool........ 45
8.3.10. Editing Pool Details .................................................................................................. 51
8.3.11. Pool Composition Report (PCR) .............................................................................. 51
8.3.12. Pool Anniversary Maintenance ................................................................................ 55
8.3.13. Pool Automatic Renewal .......................................................................................... 55
8.3.14. Terminating a Pending Pool .................................................................................... 55
8.3.15. Terminating an Active Flowing Pool ........................................................................ 56
8.4. Price Point Group (PPG) Management........................................................................... 57
8.4.1. PPG Management Overview ................................................................................... 57
8.4.2. Creating a New PPG................................................................................................ 58
8.4.3. Searching and Viewing a PPG and Price History Details ........................................ 59
8.4.4. Editing / Updating PPG Details and Associated Prices ........................................... 59
8.4.5. Terminating a PPG and Associated Prices.............................................................. 59
8.5. Account Management ..................................................................................................... 59
8.5.1. Account Management Overview .............................................................................. 60
8.5.2. Searching and Viewing the Details of an Account ................................................... 60
8.5.3. Editing the Details of an Account ............................................................................. 60
8.5.4. Managing the Billing Option for an Account ............................................................ 60
8.5.5. Identifying Accounts Billing on Monthly Statements (Collective Accounts) ............. 61
8.5.6. Managing the Upstream Pipeline Capacity for an Account ..................................... 61
8.5.7. Identifying Account Number Changes Due to the Refolio Process ......................... 62
8.5.8. Decommissioned Account Activity Report (AAR) .................................................... 62
8.6. Service Transaction Request (STR) Management ......................................................... 62
8.6.1. STR Management Overview .................................................................................... 62
8.6.2. Creating Transactions Applicable to MSA Type Customer ..................................... 63
8.6.3. Creating Transactions Applicable to MSA Type Agent (Gas Vendor) ..................... 63
8.6.4. EnTRAC STR Processing and Generating Responses ........................................... 64
8.6.5. Searching and Viewing STRs .................................................................................. 65
8.6.6. Editing STRs ............................................................................................................ 65
8.6.7. Terminating STRs .................................................................................................... 65
8.6.8. Enrol Request .......................................................................................................... 65
8.6.9. Enrol Request - Pending Pool ................................................................................. 67
8.6.10. Enrol Request - Flowing Or Locked Pool................................................................. 68
8.6.11. Enrol Request - Without an Account Number .......................................................... 68
8.6.12. Enrol Request - Switch MSA to MSA (Vendor to Vendor) ....................................... 69
8.6.13. Enrol Request - FT Turnback Election Processing Rules ....................................... 70
8.6.14. Enrol Request - Associating an Account to a Price Point Group ............................. 74
8.6.15. Transfer Request ..................................................................................................... 74
8.6.16. Transfer Request - Pool .......................................................................................... 74
8.6.17. Transfer Request – Price Point ................................................................................ 75
8.6.18. Drop Request - Removing an Account from a Pool ................................................. 75
8.6.19. Status Advice ........................................................................................................... 76
8.6.20. Status Advice – Updating an Enrol Request ........................................................... 76
8.6.21. Status Advice – Terminating an Enrol Request ....................................................... 77
8.6.22. Status Advice – Updating a Transfer Request ........................................................ 77
8.6.23. Status Advice – Terminating a Transfer Request .................................................... 78
8.6.24. Status Advice – Updating a Drop Request .............................................................. 78
8.6.25. Status Advice – Terminating a Drop Request ......................................................... 79
8.6.26. Status Advice – Notice of Pending Switch ............................................................... 79
8.6.27. Status Advice – Terminating a Notice of Pending Switch Advice ............................ 80
8.6.28. Historical Consumption Request (HCR) .................................................................. 80
8.6.29. Change Consumer Information Request (CCI) ....................................................... 82
8.6.30. Price Point Create Request ..................................................................................... 83
8.6.31. Price Change Request ............................................................................................. 84
8.6.32. Termination of Service (TOS) Notifications ............................................................. 85

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8.6.33. Reconnection of Service (ROS) Notifications .......................................................... 86
8.6.34. Change Consumer Location (CCL) Notifications ..................................................... 87
8.6.35. Application Advice (AA) ........................................................................................... 90
8.6.36. Functional Acknowledgement (FA) .......................................................................... 90
8.7. Large Volume Distribution Contracts (LVDC) Management ........................................... 91
8.7.1. Creating a New LVDC.............................................................................................. 91
8.7.2. Creating a Combo LVDC (Firm with Interruptible Override) .................................... 92
8.7.3. Searching and Viewing an LVDC ............................................................................ 93
8.7.4. Editing LVDC Details ............................................................................................... 93
8.7.5. Renewing or Rolling Over an LVDC ........................................................................ 93
8.7.6. Terminating an LVDC .............................................................................................. 94
8.7.7. Rescinding an LVDC Termination Request ............................................................. 95
8.7.8. Change of Ownership involving an LVDC ............................................................... 95
8.7.9. Creating LVC Relationships ..................................................................................... 95
8.7.10. Editing LVC Relationships ....................................................................................... 96
8.7.11. Terminating a LVC Relationship .............................................................................. 96
9. Gas Supply Management Functionality .................................................................................... 97
9.1. Gas Management Functionality Overview ...................................................................... 97
9.2. Nomination Management ................................................................................................ 98
9.2.1. Nomination Overview ............................................................................................... 98
9.2.2. Creating a New MDV Delivery Nomination ............................................................ 100
9.2.3. Creating a New MDV Delivery Nomination to Replace An Existing Nomination ... 102
9.2.4. Copying an Existing Pending MDV Delivery Nomination ...................................... 104
9.2.5. EnTRAC Automatic Updating of an MDV Delivery Nomination ............................. 104
9.2.6. Searching and Viewing a MDV Delivery Nomination Request .............................. 105
9.2.7. Nominating Fuel Gas Requirements For Pools with a Western Point of Acceptance
9.3. Banked Gas Account (BGA) Reporting ......................................................................... 106
9.3.1. Banked Gas Account Reporting Overview ............................................................ 106
9.3.1. BGA Summary Report ........................................................................................... 107
9.3.2. BGA Detailed Report (Active / Finalized)............................................................... 108
9.3.3. Notification of Critical BGA Balances ..................................................................... 120
9.3.4. Management and Reporting of Prior Period Adjustments ..................................... 120
9.4. Banked Gas Balancing and Load Balancing Transaction Management ...................... 122
9.4.1. Banked Gas Balancing and Load Balancing Overview ......................................... 122
9.4.2. Load Balancing Allowances ................................................................................... 124
9.4.3. Creating a Make Up Request and Nomination ...................................................... 124
9.4.4. Searching and Viewing a Make Up Request and Nomination ............................... 126
9.4.5. Editing a Make Up Request and Nomination ......................................................... 126
9.4.6. Rescinding a Make Up Request and Nomination .................................................. 127
9.4.7. Creating a Pool Suspension Request and Nomination ......................................... 128
9.4.8. Searching and Viewing a Pool Suspension Request and Nomination .................. 131
9.4.9. Editing a Pool Suspension Request and Nomination ............................................ 131
9.4.10. Rescinding a Pool Suspension Request and Nomination ..................................... 132
9.4.11. Managing Upstream Capacity Assignments During a Suspension ....................... 134
9.4.12. Creating an LVDC Self-Suspension Request and Nomination.............................. 134
9.4.13. Editing an LVDC Self-Suspension Request and Nomination ................................ 135
9.4.14. Searching and Viewing an LVDC Self-Suspension Request and Nomination ...... 136
9.4.15. Rescinding an LVDC Self-Suspension Request and Nomination ......................... 136
9.4.16. Overview of Title Transfer Requests .................................................................... 138
9.4.17. Creating a Title Transfer - Initiator ......................................................................... 138
9.4.18. Editing a Title Transfer - Initiator ............................................................................ 139
9.4.19. Rescinding a Title Transfer - Initiator ..................................................................... 139
9.4.20. Creating a Title Transfer – Counterparty ............................................................... 139
9.4.21. Editing a Title Transfer - Counterparty................................................................... 140
9.4.22. Rescinding a Title Transfer - Counterparty ............................................................ 141

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9.4.23. Searching and Viewing a Title Transfer ................................................................. 141
9.4.24. EnTRAC Automatic Generation of a Title Transfer ............................................... 141
9.4.25. Gas Purchase Transaction Overview .................................................................... 141
9.4.26. Creating a Gas Purchase Request ........................................................................ 141
9.4.27. Editing a Gas Purchase Request ........................................................................... 142
9.4.28. Rescinding a Gas Purchase Request .................................................................... 142
9.4.29. EnTRAC Automatic Generation of A Gas Purchase Transaction ......................... 142
9.4.30. Gas Sale Transaction Overview ............................................................................ 142
9.4.31. Creating a Gas Sale Request ................................................................................ 143
9.4.32. Editing a Gas Sale Request ................................................................................... 143
9.4.33. Rescinding a Gas Sale Request ............................................................................ 143
9.4.34. EnTRAC Automatic Generation of Gas Sale Transaction ..................................... 143
9.5. Curtailment Management .............................................................................................. 143
9.5.1. Curtailment Overview............................................................................................. 143
9.5.2. Creating a New Curtailment Instance – Common Parameters.............................. 145
9.5.3. Creating a New Curtailment Instance – Specific Parameters................................ 145
9.5.4. Editing Curtailment Instance Parameters – Common Parameters ........................ 145
9.5.5. Searching and Viewing Curtailment Instance Parameters .................................... 146
9.5.6. Curtailment Report ................................................................................................. 146
9.5.7. Creating a Curtailment Delivered Supply (CDS) Request and Nomination ........... 148
9.5.8. Searching and Viewing a CDS Request and Nomination...................................... 149
9.5.9. Editing a CDS Request and Nomination................................................................ 149
9.5.10. Rescinding a CDS Request and Nomination ......................................................... 149
9.5.11. Curtailment Gas Purchase Transaction ................................................................. 149
9.5.12. Curtailment / Seasonal Credit (Daily Capacity Repurchase Quantity) .................. 150
9.6. Compliance Charges Management .............................................................................. 150
9.6.1. Compliance Charge Management Overview ......................................................... 150
9.6.2. Contract Minimum Bill Volume............................................................................... 150
9.6.3. Seasonal Unauthorized Overrun Gas Volume ...................................................... 151
9.6.4. Unabsorbed Demand Charge Volume................................................................... 151
9.6.5. Demand Unauthorized Overrun Gas Volume ........................................................ 152
9.6.6. Supply Unauthorized Overrun Gas Volume........................................................... 152
9.6.7. Curtailment Unauthorized Overrun Gas Volume ................................................... 153
9.7. Degree Day Information Management .......................................................................... 153
9.7.1. Degree Day Information Overview......................................................................... 153
9.7.2. Searching and Viewing Actual Degree Days Daily ................................................ 154
9.7.3. Searching and Viewing Actual Degree Days Monthly ........................................... 154
9.7.4. Searching and Viewing Budget Degree Days Monthly .......................................... 154
9.7.5. Entering and Editing Degree Day Information ....................................................... 154
10. Financials Management Functionality ............................................................................... 155
10.1. Financials Management Functionality Overview ....................................................... 155
10.2. Billing Services and Options ...................................................................................... 156
10.2.1. Agent Billing Collections Service (ABC) ................................................................ 156
10.2.2. Distributor Consolidated Billing in Rate Ready Form (DCB-Rate Ready) ............. 156
10.2.3. Split Billing No Consumption (SNC) ...................................................................... 157
10.3. Invoice Transactions.................................................................................................. 157
10.3.1. Invoice Rate Ready (IRR) Transactions ................................................................ 157
10.3.1. Searching and Viewing IRR Transactions ............................................................. 160
10.3.2. Invoice Vendor Adjustments (IVA) Transactions ................................................... 161
10.4. Remittance Management .......................................................................................... 163
10.4.1. Remittance Management Overview ....................................................................... 163
10.4.2. Managing Pool Payment Party and Contact Information....................................... 164
10.4.3. Invoice Remittance Statement (IRS) ..................................................................... 165
10.4.4. Funds Imbalance Statement (FIS) ......................................................................... 166
10.4.5. Net Delivery Based Remittance Calculation .......................................................... 167
10.4.6. Wholesale Charges................................................................................................ 171

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10.4.7. ABC Fees ............................................................................................................... 172
10.4.8. Miscellaneous Wholesale Charge - Account Look Up Fee ................................... 172
10.4.9. BGA Gas Purchase / Gas Sale .............................................................................. 172
10.4.10. Curtailment Gas Purchase Adjustment Addition to Remittance ............................ 173
10.4.11. DPAC- Direct Purchase Administration Charge .................................................... 173
10.4.12. Miscellaneous Whole Charges .............................................................................. 174
10.4.13. Security Deposit ..................................................................................................... 174
10.4.14. TCPL Toll Credit .................................................................................................... 174
10.4.15. UOG Supply CDA - EDA........................................................................................ 174
10.4.16. Unabsorbed Demand Charges (UDC) Charge ...................................................... 175
10.4.17. Vendor Adjustment ................................................................................................ 175
10.4.18. Vendor Adjustment Fee ......................................................................................... 175
10.5. Rate Management ..................................................................................................... 175
10.5.1. Viewing Rates Applied in the Calculation of Charges and Credits ........................ 176
10.6. Charges and Credits Management ........................................................................... 177
10.6.1. Charges and Credits Applicable to LVDC Customers ........................................... 177
10.6.2. Contract Minimum Bill (CMB) Charge.................................................................... 177
10.6.3. CDS BGA Gas Sale or Gas Purchase ................................................................... 177
10.6.4. Seasonal Credits (formerly Daily Capacity Repurchase Quantity) ........................ 178
10.6.5. Unauthorized Overrun Gas (UOG) Demand Charge ............................................. 178
10.6.6. Unauthorized Overrun Gas (UOG) Seasonal Overrun Charge ............................. 179
10.6.7. Unauthorized Overrun Gas (UOG) Curtailment Charge ........................................ 179
10.7. Security Deposit Management .................................................................................. 179
10.7.1. Applicability and Overview ..................................................................................... 179
10.7.2. Nymex at Dawn Pricing.......................................................................................... 180
10.7.3. ABC (DCB - Rate Ready) Pool Activity.................................................................. 180
10.7.4. Maximum Month Risk on Volumetric and Price Forecasting ................................. 180
10.7.5. Derivation of Deductions to Initial Volumetric EnTRAC Calculation ...................... 181
10.7.6. Security Deposit Initial Setup Options & Timelines ............................................... 181
10.7.7. Security Deposit Updates & Timelines .................................................................. 182
Appendix A – Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................. 183
Appendix D – EBT Standards Document – Reject Reasons and Reason Codes ...................... 190
Appendix E – EBT Standards Document – Collision Matrix ........................................................ 205

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1. Table of Document Versions

Version No. Document Document Comment

Published Effective
Date Date
1.0 Sept. 29, Sept. 30, Document effective in conjunction with release of
2004 2004 EnTRAC Application Build 1.0
1.1 Jan. 7, 2005 Feb. 12, 2005 Document effective in conjunction with release of
EnTRAC Application Build 1.2
1.2 Oct. 28, 2005 Dec. 4, 2005 Document effective in conjunction with release of
EnTRAC Application Build 1.3
2.0 June 19, 2006 Aug. 1, 2006 Document effective in conjunction with release of
EnTRAC Application Build 2.0
3.0 Draft January 2007 Draft Draft document to advise of change to EnTRAC
effective implementation of the Gas Distribution
Access Rule on June 1, 2007.
3.0 April 2007 June 1, 2007 Document effective in conjunction with the
implementation of the Gas Distribution Access Rule
on June 1, 2007.
4.0 April 2008 June 5, 2009 Document effective the implementation of the new
Enbridge billing system
4.2 June 2010 July 1, 2010 Document effective the implementation of the HST –
Harmonized Sales Tax
5.0 November 30, January 31, Document effective the implementation of MDV Re-
2011 2012 establishment
5.2 October, 2014 November 1, Advise of changes to title transfer rules, CMV
2014 calculation, new rate 100/110 criteria, P2P URL and
conjunction with release 4 (2014)
5.3 Jan 2015 January 21, Updated Standard Consumption Profile for Rate 1
2015 customers

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2. Introduction

2.1. EnTRAC System Overview

The EnTRAC system is a self-service automated processing system for use by Enbridge Gas
Distributions Inc. (“EGDI”) customers and their authorized agents to permit them to conduct
business with EGDI in relation to specific contracted services.

The screens and functionality that may be accessed by users, the data and information that may
be submitted and received, will vary based upon applicable contracted services, and the assigned
EnTRAC User Role.

The main categories of contracted services managed through the EnTRAC system are:
1. Large Volume Distribution Contracts for Bundled Rates
2. Gas Delivery Agreements (sometimes referred to as Direct Purchase Agreements) and
applicable Billing Services
3. OEB Gas Distribution Access Rule Service Agreements and applicable Billing Services

In order to manage the above contracted services, EnTRAC has been architected into four main
areas of functionality:
1. Contract Management
2. Gas Supply Management
3. Financials Management
4. Administration

The Contract Management functionality is designed to manage data entities, transactions and
reports relating to the creation and administration of contractual agreements. The main areas of
functionality are designed to manage:
1. MSA - Information pertaining to parties entering into Master Services Agreements
(MSA) and relationships between MSA Parties.
2. Pool - Pool information in relation to Direct Purchase / Gas Delivery Agreements.
3. Price Point Group - Price Point Group information in relation to contracted billing services
for accounts associated to Pools.
4. Accounts - Customer billing account and historical consumption information.
5. Service Transaction Requests (STR) - Transactions relating to the management of Pools,
Price Points Groups and their associated Accounts.
6. Distribution Contracts - Contractual and consumption information in relation to Large
Volume Distribution Contracts.

The Gas Supply Management functionality is designed to manage data entities, transactions and
reports relating to the volumetric management, monitoring of compliance and reporting in relation
to contractual agreements. The main areas of functionality are designed to manage:
1. Nominations – MSA Party Notifications relating to gas deliveries to the Enbridge system.
2. Load Balancing – MSA Party requests to manage volumes in relation to Pools under
Direct Purchase / Gas Delivery Agreements both active and expired.
3. Banked Gas Account (BGA) Reporting – Volumetric reporting of consumption, gas
deliveries and load balancing transaction in relation to Pools.
4. Curtailment – Utility notifications of and monitoring of consumption volumes coincident
with occurrences of requests for interruptible customers to discontinue use of gas.
5. Degree day Information – Actual degree day daily, Actual degree day monthly, and
Budget Degree Day Monthly information.

The Financials Management functionality is designed to manage data entities, transactions and
reports relating to the financial management, monitoring and reporting in relation to contractual

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agreements and the associated billing services. The main areas of functionality are designed to
1. Invoice Remittance Statements (IRS) – Statements to support remittances and offsetting
charges pertaining to Pools under Direct Purchase / Gas Delivery Agreement and Billing
Services agreements.
2. Funds Imbalance Statements (FIS) – Statements to support financial report of amounts
billed and amounts remitted in relation to Pools under Direct Purchase / Gas Delivery
Agreement and Billing Services agreements.
3. Invoice Rate Ready (IRR) - reporting of billed charges relating to accounts associated to
Price Point Groups and Pools under Direct Purchase / Gas Delivery Agreement and
Billing Services agreements.
4. Invoice Vendor Adjustments (IVA) – reporting of bill ready transactions submitted by Gas
Vendors relating to accounts associated to Pools under Direct Purchase / Gas Delivery
Agreement and Billing Services agreements.

The Administration functionality is designed to manage the ability for authorized individuals
associated to the MSA Party, to search for and validate all the users with security access to the
EnTRAC application on behalf of their organization in relation to their MSA Id.

In relation to the OEB Gas Distribution Access Rule (“GDAR”), EnTRAC is designed to act as a
Point on the Electronic Business Transaction (EBT) system and as such to receive and send
transactions from and to agents acting as Gas Vendors in accordance with the
• GDAR Appendix D - Electronic Business Transactions Standards Document (“the EBT
• GDAR EBT Transport Protocol Between Points Document (“the Transport Protocols”).

The EBT Standards define the computer-based transaction mechanism for transmitting common
format data amongst Gas Distributors and Gas Vendors through an EBT system.

The Transport Protocols defines the Internet Data Transport protocol and rules for EBT
transactions for communication between sending Points and recipient Points.

The Transaction Rules may be updated from time to time. The most current version of
Transaction Rules may be downloaded in PDF format from the EnTRAC portal

2.2. EnTRAC Portal

To assist in communicating effectively to EnTRAC Users, an EnTRAC Portal is maintained and is
used to publish information such as but not limited to the following:
• EnTRAC Transaction Rules
• EnTRAC system and EnTRAC point availability
• Communications pertaining to upcoming scheduled outages for the EnTRAC system and
EnTRAC point
• Communications pertaining to current unscheduled unplanned for outages for the
EnTRAC system and EnTRAC point and the corrective action status
• Agreement and contract proforma
• Templates and forms
• Business policy and procedure updates

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3. EnTRAC System and Portal Access

3.1. Requesting User Access to the EnTRAC Portal

Access to view information posted to the EnTRAC Portal is managed independent of access to
the EnTRAC System. Requests for access to just to the EnTRAC Portal can be made by
sending an e-mail to entrac.support@enbridge.com

At the point of processing a request for access to the EnTRAC system, access to the EnTRAC
Portal will automatically be provided as well. Therefore, a separate request to obtain access to
the EnTRAC Portal is not required if access has been requested to the EnTRAC system.

3.2. Requesting User Access to the EnTRAC System

Requests for user access to the EnTRAC system may be submitted by:

1. Parties to Large Volume Distribution Contracts (LVDC)

2. Parties to Master Services Agreements (MSA)

3.2.1. User Access for Large Volume Distribution Contract (LVDC)

For customers that have executed a Large Volume Distribution Contract, who would like access
to the EnTRAC system to view their contract and account information, please refer to the sections
below pertaining to “Viewing an LVDC” and “Creating LVC Relationships”.

There is only one security role available within EnTRAC for LVDC Customers and that is LVDC
View Only.

An LVDC Customer may request access to the EnTRAC system by filling out a “LVDC EnTRAC
Access Request Form” and forwarding it to your Account Executive or the Contract Support and
Compliance Department (ContractSupportandCompliance@enbridge.com).

A copy of the “LVDC EnTRAC Access Request Form” can be obtained

• by contacting your Account Executive,
• downloading a copy from the EnTRAC Portal
• by contacting the Contract Support and Compliance Department

Note: If an LVDC Customer is also a party to Master Services Agreement, and therefore is
already granted security access as an MSA Party to the EnTRAC system, a separate request to
have LVDC View Only access is not required, as access to view their LVDC information is
enabled if the LVDC is associated to a Pool managed under the MSA.

Once security access has been granted an individual’s user status is changed from the “inactive”
state to the “active” state.

3.2.2. User Access for Master Services Agreements (MSA) Parties

Upon execution of the applicable contractual agreements (referred to as Master Services
Agreements) which includes an EnTRAC User Agreement, the person designated as the
EnTRAC User Contact may submit a request to have one or more persons associated with their

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organization given user access to EnTRAC. The designated EnTRAC User Contact would fill out
and submit a request form entitled “EnTRAC Security Update Form” to the Contract Support and
Compliance Department (ContractSupportandCompliance@enbridge.com). A copy of the
“EnTRAC Security Update Form” can be requested directly from the Contract Support and
Compliance Department or downloaded from the EnTRAC portal.

The form entitled EnTRAC Security Update Form is used to request access for one or more users
and contains the following information:
• the user’s name,
• the User ID (user’s e-mail address),
• the requested user access role
• the user contact information
• the effective date

A single User ID may only have one EnTRAC user role assigned to it at any given time and can
be associated to only one primary MSA.

In order for a user to have access to more than one MSA, refer to the discussion on Establishing
Manager – Managee MSA Relationships. As a single User ID may only have on EnTRAC user
role assigned to it, in the presence of the a Manager – Managee MSA Relationship, all users
associated to the Manager MSA, would have the same security role access rights in regards to all
the subordinate MSA’s, as they do in relation to the Manager MSA.

Once security access has been granted an individual’s user status is changed from the “inactive”
state to the “active” state.

EnTRAC User Role Options for MSA Parties

The security access request submitted by the MSA Party’s EnTRAC User Contact must specify
which one of the following four security access rights the user is to be given.

 View Only (User Role = SLA A\&C Trainee)

 Contract Management (User Role = SLA A\&C – CM User)
 Gas Management (User Role = SLA A\&C – GM User)
 Full Access (User Role = SLA A\&C User)

The “View Only” security role enables the user to access the screens in the functionality area of
Contracts within the EnTRAC system. The user is able to:
 Search for Pools, Price Point Groups, Large Volume Distribution Contracts and
 View MSA, Pool, Price Point Group, Large Volume Distribution Contract and Account

The “Contract Management” security role enables the user to submit transactions in relation to
the Contract functionality within the EnTRAC system and is able to:

 View MSA details

 Search, view, edit, delete and add new Pools
 Search and view STR details
 Associate and disassociate accounts to Pools and Price Point Groups
 Establish the MDV for Pools
 Download Pool Composition Reports
 Search, view, edit and add new Price Point Groups
 Search and view Large Volume Distribution Contracts
 Search and view Account details

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 Search and view information only in the Gas Management screens
 Search and view information only in the Financial screens (if applicable)

The “Gas Management” security role enables the user to submit transactions in relation to the
Gas Supply functionality within the EnTRAC system and is able to:

 Search, view, create, copy and Nominations

 Search, view, create, edit, and rescind CDS Nominations
 Search, view, create and rescind Title Transfers
 Search, view, create, edit and rescind Make Up Requests
 Search, view, create, edit and rescind Suspension Requests
 Search, view and create Gas Sale or Gas Purchase Requests
 Search and view Curtailment details
 Search, view and download BGA reports
 Search and view Degree Day information

The “Full Access” security role enables the user to access the screens in all three main
functionality areas within the EnTRAC system: Contract Management, Gas Management and
Financials. The user is able to:
 View MSA details
 Search, view, edit, delete and create new Pools
 Associate and disassociate accounts to Pools and Price Point Groups
 Establish the MDV for Pools
 Download Pool Composition Reports
 Search, view, edit and create new Price Point Groups
 Search and view Large Volume Distribution Contracts
 Search and view Account details
 Search, and create new Nominations
 Search, view, create and copy Nominations
 Search, view, create, edit and rescind CDS Nominations
 Search, view, create and rescind Title Transfers
 Search, view, create, edit and rescind Make Up Requests
 Search, view, create, edit and rescind Suspension Requests
 Search, view and create Gas Sale or Gas Purchase Requests
 Search and view Curtailment details
 Search, view and download BGA reports
 Search and view Degree Day information
 Search and view information in the Financial screens (if applicable)

Searching for Users Granted System Access in Relation to an MSA Id

Within EnTRAC the MSA Party with the EnTRAC User Role of SLA A\&C User (Full Access) is
able to search for those users associated with their MSA Party that have been provided user
access to the EnTRAC system.

To access the “Search for Users” screen, navigate to the Homepage. Click on the User
navigation tab on the left hand side of the screen.

It is the responsibility of the EnTRAC User Contact for the respective MSA Party to periodically
audit the users for their organization that currently have EnTRAC system access related to their
MSA Id, and report any required changes to the EnTRAC Support mailbox by sending an e-mail
to entrac.support@enbridge.com. Clearly indicate in the subject line of the e-mail if a User
Termination is requested.

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4. EnTRAC Homepage
A navigation link is provided at the top of the Homepage and allows the MSA Party to access:
 Change Password
 Online Help
 Frequently Asked Questions
 Contact Us
 Logging Out

The Homepage also provides the user with an Alerts and Message section.

The Alerts section of the screen displays messages to the MSA Party that informs the MSA Party
of some of the important events that have occurred or will occur that may require an action on the
part of the MSA Party.

The Messages section of the screen displays notices and availability of reports.

All users associated to the MSA Party will have access to view the Alerts and Messages related
to the MSA Party based upon their EnTRAC user role.

The EnTRAC Homepage also contains shortcuts and links to commonly used functionality within
the EnTRAC system.

5. EnTRAC and the Ontario Energy Board Gas Distribution Access Rule

5.1.1. GDAR Overview

The Gas Distribution Access Rule (“GDAR”) was issued by the Ontario Energy Board on
December 11, 2002 pursuant to section 44 of the Ontario Energy Board Act. The Rule was
developed to facilitate competition in the sale of gas by establishing rules governing the Gas
Distributor – Gas Vendor relationship.

More information pertaining to GDAR may be found on the OEB web site at
www.ontarioenergyboard.ca or contact the Consumer Relations Centre at 416-314-2455 or toll
free at 1-877-632-2727.

The sections in this document relating to GDAR, the EBT System, the GDAR Service Agreement,
the EBT Standards and the Transport Protocols is only applicable to you and your organization if
your organization meets the GDAR definition of Gas Vendor. However, there are aspects of the
EBT Standards that will apply to all MSA types. For example: A situation could arise where the
EnTRAC system is required to process transactions submitted for the same account by a Gas
Vendors and those submitted by a Customer MSA type. The EBT Standards Document,
Appendix E, provides a Collision Matrix. The Collision Matrix outlines for the Distributor, how to
process an incoming transaction (e.g. accept or reject) if there is a pre-existing pending
transaction in accepted state for a particular account. The logic of the Collision Matrix is applied
regardless of whether the transaction is submitted by an Agent MSA Type (Gas Vendor) or a
Customer MSA type. The Collision Matrix forms Appendix E to this document. The most recent
version of the Collision Matrix can be obtained from the OEB website at

5.1.2. GDAR Applicability to Utility in Relation to Gas Vendors

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A “gas vendor” means a person who,
 sells or offers to sell gas to a consumer,
 acts as the agent or broker for a seller of gas to a consumer, or
 acts or offers to act as the agent or broker of a consumer in the purchase of gas

All MSA Parties with the MSA Type designation of “agent” within the EnTRAC system that intend
to submit transactions listed as an EBT Transaction, fall under the GDAR definition of Gas
Vendor. The sections in this document relating to GDAR, the execution of a Service Agreement,
the EBT System, the EBT Standards and the Transport Protocols are applicable to you and your
organization if your organization meets the GDAR definition of Gas Vendor.

If within EnTRAC your MSA Type has been designated that of “customer” and not “agent”, your
organization would NOT fall under the GDAR classification of Gas Vendor. The sections in this
document relating to GDAR, the EBT System, the EBT Standards and the Transport Protocols as
a result are NOT applicable to you and your organization if your organization does NOT meet the
GDAR definition of Gas Vendor.

The MSA Type associated to an MSA Party is displayed on the View MSA Screen.

5.1.3. GDAR Service Agreement

As stated in the GDAR section 3.2.1, a gas distributor shall enter into a Service Agreement, in a
form approved by the Ontario Energy Board, with each Gas Vendor who provides, or advises the
gas distributor that it intends to provide, gas supply service to consumers in the gas distributors’
franchise area.

Upon the execution of a Service Agreement, Gas Vendors would be required to use the
Electronic Business Transaction (EBT) system (is also referred to as the EBT Point-to-Point
(P2P) system) in conjunction with the EnTRAC system.

In the absence of signing a Service Agreement an MSA Type of Agent may not submit
transactions through the EBT system to EnTRAC for processing.

Note: If the MSA Type assigned to your organization within EnTRAC is that of a “customer” and
not that of an “agent”, then the Gas Distribution Access Rule does NOT require EGDI to enter into
the OEB approved form of Service Agreement with your organization. Therefore, GDAR does
NOT require / permit your organization to exchange data with Enbridge through the EBT system.
You will however, continue to be able to submit transactions from within the EnTRAC application
through the file upload functionality as outlined in this document.

5.1.4. GDAR Electronic Business Transaction (EBT) System

As specified in GDAR section 4.7.1, a Gas Distributor shall implement a computer-based
transaction mechanism, i.e. Electronic Business Transaction System (“the EBT system”) for
transmitting common format data among Gas Distributors and Gas Vendors, if mandated by the

5.1.5. GDAR EBT Standards Document for the Gas Marketing Industry
On May 9, 2006 the OEB directed Board Staff to develop the Electronic Business Transactions
(EBT) Standards document and a process to amend this document going forward. Board Staff
proceeded to convene a GDAR EBT Standards Working Group for the gas marketplace in
Ontario, Canada.

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The EBT Standards document specifies computer-based transaction methods for communicating
data between the gas distributor and gas vendor. The EBT Standards document defines the
computer-based transactions mechanism for transmitting common format data among Gas
Distributors and Gas Vendors, which shall be implemented by a Gas Distributor and a Gas
Vendor (both of which are referred to as Market Participants).

eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is the technology to implement EBT. XML introduces a
framework of standardized business-to-business electronic transactions. A copy of the current
XML schema which must be used in conjunction with the EBT system can be obtained from the
OEB website at www.ontarioenergyboard.ca.
The Gas Distribution Access Rule (GDAR) Electronic Business Transactions (EBT) Standards
Document for the Gas Marketing Industry (“the EBT Standards”) forms Appendix D to the Service
Agreement. The most recent version of the EBT Standards document can be obtained from the
OEB website at www.ontarioenergyboard.ca.

5.1.6. GDAR EBT Transport Protocol Between Points

The GDAR EBT Transport Protocol Between Points (the “Transport Protocols”) defines the
Internet Data Transport protocol and rules for EBT transactions for communication between
sending Points and recipient Points.

The GDAR EBT Transport Protocol Between Points defines the technical and functional
standards for EBT messaging between sending Points and recipient Points in the Ontario gas
market. Each Recipient Point must provide an inbound facility (e.g. the URL address of their
Server) for sending Points to upload EBT’s intended for the recipient. All Points must upload
their outbound EBTs to the appropriate destination.

The Transport Protocols document assumes the reader is familiar with the Gas Distribution
Access Rule (GDAR) Electronic Business Transactions (EBT) Standards Document for the Gas
Marketing Industry (Appendix D to the GDAR), Public Key encryption, and HTTP.

The functional requirements for this communication protocol include but are not limited to the
 Each recipient point must provide at least one concurrent connection for each market
participant who has signed a Service Agreement with the recipient point
 Secure communication between points using digital certificates
 Encryption / decryption of data to be exchanged between points using PGP encryption
 Security of data to be maintained by digital signatures
 Each point must archive data being sent or received
 Acknowledge the receipt of data by sending HTTP responses back to the sender
 Acknowledge the correctness of the format of data by sending a Functional
Acknowledgement back to the sender against each request received

A copy of the current Ontario GDAR EBT Transport Protocol Between Points can be obtained
from the OEB web site at www.ontarioenergyboard.ca.

5.1.7. GDAR EBT System and EnTRAC’s Role as a Point

In relation to the OEB Gas Distribution Access Rule (“GDAR”), EnTRAC is designed to act as a
Point on the Electronic Business Transaction (EBT) system and as such to receive and send
transactions from and to agents acting as Gas Vendors in accordance with the

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• GDAR Appendix D - Electronic Business Transactions Standards Document (“the EBT
• GDAR EBT Transport Protocol Between Points Document (“the Transport Protocols”).

The GDAR EBT Transport Protocol Between Points defines the technical and functional
standards for EBT messaging between sending Points and recipient Points in the Ontario gas
market. Each Recipient Point must provide an inbound facility (e.g. the URL address of their
Server) for sending Points to upload EBT’s intended for the recipient.

The URL address for Enbridge’s point is as follows:


Transactions submitted through the EBT System are processed by the EnTRAC system, and
responded to through the EBT System as prescribed in the EBT Standards Document. In
addition, the EnTRAC system will also generate transactions prescribed in the EBT Standards
5.1.8. GDAR Requirement for a Market Participant Identifier (MPID)
Gas Distributors and Gas Vendors are referred to as Market Participants / trading partners /
points. Each Gas Distributor and Gas Vendor must communicate their Market Participant
Identifier to each trading partner / point. Market Participant identifiers are self-selected and
registered with the OEB to ensure uniqueness within Ontario.

Each MSA which is acting as a point on the EBT System must have a unique MPID.

A MPID must have the format of exactly 10 alpha numeric characters.

Upon execution of a Service Agreement, your MPID is entered into your MSA record on EnTRAC
by an Enbridge internal user.

An MSA Record must contain a MPID in order to have access to the EBT system. Until a MPID is
entered on the MSA record, PIPE documents will not be accepted by the EBT System.

EnTRAC will only permit a MPID to be entered on an MSA record if

• the MSA type is that of “agent”, and
• the MSA ID is not specified in an active Manager – Managee MSA Relationship as the
Managee, with the Manager MSA associated to it designated with the Gas Vendor role.
See the section on Manager MSA Relationship for further details.

A MPID is only entered on the MSA record after the required information pertaining to Digital
Certificates, Key and URL information is received from the EBT Contact specified by the MSA

A MPID can only be entered on the MSA record within EnTRAC by an Enbridge internal user.

The MPID is viewable on the View MSA Details Screen.

The MPID for Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. is ENBRIDGEGD.

Note: The MSA type of “Customer” is not required or able to use the EBT system, and therefore
does not require an MPID. Also, EnTRAC does not permit a MPID to be entered on an MSA
record if the MSA type is “Customer”.

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5.1.9. GDAR Requirements - Encryption, PGP Public / Private Key Pair
and Digital Certificates
Technology must be employed to ensure the security, reliability, and data transport of EBTs to
and from Market Participants. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) was chosen as the key standard
to be adopted in ensuring EBT Internet security characteristics of Privacy, Authentication,
Integrity, and Non-repudiation (“PAIN”). The specific technology standards followed are Secure
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) employing Triple Digital Encryption Standard
(DES) for encryption and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) for Digital Signature.

In a Point-to-Point system such as the EBT system, each Market Participant is required to have
its own PGP public / private key pair and digital certificate. It is required that prior to initiating
communication with another Point, the following information is to be exchanged.

 Public Key
 Certificates
 Unique Market Participant Identifier
 A contact person’s email address responsible for key management

All EnTRAC User Roles other than Gas Management (User role = SLA A\&C – GM User) can
view the EBT details on the View MSA Details screen related to their organization. Specifically:

 EBT Contact Name and contact information

 PGP Encryption Key – Valid from date
 PGP Encryption Key – Valid to date
 PGP Encryption Key – Activation date
 Digital Certificate – Valid from date
 Digital Certificate – Valid to date
 Digital Certificate – Activation date
 EBT Upload URL

To update any information relating to certificates and keys please send an e-mail note to

Market Participants must have only one Public Key active at any time.

Only one Market Participant (MPID) can be associated with a Public Key.

More than one Market Participant may be associated with the same EBT Upload URL.

More than one Market Participant may be associated with the same Digital Certificate.

New keys must be distributed at least 7 and no more than 28 business days prior to the key
expiration date.

Public Keys can be distributed via e-mail to entrac.support@enbridge.com or other agreeable

method to the sender and recipient of the Public Key.

The authenticity of the public key can be confirmed by the recipient of the public key by
contacting the sender / owner of the Public Key via telephone and requesting a reading of the
Public Key’s fingerprint.

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Refer to the Ontario GDAR EBT Transport Protocol Between Points (the “Transport Protocols”)
for a more complete discussion of the requirement for file encryption, PGP Public / Private Key
pairs and digital certificates.

6. Data Documents and Transmission Between Parties Over Internet

6.1. Document Management Overview

eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is a technology that was created in order to be able to
deliver structured content over the Internet. XML is a tag-based framework used primarily to
organize data in a universally understood format. It facilitates the transmission of information
from system to system independent of platform.

Service Transaction Requests (STRs) such as Enrols, Drops and Transfers, must be submitted to
the EnTRAC system in a document / file consistent with a predefined XML file format (XML

The acceptable XML Schema format that EnTRAC is able to process, matches the XML schema
format developed (and will periodically be updated) by the GDAR EBT Standards working group
to be used in conjunction with the EBT system. A copy of the most current XML Schema can be
obtained for the OEB website at www.ontarioenergyboard.ca

Whether you are an MSA type of Customer or Agent, both MSA types must submit STRs to
EnTRAC system consistent with the same predefined set of XML Schema to create their XML
documents / files (also referred to as PIPE documents).

The list of transactions that the MSA Type of Agent may submit through the EBT system to
EnTRAC for processing is as per the GDAR, the Service Agreement and the EBT Standards.

The list of transactions that the MSA Type of Customer may submit through the upload facility
within the EnTRAC system for processing is a subset of the list of transactions that the MSA Type
of Agent may submit the EBT system.

Refer to the section on Transaction Management for a more complete discussion of the
transactions and their processing.

6.2. MSA Party Customer – Generating / Sending / Receiving XML


6.2.1. XML File Generator

To assist MSA Parties of the MSA type of customer, an XML file generator is provided that
converts information input into a provided Excel file template and converts it into the required
XML file format. A copy of the XML file generator can be obtained from the EnTRAC portal.

The XML File Generator is designed for MSA type of customer and therefore will only create
Enrol, Drop, Transfer and Status Advice transactions.

Note: the XML file generator is updated each time the GDAR EBT Standards working group
publishes a new version of XML schema. Visit the EnTRAC portal to verify you have the most
current version of the XML file generator.

6.2.2. Uploading XML Files within EnTRAC

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If a submitted XML file does not meet the required XML schema format, it is rejected.

EnTRAC will process XML files in the order that they are received.

A Transaction ID is displayed on the Account Association upload confirmation screen if the XML
file passes initial screening and meets the required XML schema format.

6.2.3. Downloading XML Response Files within EnTRAC

The MSA Party is able to determine that a Response XML file has been generated or updated the
previous night by EnTRAC, by the presence of an exclamation mark appearing beside the
Response XML file. The exclamation mark will disappear after EnTRAC performs its next nightly
update, regardless of whether it has been downloaded or not by the MSA Party.

The naming convention of the Response file and files containing Status Advices is
P<MSA ID><CreationDateTime><5 digit number>.xml.

EnTRAC will display the downloadable files (permitting it to be downloaded by the MSA Party) for
30 calendar days after the response file is generated.

After 30 calendar days the XML request and response files is "archived" and no longer viewable
or downloadable by the MSA Party.

Note: The way a request file is received determines the way a response file is sent / made
available by the EnTRAC application. Therefore, for PIPE documents submitted through the EBT
System for which EnTRAC returned a response file back to the submitter through the EBT
System, there will not also be a response file available for downloading through an EnTRAC
system screen.

6.3. MSA Party Agent (Gas Vendor) – Sending / Receiving PIPE


6.3.1. Receiving PIPE Documents from Gas Vendors

EnTRAC will process PIPE documents submitted through the EBT system (and also XML files
uploaded from within the EnTRAC application) in the order that they are received based upon
received date and time-stamp (not the document creation date embedded in the header of the
PIPE document). The received date is the date and time when the server (recipient point)
receives the PIPE document.

Each PIPE document may contain multiple PIP transactions. These transactions can be of
different types. The PIP transactions are processed in the order they appear in the PIPE

Each PIPE document must have a unique filename (written in the POST header information) and
will end with the file extension (.pgp). Refer to the GDAR EBT Standards document for PIPE
Document Reference Number Format.

Each PIPE document is date and time-stamped using GMT.

The PIPE document is rejected if it does not meet the following validation:

a) Unique Document Reference Number

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The document sent by a Gas Vendor should have a unique document reference number.

b) Unique Transaction Reference Number

A PIPE document may contain multiple PIP transactions and the transaction reference
numbers should be unique.

c) XML Schema Validation

The PIPE document is validated against the schema specified in the header of the PIPE

d) Market Participant ID

The sender and the recipient Market Participant ID should be correct.

e) Valid Service Agreement

An executed Service Agreement must be in effect between Enbridge and the Gas Vendor.

f) Original File Size

The plaintext EBT document must not be larger than 500Mb prior to encryption and

A Functional Acknowledgement is to be sent within 4 hours of receipt of the PIPE Document. A

DocAccept Functional Acknowledgement is sent if the PIPE document passes the above
validation. If it does not pass above validation a DocReject Functional Acknowledgement is

6.3.2. Sending PIPE Documents to Gas Vendors

Each night after the STR Validation Engines completes processing inbound transactions;
EnTRAC will generate the required response transaction, and then compile them into PIPE
Documents to be sent to the transaction originator. The response file will only contain those
transactions which could be accepted or rejected. Some transactions will take more than one
evening to process (example: Enrol and Historical Consumption Requests submitted without an
account number and Invoice Vendor Adjustment Transactions.)

The file naming convention for outbound files sent to Gas Vendors through the EBT system as
per the Transport Protocols and the EBT Standards is: P<MSA ID><CreationDateTime><5 digit

7. EnTRAC Nightly Batch Processing

The EnTRAC system is designed to accept transactions through the screen and transactions
contained in specific predefined XML format files / schema submitted through the EBT Point. The
EnTRAC system is designed to process transactions either in
• real-time, where the process is triggered by the submission of a transaction through an
EnTRAC application screen (such as create pool requests)
• batch processing, where the system searches for files received since the previous batch
processing commenced (such as Enrol Requests submitted in XML files).

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EnTRAC is designed to perform its Nightly Batch Processing once, each and every day.

EnTRAC is designed to commence its Nightly Batch Processing at 8:00 p.m. each day. However,
EGDI reserves the right to commence the Nightly Batch Processing as early as 5:00 p.m. on any
given day without notice to MSA Parties.

During peak transaction volume periods, EnTRAC may take up until 8:00 a.m. the following day
to complete its Nightly Batch Processing. Therefore MSA Parties should manage their business
operations for submitting all transactions (those processed in real-time and those processed
through batch processing) to the EnTRAC application within the period of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
on any given day.

However, in the isolated event that EnTRAC is unable to complete its Nightly Batch Processing
before 8:00 a.m. the subsequent day, EnTRAC Support will issue a notification to the EnTRAC
Portal (and where possible an e-mail notification), notifying users of the non-completion of the
previous Nightly Batch Processing. Users are asked to defer from manually establishing the
MDV for any pending pools until the Nightly Batch Processing is completed.

Therefore, any calendar is deemed to end at the point Nightly Batch Processing for that calendar
day commences. Therefore, any subsequent discussions on submission lead-times specified in
calendar days reflects the calendar day ending prior to the commencement of the Nightly Batch
Processing window, which could commence as early as 5:00 p.m. on any given calendar day.

During the Nightly Batch Processing window, even though an EnTRAC user is still able to log on
to the EnTRAC system and is able to submit transactions or upload an XML file through an
EnTRAC screen, EnTRAC may or may not process those transactions in relation to the current
calendar day. Any transactions or files submitted after the engine that would process those
transactions has commenced its Nightly Batch Processing, are processed as if received the
following calendar day and processed by the Nightly Batch Processing on the following evening.
Similarly, even though an EBT User is able to submit a PIPE document to the EBT point, any
transactions contained in the XML files submitted after the engine that would process those
transactions has commenced its Nightly Batch Processing, are processed as if received the
following calendar day and processed by the Nightly Batch Processing on the following evening.

8. Contract Management Functionality

8.1. Contract Management Functionality Overview

The Contract Management functionality is designed to manage data entities, transactions and
reports relating to the creation and administration of contractual agreements. The main areas of
functionality are designed to manage:
1. MSA - Information pertaining to parties entering into Master Services Agreements
(MSA) and relationships between MSA Parties.
2. Pool - Pool information in relation to Direct Purchase / Gas Delivery Agreements.
3. Price Point Group - Price Point Group information in relation to contracted billing services
for accounts associated to Pools.
4. Accounts - Customer billing account and historical consumption information.
5. Service Transaction Requests (STR) - Transactions relating to the management of Pools,
Price Points Groups and their associated Accounts.
6. Distribution Contracts - Contractual and consumption information in relation to Large
Volume Distribution Contracts.

Page 21 of 205
8.2. Master Services Agreements (MSA) Party Management

8.2.1. MSA Party Management Overview

An interested party may request to enter into a set of Master Services Agreements by filling out a
“MSA Request Form” and submitting it to the Contract Support and Compliance Department

A copy of the “MSA Request Form” may be obtained by:

• Submitting a request to the Contract Support and Compliance Department
• Downloading a copy from the EnTRAC Portal
• If you are an LVDC customer, contacting your Account Executive

Coincident with the drafting and execution of a set of Master Services Agreement with a Party,
the Contract Support and Compliance Department will create a record in the EnTRAC system
referred to as an MSA Party record.

The MSA Party record is intended to present the information that Enbridge has on record and will
maintain, in relation to a party that has executed a set of Master Services Agreements with
Enbridge. This information can be viewed by navigating to the View MSA Details Screen.

A new MSA record is not usually created within the EnTRAC system until Enbridge is in receipt of
executed copies of the components of the Master Services Agreements. A set of Master
Services Agreements could be comprised of (but not limited to) one or more of the following;
• the EnTRAC User Agreement (Agent or customer version),
• Gas Delivery Agreement (Agent or customer version)
• GDAR Service Agreement (applicable to Agents only),
• Collection Service Agreement (applicable to Customers only)
• Letter of Transition (if applicable)

If the Collection Service Agreement is not executed the MSA Party will not be able to create
Pools with the billing option - Collection Service Agreement (ABC).

Once an MSA record has been created within the EnTRAC system, the MSA Party is assigned a
unique MSA ID by the EnTRAC system.

Security is managed by associating one or more users, authorized by an MSA Party to have
access to, and the ability to submit and interact with data related to a single MSA ID as permitted
by their user role.

All data associated to the MSA Party is managed within EnTRAC in relation to their MSA ID
directly or indirectly.

Data maintained in relation to the MSA Party includes (but not limited to) the following:
• Legal Corporate Name
• OEB License Number (applicable to Gas Vendors)
• Gas Vendor Market Participant ID (applicable to Gas Vendors)
• Company Contact Information (Mailing Address, Courier Address, Business Phone and
Fax number)
• Legal Contact Information (Name, Position, Department, Company, Phone Number, Fax
number, Email Address, Mailing Address, Courier Address)

Page 22 of 205
• EBT Contact Information (applicable to Gas Vendors - Name, Position, Department,
Company, Phone Number, Fax number, Email Address, Mailing Address, Courier
• Certificate Information (applicable to Gas Vendors)

After a set of Master Services Agreements have been executed, if any information embedded in
the original documents such as contact information changes, a formalized amendment to the
Master Services Agreements may or may not be drafted by EGDI and executed by all parties.
However, the intent is to maintain this information on the MSA Party record within EnTRAC, with
the intent that it may be relied upon by Enbridge in the administration of the Master Services
Agreements with the MSA Party.

The MSA Party is responsible for reviewing that the MSA Party information contained on the MSA
record (View MSA Details screen) within EnTRAC from time to time for its accuracy. If the
information is not complete or has changed, the MSA Party is to notify their MSA Sponsor or their
MSA Administrator in writing of the change and the effective date (example: Legal Contact for
MSA Party).

Contact Information in relation to Enbridge will also be provided to the MSA Party such as:
• MSA Administrator (Name, phone number, fax number and Email address)
• MSA Sponsor (Name, phone number, fax number and Email address)
• Legal Contact Enbridge (Name, Position, Department, Company, Phone Number, Fax
number, Email Address, Mailing Address, Courier Address)

When an MSA Record is created in EnTRAC it is assigned an MSA Id. The MSA Id becomes the
unique identifier for the organization that has entered in the set of Master Services Agreements
with Enbridge. All users authorized to have access to the information maintained in EnTRAC
relating to the MSA Id will granted access to EnTRAC by associating their User Id to the MSA Id.

8.2.2. Creating an MSA Party Record

A new MSA record can only be created within the EnTRAC system by an Enbridge internal user.

A new MSA record is not usually created within the EnTRAC system until Enbridge is in receipt of
executed copies of the components of the Master Services Agreements.

Two versions to the Gas Delivery Agreement (GDA) exist. One version reflects the contracting
party is a Customer, and the other reflects the contracting party is an Agent acting on behalf of
one or more customers. Based upon the version of GDA that is executed, the MSA Party type is
set up within the EnTRAC system as either an MSA party type of Customer or Agent. The MSA
party type (of Customer or Agent) cannot be changed once the state of the MSA record within the
EnTRAC system is changed from inactive to active.

When the MSA record is first created within the EnTRAC system the MSA record is assigned the
default status of inactive. Only an Enbridge internal user can change the status of an MSA
record from inactive to active.

Once all the information is complete and Enbridge is in receipt of the executed components of the
Master Services Agreements the status is changed from inactive to active.

8.2.3. Viewing an MSA Party Record

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Once the MSA record status is changed to active, if an individual working for the MSA Party’s
organization is granted user security access to the EnTRAC system, the MSA record is viewable
by the MSA Party.

8.2.4. Editing an MSA Party Record

Only an Enbridge internal user can change, edit or update the information on an MSA record.

The MSA Party is responsible for reviewing that the MSA Party information contained on the MSA
record within EnTRAC from time to time for its accuracy. If the information is inaccurate or has
changed, the MSA Party is to notify their MSA Sponsor or their MSA Administrator in writing of
the change and the effective date (an example would be the Legal Contact).

Once a Pool or Price Point Group has been created for the MSA within the EnTRAC system, the
MSA effective date can no longer be modified.

8.2.5. Terminating an MSA Party Record

If an MSA Party wishes to terminate the components of their Master Services Agreements they
must submit the request in writing to their MSA Sponsor in compliance with the Rights of
Termination specified within the respective agreement.

Before an Enbridge internal user can change the status of an MSA record to “terminated” within
the EnTRAC system, the MSA Party must first disassociate all their accounts from their pools by
submitting Drop Requests and then submit a request within the EnTRAC system to terminate the
pools. Once the MSA record status is changed to terminated, any of the associated users to the
MSA Party will no longer be able to access the EnTRAC system.

Only an Enbridge internal user can change the status of an MSA record to “terminated”.

8.2.6. Managing GDAR Market Participant ID for MSA Party Type Agent
In relation to GDAR, Gas Distributors and Gas Vendors are referred to as Market Participants /
trading partner / point. Each Gas Distributor and Gas Vendor must communicate their Market
Participant Identifier to each trading partner / point. Market Participant identifiers are self-
selected and registered with the OEB to ensure uniqueness within Ontario. The format is exactly
10 alpha numeric characters.

Upon execution of a Service Agreement, your Market Participant Identifier is entered into your
MSA record on EnTRAC by an Enbridge internal user. Only MSAs with a Market Participant
Identifier (MPID) will have access to the EBT system.

EnTRAC will NOT permit a MPID to be entered on an MSA record if

• the MSA type is “customer” or
• the MSA Party is the MSA type “agent” but is associated to a Manager – Managee MSA
Relationship where they are the Managee MSA and the associated Manager MSA is
assigned the Gas Vendor role.
See the section on Manager MSA Relationship for further details.

The MSA Party must designate an individual within their organization to be the EBT Contact
(Name, Department, Position, Company Name, Business Phone Number, Fax Number, E-mail
address, Mailing Address and Courier Address). The specified EBT Contact person is contacted
by EnTRAC Support to coordinate the exchange of Digital Certificate information, PGP
Encryption Keys and URL address information required for Market Participants to use the EBT

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EnTRAC Support can be contacted by sending an e-mail to entrac.support@enbridge.com.

8.2.7. Creating a Manager – Managee MSA Relationship

EnTRAC provides the ability for a single MSA to be assigned the role of Manager MSA, and be
related to one or more subordinate MSA’s referred to as the Managee MSA(s). This is facilitated
within EnTRAC through the establishment of what is referred to as a Manager - Managee MSA

If the MSA Party is included in at least one Manager – Managee MSA relationship and assigned
the Manager MSA role, on the Manager MSA’s homepage will appear a drop-down list of the
subordinate MSA’s for which a relationship has been established. Upon selecting a subordinate
MSA’s name from the drop-down box, EnTRAC will open up the homepage for the subordinate
MSA. From that point on, the Manager MSA is able to view the subordinate MSA details and
submit transactions on behalf of the subordinate MSA. Once a Manager – Managee MSA
Relationship becomes effective, any users associated to the Manager MSA will have the same
security access rights in relation to the Managee MSA as they have in relation to their own MSA.

Before a Manager MSA relationship can be established within EnTRAC both the Manager MSA
and the subordinate MSA must have an MSA record in EnTRAC that is activated.

Requests for the establishment of a Manager MSA relationship are to be submitted in writing to
the MSA Sponsor or MSA Administrator. Requests for the establishment of a Manager MSA
relationship must be accompanied by an Agency Appointment Letter authorizing the Manager
MSA to act on behalf of the subordinate MSA Party.

EnTRAC facilitates the ability for a Manager MSA to submit transactions on behalf of the
subordinate MSA through the EBT System as prescribed by GDAR by assigning the Manager
MSA an additional qualification of “Gas Vendor Role” in the Manager – Managee MSA

To have this additional qualification added to the Manager –Managee MSA Relationship, the
Manager MSA must submit a written request to the MSA Sponsor or Administrator to

• Establish a Manager MSA relationship with the subordinate MSA (if one does not already
• Designate the Manager MSA in the Manager MSA relationship with the Gas Vendor role

A field exists on the Add and Edit Manager Relationship screen that allows the Manager MSA to
be designated with the “Gas Vendor Role” in relation to the subordinate MSA.

Only an MSA type of “agent” can have an associated Market Participant Identifier on EnTRAC.

Only an MSA with an assigned Market Participant Identifier on EnTRAC can be assigned the Gas
Vendor role in the Manager MSA relationship. EnTRAC will not permit a Manager MSA to be
appointed the Gas Vendor Role, if the subordinate MSA has its own Market Participant ID. Two
EBT users may not be associated with the same MSA.

EnTRAC does permit a subordinate MSA to have more than one Manager MSA. However,
EnTRAC will only permit one Manager MSA to be appointed the Gas Vendor Role at any one
given point in time.

The Manager MSA’s designated with the Gas Vendor Role may submit transactions (with the
exception of a Create Price Point transaction) through the EBT system on behalf of the
subordinate MSA. The Manager MSA would specify their own Market Participant Id in the XML

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file, but by specifying the Pool Id or Price Point Id associated with the subordinate MSA, EnTRAC
is able to derive the target MSA Id that the transaction relates to.

The Manager MSA will not be able to submit Price Point Create Request transactions through the
EBT system on behalf of a subordinate MSA. This limitation exists because there is not a field
contained within the Price Point Create Request transaction for the Manager MSA to specify the
MSA ID for the subordinate MSA that the Price Point is intended to be associated to. At the point
of creating of Price Point, the Manager MSA is only able to specify a Price Point Name.
Therefore, EnTRAC is not able to derive the intended subordinate MSA that the transaction is
intended to pertain to. It is not until EnTRAC processes a Price Point Request that a Price Point
ID is assigned and returned in the Price Point Accept transaction. The Manager MSA must
through the EnTRAC system, set context as the subordinate MSA, and then use the Price Point
Create screen to create a Price Point for a subordinate MSA.

EnTRAC will send EBT transactions (e.g. Status Advice Notice of Pending Switch, Termination of
Service, Change Consumer Location, Change Consumer Information) that relate to the
subordinate MSA, only to the Manager MSA designated with the Gas Vendor Role through the
EBT system, and not to the subordinate MSA as well.

8.2.8. Viewing a Manager – Managee MSA Relationship

The ability to search, view and edit a Manager - Managee MSA relationship is only available to
EGD internal users.

8.2.9. Editing a Manager – Managee MSA Relationship

The ability to update a Manager - Managee MSA Relationship is limited to the Contract Support
and Compliance group.

Requests to update a Manager – Managee Relationship should be submitted in writing to the

MSA Sponsor or your MSA Administrator via the Contract Support and Compliance mailbox.

8.2.10. Terminating a Manager – Managee MSA Relationship

Requests for the termination of a Manager - Managee MSA Relationship are to be submitted in
writing to the MSA Sponsor or your MSA Administrator via the Contract Support and Compliance
mailbox. Along with the request should be a signed copy of the “Notice of Termination of Agency
Appointment” (form can be downloaded from the EnTRAC Portal). At the point the termination
takes effect the previous Manager MSA will no longer be able to view the subordinate MSA
details and submit transactions on behalf of the subordinate MSA.

8.3. Pool Management

8.3.1. Pool Management Overview

A Pool is a data entity within EnTRAC created by the MSA Party. The MSA Party at the time of
creation must specify for the Pool a unique Pool Name (relative to all the pools associated to their
MSA Id). The EnTRAC system will assign the Pool a unique identifier referred to as the Pool ID.

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When creating the Pool the MSA Party will elect the billing option that is applicable to the pool
and all the accounts that are or become associated to the pool during its lifecycle.

Once an MSA Party has created a Pool, the MSA Party is able to associate one or more end use
customers to the Pool ID.

Through the creation of the Pool and the association of end-use customer to that pool, the MSA
party is notifying to Enbridge the end use customer’s that the MSA Party is responsible for
arranging for, but not limited to, arranging for the end use customers’ gas supply for the duration
of the Pool as contemplated within the Gas Delivery Agreement.

Data that is maintained in relation to a Pool is:

• duration and Pool Terms
• delivery point of acceptance,
• delivery requirement volumes expressed in cubic metres and gigajoules, referred to as
the MDV – Mean Daily Volume,
• individuals that serve as points of contact
• financial institution information required in relation to the management of payments /

Contract administration (e.g. enrolling and dropping accounts), Gas Management (e.g.
Nominations, Load Balancing transactions and Banked Gas Account reports) and Financials
Management (e.g. Charges and Remittances) in conjunction with the MSA Id are managed to a
significant degree at the pool level. Therefore to a large extent the data, transactions and reports
managed within EnTRAC in relation to an MSA Id, is done so in relation to its specific Pool Ids
and their associated Pool Terms during the Pool’s lifecycle.

8.3.2. Creating a Pool

A Pool cannot be created with a requested commencement date of more than 120 calendar days
in the future.

A Pool cannot be created with a requested commencement date of less than 31calendar days in
the future.

The MSA Party must specify a Pool name which is unique to the MSA Party. Once a Pool name
has been used it cannot be reused at a later date. Even if a Pool has been terminated the Pool
name for the terminated Pool cannot be used at a later date.

The MSA Party must specify for each Pool a Point of Acceptance of either Western or Ontario.

The Point of Acceptance (of either Ontario or Western) can no longer be changed for a Pool once
the Pool has any active or pending requests to associate accounts to that pool (specifically
implemented or pending Enrol or Transfer Requests). The Point of Acceptance cannot be
changed at any point during the lifecycle of a pool. This includes at the time of renewing the next
Pool Term or any subsequent Pool Term.

The MSA Party must specify for each Pool the applicable billing option which is applied to all the
accounts associated to that pool.
The duration of a Pool is defined within the EnTRAC system by the period between and inclusive
of, the commencement date (referred to as the Pool Contracted Commencement Date) and the
expiry date (referred to as the Pool Contracted Expiry Date).

A Pool can only be created with a commencement date of the first day of a calendar month.

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A Pool can only be created with an expiry date of the last day of a calendar month.

The MSA Party must specify a Pool expiry date that is at least 12 months after the Pool
commencement date.

The MSA Party may select a Pool expiry date of up to 10 years after the Pool commencement

The MSA Party may specify a Pool expiry date that is 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
23, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, or 120 months after the Pool commencement date.

For Pools with a requested duration of greater than 23 month, the MSA Party must specify a Pool
duration expressed in months that is divisible by 12 (e.g. 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120).

If the MSA Party has defined the requested Pool duration to be greater than 23 months, EnTRAC
will automatically subdivide the Pool duration into a series of individual “Pool Terms”.

8.3.3. Managing the Pool Lifecycle, Pool Duration, Pool Terms and
If the duration of a Pool is greater than 23 months, EnTRAC will subdivide the total Pool duration
into a series of individual “Pool Terms”. This is also referred to as a “contract year”.

After the Pool start date and expiry date is entered by the MSA Party, EnTRAC automatically
calculates the first anniversary date of the Pool and determines the length of the first Pool Term.

The anniversary date of the Pool determines the start date of the next Pool Term. Each Pool
Term commences in 12 month increments from the initial Pool Term start date and determines
the end date of the Pool Term. For example, if a Pool is created for a period of 60 months
starting January 1, 2004, EnTRAC will treat this as five individual Pool Terms, each with a Pool
Term start date of the annual anniversary date of January 1 and a Pool Term end date of
December 31st, for the full duration of the Pool.

If the duration of a Pool is greater than 12 months but equal to or less than 23 months, EnTRAC
will treat the entire Pool Term as a single Pool Term, and will automatically establish the next
anniversary date to be equal to the day after the expiry date of the Pool. For example, if the
duration of a Pool is 23 months, EnTRAC will treat the entire Pool Term as single Pool Term of 23
months, and will automatically establish the next anniversary date to be equal to the day after the
expiry date of the Pool.

When a new multi-year Pool is created, EnTRAC will create the first Pool Term record as a
“pending” Pool Term record. The Pool Term records relating to each of the subsequent Pool
Terms will not be viewable by the MSA Party until 120-days prior to the commencement of each
Pool Term.

A Pool Term that reaches the status of “locked for flow” and then “active”, will commence to flow
at 10:00 a.m. EST of the day specified as the start date of the Pool Term within EnTRAC. For
example, if the Pool Term start date is January 1, 2004, the Pool commences to flow at 10:00
EST on January 1, 2004.

A Pool Term expires at 10 a.m. EST one day after the specified Pool expiry date. For example, if
the Pool Term end date is December 31, 2004, the Pool expires at 10:00 a.m. EST on January 1,

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The possible states for a Pool and its associated Pool Term records are as follows:
 Pending
 Locked for Flow
 Active
 Expired
 Finalized
 Terminated

The status of a Pool Term record changes from “pending” to “locked for flow” when the initial
Contracted Mean Daily Volume (“the MDV”) is established that is effective the start date of the
Pool Term.

The status of a Pool Term record changes from “locked for flow” to “active” when the start date of
the Pool Term is reached.

The status of a Pool Term record changes from “active” to “expired” when the end date of the
Pool Term is reached.

The status of a Pool Term record changes from “expired” to “finalized” when the Banked Gas
Account (BGA) report is finalized one billing month after the end date of the Pool Term is

Note in the case of Pools billing on the Agent Billing Collection (ABC) service or the GDAR Billing
option - Distributor Consolidated Billing in the Rate Ready form, after a Pool Term status
changing to “finalized” and prior to becoming “terminated” there is the process of clearing any
financial imbalances through the remittance process.

The status of a Pool Term record changes from “finalized” to “terminated” at the point the BGA
volumetric and financial balances are cleared, or 180 days after the expiry date of the Pool Term
is reached (whichever is sooner).

8.3.4. Managing Pool Billing Options

When creating a Pool, the MSA Party will elect which billing option is applicable to the Pool.

All the accounts associated to the Pool must have the same billing option. Therefore, all the
accounts associated to the Pool will have the same billing option that is applicable to the Pool.

Once the billing option for a Pool has been established it cannot be changed during the life cycle
of the Pool. Therefore, the billing option for the Pool will not be permitted to be changed at the
point of renewing the Pool, nor at the beginning of any subsequent Pool Term.

Pool Billing Options Available to MSA Type Customer:

An MSA Party type of “Customer” has the option when creating a Pool of electing the billing
option - Collection Service Agreement (ABC) to be applicable to the Pool. In the past this was
referred to as the Agent Billing Collection (ABC) service. At the time the MSA Party is associating
accounts to a Pool for which the billing option of Collection Service (ABC) has been selected, an
Enrol Request to add the account to that Pool must also specify a Price Point Group. If the
billing option - Collection Service Agreement (ABC) is not selected at the point the pool is
created, the default billing option of Split Billing No Consumption (SNC) is deemed to have been

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Pool Billing Options Available to MSA Type Agent:

If the MSA has the MSA type of “Agent”, they can elect one of two billing options to be applicable
to the pool:
• Distributor Consolidated Billing in the Rate Ready form (as per GDAR and the EBT
• Split Billing No Consumption (SNC)
An MSA Party type “Agent” has the option when creating a Pool of electing the billing option -
Distributor Consolidated Billing in the Rate Ready form by selecting the Collection Service
Agreement (ABC) to be applicable to the Pool. If this billing option has been elected, the View
Pool Details Screen will display a “Yes” beside the descriptor “Collection Service Agreement
(ABC) applicable”.

If the MSA Party has elected the GDAR billing option - DCB - Rate Ready to be applicable to the
pool, at the time the MSA Party is associating accounts to the Pool the Enrol Request to add an
account to the Pool must also specify a Price Point ID. If elected by the MSA Party, on the View
Pool Details Screen a “Yes” will appear beside “Collection Service Agreement (ABC) applicable”.

If the GDAR billing option - DCB - Rate Ready is not selected, then EnTRAC is designed to
assume that the default billing option of Split Billing No Consumption (SNC) has been elected by
the MSA Party for the Pool. Subsequently when the MSA Party is associating accounts to the
Pool, the Enrol Request to add an account to the Pool, a Price Point ID is not required. In the
event an Enrol request is submitted incorrectly including a Price Point ID, the Enrol Request is

8.3.5. Searching and Viewing Pool Details

A MSA Party is able to search for and view the Pool Details for each Pool Term with a state of
“active”, “pending”, “locked for flow”, “expired” and “finalized”.

Note: an MSA Party can determine which Pools they have terminated in the last 30 days by a
link visible on their homepage.

For new multi-year Pools created by an MSA Party, EnTRAC will create the first Pool Term
record and set its status to “pending”. The Pool Term records associated with each of the
subsequent Pool Terms will not be viewable until 120-days prior to the commencement of each
Pool Term.

120 days prior to the each anniversary date, EnTRAC will create the next “pending” Pool Term
record for a period of twelve months. The renewal term for the Pool will remain in “pending” state
until either the MSA Party or EnTRAC establishes the MDV. After the next Pool Term is created
by EnTRAC, the MSA Party will have the opportunity to perform what is referred to as
“anniversary Pool maintenance” while the Pool Term remains in “pending” state. The MSA Party
will have the opportunity to add or remove accounts and establish the applicable MDV for the
next Pool Term. Note: accounts must only be transferred out of a pool at the anniversary date or
expiry date of the Pool. If no action is taken by the MSA Party, EnTRAC will automatically one
calendar month prior to each of the anniversary dates for the full Pool duration, recalculate and
refresh the MDV based upon the account composition that EnTRAC assesses is associated to
the pool on the next anniversary date.

EnTRAC will display a link to “Cancel” the Pool on the View Pool Details screen for the period a
NEW Pool Term (meaning a Pool that has never flowed before and has no previous Pool Term) is
still in “pending” state. The MSA Party can cancel a Pool only up until the Pool Term is locked for
flow, after which the MSA Party would only be able to submit a request to terminate the Pool.

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EnTRAC will display a link to Terminate a Pool on the View Pool Details screen while a Pool
Term has a status of “locked for flow” or ”active”, and no other pending termination request exists.

8.3.6. Establishing the MDV For a Pending Pool Term by User

The MSA Party is able to submit a request through the EnTRAC screen to establish the MDV for
a Pool Term:
• once during the period that the Pool Term status is “pending”,
• as early as 120 days prior to the start date of the Pool Term,
• as late as one full calendar month prior to start date of the Pool Term,
A navigation link to Establish MDV link is provided on the View Pool Details screen and the Pool
Search Results screen. The link will only appear to the MSA Party only when a Pool Term is still
in “pending” state. The pool status of “pending” indicates that the MDV has not yet been
established. The link to Establish MDV on the View Pool Details screen for a Pool Term will
disappear once the MDV is either
• established manually by the MSA Party through a screen request, or
• established automatically by EnTRAC one month prior to the Pool Term start date

Once the MDV for a Pool Term is established by the MSA Party, EnTRAC changes the status for
the Pool Term to “locked for flow”. Once a Pool Term status is changed to “locked for flow”, the
navigation link to establish the MDV for the Pool disappears on the Pool Search Results screen.

Accounts associated with the Pool for which there is an accepted pending or implemented Enrol
or Transfer Request with an effective date of on or before the Pool Term start date, is included in
the Pool MDV calculation.

Accounts associated with the Pool for which there is an accepted pending or implemented Drop
or Transfer Request with an effective date of on or before the Pool Term start date, which
removes the account from the pool composition is excluded from the Pool MDV calculation.

If an account is currently actively associated to a Pool which is in the processes of renewing, but
for which EnTRAC has received and accepted an Enrol Request submitted by another MSA Party
with an effective date of on or before the renewal Pool Term start date, EnTRAC will manage the
incoming Enrol Request as what is referred to as an MSA-to-MSA or Vendor-to-Vendor switch.
As per GDAR, EnTRAC will invoke a contest period and suspend processing the Enrol Request
for a period to permit the original MSA Party to contact the end-use customer. If at the point of
time EnTRAC is requested by either MSA Party to manually establish the MDV of their respective
pool, or EnTRAC based upon the timeline engine automatically establishes the MDV for their
respective pools, and this occurs prior to the contest period end date, or it has been not been
determined at that point which MSA Party will retain / obtain the end-use customer, EnTRAC will
apply the following logic:
• in the case of the original Pool to which the customer is current actively associated to
prior to the contest being invoked, EnTRAC assumes that the contest will not be
terminated by the original MSA Party on behalf of the customer, resulting in the account
becoming disassociated from the pool at the Pool renewal date and will NOT include the
account and its contracted estimated volumetric consumption in the Pool MDV
• in the case of the new Pool for which the pending Enrol Request triggered the contest,
EnTRAC assumes that the contest will not be terminated by the original MSA Party on
behalf of the customer, resulting in the account becoming associated to the pool at the
Pool renewal date and will includes the account and its contracted estimated volumetric
consumption in the Pool MDV calculation.

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However, if at the point in time the MDV is established for either / both pools the contest period
has already ended, or EnTRAC is able to determine which MSA will retain or obtain the new
account, in the MDV calculation of both pools EnTRAC will reflect the outcome of the contest.

Prior to establishing the MDV for a Pool, the MSA Party should wait until they have received an
Accept or a Reject response for each Enrol, Transfer and Drop Request that they submit and is
intended to impact the pool’s account composition. For example, as indicated earlier, STR’s are
processed in a nightly batch process by EnTRAC commencing any time after 5:00 p.m.
Therefore, if the MSA Party manually submits a request for EnTRAC to establish the MDV for a
Pool through the Establish MDV screen, subsequent to submitting one or more Enrol, Transfer or
Drop Requests, those transactions will not have been processed at the point their request is
submitted to establish the MDV for the Pool, and therefore will not be reflected in the MDV
calculation for the Pool.

If the MSA Party attempts to establish the MDV for a pending Pool for which there are no
accounts associated to the pending Pool Term, and therefore the Pool is referred to as empty,
EnTRAC will cancel the Pool Term immediately. The associated record for that pending Pool
Term will disappear and will no longer be searchable or viewable.

Establishing the Contracted Estimated Consumption Volumes for Rate 1 Accounts:

The process within EnTRAC for establishing the contracted estimated volumes to be used in the
MDV calculation for general service rate 1 accounts includes steps to “weather normalize” the
historical billed consumption. The “weather normalization” process is intended to create more
realistic consumption estimates by slightly adjusting the last available historical billed
consumption that is deemed to be attributed to heating. The adjustment is based upon a longer
period of historical weather trends to determine a more representative average for the heating
load requirements for residential customers.

The process within EnTRAC for establishing the contracted estimated volumes to be used in the
MDV calculation for general service Rate 1 accounts is as follows:

a. Extract the last 12 months of available billed historical consumption (expressed in cubic
metres) for the service location associated to the account.
b. Replace any null and negative values that exist with a value from a standard profile
(provided below).
c. Determine if there are months with zero consumption that need to be replaced with a
value from a standard profile. Zero values are normally considered to be a valid value,
as it represents a month that a customer had service, the meter was read and the
customer did not consume any gas. To ensure that each customer has a calculated
MDV that is greater than zero, a validation check is performed to ensure that all the
extracted values of historical consumption are not equal to zero. If only zeros exist, then
all the zero values would need to be replaced with a value from a standard profile. If at
least one value is greater than zero, then the zero consumption values will not be
d. Calculate the Average Daily Baseload Volume for the account. Consumption for the
months of July and August is deemed to be attributed 100% to baseload consumption.
The Average Daily Baseload Volume for an account is calculated by adding together the
historical consumption for the months of July and August and dividing by 62 days.
e. Calculate the Monthly Baseload Volume for the account. For each of the months (except
July and August) multiply the Average Daily Baseload Volume (calculated in step d) by
the number of days in the respective month.
f. Calculate the Monthly Heating Load Volume for the account. For each month (except
July and August), take the total monthly consumption and deduct the Monthly Baseload
Volume (calculated in step e). If the resulting value is negative, calculate the Monthly
Heating Load Volume to be zero and deem the Monthly Weather Normalized

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Consumption to be equal to the historical consumption (and do not proceed to the
subsequent steps for that particular month).
g. Calculate the Monthly Heating Load Use per Degree Day. For each month (except July
and August) take the Monthly Heating Load Volume and divide by the Actual Degree
Days (for the month).
h. Calculate the Monthly Weather Normalized Consumption by multiplying the Monthly
Heating Load User per Degree Day (calculated in step g) by the Budgeted Degree Days
for the month and then adding the Monthly Baseload Volume (calculated in step e)
i. An MSA Party can elect only once, at the point of establishing the MDV for a pending
Pool Term, to either raise or lower each of the monthly estimated consumption volumes
by a factor of 0 to 10% for all the general service rate customers (GSC) accounts
(specifically Rate 1, 6 and 9).

The standard profile for Rate 1 accounts is as follows:

Rate Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 419 404 354 252 158 69 51 54 58 91 174 316

Establishing the Contracted Estimated Consumption Volumes for Rate 6 Accounts:

The process within EnTRAC for establishing the contracted estimated volumes to be used in the
MDV calculation for general service Rate 6 accounts includes steps to “weather normalize” the
historical billed consumption. The “weather normalization” process is intended to create more
realistic consumption estimates by slightly adjusting the last available historical billed
consumption that is deemed to be attributed to heating. The adjustment is based upon a longer
period of historical weather trends to determine a more representative average for the heating
load requirements for commercial customers.

The process within EnTRAC for establishing the contracted estimated volumes to be used in the
MDV calculation for general service Rate 6 accounts is as follows:

a. Extract the last 12 months of available billed historical consumption (expressed in cubic
metres) for the service location associated to the account.
b. Replace any null and negative values that exist with a value derived from one of the 3
standard profiles for Rate 6 using the proration methodology provided below.
c. Determine if there are months with zero consumption that need to be replaced with a
value from a standard profile. Zero values are normally considered to be a valid value,
as it represents a month that a customer had service, the meter was read and the
customer did not consume any gas. To ensure that each customer has a calculated
MDV that is greater than zero, a validation check is performed to ensure that all the
extracted values of historical consumption are not equal to zero. If only zeros exist, then
all the zero values would need to be replaced with a value from a standard profile. If at
least one value is greater than zero, then the zero consumption values will not be
d. Calculate the Average Daily Baseload Volume for the account. Consumption in the
months of July and August is deemed to be 100% attributed to baseload consumption.

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The Average Daily Baseload Volume for an account is calculated by adding together the
historical consumption for the months of July and August and dividing by 62 days.
e. Calculate the Monthly Baseload Volume for the account. For each of the months (except
July and August) multiply the Average Daily Baseload Volume (calculated in step d) by
the number of days in the respective month.
f. Calculate the Monthly Heating Load Volume for the account. For each month (except
July and August), take the total monthly consumption and deduct the Monthly Baseload
Volume (calculated in step e). If the resulting value is negative, calculate the Monthly
Heating Load Volume to be zero and deem the Monthly Weather Normalized
Consumption to be equal to the historical consumption (and do not proceed to the
subsequent steps for that particular month).
g. Calculate the Monthly Heating Load Use per Degree Day. For each month (except July
and August) take the Monthly Heating Load Volume and divide by the Actual Degree
Days (for the month).
h. Calculate the Monthly Weather Normalized Consumption by multiplying the Monthly
Heating Load User per Degree Day (calculated in step g) by the Budgeted Degree Days
for the month and then adding the Monthly Baseload Volume (calculated in step e)
i. An MSA Party can elect only once, at the point of establishing the MDV for a pending
Pool Term, to either raise or lower each of the monthly estimated consumption volumes
by a factor of 0 to 10% for all the general service rate customers (GSC) accounts which
includes Rate 6.

For Rate 6 customers there are 3 standard consumption profiles, one for each of the following 3
sectors; Commercial, Apartment and Industrial. EnTRAC will determine from the “Revenue
Class” assigned by Enbridge, to which sector the customer’s account is associated to, and apply
the corresponding standard consumption profile in the proration of a replacement value.

The standard consumption profiles for Rate 6 accounts are as follows:

Sector Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
APT 23,177 23,795 22,807 15,362 9,723 5,617 3,695 3,354 3,706 6,678 10.170 12,208
COM 2,937 3,146 2,688 1,751 982 528 405 384 482 818 1,246 1,767
IND 47,553 49,673 43,906 30,930 22,951 11,578 10,158 8,805 11,083 15,051 24,252 31,567

Even after dividing the Rate 6 into the three main sectors of Apartment, Commercial and
Industrial, the range in annual consumption within each sector can be significant. To compensate
the following proration methodology is used to attempt to reflect the proportionality between the
customer account and the standard profile by comparing on month of actual consumption to that
of the standard profile. The ration is then applied to the standard profile going forward when
replacing null values.

The proration methodology for the determination of the replacement value for null and negative
historical consumption values for Rate 6 accounts is as follows:
a. Determine that there is at least one month with historical consumption greater than zero.
If there is not one historical consumption value that is not greater than zero, then replace
all the null and negative values with values from the standard profile without applying the
following proration methodology.
b. Determine the month with a null value to be replaced (e.g. Historical_Null_June).
c. Search for the first month prior to the month with the null value (Historical_Null_June)
that has a historical consumption value greater than zero (e.g. Historical_NonNull_May).
Note: If there are no months prior to the null month (Historical_Null_June) than search
for the first month after that has a historical consumption volume great than zero.

Page 34 of 205
d. From the standard profile relevant to the account sector (APT, COM, IND) based upon
the account’s Revenue Class, extract the values for the null month (Standard_June) and
the first non-null month (Standard_May)
e. Divide the consumption value for the Historical_NonNull_May by the consumption value
for the Standard_May to calculate the proration factor.
f. Multiply the Standard_June by the proration factor calculated in step e) to calculate the
replacement value for Historical_Null_June.
g. Repeat for each null value.
h. Repeat same methodology for all negative values.

Establishing the Contracted Estimated Consumption Volumes for Rate 9 Accounts:

The process within EnTRAC for establishing the contracted estimated volumes to be used in the
MDV calculation for general service Rate 9 accounts does not include steps to “weather
normalize” the historical billed consumption as the consumption pattern of the end-use customer
is not attributed to heating load.
The process within EnTRAC for establishing the contracted estimated volumes to be used in the
MDV calculation for general service Rate 9 accounts is as follows:

a. Extract the last 12 months of available billed historical consumption (expressed in cubic
metres) for the service location associated to the account.
b. Replace any null and negative values that exist with a value from a standard profile
(provided below).
c. Determine if there are months with zero consumption that need to be replaced with a
value from a standard profile. Zero values are normally considered to be a valid value,
as it represents a month that a customer had service, the meter was read and the
customer did not consume any gas. To ensure that each customer has a calculated
MDV that is greater than zero, a validation check is performed to ensure that all the
extracted values of historical consumption are not equal to zero. If only zeros exist, then
all the zero values would need to be replaced with a value from a standard profile. If at
least one value is greater than zero, then the zero consumption values will not be
d. An MSA Party can elect only once, at the point of establishing the MDV for a pending
Pool Term, to either raise or lower each of the monthly estimated consumption volumes
by a factor of 0 to 10% for all the general service rate customers (GSC) accounts which
includes Rate 9.

The standard profile for Rate 9 accounts is as follows:

Rate Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
9 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000

Establishing the Contracted Estimated Consumption Volumes for LVDC Accounts:

The process within EnTRAC for establishing the contracted estimated volumes to be used in the
MDV calculation for Large Volume Distribution Contract (LVDC) accounts, such as Rate 100,
110, 115, 125, 135, 145, 170 is as follows:

a. Determine in relation to all the accounts associated to the pending pool that are
“metered on EnMAR”, if for any period of time coincident with the pending Pool Term, the
account is or would be associated to an active LVDC contract (Rate 100, 110, 115, 125,
135, 145, 170 ).

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b. For the months of the Pool Term that are coincident with the pending term of an LVDC in
“executed” state or active LVDC, use the contract estimates underpinning the LVDC for
the months that are coincident with the Pool Term, as the contract estimates for the
purposes of calculating the MDV for the account.
c. If an LVDC contract associated to an account is scheduled to terminate before or during
the Pool Term, and for the period after the LVDC termination there does not exist another
pending LVDC contract associated to the account in “executed” status, from the LVDC
termination effective date onward EnTRAC is to treat the account as billing on general
service Rate 6 and apply the approach for determining the contract estimates for a
general service Rate 6 account.

Establishing the MDV for the Pool Term subsequent to Determining the Account Level Contracted
Estimated Consumption Volumes:

After the deemed contracted estimated consumption volumes is calculated for each of the
accounts associated to the pool, the MDV for a Pool Term is calculated by EnTRAC based upon
the following steps:

 For each distribution contract / account EnTRAC will calculate its “Contracted Volume”
(expressed in cubic metres) by adding up the deemed monthly contracted estimated
consumption volumes for each of the months in the Pool Term.
 For each account the “Contracted MDV” (expressed in cubic metres) is determined by
dividing the “Contracted Volume” by the number of days in the Pool Term and rounding it
to be a whole number. If the resulting MDV is less the 1 m3 it is rounded up to 1 m3.
 For each of the two delivery areas (CDA and EDA), the “Contracted MDV” (expressed in
cubic metres) is calculated by summing the “Contracted MDV” for each of the distribution
contracts / accounts in that delivery area.
 The “Contracted MDV” (expressed in GJs), for each delivery area is calculated by
multiplying the “Contracted MDV” (expressed in cubic metres) by the energy content /
calorific value stipulated in the Handbook of Rates and Distribution Services and
rounding it to be a whole number. If the resulting value is less than 1 GJ it is rounded up
to 1 GJ.
 The “Contracted Volume” (expressed in GJs) for each delivery area is calculated by
multiplying the “Contracted MDV” (expressed in GJs) by the number of days in the Pool
 The “Contracted Volume” (expressed in cubic metres) for each delivery area is calculated
by dividing the “Contracted Volume” (expressed in GJs) by the energy content / calorific
value stipulated in the Handbook of Rates and Distribution Services and rounding it to be
a whole number.
 The “MSA Unassigned Capacity” (expressed in cubic metres) for each delivery area is
calculated by multiplying the “Contracted MDV” by the FT Turnback Election.
 The “MSA Unassigned Capacity” (expressed in GJ) for each delivery area is calculated
by multiplying the “MSA Unassigned Capacity” (expressed in cubic metres) by the energy
content / calorific value stipulated in the Handbook of Rates and Distribution Services and
rounding it to be a whole number. If the resulting value is less than 1 GJ it is rounded up
to 1 GJ.
 The “Enbridge Assigned Capacity” (expressed in cubic metres) for each delivery area is
calculated by subtracting the “MSA Unassigned Capacity” (expressed in cubic metres)
from the “Contracted MDV” (expressed in cubic metres).
 The “Enbridge Assigned Capacity” (expressed in GJ) for each delivery area is calculated
by subtracting the “MSA Unassigned Capacity” (expressed in GJ) from the “Contracted
MDV” (expressed in GJ).
 The “Total Contracted Volume” (expressed in cubic metres) for the Pool is calculated by
adding for each delivery area the “Contracted Volume” (expressed in cubic metres).
 The “Total Contracted Volume” (expressed in GJs) for the Pool is calculated by adding
for each delivery area the “Contracted Volume” (expressed in GJs).

Page 36 of 205
 The “Total Contracted MDV” (expressed in cubic metres) for the Pool is calculated by
adding for each delivery area the “Contracted MDV” (expressed in cubic metres).
 The “Total Contracted MDV” (expressed in GJs) for the Pool is calculated by adding for
each delivery area the “Contracted MDV” (expressed in GJs).
 The “Total Enbridge Assigned Capacity” (expressed in cubic metres) for the Pool is
calculated by adding for each delivery area the “Enbridge Assigned Capacity” (expressed
in cubic metres).
 The “Total Enbridge Assigned Capacity” (expressed in GJs) for the Pool is calculated by
adding for each delivery area the “Enbridge Assigned Capacity” (expressed in GJs).
 The “Total MSA Unassigned Capacity” (expressed in cubic metres) for the Pool is
calculated by adding for each delivery area the “MSA Unassigned Capacity” (expressed
in cubic metres).
 The “Total MSA Unassigned Capacity” (expressed in GJs) for the Pool is calculated by
adding for each delivery area the “MSA Unassigned Capacity” (expressed in GJs).

Note: When calculating the MDV for a Pool Term which includes a leap year, the number of days
in the Pool Term in modified to include the extra day.

The deemed monthly contracted estimated volumes used by EnTRAC to establish the MDV for
accounts associated to a pending Pool are presented in the downloadable Pool Composition
Report (PCR). PCR reports are created as part of the Nightly Batch Processing. If the MDV for
a pending pool is established by the MSA Party through an EnTRAC screen, the PCR report are
available upon the completion of the next Nightly Batch Processing.

8.3.7. Establishing the MDV for a Pending Pool Term Automatically by

If 37 calendar days before Pool Term commencement date the MDV has not been established
the following message is sent to the MSA Party and viewable on their Homepage.

Pending Pool <Pool name> is approaching the lock date. The commencement date of
the Pool is <date>. The lock date is <date>. You have until lock date to attach accounts
and finalize Pool's MDV.

If at the point in time of one full calendar month prior to the Pool Term start date, the MSA Party
has not submitted a request to manually establish the MDV for the Pool, EnTRAC will
automatically establish the MDV for the Pool Term. For example, for a Pool Term commencing
January 1 , if the pool is still in pending status when the Nightly Batch Processing commences on
the evening of November 30th, EnTRAC will automatically invoke the MDV establishment engine
to calculate the MDV for the pool. EnTRAC will change the status of the Pool Term to “locked for

If the MDV is attempted to be established for a pending Pool that is empty and therefore has no
“locked” or “unlocked” accounts associated to it, EnTRAC will delete the pending Pool Term
record and terminate the pool.

If EnTRAC automatically establishes the MDV for a Pending Pool, EnTRAC will establish the
MDV for the pool following the same steps as if the MDV was established manually through the
request from a User, with the following exception. When the MSA Party manually establishes
the MDV of a Pending Pool, the User has the option to elect once to either raise or lower each of
the monthly estimated consumption volumes by a factor of 0 to 10% for all the general service
rate customers (GSC) accounts (specifically Rate 1, 6, and 9). As there is no user defined value

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within EnTRAC at the point it time EnTRAC automatically establishes the MDV for the pending
Pool, this step is not performed.

If the MDV of a pending Pool is established by EnTRAC automatically, the PCR report in support
of the MDV calculation is available upon the completion of the Nightly Batch Processing.

8.3.8. Re-establishing the MDV for a Pool Term Automatically by

During the EnTRAC nightly batch program execution that occurs on the last calendar day of each
month, EnTRAC will perform an evaluation of all pools in “locked for flow” and “active” status to
determine if the criteria has been met for EnTRAC to automatically re-establish the MDV for a
Pool Term. On the first of every calendar month, EnTRAC will provide an alert to impacted MSA
Parties and provide an attached report of all the Pool Terms for which there is a re-established
MDV. The notification is provided one full calendar month prior to the date the new re-
established MDV is to become effective. Once the new re-established MDV for a Pool Term is
calculated and displayed on the View Pool Details screen, it can no longer be changed within
EnTRAC. The MSA Party is to proceed to the Gas Management functionality and create
nominations in support of the new re-established MDV.

EnTRAC Criteria To Trigger The Automatic Re-establishment Of The MDV For A Pool Term

EnTRAC will automatically re-establish the MDV for a Pool Term in “active” or “locked for flow”
status that would take effect one calendar month in the future, if all of the following criteria are

1. The active account composition for a Pool Term is no longer the same as the account
composition that determined the “current effective” MDV for a Pool Term.
o In the case of a “locked for flow” Pool Term, it is the MDV that would be effective
on the Pool Term start date. The Pool Terms in “locked for flow” status that
EnTRAC would take into consideration, would only be those Pool Terms with a
Pool Term start date equal to the day following the EnTRAC nightly batch
program execution. For example, on the EnTRAC nightly batch program
execution of October 31st, 2011, EnTRAC would consider all Pool Terms in
“locked for flow” status with a start date of November 1 , 2011, and their “current
effective” MDV on November 1 , 2011.
o In the case of an “active” Pool Term, it is the MDV that would be effective in
relation to the Pool Term the day following the EnTRAC nightly batch program
execution. For example, on the nightly batch execution of October 31st, 2011,
EnTRAC would consider all Pool Terms “active” on November 1 , 2011, and
their “current effective” MDV on November 1 , 2011.
2. The difference between the “current effective” MDV and the proposed re-established
MDV equals or exceeds a threshold of + or – 4 GJ’s.
3. At the point the re-established MDV would take effect, there would be at least one full
calendar month remaining in the current Pool Term for the re-established MDV to be
4. At the point the re-established MDV would be effective, there would be at least one
account actively enrolled to the pool, and the account would be active and not finalized.
5. The re-established MDV is calculated to be greater than zero GJ.
6. There does not exist within EnTRAC an accepted pending Pool Termination Request that
would take effect on or before the effective date of the re-established MDV.

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EnTRAC Process For Calculating The Re-established MDV

If EnTRAC automatically re-establishes the MDV for an “active” or “locked for flow” Pool Term,
EnTRAC will establish the MDV for the pool following the same steps as if the MDV was
established manually through the request from a User, with the following exception. When the
MSA Party manually establishes the MDV of a Pending Pool, the User has the option to elect
once to either raise or lower each of the monthly estimated consumption volumes by a factor of 0
to 10% for all the general service rate customers (GSC) accounts (specifically Rate 1, 6, and 9).
As there is no user defined value within EnTRAC at the point it time EnTRAC automatically
establishes the MDV for the pending Pool, this step is not performed.

In addition, when EnTRAC automatically re-establishes the MDV for an “active” or “locked for
flow” Pool Term, EnTRAC will apply the following logic for determining which accounts are to be
taken into consideration when performing its calculation of the new re-established MDV and for
which period of the Pool Term.

EnTRAC Identification of Accounts Contributing to the “Current Effective MDV”

As a first step, EnTRAC will identify all the accounts that contributed to the calculation of the
‘current effective” MDV of a Pool Term.

• In the case of a Pool Term in “locked for flow” status with a Pool Term start date of one
calendar month in the future, EnTRAC identifies all the accounts that contributed to the
calculation of the MDV that becomes effective on the Pool Term start date. For example,
on the EnTRAC nightly batch program execution of October 31st, 2011, EnTRAC
considers all the accounts that contributed to the calculation of the MDV for a Pool Term
with a status of “locked for flow” with a Pool Term start date and MDV effective date of
November 1 , 2011.

• In the case of an “active” Pool Term, EnTRAC identifies all the accounts that contributed
to the MDV calculation for the Pool Term that is effective the day following the EnTRAC
nightly batch program execution. For example, on the nightly batch execution of October
31st, 2011, EnTRAC considers all the accounts that contributed to the calculation of the
MDV that is effective November 1 , 2011 for a Pool Term in “active” status on November
1 , 2011.

EnTRAC Identification of Accounts Composition Changes and their contribution to the Calculation
of the Re-established MDV

After EnTRAC identifies all the accounts that contributed to the calculation of the “current
effective” MDV, EnTRAC proceeds to identify account composition changes that have occurred
since the “current effective” MDV was established.

Accounts Disassociated From Pool Term Through A Drop Request

EnTRAC does NOT consider an account disassociated from a Pool’s composition at the point of
submission of a Drop Request, but at the point a Drop Request is implemented. A Drop Request
that is implemented after the “current effective” MDV was established is considered as a pool
account composition change.

Page 39 of 205
The Monthly Contracted Estimated Consumption Volumes for accounts disassociated from the
Pool will no longer contribute to the MDV calculation at the re-established MDV effective date
(and not the Drop Request effective date). The Monthly Contracted Estimated Consumption
Volumes for accounts disassociated from the Pool will terminate contributing to the MDV
calculation for the remaining months in the Pool Term from the re-established MDV effective date
onward (and not the Drop Request effective date). Therefore, it is not the effective date of the
Drop Requests that drives the period the account contributes to the calculation of the re-
established MDV, but rather the earliest point in time that EnTRAC is able to reflect the
implemented Drop Request in a re-established MDV. Therefore, accounts disassociated from the
Pool Term through the implementation of a Drop Request will NOT appear on the PCR Report
that supports the calculation of the re-established MDV.

For example, consider a Pool Term with a start date of January 1, 2011. An account (Account
123) which has been on the pool since January 1, 2011, is disassociated through the
implementation of a Drop Request with an effective date of August 1, 2011. During the EnTRAC
Nightly Batch Program execution of July 31st, 2011, the criteria of an account composition
change is met. However, the minimum threshold reduction in the re-calculated MDV of at least 4
GJ is not met as Account 123 contributes to only a 2 GJ reduction in the Pool’s MDV for the
period September 1, 2011 to the end of the Pool Term. Therefore, the MDV for the Pool is NOT
re-established with an effective date of September 1, 2011. Effective October 5, 2011 another
Drop request is implemented for a second account (Account 234) which also has been on the
pool since January 1, 2011. During the EnTRAC Nightly Batch Program execution of October
31st, 2011, the criteria of an account composition change is met, as 2 accounts have now
dropped since the “current effective” MDV was established. At the same time the requirement for
a minimum threshold reduction in the re-calculated MDV of at least 4 GJ is met, as Account 123
and 234 contributes a reduction in aggregate of the Pool’s MDV of 5 GJ’s for the period
December 1, 2011 to the end of the Pool Term, which is December 31, 2011. Therefore, the
MDV is re-established for the Pool with an effective date of December 1, 2011. The re-
established MDV will NOT include Monthly Contract Estimated Consumption Volumes for
Accounts 123 and 234 for the period December 1st, 2011 to December 31st, 2011. Note: the re-
established MDV will also NOT include Monthly Contract Estimated Consumption Volumes for
Account 123 and 234 for the period January 1st, 2011 to November 30th, 2011.

Accounts Disassociated From A Pool Term Through MSA to MSA (Vendor to Vendor) Switch

EnTRAC does NOT consider an account disassociated from a Pool’s composition at the point of
receipt of an Enrol Request that triggers the management of a contest period, and the sending of
a Status Advise – Notice of Pending Switch to the current MSA. EnTRAC considers an account
disassociated from a Pool’s composition at the point the Enrol Request (received from the other
MSA Party) is implemented and the resulting change in association from one MSA Party to
another MSA Party (referred under GDAR as a Vendor to Vendor Switch) is deemed to occur.

The Monthly Contracted Estimated Consumption Volumes for the account disassociated from the
Pool will no longer contribute to the MDV calculation at the re-established MDV effective date
(and not the Vendor-to-Vendor Switch Enrol Request effective date). The Monthly Contracted
Estimated Consumption Volumes for accounts disassociated from the Pool will terminate
contributing to the MDV calculation for the remaining months in the Pool Term from the re-
established MDV effective date onward (and not the Vendor-to-Vendor Switch Enrol Request
effective date). Therefore, it is not the effective date of the Vendor-to-Vendor Switch Enrol
Request that drives the period the account contributes to the calculation of the re-established
MDV, but rather the earliest point in time that EnTRAC is able to reflect the implemented Vendor-
to-Vendor Switch Enrol Request in a re-established MDV. Therefore, accounts disassociated
from the Pool Term through the implementation of a Vendor-to-Vendor Switch Enrol Request will
NOT appear on the PCR Report that supports the calculation of the re-established MDV.

Page 40 of 205
For example, consider a Pool Term with a start date of January 1, 2011. An account (Account
123) which has been on the pool since January 1, 2011, is disassociated through the
implementation of an Enrol Request (which triggered a Vendor-to-Vendor Switch disassociating
account 123 from its current MSA’s pool and enrolled to the new MSA’s pool) with an effective
date of August 1, 2011. During the EnTRAC Nightly Batch Program execution of July 31st, 2011,
the criteria of an account composition change is met. However, the minimum threshold reduction
in re-calculated MDV of at least 4 GJ is not met as Account 123 contributes to only a 2 GJ
reduction in the Pool’s MDV for the period September 1, 2011 to the end of the Pool Term.
Therefore, the MDV for the Pool is NOT re-established with an effective date of September 1,
2011. Effective November 1, 2011 a Vendor-to-Vendor Switch Enrol request is implemented for a
second account (Account 234) which has been on the pool also since January 1, 2011. During
the EnTRAC Nightly Batch Program execution of October 31st, 2011, the criteria of an account
composition change is met, as 2 accounts have now dropped since the “current effective” MDV
was established. At the same time the requirement for a minimum threshold reduction in re-
calculated MDV of at least 4 GJ is met, as Account 123 and 234 contributes a reduction of 5 GJ
for the period December 1, 2011 to the end of the Pool Term, which is December 31, 2011.
Therefore, the MDV is re-established for the Pool with an effective date of December 1, 2011.
The re-established MDV will NOT include Monthly Contract Estimated Consumption Volumes for
Account 123 and 234 for the period December 1st, 2011 to December 31st, 2011. Note: the re-
established MDV will also NOT include Monthly Contract Estimated Consumption Volumes for
Account 123 and 234 for the period January 1st, 2011 to November 30th, 2011.

Accounts Added To a Pool Term Through An Enrol Request

EnTRAC does not consider an account added to a Pool’s composition at the point of submission
of an Enrol Request, but at the point an Enrol Request is implemented. An Enrol Request that is
implemented after the “current effective” MDV was established is considered as a pool account
composition change.

The Monthly Contracted Estimated Consumption Volumes for accounts newly associated to the
Pool will contribute to the MDV calculation from the re-established MDV effective date onward for
the remaining months of the Pool Term. The newly associated account will not contribute to the
MDV calculation for the months in the Pool Term prior to the re-established MDV effective date,
even if the effective date of the Enrol Request precedes the effective date of the re-established
MDV. Therefore, it is not the Enrol Request effective date that drives the accounts contribution to
the calculation of the re-established MDV, but rather the earliest point in time that EnTRAC is
able to reflect the implemented Enrol Request in a re-established MDV. Therefore, accounts
associated to the Pool Term through the implementation of an Enrol Request will appear on the
PCR Report with data for the months that supports the calculation of the re-established MDV.

For example, consider a Pool Term with a start date of January 1, 2011. An account (Account
123) is added to the composition of a Pool through the implementation of an Enrol Request with
an effective date of August 1, 2011. During the EnTRAC Nightly Batch Program execution of July
31st, 2011, the criteria of an account composition change is met. However, the minimum
threshold increment to re-calculated MDV of at least 4 GJ is not met as Account 123 contributes
to only a 2 GJ increment to the Pool’s MDV for the period September 1, 2011 to the end of the
Pool Term. Therefore, the MDV for the Pool is NOT re-established with an effective date of
September 1, 2011. Effective November 1, 2011 another Enrol request is implemented for a
second account (Account 234). During the EnTRAC Nightly Batch Program execution of October
31st, 2011, the criteria of an account composition change is met, as 2 accounts have now been
added since the “current effective” MDV was established. At the same time the requirement for a
minimum threshold increase to the re-calculated MDV of at least 4 GJ is met, as Account 123 and
234 contributes an increment of 5 GJ’s to the Pool’s MDV for the period December 1, 2011 to the
end of the Pool Term, which is December 31, 2011. Therefore, the MDV is re-established for the
Pool with an effective date of December 1, 2011. The re-established MDV will NOT include

Page 41 of 205
Monthly Contract Estimated Consumption Volumes for Account 123 for the period August 1st,
2011 to November 30th, 2011. The re-established MDV will NOT include Monthly Contract
Estimated Consumption Volumes for Account 234 for the period October 1st, 2011 to November
30th, 2011.

Accounts Disassociated From Pool Term Due To An Account Finalization (Termination of Service
– TOS)

EnTRAC considers an account disassociated from a Pool’s composition at the point the EnTRAC
application receives notification of the completion of an account finalization and not the
notification of a pending account finalization. An account finalization that is completed after the
“current effective” MDV was established is considered as a pool account composition change.

The Monthly Contracted Estimated Consumption Volumes for accounts disassociated from the
Pool through an account finalization will no longer contribute to the MDV calculation at the re-
established MDV effective date (and not the finalization effective date). The Monthly Contracted
Estimated Consumption Volumes for accounts disassociated from the Pool will terminate
contributing to the MDV calculation for the remaining months in the Pool Term from the re-
established MDV effective date onward (and not the account finalization effective date).
Therefore, it is not the effective date of the account finalization that drives the period the account
contributes to the calculation of the re-established MDV, but rather the earliest point in time that
EnTRAC is able to reflect the account finalization in a re-established MDV.

Note: In the case of the MSA Party being a Gas Vendor, at the point EnTRAC receives a
notification from the billing system that an account has or is finalized EnTRAC will notify the Gas
Vendor through one or more of the following transactions:
• Termination of Service (TOS) notification,
• Change Consumer Location (CCL) notification,
• Reconnection of Service (ROS) notification

The following example is relevant to the TOS scenario and the initial steps in relation to a CCL or
ROS scenario. Refer to the next section for a more completed discussion pertaining to a CCL or
ROS scenario.

For example, consider a Pool Term with a start date of January 1, 2011. An account (Account
123) which has been on the pool since January 1, 2011, is disassociated through the
implementation of an account finalization completion notification effective date of August 1, 2011.
During the EnTRAC Nightly Batch Program execution of July 31st, 2011, the criteria of an
account composition change is met. However, the minimum threshold reduction in re-calculated
MDV of at least 4 GJ is not met as Account 123 contributes to only a 2 GJ reduction in the Pool’s
MDV for the period September 1, 2011 to the end of the Pool Term. Therefore, the MDV for the
Pool is NOT re-established with an effective date of September 1, 2011. Effective November 1,
2011 a second account (Account 234) which has been on the pool also since January 1, 2010, is
disassociated due to an account finalization completion notification. During the EnTRAC Nightly
Batch Program execution of October 31, 2011, the criteria of an account composition change is
met, as 2 accounts have now finalized since the “current effective” MDV was established. At the
same time the requirement for a minimum threshold reduction in re-calculated MDV of at least 4
GJ is met, as Account 123 and 234 contributes a reduction of 5 GJ’s to the Pool’s MDV for the
period December 1, 2011 to the end of the Pool Term, which is December 31, 2011. Therefore,
the MDV is re-established for the Pool with an effective date of December 1, 2011. The re-
established MDV will NOT include Monthly Contract Estimated Consumption Volumes for
Accounts 123 and 234 for the period December 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. Note: the re-
established MDV will also NOT include Monthly Contract Estimated Consumption Volumes for
Account 123 and 234 for the period January 1, 2011 to November 30, 2011.

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Therefore, accounts disassociated from the Pool Term through the implementation of an account
finalization (whether or not they are associated to a TOS, CCL or ROS) will NOT appear on the
PCR Report that supports the calculation of the re-established MDV.

Accounts Re-associated to a Pool Term Due to a Change Consumer Location (CCL) or a

Reconnection of Service (ROS)

In the situations where Enbridge, based upon the information provided by a customer, is in a
position to apply CCL or ROS processing, EnTRAC treats each of these two scenarios as both
comprised of two separate distinct events for the purposes of MDV re-establishment.

The two separate distinct events are as follows:

1. The event of disassociation to the pool in relation to the original account number at the
point the account finalization is completed by the billing system. EnTRAC will manage
this event as described in the section immediately above entitled “Accounts
Disassociated From Pool Term Due To An Account Finalization (Termination of Service –
2. The event of re-association to the pool of the newly established account number at the
point of the successful completion of an account number activation by the billing system
in conjunction with a Change Consumer Location (CCL) or a Reconnection of Service
(ROS) scenario.

EnTRAC considers an account added to a Pool’s composition at the point a Change Consumer
Location (CCL) or a Reconnection of Service (ROS) transaction is implemented re-associating
the newly assigned account number back to a Pool. A CCL or ROS that is implemented after
the “current effective” MDV was established is considered as a pool account composition change.

The Monthly Contracted Estimated Consumption Volumes for accounts being re-associated to
the Pool through a new account number will contribute to the MDV calculation from the re-
established MDV effective date onward for the remaining months of the Pool Term. The re-
associated account will not contribute to the MDV calculation for the months in the Pool Term
prior to the re-established MDV effective date, even if the effective date of the CCL or ROS
precedes the effective date of the re-established MDV. Therefore, it is not the CCL or ROS
effective date that drives the accounts contribution to the calculation of the re-established MDV,
but rather the earliest point in time that EnTRAC is able to reflect the newly assigned account re-
instatement to the Pool in a re-established MDV.

For the purposes of establishing the Contract Estimated Consumption Volumes used to
determine the MDV contribution of the newly assigned account number, for Rate 1, 2, 6 and 9
accounts EnTRAC will extract the historical consumption relevant to the premise location for the
newly assigned account number (and will not resurrect the Contract Estimated Consumption
Volumes for the original account number). In the situation where the newly assigned account
number is already associated to a newly executed LVDC, for the purposes of establishing the
Contract Estimated Consumption Volumes used to determine the MDV contribution of the newly
assigned account number, EnTRAC will extract the Contract Estimated Consumption Volumes
relevant to for the newly assigned account number (and will not resurrect the Contract Estimated
Consumption Volumes for the original account number).

Therefore, accounts associated to the Pool Term through the implementation of a CCL or a ROS
will appear on the PCR Report with data for the months that supports the calculation of the re-
established MDV.

For example, consider a Pool Term with a start date of January 1, 2011. An account (Account
123) which has been on the pool since January 1, 2011, is disassociated through the
implementation of an account finalization completion notification effective August 15, 2011.

Page 43 of 205
During the EnTRAC Nightly Batch Program execution of August 31st, 2011, the criteria of an
account composition change is met. The minimum threshold reduction in the re-calculated MDV
of at least 4 GJ is met as Account 123 contributes a 5 GJ reduction in the Pool’s MDV for the
period October 1, 2011 to the end of the Pool Term. Therefore, the MDV for the Pool is re-
established with an effective date of October 1, 2011. The same customer associated with
Account123 informed Enbridge that they would be moving to another location in the Enbridge
franchise effective October 1, 2011. Effective November 1, 2011 the CCL was implemented with
the customer being assigned Account 234. During the EnTRAC Nightly Batch Program execution
of October 31st, 2011, the criteria of an account composition change is met, as 1 account has
now been added to the pool since the “current effective” MDV was established on the evening of
August 31, 2011 effective October 1, 2011. At the same time the requirement for a minimum
threshold increment in re-calculated MDV of at least 4 GJ is met, as Account 234 contributes an
increase of 5 GJ’s to the Pool’s MDV, for the period December 1, 2011 to the end of the Pool
Term, which is December 31, 2011. Therefore, the MDV is re-established for the Pool with an
effective date of December 1, 2011. The re-established MDV will NOT include Monthly Contract
Estimated Consumption Volumes for Accounts 123. The re-established MDV will include Monthly
Contract Estimated Consumption Volumes for 234 for the period December 1st, 2011 to
December 31st, 2011.

Note the above example would be the same if it was a ROS scenario instead of a CCL scenario,
the only difference is the customer did not change location but essentially returned / re-instated
service to the same location.

Therefore, accounts associated to the Pool Term through the implementation of a CCL or a ROS
will appear on the PCR Report with data for the months that supports the calculation of the re-
established MDV.

EnTRAC Actions Subsequent to Re-establishing the MDV for a Pool

If EnTRAC automatically re-establishes the MDV for a pool that is in “locked for flow” or “active”
state, EnTRAC will also perform the following actions:

• Populate the View Pool Details Screen Volume Distribution Section with the re-
established MDV information and its future effective date.
• Move the previous Volume Distribution information pertaining to the preceding effective
MDV and provide a View History link on the View Pool Details Screen.
• Create a new Pool Composition Report (PCR) to support the new re-established MDV
• Send an Alert to the respective MSA Homepage indicating that EnTRAC has re-
established the MDV for one or more pools associated to the MSA, and provide a link to
a downloadable “MDV Re-establishment Report”.
• Create an “MDV Re-establishment Report” to provide a list of all the Pools impacted with
the same re-established MDV effective date.
o Pool ID
o Pool Name
o Point of Acceptance
o Previous Contracted MDV Volume Distribution information (as provided on the
View Pool Details Screen – History Volume Distribution section)
o New Contracted MDV Volume Distribution information (as provided on the View
Pool Details Screen – Volume Distribution section)
• Rescind or cancel any standing nominations that would be ‘in-effect’ once the new MDV
is effective. Standing nomination includes all Active/Pending MDV Nominations,
Suspensions & Self Suspensions as of the MDV Effective Date.

Page 44 of 205
o For Active Nominations that have a Nomination End Date on or before the MDV
re-establishment effective date, EnTRAC will not update the Nomination End
date or Nomination status.
o For Active Nominations that have a Nomination End Date after the MDV re-
establishment effective date, EnTRAC will update the Nomination End date to
MDV re-establishment effective date and Nomination status remains the same.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have both start and
end date prior to the MDV re-establishment effective date, EnTRAC will not
update the Nomination End date or Nomination status.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have a start date prior
to the MDV re-establishment effective date and end date after the MDV re-
establishment effective date, will update the Nomination End date to MDV re-
establishment date and Nomination status remains the same.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have a start date on
or after the MDV re-establishment effective date, will update Nomination End
date to the Nomination Start Date and change Nomination status to ‘Cancelled’

8.3.9. Managing the Upstream Pipeline Transportation Service Capacity

for a Pool

The View Pool Details Screen includes a section entitled Volume Distribution.

In relation to Pools with an Ontario Point of Acceptance the Volume Distribution section displays
a volumetric breakdown (expressed in m3 and GJ’s) by delivery area and also summed as a Pool
total for the:
• Contracted Volume (for the Pool Term excluding fuel gas)
• Contracted MDV (for the remainder of the Pool Term excluding fuel gas)
• Enbridge Assigned Capacity representing the volume of upstream pipeline transportation
service capacity that is required to be procured by Enbridge and assigned to the MSA
Party, and for which an MSA Party is required to transport the volume of gas to the
applicable interconnect between TCPL and the Enbridge distribution system
• MSA Unassigned Capacity representing the volume of upstream pipeline transportation
service capacity that is required to be procured by the MSA Party themselves, and
remains in the name of the MSA Party, and is required to transport the volume of gas to
the applicable interconnect between TCPL and the Enbridge distribution system

In relation to Pools with a Western Point of Acceptance the Volume Distribution section displays a
volumetric breakdown (expressed in m3 and GJ’s) by delivery area and also summed as a Pool
total for the:
• Contracted Volume (for the Pool Term excluding fuel gas)
• Contracted MDV (for the remainder of the Pool Term excluding fuel gas)
• Enbridge Assigned Capacity will appear as N/A as it is Enbridge that will procure and be
responsible for managing the upstream pipeline capacity
• MSA Unassigned Capacity will appear as N/A as it is Enbridge that will procure and be
responsible for managing the upstream pipeline capacity

At the time of calculating the MDV for a Pool, EnTRAC also performs the calculations to populate
the Volume Distribution section displayed on the View Pool Details screen.

For Pools with an Ontario Point of Acceptance, the Volume Distribution calculation takes into
account any FT Turnback Election applicable to the Pool that would become effective prior to or
coincident with the effective date of the MDV.

Page 45 of 205
The View Pool Details Screen will display if an FT Turnback Election % is applicable to a Pool at
some future date.

The FT Turnback Election % is used to calculate the Enbridge Assigned Capacity and MSA
Unassigned Capacity displayed in the Volume Distribution.

The FT Turnback Election(s) represents the % of a Pool’s MDV in respect of a delivery area, that
the MSA Party is responsible for the upstream transportation service capacity required to
transport the gas to the applicable interconnect between TCPL and the Enbridge distribution
system for the period that the MDV and the FT Turnback Election are both effective. The MSA
Party remains responsible for ensuring there is the required volume of upstream pipeline
transportation service for the duration the “MSA Unassigned Capacity” specified in Volume
Distribution remains in effect.

Managing FT Turnback Elections:

The process of submitting and authorizing FT Turnback Election Requests is managed outside of

Periodically Enbridge may issue notifications in advance of renewing its contracts with TCPL for
Firm Transportation Service (FT), of upcoming opportunities for interested MSA parties to submit
requests for Enbridge to consider turning back capacity (or de-contracting capacity) in relation to
the customers associated to specific active and pending pools.

Upon the authorization of the FT Turnback Election Request, an FT Turnback Election can only
be entered into EnTRAC on the applicable Pool Term record by the Contract Compliance group.
Therefore, requests from MSA Parties for authorization of FT Turnback Election %’s, or requests
to coordinate the FT Turnback Election’s entry into EnTRAC should be directed to the Contract
Compliance mailbox (contract.compliance@enbridge.com).

An FT Turnback Election % is specified at the Pool level by delivery area; EDA (Eastern Delivery
Area) or CDA (Central Delivery Area).

The FT Turnback Election % is applicable to all the accounts associated to that pool in the
respective delivery area.

An FT Turnback Election can only be entered on a Pool with at least one Pool Term in pending,
locked for flow or active status, and that does not have an approved Pool Termination Request.

A single Pool Term record at any given single point in time may have one current FT Turnback
Election %, and also one pending future FT Turnback Election % for each delivery area. Both
values are viewable on the View Pool Details screen and will stipulate the FT Turnback Election
% and the effective date.

The effective date of an FT Turnback election %

• must be the first day of a month
• cannot be in the past
• cannot be less than one day in the future
• cannot be more than one Pool Term in the future

An FT Turnback Election % can be entered or updated up until one day prior to its effective date.

A FT Turnback Election % does not have an expiry date but is intended to remain in effect from
the effective date forward and is applicable to all the accounts associated to the pool.

An FT Turnback Election % does not have an expiry date but will remain in effect

Page 46 of 205
• until the % is superceded by a new value taking effect, or
• the pool itself is terminated

Managing FT Turnback Elections in Relation to Pools With an Ontario Point of Acceptance

An FT Turnback Election % can be entered on Pools with Ontario Point of Acceptance.

The FT Turnback Election % for an Ontario Pool will default to 0% upon creation of the Pool.

The FT Turnback Election % for an Ontario Pool:

• can be a value from and including zero to 100%
• cannot be null
• cannot be a negative value

If an MSA Party for a Pool with an Ontario Point of Acceptance would like their “FT Turnback
Election %” to be taken into account during the MDV calculation for a pending Pool Term, it must
be entered by an Enbridge internal user before the MDV is established by EnTRAC automatically
or by the MSA Party manually.

Note, if an FT Turnback Election % that is to take effect on the commencement date of the Pool
Term is entered after the MDV for a Pool Term has been established and the Pool is in “Locked
for Flow” state, EnTRAC will automatically recalculate the MSA Unassigned Capacity volume and
Enbridge Assigned Capacity displayed in the Volume Distribution section.

Notifications of Changes to Volume Distribution and Upstream Capacity Volumes for Active
Ontario Pools

The Volume Distribution information pertaining to an active Pool with an Ontario point of
acceptance may change resulting in change to MSA Unassigned Capacity and Enbridge
Assigned Capacity volumes due to the following events:
• an FT Turnback Election % is taking effect in one calendar month
• an FT Turnback Election % has been entered which will take effect in less than one
calendar month
• the MDV for the Pool has been automatically re-established by EnTRAC due to a pool
composition change

If an FT-Turnback Election % has been entered in EnTRAC at least 30 Calendar days prior to its
effective date, one calendar month prior to the FT Turnback Election % taking effect EnTRAC will:
• Populate the View Pool Details Screen Volume Distribution Section with the re-
calculated Volume Distribution information and its future effective date.
• Move the previous Volume Distribution information pertaining to the preceding effective
FT Turnback Election and provide a View History link on the View Pool Details Screen.
• Send the following message to the Homepage of the MSA Party, Pool Sponsor, Pool
Administrator, and CSC Manager associated with the Pool: “Turnback for Pool ID <Pool
ID> has been changed. Any requested MDV Nominations and Suspensions that would
have been effective on or after the FT Turnback Effective Date of <date> have been
rescinded or cancelled.”
• Rescind or cancel any standing nominations that would be ‘in-effect’ once the new MDV
is effective. Standing nomination includes all Active/Pending MDV Nominations,
Suspensions & Self Suspensions as of the MDV Effective Date.
o For Active Nominations that have a Nomination End Date on or before the MDV
re-establishment effective date, EnTRAC will not update the Nomination End
date or Nomination status.

Page 47 of 205
o For Active Nominations that have a Nomination End Date after the MDV re-
establishment effective date, EnTRAC will update the Nomination End date to
MDV re-establishment effective date and Nomination status remains the same.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have both start and
end date prior to the MDV re-establishment effective date, EnTRAC will not
update the Nomination End date or Nomination status.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have a start date prior
to the MDV re-establishment effective date and end date after the MDV re-
establishment effective date, EnTRAC will update the Nomination End date to
MDV re-establishment date and Nomination status remains the same.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have a start date on
or after the MDV re-establishment effective date, EnTRAC will update
Nomination End date to the Nomination Start Date and change Nomination
status to ‘Cancelled’
An FT Turnback Election % for an active Pool with an Ontario point of acceptance can be entered
or updated up until one day prior to its effective date. If an FT Turnback Election % is entered or
updated*** in respect of an active Pool with an Ontario Point of Acceptance, for which the
effective date is less than one calendar month in the future, EnTRAC will:
• Populate the View Pool Details Screen Volume Distribution Section with the re-
calculated Volume Distribution information and its future effective date.
• Move the previous Volume Distribution information pertaining to the preceding effective
FT Turnback Election and provide a View History link on the View Pool Details Screen.
• Send an Alert to the respective MSA Homepage: “Turnback for Pool ID <Pool ID> has
been changed. Any requested MDV Nominations and Suspensions that would have
been effective on or after the FT Turnback Effective Date of <date> have been rescinded
or cancelled.”
• Rescind or cancel any standing nominations that would be ‘in-effect’ once the new MDV
is effective. Standing nomination includes all Active/Pending MDV Nominations,
Suspensions & Self Suspensions as of the MDV Effective Date.
o For Active Nominations that have a Nomination End Date on or before the MDV
re-establishment effective date, EnTRAC will not update the Nomination End
date or Nomination status.
o For Active Nominations that have a Nomination End Date after the MDV re-
establishment effective date, EnTRAC will update the Nomination End date to
MDV re-establishment effective date and Nomination status remains the same.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have both start and
end date prior to the MDV re-establishment effective date, EnTRAC will not
update the Nomination End date or Nomination status.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have a start date prior
to the MDV re-establishment effective date and end date after the MDV re-
establishment effective date, EnTRAC will update the Nomination End date to
MDV re-establishment date and Nomination status remains the same.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have a start date on
or after the MDV re-establishment effective date, EnTRAC will update
Nomination End date to the Nomination Start Date and change Nomination
status to ‘Cancelled’

*** If the current calendar date is less than one calendar month but more than one day prior to the
effective date of an FT Turnback Election % then the Contract Support and Compliance
• is unable to change the effective date of the future FT Turnback Election %
• is able to update the % of the future FT Turnback Election.

In the event during the lifecycle of the Pool Term of MDV being automatically re-established by
EnTRAC due to a pool composition change EnTRAC will:

Page 48 of 205
• Populate the View Pool Details Screen Volume Distribution Section with the re-
established MDV information and its future effective date.
• Move the previous Volume Distribution information pertaining to the preceding effective
MDV and provide a View History link on the View Pool Details Screen.
• Create a new Pool Composition Report (PCR) to support the new re-established MDV
• Send a Message to the respective MSA Homepage indicating that EnTRAC has re-
established the MDV for one or more pools associated to the MSA, and provide a link to
a downloadable “MDV Re-establishment Report”.
• Create an “MDV Re-establishment Report” to provide a list of all the Pools impacted with
the same re-established MDV effective date.
• Rescind or cancel any standing nominations that would be ‘in-effect’ once the new MDV
is effective. Standing nomination includes all Active/Pending MDV Nominations,
Suspensions & Self Suspensions as of the MDV Effective Date.
o For Active Nominations that have a Nomination End Date on or before the MDV
re-establishment effective date, EnTRAC will not update the Nomination End
date or Nomination status.
o For Active Nominations that have a Nomination End Date after the MDV re-
establishment effective date, EnTRAC will update the Nomination End date to
MDV re-establishment effective date and Nomination status remains the same.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have both start and
end date prior to the MDV re-establishment effective date, EnTRAC will not
update the Nomination End date or Nomination status.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have a start date prior
to the MDV re-establishment effective date and end date after the MDV re-
establishment effective date, EnTRAC will update the Nomination End date to
MDV re-establishment date and Nomination status remains the same.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have a start date on
or after the MDV re-establishment effective date, EnTRAC will update
Nomination End date to the Nomination Start Date and change Nomination
status to ‘Cancelled’

Invoking the Option for Enbridge to Absorb +or- % 5 GJ Capacity Swing for Renewing Ontario

The option is no longer available for an MSA Party to elect at the point of manually establishing
the MDV for a renewing Pool Term with an Ontario point of acceptance, for Enbridge to absorb
what is referred to as the “+ or – 5 GJ swing” in the MSA Unassigned Capacity Volume.

Managing FT Turnback Elections in Relation to Western Pools

An FT Turnback Election % is in isolated instances entered on a Western Pool, in order to

facilitate the unique situation where Enbridge is able to accommodate an MSA Party being able to
transfer accounts from a Pool with a Western Point of Acceptance to a Pool with an Ontario Point
of Acceptance.
• The FT Turnback Election % must have an effective date that is after the current Western
Pool Term’s end date.
• The transfer of accounts is only permitted at the anniversary or end date of a Western
Pool Term and must be coincident with the start date of the target Ontario Pool Term.
• The Transfer STR validation rules require the source and target pools to have the same
FT-Turnback Election % for the delivery area (associated to the account being
transferred) at the point the Transfer STR is submitted.

Page 49 of 205
• If the target pool has an FT-Turnback Election % that has or would take effect prior to the
Transfer STR effective date, then the source pool must have an FT-Turnback Election %
that would take effect on the Transfer STR effective date.
• If the target pool has an FT-Turnback Election % that will become effective after the
Transfer STR effective date, the source pool must have an FT-Turnback Election % that
also would be effective on the same date as the target pool.

The FT Turnback Election % for a Western Pool:

• can be a value from and including zero to 100%
• can be null
• cannot be a negative value

Notifications of Changes to Volume Distribution and Upstream Capacity volumes for Active
Western Pools

The Volume Distribution information pertaining to an active Pool with a Western point of
acceptance does not change in relation to the MSA Unassigned Capacity and Enbridge Assigned
Capacity volumes due to the following events:
• a change to the FT Turnback Election % that would take effect in one calendar month
• a change to the FT Turnback Election % that would take effect in less than one calendar

The Volume Distribution information pertaining to an active Pool with a Western point of
acceptance does change resulting in relation to the MSA Unassigned Capacity and Enbridge
Assigned Capacity volumes when the MDV for the Pool has been automatically re-established by
EnTRAC due to a pool composition change.

If an FT-Turnback Election % is entered or updated in EnTRAC on a Western Pool at any point

prior to the FT-Turnback Election effective date, the following is not required and EnTRAC will not
at this point or at a later point in time in relation to the Western Pool:
• update the View Pool Details Screen Volume Distribution Section
• generate an alert or messages on the Homepage of the MSA Party, Pool Sponsor, Pool
Administrator, or CSC Manager associated with the Pool
• rescind or cancel any standing nominations that would be ‘in-effect’ once the new FT-
Turnback Election is in effect

In the event during the lifecycle of the Western Pool Term EnTRAC automatically re-establishes
the MDV due to a pool composition change, EnTRAC will perform the following:
• Populate the View Pool Details Screen Volume Distribution Section with the re-
established MDV information and its future effective date.
• Move the previous Volume Distribution information pertaining to the preceding effective
MDV and provide a View History link on the View Pool Details Screen.
• Create a new Pool Composition Report (PCR) to support the new re-established MDV
• Send a Message to the respective MSA Homepage indicating that EnTRAC has re-
established the MDV for one or more pools associated to the MSA, and provide a link to
a downloadable “MDV Re-establishment Report”.
• Create an “MDV Re-establishment Report” to provide a list of all the Pools impacted with
the same re-established MDV effective date.
• Rescind or cancel any standing nominations that would be ‘in-effect’ once the new MDV
is effective. Standing nomination includes all Active/Pending MDV Nominations,
Suspensions & Self Suspensions as of the MDV Effective Date.

Page 50 of 205
o For Active Nominations that have a Nomination End Date on or before the MDV
re-establishment effective date, EnTRAC will not update the Nomination End
date or Nomination status.
o For Active Nominations that have a Nomination End Date after the MDV re-
establishment effective date, EnTRAC will update the Nomination End date to
MDV re-establishment effective date and Nomination status remains the same.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have both start and
end date prior to the MDV re-establishment effective date, EnTRAC will not
update the Nomination End date or Nomination status.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have a start date prior
to the MDV re-establishment effective date and end date after the MDV re-
establishment effective date, EnTRAC will update the Nomination End date to
MDV re-establishment date and Nomination status remains the same.
o For Pending and Authorization Required Nominations that have a start date on
or after the MDV re-establishment effective date, EnTRAC will update
Nomination End date to the Nomination Start Date and change Nomination
status to ‘Cancelled’

8.3.10. Editing Pool Details

Once the request to create a Pool is submitted to the EnTRAC application, the commencement
date and the Pool’s billing option can no longer be edited.

Once a new Pool is created with at least one account associated to it, the Point of Acceptance
can no longer be edited.

The Pool Contact Information (e.g. Nominations, Billing and Payment or Payment Party) is
permitted and required to be kept up to date while the Pool Term is active.
Changes to Pool’s Payment information must be entered into EnTRAC prior to the 1 of the
calendar month for it to be reflected on the next remittance issued. Also, an e-mail notification
pertaining to the payment information changes must be sent to entrac.financials@enbridge.com.
Changes to the Pool Payment information made after the first of the calendar month are reflected
on the second remittance following the change.

8.3.11. Pool Composition Report (PCR)

The Pool Composition Report (PCR) provides the MSA Party with a list of the accounts and the
associated contracted estimated consumption volumes that EnTRAC took into consideration
when calculating the MDV for each account within the Pool.

There is a PCR created each time the MDV is established or re-established during the Pool Term
and is differentiated by the effective date of the MDV. There will only be one PCR stored within
EnTRAC for each MDV effective date. The only exception where a PCR is not generated is in
the case of an FT Turnback Election taking effect in relation to a Pool with an Ontario Point of
Acceptance, in this case the aggregate MDV itself is not be re-established but only the Volume
Distribution of the aggregate MDV.

The PCR Header Section will include the following information:

• Pool ID
• Pool Name
• Pool Term Start Date
• MDV Effective Date

Page 51 of 205
The PCR Detail Data Section will provide the following information:
• a listing of all the customers associated to the pool which contributed to the MDV
• the account numbers and contract numbers associated to the customer
• the account / contract information such as
o billing account name,
o service address, city, province code, postal code
o delivery area (CDA, EDA),
o rate number,
o account status (e.g. active, finalized, refolio),
o billing cycle day,
o area code (e.g. 01 – Metro)
o Account Metered in EnMAR to indicate if a Large Volume Account (Y/N)
o PPG Name
o Sector (applicable to Rate 6 accounts only: COM, APT, IND)
o Degree Day Area (applicable to Rate 1 and 6 accounts only: CDA, EDA,
• the volumetric information with a column for each month in the Pool Term, and a value is
populated for only those months that were used to calculate the MDV (expressed in cubic
metres) such as the
o estimated consumption,
o historical consumption,
o actual degree days for the month for the area (applicable to Rate 1 and 6
accounts only)
o budgeted degree days for the month for the area (applicable to Rate 1 and 6
accounts only)
• the MDV for each account / contract

If the account is associated to two Large Volume Distribution Contracts (LVDCs), the PCR report
displays the account twice. The PCR report displays a separate row for each Rate Number /

All volumes provided on the PCR are expressed in cubic metres.

The Monthly Budgeted Degree Day columns will only be budgeted for accounts billing on Rate 1
and 6.

Pools In Pending and Locked for Flow State:

For all Pools in pending state EnTRAC will refresh the Pool Composition Report (PCR) as part of
the nightly batch process up to the point that the pool becomes locked for flow.

After the MDV has been established for a pending pool and the Pool becomes “locked for flow”,
the PCR report will remain static from that point forward.

For pending pools, EnTRAC generates a refreshed PCR report after the STR Validation Engine
runs each evening. The STR Validation Engine can run anytime after 5:00 p.m. Therefore, the
PCR report only reflects those STRs successfully processed by EnTRAC the previous evening.
If you submit an STR today before 5:00 p.m., it will not be reflected on the PCR Report until after
the next nightly batch processing occurs. If an STR is submitted after 5:00 p.m. and this is after
the STR Validation Engine has run for that calendar day, the STR will not be reflected on a PCR
report until two calendar days after the STR was submitted.

The MSA Party is able to download a PCR report in comma separated value (CSV) format. The
file naming format used by EnTRAC is: PCR_<Pool Name>_DD_MMM_YY.csv.

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Example: PCR_Pool1_04_Dec_04.csv

The PCR report lists all the accounts associated to the Pool Term with the following qualifications.

 If the MSA Party submits a Drop Request that is “accepted” with an effective date of
prior to or equal to the renewal Pool Term commencement date and the Pool is still in
“pending” status and not “locked for flow”, then the account does not appear in the
PCR report and is not be reflected in the Pool’s MDV.

 If the MSA Party submits an Enrol Request before the MDV is established for the
renewal pending Pool Term and therefore is not “locked for flow”, and it is “accepted”
which adds the account to the current Pool Term with an effective date prior to the
renewal pending Pool Term, then the account will appear in the PCR report and is
reflected in the Pool’s MDV.

 If the MSA Party submits an Enrol Request after the new pool is “locked for flow” but
before the Pool commences, and it is “accepted” which adds the account to a new
Pool with an effective date equal to the commencement date of the Pool Term, then
the account will not appear in the PCR report and is not be reflected in the Pool’s

 If the MSA Party submits an Enrol Request after the MDV for the Pool is established
and the Pool is “locked for flow” but before the Pool commences, and it is “accepted”
which adds the account mid-term to a Pool with an effective date after the
commencement date of the Pool Term, then the account will not appear in the PCR
and is not be reflected in the Pool’s MDV.

 If the MSA Party submits an Enrol Request after it commences, and it is “accepted”
which adds the account mid-term to a Pool with an effective date after the
commencement date of the Pool Term, then the account will not appear in the PCR
report and is not be reflected in the Pool’s MDV.

For GSC accounts (Rate 1, 6, and 9) associated to the Pool, the PCR report provides the most
recent available twelve months of historical billed consumption volumes. The consumption
gathering window for GSC accounts changes on the 10th day of every month. From the 10th day
of the current month to the 9th day of the next month the gathering window remains the same for
all accounts in all pools. For example, when the MDV engine runs on the 1st day of November it
will use the consumption gathering window of Oct 2004 – Sep 2005. However, on the night of the
10th day of November, the MDV engine uses the consumption gathering window of Nov 2004 –
Oct 2005. Therefore, on the 11th day of November, the PCR report is updated to show the
consumption window shift and reflects consumption from Nov 2004 - Oct 2005.

The Contracted Estimated Consumption values displayed in the PCR are weather normalized for
Rate 1 and 6 accounts only.

For LVDC accounts (Rate 100 and above) associated to the Pool, the PCR will provide the
estimated consumption coincident with the months in the Pool Term, for the LVDC’s that is an
“active” or “executed” state whose term overlaps the Pool Term, on the date the MDV is
established for the Pool Term,.

Please refer to the section on MDV establishment for a full explanation of the determination of
contracted estimated consumption volumes for all accounts.

For the purpose of a historical reference the following is an explanation of a practice that
discontinued at the point the new CIS billing system was implemented in September 2009. But
since this account status may still appear in some PCR reports an explanation is provided here.

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If a Pool Term is not flowing and an underlying GSC (Rate 1, 2, 6, 9) account undergoes an
account number change (referred to as “refolio”), the PCR starts to show the new account
number with the account status of “refolioed”.

If the Pool is “locked for flow”, up until the pool commencement date is reached, the PCR report
only changes if an account undergoes an account status change (such as finalized and in the
past refolio as well).

Flowing Pools:

If during the Pool Term the MDV is re-established due to a pool composition change, then a new
PCR is created to support the new MDV.

Upon creation of the superseding PCR, the previous effective PCR remains searchable and
viewable for reference by the MSA Party. A screen is available for an MSA Party to search and
download PCR report that supports any MDV that came into effect during the Pool Term.

If the MDV is never re-established for a pool during its Pool Term, then the PCR which is
generated when the pool status change to Locked for Flow will continue to be valid for the
duration of the Pool Term.

EnTRAC only takes into consideration in the calculation of the re-established MDV the accounts
that are essentially actively associated to the Pool one full calendar month prior to the effective
date of the re-established MDV (which is technically the day following the nightly batch program
execution on the last day of each calendar month). Therefore, EnTRAC does not try to assess
which accounts would be associated on the effective date of the re-established MDV.

EnTRAC will not refresh the MDV for an account that was already included in the calculation of
any previous MDV that was effective during a Pool Term.

Only new accounts contributing to the re-established MDV will have an MDV that is established
based on the contract information, historical or the monthly contracted estimated consumption
volumes on record at the time the MDV is re-established.

If an account is no longer associated to the pool at the point of the Pool’s MDV being re-
calculated and re-established, the account’s contract estimates that previously existed coincident
with the period the new MDV is being established is excluded.

EnTRAC does not retroactively include estimated consumption for accounts actively enrolled in
the pool prior to the MDV re-calculation that were actively attached to the pool but were not
included in the previous MDV calculation, but only calculates an MDV from the re-established
MDV effective date forward.

Note: The volumetric information for new accounts contributing to the re-established MDV, will
display a value only in the months of the Pool Term that the account contributed to the MDV
calculation (expressed in cubic metres) such as the
o estimated consumption,
o historical consumption,
o actual degree days for the month for the area (applicable to Rate 1 and 6
accounts only)
o budgeted degree days for the month for the area (applicable to Rate 1 and 6
accounts only)

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8.3.12. Pool Anniversary Maintenance
120 days prior to the each anniversary date of a Pool Term, EnTRAC creates the next renewal
Pool Term record. The Pool Term record is created with a status of “pending” and has a duration
of 12 months. The renewal term for the Pool remains in “pending” status until the MDV is
established by either the MSA Party or EnTRAC. While the Pool Term remains in “pending”
state, the MSA Party has the opportunity to perform what is referred to as “Pool anniversary
maintenance”. The MSA Party will have the opportunity to add or remove accounts and then re-
establish the MDV for the next Pool Term. The intent is that for multi-year Pools, the contracted
MDV be re-established or refreshed at each of the anniversary dates for the full Pool duration.

120 calendar days before anniversary or expiry date of Pool, the following message is sent out to
the MSA Party, Pool Sponsor, Pool Administrator, and CSC Manager of the Pool.

Pool <name> of MSA <MSA ID> is approaching the anniversary/expiry date of <date>.
Pool is now ready for establishing MDV, and changes to account composition.

Once the Point of Acceptance is established for a Pool it cannot be changed. Therefore, the
Point of Acceptance for a Pool cannot be changed at the point of renewing the next Pool Term.

Once the billing option is established for a Pool it cannot be changed. Therefore, the billing
option for a pool cannot be changed at the point of renewing the next Pool Term.

8.3.13. Pool Automatic Renewal

If no action is taken by the MSA Party, EnTRAC automatically establishes the MDV for the
renewal Pool Term based upon
• the active accounts associated to the Pool one calendar month prior to the pending
renewal Pool Term’s commencement date
• any pending STR’s that are accepted one calendar month prior to the pending renewal
Poll Term’s commencement date.

The MSA Party may at any point in time after the pending renewal Pool Term is created, establish
the MDV for the pending Pool Term based upon all the active (locked or unlocked) accounts
associated with the Pool and for which an STR has been accepted (at the point in time the MDV
is established). If the MSA Party does not establish the MDV, EnTRAC automatically establishes
the MDV one calendar month prior to the renewal term commencement date and change the Pool
Term’s state to “locked for flow”.

8.3.14. Terminating a Pending Pool

If a new Pool first Pool Term (meaning a Pool that has never flowed before and has no previous
Pool Term) is still in pending state, then the MSA Party can submit a request to cancel the new
Pool. A link on the View Pool Details screen will only appear to the MSA Party to Cancel a Pool if
it is a new Pool and it is still in “pending” state. The MSA Party can only cancel a new Pool prior
to the state changing to “locked for flow”. From this point forward, the MSA Party would submit a
request to “terminate” the Pool.

EnTRAC will not permit a new Pool to be cancelled while there is still pending accepted
transactions that would associate accounts to the Pool on its commencement date. Therefore,
prior to submitting a request to cancel a new pool, the MSA Party must submit transactions to
terminate (Status Advice – Terminate) or update (Status Advice – Update to redirect the account
to another pool) any accepted pending Enrol requests or Transfer requests.

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EnTRAC automatically processes requests submitted by the MSA Party to cancel a new pool in
pending state, and does not require the approval of an Enbridge internal user (e.g. the Pool

8.3.15. Terminating an Active Flowing Pool

If the Pool is locked for flow, active or a renewal Pool Term in pending state (meaning it is not a
brand new Pool), the MSA Party is able to submit a request within EnTRAC to terminate the Pool
based upon the terms and conditions of the Gas Delivery Agreement.

Before submitting a Pool Termination request, the MSA Party must submit a Drop or Transfer
Request to remove each account from the pool and their request must be accepted by EnTRAC
and must be effective on or before the intended Pool Termination effective date.

Before submitting a Pool Termination request, the MSA Party must also terminate any pending
Enrol requests that exist that would add an account to this Pool on or before the requested Pool
Termination effective date.

If subsequent to a Pool Termination request being approved, the MSA Party submits a request to
terminate the Transfer request (a Status Advise – Terminate Request) it is rejected with the
reason [PoolPendingTermination].

If subsequent to a Pool Termination request being approved, the MSA Party submits a request to
update the Transfer request (a Status Advise – Update Request) to move an account out of the
terminating Pool with an effective date after the Pool Termination effective date it is rejected with
the reason [PoolPendingTermination].

If subsequent to a Pool Termination request being approved, the MSA Party submits a request to
terminate the Drop request (a Status Advise – Terminate Request) it is rejected with the reason

If subsequent to a Pool Termination request being approved, the MSA Party submits a request to
update the Drop request (a Status Advise – Update Request) to remove an account from the
terminating Pool with an effective date after the Pool Termination effective date it is rejected with
the reason [PoolPendingTermination].

If subsequent to a Pool Termination request being approved, the MSA Party submits an Enrol
request to attach an account to the pool it is rejected with the reason [PoolPendingTermination].

If subsequent to a Pool Termination request being approved, the MSA Party submits a Transfer
request to attach an account to the terminating pool it is rejected with the reason

The requested termination effective date can be any day of the calendar month.

The MSA Party cannot request a termination effective date that is after the Pool expiry date, in
the past, more than 120 days in the future, or less than 60 days in the future as stipulated in the
Gas Delivery Agreement.

The MSA Party is not able to change the Pool Termination effective date after it is submitted to

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If the requested termination effective date is anything other than the Pool’s anniversary or expiry
date then the termination request must be approved by an internal user (e.g. the Pool Sponsor).
A message is sent to the Pool Sponsor and the Pool Administrator at the point an early
termination request is received. The Pool Sponsor or Pool Administrator must approve or reject
the Pool Termination request at least 3 days prior to the requested termination effective date.

If the Pool Termination request is not approved by the Pool Sponsor or Administrator at least 3
days prior to the requested termination effective date, then EnTRAC will decline the request and
send a message indicating so to the MSA Party. The following message would be sent to MSA
Party and Pool Sponsor about the EnTRAC default rejection.

‘Request for Pool Termination for <Pool name> of MSA <MSA ID> with effective date of
<date> has been rejected.’

If there is an outstanding early termination request that has not been approved on EnTRAC, then
an alert is sent to the MSA Party, Pool Sponsor and the Pool Administrator, 10 calendar days
prior to termination effective date indicating the early termination requested has not been
approved by the Pool Sponsor or the Pool Administrator.

7 calendar days prior to effective date of an approved termination, the following message is sent
to the MSA Party, Pool Sponsor, Pool Administrator, and CSC Manager of the Pool. Note: If the
termination request is approved after the 7 calendar day mark, a message will not be generated.

‘Pool <name> of MSA <MSA ID> is going to be terminated on <date>’.

If the View Pool Details screen displays the approved Pool Termination Effective date, the Pool
is deemed to terminate at 10:00 a.m. on the day specified as the Pool Termination Effective date.
An example would be if the Pool Termination effective is January 1, 2004, the Pool Terminates at
10:00 a.m. EST on January 1, 2004.

When the request to terminate an active pool is approved on EnTRAC, if there is an existing
pending renewal Pool Term it will also be terminated 3 days prior to the Pool Termination
effective date.

8.4. Price Point Group (PPG) Management

8.4.1. PPG Management Overview

A Price Point Group (PPG) is a data entity within EnTRAC created by the MSA Party in order to
provide billing instructions required for Enbridge to be able to perform
• the Agent Billing and Collection (ABC) service when contracted for by Customers, and
• the Distributor Consolidated Billing in the Rate Ready form when contracted for by Gas

The MSA Party must provide information relating to:

• the charge types (e.g. commodity, transportation, storage and monthly administration
fee),and the unit and prices / rates and associated effective date the MSA Party is

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intending to invoice the end-use customers the MSA Party has associated to the PPG for
commodity related gas services
• the MSA Party information (e.g. organization name and customer inquiry phone number)
that will accompany the charges presented on the customer’s gas bill

At the point of creation of a PPG the MSA Party must specify a name for the PPG which is unique
to the MSA Id. EnTRAC will assign the PPG a unique identifier called the PPG Id.

Once a Price Point Group is created, the MSA Party can begin to associate customers to the
PPG through the submission of Enrol and Transfer Requests specifying the PPG Id. The MSA
Party can disassociate customer from the PPG through the submission of a Transfer request.

8.4.2. Creating a New PPG

The MSA Party must specify a PPG name which is unique to the MSA Party.

A Price Point Group cannot be created without providing the first price associated to the PPG that
is to take effect.

Enbridge is able to support the following Price Point Charge Types:

1. Commodity Charge – This charge is expressed in $’s per cubic metre specified up to 6
decimal places. Minimum acceptable value is $0’s per cubic metre. Maximum
acceptable value of $9.999999 per cubic metre. This is presented on the customer’s bill
under the Gas Vendor’s name and phone number as a “Gas Supply Charge”.
2. Transportation Charge – This charge is expressed in $’s per cubic metre specified up to 6
decimal places. Minimum acceptable value is $0’s per cubic metre. Maximum
acceptable value of $9.999999 per cubic metre. This is presented on the customer’s bill
under the Gas Vendor’s name and phone number as a “Transportation to Enbridge”.
3. Storage Charge – This charge expressed in $’s per cubic metre specified up to 6 decimal
places. Minimum acceptable value is $0’s per cubic metre. Maximum acceptable value
of $9.999999 per cubic metre. This is presented on the customer’s bill under the Gas
Vendor’s name and phone number as a “Storage”.
4. Vendor Admin. Fee – This charge expressed in $’s per month. Minimum acceptable
value is $0.00 per month. Maximum acceptable value of $200.00 per month. This is
presented on the customer’s bill as a “Vendor Admin Fee”.

The Price for a Price Point Charge Type associated to a PPG:

• may only have an effective date of the first calendar day of any given month
• may not have an effective date that is less than 3 full calendar days in the future
• may not have an effective date that is more than 120 days in the future
• may only be positive
• does not have an expiry date but will remain in effect until superceded by a new price

Once a Price Point Charge Type has been associated to a PPG, even if the Price is $0, the Price
Point Charge Type will appear as a line item on the customer’s bill once the Price becomes
effective. Therefore, resetting a Price Point Charge Type to a value of $0, will not remove the
Price Point Charge Type from appearing on the bill. In other words there is no mechanism for
removing a Price Point Charge Type from a Price Point Group.

In the Bill Presentation Name the MSA Party may specify the company name that they would like
displayed on the customer’s bill. This field is limited to 30 characters.

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Note: EnTRAC does not provide an MSA Party with the ability to specify the expiry date for a
Price Point Group or its associated prices. For a more complete discussion refer to the section
on Terminating a PPG and Associated Prices.

8.4.3. Searching and Viewing a PPG and Price History Details

The MSA Party is able to search for and view PPG that they have created within EnTRAC.

The View PPG Details screen will display all Prices that were effective in relation to the PPG
within the past 36 months.

On the View Account Details screen if the account is associated to an active Pool with the Pool
billing option of Collection Service Agreement (ABC) or Rate Ready Applicable, the underlying
account will show the billing option of Gas Distributor Consolidated (GDC) and the related current
PPG information.

The PPG Search Results screen presents the Prices associated with the PPG in reverse
chronological order (i.e. latest price change submission to the oldest price change submission).
The PPG Search Results screen may be downloaded in a CSV file format.

8.4.4. Editing / Updating PPG Details and Associated Prices

Prices and bill presentment information associated with a PPG can only have an effective date of
the first calendar day of any given month.

A change to a price point group can be submitted up to 3 full calendar days prior to effective date
of the change. When specifying a future Price, the MSA Party must specify an effective date that
is at least 3 full calendar days in the future and not more than 120 days in the future.

A PPG can only have one current price in effect at any point in time for each Price Point Charge
Type. If an MSA Party submits a Price Point Change request which specifies a future price with
an effective date that is equal to a pre-existing future Price that had been previously accepted by
EnTRAC, EnTRAC will overwrite the previously accepted future Price (whether the previous Price
Point Change Request was submitted originally through a screen or through the EBT system).

8.4.5. Terminating a PPG and Associated Prices

To avoid the situation of the unit price(s) associated to a specific PPG reaching their expiry date
prior to an MSA Party providing the subsequent renewal price(s), EnTRAC does not provide an
MSA Party with the ability to specify the expiry date for a Price Point Group or its associated
prices. However, the MSA Party is able to simply disassociate all pre-existing customers
attached to the PPG by submitting a Transfer Request with an effective date prior to or coincident
with the intended expiry date of the PPG and its price(s).
To terminate a customer from billing on the Agent Billing and Collection (ABC) service or the
Distributor Consolidated Billing in the Rate Ready form, the MSA Party is able to submit a
Transfer Request to move the account to a new Pool effective the anniversary date of the current
Pool Term. The MSA Party would select a new Pool for which they had not elected for the Agent
Billing and Collection (ABC) Service, also referred to as the Distributor Consolidated Billing in the
Rate Ready for, to be applicable.

8.5. Account Management

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8.5.1. Account Management Overview
Refer to the section on Transaction Management for a full discussion on the transactions an MSA
Party may submit to manage their accounts in relation to:
• associating accounts to Pools (refer to section on Enrol Requests)
• disassociating accounts from Pools (refer to the section on Drop Requests)
• moving or transferring accounts between Pools or Price Point Groups (refer to the section
on Transfer Requests)

8.5.2. Searching and Viewing the Details of an Account

An MSA Party is able to search for and view the details of a consumer account established and
maintained by Enbridge, for the period that the consumer account number (“account”) is
associated to an active Pool managed by the MSA Party. This includes accounts that have a ”
locked”, “unlocked” or “finalized” status on the Enbridge billing systems.

Account numbers generated by the new billing system (implemented in 2009) do not reflect what
is referred to as embedded intelligence as to billing cycle day or regional area. Therefore, account
numbers generated by the new billing system after September 2009 do not contain digits that
reflect the accounts billing cycle day or regional area. Billing cycle day and area code are
displayed as separate fields on the Account View Details screen.

Accounts associated to a high pressure meter can in some cases qualify for a Large Volume
Distribution Contract (LVDC). Accounts associated to high pressure meters are considered to
be metered on the EnMAR system. The Account View Details screen indicates if the account is
metered on the EnMAR system.

If the status of an account changes to “finalized”, the BGA report for the Pool that the account
was associated to, will reflect the account status change on reports produced after the
finalization effective date or the date EnTRAC is notified by the billing system of the finalization,
whichever is later is later. If the account is associated to a Gas Vendor, as contemplated under
GDAR, the Gas Vendor will also receive one or both of the following:
• Termination of Service (TOS) notification
• Change Consumer Location (CCL) notification.

8.5.3. Editing the Details of an Account

An MSA Party is not provided direct access to edit the information contained on the View Account
Details screen, as it is intended to provide a view into the customer information that Enbridge has
on record for the account. However, the Account View Details will reflect the changes the MSA
Party has submitted as transactions to associate / disassociate accounts to the Pool or PPG once
the association / disassociation takes effect.

Prior to an association or disassociation taking effect in relation to a pending Pool, an MSA Party
is able to confirm the account is associated to a pending Pool, and if applicable PPG, by referring
to the Pool Composition Report (PCR).
The MSA Party is also provided the ability to search for their service transaction requests to
confirm the status of their transactions through the Search STR screen, accessed via the STR
Navigation tab within the Contracts Functionality navigation tabs.

8.5.4. Managing the Billing Option for an Account

An account’s billing option is determined by the Pool that the account is associated to. All the
accounts associated to a Pool must have the same billing option / method.

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All the accounts associated to a Pool for which the “Collection Service Agreement (ABC) or Rate
Ready billing option is applicable” will have the account billing method / option of Gas Distributor
Consolidated (GDC) –Rate Ready.

All the accounts associated to a Pool for which the “Collection Service Agreement (ABC) or Rate
Ready billing option is applicable” must be associated to a Price Point Group (PPG).

The MSA Party can submit transactions to:

• Add an account to a PPG,
• transfer an account from one PPG to another PPG associated to the same MSA Id
• disassociate an account from a PPG

All the accounts associated to a Pool for which the “Collection Service Agreement (ABC) or Rate
Ready billing option” is NOT applicable will have the account billing method / option of Split Billing
No Consumption (SNC). This was previously referred to as straight T-Service or Non-ABC.

If an MSA Party wishes to change an account’s billing option from Gas Distributor Consolidated
(GDC) to Split Billing No Consumption (SNC) or vice versa, this can be done by submitting a
Transfer Request coincident with the next anniversary date of the pool or at its expiry, to move
the account to a target Pool with the desired billing option commencing on the requested transfer
effective date. See the submission timelines for submitting a Transfer Request.

8.5.5. Identifying Accounts Billing on Monthly Statements (Collective

Customer having more than one residential and commercial account billing on Rate 1, 6 and 9
have the option of requesting to receive a single consolidated monthly statement called a
“Collective Invoice”. The collective invoice would replace the separate bills for each account
received coincident with their cycle billing day. The billing system (implemented in 2009) will
invoice customers billing on Collective Accounts on last billing cycle day of the month, specifically
billing cycle day 21. A meter reading order may schedule the customer’s meter to be read earlier
in the month, but the Collective Invoice will not be generated until billing cycle day 21. Therefore,
Gas Vendors will receive Invoice Rate Ready (IRR) for Collective Account subsequent to the
invoicing of billing cycle day 21.

8.5.6. Managing the Upstream Pipeline Capacity for an Account

EnTRAC permits FT Turnback Elections to be entered at the Pool level. Therefore, the FT
Turnback Election applicable to the Pool is also applicable to all the accounts associated to the
Pool. FT Turnback Elections can only be entered into EnTRAC by an Enbridge internal user.

In very specific cases, an FT Turnback election may be entered at the account level. EnTRAC
only permits an account to have an FT Turnback election entered at the account level if the
account is not attached to a pool and is on system gas (and meets some specific business rules
managed outside of EnTRAC).
The FT Turnback Election effective date must be a date that is not more than 120 days in the
future and cannot be less than 3 days in the future.

Once an FT Turnback Election is entered into EnTRAC, EnTRAC permits the system gas account
to be added to a Pool with an Ontario Point of Acceptance with the same FT Turnback Election
%. In the absence of an FT Turnback Election being specified on the system gas account,
EnTRAC only permits the system gas account to be added to a Pool with a Western point of

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The FT Turnback Election will remain associated with the account for the duration that the
account is on system gas. As soon as the account is moved to a Pool, storing the FT Turnback
Election at the account level is no longer required. The reason is, EnTRAC determines FT
Turnback Election applicability by referring to the FT Turnback Election associated with the Pool
that the account is attached to. EnTRAC attributes the Pool level FT Turnback Election to all the
accounts associated with that Pool. If the account ever returns to system gas then the account’s
FT Turnback Election percentage is considered by EnTRAC to be NULL or blank.

8.5.7. Identifying Account Number Changes Due to the Refolio Process

Prior to the implementation of the new billing system in 2009, Enbridge in certain situations would
carry out the process of assigning a customer a new billing account number to move the
customer to a different billing cycle date. An account number change in the absence of a
customer moving was referred to by Enbridge as an account number “refolio”. The previous
account number was referred to as having been “refolioed”.

For a 60 day period subsequent to an account being “refolioed”, if the old account number is
included in a Drop or Transfer STR submitted by an MSA Party, EnTRAC will accept the
transaction (if it passes all the other applicable STR validations). The PCR report will display the
most current refolioed account number and will show the status as “refolioed” beside it.

After the implementation of the new billing system in 2009, Enbridge will no longer need to
change the account number for a customer to effect a billing cycle date change. Therefore, the
concept of refolioing a customer’s account number is no longer required. If the billing cycle date
of an account changes and the account is associated to a Gas Vendor, as per GDAR the Gas
Vendor is sent a Change Consumer Information (CCI) transaction.

8.5.8. Decommissioned Account Activity Report (AAR)

Prior to the implementation of GDAR, EnTRAC provided a report referred to as the Account
Activity Report (AAR). As planned with the implementation of Change Consumer Information
(CCI) EBT Transactions the Account Activity Report (AAR) has now been decommissioned as it
was no longer required.

8.6. Service Transaction Request (STR) Management

8.6.1. STR Management Overview

Data is exchanged between Enbridge and the MSA parties through transactions embedded in
XML file documents.

The transactions applicable for an MSA Party to send /submit or receive, is determined by
whether they are categorized as an MSA Type of Customer or Agent (Gas Vendor). In the
case of an MSA Type Agent (Gas Vendor) the applicable transactions is also determined by
whether they are set up to send and / or receive transactions through the EnTRAC point.

The following sections discuss transactions deemed to be associated to the contract

management functionality and is segmented into:

• Service Transaction Requests (STRs) and Responses Applicable to MSA Type


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• Electronic Business Transactions (EBT) and Responses Applicable to MSA Type
Agent (Gas Vendors). Note for some transactions (e.g. Enrol Request) the term EBT
and STR are interchangeable.

8.6.2. Creating Transactions Applicable to MSA Type Customer

An MSA Type Customer is able to submit the following Service Transaction Request (STRs)
contained in an XML file, and uploaded through a screen into the EnTRAC system.

• Enrol Request
• Transfer Request
• Drop Request
• Status Advice – Update (relating to a pending Enrol, Drop or Transfer Request)
• Status Advice – Terminate (relating to a pending Enrol, Drop or Transfer Request)
• Status Advice – Terminate (relating to a Status Advice - Notice of Pending Switch)

If a transaction that does not appear on the list above is attempted to be uploaded from within the
EnTRAC system it is rejected with the reject reason [TransactionNotSupported]. Examples of
transactions rejected are; Change Consumer Information Requests, Historical Consumption
Requests, or Invoice Vendor Adjustments. These transactions are intended to be applicable only
to Gas Vendors and should only be submitted by a Gas Vendor through the EBT system.

8.6.3. Creating Transactions Applicable to MSA Type Agent (Gas

An MSA Type Agent (Gas Vendors) is able to submit the following Service Transaction Request
(STRs), which are also referred to by GDAR as Electronic Business Transactions (EBTs),
contained in an XML file as prescribed by GDAR to be sent through the EBT system.

• Enrol Request
• Transfer Request
• Drop Request
• Status Advice – Update (relating to a pending Enrol, Drop or Transfer Request)
• Status Advice – Terminate (relating to a pending Enrol, Drop or Transfer Request)
• Status Advice – Terminate (relating to a Status Advice - Notice of Pending Switch)

In addition to the above STR’s the following transactions referred to as EBT Transactions
identified in the GDAR EBT Standards are applicable to Gas Vendors (specifically MSA Type of
Agent with a Market Participant ID) and cannot be uploaded from within the EnTRAC application
but will only be processed if sent through the EBT system.

• Historical Consumption Request (HCR)

• Price Point Create Request
• Price Change Request

The following are EBT Transactions where applicable are to be generated by Enbridge and sent
to the appropriate Market Participant only through the EBT system.

• Drop Request – Consumer Initiated

• Status Advice – Notice of Pending Switch
• Termination of Service (TOS)
• Reconnection of Service (ROS)
• Change Consumer Location (CCL)

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• Status Advice – Terminate (Drop, TOS, ROS, CCL)
• Status Advice – Terminate (Notice of Pending Switch) – Consumer Initiated
• Status Advice – Update (Drop, TOS, ROS, CCL)

The following are EBT Transactions where applicable can be generated by either Enbridge or the
Gas Vendor and sent to the appropriate Market Participant only through the EBT system.

• Change Consumer Information (CCI)

• Application Advice (AA)
• Functional Acknowledgement (FA)

8.6.4. EnTRAC STR Processing and Generating Responses

EnTRAC will process all Service Transaction Request whether uploaded from within the
application or submitted through the EBT system in conjunction with the guidelines of the
Electronic Business Transactions (EBT) Standards Document for the Gas Marketing Industry –
Appendix E- Collision Matrix. The guidelines of the Collision Matrix are applied by EnTRAC to all
Service Transaction Requests submitted by all MSA types.

Each evening through a batch execution program, EnTRAC processes all STRs submitted by the
MSA Party since the previous evening’s batch execution program. Upon completion of the batch
execution program, EnTRAC will generate the appropriate STR response, such as:

 Enrol Accept
 Enrol Reject
 Transfer Accept
 Transfer Reject
 Drop Accept
 Drop Reject
 Application Advice Accept (for a Status Advice – Update relating to a pending Enrol, Drop
or Transfer Request)
 Application Advice Reject (for a Status Advice – Update relating to a pending Enrol, Drop
or Transfer Request)
 Application Advice Accept (for a Status Advice – Terminate relating to a pending Enrol,
Drop or Transfer Request)
 Application Advice Reject (for a Status Advice – Terminate relating to a pending Enrol,
Drop or Transfer Request)
 Application Advice Accept (for a Status Advice – Terminate relating to a Status Advice -
Notice of Pending Switch)
 Application Advice Reject (for a Status Advice – Terminate relating to a Status Advice -
Notice of Pending Switch)

For MSA Type of Customer the EnTRAC responses to their STR’s submitted can be downloaded
in XML file format from within the EnTRAC system the calendar day following the next Nightly
Batch Processing.

The EnTRAC responses to STR’s submitted by an MSA Type of Agent (Gas Vendor) through the
EBT Point are sent through the EBT Point to the submitting Gas Vendor on the calendar day
following the next Nightly Batch Processing. Some transactions will take more than one evening
to process (example: Enrol and Historical Consumption Requests submitted without an account

Service Transactions Requests (STRs) submitted by any MSA Party upon passing validation and
compliance to the applicable transaction submission timelines, are processed in conjunction with

Page 64 of 205
the Collision Matrix rules established as part of the EBT Standards Document “Appendix E –
Collision Matrix” and is provided here also as Appendix E.

Service Transaction Requests (STRs) submitted by any MSA Party that cannot be processed by
EnTRAC are rejected based upon a reject reason established as part of the EBT Standards
Document “Appendix D – Reject Reasons and Reject Codes and is provided here also as
Appendix D. Appendix D is periodically updated by the GDAR EBT Standards working group
and is published on the OEB website.

8.6.5. Searching and Viewing STRs

An MSA Party is able to search and view STRs that they have submitted the day after the nightly
batch processing has completed it processing of all STRs received since the previous nightly
batch processing.

The MSA Party is able to search for their STRs to confirm the status of their transactions through
the Search STR screen, accessed via the STR Navigation tab within the Contracts Functionality
navigation tabs.

8.6.6. Editing STRs

Only certain STR’s can be updated after submission and acceptance. Please refer to the
appropriate section below on:
• Status Advice – Updating an Enrol Request
• Status Advice – Updating a Transfer Request
• Status Advice – Updating a Drop Request

8.6.7. Terminating STRs

Only certain STR’s can be terminated after submission and acceptance. Please refer to the
appropriate section below on:
• Status Advice – Terminating an Enrol Request
• Status Advice – Terminating a Transfer Request
• Status Advice – Terminating a Drop Request
• Status Advice – Terminating a Notice of Pending Switch Advice

8.6.8. Enrol Request

An Enrol Request is used by the MSA Party to associate an account to a pending or active Pool.
The account may have previously been on system gas or with another MSA Party.

EnTRAC will return either an Enrol Accept or an Enrol Reject response within 14 days of receipt
of the Enrol Request. Normally if an account number is provided in an Enrol Request and it is
submitted before 5 p.m., it is anticipated that EnTRAC will return an Enrol Accept or Enrol Reject
response the day after the Enrol Request is submitted.

When an account number is provided in an Enrol Request it must include all 12 digits, inclusive of
any leading zero (example 0123456789123) or it is rejected with the reject reason
[AccountDoesNotExist]. If an account number is not provided refer to the section entitled Enrol
Request – Without an Account Number.

If the account number specified in the Enrol Request is not present on EnTRAC, the Enrol
Request is rejected with the reject reason [AccountDoesNotExist].

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EnTRAC cannot accept an Enrol Request if the account status is other than “unlocked” or
“locked” (for example if the account is finalized and the specified customer is no longer receiving
gas distribution service at that premise). If an Enrol Request is submitted for an account which is
finalized it is rejected with the reject reason [AccountFinal].

If an Enrol Request is submitted with an account number specified, the submitter of the
transaction must provide two additional pieces of information as “validators” to ensure the
account number matches the intended customer involved in the enrol. These two validators are
the Name Validator and the Address Validator.
• Name Validator - The first four alpha-numeric print characters of the customer’s name as
it appears on the bill in upper case stripping out spaces and special characters (such as -
/&@()#::”’). For example, the Name Validator for ‘Ms. J. Smith’ would be ‘MSJS’.
• Address Validator – The customer’s postal code of their billing address stripping out
spaces and special characters. For example, the Address Validator for a Canadian
address would look like “A1A1A1”, and the Address Validator for a U.S. address would
look like “99999999” from one to a maximum of ten characters.

If EnTRAC determines that both the Name Validator and Address Validator do not match the
customer information on file associated to the account number provided, EnTRAC will reject the
Enrol Request with the reject reason [ValidationFailed]. Only one of the Name or Address
Validators provided needs to be correct but both need to be provided in addition to the account

An Enrol Request must specify a requested effective date that is equal to the first day of a future
calendar month. If an Enrol Request is submitted with an effective date other than the first of the
month it is rejected with the reject reason [EffectiveDateNotFirstofMonth].

An Enrol Request may not specify an Enrol effective date that is more than 120 days in the future.
If an Enrol Request is submitted with a requested effective date that is more than 120 days in the
future it is rejected with the reject reason [EffectiveDateBeyondMaxLeadTime].

The minimum submission lead-time of an Enrol Request is dependent on the current status of the
target pool and whether or not an account number is provided in the Enrol request. If an Enrol
Request is submitted with insufficient lead-time it is rejected with the reject reason

If an Enrol Request is submitted with an effective date in the past it is rejected with the reject
reason [EffectiveDateNotBeyondMinLeadTime].

If the Pool ID specified in the Enrol Request does not exist or has been terminated previously,
EnTRAC will reject the Enrol Request with the reject reason [InvalidPoolId].

If EnTRAC determines that the target Pool is pending termination, EnTRAC will reject the Enrol
Request with the reject reason [PoolPendingTermination].

If EnTRAC determines that the target Price Point does not exist, EnTRAC will reject the Enrol
Request with the reject reason [PricePointIDDoesNotExist]

If the billing method specified in the Enrol Request is not the same as the billing method for the
target pool that the account is to be associated to, EnTRAC will reject the Enrol Request with the
reject reason [InvalidBillingMethod].

The requested effective date of an Enrol Request may be the following:

 the commencement date of a Pool that is not “locked for flow”

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 the commencement date of a Pool that is “locked for flow”
 a date within the “locked for flow” Pool Term
 a date within an active Pool Term

The requested effective date of an Enrol Request may not be the following:

 after the commencement date of a brand new pending Pool that has never flowed
that is not yet “locked for flow” and the Enrol Request is rejected with the reject
reason [EffectiveDateMustBeForNextPoolTerm].
 after the expiry date of the current or pending Pool Term and the Enrol Request is
rejected with the reject reason [EffectiveDateNotWithinPoolTerm].
 a date within an active Pool Term if there is already a subsequent renewal Pool Term
that is “locked for flow” and the Enrol Request is rejected with the reject reason

EnTRAC will process all Enrol Requests in conjunction with the guidelines of the Electronic
Business Transactions (EBT) Standards Document for the Gas Marketing Industry – Appendix E-
Collision Matrix. The guidelines of the Collision Matrix are applied by EnTRAC to all Enrol
Requests submitted by all MSA types.

The following reject reasons may be generated as a result of Collision Matrix validations:

• AlreadyVendorOf Record
• ConsumerDropPending
• DuplicateRequest
• OwnDropPending
• Own EnrolPending
• PendingDropByAnotherVendor
• PendingEnrolByAnotherVendor
• PendingMove
• PendingReconnectionOfService
• PendingTerminationOfService

8.6.9. Enrol Request - Pending Pool

The MDV for a pending Pool must be established no later than one full calendar month prior to
the pool commencement date.

An Enrol Request must be submitted prior to the establishment of the Pool’s MDV, if the
account’s estimated consumption is to be included in the MDV calculation of the Pool.

If the MSA Party intends to manually establish the MDV for a Pool, the MSA Party must wait to
receive an Enrol Accept before establishing the MDV for the Pool.

If the MSA Party intends to wait for EnTRAC to automatically establish the MDV one full calendar
month prior to the Pool’s commencement date, the MSA Party must submit the Enrol Request the
day before the MDV is automatically established EnTRAC. For example: if the Pool commences
on March 1 , the last day to submit an Enrol Request (with an account number) would be January
31 before 5:00 p.m.

If the Enrol Request is for an LVDC (Rate 100 or above), the contract term for the LVDC does not
need to match the Pool Term. Therefore, the commencement date of the LVDC does not need
to match the commencement date of the Pool. However, at the time of establishing the MDV for

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the Pool, EnTRAC will use the monthly contract estimates associated with LVDC’s in executed
state, whose contract term overlaps that of the Pool Term, for establishing the LVDC account’s
contribution to the MDV of the Pool.

8.6.10. Enrol Request - Flowing Or Locked Pool

In specific circumstances EnTRAC will permit an MSA Party to add an account to a Pool that is
“flowing” or is “locked for flow”.

When EnTRAC receives an Enrol Request in relation to a Pool that is “flowing” or is “locked for
flow”, EnTRAC will treat the request as what is referred to as a “mid-term enroll”. The term
“quasi-adding” accounts to a pool has been discontinued, and with it the limitation as to the
volume of accounts that an MSA Party can enroll to a pool mid-term.

The STR validation rules applicable to FT-Turnback during the processing of the Enrol Request
with an effective date coincident with the start of the Pool Term are also applicable to Enrol
Request with an effective date mid-term.

Similar to other Enrol Requests, account enrolled to a pool mid-term can only be enrolled
effective the first day of a calendar month.

The requested effective date of an Enrol Request mid-term may be:

 the commencement date of a Pool that is “locked for flow”
 a date within the “locked for flow” Pool Term
 a date within an active Pool Term

The requested effective date of an Enrol Request mid-term may not be the following:
 after the commencement date of a new pending Pool that is not yet “locked for flow”
 a date within an active Pool Term if there is already a subsequent renewal Pool Term
that is “locked for flow”

An Enrol Request may not specify an Enrol effective date that is more than 120 days in the future.

The minimum submission lead-time of an Enrol Request mid-term is dependent on the current
status of the target pool and whether or not an account number is provided in the Enrol request.

The minimum submission lead-time for an Enrol Request mid-term when the account number is
provided is 3 days (that is not involved in a Vendor to Vendor Switch or an MSA to MSA Switch).
Example: If the Enrol requested effective is Feb 1st, the Enrol Request must be submitted before
5:00 p.m on Jan. 28 .

The minimum submission lead-time for an Enrol Request mid-term without an account number
provided is 17 days (that is not involved in a Vendor to Vendor Switch or an MSA to MSA Switch).
Example: If the Enrol requested effective is Feb 1st, the Enrol Request must be submitted before
5:00 p.m on Jan. 14 . If an Enrol Request is submitted with insufficient lead-time it is rejected
with the reject reason [EffectiveDateNotBeyondMinLeadTime].

8.6.11. Enrol Request - Without an Account Number

An Enrol Request may be submitted without the customer’s account number if the customer has
not been advised of their account number. The customer is deemed to have been advised of
their account number 30 calendar days after the billing date of the first bill sent to the customer.

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So if an Enrol Request is submitted without an account number more than 30 calendar days after
the billing date of the first bill sent to the customer, the Enrol Request is rejected.

If the MSA Party submits an Enrol Request STR without an account number, the Enrol Request
must include the customer’s Last Name (in the case of a commercial account the company name
that will appear on their bill) and the Consumer’s full service address including the postal code.
The following service address fields of Street Name, City and Province must be included. The
more service address information provided the greater possibility of a successful account number

If an Enrol Request STR is submitted without an account number it is assigned the status of
“Account Lookup - Pending”.

If EnTRAC is unable to find a single unique match, an Enbridge internal user will attempt to find
an account number match manually within the next 14 days. It is investigated by Enbridge
personnel to determine whether distribution service is provided at that specified premise location,
or if there is a delay in establishing the account number. If at the end of the 14 days a unique
match is not found the Enrol Request STR is rejected with the reject reason

If an account number is found, the Enrol Request STR is moved to “Account Lookup - Complete”
status and the Enrol Request is processed by the EnTRAC STR Validation engine.

If the MDV for the Pool is not established, the minimum submission lead time to submit an Enrol
Request (without an account number ) for the account’s estimated volume to be included in the
MDV calculation, is 14 days plus one full calendar month prior to the Pool commencement date.

If the account is to be mid-term Enrolled to a Pool, the minimum submission lead-time for an
Enrol Request without an account number provided is 17 days. Example: If the Enrol requested
effective is Feb 1st, the Enrol Request must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. on Jan. 14 . If an
Enrol Request is submitted without an account number and EnTRAC determines the account
number and it is now able to process the Enrol Request, EnTRAC will determine if the current
calendar date is at least 3 days prior to the requested Enrol effective date. If it is not at least 3
days prior to the requested Enrol effective date EnTRAC will reject the Enrol Request with the
reject reason [EffectiveDateNotBeyondMinLeadTime].

An Enrol Request is permitted to be submitted without an account number if the customer is

deemed not be have been advised of their account number. A customer is deemed to be
advised of the account number thirty calendar days after the billing date of the first bill sent to the
customer. If EnTRAC determines that at the point the Enrol Request was submitted, the
customer was sent their first bill more than 30 days prior, the Enrol Request is rejected with the
reject reason [LookupNotEligibleAccountNumberProvided].

The MSA Party is charged an Account Number Lookup fee whether an account number match is
successfully found by Enbridge or not.

8.6.12. Enrol Request - Switch MSA to MSA (Vendor to Vendor)

An Enrol Request may trigger what is referred to as a potential MSA to MSA switch or in the
terminology of GDAR a potential Vendor to Vendor Switch.

If EnTRAC receives an Enrol Request which triggers a potential switch, Enbridge must allow for
the GDAR prescribed 30 day contest period. Therefore, the minimum submission lead-time for
Enrols involved in a potential switch, is increased by the contest period of 30 days plus a
processing period of five calendar days. The minimum submission lead-time that EnTRAC will

Page 69 of 205
ensure exists is 30+5+3 = 38 days in the case of an enroll that involves an MSA to MSA (Vendor
to Vendor) switch. If an Enrol request which triggers a potential switch is not submitted with
enough lead-time it is rejected with the reject reason [InsufficientLeadTimeForContest].

EnTRAC will notify the current MSA Party and the pending MSA Party that an Enrol Request has
been received and that there is a potential switch if not contested. EnTRAC will send a Status
Advice Notice of Pending Switch (SA-NPS) to both parties, stipulating the Contest Period End
Date and the Enrol Effective Date.

EnTRAC will calculate the date that the contest period ends based on the date of the SA-NPS
(which is the same as that on the Enrol Accept) plus 30 days, plus 1 day to ensure a contest
period of a full 30 days is realized.

Refer to the EBT Standards Document – Appendix D to the Service Agreement for a complete
discussion of options available to the current MSA Party (current Vendor), the Consumer, and the
new MSA Party (pending Vendor).

If the account involved MSA to MSA switch is currently associated to an MSA Party type equal to
customer, and the MSA Party does not have a Manager MSA acting on their behalf that is an
EBT User assigned the Gas Vendor role, then a letter is sent to the MSA Party legal contact
informing them of the Status Advice Notice of Pending Switch (SA-NPS).

8.6.13. Enrol Request - FT Turnback Election Processing Rules

When EnTRAC receives an Enrol Request STR that is not treated by EnTRAC as a mid-term
Enrol as part of the STR screening process, EnTRAC will determine if the Enrol Request is
acceptable based upon the business rules relating to FT Turnback Elections provided below.
EnTRAC will perform these validations last when processing an Enrol Request.

If an Enrol Request STR is treated by EnTRAC as a mid-term Enrol, EnTRAC applies the
business rules relating to FT Turnback Elections.

To determine if the Enrol Request STR is acceptable based upon the business rules relating to
FT Turnback Elections, EnTRAC will determine the FT Turnback Election applicable to the
account and the new pool (referred to as the target Pool) and determine if they match. If
EnTRAC determines that the FT Turnback Election applicable to the account and the new pool do
not match, it will reject the Enrol Request with the reason
[FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount]. If an Enrol Reject transaction is sent, EnTRAC will
specify in the Additional Information container, the Parameter Name [FTTurnbackElection%] and
in the Parameter Value field the FT Turnback Election % applicable to the account.

If on the requested Enrol Request STR effective date, EnTRAC identifies that the account had
been moved to system gas for a period of less than one calendar month or if there is a Drop
Request in “Accepted Pending” state, EnTRAC will determine the Pool (the source Pool) that the
account was associated to on the first of the calendar month prior to the requested effective date
of the Enrol Request STR. If the account is on system gas for less than a calendar month on the
Enrol requested effective date, EnTRAC will deem the FT Turnback Election of the last Pool the
account was associated to, as applicable to the account and validates that the FT Turnback
Election that would be in effect on the Enrol requested effective date matches that of the target

If EnTRAC determines the account is currently on system gas and is on system gas for more than
a calendar month prior to the Enrol requested effective date, Entrac will check to see if there is an
FT Turnback Election associated to the account itself. The View Account Details Screen will
display if a system gas account has an FT-Turnback election associated to it. If there is an FT

Page 70 of 205
Turnback Election associated to the account, EnTRAC will validate that the FT Turnback Election
that would be in effect on the Enrol requested effective date matches that of the target Pool.

EnTRAC will also apply the same FT Turnback Election rules when processing a Transfer

The following table identifies all the possible combinations of source and target Pools and if the
STR is accepted or rejected by EnTRAC. Note a Null value does not equal a 0% FT Turnback

Source Target Reject Reason

Case 1 Pool Pool STR Result
Western Western
Scenario [FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount]
1 NULL 0% Rejected
Scenario [FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount]
2 0% NULL Rejected
Scenario [FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount]
3 X% NULL Rejected
Scenario [FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount]
4 NULL X% Rejected
Scenario [FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount]
5 X% Y% Rejected
6 NULL NULL Accepted
7 X% X% Accepted
8 0% 0% Accepted

Source Target Reject Reason

Case 2 Pool Pool STR Result
Ontario Ontario
1 NULL 0% N/A**
2 0% NULL N/A**
3 X% NULL N/A**
4 NULL X% N/A**
Scenario [FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount]
5 X% Y% Rejected
Scenario An Ontario
6 NULL NULL Accepted N/A value.]
7 X% X% Accepted
8 0% 0% Accepted

Page 71 of 205
Source Target Reject Reason
Case 3 Pool Pool STR Result
Ontario Western
1 NULL 0% N/A**
Scenario CannotMoveFromOntarioPoolWithFTTurn
2 0% NULL Rejected backElectionToWesternPool
Scenario CannotMoveFromOntarioPoolWithFTTurn
3 X% NULL Rejected backElectionToWesternPool
4 NULL X% N/A**
Scenario CannotMoveFromOntarioPoolWithFTTurn
5 X% Y% Rejected backElectionToWesternPool
Scenario CannotMoveFromOntarioPoolWithFTTurn
7 X% X% Rejected backElectionToWesternPool
8 0% 0% Accepted

Source Target Reject Reason

Case 4 Pool Pool STR Result
Western Ontario
Scenario CannotMoveFromWesternPoolWithNullFT
1 NULL 0% Rejected TurnbackElectionToOntarioPool
2 0% NULL N/A**
3 X% NULL N/A**
Scenario CannotMoveFromWesternPoolWithNullFT
4 NULL X% Rejected TurnbackElectionToOntarioPool
Scenario [FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount]
5 X% Y% Rejected
7 X% X% Accepted
8 0% 0% Accepted

Source Target Reject Reason

Case 5 Pool Pool STR Result
Gas Western
Scenario [FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount]
1 NULL 0% Rejected
Scenario [FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount]
2 0% NULL Rejected
Scenario [FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount]
3 X% NULL Rejected
Scenario [FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount]
4 NULL X% Rejected

Page 72 of 205
Scenario [FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount]
5 X% Y% Rejected
6 NULL NULL Accepted
7 X% X% Accepted
8 0% 0% Accepted

Source Target Reject Reason

Case 6 Pool Pool STR Result
Gas Ontario
Scenario CannotMoveFromSystemGasAccountWit
1 NULL 0% Rejected hNullFTTurnbackElectionToOntarioPool
2 0% NULL N/A**
3 X% NULL N/A**
Scenario CannotMoveFromSystemGasAccountWit
4 NULL X% Rejected hNullFTTurnbackElectionToOntarioPool
Scenario [FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount]
5 X% Y% Rejected
7 X% X% Accepted
8 0% 0% Accepted

Source Target Reject Reason

Case 7 Pool Pool STR Result
validations. STR
System is always
Western Gas accepted

Source Target Reject Reason

Case 8 Pool Pool STR Result
validations. STR
System is always
Ontario Gas accepted

X% > 0% and does not equal

Legend Y%

N/A** This scenario is not applicable because an Ontario Pool when created is always defaulted
to a 0% FT Turnback election by EnTRAC, and will therefore never have a NULL value.

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8.6.14. Enrol Request - Associating an Account to a Price Point Group
If the account is to be associated to a Pool for which the “Collection Service Agreement (ABC) or
Rate Ready billing option is applicable”, the Enrol Request must also specify the Distributor Price
Point Identifier (which is viewable on EnTRAC as the PPG ID).

If the account is to be associated to a Pool for which the “Collection Service Agreement (ABC) or
Rate Ready billing option is applicable”, and the Enrol Request is submitted without a Distributor
Price Point Identifier the Enrol Request is rejected with the reject reason [Invalid Billing Method].

8.6.15. Transfer Request

Accounts are moved from one Pool to another or one Price Point to another by an MSA Party
submitting a Transfer Request. Different STR processing rules (such as minimum submission
lead time) are applicable to Transfer Pool requests from Transfer Price Point requests.

EnTRAC will process all Transfer Requests in conjunction with the guidelines of the Electronic
Business Transactions (EBT) Standards Document for the Gas Marketing Industry – Appendix E-
Collision Matrix. The guidelines of the Collision Matrix are applied by EnTRAC to all Transfer
Requests submitted by all MSA types.

8.6.16. Transfer Request - Pool

An account can be moved from one Pool to another by an MSA Party submitting a Transfer

A Transfer Request can only be used to move an account from one Pool to another Pool
associated with the same MSA Party.

A Transfer Request must specify a requested effective date that is equal to the first day of a
future calendar month.

The minimum submission lead-time for a Transfer Request to move an account from one Pool to
another Pool is one calendar month prior to the requested effective date.

A Transfer Request can only be used to move an account from one Pool to another Pool with a
requested effective date coincident with the current Pool Term’s expiry date or anniversary date.
If this condition is not met the Transfer Request is rejected with the reject reason

A Transfer Request can only be used to move an account from one Pool to another pool when
the requested effective date is coincident with target pool's commencement date. If this condition
is not met the Transfer Request is rejected with the reject reason

A Transfer Request can only be used to move an account from one Pool to another pool when
the requested effective date is coincident with target pool's commencement date and the target
pool is still in pending state and not “locked for flow”. If this condition is not met the Transfer
Request is rejected with the reject reason [NewPoolIDNotValid].

A Transfer Request must be submitted prior to the MDV being established for the current Pool
that the account is currently associated to. Once a pending Pool Term is “locked for flow” an
account may no longer be transferred from it.

Page 74 of 205
The Billing Method included in the Transfer Request must match the Billing Method applicable to
the target Pool (Distributor New Pool Identifier).
A Transfer Request is also validated that it is compliant with the FT Turnback Elections rules.
The FT Turnback Elections applicable to the source and target Pool must be equal on the
Transfer effective date.

A Transfer Request is rejected if it has a requested effective date that is equal to or earlier than a
pre-existing pending Transfer Request from the same MSA Party.

A Transfer Request is rejected if it has a requested effective date that is equal to or earlier than a
pre-existing pending Enrol Request from the same MSA Party.

8.6.17. Transfer Request – Price Point

An account can be moved from one Price Point to another by an MSA Party submitting a Transfer

A Transfer Request can only be used to move an account from one Price Point to another Price
Point that is associated to the same MSA Party.

A Transfer Request to move an account from one Price Point to another Price Point must specify
a requested effective date that is equal to the first day of a future calendar month.

A Transfer Request to move an account from one Price Point to another Price Point may not
specify a transfer effective date that is more than 120 days in the future.

The minimum submission lead-time for a Transfer Request to move an account from one Price
Point to another Price Point is 3 calendar days. Example: If the Transfer requested effective is
Feb 1st, the Transfer Request must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. on Jan. 28 .

A Transfer Request is rejected if it has a requested effective date that is equal to or earlier than a
pre-existing pending Transfer Request.

If a Price Point transfer is specified in a Transfer Request that is also a Pool transfer request,
then the submission lead time for a Pool transfer request is applicable. Therefore is a Transfer
request that originally was a Pool transfer request, is updated through a SA_UT transaction, the
submission lead-time is the same as the original request (which is that of a Pool transfer request)
even if the only thing being updated is the PPG ID.

8.6.18. Drop Request - Removing an Account from a Pool

An account is removed from a Pool and returned to system gas by the submission of a Drop

A Drop Request may be submitted to EnTRAC by

 the current MSA Party

 Enbridge based upon a communication received from the Consumer requesting to be
returned to system gas.

As per GDAR, if Enbridge receives a Drop Request from a Gas Vendor, Enbridge will notify the
Consumer of the pending transaction. EnTRAC will generate a letter that is mailed to the
Consumer. A Drop Request submitted by a Gas Vendor may have one of the following drop

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 Consumer Requested
 Vendor Requested
 Contract Expired

A Drop Request submitted by an MSA Party of the MSA type “customer”, who created the Drop
Request using the XML Generator, is assigned the drop reason of “Consumer Requested”.

As per GDAR, if Enbridge receives a Drop Request from the Consumer the current Gas Vendor is
to be notified of the pending transaction. EnTRAC will generate a Drop request and send it
through the EBT system to the current Gas Vendor. The drop reason associated with the Drop
request is “Consumer Requested”. The current Gas Vendor is provided a transaction reference
number which will allow them if contacted by the customer to update the transaction by submitting
a SA_UT transaction and terminate the transaction by submitting a SA-TTR, if all other applicable
conditions are met (example Collision Matrix rules).

The effective date of a Drop Request may be any day of the month that is not be less than 15
calendar days in the future and not more than 120 calendar days in the future.

Dropping an LVDC from a Pool does not terminate the LVDC. In other words, if an LVDC is
returned to system gas supply, the LVDC contract remains in place after the Drop Request
effective date.

EnTRAC will process all Drop Requests in conjunction with the guidelines of the Electronic
Business Transactions (EBT) Standards Document for the Gas Marketing Industry – Appendix E-
Collision Matrix. The guidelines of the Collision Matrix are applied by EnTRAC to all Drop
Requests submitted by all MSA types or requested by the Consumer.

8.6.19. Status Advice

EnTRAC will process all Status Advice transactions in conjunction with the guidelines of the
Electronic Business Transactions (EBT) Standards Document for the Gas Marketing Industry –
Appendix E- Collision Matrix. The guidelines of the Collision Matrix are applied by EnTRAC to all
Status Advice transactions submitted by all MSA types.

8.6.20. Status Advice – Updating an Enrol Request

An Enrol Request is updated by the MSA Party submitting a Status Advice – Update (SA-UT)
transaction referring to the Original Transaction Reference Number of the Enrol Request.

A request to update an Enrol Request may not be submitted if the Enrol Request is in the state of
“Locked for Implementation”, “Implemented”, “Stopped”, “Terminated”, “Rejected” or “Accepted
Held CCL”.

The minimum and maximum submission lead time for a Status Advice update to an Enrol
Request is the same as the minimum and maximum submission lead time for an Enrol Request.

If a request to update an Enrol Request is accepted, an Application Advice Accept is generated

by EnTRAC and directed to the MSA Party that submitted the request.

If a request to update an Enrol Request is rejected, an Application Advice Reject is generated by

EnTRAC and directed to the MSA Party that submitted the request

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The effective date of an Enrol Request may not be updated if it would invoke a “contest” between
two MSA Parties / Gas Vendors. For example: If an account is currently associated with MSA1,
and MSA1 submits a Drop Request effective Feb 1 which is accepted. Then MSA 2 submits an
Enrol Request effective Feb 1 which is accepted. Then MSA2 submits a Status Advice –
Update to Enrol Request to move the effective date forward to Jan 1 . As per the Collision
Matrix, EnTRAC will reject the SA-UT from MSA2 as it would invoke a pending switch / contest.
The MSA Party that submitted an Enrol Request that it is involved in an MSA Party to MSA Party
Switch (also referred to in GDAR terms as a Vendor to Vendor Switch), is not permitted to update
the effective date of an Enrol Request and is rejected with the reject reason
[CannotChangeEffectiveDateDuringSwitchPeriod]. This reject reason is used whether this is
during or after the contest period is over.

8.6.21. Status Advice – Terminating an Enrol Request

An Enrol Request is terminated by the MSA Party submitting a Status Advice – Terminate (SA-
TTR) transaction referring to the Original Transaction Reference Number of the Enrol Request.

As per GDAR EBT Standards, a Consumer is permitted to contact the utility and request an Enrol
Request to be terminated. EnTRAC will send a Status Advice – Terminate (SA-TTR) to the MSA
Party that submitted the Enrol Request and will provide the Termination Reason of “Consumer

A request to terminate an Enrol Request may not be submitted if the Enrol Request is in the state
of “Locked for Implementation”, “Implemented”, “Stopped”, “Terminated” or “Rejected”.

A request to terminate an Enrol Request is applied immediately and therefore an effective date is
not required.

A request to terminate an Enrol Request must be received at least 3 days prior to the Enrol
Request effective date.

If a request to terminate an Enrol Request is accepted an Application Advice Accept is generated

by EnTRAC and directed to the MSA Party that submitted the request.

If a request to terminate an Enrol Request is rejected an Application Advice Reject is generated

by EnTRAC and directed to the MSA Party that submitted the request.

An Enrol Request may not be terminated if it was involved in an MSA to MSA switch (referred to
as Vendor to Vendor Switch) and the Contest Period is over.

The MSA Party that submitted an Enrol Request that it is involved in an MSA Party to MSA Party
Switch (also referred to in GDAR terms as a Vendor to Vendor Switch), if requested to terminate
the Enrol Request by a customer after the contest period is over, must submit a Status-Advice
Terminate Request specifying the termination reason [ConsumerVendorRequested].

8.6.22. Status Advice – Updating a Transfer Request

A Transfer Request is updated by the MSA Party submitting a Status Advice – Update (SA-UT)
transaction referring to the Original Transaction Reference Number of the Transfer Request.

A request to update a Transfer Request may not be submitted if the Transfer Request is in the
state of “Accepted-Held, “Locked for Implementation”, “Implemented”, “Stopped”, “Terminated” or

Page 77 of 205
The minimum and maximum submission lead time for a Status Advice update to a Transfer
Request is the same as the minimum and maximum submission lead time for the original a
Transfer Request. Note: the minimum submission lead-time to Transfer an account from one
PPG to another is three full calendar days. However, the minimum submission lead-time to
Transfer an account from one PPG to another is a full calendar month prior to the Pool
anniversary date.

If a request to update a Transfer Request is accepted, an Application Advice Accept is generated

by EnTRAC and directed to the MSA Party that submitted the request.
If a request to update a Transfer Request is rejected, an Application Advice Reject is generated
by EnTRAC and directed to the MSA Party that submitted the request

A Transfer Request to move an account to a Pool that is pending termination is rejected.

8.6.23. Status Advice – Terminating a Transfer Request

A Transfer Request is terminated by the MSA Party submitting a Status Advice – Terminate (SA-
TTR) transaction referring to the Original Transaction Reference Number of the Transfer

A request to terminate a Transfer Request may not be submitted if the Transfer Request is in the
state of “Accepted-Held, “Locked for Implementation”, “Implemented”, “Stopped”, “Terminated” or

A request to terminate a Transfer Request is applied immediately and therefore an effective date
is not required.

A request to terminate a Transfer Request must be received at least 3 days prior to the Transfer
Request effective date, but the MDV of either the source and target Pool will not be updated.

If a request to terminate a Transfer Request is accepted an Application Advice Accept is

generated by EnTRAC and directed to the MSA Party that submitted the request.

If a request to terminate a Transfer Request is rejected an Application Advice Reject is generated

by EnTRAC and directed to the MSA Party that submitted the request.

A request to terminate a Transfer Request is rejected if the account was originally associated to a
Pool that is pending termination.

8.6.24. Status Advice – Updating a Drop Request

A Drop Request is updated by the MSA Party or the Distributor by generating and sending to the
other party a Status Advice – Update (SA-UT) transaction referring to the Original Transaction
Reference Number of the Drop Request.

A request to update a Drop Request may not be submitted if the Drop Request is in the state of
“Accepted-Held, “Locked for Implementation”, “Implemented”, “Stopped”, “Terminated” or

The minimum and maximum submission lead time for a Status Advice update to a Drop Request
is the same as the minimum and maximum submission lead time for a Drop Request.

Page 78 of 205
If a request to update a Drop Request submitted by an MSA Party is accepted, an Application
Advice Accept is generated by EnTRAC and directed to the MSA Party that submitted the

If a request to update a Drop Request submitted by an MSA Party is rejected, an Application

Advice Reject is generated by EnTRAC and directed to the MSA Party that submitted the request

The effective date of a Drop Request may not be updated if it would invoke a “contest”. For
example: If an account is currently associated with MSA1, and MSA1 submits a Drop Request
st st
effective Feb 1 which is accepted. Then MSA 2 submits an Enrol Request effective Feb 1
which is accepted. Then MSA1 submits a Status Advice – Update to the Drop Request to move
the effective date farther in the future to be March 1 . As per the Collision Matrix, EnTRAC will
reject the SA-UT from MSA1 as it would invoke a pending switch or a contest.

8.6.25. Status Advice – Terminating a Drop Request

A Drop Request is terminated by the MSA Party submitting a Status Advice – Terminate (SA-
TTR) transaction referring to the Original Transaction Reference Number of the Enrol Request.

A Consumer is permitted to contact the Distributor and request a Drop Request to be terminated
only if the Drop Request has the associated Drop Reason of “Consumer Requested. EnTRAC
will send a Status Advice – Terminate (SA-TTR) to notify the MSA Party that the Drop Request is
being terminated by the Consumer.

A request to terminate a Drop Request may not be submitted if the Drop Request is in the state of
“Accepted-Held, “Locked for Implementation”, “Implemented”, “Stopped”, “Terminated” or

A request to terminate a Drop Request is applied immediately and therefore an effective date is
not required.

A request to terminate a Drop Request must be received at least 3 days prior to the Drop
Request effective date.

If a request to terminate a Drop Request submitted by an MSA Party is accepted an Application

Advice Accept is generated by EnTRAC and directed to the MSA Party that submitted the

If a request to terminate a Drop Request submitted by an MSA Party is rejected an Application

Advice Reject is generated by EnTRAC and directed to the MSA Party that submitted the request.

A request to terminate a Drop Request is rejected, if the Pool that the account is associated to is
pending termination.

A Drop Request may not be terminated if it would result in a contest. For example: If an account
is currently associated with MSA1, and MSA1 submits a Drop Request effective Feb 1 which is
accepted. Then MSA 2 submits an Enrol Request effective Feb 1 which is accepted. Then
MSA1 submits a Status Advice – Terminate to Drop Request. EnTRAC will reject the SA-TTR
from MSA1 as it would invoke a pending switch or a contest. A SA-TTR is not permitted to
invoke a contest.

8.6.26. Status Advice – Notice of Pending Switch

Page 79 of 205
If EnTRAC receives an Enrol Request which triggers a potential MSA to MSA Party switch
(referred to by GDAR as a Vendor to Vendor Switch), EnTRAC will notify both the new MSA Party
and the current MSA Party of the pending switch by sending them both a Status Advice – Notice
of Pending Switch (SA-NPS).

If the current MSA Party is a Customer who does not have a Manager MSA designated with the
Gas Vendor role, then EnTRAC will generate a letter notifying the customer of the pending

8.6.27. Status Advice – Terminating a Notice of Pending Switch

During the Contest Period (which ends at the Contest Period End Date provided in the Status
Advice – Notice of Pending Switch) , the current MSA Party (if authorized by the Consumer) may
terminate the pending switch by submitting a Status Advice – Terminate request referencing the
Transaction Reference Number of the Status Advice – Notice of Pending Switch (SA-NPS) sent
by EnTRAC.

During the Contest Period, a Consumer may contact Enbridge and request that the switch be
terminated. EnTRAC will generate a Status Advice – Terminate request referencing the
Transaction Reference Number of the Status Advice – Notice of Pending Switch (SA-NPS) and
send it to the current MSA Party. EnTRAC will also terminate the Enrol Request, by generating a
Status Advice – Terminate (SA-TTR) referencing the Transaction Reference Number of the Enrol
Request submitted by the new MSA Party and send it to the new MSA Party specifying the
Termination Reasons ‘Consumer Initiated”.

After the Contest Period is over, not party including the Consumer can terminate the contest or
the switch. However, the Consumer may contact Enbridge or the new Gas Vendor and request
to terminate the enrol with the pending Vendor. EnTRAC will create an internal drop, and will
return the customer to system gas on the original intended switch date. Note: Under GDAR, the
Consumer does not have the option to request to be returned to the original vendor, after the
contest period is over.

8.6.28. Historical Consumption Request (HCR)

A Gas Vendor may submit a Historical Consumption Request (HCR) through the EBT system to
request the historical billed gas consumption for the current location of a customer.

A Historical Consumption Request may be submitted by a Gas Vendor in the absence of an Enrol

EnTRAC will process a Historical Consumption Request received from a Gas Vendor without an
account number, if at the time the HCR is submitted the customer would not have in receipt of
their first gas bill by more than 30 days.

EnTRAC will return either a Historical Consumption Accept or a Historical Consumption Reject
response within 14 days of receipt of the Historical Consumption Request. Normally if an
account number is provided in the Historical Consumption Request, it is anticipated that EnTRAC
will return a Historical Consumption Accept or Historical Consumption Reject response the day
after the Historical Consumption Request is submitted if submitted before 5:00 p.m.

EnTRAC will not accept an “Historical Consumption Request’ if the account status is other than
“unlocked” or “locked” (e.g. finalized).

Page 80 of 205
A Gas Vendor may request a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 24 months of billed
historical consumption.

Upon acceptance of a Historical Consumption Request EnTRAC will extract the last months of
available billed consumption for the period requested by the Gas Vendor. Similar to the PCR
report the historical consumption gathering window changes on the 10th day of every month. On
the 10 of every month the previous billing month is deemed to be completed and the historical
consumption gathering window shifts forward one month. Depending on the time of the month,
this may result in the Account View Details screen showing one more current month of billed
consumption than the Historical Consumption Accept transaction.

Once distribution service has been established for location, EnTRAC will return a zero volume if
the customer’s meter was read or estimated that the customer did not consume any gas for a
particular month.

For general service rate accounts (Rate 1, 6 and 9) if no historical billed consumption is available
for a particular month (meaning distribution service was not provided at the location) instead of
returning a NULL value EnTRAC will return a monthly consumption volume from or based upon a
standard profile.
EnTRAC will apply the same logic to negative consumptions values.

The standard consumption profile for Rate 1 accounts is as follows:

Rate Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 419 404 354 252 158 69 51 54 58 91 174 316

The standard consumption profiles for Rate 6 accounts are as follows:

Sector Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
APT 23,177 23,795 22,807 15,362 9,723 5,617 3,695 3,354 3,706 6,678 10.170 12,208
COM 2,937 3,146 2,688 1,751 982 528 405 384 482 818 1,246 1,767
IND 47,553 49,673 43,906 30,930 22,951 11,578 10,158 8,805 11,083 15,051 24,252 31,567

Even after dividing the Rate 6 into the three main sectors of Apartment, Commercial and
Industrial, the range in annual consumption within each sector can be significant. To compensate
the following proration methodology is used to attempt to reflect the proportionality between the
customer account and the standard profile by comparing on month of actual consumption to that
of the standard profile. The rationale is then applied to the standard profile going forward when
replacing null and negative values.

The proration methodology for the determination of the replacement value for null and negative
historical consumption values for Rate 6 accounts is as follows:
a. Determine that there is at least on month with historical consumption greater than zero.
If there is not one historical consumption value that is not greater than zero, then replace
all the null and negative values with values from the standard profile without applying the
following proration methodology.
b. Determine the month with a null value to be replaced (e.g. Historical_Null_June).
c. Search for the first month prior to the month with the null value (Historical_Null_June)
that has a historical consumption value greater than zero (e.g. Historical_NonNull_May).
Note: If there are no months prior to the null month (Historical_Null_June) than search
for the first month after that has a historical consumption volume great than zero.
d. From the standard profile relevant to the account sector (APT, COM, IND) based upon
the account’s Revenue Class, extract the values for the null month (Standard_June) and
the first non-null month (Standard_May)

Page 81 of 205
e. Divide the consumption value for the Historical_NonNull_May by the consumption value
for the Standard_May to calculate the proration factor.
f. Multiply the Standard_June by the proration factor calculated in step e) to calculate the
replacement value for Historical_Null_June.
g. Repeat for each null value.

The standard profile for Rate 9 accounts is as follows:

Rate Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
9 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000

Note: The historical consumption provided for Rate 1, 6 and 9 will not be weather normalized.

Note, for large volume distribution contract accounts (Rate 100 and above) if no historical billed
consumption is available for a month (meaning distribution service was not provided at the
location) EnTRAC will continue to return a null value.

In the field referred to as “Measure”, EnTRAC will populate one of the following values:
• Actual (representing a historical consumption volume based upon an actual meter read)
• Estimated (representing a historical consumption volume based upon an estimated
meter read generated in the billing system)
• Billed (representing a historical consumption volume based upon either an actual or
estimated meter read and reflects the consumption volume billed to the customer prior to
the implementation of the new billing system in 2009)
• Standard”(representing a consumption value based upon a standard profile, as the
original historical consumption does not exist because there was no service at the
location or it was a negative value and would not be representative of the consumption
for the customer).

8.6.29. Change Consumer Information Request (CCI)

A Change Consumer Information Request may be initiated by either a Gas Vendor or the
EnTRAC system.

The GDAR and the EBT Standards outlines the information regarding a Consumer that must be
maintained by the Distributor and that is to be provided to the Gas Vendor of a Consumer. If any
information on the utilities system changes regarding the Consumer, the current and pending Gas
Vendor (if applicable) is notified by EnTRAC generating a CCI Request. If the Consumer is
involved in a contest, EnTRAC will send a CCI Request to both Gas Vendors.

If the Consumer contacts their Gas Vendor and informs them that they are moving, the Gas
Vendor is able to generate and send a CCI Request informing the Distributor of the change to the
Consumer’s Service Address. The Distributor will attempt to contact the customer and if the
Distributor is able to confirm that the information provided by the Gas Vendor is correct, the
Distributor will send a Change Consumer Location and a CCI if applicable. In addition EnTRAC
will send a CCI Accept or Reject within 14 days whether or not it has been able to contact the
Consumer and not.

Customer Information Name

The name of the person or persons associated with a residential account which appears at the
top of the bill is provided in the following name fields:

Page 82 of 205
• first name
• middle name
• last name

Commercial and industrial name of a business is presented in the last name field.


A separate field is not provided in the EBT Transactions for a salutation (e.g. Mr., Mrs., Ms.).

If a salutation is included in the name field presented on the top of the customer’s bill, the
salutation is appended to the front of the first name field (e.g. Mr. James).

Billing Address

The billing address to which the customer has directed Enbridge to send their bill, is provided in
both a formatted and unformatted versions.

The Unformatted Mailing Address is comprised of 4 billing address lines.

The Formatted Mailing Address is comprised of the following fields.

Street Number
Street Number Suffix
Street Name
Street Type (initially this field is empty and is provided as part of the Street Name)
Street Direction (initially this field is empty and is provided as part of the Street Name)
Unit Number
Unit Type (initially this field is empty and is provided as part of the Unit Number)
Postal Code

8.6.30. Price Point Create Request

As an alternative to creating a Price Point through the EnTRAC Create Price Point Group Screen,
a Gas Vendor may submit a Price Point Create Request through the EBT System.

A Price Point Create Request must specify a unique Price Point Name that has never been used
by the MSA Party (Gas Vendor). If the Price Point Create Request specifies a Price Point Name
that was submitted before it is rejected with the reject reason [DuplicatePricePointName].
A Price Point Create Request may specify an effective date that is only the 1 of a future calendar
month. If an effective date of other than the 1 day of the month is requested the Price Point
Create Request is rejected with the reject reason [EffectiveDateNotFirstOfMonth].

A Price Point Create Request may not specify an effective date that is more than 120 days in the
future or it is rejected with the reject reason [EffectiveDateBeyondMaxLeadTime].

The minimum submission lead-time for a Price Point Create Request is 3 calendar days prior to
the requested effective date. If a Price Point Create Request is submitted with an effective date
that is less than 3 days in the future it is rejected with the reject reason

Page 83 of 205
EnTRAC is required to send a Price Point Create Accept or Reject transaction within 4 calendar
days. It is anticipated that EnTRAC will send a Price Point Create Accept or Reject the day
following a Price Point Create Request is submitted (if submitted before 5:00 p.m.).

Effective the implementation of the new billing system in 2009, Enbridge is able to support the
following Price Point Charge Types:

5. Commodity Charge – This charge is expressed in $’s per cubic metre specified up to 6
decimal places. Minimum acceptable value is $0’s per cubic metre. Maximum
acceptable value of $9.999999 per cubic metre. This is presented on the customer’s bill
under the Gas Vendor’s name and phone number as a “Gas Supply Charge”.
6. Transportation Charge – This charge is expressed in $’s per cubic metre specified up to 6
decimal places. Minimum acceptable value is $0’s per cubic metre. Maximum
acceptable value of $9.999999 per cubic metre. This is presented on the customer’s bill
under the Gas Vendor’s name and phone number as a “Gas Transportation to Enbridge”.
7. Storage Charge – This charge expressed in $’s per cubic metre specified up to 6 decimal
places. Minimum acceptable value is $0’s per cubic metre. Maximum acceptable value
of $9.999999 per cubic metre. This is presented on the customer’s bill under the Gas
Vendor’s name and phone number as a “Storage”.
8. Vendor Admin. Fee – This charge expressed in $’s per month. Minimum acceptable
value is $0.00 per month. Maximum acceptable value of $200.00 per month. This is
presented on the customer’s bill as a “Vendor Admin Fee”.

If a Price Point Create Request specifies a Price that is not equal to or between 0 cents and
$9.999999 it is rejected with the reject reason [OutsidePriceRange].

The Price for a Price Point Charge Type associated to a PPG does not have an expiry date but
will remain in effect until superceded by a new price.

Once a Price Point Charge Type has been associated to a PPG, even if the Price is $0, the Price
Point Charge Type will appear as a line item on the customer’s bill once the Price becomes
effective. Therefore, resetting a Price Point Charge Type to a value of $0, will not remove the
Price Point Charge Type from appearing on the bill. In other words there is no mechanism for
removing a Price Point Charge Type from a Price Point Group.

A Price Point Change Request may specify a Price to 6 decimal places. If a Price is specified
that exceeds 6 decimal places it is rejected with the reject reason [InvalidNumberOfDigits].

Both the Bill Presentation Name and Bill Presentation Phone number must be provided in the
Price Point Create Request.

If a Price Point Create Request transaction is received which includes special characters (e.g. -
*/#) in the Price Point Name or Bill Presentation Name fields, EnTRAC will still accept the
transaction but will replace the special characters with a blank (e.g. Broker-Company becomes
Broker Company).

Enbridge does not associate Price Points to Pools. If a Price Point Create Request transaction
includes a Distributor Pool Identifier the transaction will not be rejected, but the Distributor Pool
Identifier is ignored.

8.6.31. Price Change Request

Page 84 of 205
As an alternative to editing a Price Point through the EnTRAC Edit Price Point Group Screen, a
Gas Vendor may submit a Price Change Request through the EBT System.
A Price Change Request may specify an effective date that is only the 1 of a future calendar
month. If an effective date of other than the 1 day of the month is requested the Price Change
Request is rejected with the reject reason [EffectiveDateNotFirstOfMonth].

A Price Change Request may not specify an effective date that is more than 120 days in the
future or it is rejected with the reject reason [EffectiveDateBeyondMaxLeadTime].

The minimum submission lead-time for a Price Change Request is 3 calendar days prior to the
requested effective date. If a Price Change Request is submitted with an effective date that is
less than 3 days in the future it is rejected with the reject reason

EnTRAC is required to send a Price Point Create Accept or Reject transaction within 3 calendar
days. It is anticipated that EnTRAC will send a Price Point Create Accept or Reject the day
following a Price Point Create Request is submitted (if submitted before 5:00 p.m.).

If a Price Change Request transaction is received and does not include the Price Point ID it is
rejected with the reject reason [InvalidPricePointId].

If a Price Change Request transaction is received and specifies a Price Point ID which does not
exists, it is rejected with the reject reason [InvalidPricePointId].

Enbridge does not associate Price Points to Pools. If a Price Point Create Request transaction
includes a Distributor Pool Identifier the transaction will not be rejected, but the Distributor Pool
Identifier is ignored.

If EnTRAC receives a Price Change Request with an effective date equal to a previously
accepted Price Change Request, if it meets all required validation it is accepted and the
previously submitted/accepted Price Change Request with the same effective date will have the
EnTRAC internal status changed to “Stopped” (but no notification to the MSA indicating that this
previously accepted request has been changed to “Stopped”).
EnTRAC is able to exceed the EBT Standards requirement and can accommodate a price
change to precede a previously accepted price change (assuming the minimum submission lead
time requirement is met). For example, if a Price Point is currently active and if a Price Change
st st
Request was submitted on January 1 with an effective date of March 1 , and then another Price
nd st
Change Request is submitted on January 2 with an effective date of Feb 1 it is accepted, and
the previously submitted Price Change Request effective March 1 will remain as accepted.
Both Price Change Requests are implemented on their requested effective date.

If a Price Change Request is submitted with an effective date that precedes the effective date of a
Price Point Create effective date, it is rejected with the reject reason [PricePointIDNotActive].

Note: Any changes to Bill Presentation Name for a Price Point Group submitted through the
EnTRAC Edit Price Point Group screen (before 5:00 p.m.) is processed essentially real-time and
is implemented on the billing system effective the next day. If there is a pending Price Change
Request with an effective date in the future, it will remain pending until the effective date at which
point it is implemented as submitted.

8.6.32. Termination of Service (TOS) Notifications

A Termination of Service (TOS) transaction can only be generated by the Distributor.

Page 85 of 205
EnTRAC will notify the current Gas Vendor and any pending Gas Vendor (if applicable), if it has
or is discontinuing the distribution service at the Consumer’s location by sending a Termination of
Service (TOS) request, if the Consumer has not indicated if they are resuming service at another
location within the Enbridge franchise area.

The effective date of a TOS could be updated (by a SA-UT Request referring to the TOS) or
terminated (by a SA-TTR Request referring to the TOS) until the 61 day following the TOS
effective date, or, in the event of a TOS effective date in the past, until the 61 day following the
notification date of the TOS.

If the forwarding billing address is updated it is sent to the Gas Vendor through a Change
Consumer Information (CCI) Request.

When a TOS transaction is generated with an effective date in the future, any pre-existing
pending transactions such as Enrols, Drops or Transfers submitted by the Gas Vendor will not be
implicitly terminated at that point.

On the TOS effective date the internal EnTRAC status for a pending Enrol Request is changed to
“Stopped” (nothing is required to be sent to the Gas Vendor). Note, for an Enrol Request to be
preserved due to a move notification being rescinded by a Consumer, a Consumer would need to
notify Enbridge at least 3 days prior to the TOS effective date that they are not moving, so that
the Enrol Request can be implemented. If at any time after 3 days prior to the TOS effective date
the Consumer calls and notifies Enbridge that they are not moving, the Enrol request will not be

In the case of pending Drop and Transfer Requests, the EnTRAC internal status is changed to
“Accepted - Held” status until the 61 day following the TOS effective date, or, in the event of a
TOS effective date in the past, until the 61 day following the notification date of the TOS, at
which point the internal EnTRAC status is changed to “Stopped” (nothing is required to be sent to
the Gas Vendor).

8.6.33. Reconnection of Service (ROS) Notifications

A Reconnection of Service (ROS) transaction can only be generated by the Distributor.

The Distributor generates a ROS transaction to notify the Gas Vendor that subsequent to a
disconnection of service, the distribution service has been reconnected for that Consumer at the
same location and the Gas Vendor’s Pool and Price Point (if applicable) association has been
applied to the Consumer’s account following reconnection. At the point of reconnecting the
customer Enbridge will assign the customer a new account number and provide it in the ROS
transaction in the Distributor Account Number field and will provide the previous account number
in the Termination of Service Account Number field.

At the point the ROS transaction is generated because the new account number has been
established, a Change Consumer Information Transaction will also be sent in relation to the new

Subsequent to EnTRAC sending a TOS transaction that has taken effect, in the absence of a
Drop Request, if during the 60 day period after the TOS effective date, or TOS notification date
whichever is later, Enbridge is informed by the Consumer or Enbridge discovers that the
customer never left the location, or the Consumer has corrected an invoice non-payment issue,
EnTRAC will send a Reconnection of Service (ROS) to the Gas Vendor that the Consumer was
associated to on the TOS effective.

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Upon the generation of a ROS transaction EnTRAC will search for any transactions in Accepted
Held status (and therefore had not reached their requested implementation date) that relate to the
account number for which the TOS notification was sent, and will replace the old account number
with the new account number and move the status to Accepted Pending.

The ROS effective date may be retroactive and be equal to or after the TOS effective date.

EnTRAC will not generate a ROS if a Drop Request has been received from the Current Vendor
relating to the customer associated with the TOS transaction.

8.6.34. Change Consumer Location (CCL) Notifications

A Change Consumer Location (CCL) transaction can only be generated by the Distributor.

The Distributor generates a CCL transaction to notify the current Gas Vendor that the Consumer
is intending to move, and that the Gas Vendor Pool and Price Point association is transferred to
the Consumer’s new location once the move has taken place on the Distributor’s system. The
Distributor does not require a Gas Vendor to send a CCL Accept for the Distributor to implement
the CCL.

In order for EnTRAC to be able to generate a CCL, at the point the Consumer calls Enbridge to
initiate an unlock work order for the location that they are moving into, the Consumer must also
inform Enbridge if they were or are receiving distribution service at another location, for which
they have or are moving out of and for which a lock work order is initiated. These two pieces of
information must provided by the Consumer at the point of requesting an unlock work order in
order for EnTRAC to be in a position to generate a CCL transaction.

The move out date for the original location and the move in date for the new location may not be
the same in all cases, and have been categorized into 3 mains scenarios of “simple”, “gap” and

A “simple” scenario results when the move out date for the original location is the same as the
move in date for the new location.

A “gap” scenario results when the move out date for the original location precedes the move in
date for the new location.

An “overlap” scenario results when the move out date for the original location is after the move in
date for the new location and the Consumer will have possession of two locations for a period of

During the life of a CCL, based upon Consumer communications a “simple” scenario may turn
into a “gap” or an “overlap” and vice versa, even after the Move Out Date and Move In Date has
been reached.

In a CCL transaction EnTRAC will provide a

 Move Out Date

 Move In Date
 Move Out Effective Date
 Move In Effective Date

The “Move Out Date” is the date the Consumer indicated that they are or were no longer located
in the original service address. This date may change during the life of the CCL and may be

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updated by EnTRAC sending a SA-UT to the CCL transaction, even after the intended Move Out
Date has been reached.

The “Move In Date” is the date the Consumer indicated that they will or have moved in to the new
service address. This date may change during the life of the CCL and may be updated by
EnTRAC sending a SA-UT to the CCL transaction, even after the Move In Date has been

The “Move In Effective Date” indicates the date and onward that Enbridge will bill the new
account on Competitive Gas Services with the Gas Vendor. This date may change during the life
of the CCL and may be updated by EnTRAC by sending a SA-UT to the CCL transaction. Note
an SA-UT may be sent by Enbridge even after the Move In Date has been reached.

The “Move Out Effective Date” indicates the date up to which Enbridge will bill the original
account on Competitive Gas Services with the Gas Vendor. This date may change during the life
of the CCL and may be updated by EnTRAC sending a SA-UT to the CCL transaction. Note an
SA-UT may be sent by Enbridge even after the Move Out Date has been reached.

In some cases the “Move Out Effective Date” and the “Move In Effective Date” are the same.
This is referred to as the Simple scenario.

In some cases there may be a gap between the “Move Out Effective Date” and the “Move In
Effective Date” resulting in a period of time that neither account is billing on Competitive Gas
Services. This is referred to as the Gap scenario.

In some cases there may be an overlap between the “Move Out Effective Date” and the “Move In
Effective Date” and both accounts for a brief period of time may be billing on Competitive Gas
Services. This is referred to as the Overlap scenario.

The “Move Out Effective Date” and “Move In Effective Date” are determined by whether it is a
“simple”, “gap” or “overlap” scenario, and whether the Consumer notifies Enbridge of the move,
before it take places, after it takes place, or in between the customer moving out and moving in.

In most cases the Gas Vendor Pool and Price Point information (if applicable) will get transferred
from the move out location to the move in location at the point it has been confirmed that the
Consumer has moved into the new location (which is normally when the new account number has
been set up on the billing system). However there are a few exceptions to this rule and relate to
some specific “Overlap” scenarios impacted by when the Consumer provides their notification to

 For an “overlap” scenario, where the Consumer has notified Enbridge prior to moving into
the new location (B) and prior to moving out of their original location (A) , the Gas
Vendor Pool and Price Point information (if applicable) are transferred to location (B)
effective the move in date. However the Pool and Price Point information will not be
removed from the original location (A) until one day after the move in to location (B) has
been confirmed and the new account number is set up for location (B) on the billing
system. This may result in both location (A) and location (B) both billing on Competitive
Gas Services for a few days.
 For an “overlap” scenario, where the Consumer has notified Enbridge after moving in to a
new location (B) but prior to moving out of their original location (A), Enbridge will process
the move in transaction as a completed unlock work order. An estimated meter read is
used instead of an actual meter read. The Gas Vendor Pool and Price Point information
(if applicable) is transferred from location (A) to location (B) effective one day after the
Consumer notification.
 For an “overlap” scenario, where the Consumer has notified Enbridge after moving in to a
new location (B) and after moving out of their original location (A), Enbridge will process

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the move out and move in transaction as a completed unlock and lock work order. An
estimated meter read is used in both cases instead of an actual meter read. The Gas
Vendor Pool and Price Point information (if applicable) is transferred on the “Move Out
Effective Date”

If after a CCL is generated by EnTRAC but before the unlock work order is completed on the
billing system, the Consumer calls Enbridge and indicates they will not be moving in to the new
location (resulting in the unlock work order request being terminated) EnTRAC will verify whether
the corresponding move out request for the previous location (the lock work order request) is
terminated. If the lock work order has not been terminated or it has already been completed,
EnTRAC will terminate the CCL and generate a Termination of Service (TOS) request for the
previous Consumer location. If both the lock work order request and unlock work order request
were both terminated by the Consumer, EnTRAC will terminate the CCL indicating the move is
not taking place.

With the implementation of the new billing system in 2009, when a move in request is received a
new account number is assigned to the customer for their move in location. The account number
however, is not considered active, until the move in request is considered completed and having
taken effect.

When a CCL transaction includes a move in effective date in the past or the current date,
EnTRAC will send the move in location account number in the CCL transaction. The account
number is considered to be active because the move in request is marked completed by the
system at the point the move in request is input in the system. Once a move in request is
completed, the account number associated with the move in request is considered active. In this
case because the effective date is in the past, an estimated meter read is used instead of a meter
reading clerk being scheduled to go to the Consumer location to take an actual meter reading. If
the move in effective date is marked as completed at the point the CCL transaction is sent, a CCI
transaction will also be sent, providing all the customer information relating to the move in
location including the new account number.

When a CCL transaction includes a move in effective date in the future EnTRAC will also send
the move in location account number in the CCL transaction. The account number is considered
to be inactive because the move in request is not marked completed by the system at the point
the move in request is input in the system. Once a move in request is completed, the account
number associated with the move in request is then considered active. When the meter reading
has been received, this is deemed to confirm that the move in has been completed. When
EnTRAC is notified by the billing system that the move in request has been deemed to be
completed, EnTRAC will send an SA-UT to the original CCL, providing the Move In Effective Date
and the Move Out Effective Date, if different from the original CCL transaction. At the point the
move in effective date is marked as completed, a CCI transaction is sent, providing all the
customer information relating to the move in location including the new account number indicating
the Change Reason – Account Setup Following Move. This whole process may take up to three
or more days following the requested move in effective date.

Please Note: A Gas Vendor should not use the new move in account number provided by a
CCL, to submit a Drop or a Transfer Request, until the account number is confirmed to be active,
through the receipt of a CCI transaction with the Change Reason – Account Setup Following
Move. If a transaction is received from a Gas Vendor specifying the new move in account
number prior to it being activated, it is rejected.

Up until the new move in account number is activated, the Gas Vendor may submit a Drop or a
Transfer Requests using the old move out location account number. In fact, the Gas Vendor is
permitted to submit transactions (such as Drops and Transfer Requests) using the old move out
location account number up until 14 days after the new move in account number has been sent to

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In most cases where a Consumer notifies Enbridge after a move has already taken place, manual
rebilling is required. In these cases, an Invoice Rate Ready (IRR) is sent at the point the manual
rebilling is completed.

If at the point a CCL is generated, EnTRAC determines that there is a Pending Enrol Request
that involves a Vendor to Vendor Switch for which the contest period is not yet over, EnTRAC is
to terminate the pending Enrol submitted by the pending Gas Vendor as per the EBT Standards.
EnTRAC will send a SA-TTR to the pending Gas Vendor with the termination reason of “Pending
Move”. EnTRAC will also send a SA-TTR to the current Gas Vendor in relation to the SA-NPS.

If at the point a CCL is generated, EnTRAC determines that there is a Pending Enrol Request
that involves a Vendor to Vendor Switch for which the contest period is over, EnTRAC will send
the CCL transaction to the current and the pending vendor.

In some cases a CCL may be generated after a TOS notification has already been sent to a Gas
Vendor. Specifically, if during the 60 day period after the TOS effective date, or TOS notification
date whichever is later, a Consumer informs Enbridge of the new location they moved to or
intends to move to, and the Consumer also indicates the location that they were previously
receiving distribution service from Enbridge, in the absence of a Drop Request, EnTRAC will
generate a Change Consumer Location (CCL) to the current or pending Gas Vendor. Note, in
the situation where a TOS is not yet effective, EnTRAC will terminate the TOS transaction as well
as sending a CCL transaction.

8.6.35. Application Advice (AA)

Both the Gas Vendor and Distributor can send an Application Advice (AA).

An Application Advice Accept (AAA) or an Application Advice Reject (AAR) is an application level
transaction that is sent by recipient of an Invoice or Status Advice Transaction to acknowledge
whether a transaction was either accepted or rejected within the receiver’s system. The AA must
reference the Original Transaction Reference Number of the Invoice or Status Advice Transaction
that it pertains to. The only response back for an Application Advice is the Functional
Acknowledgement of the receipt of the file that the AAA or AAR was contained in.

An Application Advice must be sent no later than 4 calendar days after each Invoice or Status
Advice transaction is received through the EBT system.

8.6.36. Functional Acknowledgement (FA)

Both Gas Vendors and utilities is required to send a Functional Acknowledgement (DocReject FA
or Accept FA) in response to receipt of a PIPE document through the EBT system within 4 hours
of receipt of the PIPE document.

The Functional Acknowledgement transaction is intended to indicate the results of the syntactical
analysis of the XML encoded PIPE documents as well as the validation of the Market Participant
Id in relation to the digital signature embedded within the PIPE document.

The transaction does not indicate that the semantic meaning of the information contained with the
PIP transactions has been accepted or rejected.
A PIPE document is rejected with a DocReject FA when the document is not completely readable
and must be corrected and resubmitted (if applicable) by the sender. A DocReject FA is used
where any PIP transaction failed schema validation. If the PIPE Document contains the same

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PIP Transaction Reference Number more than once (a duplicate Transaction Reference
Number), the PIPE document is rejected at the FA level.

A PIPE document is accepted with an Accept FA when all the PIP transactions within the PIPE
document pass schema validation.

8.7. Large Volume Distribution Contracts (LVDC) Management

8.7.1. Creating a New LVDC

A Large Volume Distribution Contract (LVDC) can only be created in EnTRAC by an Enbridge
internal user

The status of a Large Volume Distribution Contract (LVDC) can only be changed in EnTRAC by
an Enbridge internal user.

Only Rate 6 accounts billing with a high pressure meter whose meter readings are managed
through the EnMAR system can be changed into a Large Volume Distribution Contract (LVDC).

An LVDC can only commence on the first day of a calendar month and must end on the last day
of a calendar month.

An LVDC can have a commencement date of not more than 120 calendar days in the future and
not less than 3 calendar days in the future.

The minimum permitted term for an LVDC is 12 months and the maximum of 10 years.

An acceptable contract term for an LVDC in months is (12, 13 through 23, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84,
96, 108, 120)

An account number can be associated to single Large Volume Distribution Contract (Rate 100,
110, 115, 135, 145 or 170) and is referred to as a “stand-alone” LVDC.

An account number can be associated to at most 2 LVDC’s and is referred to as a “combo”

LVDC. The “combo” LVDC can have a primary LVDC which is firm (Rate 110 or 115) and a
secondary LVDC that is interruptible (Rate 145 or 170).

A monthly estimated volume must be provided for each of the months of the LVDC contract term.

The annual estimated volume is determined by the sum of the last 12 months estimates entered
and must meet the following criteria.
 For Rate 100, there is no minimum value
 For Rate 110, this value must be at least 272,290 m3
 For Rate 115, this value must be at least 340,180 m3
 For Rate 135, this value must be at least 340,000 m3
 For Rate 145, this value must be at least 340,000 m3
 For Rate 170, this value must be at least 5,000,000 m3

The Contract Demand entered must meet the following criteria.

 For Rate 100, this value must be greater than between 10,000m3 and 150,000m3
 For Rate 110, this value must be greater than or equal to 1865 m3
 For Rate 115, this value must be greater than or equal to 1165 m3
 For Rate 135, this value must be greater than 0 m3
 For Rate 145, this value must be greater than 0 m3

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 For Rate 170, this value must be greater than or equal to 30,000 m3

The estimated consumption for any month during the LVDC term cannot be greater than the
product of the contract demand volume multiplied by the number of days in the month.

If a Billing Effective Date is not entered EnTRAC will default the field to be the LVDC
commencement date. In the case of a new LVDC (where the account was currently billing on
Rate 6) if a Billing Effective Date is specified and cannot precede the creation date of that GSC
account. In the case of a renewal LVDC, the Billing Effective Date cannot precede the
commencement date of the previous LVDC contract term.

Upon the creation of a new LVDC contract the Account Executive EnTRAC sets the status to the
default status of “pending”. Once all the required LVDC contract parameters are entered
correctly the LVDC status can be set to “printable.

When the LVDC is set to “printable” state, EnTRAC sets the “Document Date” equal to the
calendar date the status was changed to “printable”.

When an executed copy of the LVDC is received by Enbridge, the LVDC Administrator will
change the LVDC status on EnTRAC to “executed”.

If the LVDC is still in “printable” state and not in “executed” state 15 calendar days prior
commencement date of LVDC, EnTRAC will send the following message to the Account
executive and the LVDC Administrator associated.

‘LVDC <ID> with commencement date of <date> is waiting to be executed.’

If three days prior to the commencement date of a new LVDC that status of the LVDC is
“printable” and not “executed”, EnTRAC will change the LVDC status on EnTRAC back to
“Pending”. The LVDC is not allowed to be changed to “printable” state without the Account
Executive moving the commencement date forward by at least one month.

If a new LVDC is not executed 3 days prior to requested commencement date of the new LVDC,
EnTRAC will generate the following message to the Account Executives and LV Administrators
associated with the new LVDC:

‘LVDC <Id> was not executed in time for commencement date of <date>. It has been
moved to pending status for further action.’

If an LVDC is changed to “executed” EnTRAC will send the following message to the MSA Party
(if applicable) and to the Account Executive.

‘LVDC <ID> with commencement date of <date> has been executed on <date>.’

8.7.2. Creating a Combo LVDC (Firm with Interruptible Override)

A single billing account number can be associated to two LVDC in what is referred to as a
“combo” LVDC a Firm LVDC with an Interruptible Override. The firm portion may be a Rate 110
or 115 LVDC. The interruptible portion may be a Rate 145 or 170.

A combo LVDC can only be created in EnTRAC by an Enbridge internal user.

Before a standalone LVDC can be changed into a “combo” LVDC, the stand alone single LVDC
must be terminated.

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The firm LVDC (referred to as primary LVDC) must be created with a “combo” revenue class
before the interruptible LVDC (referred to as secondary LVDC) is created and it must be assigned
a “combo” revenue class as well.

The firm LVDC (referred to as primary LVDC) cannot be changed to “printable” status until the
interruptible LVDC (referred to as secondary LVDC) is created and the contract parameters have
been entered correctly for both.

8.7.3. Searching and Viewing an LVDC

EnTRAC provides the facility for a Large Volume Distribution Contract (LVDC) Customer to
search and view the information on EnTRAC relating to the following:
• An LVDC(s) associated to an account once the LVDC is in executed status and becomes
• The Account itself if it is associated to an executed LVDC(s).

In order for a party to an LVDC to obtain access to view their contract and account information
they must submit a written to their Account Executive
• listing the location(s), account number(s) and LVDC(s) that they are parties to
• the information relating to the users within their organizing that they would like to be set
up as users on EnTRAC, and are requesting to have access to view the information on
EnTRAC relation to the above.

The Account Executive will review the request and authorize that a LVC Relationship to be
established and forward the request to the Contract Support and Compliance group.

An LVDC customer may also authorize through the execution of an Agency Appointment Letter,
other parties acting as agents or consultants in relation to their LVDC to view their contract and
account information. Note:, if this other party is already arranging for their gas supply, this step
is not required as they have access to information awarded the MSA Party.

An MSA Party is able search and view the detailed information relating to an LVDC if the
following conditions are met:
• the account associated to the LVDC is active,
• the LVDC is active and in executed status,
• the account is associated to an active Pool with the MSA Party.

8.7.4. Editing LVDC Details

An LVDC can only be updated and it’s status in EnTRAC by an Enbridge internal user

Upon making changes within EnTRAC to an LVDC that is in “Printable” state will trigger EnTRAC
to change the status back to “Pending”.

If an LVDC has a pending termination request then the LVDC cannot be edited until the pending
termination request is rescinded.

The billing demand cannot be requested to be less than the contract demand.

8.7.5. Renewing or Rolling Over an LVDC

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120 days prior to an LVDC expiry date EnTRAC creates a 1 year renewal term commencing one
day after the current LVDC expiry date, sets the LVDC status to “rolled over” and sends an alert
to the Account Executive.

The Account Executive is able to change the Rate Number or Revenue Class Description for an
LVDC while it is in “rolled over” or “pending” status. If a change is made to an LVDC in “rolled
over” status it will change to “pending” status.

If no changes are made to the LVDC contract parameters, the previous LVDC contract
parameters are automatically rolled over by EnTRAC for a 1 year renewal term commencing one
day after the current LVDC expiry date and the following message to the Account Executive, LVC
Administrator, and the MSA Party associated with the LVDC.

‘LVDC <ID> renewal date was reached. No new contracted parameters were executed.
The LVDC was rolled over on <date>.’

If changes are made to the LVDC contract parameters in EnTRAC, but this LVDC did not have
the status of “executed” 3 days prior to the commencement date, then EnTRAC will ignore the
changes, reconstruct the previous term contract parameters and roll them over for a 1 year term
commencing one day after the current LVCD expiry date, and set the status to “executed”.
EnTRAC will generate the following message to the Account Executive, LVC Administrator, and
the MSA Party associated with the LVDC.

‘LVDC <ID> renewal date was reached. No new contracted parameters were executed.
The LVDC was rolled over on <date>.’

In both of the above cases upon the receipt of the message, the Account Executive or the LVC
Administrator is requested to go into the LVDC and enter the comment “LVDC rolled over on
<date>”. The reason is EnTRAC indicates that the status of the LVDC is “Executed” however,
Enbridge is not in receipt of a new signed hard-copy of the LVDC for the relevant term, but in
reality the evergreen clause contained in the signed hard-copy of the LVDC for a previous
contract term is being applied.

If the LVDC was edited and the status is changed from “printable” to “executed” at least 3 days
prior to the commencement date, EnTRAC will generate the following message to the Account
Executive, LVC Administrator, and the MSA Party associated with the LVDC.

‘LVDC <ID> with commencement date of <date> has been executed on <date>.’

In the case of a combo LVDC, if one of the LVDC’s is modified and reaches “executed” status,
when the 3 days prior to the commencement date of the new LVDC contract term is reached, the
LVDC that has not reached “executed” state is rolled over, and the modified / executed LVDC
commences with new contract parameters.

In the case of a combo LVDC, if neither of the LVDC’s reaches “executed” status, when the 3
days prior to the commencement date of the new LVDC contract term is reached, then EnTRAC
rolls over both LVDC’s 1 year term commencing one day after the current LVCD term’s expiry
date, and sets their status to “executed”.

When rolling over an LVDC term of 13 to 23 months, the last 12 months consumption estimates
are chosen for the rollover estimates.

8.7.6. Terminating an LVDC

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A request to cancel or terminate an LVDC can only be entered into EnTRAC by an Enbridge
internal user.

If the intent is to terminate LVDC at the expiry date of the currently active LVDC term, then the
Enbridge internal user would specify the requested Termination Effective Date to be the expiry
date plus 1 day.

If a new LVDC is still in “pending” or “printable” state a request to cancel the new LVDC can be

If any renewing LVDC is in “pending “, “printable”, “executed” or “rolled over” state a request to
terminate the LVDC can be submitted.

When an LVDC termination is applied within EnTRAC the following message to the MSA Party (if
applicable), Account Executive and LVC Administrator associated with the LVDC.

‘LVDC <ID> was terminated on <date>. The account was either moved to Rate 6 or

8.7.7. Rescinding an LVDC Termination Request

A request to rescind a termination request for an LVDC can only be entered into EnTRAC by an
Enbridge internal user.

An LVDC termination request cannot be rescinded less than 3 calendar days prior to its
termination effective date.

If an LVDC is staged for termination, and a new LVDC associated to the same account is created
that starts any day after the termination date and is in “executed” status, then the LVDC
termination request for the old LVDC can no longer be rescinded.

If a termination request is sent for an executed LVDC term, then on the termination date all
associated rolled-over terms of the LVDC in “executed”, “rolled over”, “pending” or “printable”
state will appear in terminated state.

8.7.8. Change of Ownership involving an LVDC

In the case of a change of ownership, the billing system will finalize the LVB account for the
existing customer and establish a new billing account number for the new customer. The billing
system will send a notification to EnTRAC that the account number for the existing customer is
finalized. EnTRAC will then terminate the LVDC for the existing customer. When an LVDC
termination is applied within EnTRAC the following message to the MSA Party (if applicable),
Account Executive and LVC Administrator associated with the LVDC.

‘LVDC <ID> was terminated on <date>. The account was either moved to Rate 6 or

8.7.9. Creating LVC Relationships

EnTRAC provides the facility for Large Volume Distribution Contract (LVDC) Customers or their
agent to view the information on EnTRAC relating to their
• single or multiple executed LVDC(s)
• single or multiple active consumer account(s) associated to the LVDC(s)

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by submitting a request in writing to their Account Executive
• listing the location(s), account number(s) and LVDC(s) that they have executed with
• the information relating to the users within their organizing that they would like to be set
up as users on EnTRAC and are requesting to have access to view the information on
EnTRAC in relation to the above.

The Account Executive will review the request and authorize that a LVC Relationship be
established and forward to the Contract Support and Compliance group.

A LVC Relationship can only be established in EnTRAC by an Enbridge internal user based upon
a written request received from an LVDC to an Account Executive.

The LVC is able to view the LVDC contracts associated to the LVC Relationship once they a have
a Logon ID established and linked to the LVC Relationship.

An LVC Relationship is in inactive status until the effective date is reached.

An account can be on one or more LVC Relationship.

Only Rate 100 or above accounts can be included in a LVC Relationship.

If an LVDC is terminated it is dropped from the LVDC Relationship by EnTRAC and will no longer
be viewable.

8.7.10. Editing LVC Relationships

EnTRAC provides the facility for Large Volume Distribution Contract (LVDC) Customers or their
agent to view the information on EnTRAC relating to their
• single or multiple executed LVDC(s)
• single or multiple active consumer account(s) associated to the LVDC(s)

If over time the customer

• acquires, purchases or sells locations for which there are executed LVDC’s,
• or they require individuals to be added or removed from having access to EnTRAC to
view their information,
They can have their LVC Relationship updated by submitting a request in writing to their Account
• listing the location(s), account number(s) and LVDC(s) to be added or dropped
• the information relating to the users within their organization that they would like to be set
up or removed as users on EnTRAC to have access to information in EnTRAC in relation
to the above.

The Account Executive will review the request and authorize that a LVC Relationship be updated
within EnTRAC and forward to the Contract Support and Compliance group.

A LVC Relationship can be updated in EnTRAC only by an Enbridge internal user based upon a
written request received from an LVDC to an Account Executive.

The effective dates of an LVC Relationship can only be changed up to 1 day prior to the effective
date. If the effective date needs to be moved forward, it must a submission lead-time of one day
prior to its effective date.

8.7.11. Terminating a LVC Relationship

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A LVC Relationship can be terminated by updating the end date of the relationship to the current
calendar date.

To terminate a LVC Relationship the respective Account Executive must submit a request in
writing to the Contract Support and Compliance group.

A LVC Relationship can be terminated in EnTRAC only by an Enbridge internal user (with
security roles of CM Administrator, CM Manager, EnTRAC Manager) based upon a written
request received from an LVDC to an Account Executive.

The effective date of a LVC Relationship can only be changed up to 1 day prior to the effective
date. If the effective date needs to be moved forward, it must a submission lead-time of one day
prior to its effective date.

9. Gas Supply Management Functionality

9.1. Gas Management Functionality Overview

The Gas Supply Management functionality is designed to manage data entities, transactions and
reports relating to the volumetric management, monitoring of compliance and reporting in relation
to contractual agreements. The main areas of functionality are designed to manage:
1. Nominations – MSA Party Notifications relating to gas deliveries to the Enbridge system.
2. Load Balancing – MSA Party requests to manage volumes in relation to Pools under
Direct Purchase / Gas Delivery Agreements both active and expired.
3. Banked Gas Account (BGA) Reporting – Volumetric reporting of consumption, gas
deliveries and load balancing transaction in relation to Pools.
4. Curtailment – Management of the data relating to utility notifications for interruptible
customers to discontinue use of gas for a period of time, and the monitoring of
consumption volumes and gas delivery volumes coincident with these curtailment
5. Degree day Information – Data maintained in relation to forecasted and actual degree
day information.

Gas Management Transactions managed in conjunction with the Gas Day:

As Gas Supply is to be managed in conjunction with Pool Terms (which start and end in
conjunction with a Gas Day), Gas Management transactions in relation to Gas Supply Deliveries
such as Nominations, Load Balancing Requests, and BGA Disposition Requests are managed in
conjunction with a Gas Day. A Gas Day starts at 10:00 AM EST and ends at 09:59 AM EST the
following day.

Submission lead-times for Transaction Request:

The submission lead-times for transactions may be specified in the context of number of calendar
days but their effective date and time would be coincident with a Gas Day.
Volumetric Conversion from cubic metres (m ) to Gigajoules (GJ):
During any conversion of a volumetric value from m to GJ, a deemed heating value of 0.03769
GJ per m3 are applied.

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Rounding Rules Applied During Calculations:

Any decimal values greater than or equal to 0.5 are rounded up to the next whole number and
any decimal values less than 0.5 are rounded down to the nearest whole number.

9.2. Nomination Management

9.2.1. Nomination Overview

An MSA Party delivering gas to Enbridge in relation to a Gas Delivery Agreement is responsible
for advising Enbridge by means of a Nomination procedure of the daily volume of gas to be
delivered to EGDI by or on behalf of the end use customers.

After the establishment of the MDV for a pending pool (with a status of “locked for flow”) the MSA
Party is required to create a transaction within EnTRAC referred to as a “Nomination Request”
pertaining to the MDV deliveries. EnTRAC contains validation rules and is able to approve or
authorize the Nomination Request automatically if the validation criteria are met. In isolated
cases if the Nomination Request does not meet all the validation criteria, EnTRAC stores the
submitted Nomination Request as requested but assigns the Nomination Request the status of
“authorization required”. The Contract Compliance group, once contacted by user, will either
approve or decline the Nomination Request or if no action is taken, the request becomes
‘authorization period expired’.

A Nomination pertaining to the MDV deliveries in relation to a Pool Term, is a notification created
by the MSA Party to inform EGDI of their commitment to deliver a daily volume of gas (expressed
in GJ’s referred to as the “Daily Nominated Volume”), for a specified duration of time to a receipt
/delivery point by a specified supplier (identified by a Supplier Mnemonic recognized by
TransCanada PipeLines (TCPL)).

The MSA Party may specify in the Nomination more than one supplier.

The MSA Party must enter Nomination(s) pertaining to daily MDV deliveries that in aggregate
span the continuous and entire duration of the Pool Term. However, if a nomination for the first of
a month is missed, EnTRAC will not allow the user to enter the nomination retroactively,
therefore, there could be a gap in this instance.

The term “Receipt Point(s)” is used in relation to pools with a Western Point of Acceptance.

The term “Delivery Point(s)” is used in relation to pools with an Ontario Point of Acceptance.

A Nomination has a defined period for which it is in effect, and the duration is defined by a
specified Nomination Start Date and Nomination End Date.

All gas deliveries and associated nominations are managed in the context of a Gas Day. A Gas
Day starts at 10:00 a.m. EST and ends at 09:59 a.m. EST the following day.

The Nomination Start date is coincident with the beginning of the gas day specified. For
example: if the Nomination Start Date is specified to be January 1st, 2010, the nomination is
effective starting 10:00 a.m. EST on January 1, 2010.

The Nomination End date is also coincident with the beginning of the gas day specified. For
example: if the Nomination End Date is specified to be January 1st, 2011, the nomination ends
effective 9:59 a.m. EST January 1st, 2011.

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The MDV delivery requirement for a Pool may change during the Pool Term. Nominations will be
rescinded as a result of MDV re-establishment, FT Election or Fuel Ratio changes (for Western
pools only) requiring the MSA Party to enter new Nominations in relation to MDV Deliveries.
Therefore there are situations where EnTRAC has been designed to automatically modify the
Nomination End Date of the Nomination Request previously entered by the MSA Party and
authorized by EnTRAC. This would occur in situations where the MDV delivery requirement has
changed for the Pool and pre-existing Nomination Requests would no longer be valid.
Once a Pool Term is in “active” status, the MSA Party if requesting to perform Load Balancing
and BGA Disposition activities is required to specify the applicable Nomination information to:
• Deliver an incremental volume of gas in addition to the MDV Delivery requirements in
relation to a Pool Term in conjunction with an approved Make Up Request
• Reduce MDV deliveries in relation to a Pool Term in conjunction with an approved
Suspension Request
• Reduce MDV deliveries in relation to an LVDC associated to a Pool in conjunction
with an accepted Self Suspension Request, if this LVDC contributed to the Pool’s
MDV at the time of the suspension.

A Nomination transaction can have a status of one of the following:

• Pending
• Active
• Expired
• Cancelled (only applies to MDV)
• Rescinded (only applies to Load Balancing)
• Authorization Required
• Authorization Declined
• Authorization Period Expired
• Authorization Approved (only shown in transaction history)

The Effective Nomination Details for Tomorrow’s Gas Day will include the Nomination
(aggregated to the Pool level) for MDV deliveries, Make Up, Suspension, and CDS Nomination
requests that have been approved for the following Gas Day.

Fuel Gas Requirements if applicable are managed separately and therefore any volumes
displayed unless defined as fuel gas are exclusive of fuel gas.

The ability for an MSA Party to perform activities such as Copy, Edit, or Rescind a Nomination
request is based upon the type of Nomination (MDV deliveries, Make Up, Pool Suspension,
LVDC Self Suspension and Curtailment Delivered Supply) and the status of the Nomination
(Pending, Active, Expired, Cancelled, Rescinded, Authorization Required, Authorization Declined,
Authorization Period Expired, Authorization Approved).

Nomination Type Nomination Status Permitted Activities

MDV Delivery Pending View, Copy
MDV Delivery Active View, Create New
MDV Delivery Expired View
MDV Delivery Authorization Required View
MDV Delivery Authorization Declined View
MDV Delivery Authorization Period View
MDV Delivery Cancelled View
Make-Up Pending View, Edit, Rescind
Make-Up Active View, Rescind
Make-Up Expired View

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Make-Up Authorization Required View
Make-Up Authorization Declined View
Make-Up Authorization Period View
Make-Up Rescinded View
Suspension - Pool Pending View, Edit, Rescind
Suspension - Pool Active View, Rescind
Suspension - Pool Expired View
Suspension - Pool Authorization Required View
Suspension - Pool Authorization Declined View
Suspension - Pool Authorization Period View
Suspension - Pool Rescinded View
Self Suspension - LVDC Pending View, Edit, Rescind
Self Suspension - LVDC Active View, Rescind
Self Suspension - LVDC Expired View
Self Suspension - LVDC Authorization Required View
Self Suspension - LVDC Authorization Declined View
Self Suspension - LVDC Authorization Period View
Self Suspension - LVDC Rescinded View
Curtailment Delivered Pending View, Copy, Rescind
Curtailment Delivered Active View, Copy, Rescind
Curtailment Delivered Expired View
Curtailment Delivered Authorization Required View
Curtailment Delivered Authorization Declined View
Curtailment Delivered Authorization Period View
Supply Expired
Curtailment Delivered Rescinded View

9.2.2. Creating a New MDV Delivery Nomination

To create a new MDV Delivery Nomination, the MSA Party must search for the Pool (specifically
the Pool Term) that the Nomination is to be related to. In addition, a search of all pools requiring
MDV Delivery nominations can also be done from the Search for Nomination Screen searching
for pools with ‘Still Required’ from the nomination submission status drop down menu. Creating
the nomination can be done by Copying an existing Nomination from the Nomination Overview
Screen or copying from the Search for Nominations – Results Screen

The MSA Party would select the “Create New Nomination” link provided on the right-side of the
line in the Pool Search Results that pertains to the intended Pool Term.

Upon the MSA Party successfully entering a Nomination Start Date EnTRAC will:

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• populate the Nomination End Date with a date equal to either; the Pool Term End
Date plus one day or the next effective MDV date (whichever is earlier). In either
case, signifying the end of the last Gas Day that the Nomination is effective.
• display the applicable Volume Distribution information pertaining to the MDV that
would be in effect on the intended Nomination Start Date.

Receipt Points are applicable to pools with a Western Point of Acceptance. Delivery Points are
applicable to pools with an Ontario Point of Acceptance.

EnTRAC is able to automatically accept new nominations if the following criteria are met:
• The requested Nomination Start Date is at least three calendar days in the future (allowing for
two full gas days between the submission date and the effective date. E.g. If the submission
rd th.
date is November 3 then the earliest Nomination Start Date is November 6
• The requested Nomination Start Date is within the Pool Term.
• The requested Nomination Start Date ensures there is a Nomination in effect from the
beginning of the Pool Term. For example: If a Pool Term starts January 1 , 2011 an MSA
Party must for first submit a Nomination with a Nomination Start Date of January 1 , 2011.
EnTRAC would not permit the MSA Party to request a Nomination Start Date of February 1 ,
2011 until there was an accepted Nomination in place for January 1 , 2011.
• The Supplier Mnemonic is entered and validated against an available list maintained within
EnTRAC. Any new Supplier Mnemonics must be requested to be entered into EnTRAC
through the Enbridge Operational Services (EOS) in Edmonton.
• The Receipt/Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic combination for each line in the
Nomination section is unique.
• The sum of the Daily Nomination Volume entered for each Receipt/Delivery Point and Supply
Mnemonic combination must be equal to the MDV in effect for that Pool Term on the
requested Nomination Start Date.
• For pools with an Ontario Point of Acceptance, the cumulative MDV for the accounts in the
CDA at the time when the pool’s MDV was established must be equal to the cumulative Daily
Nomination Volumes with a Delivery Point of Enbridge CDA (Assigned) and Enbridge CDA
• For pools with an Ontario Point of Acceptance, the cumulative MDV for the accounts in the
EDA at the time when the pool’s MDV was established must be equal to the cumulative Daily
Nomination Volumes with a Delivery Point of Enbridge EDA (Assigned) and Enbridge EDA
• For pools with a Western Point of Acceptance, the cumulative Daily Nomination Volumes for
lines in the Nomination section must equal the MDV in effect for that Pool Term on the
requested Nomination Start Date.
• For pools with a Western Point of Acceptance, the Fuel Gas requirement must also be
nominated correctly.
• The Nomination Start Date must not fall within the start and end date of any approved or
Authorization Required Suspension Request for the pool.

In the following situations EnTRAC is not able to automatically accept the new nomination as
requested by the MSA Party and will display a message to the MSA Party if they wish to proceed.
If the MSA Party requests EnTRAC to proceed, EnTRAC will permit the MSA Party to submit the
Nomination but will assign it a Nomination ID (which the MSA Party should take note of) with the
status of “Authorization Required”.

• If the MSA Party selects a Nomination Start Date that is less than three calendar days in the
• For pools with an Ontario Point of Acceptance the Daily Nomination Volumes with a Delivery
Point of Enbridge CDA must equal the MDV in relation to the Delivery Point of Enbridge CDA
(Unassigned and /or Assigned) in effect for that Pool Term on the requested Nomination Start
Date. The Contract Support and Compliance Department may in isolated cases be able to

Page 101 of 205

accommodate request for alternative points, but the aggregate Daily Nominations for all the
lines in the Nomination section must equal the pool MDV in effect at the start date of the
• For pools with an Ontario Point of Acceptance the Daily Nomination Volumes with a Delivery
Point of Enbridge EDA must equal the MDV in relation to the Delivery Point of Enbridge EDA
(Unassigned and /or Assigned) in effect for that Pool Term on the requested Nomination Start
Date. The Contract Support and Compliance Department may in isolated cases be able to
accommodate request for alternative points, but the aggregate Daily Nominations for all the
lines in the Nomination section must equal the pool MDV in effect at the start date of the

In specific situations, Nomination Requests that cannot be automatically approved by EnTRAC

(e.g. due to submission timelines not being met), but for which the MSA proceeds to submit the
request as entered, EnTRAC will assign the request a Nomination ID and the status of
“Authorization Required”. The MSA Party is requested to contact the Contract Support and
Compliance Department and outline the reasons for their request.

The Nomination Request will remain in “Authorization Required” status for up to 7 calendar days
after the submission date or until the end of the requested effective date (whichever is earlier),
and if not approved or rejected by the Contract Support and Compliance Department the status
will change to “Authorization Period Expired”. Once the status of “Authorization Period Expired”
is assigned it can no longer be approved by the Contract Support and Compliance Department.

The Contract Support and Compliance Department cannot authorize a Nomination Start Date that
would be considered to be a date in the past, therefore the MSA Party must contact the Contract
Support and Compliance Department to review their Nomination prior to the requested
Nomination Start Date becoming a date in the past.

If the Contract Support and Compliance Department declines the Nomination transaction, that is
in Authorization Required Status, EnTRAC changes the status to “Authorization Declined”.

If the Contract Support and Compliance Department authorizes the Nomination transaction that is
in Authorization Required Status, EnTRAC changes the status to “Pending” (if the Nomination
Start Date is in the future) or “Active” (if the Nomination Start Date is the current calendar date).

9.2.3. Creating a New MDV Delivery Nomination to Replace An Existing

Once the MDV for a Pool Term becomes established or effective, EnTRAC requires the MSA
Party to create a MDV Delivery Nomination or series of Nominations to span the duration of the
entire Pool Term.

When an MSA Party creates a MDV Delivery Nomination, EnTRAC will automatically default the
Nomination End Date to be coincident with that of the end of the Pool Term or the start date of
the next effective MDV if there is one already existing or the start date of the next Pool FT

If the MSA Party needs to modify an accepted Pending or Active MDV Delivery Nomination
Request in whole or in part, the MSA Party would proceed to create a new Nomination with a
specified Nomination Start Date coincident with the desired effective date.

If the MSA Party creates a new MDV Delivery Nomination with a Nomination Start Date which is
at least three calendar days in the future, and is equal to the Nomination Start Date of a pre-
existing MDV Delivery Nomination that is in “Pending” status, EnTRAC will perform the following

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• change the status of the pre-existing MDV Delivery Nomination from “Pending” to
• leave the original Nomination End date in the pre-existing MDV Delivery Nomination

If the MSA Party creates a new MDV Delivery Nomination with a Nomination Start Date which is
at least three calendar days in the future, and would be effective before the Nomination Start
Date of a pre-existing MDV Delivery Nomination that is in “Pending” status, EnTRAC will perform
the following actions:
• change the status of the pre-existing MDV Delivery Nomination from “Pending” to
• leave the original Nomination End date in the pre-existing MDV Delivery Nomination

If the MSA Party creates a new MDV Delivery Nomination with a Nomination Start Date which is
at least three calendar days in the future, and is after the Nomination Start Date of a pre-existing
MDV Delivery Nomination that is in “Active” status, EnTRAC will perform the following actions:
• change the Nomination End Date on the pre-existing MDV Delivery Nomination to be
coincident with new MDV Delivery Nomination Start Date
• prior to the new MDV Delivery Nomination taking effect the status of the pre-existing
MDV Delivery Nomination will not change and will remain as “Active”
• at the point in time the new MDV Delivery Nominations takes effect the status of the pre-
existing MDV Delivery Nomination will change from “Active” to “Expired” status.

If the MSA Party creates a new MDV Delivery Nomination with a Nomination Start Date which is
less than three calendar days in the future, and is equal to the Nomination Start Date of a pre-
existing MDV Delivery Nomination that is in “Pending” status, EnTRAC will perform the following
• change the status of the new MDV Delivery Nomination to “Authorization Required”, and
the MSA Party must contact the Supply Management Services (SMS) group in Edmonton
at 780-420-8850 to authorize the request as the minimum submission lead-time of three
calendar days has not been met
• unless the new MDV Delivery Nomination is approved by the Supply Management
Services (SMS) group, the status of the pre-existing MDV Delivery Nomination retains its
original status of “Pending” unless it became active in the waiting period or becomes
active after the new one automatically expires.
• in the event the new MDV Delivery Nomination is subsequently approved by the Supply
Management Services (SMS) group, EnTRAC will at that point change the pre-existing
MDV Delivery Nomination status from “Pending” to “Cancelled”. Note: the Supply
Management Services (SMS) group is unable to approve a MDV Delivery Nomination
with a Nomination Start Date in the past.

If the MSA Party creates a new MDV Delivery Nomination with a Nomination Start Date which is
less than three calendar days in the future and is equal to the Nomination Start Date of a pre-
existing MDV Delivery Nomination that is in “Active” status, EnTRAC will perform the following
• change the status of the new MDV Delivery Nomination to “Authorization Required”, and
the MSA Party must contact the Supply Management Services (SMS) group to authorize
the request as the minimum submission lead-time of three calendar days has not been
• unless the new MDV Delivery Nomination is approved by the Supply Management
Services (SMS) group the status of the pre-existing MDV Delivery Nomination retains its
original status of “Active”
• in the event the new MDV Delivery Nomination is subsequently approved by the Supply
Management Services (SMS) group, EnTRAC will at that point change the pre-existing

Page 103 of 205

MDV Delivery Nomination status from “Active” to “Cancelled”. Note: the Supply
Management Services (SMS) group is unable to approve a MDV Delivery Nomination
with a Nomination Start Date in the past.

If the MSA Party creates a new MDV Delivery Nomination with a Nomination Start Date which is
less than three calendar days in the future, and is after the Nomination Start Date of a pre-
existing MDV Delivery Nomination that is in “Active” status, EnTRAC will perform the following
• change the status of the new MDV Delivery Nomination to “Authorization Required”, and
the MSA Party must contact the Supply Management Services (SMS) group to authorize
the request as the minimum submission lead-time of three calendar days has not been
• unless the new MDV Delivery Nomination is approved by the Supply Management
Services (SMS) group the status of the pre-existing MDV Delivery Nomination retains its
original status of “Active”
• in the event the new MDV Delivery Nomination is subsequently approved by the Supply
Management Services (SMS) group, EnTRAC will at that point
o change the Nomination End Date on the pre-existing MDV Delivery Nomination
to be coincident with new MDV Delivery Nomination Start Date
o prior to the new MDV Delivery Nomination taking effect the status of the pre-
existing MDV Delivery Nomination will not change and will remain as “Active”
• at the point in time the new MDV Delivery Nominations takes effect the status of the pre-
existing MDV Delivery Nomination will change from “Active” to “Expired” status.

If the MSA Party requires the ability to change the Nomination information a number of times
during the Pool Term, the MSA Party must enter the multiple Nominations in sequence of
Nomination Start Date.

9.2.4. Copying an Existing Pending MDV Delivery Nomination

EnTRAC provides an MSA Party with the ability to perform the activity of copying a pre-existing
MDV Delivery Nomination in “Pending” status. The MSA Party can proceed to edit the applicable
portions of the nomination details and then submit it as a new MDV Delivery Nomination.

9.2.5. EnTRAC Automatic Updating of an MDV Delivery Nomination

EnTRAC will automatically update the MDV Delivery Nomination End Date and in some cases
status of an MDV Delivery Nomination in the following situations:

If the MSA Party submits a Pool Termination for an active Pool that is accepted by EnTRAC with
an effective date prior to the Pool Term End Date, EnTRAC will automatically modify the
Nomination End Date for any existing MDV Delivery Nominations to be coincident with the Pool
Termination effective date.

If EnTRAC automatically re-establishes the MDV for a Pool Term, EnTRAC will perform the
following actions:
• For MDV Delivery Nominations with a Nomination Start Date before the re-established
MDV Effective Date and a Nomination End Date after the re-established MDV effective
date, EnTRAC will update the Nomination End Date to be coincident with the effective
date of the new MDV. The status of the Nomination will not be changed and will remain
“Active” or “Pending”. The MSA Party will need to enter a new MDV Delivery Nomination
that would be effective coincident with the effective date of the re-established MDV.
• For MDV Delivery Nominations with a Nomination Start Date on or after the re-
established MDV Effective Date and a Nomination End Date after the re-established

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MDV Effective Date, EnTRAC will update the Nomination End Date to be equal to the
Nomination Start Date and change the Nomination status to “Cancelled”. If the MSA
Party would like a Nomination change to take effect on the date, the MSA Party would
need to enter a new MDV Delivery Nomination taking into consideration the re-
established MDV that would be in effect at that time.

In the case of a Pool with an Ontario Point of Acceptance, for which an FT Turnback Election %
will take effect in one calendar month or less, EnTRAC will in relation to the active MDV Delivery
• Update the Nomination End Date to be equal to the FT Turnback Election % effective
date for all Nominations Requests relating to that delivery area. Note: The MSA Party is
required to enter a new MDV Delivery Nomination Request to be coincident with the
effective date of the new MDV Volume Distribution.
• The status of the Nomination Request will not be changed and will remain as “Active”

9.2.6. Searching and Viewing a MDV Delivery Nomination Request

An MSA Party is able to search for a Nomination Request through the Nomination Overview,
Search Pool Nominations, or Search Nomination link.

An MSA Party is able to search and view submitted Nomination Requests related to MDV
Deliveries with a Nomination Start Date in the future or in the past, and includes Nomination
Requests in the following states:
• Active
• Pending
• Expired
• Cancelled
• Authorization Required
• Authorization Declined
• Authorization Period Expired

9.2.7. Nominating Fuel Gas Requirements For Pools with a Western

Point of Acceptance
For pools with a Western Point of Acceptance, the Fuel Gas requirement must also be

The Fuel Gas Ratios applicable to Pools with a Western Point of Acceptance are entered and
periodically updated by Enbridge Operation Services.

The Total Fuel Volume nominated by the MSA Party must be equal to the MDV for the Pool
multiplied by the Fuel Gas Ratio that is effective for the nomination period. EnTRAC will calculate
the Fuel Volume for Western pools after the Proceed to Nomination button is clicked.

The Receipt Point and Supplier Mnemonic combination for each line in the Fuel Information
section must be unique.

For Nominations relating to MDV Deliveries, Make Up requests, and Suspension requests
pertaining to pools with a Western Point of Acceptance, the MSA Party is required to provide
nomination details in regards to the fuel gas requirements.

The fuel gas ratio used by EnTRAC is provided on a monthly basis and reflects the Mainline Fuel
Ratio from Empress to Enbridge CDA as posted by TransCanada PipeLine (TCPL).

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If the fuel gas ratio for a month is not available in EnTRAC, the latest available fuel gas ratio is
used to determine the fuel gas requirements.

If the fuel gas volumes are not provided at the time when the request is submitted, EnTRAC will
automatically allocate the required fuel gas volume to each line in the Fuel section that has been
completed with a Receipt Point and Supplier Mnemonic. The fuel gas volumes are allocated
equally to each Receipt Point and Supplier Mnemonic combination and any outstanding fuel gas
volumes are allocated to the first Receipt Point and Supplier Mnemonic combination.

When fuel gas ratios have been updated in EnTRAC for a specified month, any MDV Delivery
Nominations that are effective on the specified month or later will have the fuel gas requirements
automatically recalculated by EnTRAC. EnTRAC will automatically create a copy of the current
active MDV Delivery Nomination and a new Fuel Gas Nomination based upon the currently active
Fuel Gas Nomination prorating based upon the same Receipt Point and Supplier Mnemonic
combinations. The new auto generated MDV Delivery Nomination is assigned a new Nomination
ID, and the status set to “Pending”. In relation to the currently active MDV Nomination change,
the Nomination End Date will be changed to be coincident with the Fuel Gas change effective

9.3. Banked Gas Account (BGA) Reporting

9.3.1. Banked Gas Account Reporting Overview

For MSA Parties entering into a Gas Delivery Agreement, EGD shall keep a record (“Banked Gas
Account”) of the volume of gas delivered (credits) by the MSA Party to EGD in respect of one or
more end-use customers, and the volume of gas consumed (debits) at their respective service
locations of the end use customers.

Within EnTRAC a Banked Gas Account is created and maintained for each Pool Term of every
Pool that reaches its commencement date and become “Active”. The Banked Gas Account
consolidates data from a number of sources which becomes available at different points in time.
EnTRAC is able to present the consolidation of data related to Banked Gas Accounts in the form
of BGA reports.

There are two levels of BGA Reporting generated by EnTRAC:

• The BGA Summary Report aggregates data to a Pool level and each line is in relation to
a month in a Pool Term.
• The BGA Detailed Report (Active / Finalized) aggregates data to the account / contract
level in relation to a month in a Pool Term. The BGA Detailed Report includes data
pertaining to all the accounts (further subdivided if required to an LVDC contract level)
that were at some point in time associated to the Pool Term. Banked Gas Account
Reports are scheduled to be produced and available for viewing by the MSA Party on the
9 of each month.

The reference to the reporting month for a BGA Report in the context of providing delivery data is
in relation to a calendar month, and in the context of consumption data is in relation to the billing
month. For example, in relation to a January BGA Report, the delivery data reported are
coincident with the January calendar month. In relation to consumption, it would be consumption
that falls within the Pool term to an end-user in relation to their January gas bill. Note the billing
period pertaining to the end-users January bill may be for gas consumption that falls outside the
th th
calendar month of January, and could be for a period such as December 15 to January 15 .
EnTRAC however will report consumption to be coincident with a calendar month for the first

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month and last months of a Pool Term. This is to ensure wherever possible that only gas
consumed within the Pool Term is included in the Banked Gas Account reports for that Pool
Term. The exception to this rule is the reporting of Prior Period Adjustments (PPA’s).

The BGA Summary Screen and the Load Balancing Overview Screen will provide the MSA Party
with the best forecasted position of their BGA at the end of the Pool Term based upon the
information available at the time. When EnTRAC attempts to provide the forecasted BGA
balance, EnTRAC takes into account any authorized / accepted Load Balancing Transaction
Requests that fall within the remaining period of the Pool Term.

9.3.1. BGA Summary Report

The current BGA Summary screen is a report that can be downloaded by the MSA Party.

In addition historical BGA Summary reports can also be downloaded by the MSA Party selecting
the link to Download Historical BGA Summary reports. The MSA Party is able to select the
desired BGA Summary Report by the date the respective report was produced (e.g. February 9 ,

The BGA Summary screen permits the MSA Party to navigate to the BGA Report (Active /
Finalized) for a particular month.

The BGA Summary Report is produced for Pools with a status of Active, Expired and Finalized.
The BGA Summary Report provides the Estimated Consumption, Actual Consumption,
Deliveries, BGA Adjustments, Current Month BGA and Cumulative BGA for each month in the
Pool Term.

All volumes in this report are expressed in m3.

Report Header Field Name Report Header Field Name Description

Pool ID The number assigned by EnTRAC to uniquely identify the Pool.
Pool Name The name assigned by the MSA Party to identify the Pool.
Pool Point of Acceptance The Point of Acceptance specified as either Western or Ontario.
Pool Term Start Date The date the Pool Term will commence.
Pool Term End Date The date the Pool Term will expire.
BGA Tolerance Volume (m3) The volumetric tolerance represents the maximum value the
BGA Balance when expressed as an absolute value, is
permitted to exceed a zero balance at the end of the Pool
Current Date/Time This field is available only for current BGA Summary Reports.
The date and time this BGA Summary Report is downloaded

Report Body Field Name Report Body Field Name Description

Term Month The reporting month, and is segregated into Actual and
Forecasted months.
The “month” that a BGA Report pertains to, in the context of
providing delivery data it is in relation to a calendar month and
in the context of consumption data it is in relation to a billing
Effective MDV (m3) The MDV that was or are in effect for the reporting Term Month.
Estimated Consumption The Estimated Consumption is the aggregate Estimated
Consumption for each account included in the calculation of the
effective MDV for the Term Month.

Page 107 of 205

Actual Consumption The Actual Consumption column includes the billed
consumption, and any adjustment relating to a prior period for
each account during the reported billing cycle.

Deliveries Calendar Month MDV Deliveries and also reflects Suspensions,

Self-Suspensions, Make Up, unauthorized Suspension,
unauthorized Make Up, CDS, and Curtailment Gas Purchase.
BGA Adjustments BGA Adjustments reflect any manual adjustments that are
applied to the pool (this includes Title Transfers, UOG, BGA
Gas Purchases, BGA Gas Sales, PPA’s applied at the Pool
level). Volumes are banked from the 9 of the current month to
the 8 of the following month.
Current Month BGA The current month BGA volumetric imbalance (Actual and
Cumulative BGA The cumulative BGA volumetric imbalance (Actual and

9.3.2. BGA Detailed Report (Active / Finalized)

EnTRAC produces a monthly detailed BGA Report at the account level for all Pools in “Active”,
“Expired” and “Finalized” status.

There are two types of monthly detailed BGA Reports:

• Active - for Pools in “Active” and “Expired” status
• Finalized - for Pools in “Finalized”status
The BGA Detailed Reports are generated on the night of the 8 day of every month and are
available to users on the 9 .

The BGA Detailed Reports (Active / Finalized) include all the accounts associated to the Pool for
some duration to the respective Pool Term. This includes:
• accounts that were associated after the Pool was changed to a status of Locked for Flow,
• accounts that were disassociated during the Pool Term, and
• accounts for which a Prior Period Adjustment was applied to the BGA Report

A link to download the BGA Detailed Reports in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) format is
provided on the BGA Search Results Screen and on the BGA Summary Screen. A radial button
permits the selection of the Pool Term, and drop down lists permit the selection of the Month and
Year for the desired BGA Detailed Report. A link is also available on the BGA Summary screen.

BGA Detailed Report Header Section:

Report Header Field Name Report Header Field Name Description

Report Month The “month” that a BGA Report pertains to, in the context of
providing delivery and account status data it is in relation to a
calendar month and in the context of consumption data it is in
relation to a billing month.
MSA ID The number assigned by EnTRAC to uniquely identify the MSA
MSA Name The name that the MSA Party has provided as their Legal

Page 108 of 205

Pool ID The number assigned by EnTRAC to uniquely identify the Pool.
Pool Name The name that the MSA Party has assigned to the Pool.
Pool Term Start Date The date the Pool Term will commence.
Pool Term End Date The date the Pool Term will expire.
Pool Termination Effective The effective date the pool will be / is considered terminated.
Pool Point of Acceptance The Point of Acceptance of either Western or Ontario.
Pool MDV The MDV that was effective for the pool for the calendar month
coincident with the Report Month.
Report Unit The unit of measure that the volumetric information is displayed
in (e.g. m .
Number of Contracted Initial The number of accounts attached to the pool when the Pool
Accounts Status changed from “Pending” to “Locked for Flow” and the
initial MDV of the Pool Term was calculated and established.
Number of Finalized Accounts In respect to an Active BGA Report, the number of accounts
that have become finalized between the time when the Pool
Status changed to “Locked for Flow” and the time the BGA
Report was generated.

In respect to a Finalized BGA Report, the number of accounts

that have become finalized between the time when the Pool
Status changed to “Locked for Flow” and the time the Pool
Status changed to “Finalized”.
Number of Unreserved In respect to an Active BGA Report, the number of accounts
Accounts that have been removed from the Pool due to a Drop Request
or accounts removed due to an Enrol Request involving a
Vendor-to-Vendor Switch, between the time when the Pool
Status changed to “Locked for Flow” and the time the BGA
Report was generated.

In respect to a Finalized BGA Report, the number of accounts

that have been removed from the Pool due to a Drop Request
or accounts removed due to an Enrol Request involving a
Vendor-to-Vendor Switch, between the time when the Pool
Status changed to “Locked for Flow” and the time the Pool
Status changed to “Finalized”.
Number of Accounts Added In respect to an Active BGA Report, the number of accounts
During Pool Term that have been added to the pool after the Pool Status changed
to “Locked for Flow” and the time the BGA Report was
In respect to a Finalized BGA Report, the number of account
that have been added to the pool after the Pool Status changed
to “Locked for Flow” and the time the Pool Status changed to
Number of Current Accounts The Number of Contracted Initial Accounts
minus the Number of Finalized Accounts
plus the Number of Accounts Added During Pool Term up to
the point the BGA Report is generated.
This does not reflect the number of accounts contributing to the
Effective MDV for the reporting month.

Report Body Field Descriptions:

Report Field Name Report Field Description

Page 109 of 205

Report Month This is the month for which the report was generated and will
correspond with the billing cycle month for consumption and
calendar month for deliveries. The Report Month is populated
for each account on the report.
Account Name The name of the customer associated to the account number
on the Enbridge billing system and the name that will appear on
the customer’s bill.
Account Number The account number reflected on the customer’s gas bill.
Billing Option The billing option type elected by the MSA Party at Pool
creation and applied to all the associated accounts:
• Split Billing Without Consumption (for Pools that have
not elected the Collection Service (ABC)option)
• Gas Distributor Consolidated (for Pools that have
elected the Collection Service (ABC) option)
LVDC Number The Number or Unique Identifier that has been assigned to the
Large Volume Distribution Contract for customers billing on
Rate 100 or above.
If an account is billing on a General Service Rate (1, 6 and 9)
there is not be an associated LVDC number to the account,
therefore it will appear blank.
Account Status The status of the account at the time the BGA Report is
• Active – The customer’s account status is “active” on
the Enbridge billing system.
• Finalized – The customer’s account status is “finalized”
and no longer active on the Enbridge billing system.
• Unreserved – The account was associated to the pool
for a period of time but was no longer associated to the
pool on or before the end of the Report Month.
Accounts are unreserved or disassociated from a pool
through the submission of a Drop Request (submitted
by the MSA Party or customer) or the customer has
been successfully enrolled by another MSA Party
(Enrol – Vendor to Vendor Switch).
• Mid-Term Enrol (previously referred to as a Quasi add)
– The enroll request to add the account to the Pool was
accepted after the Pool status changed from “Pending”
to “Locked for Flow” or while the Pool was in “Active”
• Refolio – In isolated cases in the past the Enbridge
billing system assigned the customer a new account
number to re-align the customer with a preferred billing
cycle day. With the implementation of the new billing
system in September 2009, the practice of “refolioing”
account numbers is no longer required.
• CCL (Change Consumer Location) – The customer
notified Enbridge when requesting service at a new
location that they are moving from another location in
the Enbridge franchise area. When the customer is
assigned a new account number at their new location,
the MSA Party information is transferred to the
customer’s new account by EnTRAC.
• ROS (Reconnection Of Service) – In isolated scenarios
a customer’s account number is finalized on the
Enbridge billing system and then at some later point in

Page 110 of 205

time the customer’s service is re-instated for the same
location (and the customer has retained possession of
the location for the entire duration). As specified by
GDAR, at the time the customer requests re-
instatement of gas service, if the period between
finalization and reinstatement of service is less than or
equal to 60 days the MSA party information is
transferred to the customer’s new account by EnTRAC.
Billing Cycle Day The Enbridge billing system does not bill all accounts on a
single billing day, but distributes the billing of customers across
one of 21 “billing cycle days”.
Mass Market Accounts are assigned a Billing Cycle Day from
01 to 20.
Mass Market Accounts billing on “Collective Invoices” are
assigned a Billing Cycle Day of 21.
Large Business Accounts metered on the EnMAR systems are
assigned a Billing Cycle Day of either Billing Cycle Day 7 (and
they bill in the first half of the billing cycle month) or Billing
Cycle Day 21 (and they bill in the second half of the billing cycle
Area Code The Enbridge distribution system is divided into eight regions
and accounts are assigned an “Area Code”. The area code
represents the location of the gas meter and where service is
provided. The area codes are:
• 01 (Metro Toronto Region)
• 21 (Western Region)
• 35, 53 (Northern Region)
• 45,47 (Central Region)
• 65 (Eastern Region)
• 76 (Niagara Region)
Account Metered in EnMar Indicates if the account is metered on the EnMar system and
the account is considered to be a Large Business Account
(LBA). These accounts tend to be associated to higher
pressure gas meters or have a Large Volume Distribution
Contract and are billing on Rate 100 or above.
Account Status Effective Date The effective date of the reported Account Status.
Note: In the case of an Account Status being that of Finalized,
the Account Status Effective Date represents the date EnTRAC
received the finalization notification from the billing system and
may be different from the finalization effective date on the billing
system. This is required to ensure that in the case of
retroactive notices of account finalization, any subsequent
reversal of previously billed consumption charges can be
properly banked and reported to the MSA Party. The effective
date of an account finalization (or move out date) from a
consumption reporting perspective is provided to MSA Type of
Agent through the receipt of a TOS Transaction or a CCL
Rate The Rate number associated to the customer’s account number
which represents the OEB approved Rate Schedule used by
the billing system to generate and calculate the customer’s gas
General Service Customer (GSC) Rates are 1, 6 and 9.
Large Volume Distribution Contract (LVDC) Rates are 100 and

Page 111 of 205

MDV (Mean Daily Volume) The MDV for each account / LVDC contract that was used to
establish the MDV that would have been effective on the
beginning of the reporting.
Billing Cycle Start Date The start date of the consumption period.
Billing Cycle End Date The end date of the consumption period.
Actual Consumption The Actual Consumption column includes the billed
consumption for each account during the reported billing cycle
and does not include any PPA (Prior Period Adjustment)

For accounts involved in a Change Consumer Location (CCL)

where a customer has moved from one location to another in
the EGD franchise area, the actual billed consumption is
displayed in relation to the new account number and not the
original account number (associated to the new moved to

Actual Consumption The Actual Consumption Adjustment column includes the

Adjustment consumption adjustments that were billed for each account
during the reported billing cycle month. The consumption
adjustments are applied at the account level for any
consumption PPAs that were applied by EnTRAC. If any
manual consumption PPAs were applied at the pool level, they
are reported in the Pool Transactions row.
Adjustment to Estimated The purpose of this adjustment is to attempt to provide a more
Consumption: reasonable Forecasted BGA balance.

For the first month of a Pool Term, the billing system is

designed in the absence of an actual meter reading, to estimate
the portion of the customer’s monthly billed consumption
coincident with the after the commencement date of the Pool

For the last month of a Pool Term, the billing system is

designed in the absence of an actual metering, to estimate the
portion of the customer’s monthly billed consumption coincident
with the period before the end date of the Pool Term.

EnTRAC will reflect in the Pool BGA Report the consumption

provided by the billing system associated to the account for the
period between the commencement date and end date of the
Pool Term (or the period the account was associated to the
Pool Term)

As the Estimated Consumption used to determine the account’s

MDV was based upon a full billing month of consumption
EnTRAC is designed to similarly split the Estimated
Consumption Volume to be partially apportioned to the bill for
the first month of the Pool Term and partially to the last bill
received in the month following the last month in the Pool Term.

The “Adjustment to Estimated Consumption” is made to

attribute a portion of the first month Estimated Consumption
volume to what will be billed consumption in the 13 month of
the Pool Term (or for Pool Term that is not 12 months, the Pool
Term plus one month).

Page 112 of 205

The “Adjustment to Estimated Consumption” column is only
populated in the BGA Report for the first month of a contract
term and for the month after the last month in the Pool Term
(13 month report based on a 12 month Pool Term, or in the
case of a Pool Term greater than 12 months, the Pool Term
plus one month).

In the first month of a contract term the adjustment value will

usually be a positive volume, as the adjustment amount is
deducted from the Forecasted BGA Balance.

In the first month that the Pool Term changes to “Expired”

status, the adjustment value is stored as a negative volume, as
the adjustment amount is deducted from the Forecasted BGA

The adjustment is calculated as follows:

(Estimated consumption for the first month of the Pool Term) /
(number of days in the first month billing cycle) * (number of
days between the first month billing cycle start date and Pool
Term start date).

For example, if an account was on a pool with a

commencement date of January 1 and had an estimated
consumption for January equal to 1,000 m3 and a billing cycle
th th
that runs from December 5 to January 5 , then the adjustment
would be equal to:
1,000 / 31* 26 = 813 m3

There is one exception case that must be handled. In rare

cases for an account that is associated to the Pool, the billing
system generates a bill in the month that immediately precedes
the commencement of a Pool Term with a billing period that
crosses over into the Pool Term. For example, if the Pool Term
commences in January, a December bill is produced with billing
period that ends in early January. This is called a “0 month
bill”. Therefore, EnTRAC will receive two bills that contain
consumption for the first month of the Pool Term. The
consumption for the December and the January bill will be
reported as occurring in month one (January) on the BGA
report, and will be included in the Invoice Rate Ready (IRR)
transaction associated with month one (January).

In this case, the Actual Consumption for the first month would
be greater than the first month estimated consumption.
Therefore, EnTRAC generates an adjustment to estimated
consumption that would increase the estimate for the first
month consumption.

In this case, the estimate for the first month’s estimate is

calculated as follows:
(-1) * (Estimated consumption for the first report month of the
Pool Term) / (number of days in the first billing cycle) * (number
of days between the Pool Term start date and the first billing
cycle start date)

Page 113 of 205

For example, if an account was on a pool with a
commencement date of January 1 and had an estimated
consumption for January equal to 1,000 m3 and a billing cycle
that runs from Dec 3 to January 2 (December gas bill) and
January 3 to February 2 (January gas bill), then the adjustment
would be equal to:
(-1) * 1,000 / 29 * 2 = -69 m3

The Finalized BGA Report does not report any Adjustment to

Estimated Consumption and is populated with N/A.

Estimated Consumption An Estimated Consumption volume is reported for each

account associated to the Pool if it has contributed to the
calculation of the effective MDV coincident with the Report
Month. The determination of the Estimated Consumption is
discussed in Contract Management Transaction Rules.

If an account is enrolled to the Pool mid-term and at the point in

time the BGA Report is produced EnTRAC has not
automatically re-established the MDV for the Pool, the account
is deemed for the purposes of BGA reporting to have monthly
estimated consumption volumes of 0 m3 for the remainder of
the Pool Term.

The Finalized BGA Report does not report any Estimated

Consumption and is populated with N/A.

For accounts involved in a CCL, the estimated consumption is

displayed in relation to the original account number and not the
new account number (associated to the new moved to
Calendar Month MDV In order to provide an estimated BGA balance for each account,
Deliveries deliveries are required for each account. Since deliveries are
provided at the pool level, the Forecasted BGA Report
estimates the account deliveries as follows:
Account MDV * number of days during the calendar month

The Finalized BGA Report does not report any Calendar Month
MDV Deliveries.

Delivery Adjustment Manual Delivery Adjustments are reported on the Pool

Transactions line of the Active BGA Report when applicable.

Delivery Adjustments reflect any changes to the delivery

information received by EnTRAC.

Delivery Adjustments are reflected on the Active BGA Report

and the first Finalized BGA Report for the Pool Term.
Title Transfer Sale Title Transfer Sales are reported at the Pool level and include
any Seller Title Transfers for the Pool approved during the
calendar month of the Report Month.

If the Seller Title Transfer is for a purpose of Load Balancing, it

is included in the Active BGA Report.

Page 114 of 205

If the Seller Title Transfer is for a purpose of BGA Disposition,
it is included in the Finalized BGA Report.
Title Transfer Purchase Title Transfer Purchases are reported at the Pool level and
include any Buyer Title Transfers for the Pool approved during
the calendar month of the Report Month.

If the Buyer Title Transfer is for a purpose of Load Balancing, it

is included in the Active BGA Report.

If the Buyer Title Transfer is for a purpose of BGA Disposition, it

is included in the Finalized BGA Report.
Suspension Suspension transactions (with the exception of Self
Suspensions) are reported at the Pool level.

Self Suspension transactions are reported at the account level.

All Suspensions are reported that occurred coincident within the

calendar month of the reporting period.

If the Suspension transaction is for a purpose of Load

Balancing, it is included in the Active BGA Report.

If the Suspension is for a purpose of BGA Disposition, it is

included in the Finalized BGA Report.
Make Up Make Up transactions are reported at the Pool level.

All Make Up transactions are reported that occurred coincident

within the calendar month of the reporting period.

If the Make Up transaction is for a purpose of Load Balancing, it

is included in the Active BGA Report.

If the Make Up transaction is for a purpose of BGA Disposition,

it is included in the Finalized BGA Report.
Gas Purchase Gas Purchases are reported at the pool level and include the
total Gas Purchase volume for requests automatically executed
by EnTRAC or that were requested by the customer through
the Load Balancing screen.
Volumes are reported from the 8 of the current month to the
7 of the following month. For example, volumes approved
January 8 to February 7 are reported in the January BGA

Gas Purchases are only applied to Finalized Pool Terms, and

are therefore only applied to the Finalized BGA Report.
Gas Purchase Adjustment Gas Purchase Adjustments are reported at the pool level and
include any manual adjustments made to the Gas Purchase
volumes during the reporting month. Volumes are banked
th th
from the 9 of the current month to the 8 of the following

Gas Purchase Adjustments are included on either the Active

BGA Report or the Finalized BGA Report.
Gas Sale Gas Sales are reported at the pool level and include the total
Gas Sale volume for requests automatically executed by

Page 115 of 205

EnTRAC or that were requested by the customer through the
Load Balancing screen.
th th
Volumes are banked from the 8 of the current month to the 7
of the following month.

Gas Sales are only applied to Finalized Pool Terms, and are
therefore only be applied to the Finalized BGA Report.
Gas Sale Adjustment Gas Sale Adjustments are reported at the pool level and
include any manual adjustments made to the Gas Sale volumes
during the reporting month. Volumes are banked from the 9 of
the current month to the 8 of the following month.

Gas Sale Adjustments are included on either the Active BGA

Report or the Finalized BGA Report.
Supply UOG Supply UOG volumes for a pool are reflected at the pool level
and include any Supply UOG that occurred in the previous
calendar month prior to the reporting month of the BGA Report.
For example, any Supply UOG that occurred between January
1 and January 31 is reported on the BGA Report for the
reporting month of March.

Curtailment UOG appears on the next BGA Report after the

consumption data is received and updated within EnTRAC.
The reporting of Curtailment UOG may be delayed a number
months after the actual Curtailment instance.

Supply UOG for the EDA and CDA are consolidated into one
Supply UOG volume.
Supply UOG Adjustment Supply UOG Adjustments and Curtailment UOG adjustments
are reported at the pool level and include on the current Active
BGA Report any manual adjustments made to the Supply UOG
volumes. It also includes any Curtailment UOG volumes that
were processed in the period between the preceding and
current Active BGA Report being generated. Volumes are
th th
banked from the 9 of the current month to the 8 of the
following month.

Supply UOG Adjustments for the EDA and CDA are

consolidated into one Supply UOG Adjustment volume.
Unauthorized Suspension Unauthorized Suspensions are reported at the pool level and
include the MDV volume of the pool if a Nomination has not
been submitted and approved by EnTRAC plus the delivery
volumes on any given day during the calendar month of the
Report Month that are less than the approved delivery
requirements authorized through EnTRAC.

Delivery requirements for a pool are determined on a daily

basis as follows:
Approved Nomination request – Approved Suspension requests
+ Approved Make Up Requests

Unauthorized Make Up Unauthorized Make Ups are reported at the pool level and
include the actual delivery volumes on any given day during the
calendar month of the Report Month that were in excess of the
delivery requirements authorized through EnTRAC during the

Page 116 of 205

calendar period of the Report Month.

Delivery requirements for a pool are determined on a daily

basis as follows:
Approved Nomination request – Approved Suspension requests
+ Approved Make Up Requests
BGA Adjustment BGA Adjustments reflect any manual adjustments applied to
the pool and are reported at the pool level.
th th
Volumes are banked from the 9 of the current month to the 8
of the following month.
Curtailment Gas Purchase Curtailment Gas Purchases are executed during curtailment
instances when Enbridge purchases the deliveries that are
received from interruptible customers that are curtailed.

Curtailment Gas Purchases are reported at the pool level and

capture all the Curtailment Gas Purchases processed by
EnTRAC for the accounts in the pool during the calendar period
of the Report Month.
Curtailment Gas Purchase adjustments are reflected in the
Curtailment Gas Purchase column.

Reversals of Curtailment Gas Purchases are reflected a

negative values.
CDS Deliveries CDS Deliveries may be provided during curtailment instances
and are captured at the account level. Since deliveries are
related to a flowing pool, CDS Deliveries are only included on
the Active BGA Report.
Previous Cumulative BGA The Previous Cumulative BGA column includes the Cumulative
BGA balances at an account and pool level from the previous
month’s report.

For the first month of the Active BGA report, it is equal to 0 m3.

The first month of the Finalized BGA Report is equal to the

Cumulative BGA balance on the previous month’s Active BGA
Current Month BGA The Current Month BGA is calculated at both the account and
pool level based on the data contained in the report.

For the Active BGA Report, the Current Month BGA is equal to:
+ Actual Consumption
+ Actual Consumption Adjustment
- Calendar Month MDV Deliveries
- Delivery Adjustment
+ Title Transfer Sale
- Title Transfer Purchase
+ Suspension
- Make Up
+ Gas Purchase
+ Gas Purchase Adjustment
- Gas Sale
- Gas Sale Adjustment
- Supply UOG (includes Curtailment UOG)
- Supply UOG Adjustment (includes Curtailment UOG

Page 117 of 205

+ Unauthorized Suspension
- Unauthorized Make Up
+ BGA Adjustment (includes Curtailment Gas Purchase
+ Curtailment Gas Purchase
- CDS Deliveries
Cumulative BGA The Cumulative BGA is a combination of the Previous
Cumulative BGA and the Current Month BGA. It provides a
year-to-date BGA balance for each account at the pool level.

It is important to note that the account level BGA balances do

not include any load balancing (with the exception of Self
Suspensions) since the load balancing transactions are
provided at the pool level.

Note: A new report format for the BGA Detailed Report takes / took effect January 31, 2012.
Therefore when viewing historical BGA Detailed Reports produced prior to January 31 , 2012,
these reports will reflect the columns that would have appeared on the reports when they were
originally produced. The following columns will still appear on historical BGA Detailed Report
produced prior to January 31 , 2012:
• Previous Cumulative Forecasted / Finalized BGA
• Current Month Forecasted / Finalized BGA
• Cumulative Forecasted / Finalized BGA

Duration of Active BGA Period

Pools with a term equal to 12 months reflect an Active BGA period equal to 12 months.

Pools with a term that is between 13 and 23 months reflect an Active BGA period equal to the
number of months of the Pool Term. For example, if a pool had a term of 16 months, then the
Active BGA period would be 16 months.

Pools with a term that is 24 months or greater will have multiple Active BGA periods that are 12
months in length and correspond with the Anniversary Date(s) of the pool.

Pools that are early terminated have an Active BGA period equal to the early terminated Pool

Application of Make Up, Suspension, and Title Transfer Requests

Make Up, Suspension (including Self Suspensions), and Title Transfer (including Enhanced Title
Transfers (ETTs) and BGA Rollover Title Transfers) requests for the purpose of Load Balancing
are applied to the Active BGA. Make Up, Suspension, and Title Transfer requests for the
purpose of BGA Disposition are applied to the Finalized BGA.

A service charge for a BGA Rollover Title Transfer is $0.22/GJ effective October 1, 2008.

A service charge for an Enhanced Title Transfer is applicable as per Rider H in the Rate

A service charge for an In-franchise Title Transfer between Pools within different Receipt or
Delivery Points (e.g. Western versus Ontario) is applicable as per the Rate Handbook.

Updating of BGA Balances

Page 118 of 205

Volumes are banked on the EnTRAC screens as soon as the volumes are calculated and
approved. Volumes are banked in the BGA Report according to the BGA Report rules.

Make Up, Suspension, and Title Transfer requests that are approved are included in the
computation of Forecasted or Finalized BGA balances.

Make Up and Suspension requests are applied to the Active or Finalized BGA of the respective
Pool Term shown on the EnTRAC screens immediately following the request approval. Make Up
and Suspension requests are reflected on the respective BGA Report (i.e.) a Make Up or
Suspension request for the month of May, will show on the BGA Report generated the night of
June 8 . Suspension and Make Up volumes are reported under Pool Transactions (with the
exception of Self Suspensions displayed at account level) or Pool Future Transactions

If actual deliveries do not correspond with the approved Make Up or Suspension request, the
Forecasted or Finalized BGA are adjusted and reflected on the EnTRAC screens immediately
after being received and processed by EnTRAC. These adjustments are reflected on the BGA
Report as unauthorized suspensions and unauthorized make ups. These unauthorized volumes
are reported in the BGA Report by calendar month. For example, an unauthorized suspension
request for the period January 1 through January 31st is banked in the January BGA Report and
any applicable dollars is paid in conjunction with the January Invoice Remittance Statement

Title Transfer requests made by the Initiator are applied to the Forecasted or Finalized BGA of
the respective pool shown on the EnTRAC screens immediately following the request approval
(status is Approved or Pending Approval From Counterparty). Title Transfer requests are
reflected on the BGA Report after the Title Transfer Status is approved and volumes are banked
st st
by calendar month. For example, title transfers approved between January 1 and January 31
are banked in the January BGA Report and any applicable dollars paid in the January IRS.

Title Transfer requests made by the Counterparty are applied to the Forecasted or Finalized BGA
of the respective pool shown on the EnTRAC screens immediately following the request approval.
Title Transfer requests are reflected on the BGA Report after the Title Transfer Status is
approved and volumes are banked by calendar month. For example, title transfers approved
st st
between January 1 and January 31 are banked in the January BGA Report and any applicable
dollars paid in the January IRS.

Title Transfer requests approved for the Initiator and that are rescinded or declined prior to being
accepted and approved for the Counterparty, the Forecasted or Finalized BGA for the Initiator are
adjusted as if the Initiators Title Transfer request was declined and are reflected on the EnTRAC
screens immediately after being processed by EnTRAC. Only Title Transfers with Approved
status are reflected on the BGA Report. Title Transfers with status “Pending Approval From
Counterparty” will not be banked in the BGA Report.
Once a title transfer is approved, it cannot be reversed. If this situation arises, a new title transfer
request would have to be created with the opposite banking effect and the request would require
approval and a request to authorize would need to be submitted to the Contract Support and
Compliance Department.

Unauthorized Make Up and Unauthorized Suspensions are applied to the Forecasted BGA of the
respective pool shown on the EnTRAC screens immediately after the actual deliveries for the
pool have been received and processed by EnTRAC. Unauthorized Make Up and Unauthorized
Suspensions are reflected on the BGA Report by calendar month. Unauthorized suspensions
and unauthorized make ups are usually calculated two days after the delivery date. For example,
st rd
an unauthorized suspension for January 1 is calculated on January 3 , the volume is banked to

Page 119 of 205

the EnTRAC screen on January 3 and is banked in the January BGA Report created on the
night of February 8 .

9.3.3. Notification of Critical BGA Balances

A notification is sent to the Messages box on the EnTRAC homepage of the MSA Party each time
the Forecasted BGA for a Pool Term is updated and is in excess of 5.5% times the contractually
required MDV Deliveries for the Pool Term.

A notification is sent to the Messages box on the EnTRAC homepage of the MSA Party and the
MSA Sponsor each time the Forecasted BGA for a pool is updated and is in excess of 13.75%
times the contractually required MDV deliveries for the Pool Term.

9.3.4. Management and Reporting of Prior Period Adjustments

Prior Period Adjustments (PPAs) can include changes to delivery or consumption information
previously posted in EnTRAC.

The receipt of changes to delivery or consumption information previously posted to EnTRAC may
require the recalculation of and adjustment to the contractual related compliance charges. Any
calculations previously performed by EnTRAC will not automatically be recalculated by EnTRAC
upon the receipt of data that requires processing as a PPA. All recalculations would need to be
performed manually outside of EnTRAC system and then any resulting adjustments entered
manually into EnTRAC.

PPA’s relating to consumption and deliveries for the purposes of BGA Reporting will be reflected
in the Report Month they are processed and will not be applied retroactively to the Report Month
that the PPA was effective for.

Notification of Prior Period Adjustments

A message is sent to the Messages section on the home page of the MSA Party in the event a
PPA is applied at the account level. The message is generated once the preceding BGA Report
is generated and ready for downloading. Any PPAs applied at the pool level do not generate a
message to the home page of the MSA Party.

Prior Period Adjustment Banking Matrix

EnTRAC applies PPA’s pertaining to consumption volumes based upon the banking / reporting
rules based captured in the following matrix.

Cas Original Account Current Status Current Account PPA Banking

e Association of Original Association Rules
MSA Pool Billing MSA Pool Billing MSA Pool MSA Pool
Optio Optio
n n
1 (a) A 1 ABC Active Active Non- A 2 A 1
1 (b) A 1 ABC Active Active ABC A 1 A 1
1 (c) A 1 ABC Active Active ABC A 2 A 1
1 (d) A 1 ABC Active Active ABC B 3 A 1
1 (e) A 1 ABC Active Active -- System System A 1

Page 120 of 205

Gas Gas
2 (a) A 1 ABC Active Inactive Non- A 2 A Excep
ABC tion
2 (b) A 1 ABC Active Inactive ABC A 2 A 2
3 (a) A 1 ABC Active Inactive Non- B 3 A Excep
ABC tion
3 (b) A 1 ABC Active Inactive ABC B 3 A Excep
4 A 1 ABC Active Inactive -- System System A Excep
Gas Gas tion
5 A 1 ABC Inactive Inactive -- -- -- Internal Not
Report banke
6 (a) A 1 Non- Active Active ABC A 2 A 1
6 (b) A 1 Non- Active Active Non- A 1 A 1
6 (c) A 1 Non- Active Active Non- A 2 A 1
6 (d) A 1 Non- Active Active Non- B 3 A 1
6 (e) A 1 Non- Active Active -- System System A 1
ABC Gas Gas
7 (a) A 1 Non- Active Inactive ABC A 2 A 2
7 (b) A 1 Non- Active Inactive Non- A 2 A 2
8 (a) A 1 Non- Active Inactive ABC B 3 A Excep
ABC tion
8 (b) A 1 Non- Active Inactive Non- B 3 A Excep
ABC ABC tion
9 A 1 Non- Active Inactive -- System System A Excep
ABC Gas Gas tion
10 A 1 Non- Inactive Inactive -- -- -- Internal Not
ABC Report banke
11 SG SG -- Active Active -- A 1 No No
Action Action
12 SG SG -- Active Active -- System System No No
Gas Gas Action Action

Prior Period Adjustment Banking Matrix Legend

Cell Value Description

Exception Refer to the section below entitled “ Banking of Exception Cases”
Internal Report The PPA cannot be automatically applied by EnTRAC to the volumetric and financial
banking by EnTRAC but is captured in an internal Enbridge exception report and processed
Not Banked The PPA cannot be automatically applied to the volumetric and financial banking by
EnTRAC but may be banked manually by Enbridge on a case by case basis.
No Action The PPA is not applied to the volumetric and financial banking by EnTRAC and is not
captured on a PPA exception report for manual banking.

Page 121 of 205

Banking of Exception Cases

In the event that the PPA Banking for a pool is identified as an exception, the following criteria are
applied on a step by step basis (as identified below) until a unique pool has been identified.

i. Identify any Active Pools that are currently associated to the Original MSA.
ii. Identify any Active Pools with the same Billing Option as the Original Pool.
iii. If the Original Pool was a Pool to which the Billing Option “Collection Service (ABC)” was
applicable and there are currently no Active Pools associated to the Original MSA where the
Billing Option “Collection Service (ABC) “ is applicable, then the PPA is manually processed
on a case by case basis.
iv. If the Billing Option “Collection Service (ABC) “ was not applicable to the Original Pool and
the Billing Option “Collection Service (ABC) “ is applicable to all the Active Pools currently
associated to the Original MSA, then the PPA is applied to one of those Active pools that the
Billing Option “Collection Service (ABC) “ is applicable.
v. Identify the Active pool(s) that has the greatest number of days between the current date and
the Pool Term End Date.
vi. Identify the Active pool(s) with the greatest MDV.
vii. Identify the Active pool with the earliest creation date.
viii. If no unique pool is identified, the PPA is processed manually on a case by case basis.

Example of Interpretation of Banking Matrix

For scenario 2(a):

a) The account was originally on ABC Pool “1” associated to MSA “A” (original account
b) Pool “1” is now inactive, but MSA “A” is still active and may still have other pools that are
active (current status of original).
c) The account is currently on Non-ABC pool “2” which belongs to the same MSA “A” (current
account association)
d) The PPA to be applied pertains to a consumption period which corresponds to the period
where the account was associated to ABC Pool “1” associated to MSA “A”.
e) The Banking Billing Option Exception Cases is applied to identify a pool within MSA “A”
(proposed banking).

9.4. Banked Gas Balancing and Load Balancing Transaction


9.4.1. Banked Gas Balancing and Load Balancing Overview

The MSA Party delivering gas to Enbridge in relation to a Gas Delivery Agreement may take
steps and actions referred to as “Load Balancing” during the term of a Pool, in order to attempt to
balance the actual aggregate volumes of gas delivered to Enbridge versus consumed by the end
use customers as reflected in Banked Gas Account report. As there are periods during the year
where Enbridge is unable to accommodate “Load Balancing” requests from an MSA Party, the
Contract Support and Compliance Department will periodically update and communicate the
future availability (expressed as a volume in cubic metres (m3)) through the updating of the Load

Page 122 of 205

Balancing Allowances Screen within EnTRAC. Any “Load Balancing” requests submitted by an
MSA Party will be evaluated in the context of “Load Balancing Allowances” by EnTRAC.

Upon the expiry of a Pool Term, in order to attempt to clear any imbalance between the actual
aggregate volumes of gas delivered to Enbridge and volumes consumed by the end use
customers during the Pool Term as reflected in the “finalized” Banked Gas Account, the MSA
Party may take steps and actions referred to as ‘Load Balancing” for the purpose of “BGA

EnTRAC includes functionality for the MSA Party to submit Load Balancing requests when
specific criteria are met for the purpose of:
• Load Balancing (in relation to a Pool Term)
• BGA Disposition (in relation to a Pool Term)
• Self Suspension (in relation to an account with an active LVDC associated to a Pool)

The ability for an MSA Party to perform activities such as Create New, Edit, or Rescind a Load
Balancing request is based upon the following:
• Status of the Pool Term (Active, Expired, Finalized and Terminated)
• Type of Load Balancing Request (such as Make Up, Pool Suspension, LVDC Self
• Status of the Load Balancing Request (Pending, Active, Expired, Rescinded,
Authorization Required, Authorization Declined, Authorization Period Expired)

The following table outlines the permitted activities for an MSA Party in relation to Load Balancing
Requests and their status.

Load Balancing Type Load Balancing Status Permitted Activities

Make-Up Pending View, Edit, Rescind
Make-Up Active View, Rescind
Make-Up Expired View
Make-Up Authorization Required View
Make-Up Authorization Declined View
Make-Up Authorization Period View
Make-Up Rescinded View
Suspension - Pool Pending View, Edit, Rescind
Suspension - Pool Active View, Rescind
Suspension - Pool Expired View
Suspension - Pool Authorization Required View
Suspension - Pool Authorization Declined View
Suspension - Pool Authorization Period View
Suspension - Pool Rescinded View
Self Suspension - LVDC Pending View, Edit, Rescind
Self Suspension - LVDC Active View, Rescind
Self Suspension - LVDC Expired View
Self Suspension - LVDC Authorization Required View
Self Suspension - LVDC Authorization Declined View
Self Suspension - LVDC Authorization Period View
Self Suspension - LVDC Rescinded View

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All volumes displayed in the Load Balancing Overview screen do not include any fuel gas volume

9.4.2. Load Balancing Allowances

Load Balancing Allowances are entered into EnTRAC by the Contract Support and Compliance
Department, and reflect Enbridge’s operational ability in conjunction with each day for EnTRAC to
process and authorize Load Balancing Requests (such as Suspensions and Make-up Requests)
submitted by MSA Parties in relation to their Pools. Note: Self Suspensions are not validated or
updated against Load Balancing Allowances.

Load Balancing Allowances entered into EnTRAC as a volume are expressed in cubic metres
(m .

The Load Balancing Allowances are applicable to all pools.

The Load Balancing Allowances are defined on a daily basis for each pipeline point, and they are
applicable for the Gas Day and not the Calendar day.

Historical Load Balancing Allowances may be viewed up to 7 years in the past where available.

9.4.3. Creating a Make Up Request and Nomination

An MSA Party is able to create a Make Up Request in the Nomination Overview screen, the Load
Balancing Overview screen or the Search Load Balancing Results screen within EnTRAC.
The Make Up Daily Volume in the Make Up Nomination section expressed in cubic metres (m ) is
converted by EnTRAC into GJs.

The Make Up Days field displays the duration of the period from the Make Up Start Date to the
Make Up End Date.

The deliveries for a Make Up Request is incremental to the deliveries for a MDV Nomination
(MDV) request.

The daily Make Up Request Volume will be evaluated by EnTRAC in relation to the Load
Balancing Allowance Volume relevant to the requested Make Up period.

EnTRAC is able to automatically process and authorize Make Up Requests submitted by an MSA
Party if the following criteria are met:
 The Make Up Request is for a Pool Term with a status of Active if the Purpose is Load
Balancing. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this
 The Make Up Request is for a Pool Term with a status of Finalized if the Purpose is BGA
Disposition. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this
 A Make Up Request is not for a Pool Term with a status of Expired or Terminated. The
MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The submission date for the Make Up Request cannot be after the Make Up Request
Start Date. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this

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 If the Make Up Request Start Date is the 1st calendar day of any month then the submit
date must be at least three full calendar days before the Make Up Start Date. Requests
submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required submission lead time are
assigned a Load Balancing ID and the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party
must contact the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their Load
Balancing Transaction ID and request authorization.
 If the Make Up Request Start Date is not the 1st calendar day of any month then the
submit date must be at least three full calendar days before the Make Up Request Start
date (same as above). Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required
submission lead time are assigned a Load Balancing ID and the status “Authorization
Required”. The MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and Compliance
Department with their Load Balancing Transaction ID and request authorization.
 The Make Up Request Start and End Dates are within the Active Pool Term. The MSA
Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Make Up Request Start Date is greater than the Pool Term Commencement Date
and less than or equal to the Pool Term anniversary date if the Purpose is for Load
Balancing. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this
 The Make Up Request End Date must be greater than the Make Up Start Date. The
MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Make Up Request End Date cannot be after the beginning of the gas day for the
following month. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply
with this requirement.
 The month of a Make Up Request Start Date cannot be more than 1 calendar month in
the future. Example: If the current date falls within the month of January, the Make Up
Request Start Date must be within February. The MSA Party is not able to submit a
request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Make Up Request Start Date and the Make Up Request End Date cannot overlap
the period of another makeup request for the same purpose.
 The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this
 The Daily Make Up Request Volume is less than 5,000 GJ and greater than 1 GJ. Make
Up Requests submitted by the MSA Party for a Volume in excess of 5,000 GJ will be
assigned a Load Balancing ID and the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party
must contact the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their Load
Balancing ID and request authorization.
 The Supplier Mnemonic must be authorized by EnTRAC. The MSA Party is not able to
submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Daily Make Up Request Volume for each Delivery/Receipt Point in the Make Up
Request Nomination section for each day of the Make Up Request must not exceed the
Make Up Allowance volumes posted in EnTRAC for the corresponding Date and
Delivery/Receipt Point less any Make Up Requests that have been approved for the
corresponding Date and Delivery/Receipt Point. Requests submitted by the MSA Party
that do not meet this requirement are assigned a Load Balancing ID and the status
“Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and
Compliance Department with their Load Balancing ID and request authorization.
 If the Purpose of the Make Up Request is Load Balancing, the Pool Term has a
Forecasted BGA that is a positive value and the Total Daily Make Up Request Volume
multiplied by the Make Up Days must not exceed the absolute value of the Pool Term’s
Forecasted BGA. Requests submitted by the MSA Party that do not meet this
requirement are assigned a Load Balancing ID and the status “Authorization Required”.
The MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their
Load Balancing ID and request authorization.
 If the Purpose of the Make Up Request is BGA Disposition, the Pool Term has a
Finalized BGA that is a positive value and the Total Daily Make Up Volume multiplied by
the Make Up Days must not exceed the absolute value of the Pool Term’s Finalized BGA.

Page 125 of 205

Requests submitted by the MSA Party that do not meet this requirement are assigned a
Load Balancing ID and the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact
the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their Load Balancing ID and
request authorization.
 If the Purpose of the Make Up Request is BGA Disposition, the Pool Term has a
Finalized BGA that is a positive value. There does not need to be an Active Pool Term in
order for the request to be submitted.
 The sum of each Daily Delivery in the Make Up Request Nomination section must equal
the Total Daily Make Up Volume in the Make Up Request section. The MSA Party is not
able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Receipt/Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic combination for each line in the Make
Up Request Nomination section is unique. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request
that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Receipt/Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic combination for each line in the Make
Up Request Fuel section is unique. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that
does not comply with this requirement.
 All fields and/or rows noted with an asterisk must be completed. The MSA Party is not
able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.

9.4.4. Searching and Viewing a Make Up Request and Nomination

All Make Up Requests successfully submitted by an MSA Party within EnTRAC (including those
with status “Authorization Required”) are available for viewing the request details and status in
the Nomination Overview or the Load Balancing Overview screen.

9.4.5. Editing a Make Up Request and Nomination

An MSA Party is only able to edit a Make Up Request that is in Pending status.

An MSA Party is only permitted to edit a Make Up Request Nomination section in relation to the
Receipt/Delivery Point, Supplier Mnemonic, Daily Make Up Amount, and Additional Daily Fuel.
All other fields will remain the same as the original request.

An MSA Party is not permitted to edit / change the Total Daily Make Up Request Volume.

An MSA Party is permitted to edit / change the

• allocation of the volumes between different Receipt / Delivery Points
• Suppliers

To change the Total Daily Make Up Request Volume the MSA Party must rescind the original
request and enter a new Make Up request.

EnTRAC is able to automatically process the edited Make Up Request submitted by an MSA
Party if the following criteria are met:
 If the Make Up Request Start Date is the 1st calendar day of any month then the submit
date must be at least three full calendar days before the Make Up Start Date. Requests
submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required submission lead time are
assigned a Load Balancing Transaction ID and the status “Authorization Required”. The
MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their
Load Balancing Transaction ID and request authorization.
 If the Make Up Request Start Date is not the 1st calendar day of any month then the
submission date must be at least two full calendar days before the Make Up Request
Start Date. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required submission

Page 126 of 205

lead time are assigned a Load Balancing Transaction ID and the status “Authorization
Required”. The MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and Compliance
Department with their Load Balancing Transaction ID and request authorization.
 The Supplier Mnemonic must be authorized by EnTRAC. The MSA Party is not able to
submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Daily Make Up Request Volume for each Delivery / Receipt Point in the Make Up
Nomination section for each day of the Make Up Request must not exceed the Make Up
Allowance Volume posted in EnTRAC for the corresponding Date and Delivery/Receipt
Point less any Make Up Request that have been approved for the corresponding Date
and Delivery / Receipt Point. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not
comply with this requirement.
 The sum of each Daily Delivery in the Make Up Request Nomination section must equal
the Total Daily Make Up Request Volume in the Make Up Request section. Note: AN
MSA Party is unable to use the edit function to change the original Total Daily Make Up
Request Volume. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply
with this requirement.
 The Receipt / Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic combination for each line in the
Make Up Request Nomination section is unique. The MSA Party is not able to submit a
request that does not comply with this requirement.

If the edited Make Up request is approved, the previous Make Up request is replaced with the
edited Make Up Request, the Load Balancing ID remains the same, only the details are updated.

All Edited Make Up Requests successfully submitted by an MSA Party within EnTRAC (including
those with status “Authorization Required”) are available for viewing the request details and
status in the Nomination Overview or the Load Balancing Overview screen.

9.4.6. Rescinding a Make Up Request and Nomination

An MSA Party is able to submit a request to fully rescind a Make Up Request when it is in a
Pending status or it is the first day of the Make Up request. An MSA Party is able to submit a
request to partially rescind a Make Up Request when it is in a Pending or an Active status.

An MSA Party is able to fully rescind a Make Up Request by selecting the Rescind Radio button.

An MSA Party is able to partially rescind a Make Up Request by selecting the Change End Date
Radio button and specifying a new end date.

If a Make Up Request is rescinded, the total daily volume of the request will remain the same.
The total volume over the request period, which is equal to the number of days for the request
multiplied by the total daily volume, is reduced by the total daily volume of the request multiplied
by the difference between the original end date and the new end date. The Forecasted or
Finalized BGA is adjusted by the reduced amount based upon if the Purpose of the request was
for Load Balancing or BGA Disposition respectively. The Allowance Screen is adjusted for partial
or full rescinds (those volumes are then part of the Allowances again).

EnTRAC is able to automatically process and authorize a Rescind Request submitted by an MSA
Party if the following criteria are met:
 If the Make Up Request is in Active or Pending status, and a partial rescind is requested
then the new end date must be less than the current end date. The MSA Party is not able
to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 If the Make Up Request is in Pending status, and a complete rescind is selected with a
start date equal to the 1st calendar day of any month, then the submission date must be
at least three full calendar days before the start date of the Make Up request. Requests

Page 127 of 205

submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required submission lead time are
assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact the Contract
Support and Compliance Department with their Load Balancing Transaction ID and
request authorization.
 If the Make Up Request is in Pending status, and a complete rescind is requested with a
start date that is not the 1st calendar day of any month, then the submission date must
be at least three full calendar days before the start date of the Make Up request.
Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required submission lead time
are assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact the
Contract Support and Compliance Department with their Load Balancing Transaction ID
and request authorization.
 If the Make Up Request is in Active or Pending status, and a partial rescind is requested
with a new end date, then the submission date must be at least three full calendar days
before the new end date. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than the
required submission lead time are assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The
MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their
Load Balancing Transaction ID and request authorization.

All Rescind Requests successfully submitted by an MSA Party within EnTRAC (including those
with status “Authorization Required”) are available for viewing the request details and status in
the Nomination Overview or the Load Balancing Overview screen or from the Load Balancing
Search Results screen.

9.4.7. Creating a Pool Suspension Request and Nomination

An MSA Party is able to create a Suspension Request in the Nomination Overview or the Load
Balancing Overview screen in EnTRAC or from the Search Load Balancing results.

The Suspension Request Daily Volume in the Suspension Request Nomination section
expressed in cubic metres (m ) is converted by EnTRAC into GJs.

The Suspension Days field displays the duration of the period from the Suspension Request Start
Date to the Suspension Request End Date.

For Pools with a Western Point of Acceptance, if the FT- Assignment Required field contains the
value “Yes”, then an FT- Transportation Assignment (FT-Assignment) must be executed prior to
the Start Date of the Suspension Request. If an FT - Transportation Assignment is not executed
prior to the Start Date of the Suspension Request, then the Suspension request is rescinded. For
pools with a Western Point of Acceptance, if the FT-Assignment Required field contains the value
“No”, then an FT – Transportation Assignment agreement is not required to be executed.

EnTRAC is able to automatically process and authorize a Pool Suspension Request submitted by
an MSA Party if the following criteria are met:
 The submission date of the Suspension Request cannot be after the Suspension Start
Date. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this
 If the Purpose of the Suspension Request is Load Balancing and the Pool Term status is
Active. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this
 If the Purpose of the Suspension Request is Load Balancing and the Pool Term status is
Active, then the Total Daily Suspension Volume must be less than or equal to the MDV
that is effective for the duration of the Suspension Request. The MSA Party is not able
to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.

Page 128 of 205

 If the Purpose of the Suspension Request is Load Balancing and the Forecasted BGA is
a negative value (deliveries exceed consumption), then the Total Daily Suspension
Volume multiplied by the Suspension Days must not exceed the absolute value of the
Pool Term’s Forecasted BGA. Requests submitted by the MSA Party that do not meet
this requirement are assigned a Load Balancing Transaction ID and the status
“Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and
Compliance Department with their Load Balancing Transaction ID and request
 A Suspension request cannot be created for a Pool Term in Expired status. The MSA
Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 If the Pool Term has a status of Finalized the Purpose of the Suspension Request must
be BGA Disposition. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply
with this requirement.
 If the Purpose of the Suspension Request is BGA Disposition for Pool Term in Finalized
status, the same Pool must have a current Pool Term that is Active. The MSA Party is
not able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 If the Purpose of the Suspension is BGA Disposition and the Pool Term has a Finalized
BGA that is a negative value (deliveries exceed consumption), then the Total Daily
Suspension Volume multiplied by the Suspension Days must not exceed the absolute
value of the Finalized BGA for the Pool Term. Requests submitted by the MSA Party that
do not meet this requirement are assigned a Load Balancing Transaction ID and the
status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and
Compliance Department with their Load Balancing Transaction ID and request
 If the Purpose of the Suspension Request is BGA Disposition for a Pool in Finalized
status, the Total Daily Suspension Volume for the duration of the Suspension Request
must be less than or equal to the MDV that is effective for the next Pool Term with the
same Pool ID that is in Active status. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that
does not comply with this requirement.
 A Suspension request cannot be created for a Pool Term in Terminated status. The MSA
Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Suspension Start and End Dates must be coincident with dates that fall within the
Active Pool Term. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply
with this requirement.
 The Suspension Start Date and the Suspension End Date is not within the period of a
previously approved Suspension request with the same Purpose. The MSA Party is not
able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Suspension Start Date and the Suspension End Date are within the period of MDV
Nomination Start Date and MDV Nomination End Date of a single approved Nomination
request for the same Pool Term. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that
does not comply with this requirement.
 The Suspension Request End Date cannot be after the beginning of the gas day for the
following month. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply
with this requirement.
 The month of a Suspension Request Start Date cannot be more than 1 calendar month in
the future. Example: If the current date is within the month of January, the Suspension
Request Start Date must be within the months of January or February. The MSA Party is
not able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 If the Suspension Start Date for an Ontario Pool is the 1st calendar day of any month
then the submit date must be at least three full calendar days before the Suspension
Start Date. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required submission
lead time are assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact
the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their Load Balancing Transaction
ID and request authorization.
 If the Suspension Start Date for an Ontario Pool is not the 1st calendar day of any month
then the submit date must be at least three full calendar days before the Suspension

Page 129 of 205

Start date. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required submission
lead time are assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact
the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their Load Balancing Transaction
ID and request authorization.
 For all Western Pool suspensions, the submit date must be at least six full calendar days
before the Suspension Start Date if an FT-Assignment is required, and three full calendar
days if an FT-Assignment is not required. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with
less than the required submission lead time are assigned the status “Authorization
Required”. The MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and Compliance
Department with their Load Balancing Transaction ID and request authorization.
 The Suspension End Date must be greater than the Suspension Start Date. The MSA
Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Receipt/Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonics combinations in the Suspension
request correspond with the Receipt/Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic combinations
in the Nomination request for the same pool with the Active Pool Term for both the
Suspension Nomination and Suspension Fuel sections. The MSA Party is not able to
submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Daily Suspension Volume for each Receipt/Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic
combination in the Suspension request is less than or equal to the corresponding Daily
Nomination Volume for the Receipt/Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic combinations
in the Nomination request. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not
comply with this requirement.
 The Suspended Fuel Volume for each Receipt/Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic
combination in the Suspension request is less than or equal to the Fuel Volume for the
Receipt/Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic combinations in the Nomination request.
The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this
 The Supplier Mnemonic must be authorized by EnTRAC. The MSA Party is not able to
submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Daily Suspension Volume for each Delivery/Receipt Point in the Suspension
Nomination section for each day of the Suspension request must not exceed the
Suspension Allowance volumes posted in EnTRAC for the corresponding Date and
Delivery/Receipt Point less any Suspension requests that have been approved for the
corresponding Date and Delivery/Receipt Point. Requests submitted by the MSA Party
that do not meet this requirement are assigned a Load Balancing Transaction ID and the
status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and
Compliance Department with their Load Balancing Transaction ID and request
 The sum of each Daily Delivery in the Suspension Nomination section must equal the
Total Daily Suspension Volume in the Suspension Request section. The MSA Party is
not able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Receipt/Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic combination for each line in the
Suspension Nomination section is unique. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request
that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Receipt/Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic combination for each line in the
Suspension Fuel section is unique. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that
does not comply with this requirement.
 All fields and/or rows noted with an asterisk must be completed. The MSA Party is not
able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The maximum volume that can be suspended on any one gas day of the proposed
suspension, is the Effective MDV of the Active Pool Term less the Sum of any other
Suspensions for that day (for any Purpose), that are in a status of: ‘Active’, ‘Pending’ or
‘Authorization Required’, where the ‘Authorization Required’ Nomination has a previous
status of ‘Active’ or ‘Pending’.
 Suspension Start Date for BGA Disposition is greater than BGA Finalization Date and
equal to or less than BGA Disposition Deadline.

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9.4.8. Searching and Viewing a Pool Suspension Request and
All Suspension Requests successfully submitted by an MSA Party within EnTRAC (including
those with status “Authorization Required”) are available for viewing the request details and
status in the Nomination Overview, the Load Balancing Overview screen or the Load Balancing
Search Results screen.

9.4.9. Editing a Pool Suspension Request and Nomination

An MSA Party is able to edit a Suspension Request while it is in Pending status.

An MSA Party is able to edit a Suspension Request and its associated Nomination with respect to
the information included in the Suspension Nomination section pertaining to the Receipt / Delivery
Point, Supplier Mnemonic, Daily Suspension Amount, and Suspended Fuel Volume. The
information contained in all the other fields would remain the same as that which was contained in
the original nomination.

The Total Daily Suspension Volume cannot be changed, only the allocation of the volume
between different Receipt/Delivery Points or Suppliers. To change the Total Daily Suspension
Volume a rescind request is required prior to entering a new Suspension request.

If the edited Suspension request is approved, the previous Suspension request is replaced with
the edited Suspension request.

The FT Assignment requirement status of the original Suspension request will remain the same
on the edited Suspension request.

EnTRAC is able to automatically process and authorize a request to Edit a Suspension Requests
submitted by an MSA Party if the following criteria are met:
 If the Suspension Start Date of an Ontario pool is the 1st calendar day of any month then
the submit date must be at least three full calendar days before the Suspension Start
Date. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required submission lead
time are assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact the
Contract Support and Compliance Department with their Load Balancing Transaction ID
and request authorization.
 If the Suspension Start Date of an Ontario pool is not the 1st calendar day of any month
then the submit date must be at least three full calendar days before the Suspension
Start date. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required submission
lead time are assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact
the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their Load Balancing Transaction
ID and request authorization.
 For all Western Pool suspensions, the submit date must be at least six full calendar days
before the Suspension Start Date if an FT-Assignment is required, and three full calendar
days if an FT-Assignment is not required. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with
less than the required submission lead time are assigned the status “Authorization
Required”. The MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and Compliance
Department with their Load Balancing Transaction ID and request authorization.

Page 131 of 205

 The Receipt/Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonics combinations in the Suspension
request correspond with the Receipt / Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic
combinations in the Nomination request for the same pool with the Active Pool Term for
both the Suspension Nomination and Suspension Fuel sections. The MSA Party is not
able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Daily Suspension Volume for each Receipt / Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic
combination in the Suspension request is less than or equal to the corresponding Daily
Nomination Volume for the Receipt / Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic combinations
in the Nomination request. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not
comply with this requirement.
 The Suspended Fuel Volume for each Receipt / Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic
combination in the Suspension request is less than or equal to the Fuel Volume for the
Receipt / Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic combinations in the Nomination request.
The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this
 The Supplier Mnemonic must be authorized by EnTRAC. The MSA Party is not able to
submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Daily Suspension Volume for each Delivery / Receipt Point in the Suspension
Nomination section for each day of the Suspension request must not exceed the
Suspension Allowance volumes posted in EnTRAC for the corresponding Date and
Delivery / Receipt Point less any Suspension requests that have been approved for the
corresponding Date and Delivery/Receipt Point. Requests submitted by the MSA Party
that do not meet this requirement are assigned a Load Balancing Transaction ID and the
status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and
Compliance Department with their Load Balancing Transaction ID and request
 The sum of each Daily Delivery in the Suspension Nomination section must equal the
Total Daily Suspension Volume in the Suspension Request section. The MSA Party is not
able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Receipt / Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic combination for each line in the
Suspension Nomination section is unique. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request
that does not comply with this requirement.

9.4.10. Rescinding a Pool Suspension Request and Nomination

An MSA Party is able to submit a request to fully rescind a Suspension Request when it is in a
Pending status or it is the first day of the request. An MSA Party is able to submit a request to
partially rescind a Suspension Request when it is in a Pending or an Active status.

An MSA Party is able to fully rescind a Suspension Request by selecting the Rescind Radio

An MSA Party is able to partially rescind a Suspension Request by selecting the Change End
Date Radio button and specifying a new end date.

If a Suspension Request is rescinded, the total daily volume of the Request will remain the same.
The total volume over the request period, which is equal to the number of days for the
Suspension Request multiplied by the total daily volume, are reduced by the total daily volume of
the request multiplied by the difference between the original end date and the new end date. The
Forecasted or Finalized BGA is adjusted by the reduced amount based upon if the Purpose of the
request was for Load Balancing or BGA Disposition respectively. The Allowance Screen is
adjusted for partial or full rescinds (those volumes are then part of the Allowances again).

Page 132 of 205

EnTRAC is able to automatically process and authorize a request to Rescind a Suspension
Request submitted by an MSA Party if the following criteria are met:
 Either a new end date is selected or the complete rescind is selected.
 If the Suspension request for an Ontario pool is in Pending status, and a complete
rescind is selected with a start date equal to the 1st calendar day of any month, then the
submission date must be at least three full calendar days before the start date of the
Suspension request. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required
submission lead time are assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party
must contact the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their Load
Balancing Transaction ID and request authorization.
 If the Suspension request for an Ontario pool is in Pending status, and a complete
rescind is requested with a start date that is not the 1st calendar day of any month, then
the submission date must be at least three full calendar days before the start date of the
Suspension request. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required
submission lead time are assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party
must contact the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their Load
Balancing Transaction ID and request authorization.
 If the Suspension Request for a Western Pool is in pending status, and a complete
rescind is requested, the submission date must be at least six full calendar days before
the Suspension Start Date if an FT-Assignment is required, and three full calendar days if
an FT-Assignment is not required. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than
the required submission lead time are assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The
MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their
Load Balancing Transaction ID and request authorization.
 If the Suspension request for an Ontario pool is in Active or Pending status, and a partial
rescind is requested with a new end date equal to the 1st calendar day of any month,
then the submission date must be at least three full calendar days before the new end
date. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required submission lead
time are assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact the
Contract Support and Compliance Department with their Load Balancing Transaction ID
and request authorization.
 If the Suspension request for an Ontario pool is in Active or Pending status, and a partial
rescind is requested with a new end date not equal to the 1st calendar day of any month,
then submission date must be at least three full calendar days before the new end date.
Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required submission lead time
are assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact the
Contract Support and Compliance Department with their Load Balancing Transaction ID
and request authorization.
 If the Suspension Request for a Western Pool is in active or pending status, and a partial
rescind is requested, the submission date must be at least six full calendar days before
the Suspension Start Date if an FT-Assignment is required, and three full calendar days if
an FT-Assignment is not required. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than
the required submission lead time are assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The
MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their
Load Balancing Transaction ID and request authorization.
 If the Suspension request is in Active or Pending status, and a partial rescind is
requested, then the new end date must be less than the current end date. The MSA Party
is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.

All Rescind Requests successfully submitted by an MSA Party within EnTRAC (including those
with status “Authorization Required”) are available for viewing the request details and status in
the Nomination Overview or the Load Balancing Overview screen.

Page 133 of 205

9.4.11. Managing Upstream Capacity Assignments During a
The FT Assignment Status indicates when a Firm Transportation (FT) Assignment is applicable to
an MSA Party coincident with the period of a Suspension Request in relation to a Pool with a
Western Point of Acceptance.

The FT Assignment is effective upon the approval of the corresponding Suspension Request on
the Start Date of the Suspension.

9.4.12. Creating an LVDC Self-Suspension Request and Nomination

A Self-Suspension Request in relation to an LVDC associated to a Pool Term can be submitted if
all of the following criteria are met:
• the status of the Pool Term is “active” on the start date of the Self-Suspension Request
• the account is actively associated to the Pool on the start date of the Self-Suspension
• the LVDC is “active” on the start date of the Self-Suspension Request
• the LVDC contributed to the calculation of the MDV that would be in effect coincident with
the start date of the Self-Suspension Request

The specified start date of a Self-Suspension Request is coincident with the start of the
respective gas day. For example, if the specified start date is January 1, 2011, the Self-
Suspension would commence 10.00 a.m. on January 1, 2011.

The specified end date of a Self-Suspension Request is coincident with the start of the
respective gas day. For example, if the specified end date is January 1, 2011, the Self-
Suspension would commence 9:59 a.m. on January 1, 2011. Therefore, the end date of a
Self-Suspension indicates the beginning of the gas day where the Self-Suspension would no
longer be in effect.

The specified start date of a Self-Suspension Request cannot be a date in the past.

The specified start date of a Self-Suspension Request cannot be a date that is more than one
calendar month after the first day of the next calendar month.

For EnTRAC to automatically approve a Self-Suspension Request the specified start date must
be at least three full calendar days in the future. For example: if the current calendar date is
January 1, 2011, the start date must be no sooner than January 4, 2011.

If the specified start date of a Self-Suspension Request is less than three full days in the future
it will require manual authorization by the Contract Support and Compliance Department. If
the MSA Party enters a start date that is less than three full calendar days in the future,
EnTRAC will notify the MSA Party that the minimum submission time requirement has not been
met. If the MSA Party proceeds to confirm their request, EnTRAC will save the request and
assign it a ‘Load Balancing Id” and change the status to “Authorization Required”. The MSA
Party must contact the Contract Support and Compliance Department and request
authorization specifying the “Load Balancing Id”. If the Self-Suspension Request is not
authorized by the Contract Support and Compliance Department before the end of the
calendar day of the start date specified in the Self Suspension Request, EnTRAC will change
the status to “Authorization Expired” Or seven days from submission whichever is earlier.

Page 134 of 205

The duration of a Self-Suspension request cannot cross over the first of a calendar month.
Therefore, if an MSA Party would like a Self-Suspension request to start on January 15, 2011
and end on February 15, 2011, the MSA Party would need to submit two requests. The first
Self-Suspension Request would specify a start date of January 1, 2011 (at 10:00 a.m.) and an
end date February 1, 2011 (at 9:59 a.m.). The second Self-Suspension would specify a start
date of February 1, 2011 (at 10:00 a.m.) and an end date of February 16, 2011 (at 9:59 a.m.).

The daily Self-Suspension volume cannot exceed the contracted MDV for the LVDC
contributes to the Pool MDV that is in effect on the start date of the Self-Suspension Request.

A Self-Suspension Request in relation to an LVDC for an interruptible rate (such as 145 or 170)
will not be accepted for periods coincident with a Curtailment Instance.

9.4.13. Editing an LVDC Self-Suspension Request and Nomination

An MSA Party is able to submit a request to edit a Self-Suspension Request in relation to an
LVDC that is in a Pending status.

An MSA Party is able to edit a Self-Suspension Request and its associated Nomination with
respect to the information included in the Self-Suspension Nomination section pertaining to the
Receipt / Delivery Point, Supplier Mnemonic, Daily Suspension Amount, and Suspended Fuel
Volume. The information contained in all the other fields would remain the same as that which
was contained in the original nomination.

The Total Daily Self-Suspension Volume cannot be changed, only the allocation of the volume
between different Receipt/Delivery Points or Suppliers. To change the Total Daily Self-
Suspension Volume a rescind request is required prior to entering a new Self-Suspension

If the edited Self-Suspension request is approved, the previous Self-Suspension request is

replaced with the edited Self-Suspension request.

EnTRAC is able to automatically process and authorize a request to Edit a Self-Suspension

Requests submitted by an MSA Party if the following criteria are met:
 If the Self-Suspension Start Date of an Ontario pool is the 1st calendar day of any month
then the submit date must be at least three full calendar days before the Self-Suspension
Start Date. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required submission
lead time are assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact
the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their Load Balancing Transaction
ID and request authorization.
 If the Self-Suspension Start Date of an Ontario pool is not the 1st calendar day of any
month then the submit date must be at least three full calendar days before the Self-
Suspension Start date. Requests submitted by the MSA Party with less than the required
submission lead time are assigned the status “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party
must contact the Contract Support and Compliance Department with their Load
Balancing Transaction ID and request authorization.
 The Receipt/Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonics combinations in the Self-Suspension
request correspond with the Receipt / Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic
combinations in the Nomination request for the same pool with the Active Pool Term for
both the Self-Suspension Nomination and Self-Suspension Fuel sections. The MSA
Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Daily Self-Suspension Volume for each Receipt / Delivery Point and Supplier
Mnemonic combination in the Self-Suspension request is less than or equal to the

Page 135 of 205

corresponding Daily Nomination Volume for the Receipt / Delivery Point and Supplier
Mnemonic combinations in the Nomination request. The MSA Party is not able to submit
a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Self-Suspended Fuel Volume for each Receipt / Delivery Point and Supplier
Mnemonic combination in the Self-Suspension request is less than or equal to the Fuel
Volume for the Receipt / Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic combinations in the
Nomination request. The MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply
with this requirement.
 The Supplier Mnemonic must be authorized by EnTRAC. The MSA Party is not able to
submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The sum of each Daily Delivery in the Self-Suspension Nomination section must equal
the Total Daily Self-Suspension Volume in the Self-Suspension Request section. The
MSA Party is not able to submit a request that does not comply with this requirement.
 The Receipt / Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic combination for each line in the
Self-Suspension Nomination section is unique. The MSA Party is not able to submit a
request that does not comply with this requirement.

9.4.14. Searching and Viewing an LVDC Self-Suspension Request

and Nomination
A Self-Suspension Request in relation to an LVDC can be searched for through the Load
Balancing Screen, by specifying:
• a Pool Id, and by selecting the search criteria in the drop-down box beside “Purpose” as
‘Self Suspension”, or
• by specifying the Load Balancing ID (if known)

Self-Suspension Requests successfully submitted by an MSA Party within EnTRAC (including

those with status “Authorization Required”) are available for viewing in the Nomination Overview,
the Load Balancing Overview screen or the Load Balancing Search Results screen.

9.4.15. Rescinding an LVDC Self-Suspension Request and

A Self-Suspension Request in relation to an LVDC can only be rescinded while the Self-
Suspension Request is still in “Pending” or “Active” status.

Requests to Fully Rescind a Self-Suspension:

An MSA Party can only request a Self-Suspension to be fully rescinded if the Self-Suspension
Request is still in “pending” state or on the first day the Self-Suspension Request is in “active”

For EnTRAC to automatically approve a request to Rescind a Self-Suspension Request it

must be submitted by the MSA Party at least two full calendar days prior to the previously
intended start date. For example: If the original start date of the Self-Suspension Request is
January 1, 2011, then the MSA Party would need to submit the Rescind request on or before
December 29, 2010.

If the MSA Party submits a request to fully Rescind a Self-Suspension with specified start date
of less than two full days in the future it will require manual authorization by the Contract
Support and Compliance Department. If the MSA Party submits a request to fully Rescind a

Page 136 of 205

pending Self-Suspension with a start date that is less than two full calendar days in the future,
EnTRAC will notify the MSA Party that the minimum submission time requirement has not been
met. If the MSA Party proceeds to confirm their request, EnTRAC will update the end date,
and change the state of the request to “Authorization Required”. The MSA Party must contact
the Contract Support and Compliance Department and request authorization specifying the
“Load Balancing Id”. If the request to fully Rescind a Self-Suspension Request is not
authorized by the Contract Support and Compliance Department before the end of the gas day
of the start date specified in the Self Suspension Request, EnTRAC will change the status
back to “Active”. If the Rescind request is authorized by Contact Compliance EnTRAC will
change the Self-Suspension status to “Rescinded”. The last point in time an MSA Party is
able to submit a request to fully Rescind a Self-Suspension Request that requires authorization
is 9:59 a.m. on the calendar day following the original requested Self-Suspension start date,
however this would not permit any time for the Contract Support and Compliance Department
to authorize. For example, to fully Rescind a Self-Suspension Request to would take effect at
10:00 a.m. on January 1, 2011, the MSA Party would need to submit the Rescind request no
later than 9:59 a.m. on January 2, 2011, and the Contract Support and Compliance
Department would need to authorize the request no later than 9:59 on January 2, 2011.

Requests to Partially Rescind a Self-Suspension:

An MSA Party can only request a Self-Suspension to be partially rescinded if the Self-Suspension
Request is still in Active or Pending status.

For EnTRAC to automatically approve a request to partially rescind a Self-Suspension

Request it must be submitted by the MSA Party at least two full calendar days prior to the
modified end date of the Self-Suspension. For example: If the requested modified end date of
the Self-Suspension Request is January 15, 2011, then the MSA Party would need to submit
the Rescind request on or before January 12, 2011.

If the MSA Party submits a request to partially rescind a Self-Suspension with a modified end
date of less than two full days in the future it will require manual authorization by the Contract
Support and Compliance Department. If the MSA Party submits a request to partially Rescind
an active Self-Suspension by entering a modified end date that is less than two full calendar
days in the future, EnTRAC will notify the MSA Party that the minimum submission time
requirement has not been met. If the MSA Party proceeds to confirm their request, EnTRAC
will update the end date, and change the state of the request to “Authorization Required”. The
MSA Party must contact the Contract Support and Compliance Department and request
authorization specifying the “Load Balancing Id”. If the request to partially rescind a Self-
Suspension Request is not authorized by the Contract Support and Compliance Department
before the end of the gas day the Self-Suspension is requested to end on, EnTRAC will return
the end date to what it was originally and change the status of the original Self-Suspension
Request back to “Active”. If the Rescind request is authorized by Contact Compliance
EnTRAC will keep the modified end date of the Self-Suspension Request and return the status
to “Active” (and then subsequently to “Expired”). The last point in time an MSA Party is able to
submit a request to partially rescind a Self-Suspension Request that requires authorization is
9:59 a.m. on the calendar day following the requested Self-Suspension end date, however this
would not permit any time for the Contract Support and Compliance Department to authorize.
For example, to partially rescind a Self-Suspension Request to take effect at 10:00 a.m. on
January 1, 2011, the MSA Party would need to submit the Rescind request no later than 9:59
a.m. on January 2, 2011, and the Contract Support and Compliance Department would need to
authorize the request no later than 9:59 on January 2, 2011

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Self-Suspensions for LVDC’s involving an interruptible rate will be automatically fully rescinded by
EnTRAC upon the commencement of a Curtailment Instance involving the LVDC or if the LVDC
leaves the Pool and the MDV is re-established.

9.4.16. Overview of Title Transfer Requests

The following discussion pertains to facilitation of in-franchise Title Transfers only.

EnTRAC through the management of Title Transfer requests creates the framework for two MSA
Parties within EnTRAC to facilitate the transfer of volumes between the two MSA Parties in
relation to specific Pools. A Title Transfer request from an MSA Party with the intention of
transferring a volume of gas from a specified Pool (an offering to sell a volume of gas in relation
to a Pool in a credit balance) or transferring a volume of gas to a specified Pool (an offering to
purchase a volume of gas in relation to a Pool in a debit balance). For a Title Transfer to take
place there must be two parties, an Initiator to generate the request and a Counterparty to accept
the request. Both the Initiator and Counterparty must have Pool within EnTRAC that has a BGA
position to support the Title Transfer transaction. The actual sale and purchase price is not
managed within EnTRAC and is communicated / transacted between the two parties outside of
the EnTRAC system.

9.4.17. Creating a Title Transfer - Initiator

An MSA Party is able to initiate a Title Transfer Request by specifying a Pool Name. The Pool
Names populated in the dropdown box is reflective of the Pools associated to the MSA party, and
those Pools that have a status of Active or Finalized.

A single Title Transfer Request may be associated to multiple Pools, however each Pool in the
Title Transfer request must have the same Title Transfer Role.

The volume associated to the Title Transfer Request is specified by the MSA Party in cubic
metres (m ) and then converted by EnTRAC into GJs.

The effective date of the Title Transfer request is based on the Calendar Day (not the Gas Day)
that EnTRAC approves the request.

The Initiator’s Title Transfer request is revoked and the status changed to Expired if the request
has not been accepted by a Counterparty within 7 complete calendar days of being generated.
The request will also be revoked and the status changed to Expired if any Pool Term identified in
the Initiator’s Title Transfer request has its status changed to Expired or Terminated. In addition
to the status being changed to Expired, the corresponding Transaction Code is deactivated and
the respective BGA balance(s) for each pool on the request are adjusted accordingly.

If the Initiator’s Title Transfer request is declined by the Counterparty, the Initiator’s Title Transfer
Request is revoked and the status of the request is changed to Declined by Counterparty. The
corresponding Transaction Code is deactivated and the respective BGA balance(s) for each pool
on the request are adjusted accordingly.

The Title Transfer ID is generated once the request has been approved and given a status of
Pending Counterparty Approval.

EnTRAC will accept new Title Transfer requests if the following criteria are met:
 For each Active Pool Term the Purpose must be for Load Balancing.
 For each Finalized Pool Term the Purpose must be for BGA Disposition. If the Role is
Buyer, each Pool Term identified in the Title Transfer Details section that has a Purpose

Page 138 of 205

of Load Balancing has a positive Forecasted BGA and the Volume does not exceed the
absolute value of the Pool Term’s Forecasted BGA.
 If the Role is Buyer, each Pool Term identified in the Title Transfer Details section that
has a Purpose of BGA Disposition has a positive Finalized BGA and the Volume does not
exceed the absolute value of the Pool Term’s Finalized BGA.
 If the Role is Seller, each Pool Term identified in the Title Transfer Details section that
has a Purpose of Load Balancing has a negative Forecasted BGA and the Volume does
not exceed the absolute value of the Pool Term’s Forecasted BGA.
 If the Role is Seller, each Pool Term identified in the Title Transfer Details section that
has a Purpose of BGA Disposition has a negative Finalized BGA and the Volume does
not exceed the absolute value of the Pool Term’s Finalized BGA.
 All fields and/or rows noted with an asterisk must be completed.

9.4.18. Editing a Title Transfer - Initiator

The Initiator Title Transfer requests cannot be edited.

9.4.19. Rescinding a Title Transfer - Initiator

Only Initiator Title Transfer requests can be rescinded.

EnTRAC will accept a request to rescind an Initiator Title Transfer only if the corresponding
Initiator’s Title Transfer request while the Counterparty Approval status is that of “pending”.
Once a Title Transfer request is approved it cannot be rescinded.

An Initiator Title Transfer request can only be rescinded by the MSA party that created the
Initiator Title Transfer request.

Upon acceptance of a request to rescind a Title Transfer request, each Pool Term on the Title
Transfer request will have the Title Transfer volume reversed from
• the Forecasted BGA if the Purpose was for Load Balancing,
• the Finalized BGA if the Purpose was for BGA Disposition.

The reversal of the Title Transfer volume for each Pool Term will happen immediately after the
rescind request is approved.

9.4.20. Creating a Title Transfer – Counterparty

The pre-populated information is based on the Initiator’s Title Transfer request with the same
Transaction Code.

The Total Volume is pre-populated and is equal to the Total Volume on the Initiator’s Title
Transfer request with the same Transaction Code.

The Role is pre-populated as the opposite Role of the Initiator’s Title Transfer request with the
same Transaction Code. The Title Transfer request can have multiple pools, but each pool in the
Title Transfer request will have the same Role.

The pools that are populated in the Pool Name dropdowns are managed by the MSA party and
have a status of Active or Finalized.

The volume associated to the Title Transfer Request is specified by the MSA Party in cubic
metres (m and then converted by EnTRAC into GJs.

Page 139 of 205

The effective date of the Title Transfer request is based on the Calendar Day (not the Gas Day)
that EnTRAC approves the request.

Title Transfer requests that have been declined by EnTRAC will not be populated in the Load
Balancing Overview.

The Transaction Code is deactivated if the Counterparty has not submitted an approved
Counterparty Title Transfer request within 7 complete calendar days of the Transaction Code
being generated.

If the Counterparty declines the Initiator’s Title Transfer request, the Initiator’s Title Transfer
Request is revoked and the status of the request is changed to Declined by Counterparty. The
corresponding Transaction Code is deactivated. The BGA balance(s) for the Pool Terms
identified in the Initiator’s Title Transfer request is adjusted accordingly.

Transaction Codes that are deactivated will not be available for any search functions or to bring
up the Counterparty Title Transfer request.

Transaction codes are deactivated once a Counterparty Title Transfer request has been
approved, or if the Initiator rescinds the Title Transfer request prior to the approval of the
Counterparty, or if the Counterparty declines the request, or if the Counterparty does not accept
the Title Transfer request within 7 complete calendar days.

EnTRAC will accept new Title Transfer requests if the following criteria are met:
 For each Active Pool Term the Purpose must be for Load Balancing
 For each Finalized Pool Term the Purpose must be for BGA Disposition.
 If the Role is Buyer, each Pool Term identified in the Title Transfer Details section that
has a Purpose of Load Balancing has a positive Forecasted BGA and the Volume does
not exceed the absolute value of the Pool Term’s Forecasted BGA.
 If the Role is Buyer, each pool identified in the Title Transfer Details section that has a
Purpose of BGA Disposition has a positive Finalized BGA and the Volume does not
exceed the absolute value of the Pool Term’s Finalized BGA.
 If the Role is Seller, each Pool Term identified in the Title Transfer Details section that
has a Purpose of Load Balancing has a negative Forecasted BGA and the Volume does
not exceed the absolute value of the Pool Term’s Forecasted BGA.
 If the Role is Seller, each Pool Term identified in the Title Transfer Details section that
has a Purpose of BGA Disposition has a negative Finalized BGA and the Volume does
not exceed the absolute value of the Pool Term’s Finalized BGA.
 The sum of the Volumes for each Pool Term identified in the Counterparty’s Title Transfer
Details section equals the Total Volume identified in the Initiator’s Details section.
 All fields and/or rows noted with an asterisk must be completed.

9.4.21. Editing a Title Transfer - Counterparty

The Counterparty Title Transfer request cannot be edited.

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9.4.22. Rescinding a Title Transfer - Counterparty
Once a Title Transfer request is approved it cannot be rescinded.

The Counterparty is not permitted to rescind a Title Transfer request.

9.4.23. Searching and Viewing a Title Transfer

All Title Transfer requests that have been approved or are waiting for approval from a
Counterparty are available for viewing of the request details.

9.4.24. EnTRAC Automatic Generation of a Title Transfer

An automatic Title Transfer will be generated by EnTRAC and applied to a BGA when a Pool
Term changes status from Finalized to Terminated.

The Finalized BGA for a pool is automatically Title Transferred by EnTRAC into the Forecasted
BGA of the same pool if
(a) the Finalized BGA of the pool is less than the effective MDV for the Active Pool Term
(b) the BGA disposition period for the Finalized Pool Term is ending and
(c) the Pool has renewed and has an Active term.

Title Transfers that are automatically executed by EnTRAC will have the status of “Automatic Title
Transfer” and are visible on the Load Balancing Overview Screen.

9.4.25. Gas Purchase Transaction Overview

An MSA Party has the ability to submit a Gas Purchase request to dispose of a Finalized Banked
Gas Account credit / negative balance (representing deliveries in excess of consumption) that is
not considered to be in excess of the authorized tolerance. The tolerance volume is the absolute
value of 5.5% times the MDV Deliveries for the Pool Term of 12 months For a Pool Term greater
than 365 days, the tolerance volume is modified by a factor of 365 divided by the number of days
in the Pool Term. For a Pool that is early terminated and has a Pool Term that is less than 12
months, the tolerance volume is the absolute value of 5.5% times MDV deliveries for the revised
Pool Term.

A Gas Purchase request refers to any portion of a Finalized Banked Gas Account in a credit /
negative balance (representing deliveries in excess of consumption) which is deemed to have
been tendered for sale by the MSA Party to Enbridge, and Enbridge shall purchase such gas at a
price as specified in the Handbook of Rates and Distribution Services.

9.4.26. Creating a Gas Purchase Request

An MSA Party is able to submit a Gas Purchase Request in relation to a Pool Term with a
Finalized BGA in a credit / negative (representing over deliveries and under consumption) that is
less than the tolerance volume.

An MSA Party is only able to submit a Gas Purchase Requests in relation to a Pool Term while it
is in Finalized status.
A link is provided on the Load Balancing Overview Screen if in relation to a Pool Term in
Finalized status there is a negative volumetric imbalance that has not been disposed of. The

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volume associated to a Gas Purchase Request will be equal to the remaining Finalized BGA
volumetric imbalance.

9.4.27. Editing a Gas Purchase Request

A Gas Purchase Request cannot be edited once it is approved.

9.4.28. Rescinding a Gas Purchase Request

A Gas Purchase Request cannot be rescinded once it is approved.

9.4.29. EnTRAC Automatic Generation of A Gas Purchase Transaction

An automatic Gas Purchase transaction is generated by EnTRAC for any credit / negative
finalized BGA balance (representing over deliveries / under consumption) in excess of the
tolerance volume. The tolerance volume is the absolute value of 5.5% times MDV deliveries for
a Pool Term of 12 months. For a Pool Term greater than 365 days, the tolerance volume is
modified by a factor of 365 divided by the number of days in the Pool Term. For a Pool that is
early terminated and has a Pool Term that is less than 12 months, the tolerance volume is the
absolute value of 5.5% times MDV deliveries for the revised Pool Term.

The automatic Gas Purchase is processed when the Pool Term changes from a status of Expired
to a status of Finalized and a notification is sent to the Messages box on the homepage.

An automatic Gas Purchase transaction is generated if a Pool Term has terminated and has a
credit / negative Finalized BGA volume that is greater than the first effective MDV of the renewed
Pool Term. If the Pool does not have a renewed Pool Term, and the terminated Pool Term has a
credit / negative finalized BGA, the entire BGA is disposed of through an automatic Gas Purchase
transaction. The automatic Gas Purchase transaction is generated two days after the Pool Term
changes to a status of Terminated and a notification is sent to the Messages box on the

9.4.30. Gas Sale Transaction Overview

An MSA Party has the ability to submit a Gas Sale request to dispose of a finalized Banked Gas
Account debit / positive balance (representing consumption in excess of deliveries) that is not
considered to be in excess of the tolerance volume. The tolerance volume is the absolute value
of 5.5% times their MDV Deliveries for the Pool Term of 12 months For a Pool Term greater
than 365 days, the tolerance volume is modified by a factor of 365 divided by the number of days
in the Pool Term. For a Pool that is early terminated and has a Pool Term that is less than 12
months, the tolerance volume is the absolute value of 5.5% times MDV deliveries for the revised
Pool Term.

A Gas Sale request refers to any portion of a Finalized Banked Gas Account in a debit / positive
balance (representing consumption in excess of deliveries) which is deemed to have been sold to
the MSA Party by Enbridge, and Enbridge shall sell such gas at a price determined by the
Handbook of Rates and Distribution Services.

Page 142 of 205

9.4.31. Creating a Gas Sale Request
An MSA Party is able to submit a Gas Sale Request in relation to a Pool Term with a debit /
positive finalized BGA balance (representing under deliveries / over consumption) that is less
than or equal to the absolute value of 5.5% times their MDV Deliveries for the Pool Term of 12
months. For a Pool Term greater than 365 days, the tolerance volume is modified by a factor of
365 divided by the number of days in the Pool Term. For a Pool that is early terminated and has a
Pool Term that is less than 12 months, the tolerance volume is the absolute value of 5.5% times
MDV deliveries for the revised Pool Term.

An MSA Party is only able to submit a Gas Sale Requests in relation to a Pool Term while it is in
Finalized status.

A link is provided on the Load Balancing Overview Screen if in relation to a Pool Term in
Finalized status if there is a debit / positive volumetric imbalance that has not been disposed of.
The volume associated to a Gas Sale Request will be equal to the remaining finalized BGA
volumetric imbalance.

9.4.32. Editing a Gas Sale Request

A Gas Sale Request cannot be edited once it is approved.

9.4.33. Rescinding a Gas Sale Request

A Gas Sale Request cannot be rescinded once it is approved.

9.4.34. EnTRAC Automatic Generation of Gas Sale Transaction

An automatic Gas Sale transaction is generated by EnTRAC for any positive (representing under
deliveries / over consumption) Finalized BGA volume in excess of the tolerance volume. The
tolerance volume is the absolute value of 5.5% times MDV deliveries for a Pool Term of 12
months. For a Pool Term greater than 365 days, the tolerance volume is modified by a factor of
365 divided by the number of days in the Pool Term. For a Pool that is early terminated and has
a Pool Term that is less than 12 months, the tolerance volume is the absolute value of 5.5% times
MDV deliveries for the revised Pool Term.

An automatic Gas Sale transaction is generated if a Pool Term has terminated and has a debit /
positive Finalized BGA volume that is greater than the first effective MDV of a renewed Pool
Term. If the Pool does not have a renewed Pool Term, and the terminated Pool Term has a debit
/ positive finalized BGA balance, the entire BGA balance is disposed off through a Gas Sale
transaction. The automatic Gas Sale is generated two days after the Pool Term changes to a
status of Terminated and a notification is sent to the Messages box on the homepage.

9.5. Curtailment Management

9.5.1. Curtailment Overview

Curtailment Overview Screen

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The Curtailment Overview Screen provides a list of all the curtailment instances that have taken
place during the last two fiscal years. The Curtailment Overview Screen provides the following
columns of information:
• Curtailment Start
• Curtailment End
• Curtailment Type - Delivery Area
• CDS Available
• Status

The Curtailment Start and End Date are based on the Start and End for the overall curtailment
instance and may not correspond with the Start and End Date of individual LVDC parameters.

If the CDS Available field for a curtailment instance is indicated as N, then EnTRAC will not
accept CDS Nomination requests for that curtailment instance. If the CDS Available field for a
curtailment instance is indicated as Y, then EnTRAC will accept CDS Nomination requests for
that curtailment instance.

There are no search criteria for curtailment instances. All curtailment instances are shown as
discussed in Historical Curtailment Instances.

The Curtailment Overview Screen provides a link to “View Curtailment” and if selected directs the
MSA Party to the View Curtailment Details Screen.

View Curtailment Details Screen

The View Curtailment Details Screen provides a summary of curtailment parameters for the
LVDC(s) that have been curtailed for a particular MSA Party. The View Curtailment Details
Screen provides the following information pertaining to the Curtailment Parameters at the top of
the page:
• Type of Curtailment
• Notice of Duration
• Location
• CDS Available
• Curtailment Start Date & Time
• Curtailment End Date & Time
• Curtailment Days

The View Curtailment Details Screen provides a list of LVDC(s) and the Pool they were
associated to at the time of the curtailment instance and are grouped by the hours of notice they
require. The View Curtailment Details Screen provides the following columns of Information:
• Pool Name
• LVDC Contract Number
• Start Date and Time
• End Date and Time
• Self-Suspension Flag

The View Curtailment Details Screen provides a link to “View Curtailment Report” and if selected
directs the MSA Party to the Curtailment Report Screen.

Curtailment Report Screen

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The Curtailment Report Screen provides in relation to an LVDC the consumption and deliveries
reported coincident with a curtailment instance. The Curtailment Report provides the following
information at the top of the page:
• LVDC Number
• Pool Name
• Account Number
• LVDC Commencement Date
• LVDC Expiry Date
• Billing Contract Demand
• Rate

The Curtailment Report provides the following information for each day of the curtailment
• Date
• Gas Used
• Authorized Volume
• Unauthorized Overrun
• Excess CDS in BGA
• System Gas Excess CDS Purchase
• Daily Curtailment BGA
• Cumulative Curtailment BGA

9.5.2. Creating a New Curtailment Instance – Common Parameters

At the point a curtailment instance is initiated, the Contract Support and Compliance Department
will oversee the creation of a Curtailment Instance within EnTRAC specifying the following
common parameters:
• Notice of Duration
• Location
• CDS Available
• Curtailment Start Date & Time
• Curtailment End Date & Time
• Curtailment Duration (calculated automatically by EnTRAC)

9.5.3. Creating a New Curtailment Instance – Specific Parameters

At the point a curtailment instance is initiated, the Contract Support and Compliance Department
will oversee the creation of a Curtailment Instance and the Specific Parameters consisting of
those LVDC(s) being notified to curtail usage.

9.5.4. Editing Curtailment Instance Parameters – Common Parameters

A curtailment instance can only be edited by Enbridge if the curtailment has not yet started or if
the curtailment end date has not been entered.

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9.5.5. Searching and Viewing Curtailment Instance Parameters
An MSA Party is able to view a list of all the curtailment instances that have taken place during
the last two fiscal years by selecting the Curtailment Navigation bar which will direct the MSA
Party to the Curtailment Overview Screen. The Curtailment Overview Screen provides the
following columns of information:
• Curtailment Start
• Curtailment End
• Curtailment Type - Delivery Area
• CDS Available
• Status

By selecting the View Curtailment link on the Curtailment Overview Screen, an MSA Party can
view the common curtailment parameters for a specific curtailment instance along with the
curtailment parameters specific for LVDC(s) that have been curtailed for that particular MSA. If
selected EnTRAC will direct the MSA Party to the View Curtailment Details Screen.

The View Curtailment Details Screen provides a link to “View Curtailment Report” and if selected
directs the MSA Party to the Curtailment Report Screen.

9.5.6. Curtailment Report

The Curtailment Report provides the MSA Party with all the curtailment activity from the start of
the LVDC term to the current date.
All volumes on the Curtailment Report are expressed in m .

Prior Period Adjustments to consumption or delivery data will not be captured on the Curtailment

The Curtailment Report is published for every LVDC that has been requested to curtail. The
Curtailment Report is published after each curtailment instance by the start of the next business
day after EnTRAC has received the complete consumption and delivery information pertaining to
a complete curtailment instance.

CDS BGA balances for LVDCs attached to a pool are shown to be disposed of at the end of each
curtailment instance. This is represented by a zero balance on the Curtailment Report. The
disposal of the CDS BGA balance for each curtailment instance is viewable on the Curtailment
Report once the curtailment instance has been published. All deliveries related to CDS are
reflected on the BGA Report in the CDS Deliveries at the point the deliveries are confirmed so no
automatic transfer is required.

The Pool’s BGA balance will by default include the curtailment consumption, CDS delivery and
curtailment UOG. Therefore the BGA Balance will include the CDS BGA balance.

The MSA party is notified of each automatic transfer in the Messages section of the Home Page
immediately after the automatic transfer has been published on the Curtailment Report.

CDS BGA balances for LVDCs not attached to a pool are disposed of at the end of each
curtailment instances through an automatic Gas Purchase if the CDS BGA is in a credit balance
or an automatic Gas Sale if the CDS BGA is in a debit balance. The automatic Gas

Page 146 of 205

Purchase/Sale for each curtailment instance is viewable on the Curtailment Report once the
curtailment instance has been published.

In the event that a curtailment instance spans the Pool Term anniversary date, or the LVDC is
disassociated with the pool during a curtailment instance, the Curtailment Report will publish the
curtailment instance as 2 separate sub-instances.

The Curtailment Report for the first sub-instance will cover the period from the start of the
curtailment instance until the Pool Term anniversary date or the date that the account was
disassociated with the pool. The CDS BGA balance for the first sub-instance is reflected in the
BGA balance for the Pool Term that the account was associated with at the start of the
curtailment instance. If the LVDC is not associated with a Pool it is disposed of through a Gas
Purchase / Sale.

The Curtailment Report for the second sub-instance will cover the period from the start date of
the renewed Pool Term or date preceding the disassociation from the pool, until the end date of
the curtailment instance. The CDS BGA balance for the second sub-instance is reflected in the
BGA balance for the Pool Term that the account was associated with at the start of the second
sub-instance. If the LVDC is not associated with a Pool it is disposed of through a Gas
Purchase / Sale. The Gas Purchase/Sale is applied to the gas bill for an LVDC not associated
with a pool.

Report Column Name Report Column Description

Date The Gas Day within the curtailment instance pertaining to the
information contained on the respective line of the Curtailment
Report table.

Gas Used The volume of gas expressed in m3, consumed during the
curtailment hours of the respective Date.
CDS The volume of gas delivered for the LVDC and received by
Enbridge on the reported day that is incremental to the delivery
requirements for the pool’s MDV for consumption during a
curtailment day or period.
Authorized Volume If there was no CDS delivered on the reported day, the
Authorized Volume is equal to 0 m3. If there was CDS
delivered on the reported day, the Authorized Volume is equal
to the CDS delivery volume that was received by Enbridge on
the reported day.
Unauthorized Overrun Unauthorized Overrun volume is calculated for each day of the
curtailment instance and is the daily volume of Gas Used during
the curtailment instance that is in excess of the daily Authorized

Excess CDS in BGA The Excess CDS in BGA is subject to the conditions outlined
above and as such is only applicable to LVDCs associated to a
System Gas Excess CDS The System Gas Excess CDS Purchase is subject to the
Purchase conditions outlined above and as such is only applicable to
LVDCs on System Gas.

Daily Curtailment BGA The Daily Curtailment BGA is calculated on an instance or daily
basis as detailed for the Unauthorized Overrun field description
and is determined as follows:

For LVDCs associated with a pool

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= Gas Used – CDS + Unauthorized Overrun + CDS BGA

For LVDCs on System Gas

= Gas Used – CDS + Unauthorized Overrun + CDS BGA Gas
Sale / Purchase

Cumulative Curtailment BGA The Cumulative Curtailment BGA balance is summed and
reported in this column.

9.5.7. Creating a Curtailment Delivered Supply (CDS) Request and


Curtailment Delivered Supply (CDS) is an additional volume of gas, in excess of a Large Volume
Distribution Contract customer’s Mean Daily Volume, determined by mutual agreement between
the LVDC customer and Enbridge, which is nominated and delivered by or on behalf of the LVDC
customer by the MSA Party, to a point of interconnection with Enbridge’s distribution system on a
day of Curtailment.

An MSA Party may submit if applicable to a Curtailment Instance a CDS request and nomination
in relation to a Large Volume Distribution Contract (“LVDC”).

A single CDS request can include multiple LVDCs attached to the same pool.

When the Daily CDS Volume for an LVDC exceeds the LVDC’s Effective Billing Demand,
EnTRAC will accept the request but a notification is provided on the confirmation page.

No fuel is required to be included on the CDS Nomination request. This includes pools with a
Western Point of Acceptance.

CDS deliveries must be delivered to the delivery point as approved for the corresponding
curtailment instance. Usually, CDA accounts must deliver CDS gas to the CDA and EDA
accounts must deliver CDS gas to the EDA (even if the account is in a Western pool).

The LVDC Contract Number field is populated with all the contract numbers that have been
requested to curtail from the current date onwards for a specific pool. Any LVDC customers that
have been curtailed in the past but not the future will not be included in the LVDC Contract
Number field.

Since only LVDCs that have been attached to a pool may be included in the CDS Nomination
request, System Gas LVDCs will not have the ability to submit CDS Nomination requests through
EnTRAC. Any System Gas LVDC CDS Nomination requests are submitted manually to Enbridge
Operational Services.

A single LVDC Contract Number can be included on the CDS Nomination request multiple times
so long as the approval criteria are met.

EnTRAC will approve CDS Nomination requests if the following criteria are met:
 For curtailment instances with a Curtailment End Date entered into EnTRAC, the CDS
Start Date is greater than or equal to the submit date for each LVDC.

Page 148 of 205

 The Start Date and End Date fall within a curtailment instance period for each individual
 The End Date is greater than the Start Date for each LVDC.
 The Start Date and End Date of the CDS Nomination for each LVDC is within the period
that the respective LVDC is attached to the pool.
 The Start and End Date for each LVDC Contract Number included in a CDS Nomination
request does not overlap with the Start and End Date of any other CDS Nomination
request for the same LVDC Contract Number, Delivery Point and Supplier Mnemonic.
 The Delivery Point for each LVDC corresponds with the approved Delivery Points for the
corresponding curtailment instance.
 The LVDC has been requested to curtail over the entire period between Start Date and
End Date on the CDS Nomination request.
 All fields and/or rows noted with an asterisk must be completed.

9.5.8. Searching and Viewing a CDS Request and Nomination

All CDS Nomination requests that have been approved are available for viewing the request
details in the Nomination Overview screen.

9.5.9. Editing a CDS Request and Nomination

A CDS Nomination Request that has been approved can no longer be edited. If a change is
required to a Pending CDS Nomination, the Pending CDS Nomination must be rescinded (if
possible) and then a new CDS Nomination must be entered.

9.5.10. Rescinding a CDS Request and Nomination

The Rescind CDS Nomination screen permits the End Date to be edited for certain LVDCs that
have a Pending CDS Nomination request. No other fields in the CDS Nomination can be edited.

The New End Date field is pre-populated with the End Date that was last submitted for each
LVDC on the CDS Nomination request. If the New End Date is made equal to the Start Date,
then the entire CDS Nomination are rescinded.

EnTRAC is able to approve a request to Rescind a CDS Nomination if the following criteria are
• The New End Date is greater or equal to the current date.
• The New End Date is less than the current end date.
• The New End Date is greater than or equal to the Start Date.

9.5.11. Curtailment Gas Purchase Transaction

A Curtailment Gas Purchase is processed when the BGA Report for the month that the
Curtailment Gas Purchase is effective for is generated.

The Curtailment Gas Purchase is calculated on a daily basis at the pool level. The Curtailment
Gas Purchase volume is the sum of all the deliveries received by Enbridge in relation to the
effective MDV requirements for each curtailed LVDC in the pool divided by 24 and multiplied by

Page 149 of 205

the number of hours of requested curtailment for the corresponding day that the calculation is
being done for.

The Curtailment Gas Purchase volume is multiplied by the unit rate specified in the Rate
Schedule in the Rate Handbook that is applicable to each LVDC to determine the Curtailment
Gas Purchase dollar value. The Curtailment Gas Purchase dollar value is invoiced to the MSA
party that the LVDC was associated with at the time of the curtailment instance. The Curtailment
Gas Purchase will be reflected on the Invoice Remittance Statement (IRS).

9.5.12. Curtailment / Seasonal Credit (Daily Capacity Repurchase

The calculation of a Daily Capacity Repurchase Quantity (DCRQ) is no longer required and has
been replaced with the calculation of a Seasonal Credit as specified in the Handbook of Rates
and Distribution Services. The Handbook of Rates and Distribution Services refers to this credit
as a Curtailment Credit for interruptible Rates 145 and 170 and a Seasonal Credit for Rate 135
(and Modified Rate 135).

9.6. Compliance Charges Management

9.6.1. Compliance Charge Management Overview

The Gas Management functionality with EnTRAC is designed to monitor, calculate and report
non-compliance volumes in relation to Large Volume Distribution Contracts and Gas Delivery
Agreements. Specifically non-compliance volumes pertaining to:

• Annual Minimum Bill

• Seasonal Unauthorized Overrun Gas
• Unabsorbed Demand Charges
• Demand Unauthorized Overrun Gas
• Supply Unauthorized Overrun Gas
• Curtailment Unauthorized Overrun Gas

The calculation of non-compliance volumes is required for the calculation of non-compliance

charges managed within the Financials functionality within EnTRAC.

9.6.2. Contract Minimum Bill Volume

The Contract Minimum Volume (“CMV”) and applicability of a Contract Minimum Bill ( “CMB”) is
determined in accordance with the Rate Handbook.

If an LVDC term is less than 24 months in duration, then the CMB period is for the same duration
as the LVDC term and would be effective on the Commencement Date of the LVDC term.

If the LVDC term is 24 months or greater, the LVDC will have multiple CMB periods that are 12
months in length and correspond with the anniversary dates of the LVDC terms.

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If the LVDC is early terminated, the LVDC will have a CMB period that is reduced to correspond
with the early termination date.

If the LVDC is early terminated, the CMV is automatically recalculated by EnTRAC based on the
duration of months the contract was executed. The revised CMV will be dependent on the
LVDC’s rate. For further information please contact your Account Executive or the Key Account
Mailbox (key.account.management@enbridge,com).

If the LVDC is early terminated at any date other than the last day of the month, the estimated
consumption for the month that the termination date is effective for is prorated for purposes of
calculating the CMB. The prorated estimated consumption for the early termination month of the
LVDC is determined by multiplying estimated consumption of the early terminated month by the
number of effective days in the early terminated month and dividing by the total number of days in
the early terminated month. For example, an LVDC had a term from August 1, 2012 to August 1,
2013 that was early terminated on October 12, 2013. If the estimated consumption for the LVDC
for the month of October 2013 was 1,000 m3, then the prorated consumption estimated used for
the CMB calculation would be 1,000 * 12 / 31 = 390 m3.

If the LVDC is curtailed during the contract term, the CMV for the contract term is reduced for
each full and partial day of curtailment by the difference between the effective CD on the day of
curtailment and the volume of gas consumed during the day of curtailment.

A day of curtailment includes a Gas Day that the LVDC is requested by Enbridge to curtail its
consumption of gas for one or more hours.

The CMV is not adjusted if the volume of gas consumed by the LVDC during the day of
curtailment is greater than the effective CD on the date of curtailment.

9.6.3. Seasonal Unauthorized Overrun Gas Volume

Seasonal Unauthorized Overrun Gas is determined in accordance with the Rate Handbook.

If an LVDC term is greater than 12 months and less than 24 months, the cumulative estimated
consumption for the LVDC term is annualized by multiplying the LVDC term estimated
consumption by 12 months and dividing by the number of months in the LVDC term. For
example, if an LVDC had a contract term with a cumulative estimated consumption of 5,000 m3
over 18 months, the annualized estimated consumption for purposes of calculating Seasonal
UOG is 5,000 * 12 / 18 = 3,333 m3

9.6.4. Unabsorbed Demand Charge Volume

Unabsorbed Demand Charge (UDC) is applicable to pools with a Western Point of Acceptance
that fail to meet their delivery requirements to Enbridge. Any shortfall in Western Delivery
requirements constitutes the UDC volume. The Delivery requirement for any given day is equal
to the effective MDV of a pool plus any approved Make Up requests less any Suspension

A UDC charge is based on the UDC volume multiplied by the applicable T-Service Credit rate
identified in Rider A of the Rate Handbook.

Page 151 of 205

9.6.5. Demand Unauthorized Overrun Gas Volume
Demand Unauthorized Overrun Gas is applicable to all accounts with a Large Volume Distribution
Contract and is determined as stated in the applicable Rate Schedule for the LVDC.

9.6.6. Supply Unauthorized Overrun Gas Volume

Supply Unauthorized Overrun Gas Charges Applicable to Transportation Service Customers

For purposes of calculating Supply Unauthorized Overrun Gas (“Supply UOG”), deliveries
received by Enbridge are allocated as follows:

• Curtailment Gas Purchase

• Suspension for a Purpose of BGA Disposition
• Suspension for a Purpose of Load Balancing
• Make Up for a Purpose of BGA Disposition
• Make Up for a Purpose of Load Balancing
• Nomination deliveries for MDV requirements

Supply UOG is calculated separately for accounts in the Enbridge CDA and accounts in the
Enbridge EDA distribution areas. If a pool has an account in both delivery areas, then the
account consumption and deliveries received in each delivery area is used to determine the
Supply UOG if applicable.

Supply UOG is calculated based on the account parameters at the time when the pool is set to
the Locked for Flow status. Any accounts added after the pool is locked for flow will use the
contract parameters of the pool that were in effect on the day that the Supply UOG is being
calculated for.

Only deliveries received by Enbridge and allocated to meet the Nominated deliveries for MDV
requirements of a pool (“MDV Deliveries”) is used in the calculation of Supply UOG. MDV
Deliveries with a Delivery Point of Enbridge CDA are used for accounts in the Enbridge CDA
delivery area. MDV Deliveries with a Delivery Point of Enbridge EDA are used for accounts in the
EDA delivery area. MDV Deliveries with a Receipt/Delivery point other than the Enbridge CDA or
Enbridge EDA (“Non-CDA/EDA Deliveries”) are allocated to the accounts in the delivery area with
the highest Supply UOG unit rate. If there are any Non-CDA/EDA Deliveries in excess of the
Supply UOG requirements in the delivery area with the higher Supply UOG rate, the excess Non-
CDA/EDA Deliveries are allocated to the delivery area with the lower Supply UOG rate.

There may be instances where the cumulative MDV for the accounts associated to a pool on the
date that Supply UOG is being calculated (“Current MDV”) is greater than the contracted effective
MDV of the pool. On these occurrences, deliveries are deemed to be provided for the pool for
purposes of determining any Supply UOG equal to the difference between the Current MDV and
contracted effective MDV. The deemed deliveries are allocated first to the delivery area with the
higher Supply UOG unit rate and then any deemed deliveries not required in that delivery area to
mitigate Supply UOG is allocated to the remaining delivery area.

CDA Deliveries are first allocated to General Service Contract (GSC) accounts that are on Rate
1, 6, or 9 in the CDA up to the volume required to mitigate any Supply UOG. Any remaining CDA
Deliveries are allocated to LVDC accounts in the CDA. EDA Deliveries are first allocated to
General Service Accounts (GSC) that are on Rate 1, 6, or 9 in the EDA up to the volume required
to mitigate any Supply UOG. Any remaining EDA Deliveries are allocated to LVDC accounts in
the EDA.

Page 152 of 205

The allocated CDA Deliveries for GSC accounts is prorated evenly to all the GSC accounts in the
CDA for purposes of determining Supply UOG. The allocated EDA Deliveries for GSC accounts
is prorated evenly to all the GSC accounts in the EDA for purposes of determining Supply UOG.

The allocated CDA Deliveries for LVDC accounts is prorated to the LVDC accounts in the CDA
based on the delivery requirements for each LVDC to mitigate Supply UOG. The allocated EDA
Deliveries for LVDC accounts is prorated to the LVDC accounts in the EDA based on the delivery
requirements for each LVDC to mitigate Supply UOG.

Supply UOG in relation to GSC and LVDC accounts is determined in accordance with the Rate
Handbook based on the prorated deliveries. Once the individual Supply UOG calculations is
completed for each account, the total UOG for each delivery area is billed and reported at the
pool level.

Supply Unauthorized Overrun Gas Charges Applicable to System Gas Customers

Supply UOG for System Gas customers is applicable on a daily basis when a customer with an
LVDC consumes more than their effective Billing Demand for that day.

The MDV for an LVDC is calculated based on the cumulative estimated consumption for the
LVDC term divided by the number of days in the contract term.

Deliveries for System Gas customers for purposes of determining Supply UOG is assumed to be
equal to the System Gas customer’s MDV.

Supply UOG is determined in accordance with the Rate Handbook.

9.6.7. Curtailment Unauthorized Overrun Gas Volume

Curtailment Unauthorized Overrun Gas is determined in accordance with the Rate Handbook and
is also discussed in the Curtailment Report section.

9.7. Degree Day Information Management

9.7.1. Degree Day Information Overview

EnTRAC maintains Degree Day information in relation to
• Daily Actual Degree Days
• Monthly Actual Degree Days
• Monthly Budget Degree Days

EnTRAC maintains Degree Day information in relation to the three regional areas:
• EDA – TCPL Eastern Delivery Area
• CDA - TCPL Central Delivery Area
• Niagara

EnTRAC utilizes Actual and Budget Degree Day Information in the Weather Normalization
process when establishing the MDV for heat sensitive accounts such as Rate 1 and 6 that are
associated to a Pool. Degree Day Information is entered into EnTRAC at the point it is available,
EnTRAC will utilize the Degree Day Information existing on EnTRAC at the time the MDV
calculation is performed.

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Users associated to the MSA Party that have access to the Gas Management screens are able to
search and view the Degree Day Information.

9.7.2. Searching and Viewing Actual Degree Days Daily

An MSA Party is able to search and view the actual degree day information by specifying a month
from the past 25 months.

Daily Degree Day information is displayed for the three regional areas of
• Niagara

9.7.3. Searching and Viewing Actual Degree Days Monthly

An MSA Party is able to view the actual degree day information aggregated to a monthly total for
the past 25 months. The MSA Party does not need to specify an extraction period as EnTRAC
automatically defaults the search parameter to be the last 25 months.

Monthly Degree Day information is displayed for the three regional areas of
• Niagara

The MSA Party is able to download the results displayed on the screen as a report.
9.7.4. Searching and Viewing Budget Degree Days Monthly
An MSA Party is able to search and view the Budget Degree Day information by selecting a
calendar year.

Budgeted Monthly Degree Day information is displayed for the three regional areas of
• Niagara

The MSA Party is able to download the results displayed on the screen as a report.

Budget Degree Days information is input into EnTRAC upon its availability. The Budget Degree
Day information is intended to be representative of the forecasted Budget Degree Days
information used in conjunction with Enbridge customer consumption forecast preparation used in
filings with the OEB. However, because the Budget Degree Days information is entered into
EnTRAC at the point of availability it may be prior to it being OEB approved. If the Budget
Degree Days approved by the OEB differs from what was previously filed and entered into
EnTRAC, EnTRAC will not be updated at that later date as it may have already been used in the
calculation of MDV’s and therefore is not changed.

9.7.5. Entering and Editing Degree Day Information

All Degree Day Information can only be edited by the Contract Support and Compliance
Department (and EnTRAC User with security role of EnTRAC Manager).

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10. Financials Management Functionality

10.1. Financials Management Functionality Overview

The Financials Management functionality is designed to manage, monitor and report financial
data in relation to contractual agreements and their associated billing services.

EnTRAC Financials includes functionality designed to manage the production of the following
financial Statements:

1. Invoice Remittance Statements (IRS) – Statements to support remittances and offsetting

charges pertaining to Pools as per any of the following:
a. Handbook of Rates and Distribution Charges,
b. Gas Delivery Agreement,
c. GDAR Service Agreement
d. ABC Billing Services agreement.
EnTRAC provides the data to the Enbridge Financial Systems to facilitate transfer of
funds to the Financial Institutions of MSA Parties associated to the IRS or generate a
cheque based upon the payment option specified at the Pool level.

2. Funds Imbalance Statements (FIS) – Statements to support the financial reporting of

amounts billed and amounts remitted in relation to Pools pertaining to GDAR Service
Agreement and/or ABC Billing Services agreement.

EnTRAC Financials includes functionality designed to manage the processing and reporting of
the following Invoice Transactions:

1. Invoice Rate Ready (IRR) Transactions - reporting of billed charges relating to accounts
associated to Price Point Groups and Pools under Direct Purchase / Gas Delivery
Agreement and Billing Services agreements.
2. Invoice Vendor Adjustments (IVA) Transactions – reporting of bill ready transactions
submitted by Gas Vendors relating to accounts associated to Pools under Direct
Purchase / Gas Delivery Agreement and Billing Services agreements.

EnTRAC Financials also includes the functionality to manage the following:

1. Rate Management – The management of unit rates required for the calculation and
administration of:
a. charges pertaining to billing service offerings
b. charges pertaining to the administration of Gas Delivery Agreements
c. contract compliance charges in relation Gas Delivery Agreements
d. contract compliance charges in relation to LVDC’s
e. credits applicable to LVDC’s

2. Charges and Credits Transactions:

a. Calculation of amounts to be applied to Pool Level Remittances
b. Calculation of amounts to be applied to Large Volume Distribution Contract (LVDC)
customer invoices produced by the billing system.

Page 155 of 205

10.2. Billing Services and Options
The following billing options can be elected when creating Pools within EnTRAC:

• Agent Billing Collections Service (ABC)

• Distributor Consolidated Billing in the Rate Ready Form (DCB-Rate Ready)
• Split Billing No Consumption (SNC)

All the accounts associated to the Pool will have the same billing option as the billing option
applicable to the Pool to which the accounts are associated.

10.2.1. Agent Billing Collections Service (ABC)

MSA Parties categorized as MSA type “Customer” have the option of electing the billing option -
Collection Service Agreement (ABC) to be applicable to their Pool(s) upon entering into a
Collection Service Agreement with Enbridge. If this billing option is not elected by the MSA Party,
EnTRAC will default the Pool billing option to “Split Billing No Consumption (SNC)”.

If when creating a Pool within EnTRAC the MSA Party elects the billing option - Collection
Service Agreement (ABC) to be applicable, the ABC billing option is applicable to the pool and all
its associated accounts.

The MSA Party can determine if the ABC billing option has been elected as the View Pool Details
Screen will indicate “Yes” beside the description “Collection Service Agreement (ABC) Applicable.

When the MSA Party associates accounts to a Pool with a billing option of Collection Service
(ABC) applicability, the Enrol Request must specify a Price Point Group Id in addition to a Pool Id.

MSA Parties categorized as MSA type “Customer” electing this billing option for a Pool will have
access to search and view the following invoice transactions and statements from within
• Invoice Rate Ready Transactions (IRR)
• Invoice Remittance Statements (IRS)
• Funds Imbalance Statements (FIS).

Note: The Agent Billing Collections Service (ABC) billing option is elected by the MSA Party on
the Create Pool screen through the selection of the same check box option of selecting
“Collection Service Agreement (ABC) Applicable”. Therefore if the Agent Billing Collections
Service (ABC) is elected by the MSA Party, the View Pool Details Screen will indicate “Yes”
beside the description “Collection Service Agreement (ABC) Applicable.

10.2.2. Distributor Consolidated Billing in Rate Ready Form (DCB-

Rate Ready)
MSA Parties categorized as MSA type “Agent” have the option of electing the billing option of
Distributor Consolidated Billing in the Rate Ready Form (DCB-Rate Ready). If this billing option
is not elected by the MSA Party EnTRAC defaults the Pool to the billing option to “Split Billing No
Consumption (SNC)”.

If when creating a Pool within EnTRAC, the MSA Party type of “Agent” elects the billing option -
Collection Service Agreement (ABC) to be applicable on the Create Pool screen, they are in fact
electing the GDAR billing option of DCB in the Rate Ready Form to be applicable to the pool.

Page 156 of 205

Therefore if the Distributor Consolidated Billing in the Rate Ready Form is elected by the MSA
Party, the View Pool Details Screen will indicate “Yes” beside the description “Collection Service
Agreement (ABC) Applicable.

All the accounts associated to the Pool must have the same billing option as the billing option
applicable to the Pool that the account is associated to.

At the time the MSA Party is associating accounts to a Pool with the GDAR billing option DCB in
the Rate Ready Form, the Enrol Request to add the account to the Pool must specify a Price
Point Group Id in addition to the Pool Id.

MSA Parties categorized as MSA type “Agent” (with an associated MPID) electing the DCB-Rate
Ready billing option for a Pool will receive the following invoice transactions and statements as an
EBT Transaction:
• Invoice Rate Ready Transaction (IRR)
• Invoice Remittance Statement (IRS)
• Funds Imbalance Statement (FIS)

10.2.3. Split Billing No Consumption (SNC)

If no billing option is selected when creating the Pool, EnTRAC defaults the Pool to the billing
option to “Split Billing No Consumption (SNC)”. This is also referred to as Pools on Straight T-
Service. In this case customers associated to this pool will not be billed a commodity charge by
the utility.

MSA Parties electing this billing option for a pool will NOT receive (as they are not applicable):
• Invoice Rate Ready Transactions (IRR) through the EBT System or through the EnTRAC
• Invoice Remittance Statements (IRS) through the EBT System or viewable through the
EnTRAC screen
• Funds Imbalance Statements through the EBT System or viewable through the EnTRAC

10.3. Invoice Transactions

10.3.1. Invoice Rate Ready (IRR) Transactions

At the point an invoice is produced by the Enbridge billing system for a customer, EnTRAC will
receive the invoiced gas supply charges.

If the account is billing on the ABC (DCB – Rate Ready) service, EnTRAC will receive from the
billing system the invoiced consumption and gas supply charges in relation to the applicable Price
Point Charge Types:
• commodity (consumption related charges)
• transportation (consumption related charges),
• storage (consumption related charges)
• vendor administration fee (not consumption related).

The Service Period “From Date” and “To Date” in the IRR represents the billing period associated
to the consumption. EnTRAC will attribute the invoiced gas supply charges to the Pool Term the
account is associated based upon the Service Period “To Date” (also referred to as the Billing
Period End Date).

Page 157 of 205

Upon receipt of billing data in relation to an account billing on the ABC (DCB – Rate Ready)
service EnTRAC will generate an Invoice Rate Ready transaction.
• MSA Parties categorized as MSA type “Agent” (with an associated MPID) electing the
DCB-Rate Ready billing option for a Pool will receive the Invoice Rate Ready (IRR)
transactions through the EBT System.
• MSA Parties categorized as MSA type “Customer” electing the ABC billing option for a
Pool will have access to search and view their Invoice Rate Ready Transactions (IRR)
through the EnTRAC ABC IRR Report search screen.

If a bill is produced for an account that represents multiple months, the IRR may include multiple
billing month transactions in one IRR transaction.

Prior Period Adjustments (PPAs):

If a billed consumption record is received from the billing system with an “Applied Cycle Billing
Month (ACBM)” and “Applied Cycle Billing Year (ACBY)” which prior to the current Billing Month,
indicating it is retroactive billing adjustment, EnTRAC will treat the billing transaction as a PPA.

Retroactive billing adjustments categorized as a PPA cannot be applied to a Pool Term after it
has reached the state of “Finalized”.

EnTRAC will apply the business rules defined for a Prior Period Adjustment (PPA) to report /
bank the consumption volumes and dollars to a Pool Term discussed in the Gas Management
Functionality section pertaining to the Management and Reporting of Prior Period Adjustments.

If the IRR includes a PPA, the IRR generated will contain an Adjustment Indicator of “Current”,
“Prior” or “Prior or Current”.

PPAs are reflected in the Funds Imbalance Statement (FIS) and Invoice Remittance Statement
(IRS) in the reporting month associated with the billing month that the PPA is presented on the
customer’s bill.

Billing Factors Impacting IRR Generation

There are factors that impact the production of bills in relation to a customer that may impact
when, how and if an IRR Transaction is generated.

Billing System Does Not Successfully Produce an Invoice for an Account

If the billing system is unable to successfully produce an invoice / bill for an account in relation to
a particular billing month, and therefore EnTRAC does not receive any billing data in relation to
the account, EnTRAC will not generate a default IRR for that billing month for the account.

Monthly Statement Accounts (also known as a Collective Accounts):

Customers with multiple general service accounts may request to receive a single consolidated
invoice monthly statement in place of separate invoices for each customer location (e.g. school
board). Gas Vendors will receive IRR’s for accounts on monthly statements on cycle day 21.

Open Window Billing and Consumption Relating to Month Zero of a Pool Term:

The Enbridge billing system is configured to accommodate what is referred to as “Open Window
Billing”. The billing system is able to produce an invoice early (for accounts that bill normally

Page 158 of 205

early in the cycle billing month) if the consumption has been received early. Therefore, in
isolated cases, the billing system may be still billing a particular month (January) but for some
early cycle accounts, if the billing system receives a meter reading early, the billing system will
produce the bill early (in this case a January bill for what typically would have been the
customer’s February bill). This causes some complexity for EnTRAC and the generation of
IRR’s for accounts associated to a Pool that has not started to flow.

If an account is associated to a Pool that is intended to flow February 1st, the first IRR is
expected to be generated for the February billing month (month 1 of the Pool Term). Under
Open Window Billing, EnTRAC could receive a billing transaction for an account with the Billing
Month being January (or month 0 of the Pool Term). If EnTRAC determines this scenario has
occurred, it will suspend generating an IRR reflecting a Billing Month of January, and will
generate an IRR reflecting a Billing Month of February (month 1 of the Pool Term) after the Pool
commences to flow. In isolated cases, multiple IRR’s may be generated for the same billing
month and billing year.

Billing Exceptions:

If EnTRAC is unable to determine which Pool Term a billing transaction or a PPA should be
reported / banked to, EnTRAC will place the billing transaction in an exception table. As part of a
business process, the EnTRAC Financials Department in conjunction with the Contract Support
and Compliance Department will analyze these exception record(s) and reprocess if possible.
The reprocessing of this exception record may occur within the same billing month or in a
subsequent month. If the record is reprocessed within the same billing month, EnTRAC will
identify that the record as current month billing. The IRR is sent with no Billing Month/Year
changes. If the exception record is reprocessed in a future billing month, EnTRAC will identify
that the record as new and assign a new current billing month in the IRR.

If the billing transaction happens to get reprocessed on the same day as the regular month billing
information, the records are grouped together in one IRR. In addition, if the record is successfully
reprocessed within the same month, but not the same day as the regular month’s billing, EnTRAC
will generate 2 IRR’s for that month with the same billing month/year.

With the reprocessing of exception transactions, the record can be assigned to a different pool ID
(same MSA ID) than the record was originally intended for in EnTRAC. Enbridge will assign the
appropriate Pool ID so that it can flow through the IRR process. The IRR will have Pool ID,
which indicates with pool this billing record banked to, and in this case, will populate ‘Adjusted
Pool ID’ with the pool for which this billing record was originally intended.

Adjustment Indicator:

The IRR will have an adjustment indicator if service period is not equal to the current billing cycle
month/year. However, there are some exceptions where the IRR will indicate that the record is
an adjustment when:

Off- cycle final accounts:

The term “off-cycle final” refers to the event where the billing system at the point of being
informed that a customer is moving, produces an invoice at that point in time and does not wait
for the customer’s normal scheduled invoicing date. In this case the customer may receive two
bills in the same month. For each transaction, EnTRAC manages two dates. The ACBM / ACBY
(Applied Cycle Billing Month / Applied Cycle Billing Year) which is the original billing month and
year the customer would have been invoiced in relation to the consumption. The CBM (Cycle
Billing Month) and CBY (Cycle Billing Year) corresponds to the invoice month the transaction is
presented to the customer. In the case of an off-cycle final, the ACBM / ACBY is greater than
the CBM / CBY. For example a customer may receive their August bill, for the billing period

Page 159 of 205

from July 15 to August 15. The Service Period “To Date” of August 15 determines the ACBM of
August as it is still within the August billing month. If the account is finalized on August 20th, this
will trigger a final reading and the account will bill again in the same month from August 15 to
August 20th As the Service Period ‘To Date” is August 20 , normally this would result in the
ACBM being established to be the August billing month. However, for this second billing
transaction the ACBM would be the month of September. This is because that account has
already billed for the month of August. EnTRAC will show an adjustment indicator for the period
th th
of August 15 to August 20 . This bill is produced off of the normal billing cycle for that account
due to its finalization.


In some cases the first bill produced for a customer is greater than the traditional 24 – 36 day
billing period, and the customer receives what is referred to as a "long bill". For example, the first
bill for a customer needs to cover a billing period from June 15 to August 15. When the billing
system generates the first bill for the account, it has already received meter reading for June and
August. EnTRAC will send one IRR with 2 Service Period dates; one from June 15 to July 15,
and another from July 15 to August 15. Since these 2 service periods are being billed in August
(CBM = August). The first record with the Service Period “To Date” of July 15 will have an
adjustment indicator because the ACBM/ACBY (of July) is not equal to CBM / CBY (of August)
even though this had never been billed before. This may also occur in the case of back dated
(retroactive) meter exchanges, where long bills of up to 9 or 10 months result.

10.3.1. Searching and Viewing IRR Transactions

If the MSA Party is a Gas Vendor, EnTRAC will send applicable IRR transactions at the point the
customer’s invoice is generated.

In addition, an MSA Party may search and view applicable IRR transactions in a downloadable
report by selecting the IRR left navigation tab, upon which they will be directed to the screen
entitled ABC IRR Report. The MSA Party has the ability to search for an ABC IRR Report
produced by EnTRAC within the last 30 days only. The MSA Party is directed to request a single
Calendar Billing Date that falls within the last 30 days and then select the download option.

The IRR report provides the following columns of data:

Report Column Heading Description

Transaction Reference Number EnTRAC assigned Transaction ID to IRR
Monthly invoice the billed consumption was
presented to the customer (e.g. customer’s
Billing Month June bill)
Billing Year Calendar year the invoice was produced
Calendar Billing Date Calendar date the IRR was produced
The Id EnTRAC has assigned to the Pool that
Pool ID the IRR consumption was applied to.
Distributor Account Number Customer’s billing account number
The $ amount (if applicable) of an Invoice
Vendor Adjustment requested to be presented
VA Amount on the customer’s invoice.
The applicable taxes (currently HST) applied in
VA GST relation to the Invoice Vendor Adjustment
If the account was refolioed, the previous billing
Old Distributor Account Number account number
Account Switch Date The date the current account number became

Page 160 of 205

The Id EnTRAC has assigned to the Price
Point Group the MSA Party has associated the
Price Point ID customer’s account to
From Date Billing / Service Period start date
To Date Billing / Service Period end date
Commencement date of the Pool Term that the
Pool Term Commencement Date IRR consumption has been applied to
Termination date of the Pool Term that the IRR
Pool Term Termination Date consumption has been applied to
Contains the value “yes” or ‘no” and indicates if
the billing system is reversing previously billed
Cancel Indicator gas charges
Contains the values “Current”, “Prior”, “Prior or
Current”, indicating if the gas charges are
applicable to
a)current billing period
b)prior billing period
c) if a utility is unable to differentiate whether
the gas charges is applicable to the
current or prior billing, then the field will be
Adjustment Type populated with “Prior or Current”.
Refers to if the customer is enrolled on the
Equal Billing Plan, also referred to as the
EBP Indicator Budget Billing Plan.
Indicates whether the billing / service period
Final Bill Indicator represents the final bill for the customer.
Consumption for the billing / service period in
cubic metres. May be negative in the case of
Consumption(m3) the reversal of previously billed charges.
Rate($) (Commodity) Price Point Group - Commodity Price
Billing system calculated Commodity gas
Price Point Charge($) (Commodity) charge
Billing system calculated Commodity applicable
Price Point Charge GST($) (Commodity) tax
Rate($) (Transport) Price Point Group - Transportation Price
Price Point Charge($) (Transport) Billing system calculated Transportation charge
Billing system calculated Transportation
Price Point Charge GST($) (Transport) applicable tax
Rate($) (Storage) Price Point Group - Storage Price
Price Point Charge($) (Storage) Billing system calculated Storage charge
Billing system calculated Storage applicable
Price Point Charge GST($) (Storage) tax
Vendor Admin Fee($) Price Point Group - Vendor Admin Fee
Billing system calculated month Vendor Admin
Fee (pro-rated in the first and last month of a
Price Point Charge($) (Vendor Admin Fee) Pool Term
Price Point Charge GST($) (Vendor Admin Billing system calculated Vendor Admin Fee
Fee) applicable tax

10.3.2. Invoice Vendor Adjustments (IVA) Transactions

Page 161 of 205

As per GDAR, an MSA Party that is a Gas Vendor is permitted to submit a transaction referred to
as an Invoice Vendor Adjustment, to send to the utility an adjustment value applicable to Gas
Competitive Service charges to be presented in a separate line on the customer’s bill.

Submitting an IVA Transaction

A Gas Vendor is able to submit an IVA transaction in relation to a customer that is associated to a
Pool with the ABC (DCB - Rate Ready) billing option elected.

The Gas Vendor is permitted to submit one IVA to be presented on the next invoice produced by
Enbridge for the specified customer. The IVA transaction may be for a positive or negative dollar
value. The Gas Vendor will also specify a reason for the presentment of the IVA from a permitted
enumerated list of values specified under GDAR such as:
• Vendor Rebate
• Vendor Adjustment Gas
• Vendor Adjustment Admin Fee
• Vendor Adjustment Storage
• Vendor Adjustment
• Vendor Discount

The IVA will be presented on the customer’s invoice with the same Vendor Adjustment Reason.

Processing of an IVA Transaction

An IVA can be rejected due to the following:

a) invalid account number
b) There exists within EnTRAC an accepted pending IVA which is waiting to be presented
on an invoice by the billing system. In this case the MSA Party (Gas Vendor) would not
have received an IRR containing the IVA data, confirming that it has been successfully
c) The Gas Vendor who submitted the IVA is not the Gas Vendor on record within EnTRAC
at the time the IVA was submitted.

To assist in the prevention of a customer receiving an IVA of a large amount due to an

unintentional submission error, EnTRAC will validate (referred to as “soft limits”) that an IVA
does not exceed certain amounts. An IVA will be suspended and placed “On Hold” for analysis if
it exceeds the following amounts”
a) for Rate 1 customers = +/- $1,000
b) for Rate 6 and 9 customers = +/- $2,000
c) for all customers above Rate 9 = +/- $5,000.

Enbridge will analyze these transactions and verify with the Gas Vendor if the amounts are
correct before processing. If Gas Vendor has not responded to Enbridge’s inquiry within 5
calendar days, the Invoice Vendor Adjustment is rejected.

Searching for an IVA Transaction

Gas Vendors will have the capability of searching for IVA’s that they have submitted to Enbridge.
Only if an IVA has been accepted or rejected, will a search result be available. In other words,
only if there is a transaction response will there be anything displayed in the search results.

When an IVA is requested by Gas Vendor, EnTRAC will validate if the request can be processed.
If EnTRAC is unable to process the IVA it will reject the request and send an Application Advice
(AA) Reject. If the IVA has passed through EnTRAC validations, it is sent the IVA to the billing
system for validation. If the IVA passes billing system validations, EnTRAC will send an

Page 162 of 205

Application Advice (AA) Accept. The AA tells the submitter that Enbridge will post this IVA on the
next bill for this customer. Once the IVA has been presented on to the customer’s bill an IRR is
generated and sent to the submitter. Until the IRR has been generated for this IVA, all
subsequent IVA’s from that same submitter is rejected.

On every cycle billing day, EnTRAC will make available both on-line and through schemas, all the
IRR billed transactions for the pools of each MSA Party which would include IVA’s if applicable.

The reporting month on the IRR represents the month the IVA is reported in the IRS.

Calculating Remittance Amounts In Relation To IVAs

At the end of each billing month EnTRAC will accumulate all the IVA’s that have had an IRR sent
and have been associated to a pool and present on the IRS, both in EnTRAC and through IRS
schema. EnTRAC will show the net amount of all of the IVA’s for that particular month on the IRS
screen within EnTRAC. If the net amount of the IVA’s is a credit, it is subtracted from the Vendor
payment. If the net amount of the IVA’s is a debit, the amount is added to the Vendor payment.

The IVA amounts will not form part of the FIS pool settlement. They are treated as wholesale
charge transactions as part the Remittance Process (see section below on IRS’s for IVA’s in an

Vendor Administration Fee Charge Type

Effective the implementation of the new billing system in 2009, Enbridge is able to support the
following Price Point Charge Types:

1. Commodity Charge - per cubic metre charge

2. Transportation Charge - per cubic metre charge
3. Storage Charge - per cubic metre charge
4. Vendor Admin. Fee - monthly charge

In the case of the Vendor Admin Fee which is deemed to be a monthly charge, there may be
situations where only a partial monthly Vendor Admin Fee is required. Enbridge will apply this
entire monthly charge if the billing period duration is within 24-36 days. If the billing period is
more than 36 days or less than 24 days, the Vendor Admin Fee is prorated based upon the
number of the days in the billing period multiplied by the monthly Vendor Admin Fee divided by
30 days (deemed to be the average number of days in a billing month).

The Vendor Admin fees which have been presented on the customer's bill will NOT be included in
the total amount billed value presented in the FIS. The reason is, the total Vendor Admin Fee
amounts invoiced in the billing month is cleared with the MSA Party through the application as an
additional payment adjustment or offset amount each month on the IRS.

10.4. Remittance Management

10.4.1. Remittance Management Overview

Page 163 of 205

On the evening of the 8 of each calendar night EnTRAC will calculate and create a pending
Invoice Remittance Statement (IRS) for applicable Pool’s associated to an MSA Party. The IRS
th th
is reviewed by EnTRAC Financials Department between the 9 and 14 .

The EnTRAC Financials Department is able to review and approve the Pool remittances until the
15 of the month. Charges on the screen without brackets represent amounts payable to the
MSA Party. Charges contained in brackets indicate amounts to be collected from the MSA Party.

After approval a Pool remittance is viewable on the Approved Screen of EnTRAC IRS. All Pool
th th
remittances approved on the night of the 15 becomes viewable within EnTRAC on the 16 of the
month, and the associated IRS transaction is sent to the respective Gas Vendor through the EBT
system if they have an MPID. The IRS for each Pool ID is assigned by EnTRAC a unique
Transaction Reference Number (IRS #).

Should there be circumstances where the remittance amounts need to be withheld, the Pool
remittance will remain in the pending approval section and carry forward to the next month for
approval. In this instance, a FIS and IRS transaction is not sent to the Gas Vendor, nor is the
pool’s FIS / IRS available within EnTRAC to review. Once the Pool has been approved by
EnTRAC Financials, the FIS / IRS will be sent and then viewable within EnTRAC.
On the 15 of the month, EnTRAC will trigger all approved remittances to flow to the Enbridge
Financial system. The net amount owing to for all pools will go to the Accounts Payable
department for payment by the 22 of the month. The payments will combine all pools with the
same payment party information and create a payment. It is possible that an MSA Party may
have several Payment Party streams for different Pool combinations. Each Pool can have only
one Payment Party to pay in any one month. The Pool Payment Party, which is established by
the Gas Vendor at the time that the Pool is setup but can be changed during the Pool Term.
Enbridge will pay the Payment Party indicated in EnTRAC and will not direct payments

Should the net amount of the pools result in the MSA Party owing Enbridge, Enbridge will either
net the amount against a future month payment or have the amount added to the customer’s
billing account.

Should Enbridge not be able to net the amount owing to future payments or add the amount to a
customer bill, a sundry miscellaneous invoice is sent. Non-payment of the sundry invoice after 60
days could result in the account being pursued with a collection agency/legal support for further

10.4.2. Managing Pool Payment Party and Contact Information

When creating a Pool, the MSA Party is responsible for completing the Payment Party
information for each of their pools.

The Payment Party information notifies Enbridge of the following:

• The requested method of payment (i.e. electronically or cheque)
• The requested person to contact within the MSA Party organization in the event
Enbridge needs to discuss remittances or the associated process.

The MSA Party must notify Enbridge of all changes to existing payment party information before
the first of the remittance month in which the change is to take effect (i.e.) change is effective for
June 1, 2011. The remittance for June 2011 is paid July 2011, therefore all changes for this must
th st
be made after the 16 of June and on or before July 1 , 2011 by the following two processes:

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• update the pool payment information for each pool by editing the pool details within the
EnTRAC application following the same timeline as above.
• for all payment party name changes, send a fax to Enbridge at 416-753-6674, or e:mail
entrac.financials@enbridge.com summarizing all the pools that require a payment party
change and the effective date of the change. If the name change is to an existing
EnTRAC Vendor, then a Bank Information Change form does not need to get filled out.
However, if the name change is to a new Vendor or a change in banking information,
then a Bank Information Change form will need to be completed. A Bank Information
Change form can be found on the EnTRAC portal under the same name or can be
requested through the EnTRAC Financials group at entrac.financials@enbridge.com.
The completion of the Bank Information Change form follows the same timeline as above.
Enbridge will identify changes in EnTRAC and work with the broker to minimize any risk
of missing information. Note: If there are multiple pools requiring Payment Party
changes, each pool will need to be updated in EnTRAC by the MSA.

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the MSA Party to ensure that all pools affected by change of
name, address, contacts, banking information or any other payment party information are made
correctly in EnTRAC to each and every pool in order for payment processing to be done correctly
by Enbridge. Should payment party information not be updated completely and accurately by the
MSA Party, Enbridge cannot guarantee that payments will be made by the 22 of the month.

10.4.3. Invoice Remittance Statement (IRS)

Invoice Remittance Statements are generated and presented for viewing to all MSA Parties that
have pools associated to the ABC or the DCB - Rate Ready billing option.

Note: As prescribed by GDAR, Gas Vendors will also receive their Invoice Remittance
Statements in XML file format through the point.

The following information is provided on the Pool Invoice Remittance Statement Details screen:
1) Accounting Information - overall payment sum, including applicable tax components.
Delivery /Title Transfers type transactions are grouped under the Net Delivery Based
Remittance category and should be the same amount as reflected per the Pool month-
end on the FIS screen. This section includes the FIS amount, wholesale charges total
dollars and applicable tax - separated by wholesale applicable tax and Net Delivery
Based Remittance applicable tax.
2) Wholesale Charges - all financial transactions which are not part of the FIS are included
here. For each item, there are details of the unit of measure, applicable billing rate and
dollar amount where Enbridge is able to determine these details. Note that for DPAC
and ABC Fees, under the rate section of wholesale charge depicts the number of
accounts associated with these two charges.
3) Although Invoice Vendor Adjustments are considered a wholesale charge and are
included in the wholesale charge amount, however, they also have a separate section
on the IRS.
4) IVA fees to be subtracted from the remittance amount payable to the Gas Vendor for the
month. This will correspond to the absolute dollar amount of IVA’s contained within the
IRR’s sent for the cycle billing month just completed. These are also part of the
wholesale charges section of the IRS.
5) Current Pool Term billing details for the billing month just completed. This information
restates all the IRR’s sent that month rolled up by PPG. The information displayed will
include the PPG ID, PPG Effective Date, Volume, PPG prices and related billings for
commodity, transportation and storage.
6) Previous Term Billing Details for the cycle billing month just completed – related to 13
month billings of a Pool that is about to expire. This information restates all the IRR’s
sent that month rolled up by PPG. The information displayed will include the PPG ID,
PPG Effective Date, Volume, PPG price and billings.

Page 165 of 205

7) Settled Funds Imbalance Statement (Previous Term) amount that is being settled in the
current month’s remittance is included in the accounting information. The net imbalance
amount for each month of the Pool Term is displayed at the bottom of the IRS screen.
Any related carrying costs from the settlement are shown under the Wholesale charges
section above under Carrying Cost charge type.
8) Delivery Adjustment Information – any delivery adjustments (that are not wholesale
delivery adjustments) are part of the FIS dollars/volumes, but will have a section in the
IRS that gives the detail of that adjustment (see Section 3.7.1).
9) Vendor Admin Fee - The amount that Gas Vendors requested through a PPG to have
applied on a customer’s bill. At the end of the billing month, the sum of the vendor
admin fees is transferred to the IRS statement as a payable amount. These amounts do
not get included in the FIS as they are treated as wholesale charges.
10) Miscellaneous fees such as BGA rollover, specialty reports or other agreed upon
services are included in the IRS payment

10.4.4. Funds Imbalance Statement (FIS)

The FIS screens within the EnTRAC Financials section displays both the monthly consumption,
monthly delivery volumes and associated dollars.
On the 16 of each month, the Active ABC Pool statements – called Funds Imbalance Statement
(FIS) will have their current running balance of dollars and volumes viewable on-line through the
Funds Imbalance (FIS) screen. The ABC (DCB - Rate Ready) pools viewable through the FIS
screen will include the month end consumption dollars and volumes along with the delivery
volumes and dollar amount expected to be paid by the 22 of the month.

From the FIS screen, the Gas Vendor can drill down to the remittance details for each month.
The consumption information available in the FIS screen is the sum of the IRR's sent for each
month (see Invoice Rate Ready [IRR] section for more details). The carrying cost information is
displayed but will not be included in the FIS total. The final total carrying cost dollar amount for
each month is part of the remittance process as a wholesale transaction when the Pool has been

The FIS statements will contain the Pool Name, Pool Term commencement & expiry date,
statement month & year and details of the consumption volumes/dollars, Calculated WAVR price,
Applied WAVR price (used to pay deliveries), delivery volumes/dollars, the year-to-date Funds
Imbalance amount, carrying cost and a link to the IRS where the payment details are shown.

Those ABC ((DCB - Rate Ready) pools that have reached their time for financial true up are
found on line in the Settled section of the FIS screen with all of the details of volumes and dollars.
(for example - Pool Term is Jan 1, 2006 – Dec. 31, 2006; on Mar 8, the Pool is considered
settled; the financial settlement will flow to the February 2007 remittance report generated March
2007. The settled Pool amounts are available for view on line on March 16).

For those ABC (DCB - Rate Ready) pools ready for financial true-up, their financial settlement
amount will appear, in detail, in the pools’ remittance report and are part of the net payment
process for the month end. See more information in the Remittance Process section.
If an IRS payment for a Pool is not approved by the 15 of the month, the FIS/IRS for that Pool
will not be available on the screen, nor will the FIS/IRS schema for that Pool be sent to the Gas
Vendors with an MPID.
On the 8 of the month, any pools that are due to have their settlement trued up will have their
settlement amount flow automatically to the remittance process. Those that are settled in the

Page 166 of 205

current month remittance are viewable on the 16 of the month in the Settled section of the FIS

Calculation of Carrying Cost Differential Amounts

Any carrying costs that were associated with the Pool at the time of settlement will also flow
automatically to the remittance process. During the active Pool Term, the amounts were
viewable in the FIS, however, the carrying cost dollars were not part of the FIS dollar totals.

Carrying costs are calculated monthly on the FIS statement but are financially transacted when
the ABC (DCB - Rate Ready) Pool has expired and will financially settle or true up. Both the
pool’s settled balance and the carrying costs will show in different sections of the IRS statement

For WTS pools, the following shows how the carrying cost is calculated:
((applied WAVR) - (EGD Commodity Price) * (Consumption volume - Delivery volume) * (carrying
cost unit rate / (100 * 12) ) ).

For OTS pools, the following shows how the carrying cost is calculated:
((applied WAVR) - (EGD Commodity Price + rate handbook toll rate) * (Consumption volume -
Delivery volume) * (carrying cost unit rate / (100 * 12) ) ).

The EGD Commodity Price and the Carrying Cost unit rate are both available in the EnTRAC
Rate screen with their effective dates.

In the situation where an adjustment is applicable to the carrying cost amount for a Pool that has
already been settled, as it is not possible to add adjustments at this stage of the Pool Term
Enbridge would need to work with the MSA Party to determine next steps to apply the adjustment
to the renewal or new pool.

10.4.5. Net Delivery Based Remittance Calculation

In relation to Pools with the billing option of Agent Billing Collections Service (ABC) or the
Distributor Consolidated Billing in the Rate Ready Form, on the 8 night of each month EnTRAC
will determine the payments for deliveries made in the previous calendar month.

In order to determine the remittance price EnTRAC will calculate and compare the Pool’s
Weighted Average Volumetric Rate (WAVR) price/m3 to the pool’s MDV PPG price/m3 for the
applicable month.

In the derivation of both prices EnTRAC will incorporate applicable commodity, transportation and
storage price components.

Derivation of Weighted Average Volumetric Rate (WAVR) Price/m3

After the completion of each billing month, EnTRAC will consolidate for each Pool the IRR’s
pertaining to the respective billing month, and calculate the Weighted Average Volumetric Rate
(WAVR) expressed in $/ m3.

The Pool’s calculated WAVR price represents the average price of all the IRR’s reported to the
MSA Party related to a billing month.

The Pool’s calculated WAVR price may change from month to month during the Pool Term. This
is in part due to the billed consumption $ amounts and volumes reflecting the following:
• adjustments to billed consumption pertaining to prior periods (referred to as prior period
adjustments or PPA’s) for accounts associated to the Pool

Page 167 of 205

• PPA’s associated to reprocessed exception records pertaining to billed consumption
volumes and dollars relating to other pools related the MSA Party, for which the original
Pool Term the customer was associated to in no longer active and is in “terminated”
status, and/or the financial imbalance true-up has already been completed for the original
Pool Term

The Pool’s WAVR price (expressed in $/ m3) is calculated by summing the absolute value of all
billed consumption $ amounts associated to all the price components (such as commodity,
transportation and storage) applicable to each PPG associated to the Pool, and dividing by the
sum of absolute billed consumption volume (expressed in m3).

WAVR Price Calculation Example:

The following is an example of a WAVR calculation for the 1 month of a Pool Term involving two
customers. For the Customer No. 1 there is also a Prior Period Adjustment (PPA) that must be
taking into consideration.

** Note: The absolute value of the amount billed and the volume represented in the applicable
IRR is used in WAVR calculation

Customer No. 1 Regular billed consumption

Regular billed amount attributed to Commodity = $2,700
Regular billed amount attributed to Transportation = $200
Regular billed amount attributed to Storage = $100
Total Regular billed amount = $3,000
Total Regular billed consumption volume = 10,000 m3

Customer No. 1 PPA

PPA billed amounts attributed to Commodity = -$2,400 **
PPA billed amounts attributed to Transportation = -$100 **
PPA billed amounts attributed to Commodity = $0
Total PPA billed amount = -$2,500
Total PPA billed consumption volume = -8,700 m3**

Customer No. 2 Regular billed consumption

Regular billed amount attributed to Commodity = $3,200
Regular billed amount attributed to Transportation = $0
Regular billed amount attributed to Storage = $0
Total Regular billed amount = $3,200
Total Regular billed consumption volume = 10,000 m3

WAVR = ($3,000 + $2,500 + $3,200) divided by (10,000m3+ 8,700m3 + 10,000m3)

= $8,700 / 28,700m3
= $0.30/m3

The Pool’s calculated WAVR price is presented in the applicable Funds Imbalance Statement
(FIS) sent to the applicable Gas Vendor or can be viewed by the MSA Party on the FIS screen.

Calculation of the MDV PPG Price

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On the first calendar day of each month EnTRAC will calculate a refreshed MDV PPG price for
each Pool based on the Pool Terms current active account composition.

The MDV PPG price (expressed in $/ m3) is calculated by summing for each customer actively
associated to the Pool Term, the product of the contracted or deemed MDV (expressed in m3)
multiplied by the sum of the prices (expressed in $/ m3) for all of the price components (such as
commodity, transportation and storage) applicable to the PPG. Contracted MDV refers to a
customer’s MDV that contributes to the calculation of the Pool’s current effective MDV (as the
MDV for a Pool Term may be re-established periodically over the life of the Pool Term). A
deemed MDV will be calculated by EnTRAC for accounts that did not contribute to the calculation
of the Pool’s MDV that is currently in effect. To calculate a deemed MDV, EnTRAC will apply the
same logic that would normally be applied if an MDV calculation was performed to calculate an
MDV for the account for the remainder of the Pool Term.

MDV PPG price/m3 = Customer 1 MDV * (commodity rate + transportation rate + storage
+ Customer 2 MDV * (commodity rate + transportation rate + storage
+ Customer 3 MDV * (commodity rate + transportation rate +storage
/ (Customer 1 MDV + Customer 2 MDV +Customer 3 MDV).


Customer 1 MDV = 200 m3, commodity = $1.00 /m3, transportation = $0.20 /m3, storage = $0.50
/ m3
Customer 2 MDV = 500 m3, commodity = $0.50 /m3, transportation = $0.70 /m3, storage = $1.00
/ m3
Customer 3 MDV = 300 m3, commodity = $0.30 /m3, transportation = $0.40 /m3, storage = $0.50

MDV PPG = ((200*(1.00+.20+.5)) + (500*(.50+.70+1.00)) + (300*(.30+.40+.50))) / (200+500+300)

MDV PPG = $0.36/m3

This calculation reflects what the normal payment average price / m3 would be for the Pool
delivery volumes of the current month. As price points and mix of customers in the price points
change, the composition of the Pool can change each month, therefore, the MDV PPG price can
also change monthly.

Calculation of Delivery Volumes:

Each gas day EnTRAC receives MDV delivery, Suspension, and Make up volumetric data from
Enbridge Operational Services. The delivery data is aggregated in addition to approved requests
for Title Transfers (where both initiator / counterparty or buyer / seller sections of the transaction
have been completed), and BGA Disposition transactions. Title Transfer requests will qualify as a
delivery transaction only when both parties to the transaction have agreed within EnTRAC.
Should there not be agreement to transact on both sides, the Title Transfer request will not
become a financial or volumetric transaction for the Pools of either party. Ex-franchise Title
Transfers (ETT) and BGA rollover transactions must be approved by the Contract Compliance
group as part of a Title Transfer process. Both of these volumetric transactions have associated
fees for processing.

EnTRAC will receive MDV Delivery data three days after the delivery date. For example
th th
confirmation of deliveries made on the 5 of the month will arrive in EnTRAC on the 8 of the

Page 169 of 205

Any manual adjustments made to delivery volumes or dollars between the 16 of last month and
8 of the current month are included as part of the Pool’s FIS also produced on the night of the
th th th
8 . For example, delivery adjustments done between January 16 and February 8 are part of
the FIS available on February 16 for the January reporting period. Delivery adjustments to
the nominated MDV deliveries, Suspensions, Make Up and Title Transfers are segregated in a
separate section of the IRS within EnTRAC. In this section it will show the detailed adjustment
information pertaining to volumes and / or dollars. This section is for information only, as the
financial / volumetric information is part of the FIS. A delivery adjustment amount reflects the
current months applied WAVR price.
th th
Any manual delivery adjustments posted between 9 and 14 of the month are paid as a
‘wholesale delivery adjustment’ in the month but will not be included in the FIS statement. Again,
if such a delivery adjustment is made, it is made at the current months applied WAVR price. This
is done in order to keep all the reporting data in synchronization with that produced on the 8 of
the month. Before the 8 of the following month, the wholesale delivery adjustment is reversed
and replaced with a regular delivery payment that will flow properly to the FIS statement along
with the volumes – in order to keep all the reporting data in synchronization with that produced on
the 8 of the month.

Any unauthorized makeup delivery volume transactions qualify for automatic payment but are
reviewed by EnTRAC Financials for what caused this type of transaction (i.e. no nominations at
the start of a new Pool Term or no active customers remaining on the pool). Enbridge will
continue to notify the MSA Party of these conditions to minimize volumetric transactions being
categorized as Unauthorized Makeup and to ensure appropriate action is taken by the Gas
Vendors and to minimize large financial settlements at the end of the Pool Term.

Any authorized or unauthorized suspensions and authorized makeup request are included in the
net based delivery volume. They are added or subtracted from the volumes used to derive the
monthly payment.

Determination of Delivery Volume Price for Remittance Calculation

If the calculated WAVR price (based upon the total of absolute consumption dollars in IRR’s
applicable to the Pool for a month, divided by the total of absolute value of consumption volumes
in those same IRR’s) is greater than 110% of the Pool’s MDV PPG Price or less than 90% of the
pool’s MDV PPG Price, the MDV PPG Price is used as the basis for payment. The MDV PPG
Price is multiplied by the delivery volumes payable for the month (this is referred to as the Applied
WAVR in the FIS).

If the pool’s calculated WAVR price is between 91-109% of the Pool’s MDV PPG Price, the
calculated WAVR price is used as the basis of the payment and is multiplied by the delivery
volumes to be remitted for the month. When the IRS and FIS are available on the 16 , MSA
Parties are able to view which price was used to calculate delivery payments on the FIS screen
and/or through FIS transaction sent to the MSA Party through the point. On the FIS screen, there
are 2 columns showing rates. The one column displays the Pool’s Calculated WAVR and the
other the Pool’s Applied WAVR. In the event these two columns differ, then the pool’s MDV PPG
is used. Similarly, if those 2 columns are the same, then the calculated WAVR is used for that
month’s delivery payment.

If there is no WAVR price in the billing month (i.e. no IRRs have been issued because there were
no customers belonging to that Pool on the first of the month and no Prior Period Adjustments
were banked to that Pool), the MDV PPG of the previous month is the basis of the payment and
is multiplied by the delivery volumes payable for the month.

Page 170 of 205

A Title Transfer transaction completed in the month uses the same applied WAVR price for the
associated Pool of the seller. Similarly, the same applied WAVR price is used for the associated
Pool of the buyer. The Title Transfer dollars and volumes are combined under the Net delivery
based remittance part of the IRS screen. It is also shown combined in the delivery dollars and
volumes represented on the FIS statement for the month. A Title Transfer transaction is also
viewable on the Load Balancing Screen in EnTRAC.

Should EnTRAC Financials need to do a manual Title Transfer buyer / seller adjustment to a
Pool, they can be viewed as a separate line item on the EnTRAC IRS screen under the delivery
adjustment information box.

10.4.6. Wholesale Charges

The IRS will include a section that outlines the amounts that have been applied in the calculation
of the net remittance amounts. These items are referred to as Wholesale Charges. In isolated
cases these Wholesale Charges may be applied as a credit amount.

The Wholesale Charge Types that could be applied to a remittance are as follows:

• ABC Administration Fee

• ABC Remittance
• ABC Fees
• BGA Disposition Make Up
• BGA Disposition Suspension
• BGA Gas Sale
• BGA Gas Purchase
• Carrying Cost
• Curtailment Gas Purchase Adjustment Reduction to Remittance
• Curtailment Gas Purchase Adjustment Addition to Remittance
• CDS Delivery Remittance
• Direct Purchase Administration Fee Adjustment
• Ex Franchise Transfer
• Final Funds Imbalance
• In Franchise Transfer
• New Charge Type
• Miscellaneous
o Account Lookup Fee
• Security Deposit
• Title Transfer Buyer
• Title Transfer Seller
• TCPL Firm Transportation
• TCPL Firm Transportation Adjustment
• TCPL Toll Credit
• UOG Supply CDA
• UOG Supply EDA
• Vendor Adjustment
• Vendor Adjustment Fee
• Wholesale Delivery Adjustment

Page 171 of 205

10.4.7. ABC Fees

The applicable charge for the ABC / GDC – Rate Ready billing service (the ABC Fee) is
generated automatically in EnTRAC based on the customer count at the start of each month for
each Pool (i.e. the remittances paid in middle of May pertain to Pool activity in April, therefore the
ABC Fee is based on the customer count in the Pool on April 1).

The fee structure is based on the Rate Class of the customer in the pool:
1) Rate Class 1, 2 $1.05 per account per month
2) Rate Class 6, 9 $2.00 per account per month
3) Rate Class above Rate 9 $5.00 per account per month

If there is an adjustment transaction for amounts related to a prior month, they are shown on the
remittance under the wholesale category ABC Fee.

10.4.8. Miscellaneous Wholesale Charge - Account Look Up Fee

In the situation where a new customer has not received their first invoice from Enbridge, and
therefore the customer is not able to provide their account number to the Gas Vendor, a Gas
Vendor is able to submit an Enrol Request or a Historical Consumption Request without
specifying the account number. The Enrol Request must provide sufficient customer information
and where they are located to assist Enbridge in searching their records for an account number.
Enbridge will attempt to locate the account number based upon the information provided by the
Gas Vendor. Note: a fee is charged for the service whether Enbridge successful or not in locating
a unique match to the information provided by the Gas Vendor and is able to return an account
number in the Enrol Request or Historical Request response. The fee is applied to the
subsequent remittance with a description of ‘Misc–LookUp Fees. The fee charged is based
upon whether the account number could be identified by the EnTRAC system or required
additional manual intervention by a person.

The fee schedule is as follows:

• $2.00 if all the required customer information is provided and EnTRAC is able to identify
the customer’s account number through an automated process
• $5.00 if all the required information is provided and Enbridge has to look up the account
number manually.

Note: If an account number is returned in the Enrol Request Accept or Historical Consumption
Request Accept transaction sent to the Gas Vendor, and includes the customer information
associated to the account number provided on the Enbridge billing system, it is the responsibility
of the Gas Vendor to verify that it is the intended customer.

10.4.9. BGA Gas Purchase / Gas Sale

One month after the expiry of a Pool Term when EnTRAC calculates the Finalized BGA and
changes the Pool Status to Finalized, EnTRAC will determine if the volumetric imbalance
exceeds the tolerance volume. If there is a volumetric imbalance in excess of the tolerance
volume, EnTRAC will automatically generate a Gas Purchase or Sale transaction to dispose of
the excess volume.

The MSA Party has 180 day period (referred to as the Disposition Period) that follows the Pool
Term end date to dispose of any BGA volumetric imbalance within the tolerance volume. If the
BGA imbalance is not completely disposed of at the end of the Disposition Period, EnTRAC will
automatically generate a BGA Gas Purchase or Sale transaction. Both of these transaction types

Page 172 of 205

are part of the remittance process and considered a wholesale charge in the IRS. BGA
disposition calculations for purchase and sale are calculated differently based on if the Pool is an
Ontario Point of Acceptance or a Western Point of Acceptance. See below for the calculation for

Ontario Pools Disposition Calculation

• BGA Purchase: Gas Purchase Volume x 80% of AECO price averaged over the Pool
Term (posted in EnTRAC Rate screen)
• BGA Sale: Gas Sale Volume x 120% of AECO price averaged over the Pool Term +
Rider A (available in the Rate Handbook).

The BGA Gas Purchase price will no longer subtract the TCPL rate from the BGA Gas Purchase
price when a disposition is calculated for a Pool with an Ontario Point of Acceptance.

Western Pools Disposition Calculation

• BGA Purchase: Gas Purchase Volume x 80% of AECO price averaged over the Pool
Term (posted in EnTRAC Rate screen) – Rider A (available in the Rate Handbook)
• BGA Sale: Gas Sale Volume x 120% of AECO price averaged over the Pool

Should the MSA Party elect to roll over BGA volumes from an expired Pool to a renewal pool,
they can be done upon approval from Enbridge. A financial transaction is generated as a title
transfer for the renewal Pool based on the volume multiplied by applied WAVR in place at the
time of month end remittance process. This transaction type is considered to be a related to
deliveries and is included in the FIS balance for the renewal pool.

If at the end of the disposition period EnTRAC determines that there is a residual amount that is
less than the MDV, EnTRAC will automatically transfer the volumes to the renewed Pool if one
exists. This transaction is called an ‘Automatic Title Transfer’ if a renewal term does not exist, a
BGA Gas Purchase or Sale is processed.

10.4.10. Curtailment Gas Purchase Adjustment Addition to Remittance

If a Rate 145 or 170 customer on a Pool that has elected the ABC / GDC – Rate Ready billing
service is asked during the Pool Term to curtail their gas consumption, and the Pool MSA Party
continues to deliver their full MDV Delivery volume (including those deliveries associated with the
MDV associated to the curtailed LVDC customer), a Curtailment Gas Purchase will be applied by

10.4.11. DPAC- Direct Purchase Administration Charge

A monthly Direct Purchase Administration Charge (DPAC) is calculated by Enbridge and applied
to the remittance for each and every Pool for the duration of each Pool Term. This charge is
intended to recover the expenses incurred by Enbridge in relation to the administrative activities
relating to Gas Transportation Agreements (also referred to as Gas Delivery Agreements). The
DPAC is calculated based upon the Transportation Service Rider included in the OEB Approved
Handbook of Rates and Distribution Services.

The monthly DPAC is comprised of:

1) Fixed Charge $ 75.00 per month per Pool
2) Account Charge $ 0.21 per month per Account

Page 173 of 205

If there is an adjustment transaction for amounts related to a prior month, they are shown on the
remittance under the wholesale category DPAC.

A DPAC is applied in relation to a Pool for its duration whether or not the MSA Party is in fact
actually delivering any volume of gas in relation to that Pool, and is independent of there being
any accounts actively associated to the Pool. Until an accepted Pool Termination request
becomes effective in relation to a previously active pool, a DPAC charge is applied each month.

10.4.12. Miscellaneous Whole Charges

In the situation where a Gas Vendor has requested and received additional services from
Enbridge, the mutually agreed upon fee will appear on a subsequent remittance as
‘Miscellaneous – ‘short description’. Examples of service charges can include fees for the
• title transfers between gas utilities which require additional Enbridge activity
• account number lookup.

10.4.13. Security Deposit

As described in Section named Security Deposit Requirements for MSA’s with ABC (DCB - Rate
Ready) Pools under GDAR Agreement below, should there be any cash adjustments related to
the administration of Security Deposit activity, Enbridge will include the cash
payment/withholding, plus applicable interest in the remittance process.

Security deposit evaluation/settlement activity will occur every 6 months from the time of the first
requirement being administered. Any security deposit cash/interest adjustments are applied to
the remittances in relation to the timing of these evaluations as a Miscellaneous Wholesale
Charge Type.

Should the MSA Party choose to use other non-cash financial instruments as a security deposit –
such as a letter of credit, there will not be any financial transactions flowing to the Invoice
Remittance Statement (IRS).

10.4.14. TCPL Toll Credit

From the point of the implementation of the billing system by Enbridge on September 2009, the
process for Enbridge to remit a T-Service Credit in relation to Pools with an Ontario Point of
Acceptance was no longer required.

T-Service credits are not issued by Enbridge for title transfer transactions between in-franchise

10.4.15. UOG Supply CDA - EDA

Any discussions pertaining to volume is covered in the Gas Management section of this

EnTRAC monitors the occurrence of UOG Supply – CDA/EDA for all pools on a daily basis. For
ABC (DCB – Rate Ready) pools, the volume is identified and multiplied by the applicable unit for
the data of incurrence to determine a compliance charge. The details of the volume calculations
are captured in the Gas Management section.

Page 174 of 205

All compliance charges are posted in EnTRAC screen for review and approval by Enbridge.
There are several waiver options from which to select when reviewing the charge:
a) Correction - as to the transaction amount, which changes the original amount with
reasons if charge applied incorrectly
b) Contract - which would cause Enbridge to cancel the financial transaction as the contract
was cancelled
c) Force Majeure - which would cause Enbridge to modify the financial transaction as the
circumstance triggering the charge were subject to the Force Majeure provisions of a
companion of the MSA.
d) Approved -as the financial transaction is valid and should be processed for the ABC pool.

EnTRAC allows Enbridge 8 calendar days to review and select the appropriate waiver option.
Should no action be taken by Enbridge within that time, EnTRAC will automatically trigger the
originally calculated financial transaction to flow through the remittance process related to the

The purchase is calculated based on the curtailment volume window of the LVDC times the
curtailment gas purchase price.

10.4.16. Unabsorbed Demand Charges (UDC) Charge

W-T pools may be charged daily for any mismatch on the volume they were supposed to deliver
on TCPL gas pipe line. EnTRAC calculates such volumes on a daily basis. In the event that
Enbridge needs to buy gas to fill up the TCPL pipeline, the MSA would be charged. These
charges are calculated and entered manually into EnTRAC.

10.4.17. Vendor Adjustment

EnTRAC will calculate the amount of an IVA transaction applied to customer invoices each cycle
billing month which have been reported to the Gas Vendor through an IRR. EnTRAC will
calculate the aggregate net IVA Amount by Pool, and will include the resulting amount payable to,
or the amount to be collected from, the Gas Vendor in the remittance process.

For example:

Pool 1 Customer 1 is charged $500

Pool 1 Customer 2 is credited $100
Pool 1 Net amount payable is $400

10.4.18. Vendor Adjustment Fee

Effective September 30, 2009 EnTRAC applies a flat fee of $0.30 per each Invoice Vendor
Adjustment (IVA) request submitted by an MSA Party that is accepted by the Enbridge. The
charge is applied to the applicable Pools’ Invoice Remittance Statement (IRS) that is rendered
subsequent to the IVA being applied to the customer’s invoice. For example: if the IVA is
successfully applied to the customer’s June 2011 invoice, the IVA Fee is reflected in the
remittance applicable to the month of June 2011.

10.5. Rate Management

Page 175 of 205

10.5.1. Viewing Rates Applied in the Calculation of Charges and
The following rates applicable for services are viewable by all MSA Party types in EnTRAC in the
section entitled ‘Rate Management’:

ABC Service Fee Rate $1.05 (Rate 1,2 customers)

DCB – Rate Ready Service Fee Rate $2.00 (Rate 6,9 customers),
$5.00 (others)
CMB T Service/Sales Rate Rate Handbook -
Rates 100 –170 under Minimum Bill
BGA Gas Disposition – Gas Purchase 80% of published index price for the monthly
AECO/NIT supply adjusted for Nova’s AECO to
Empress transportation tolls and compressor
fuel costs (2 year history available on EnTRAC)
BGA Gas Disposition - Gas Sale 120% of the published index price for the
monthly AECO/NIT supply adjusted for Nova’s
AECO to Empress transportation tolls and
compressor fuel costs (2 year history available
on EnTRAC)
Carrying Cost of Gas Rate Approved OEB annual cost of capital / 12
CDS BGA Gas Purchase Rate Handbook -
Rate 320 under Gas Supply Charge
CDS BGA Gas Sale Rate Handbook –
120% of Rate 320 under Gas Supply Charge
Curtailment Gas Purchase Price Rate Rate 145 under Capacity Repurchase Rate –
the Alberta One-month Firm Spot Price for
AECO ‘C” and Nova Inventory Transfer,
adjusted for AECO to Empress transportation
tolls and compressor fuel costs (100%);

Rate 170 under Capacity Repurchase Rate –

the Alberta One-Month Firm Spot Price for
AECO ‘C’ and Nova Inventory Transfer,
adjusted for AECO to Empress transportation
tolls and compressor fuel costs; DCRQ credit

To be replaced with Seasonal Credits

Curtailment Penalty Rate Rate Handbook –
Rate 145 under Unauthorized Overrun Gas
Rate 170 under Unauthorized Overrun Gas
Enbridge Commodity price used in the carrying Rate Handbook Gas Supply Charge
cost calculation
Nymex Gas Future Prices Nymex Web site for use in deriving Security
deposit requirements
Ontario T-service Credit Rate Handbook under Transportation Service
Seasonal Overrun Gas Rate Rate Handbook –
Rate 135 under Seasonal Overrun rate
Unauthorized Overrun Gas - CDA Rate 150% highest daily price in calendar month in
Gas Daily for Niagara export point
Unauthorized Overrun Gas - EDA Rate 150% highest daily price in calendar month in

Page 176 of 205

Gas Daily for Iroquois export point
The rates are updated by the 5 of each month for transaction activity of the prior month, and are
applied in EnTRAC to the various financial transactions as applicable and described below.

The Price Point Group (PPG) rates specified by the MSA Party for each price point group and are
not viewable on the common rate table (see section on Price Point Groups under Contract
Management). However, they are used to drive the rates used to bill Distributor Consolidated
Billing in the Rate Ready Form (ABC) gas commodity to customers on an ABC (DCB – Rate
Ready Form) pool. The PPG rates for each Pool can be changed monthly during the Pool
contract term by the MSA Party. Please see the section below on the Billing Consumption for
ABC Account for details.

10.6. Charges and Credits Management

10.6.1. Charges and Credits Applicable to LVDC Customers

All of the financial transactions which would be added to a customer’s Enbridge bill are triggered
from the Compliance occurrences as determined in EnTRAC as they relate to the LVDC contract
that the customer has in place. The compliance charges are calculated daily/monthly based on
the parameters of each type of charge and the contracted terms of the LVDC.

The compliance charges can be evaluated by Enbridge as follows:

a) Correction - as to the transaction amount, which changes the original amount with
reasons if charge applied incorrectly
b) Contract - which would cause Enbridge to cancel the financial transaction as the contract
was cancelled
c) Force Majeure – which would cause Enbridge to modify the financial transaction as the
circumstance triggering the charge subject to the Force Majeure provisions of a
component of the MSA.
d) Approved - as the financial transaction is valid and should be processed for the ABC

As these compliance instances are incurred, Enbridge will trigger a financial transaction in
EnTRAC for submission to the billing systems for inclusion on the customer’s monthly bill.

The new CIS system will allow charges/credits to flow to an account after that account has been
finalized. Therefore an IRR could be sent to the Vendor even after the Vendor has received
notification that the account has finalized with a TOS notification.

10.6.2. Annual Minimum Bill (CMB) Charge

CMB is calculated and a financial transaction is created at the end of the contract
term/anniversary term for an LVDC customer who has contracted for a minimum gas volume with
Enbridge. The LVDC can be a direct purchase or system gas customer.

The Contract Minimum Volume (CMV) differential is multiplied by the CMB rates as shown in the
Rate Management screen for each rate class. The rates are determined by the Rate Handbook.

10.6.3. CDS BGA Gas Sale or Gas Purchase

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As discussed in the Gas Management functionality section, a Banked Gas Account (BGA) is
maintained in relation to Curtailment Delivered Supply (CDS) if available and elected during a
period of curtailment.

If an imbalance in the CDS BGA is to be disposed of through a Gas Sale or a Gas Purchase
transaction, the applicable volume is multiplied by the applicable rate for Rate 320 in the
Handbook of Rates and Distribution Services

10.6.4. Seasonal Credits (formerly Daily Capacity Repurchase

Seasonal credits will apply to all customers in rate class 135, rate class 145, and rate class 170
who have active contracts during the months for which seasonal credit is being calculated. . For
those customers with Modified R135, there will not be any seasonal credits paid as these
customers do not deliver in the winter months when seasonal credits apply.

The seasonal credits are applied to the above customers’ rate classes who have delivery activity
during the four winter months of Dec, Jan, Feb and March. The payment is applied to the
customer billing account in the following months of Jan, Feb, Mar and April.

The volumes for which the seasonal credit is applied are based on the MDV of the contract term
of the LVDC. The MDV at the start of each of Dec- Mar months are multiplied by the applicable
seasonal credit rate for each rate class and interruptible notice period as set out in the Enbridge
Handbook of Rates and Distribution Services.

Should the LVDC terminate their contract early, their seasonal credit volume is prorated for the
month in which the contract ended, based on the number of days applicable for the month.

10.6.5. Unauthorized Overrun Gas (UOG) Demand Charge

UOG demand charges are triggered when the actual demand exceeds the billing demand volume
of the contracted level for the LVDC. The LVDC can be either a System Gas or Direct Purchase

The LVDC is allowed one of the occurrences where no financial transactions are triggered. On
the second occurrence, the instance is shown as a non compliance event reported to Enbridge.
The volume difference between the current billing demand and Actual demand billing are
analyzed by Enbridge who will trigger a rebilling request be done on the customer’s billing

The rebilling calculation is done using the following formula:

a) Reverse the customer bill for the month of the UOG occurrence; this reversal will
consider any billing adjustments made on the original bill.
b) Reverse the appropriate billing amount which for which all volume was billed at the same
system gas or direct purchase rate
c) Rebill the customer for the normal contracted demand as the system gas or direct
purchase price
d) Rebill the difference (Billing Volume less MDV contracted Volume) times UOG Rate 320
at the date of occurrence.

As a result of this non-compliance occurrence, the billing demand volume is adjusted to the newly
billed billing demand volume. Should there continue to be related compliance occurrences where
the actual demand is exceeding the current billing demand volume, compliance transactions are

Page 178 of 205

triggered by Enbridge using the following calculation: Difference (Actual demand less current
billing demand volume) times the UOG Rate at the date of the occurrence.

10.6.6. Unauthorized Overrun Gas (UOG) Seasonal Overrun Charge

This charge is derived from consumption estimates for the winter season months of December to
March inclusive for Rate 135 customers. An estimated consumption for a 12 month contract term
is calculated. Should the actual consumption in each of the months of December, January,
February, and March be greater than 5% of the estimated consumption for the same month, there
is a seasonal overrun financial transaction triggered in EnTRAC. The seasonal overrun amount
is based on the volume in excess of the 5% overrun times the applicable seasonal overrun rate.

10.6.7. Unauthorized Overrun Gas (UOG) Curtailment Charge

When Enbridge initiates curtailment activity, the information is tracked in EnTRAC for each LVDC
account affected. Should the LVDC not comply with the requirements, EnTRAC will identify the
compliance volumes involved at each curtailment interval. The detailed volume calculations are
described in the Gas Management section.

Enbridge will review the curtailment transactions and determine if the LVDC should be charged.
The financial transaction are calculated as follows: Difference in (Consumed volume during the
curtailment period – 100% of Billing Demand volume) and Expected curtailment volume) times
the (Curtailment Rate in effect plus UOG Supply Rate applicable to the delivery area). Should
curtailment be for a partial day, the daily volume is prorated to the applicable hourly equivalent.

EnTRAC will send these financial transactions to the CIS/LVB billing systems for inclusion on the
customer’s bill. There is a charge transacted for each occurrence should there be several
curtailment windows for the LVDC.

10.7. Security Deposit Management

10.7.1. Applicability and Overview

As outlined in the GDAR Service Agreement, (Article 3) Enbridge may request a security deposit
at any time from an existing MSA Party.

The security deposit for Pools for which the ABC billing option is applicable is based upon:
a) the next 12 months of forecasted Pool activity (see discussion below)
b) multiplied by the difference between 12 months forecasted Nymex Price at Dawn minus
the weighted average MDV PPG Price,
c) minus a predetermined percentage based on the MSA credit rating,
d) minus a one-time adjustment of $250,000 per MSA.

The Gas Vendor will have various options to cover the security deposit:
a) Irrevocable Line of Credit
b) Cash deposit
c) Combination : Line of Credit and Cash Deposit

Should the Gas Vendor fail to provide the security deposit requirement through the options
available, Enbridge will evaluate the situation in consultation with the MSA Party, and notify the
MSA Party if their access to EnTRAC should be terminated.

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10.7.2. Nymex at Dawn Pricing
On a monthly basis, Enbridge will extract the next 12 months gas commodity prices from the
Nymex web site and update the EnTRAC Unit Rate table. The Unit Rate Table will display the
effective date of the input and this will indicate the start of the 12 month period for the rates (i.e.
input Nov. 28, 2006, means prices start from Dec 1, 2006 through to Nov 30, 2007).

10.7.3. ABC (DCB - Rate Ready) Pool Activity

Enbridge will determine a security deposit requirement for each Pool within an MSA and a
composite requirement for the whole MSA based on highest risk month for the 12 month
forecasted Pool activity levels. The forecasted Pool activity assessment will take into any activity
relating to the re-establishment of the MDV for the Pool that is known at that time.

For each Pool that is in an active, locked for flow, expired, or finalized state, there is a forecasted
volumetric position that can be for a period of 1 to 12 months depending on the Pool status:
a) For an active Pool that has less than 12 months to run before its expiry date, the
forecasted BGA & corresponding security deposit risk are calculated for the months
remaining in the Pool Term. (i.e. report is run Dec 8, 2006; Pool expires July 31, 2007.
The Security deposit forecasted risk will show monthly until July 31, 2007 and the
forecasted BGA outstanding for the remaining months Aug- Nov2007)
b) For an active Pool that has more than 12 months remaining to its expiry date, the
forecasted BGA & corresponding security deposit risk are calculated. (report is run Dec
8, 2006. Pool expires Mar 2008; The Security deposit forecasted risk will show monthly
for Dec 2006 to Nov 2007)
c) For a Pool that is locked for flow, the forecasted BGA & corresponding security deposit
risk are calculated from the start date month of the Pool so there will only be 11 months
of data available (report is run Dec 8, 2006; Pool is locked for flow for Jan 1, 2007; the
security deposit forecasted risk are calculated for Jan 2007 to Nov 2007 only; Dec 2006
are blank).
d) For a Pool that terminates early, the forecasted BGA & corresponding security deposit
risk are calculated up to the termination date, and the ending forecasted BGA will then be
used to determine the security deposit risk for the remaining months assuming that the
amounts are not settled until 6 months after expiry (report is run Dec 8, 2006; Pool has
an early termination of Apr 30, 2007; the security deposit forecasted risk are calculated
for Dec 2006 to Apr 2007, and the remaining BGA forecast will show for May 2007 to Nov
e) For a Pool that has expired, the forecasted BGA & corresponding security deposit risk will
keep the ending forecasted BGA position for the future 6 months remaining, assuming
the amount will not be settled until 6 months after expiry (report is run Dec 8 2006; Pool
has expired Nov 30, 2006. The security deposit forecasted risk will remain as the Dec 8,
forecasted BGA Dec 2006 to May 2007)
f) For a Pool that is pending, there will not be any security deposit calculated.

There is a detailed report by month showing the maximum risk month which is available for the
MSA Party to review by Pool. It also provides the corresponding status when a security deposit
is required and when the security deposit is updated at the 6 month interval

10.7.4. Maximum Month Risk on Volumetric and Price Forecasting

Page 180 of 205

EnTRAC will compare the month Pool MDV PPG price for each Pool to the forecasted Nymex
prices for the coming 12 months. The PPG price is used for all the future months and assumes
no price changes.

For any single pool, where the Nymex price is higher than the PPG price, and where the Gas
Vendor owes BGA volumes (consumption exceeds deliveries), there is more risk to EGD. Where
the Nymex price is lower than the MDV PPG price and where the Gas Vendor owes BGA
volumes (consumption exceeds deliveries), there is less risk to EGD. For the maximum
forecasted risk at the MSA level, all the forecasted risk dollars for each month are added up from
all the pools and the month that has the highest (risk) debit balance on the report is the basis of
the initial security deposit requirement.

EnTRAC will run the security deposit engine monthly and derive new risk amounts for each Gas
Vendor as a monitoring tool. The Gas Vendor will have their security deposit updated at six
month intervals from the time the initial security deposit was calculated. The BGA forecast is
refreshed each month so the security deposit for each Pool will change based on its actual Pool
activity and new forecasted position

10.7.5. Derivation of Deductions to Initial Volumetric EnTRAC


Enbridge (from Section 4.3 above) will determine the final security deposit amount by adjusting
the EnTRAC derived security deposit and subtracting a percentage for the other 3 factors based
on the table described in the Service Agreement.

A credit rating from Standard and Poors terminology can result in a reduction of the original
security deposit calculation of anywhere from 20% (AAA- and above) to 5% (BBB- from BBB and
BBB+ to below A).

A good payment history with the gas distributor or another gas distributor in Canada can result in
a reduction of the original security deposit calculation of anywhere from 15% (all payments owing
by the Gas Vendor were received on or before the due date for 5 years or more) to 5% (all
payments owing by the Gas Vendor were received on or before the due date for 1 year but less
than 2 years).

A further reduction is taken from the security deposit calculation for all security deposits already
billed to customers that are on the pool.

It is the final security deposit AFTER all of the deductions that the MSA Party is responsible to
cover if required.

10.7.6. Security Deposit Initial Setup Options & Timelines

Enbridge will formally inform a new MSA Gas Vendor or an existing MSA Gas Vendor that a
security deposit is required. The MSA Gas Vendor is provided with the details of the calculations
used to determine the deposit amount.

Within 30 days, the Gas Vendor must notify in writing Enbridge of how the security deposit are
a) Irrevocable letter of credit
b) Cash
c) Pre-payment (same as cash)
d) Combination of the above.

Page 181 of 205

If cash or cash combination is the preferred transaction, Enbridge will input the amount into the
next remittance cycle.

10.7.7. Security Deposit Updates & Timelines

At the end of 6 months, EnTRAC will recalculate the security deposit requirement for the MSA
and Enbridge will formally update the MSA of the details within 30 days of the changes. The
amount could increase or decrease based on Pool activity.

Within 30 days, the MSA Party must notify Enbridge, in writing, how the adjusted security deposit
should be handled. A cash increase or decrease will flow through to the remittance process
within 30 days of notification. If the letter of credit has to be increased, the MSA has 30 days to
provide the new letter of credit.

Enbridge will calculate & pay interest annually or when the MSA terminates – whichever is
sooner. The interest rate used is the Prime Business Rate, published by the website of the Bank
of Canada monthly less 2 percent. At year end, there is a tax receipt issued for any interest paid.

Should the MSA Party terminate their services with Enbridge in-between the 6 month intervals of
the security deposit, Enbridge will adjust any cash related security deposit amounts as part of the
final IRS settlement.

Page 182 of 205

Appendix A – Glossary of Terms

This glossary of terms presented here is for purpose of providing clarity to the Transaction Rules.
If there is a discrepancy between what is presented here to what is defined in the Handbook of
Distribution Services or within any of the contractual agreements such as the Large Volume
Distribution Contract, Gas Delivery Agreement, EnTRAC User Agreement or the GDAR Service
Agreement, those documents will take precedent over this glossary of terms.

Term Description
Account The numerical id assigned by the Enbridge billing system to represent a
customer’s account with the utility. In relation to an account number a
periodic invoice is rendered for one or more utility services that are
provided to the customer at a single premise or location on the company’s
distribution system. Also referred to as customer account, consumer
account, or billing account number.
Agent A Party to the Master Services Agreements (MSA) that has been duly
appointed by each customer to act on behalf of the customer in respect of
all the rights and obligations of the customer in relation to the MSA. All
MSA Parties with the designated MSA Type of “agent” within the EnTRAC
system who intend to submit transactions listed as an EBT Transaction
and fall under the GDAR definition of Gas Vendor.
Agent Billing and The Agent Billing and Collection Service is available to MSA Parties of the
Collection Service type Customer. It is similar to the Distributor Consolidated Billing (DCB)
(ABC) option in the Rate Ready form.
Application Advice An EBT generated by Enbridge or the Gas Vendor (MSA Party) and sent
(AA) to the corresponding party, in response to the receipt of an Invoice
transaction (such as an IRR, IRS, FIS) or a Status Advise Transaction,
indicating that the transaction received was either accepted or rejected.
Area Code The Enbridge gas distribution system is divided into eight regions and
accounts are assigned an “Area Code”. The area code represents the
location of the gas meter. The area codes are:
• 01 (Metro Toronto Region)
• 21 (Western Region)
• 35, 53 (Northern Region)
• 45,47 (Central Region)
• 65 (Eastern Region)
• 76 (Niagara Region)
Banked Gas For MSA Parties entering into a Gas Delivery Agreement, EGD shall keep
Account (BGA) a record (“Banked Gas Account”) of the volume of gas delivered (credits)
by the MSA Party to EGD in respect of one or more end-use customers,
and the volume of gas consumed (debits) at their respective service
locations of the end use customers.
BGA Disposition The act of reducing or eliminating a volumetric imbalance at the end of
the Pool Term.
Billing Cycle Day The Enbridge billing system does not bill all accounts on a single billing
day, but distributes the billing of customers across “billing cycle days”. In
aggregate is referred to as the “billing cycle month”. Mass Market
Accounts, are assigned a Billing Cycle Day from 01 to 20. Mass Market
Accounts billing on “Collective Invoices” are assigned a Billing Cycle Day
of 21. Large Business Accounts metered on the EnMAR systems are
assigned a Billing Cycle Day of either Billing Cycle Day 7 (and they bill in
the first half of the billing cycle month) or Billing Cycle Day 21 (and they
bill in the second half of the billing cycle month).
Bill Ready Billing The Distributor Consolidated Billing (DCB) option in the Bill Ready form is
Option contemplated in GDAR as a billing option that the distributors are to be in

Page 183 of 205

a position to offer to Gas Vendors.
Change Consumer An EBT generated by Enbridge to notify the Gas Vendor (MSA Party) that
Information (CCI) the customer information maintained by the Gas Distributor in relation to
Request an end-use customer has changed.

A notification from the Gas Vendor (MSA Party) to the Gas Distributor that
the end-use customer has notified the Gas Vendor (MSA Party) they are
Change Consumer An EBT generated by Enbridge to notify the Gas Vendor (MSA Party) that
Location (CCL) Enbridge has been notified by the end-use customer they are moving.
Collective Accounts A group of related end-use customers that have elected to receive a
singular monthly invoice statement instead of individual invoices each
month from Enbridge.
Collision Matrix The Collision Matrix provides the “Processing Logic of Colliding STRs
Based On GDAR” to be applied by gas utilities.

The Collision Matrix forms part of the GDAR EBT Standards as Appendix
Contest Period As specified in the GDAR EBT Standards Document in relation to an STR
– Vendor to Vendor Switch, the switch process is subjected to a “contest
period” of 30 calendar days plus a processing period of five calendar
days. In addition as specified by Enbridge, the minimum termination
period of Enrol Request is 3 calendar days. Therefore, the minimum
submission lead-time for an Enrol Request of 38 days is required to
manage the contest period prescribed under the GDAR.
Curtailment Curtailment Delivered Supply (CDS) is an additional volume of gas, in
Delivered Supply excess of a Large Volume Distribution Contract customer’s Mean Daily
(CDS) Volume, determined by mutual agreement between the LVDC customer
and Enbridge, which is nominated and delivered by or on behalf of the
LVDC customer by the MSA Party, to a point of interconnection with
Enbridge’s distribution system on a day of Curtailment.
Distributor Distributor Consolidate Billing in the Rate Ready Form is available to MSA
Consolidated Billing Parties of the type Agent. It is similar to Agent Billing and Collection
(DCB) in the Rate Service (ABC).
Ready Form
Drop Request A Drop Request is the opposite of an Enrol Request. An EBT to request
or notify the other party of the intention to terminate an active Enrol
request at a specified date. A Drop Request can be initiated by the Gas
Vendor (MSA Party) and submitted to Enbridge or the end-use customer
may contact Enbridge directly and request Enbridge to process the
request (and Enbridge in turn will notify the impacted Gas Vendor by
sending them a Drop Request).
Electronic Business The computer-based transactions transmitted in common format data
Transaction (EBT) among Gas Distributors and Gas Vendors as outlined in the GDAR
Service Agreement - Appendix D - EBT Standards Document.
EBT System A computer-based Transaction mechanism for transmitting common
format data between Market Participants (such as Gas Distributors and
Gas Vendors)
Enrol Request An EBT generated by an MSA Party to request the association of an end-
use customer to a Pool. In the case of a Gas Vendor, an Enrol Request
is submitted to Enbridge upon signing up the end-use customer for Gas
Competitive Services supplied by the Gas Vendor.
Enhanced Title A transfer of gas at Dawn for the purpose of Load Balancing a forecasted
Transfer (ETT) or finalized BGA balance. Service Charges are applicable as per Rider H
of the Rate Handbook of Distribution Services.

Page 184 of 205

EnTRAC EnTRAC is the abbreviation for the Energy Transaction, Reporting and
Accounting system. EnTRAC is a self-service automated processing
system for use by Enbridge Gas Distributions Services Inc. (“EGDI”)
customers and their authorized agents to permit them to conduct
business with EGDI in relation to specific contracted services.
eXtensible Markup A tag-based framework used primarily to organize data in a universally
Language (XML) understood format; it facilitates the transmission of information from
system to system independent of platform. XML was created to deliver
structured content over the internet.
FT-Assignment Refers to a Firm Transportation (FT) Assignment and represents an
assignment by Enbridge to the assignee under an agreement between
TransCanada Pipelines Limited and Enbridge of a portion of its
entitlement as a shipper under an Eastern Zone Firm Service Contract for
firm transportation service to either the Central Delivery Area or Eastern
Delivery Area.
FT Turnback Refers to Firm Transportation Turnback Election.
Election Expressed as a %.
Represents the % of a particular pool’s MDV in relation to Upstream Firm
Transportation Service Capacity the Gas Vendor or Customer has
requested Enbridge to de-contract or turnback to TCPL at the point of
renewing its next transportation contract.
From the effective date of the FT Turnback Election forward, the MSA
Party is responsible for arranging for the % of the Pool’s MDV Upstream
Firm Transportation Service Capacity to the Ontario Point of Acceptance
referred to as the MSA Unassigned Capacity on the View Pool Details
Fuel Gas Represents the volume of gas used as fuel by the pipeline companies
(e.g. TransCanada PipeLines) to operate compressors that move the gas
through the pipeline.
Functional A Functional Acknowledgement is an EBT sent by the recipient of a PIPE
Acknowledgement Document to the sender indicating the result of their syntactical analysis
(FA) of the XML encoded PIPE document (as either an Accepted or Rejected)
received from the other party.
Gas Competitive The services related to the supply of Gas commodity, and may include
Services Gas, transportation and storage.
Gas Distribution The Gas Distribution Access Rule (“GDAR”) was issued by the Ontario
Access Rule Energy Board on December 11, 2002 pursuant to section 44 of the
(GDAR) Ontario Energy Board Act. The Rule was developed to facilitate
competition in the sale of gas by establishing rules governing the Gas
Distributor – Gas Vendor relationship.

More information pertaining to GDAR may be found on the OEB web site
at www.ontarioenergyboard.ca or contact the Consumer Relations Centre
at 416-314-2455 or toll free at 1-877-632-2727.
Gas Vendor A “gas vendor” means a person who,
 sells or offers to sell gas to a consumer,
 acts as the agent or broker for a seller of gas to a consumer,
 acts or offers to act as the agent or broker of a consumer in
the purchase of gas
Gas Purchase A Gas Purchase request refers to any portion of a Finalized Banked Gas
Transaction Account in a credit balance (representing deliveries in excess of
consumption) which is deemed to have been tendered for sale by the
MSA Party to Enbridge, and Enbridge shall purchase such gas at a price
as specified in the Handbook of Rates and Distribution Services.

Page 185 of 205

Gas Sale A Gas Sale request refers to any portion of a Finalized Banked Gas
Transaction Account in a debit balance (representing consumption in excess of
deliveries) which is deemed to have been sold to the MSA Party by
Enbridge, and Enbridge shall sell such gas at a price determined by the
Handbook of Rates and Distribution Services.
Gigajoule (GJ) A unit of energy. One gigajoule equals 1,000,000,000 joules.
Historical An EBT submitted by the Gas Vendor (MSA Party) to Enbridge to request
Consumption historical consumption data relating to an end-use customer that they
Request have been previously authorized by the end-use customer to obtain from
their Gas Distributor.
Homepage on The first page a user is directed to after successfully logging in to the
EnTRAC Application EnTRAC system.
Funds Imbalance An EBT generated by the Enbridge to provide the Gas Vendor (MSA
Statement (FIS) Party) with information pertaining to the difference between the value of
Transaction the gas delivered to Enbridge for subsequent re-delivery to the end-use
customer’s location, and the value billed to those same end-use
customers for the same reporting period.
Invoice Rate Ready An EBT generated by Enbridge to provide the Gas Vendor (MSA Party)
(IRR) Transaction with the end-use customer’s consumption and billing information
subsequent to an invoicing event.
Invoice Remittance An EBT generated by Enbridge to provide the Gas Vendor (MSA Party)
Statement (IRS) with sufficient detail for the Gas Vendor (MSA Party) to understand and
Transaction reconcile any differences between the amount being remitted to them,
and the total value of the actual end-use customer consumption during
the remittance period.
Large Business An account metered on the EnMAR system and billing on Rate 6, 9 or
Account (LBA) 100 and above.
Large Volume A relationship established within EnTRAC to signify one or more Large
Customer (LVC) Volume Distribution Contracts that are executed by the same party or
Relationship have the same parent company. This relationship is established to
permit access to the contracting party or their parent company to view the
contract details and consumption for all the Large Volume Distribution
Contracts associated to the relationship.
Large Volume A written agreement entered into between Enbridge and an end-use
Distribution Contract customer billing on a large volume rate (e.g. Rate 100, 110, 115, 135,
(LVDC) 145 and 170) for which Enbridge agrees to supply (if not on a direct
purchase agreement) and to deliver gas to a specified customer location
on Enbridge’s distribution system.
M3 The volumetric measure of a cubic metre of gas.
Make Up Request A volume of gas nominated pursuant to mutually agreed arrangements,
by an MSA Party to Enbridge for the purpose of reducing or elimination a
net debit balance in the MSA Parties Banked Gas Account pertaining to a
Manager – Managee A relationship established within EnTRAC to signify that one MSA Party
MSA Relationship (the Manager) is permitted to view information and transact within
EnTRAC in relation to another MSA Party (the Managee) upon receipt of
written authorization (in the form of an Agency Appointment Letter)
executed by the Managee.
Market Participant A Gas Distributor, a Gas Vendor, or a Consumer’s agent who is
registered, and has successfully complied with appropriate market testing,
to undertake electronic business Transactions through the EBT System.
Market Participant Market Participant identifiers are self-selected and registered with the
Identifier (MPID) OEB to ensure uniqueness within Ontario. The format will be exactly 10
alpha numeric characters.
Master Services A set of agreements between Enbridge and Customers or their authorized

Page 186 of 205

Agreement (MSA) Agents required by Enbridge to transact on Enbridge’s direct purchase
transacting system EnTRAC.
MSA Party A Party that has entered into a set of Master Services Agreements with
Mean Daily Volume In relation to a Pool and its end-use customers, the aggregate volume of
(MDV) gas which an MSA Party who delivers gas to Enbridge under a Gas
Delivery Agreement, agrees to deliver to Enbridge to an agreed point of
acceptance / delivery point, each day for the period the Pool MDV is
In relation to an Account, the total daily delivery requirement based upon
the forecasted consumption volume of the end use customers for the
period they are intended to be associated to the Pool and contribute to
the Pool MDV calculation, divided by the number of days remaining in the
Pool Term from the intended Pool MDV effective date.
Nomination A transaction request generated by an MSA Party, that must be submitted
to and authorized by the utility, to accept deliveries of gas at a point of
acceptance, for a duration of time in relation to a specific pool.
PIPE Document Refers to Partner Interface Protocol for Energy (PIPE). XML-based
messaging protocol for the exchange of Transactions among Market
Participants in the retail energy industry.
Party An individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other incorporated
or unincorporated organization or legal entity.
Point EnTRAC serves as the point of communication for Enbridge on the EBT
Pool A Pool is comprised of one or more end use customers associated to an
MSA (Master Services Agreement) for which the MSA signing party is
responsible for arranging for, but not limited to, the delivery of a specified
daily volume of gas on behalf of the end use customer(s) to Enbridge for
redelivery of that gas to the end use customer’s location for a specified
period of time.
Pool Composition A report that outlines all the end use customers and their contract
Report (PCR) estimated volumes that contributed to the calculation of a MDV to be
effective for a period coincident in part or totality of a Pool Term.
Pool Term The period of time defined for each Pool where the Pool status is set to
Active and that MSA Party on behalf of the end use customer(s) is
required to deliver gas to Enbridge.
Pool Term Status The possible states for a Pool and its associated Pool Term records are
as follows:
 Pending (signifies the Pool Term has not reached its
commencement date and the MDV has not been
 Locked for Flow (signifies the Pool Term has not reached its
commencement date and the MDV has been established).
 Active (signifies the Pool Term has reached its
commencement date and gas has started to flow in relation to
the arrangement)
 Expired (signifies the Pool Term has reached its expiry date)
 Finalized (signifies in relation to the Pool Term the finalized
position of the BGA balance has been established and awaits
 Terminated (at the end of the Disposition Period and signifies
in relation to the Pool Term that any and all financial and
volumetric imbalances in respect of a BGA have been cleared
/ disposed).
Price Change A request from an MSA Party to change the price or prices associated to

Page 187 of 205

Request the components (e.g. commodity, transportation, storage, monthly
administration fee) associated to a Price Point Group established by the
MSA Party within EnTRAC.
Price Point Group A Price Point Group (PPG) is a data entity within EnTRAC created by an
(PPG) MSA party in order to provide billing instructions for Enbridge to be able to
 the Agent Billing and Collection (ABC) service when
contracted for by Customers, or
 the Distributor Consolidated Billing in the Rate Ready form
when contracted for by Gas Vendors
Price Point Create An EBT submitted by an MSA Party (Gas Vendor) to request the creation
Request of a Price Point Group.
Price The price associated to a component (e.g. commodity, transportation,
storage, monthly administration fee) of a Price Point Group
Rate Number The Rate number associated to the customer’s account number which
represents the OEB approved Rate Schedule used by the billing system
to generate and calculate the customer’s gas bill. General Service
Customer (GSC) Rates are 1, 6 and 9 and Large Volume Distribution
Contract (LVDC) Rates are 100 and above.
Rate Ready Billing Distributor Consolidated Billing in the Rate Ready form. In this form of
Option billing the Distributor (Enbridge) calculates the Gas Vendor charges
based upon the prices provided by the Gas Vendor. The end-use
customer receives one bill form the Distributor with both the Distributor
and Gas Vendor charges on the bill.
Reconnection of An EBT used by Enbridge to inform the MSA Party (Gas Vendor) that a
Service (ROS) customer’s gas distribution service and consequently Gas Competitive
Transaction Services are reconnected subsequent to the effective date of a STR-
Reconnection of Service. Reconnection of service can occur for a
number of reason including:
 the customer reactivates service following a physical
disconnect for non- payment
 the customer returns to the same location following a physical
Rescind (in the The action of requesting to terminate, or update the end date to be closer
context of a Load to the current date of, a Load Balancing transaction and its associated
Balancing Nomination request previously submitted at an agreed point of time.
Reject Reason The textual reason provided by the EnTRAC system as to why it was
unable to process a transaction, STR or EBT transaction submitted by a
system user.
Status Advise (SA) An EBT generated by either Enbridge or a Gas Vendor (MSA Party) to the
Transaction corresponding Party to
1. (SA-TTR) terminate a transaction that was previously submitted
to the other Party and accepted by the other Party
2. (SA-TTR) update a transaction that was previously submitted to
the other Party and accepted by the other Party

Status Advise – In the unique case of a Status Advice Notice of Pending Switch (SA-NPS)
Notice of Pending Enbridge notifies the current and prospective Gas Vendors (MSA Parties)
Switch (SA-NPS) that a contest for an end-use customer is starting.
Service Transaction As per GDAR, a STR is a written authorization, unless otherwise provided
Request (STR) in GDAR that initiates a change from current service provision to
alternative service provision.
Suspension Request A request from an MSA Party to suspend or reduce their delivery

Page 188 of 205

requirement for an agreed period of time in relation to a Pool.
Termination of An EBT generated by Enbridge and sent to notify the current and/or
Service (TOS) pending Gas Vendor (MSA Party) that distribution services to an end-use
Transaction customer’s location will terminate at a requested future date or has been
Title Transfer A request from an MSA Party with the intention of transferring a volume of
Request (In gas from a specified Pool (and therefore offering for sell a volume of gas)
franchise) or transferring a volume of gas to a specified Pool (and therefore offering
to purchase a volume of gas). For a Title Transfer to take place there
must be two parties, an Initiator to generate the request and a
Counterparty to accept the request. Both the Initiator and Counterparty
must have a Pool within EnTRAC. The actual sale and purchase price is
not managed within EnTRAC and communicated between the two parties
outside of the EnTRAC system.
Transfer Request A request from a Gas Vendor (MSA Party) to facilitate the movement of a
customer between Pools and between Price Point Groups.
XML Schemas Content and element validation code used to support an XML transaction.

Page 189 of 205

Appendix D – EBT Standards Document – Reject Reasons and Reason

Enrol Reject:

Enumerated Reject Reason Description Originator Comments

AccountDoesNotExist Used when the recipient is unable to find the Distributor
account number either by the Distributor
account number or the Old Distributor account
AccountFinal Used when the account trying to be enrolled Distributor
has been finalized with the Distributor
AccountNotEligible Account is valid but the account type is not Distributor
allowed to be on Direct purchase (e.g. transfer
AlreadyTwoPendingTransactions Used only by Kitchener and Kingston Only Kitchener/
because they only support two pending Kingston
transactions in their system
AlreadyVendorOfRecord Account being enrolled is already actively Distributor
flowing with the requesting vendor.
CannotMoveFromOntarioPoolWithFTTurn Account movement from an Ontario pool with Distributor
backElectionToWesternPool an FT TurnBack election other than 0 is not
permitted to a Western pool.
CannotMoveFromSystemGasAccountWit Account movement from system gas with Distributor
hNullFTTurnbackElectionToOntarioPool NULL FT TurnBack election is not permitted
to an Ontario pool.
CannotMoveFromWesternPoolWithNullFT Account movement from a Western pool with Distributor
TurnbackElectionToOntarioPool NULL FT TurnBack election is not permitted
to an Ontario pool.
ConsumerDropPending Used when an Enrol is sent in when a Distributor
Consumer Requested Drop is pending.
ContestAlreadyUnderway Used when Consumer is in an existing contest Distributor
period between 2 Vendors.
DuplicateRequest Used when a Vendor is Enrolling a Consumer Distributor
who is already pending Enrolled with that
Vendor and the pending and incoming
effective dates are the same.
Duplicate Used when the originator has used the same Distributor
EffectiveDateBeyondMaxLeadTime Used when the Enrol request is submitted and Distributor
the effective date is greater than the
maximum service transaction lead time (Max
Lead Time)
EffectiveDateMustBeForNextPoolTerm An account can no longer be added to the Distributor
active Pool Term if the MDV has already been
established for the next Pool Term.
EffectiveDateNotBeyondMinLeadTime Used when the Enrol request is submitted and Distributor
the effective date is less than the minimum
service transaction lead time (Min Lead Time).
EffectiveDateNotFirstofMonth Used when the effective date of the Enrol is Distributor This reason is
Not on the first of the month. no longer
required and will
not be seen.
Schema will

Page 190 of 205

Enumerated Reject Reason Description Originator Comments
enforce on
EffectiveDateNotWithinPoolTerm Used when the Vendor is trying to Enrol an Distributor
account to a Pool when the Effective date is
outside the Pool Term dates.
FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount FT TurnBack election % applicable to the Distributor
account does not match the FT TurnBack
election % of the target pool.
IncompleteDocumentation Used when Distributor-requested copies of Distributor Kitchener and
appropriate authorization from the Consumer Kingston only.
have not been received.
InsufficientLeadTimeForContest Used when the Contesting Vendor’s effective Distributor
date of their Enrol request is less than the
minimum service transaction lead time (Min
Lead Time) for a switch.
InsufficientVendorCredit Used when Vendor has not provided enough Distributor
security for the customers they have enrolled.
InvalidBillingMethod Used when the supplied billing method value Distributor
does not match the billing method of the pool
to which the account is being enrolled.
InvalidPoolID Used when the Pool the Vendor is requesting Distributor
is invalid.
LookupFailedLastNameStreetNumber Account lookup could not find account number Distributor
based on supplied street number. Second
Pass of lookup failed
LookupFailedManualReview The account number could not be resolved Distributor
st nd
based on the 1 and 2 pass criteria and
manual review.
LookupFailedStreetNamePostalCode Account lookup could not find account number Distributor
based on supplied street name, and postal
code. First Pass of lookup failed
LookupNotEligibleAccountNumberProvide Consumer has already been provided an Distributor
d account number with bill presentment.
OwnDropPending Used when enrolling Vendor has a pending Distributor
drop outstanding, Drop must complete before
Enrol are accepted.
OwnEnrolPending Used when Consumer is pending Enrolment Distributor
with the submitting Vendor and the incoming
effective date is not the same as the pending
effective date.
PendingDropByAnotherVendor Used by the Distributor when current Vendor Distributor
is dropping the Consumer and an Enrol
comes in. The Enrol reject will also have the
drop effective date provided.
PendingEnrolWithAnotherVendor Used when the there is already a pending Distributor
Enrol with another Vendor. Consumer must
be flowing with first Vendor before the second
Enrol can proceed. (Additional Information)
PendingMove Used when the Consumer is pending move Distributor Required for
either inside or outside the Distributor territory. collision matrix
PendingReconnectionOfService Used when account is not active but there is a Distributor Required for
pending Reconnection of Service. collision matrix

Page 191 of 205

Enumerated Reject Reason Description Originator Comments
T1, T2, T3

PendingTerminationOfService Used when there is a pending Termination of Distributor Required for

Service for the account or the account is not collision matrix
active on the requested effective date. R1, R2, R3
PoolDeliveryAreaMismatch Consumer’s account is in a different delivery Distributor UG Specific
area than the pool to which it is being
enrolled. Refer to Additional Information for
the account’s delivery area.

PoolPendingTermination Used when the Pool is pending termination Distributor

therefore the Enrol cannot be attached to the
pool being requested.
PricePointIDDoesNotExist New price point ID does not exist for Distributor
requesting party.
PricePointIDNotActive Used when the price point is not active Distributor
PricePointIDNotApplicable Used when account is billed on split billing. Distributor
PricePointIDNotValid New price point ID not associated with the Distributor
supplied pool ID.
PricePointNotValidForPoolIDBillingMetho Price point illogical based on pool’s billing EG/UG Specific
d method, e.g. price point supplied for a split
bill-no consumption pool.
Quasi-addToleranceExceeded Not enough room in pool to quasi-add the Distributor Enbridge
ServiceAddressInvalid Used when Service Address is not correct for Distributor Kitchener
the account number submitted. Specific
ValidationFailed The account number was correct but both of Distributor
the name & address validators were incorrect.
Top of index

Transfer Reject:

Enumerated Reject Reason Description Originator Comments

AccountDoesNotExist Used when the recipient is unable to find the Distributor
account number either by the Distributor
account number or the Old Distributor account
AccountFinal Used when the account trying to be enrolled Distributor
has been finalized with the Distributor
AlreadyTwoPendingTransactions Used only by Kitchener and Kingston Only Kitchener/
because they only support two pending Kingston
transactions in their system
CannotMoveFromOntarioPoolWithFTTu Account movement from an Ontario pool with Distributor
rnbackElectionToWesternPool an FT TurnBack election other than 0 is not
permitted to a Western pool.
CannotMoveFromSystemGasAccountW Account movement from system gas with Distributor
ithNullFTTurnbackElectionToOntarioPo NULL FT TurnBack election is not permitted
ol to an Ontario pool.
CannotMoveFromWesternPoolWithNull Account movement from a Western pool with Distributor
FTTurnbackElectionToOntarioPool NULL FT TurnBack election is not permitted
to an Ontario pool.

Page 192 of 205

Enumerated Reject Reason Description Originator Comments
ConsumerDropPending Used when a Transfer request is sent in when Distributor
a Consumer Requested Drop is pending.
CurrentPoolIDDoesNotExist Used when the Pool Id does not exist. Distributor
CurrentPoolIDNotValid Account number provided is not associated Distributor
with the supplied current pool ID.
CurrentPricePointIDDoesNotExist Current price point ID does not exist for Distributor
requesting party.
CurrentPricePointIDMissing Used when the Price Point is Missing from the Distributor Union
Transfer Request but is required based on the
pool’s billing method.
CurrentPricePointIDNotValid Current price point ID not associated with the Distributor
supplied pool ID.
DuplicateRequest Used when a Vendor is Transfering a Distributor
Consumer who is already pending Transfer
with the same effective date.
DuplicateTRN Used when the originator has used the same Distributor
EffectiveDateBeyondMaxLeadTime Used when the Transfer request is submitted Distributor
and the effective date is greater than the
maximum service transaction lead time (Max
Lead Time)
EffectiveDateMustBeForNextPoolTerm An account can no longer be added to the Distributor EGD
active Pool Term if the MDV has already been
established for the next Pool Term.
EffectiveDateNotBeyondMinLeadTime Used when the enrol request is submitted and Distributor
the effective date is less than the minimum
service transaction lead time (Min Lead Time).
EffectiveDateNotFirstofMonth Used when the effective date of the Transfer Distributor This reason is
is not on the first of the month. no longer
required and
will not be
seen. Schema
will enforce on
EffectiveDateNotWithinPoolTerm Used when the Vendor is trying to Transfer an Distributor
account to a Pool when the Effective date is
outside the Pool Term dates.
EnrolPendingSameEffectiveDate Pending enrol already submitted by the Distributor
vendor with the same effective date as the
FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount FT TurnBack election % applicable to the Distributor EGD
account does not match the FT TurnBack
election % of the target pool.
InvalidBillingMethod Used when the supplied billing method value Distributor
does not match the billing method of the pool
to which the account is being transferred.
InvalidPoolID Used when the Pool the Vendor is requesting Distributor
is invalid.
NewPoolIDDoesNotExist Used when the new Pool Id does not exist Distributor
NewPoolIDNotValid Used when the new Pool Id is not valid Distributor
NewPricePointIDDoesNotExist New price point ID does not exist for Distributor
requesting party.

Page 193 of 205

Enumerated Reject Reason Description Originator Comments
NewPricePointIDMissing Used when the new Price Point Id is missing Distributor
from the transaction but is required based on
the pool’s billing method.
NewPricePointIDNotValid Current price point ID not associated with the Distributor
supplied pool ID.
NotVendorOfRecordOnEffectiveDate Used when the Effective date of the Transfer Distributor
is outside of the consumer flowing with that
OwnDropPending Pending Drop already submitted by vendor Distributor
with an effective date that is less than or equal
to the effective date of the Transfer.
OwnEnrolPending Pending Enrol already submitted by vendor Distributor
with an effective date that is less than the
effective date of the Transfer.
OwnTransferPending Pending Transfer already submitted by vendor Distributor
with an effective date that is less than or equal
to the effective date of the Transfer.
PendingDrop Distributor

PendingMove Used when the Consumer is pending move Distributor

either inside or outside the Distributor territory.
PoolDeliveryAreaMismatch Consumer’s account is in a different delivery Distributor Note:
area than the pool to which it is being Additional info
transferred. will not contain
the acct’s
delivery area in
this case (it is
already known
by the vendor)
PoolPendingTermination Used when the Pool is pending termination Distributor
therefore the Enrol cannot be attached to the
pool being requested.
PricePointIDNotActive Price point ID is not active Distributor
PricePointIDNotApplicable Used when Transfer is for an account for Distributor
which the billing method does not require a
Price Point ID.
TransferNotAllowedDuringContest Used when there is a contest underway and Distributor
the Vendor of record is trying to transfer
TransferNotPoolAnniversaryOrExpiryDa Used when the Transfer effective date is not Distributor EGD Specific
te on the anniversary date.
Top of index

Historical Consumption Reject:

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments

AccountDoesNotExist Used when the recipient is unable to find the Distributor
account number either by the Distributor
account number or the Old Distributor account
AccountNotEligible Used for accounts that are not eligible for Distributor
Historical Usage I.E. the account is valid but

Page 194 of 205

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments
type does not allow to be on Direct purchase
DuplicateTRN Used when the sender has used the same Distributor
TRN on previous transactions.
IncompleteDocumentation Used when Distributor-requested copies of Distributor Kingston/Kitche
appropriate authorization from the Consumer ner Specific
have not been received.
LookupFailedLastNameStreetNumber Account lookup could not find account number Distributor
based on supplied street number. Second
Pass of lookup failed
LookupFailedManualReview The account number could not be resolved Distributor
st nd
based on the 1 and 2 pass criteria and
manual review.
LookupFailedStreetNamePostalCode Account lookup could not find account number Distributor
based on supplied street name, and postal
code. First Pass of lookup failed
LookupNotEligibleAccountNumberProvi Consumer has already been provided an Distributor
ded account number with bill presentment.
RequestTimeout Used when the time required responding to Distributor
the request has lapsed.
ValidationFailed The account number was correct but both of Distributor
the name & address validators were incorrect.
Top of index

Price Point Create Reject:

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments

DuplicateChargeType Used when the same Charge Type is Distributor
presented twice in the Price Point Create
DuplicatePricePointName Used when the Price Point Name already Distributor EGD Specific
exists for the vendor.
DuplicateRequest Used when the transaction itself is duplicated Distributor
and sent to the Distributor
DuplicateTRN Used when the Transaction Reference Distributor
Number is duplicated.
EffectiveDateBeyondMaxLeadTime Used when the transaction is submitted and Distributor
the requested effective date is greater than
the maximum service transaction lead time
(Max Lead Time)
EffectiveDateNotBeyondMinLeadTime Used when the transaction is submitted and Distributor
the effective date is less than the minimum
service transaction lead time (Min Lead Time)
InvalidNumberOfDigits Used when the number of digits is invalid for Distributor
the applicable charge type.
InvalidPoolID Used when the Pool Id is invalid or when a Distributor
price point is being created for a pool that
does not support price points (i.e.
OutsidePriceRange Used when the Price Point specified is outside Distributor
the Threshold agreed to by the parties as
specified in the Service Agreement

Page 195 of 205

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments
PoolIDShouldNotBeSpecified Enbridge Specific, used to reject when PoolID Distributor EG Only
is provided in request
PricePointChargeTypeNotVendorContr Used when the Price Point Charge type is Distributor
olledForPoolType specified for a pool that does not allow that
charge type to be vendor controlled.
RequiredChargeTypeMissing Used when in the event a Vendor attempts to Distributor
create a price point that requires a certain
charge type but it is missing. For example,
Union South DCB pools require both
Commodity and Transportation, both of which
must be present.
Top of index

Price Point Change Reject:

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments

DuplicateChargeType Used when the same Charge type is repeated Distributor
in the transaction
DuplicateTRN Used when the transaction reference number Distributor
is used by the sender twice.
EffectiveDateBeyondMaxLeadTime Used when the transaction is submitted and Distributor
the requested effective date is greater than
the maximum service transaction lead time
(Max Lead Time).
EffectiveDateMustNotPrecedeEffective Used when the second transaction effective Distributor
DateOfPendingPriceChange date precedes the first request that has been
accepted with a later effective date.
EffectiveDateNotBeyondMinLeadTime Used when the requested transaction is Distributor
submitted and the requested effective date is
less than the minimum service transaction
lead time (Min Lead Time).
InvalidNumberOfDigits Used when the number of digits is invalid for Distributor
the applicable charge type.
InvalidPoolID Used when an invalid pool is specified in the Distributor Union only
InvalidPricePointID Used in the event a Vendor attempts to
change a price point but the ID specified is not
OutsidePriceRange Used when the Price Point specified is outside Distributor
the Threshold agreed to by the parties as
specified in the Service Agreement
PoolIDShouldNotBeSpecified Distributor Removed from
PricePointChargeTypeNotVendorContr Used when the Price Point Charge type is Distributor
olledForPoolType specified for a pool that does not allow that
charge type to be vendor controlled.
PricePointIDNotActive Used when request is asking for a Price Point Distributor This is much
ID that is not active. less likely now
that the PPC is
automated, as
long as
vendors wait
for the PPC

Page 196 of 205

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments
Top of index

Change Consumer Location (CCL) Reject:

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments

AccountDoesNotExist Used when the recipient is unable to find the Vendor
account number either by the Distributor
account number or the Old Distributor account
DuplicateRequest Used by the Vendor when the same Change Vendor
Consumer Location is sent twice.
DuplicateTRN Used when the sender has used the same Vendor
Top of index

Drop Reject:

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments

AccountDoesNotExist Used when the recipient is unable to find the Distributor
account number either by the Distributor /Vendor
account number or the Old Distributor account
AccountFinal Used when the account trying to be dropped Distributor
has been finalized with the sender.
AlreadyTwoPendingTransactions Used only by Kitchener and Kingston Only Kitchener/
because they only support two pending Kingston
transactions in their system
ConsumerDropPending Used when a consumer has informed the Distributor/
distributor of their intention to drop and the
Vendor is requesting a drop.
DropNotAllowedDuringContest Used when the new Vendor has requested a Distributor
drop during a contest period, with an effective
date that is greater than the effective date of
their pending Enrol.
DropPending Distributor
DuplicateRequest Used when the transaction is a duplicate of an Distributor
existing transaction. /Vendor
DuplicateTRN Used when the sender has used the same Distributor
TRN /Vendor
EffectiveDateBeyondMaxLeadTime Used when the Drop request is submitted and Distributor
the effective date is greater than the
maximum service transaction lead time (Max
Lead Time).
EffectiveDateNotBeyondMinLeadTime Used when the Drop request is submitted and Distributor
the effective date is less than the minimum
service transaction lead time (Min Lead Time).
EffectiveDateNotFirstofMonth Used when the effective date of the Drop is Distributor Does not apply
Not on the first of the month. to EGD
EnrolPendingSameEffectiveDate Used when Vendor is trying to Drop an Distributor
Account when the Account is not flowing yet.
NotVendorOfRecordOnEffectiveDate Used when a Drop request was submitted on Distributor

Page 197 of 205

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments
an Account Where the Vendor sending the
Drop is not the Vendor of Record
OwnPendingEnrol Used when a Drop request is submitted with Distributor
an effective date that is less than the effective
date of that vendor’s pending enrol.
PendingEnrol Distributor
Top of index

Termination Of Service (TOS) Reject:

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments

AccountDoesNotExist Used when the recipient is unable to find the Vendor
account number either by the Distributor
account number or the Old Distributor account
DuplicateRequest Used when the transaction is a duplicate of an Vendor
existing TOS transaction.
DuplicateTRN Used when the Sender has used the same Vendor
Top of index

Reconnection Of Service (ROS) Reject:

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments

AccountDoesNotExist Used when the recipient is unable to find the Vendor
account number either by the Distributor
account number or the Old Distributor account
DuplicateRequest Used when the transaction is a duplicate of an Vendor
existing ROS transaction.
DuplicateTRN Used when the Sender has used the same Vendor
ROSEffectiveDateBeforeTOSEffectiveD Used when Vendor receives an effective date Vendor
ate in the ROS before the effective date in the
ROSNotValidBeforeTOS Used when a Vendor receives a ROS before Vendor
or without a TOS
Top of index

Change Consumer Information (CCI) Reject:

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments

AccountDoesNotExist Used when the recipient is unable to find the Distributor
account number either by the Distributor /Vendor
account number or the Old Distributor account
DuplicateTRN Used when the Sender has used the same Distributor
TRN /Vendor
Top of index

Page 198 of 205

AAR for Status Advice:

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments

AccountDoesNotExist Used when the recipient is unable to find the Distributor
account number either by the Distributor /Vendor
account number or the Old Distributor account
AccountFinal Used when the recipient receives a Distributor
transaction and the account has been /Vendor
finalized in the recipients system
AccountNumberDoesNotMatchOriginal Used when the account number in the SA-UT Distributor
TXN transaction does not match the account /Vendor
number in the original transaction, based on
the transaction reference number.
BeyondTerminationMinimumLeadTime Required when a request to terminate too Distributor
close to the effective date.
CannotChangeEffectiveDateDuringSwit Used when an attempt is made to change the Distributor
chPeriod effective date of a pending enrol that caused a
contest. Applicable only during the contest
CannotMoveFromOntarioPoolWithFTTu Account movement from an Ontario pool with Distributor
rnbackElectionToWesternPool an FT TurnBack election other than 0 is not
permitted to a Western pool.
CannotMoveFromSystemGasAccountwi Account movement from system gas with Distributor
thNullFTTurnbackElectionToOntarioPoo NULL FT TurnBack election is not permitted
l to an Ontario pool.
CannotMoveFromWesternPoolWithNull Account movement from a Western pool with Distributor
FTTurnbackElectionToOntarioPool NULL FT TurnBack election is not permitted
to an Ontario pool.
CannotTerminateSwitchContestPeriodO Used when either Vendor is trying to Distributor Consumer is
ver terminate the switch and the Contest period is able to
over. terminate the
switch through
the Distributor
or Vendor.
DropTerminateRequestConflictsAnother Used when a vendor had previously submitted Distributor SA-TTRs can’t
VendorEnrol a Drop request, then another vendor submits trigger a
an Enrol request with an effective date that is contest.
greater than or equal to the Drop effective
date, then the Dropping vendor attempts to
terminate the pending Drop.
DuplicateRequest Used when sender sends duplicate request Distributor
DuplicateTRN Used when the TRN is used twice.
EffectiveDateBeyondMaxLeadTime Used when the transaction is submitted and Distributor
the requested effective date is greater than
the maximum service transaction lead time
(Max Lead Time).
EffectiveDateConflictsAnotherVendorEn Used when a vendor had previously submitted Distributor
rol a Drop request, then another vendor submits
an Enrol request with an effective date that is
greater than or equal to the Drop effective
date, then the Dropping vendor attempts to
change the effective date of the Drop to a

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Reject Reason Description Originator Comments
date that is greater than or equal to the Enrol
effective date.
EffectiveDateConflictsAnotherVendorsD Used when a vendor had previously submitted Distributor
rop an Enrol request with an effective date that is
greater than or equal to another vendor’s
pending Drop request, then the enrolling
vendor attempts to change the Enrol effective
date to a date that is less than the Drop
effective date.
EffectiveDateConflictsWithPendingTran Used when a vendor attempts to change the Distributor
sfer effective date of a pending Drop request to a
date that is less than or equal to the effective
date of a pending Transfer request.
EffectiveDateConflictsWithPendingDrop Used if Vendor attempts to change the Distributor
effective date of the pending enrol to be less
than or equal to their pending drop
EffectiveDateNotBeyondMinLeadTime Used if Vendor attempts to change the Distributor
parameters of a pending Enrol, Drop, or
Transfer transaction and the effective date is
less than the minimum service transaction
lead times (Min Lead Time) for the update.
EffectiveDateNotFirstOfMonth Used if Vendor attempts to change the Distributor Permitted in
effective date of a pending Enrol, Drop, or some cases by
Transfer transaction to a date that is other EGD.
than the 1 of a calendar month (expect
where permitted).
EffectiveDateNotWithinPoolTerm Used if Vendor attempts to change the Distributor
effective date of a pending Enrol, Drop, or
Transfer transaction to a date that is not with
the term of the affected pool.
EffectiveDateMustBeForNextPoolTerm An account can no longer be "quasi-added" to Distributor
a flowing Pool Term after a renewal Pool
Term has already been established.
FTTurnbackMismatchPoolAndAccount FT TurnBack election % applicable to the Distributor EG
account does not match the FT TurnBack
election % of the target pool.
InvalidOriginalTRN Used When the OTRN is invalid Distributor
InvalidVendorAdjustmentReason Used to reject a Vendor Adjustment type that Distributor EG/Kitchener/K
is not supported by utility ingston
MultipleVendorAdjustmentsNotSupporte Used when a vendor attempts to submit a Distributor not Kitchener
d vendor adjustment for a consumer’s account
while there is already a pending adjustment
waiting to be billed.
NotVendorOfRecordOnEffectiveDate Used when the effective date in the Distributor
transaction is a date where the Vendor is not
the Vendor of record.
OutsideAdjustmentRange Used when the invoice vendor adjustment Distributor
amount is outside of the defined threshold.

PoolDeliveryAreaMismatch Used when a vendor updates the pool id of a Distributor

pending Enrol or Transfer to a pool that is not

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Reject Reason Description Originator Comments
in the same delivery area as the consumer’s
PoolPendingTermination Used when a vendor updates the pool id of a Distributor
pending Enrol or Transfer to a pool that is
pending termination, or terminates a drop or
transfer for which the original pool is pending
Quasi-addToleranceExceeded Not enough room in pool to quasi-add the Distributor
PricePointIDNotApplicable Used when a vendor includes a price point id Distributor
in a transaction for an account that is in a pool
with a billing method that does not require a
price point ID.
RequestedPoolIDDoesNotExist Used when a vendor updates the pool id of a Distributor
pending Enrol or Transfer to a pool that does
not exist.
RequestedPoolIDNotValid Used when a vendor updates the pool id of a Distributor UG example
pending Enrol or Transfer to a pool that is not would include
valid. attempt to add
a contract rate
account to a
RequestedPricePointIDDoesNotExist Used when a vendor updates the price point Distributor
id of a pending Enrol or Transfer to a price
point that does not exist.
RequestedPricePointIDMissing Used when a vendor updates the pool id of a Distributor Union/Kitchene
pending Enrol or Transfer without also r
providing a new price point id.
RequestedPricePointIDNotValid Used when a vendor updates the price point Distributor UG example
id of a pending Enrol or Transfer to a pool that would be
is not valid. specifying a
price point
that’s in a
different pool
than the one
RequestedPricePointNotActive Used when a vendor updates the price point Distributor UG: This is
id of a pending Enrol or Transfer to a pool that much less likely
is not yet active. now that the
PPC is being
automated, as
long as
vendors wait
for the PPC
SourcePoolTerminatedOrPendingTermi Used when the new pool id specified by the Distributor Enbridge
nation Vendor is terminated or is pending Specific
TransactionNotSupported Used in any case where the transaction sent, Distributor
while supported by the schemas, is not valid.
Examples include distributor sending an Enrol
Request, vendors sending a TOS Request,

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Reject Reason Description Originator Comments
and distributors sending a Drop Accept in
response to an Enrol Request.
TransferNotPoolAnniversaryOrExpiryDa Used when the pool transfer requested Distributor Enbridge
te effective date is not coincident with the current Specific
pool anniversary or expiry date.
Top of index

AAR for Invoice Remittance Statement:

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments

DuplicateTRN Used when the Distributor has used the same Vendor
Top of index

AAR for Funds Imbalance Statement:

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments

DuplicateTRN Used when the Distributor has used the same Vendor
IRSTransactionReferenceNumberNotV Used when the TRN does not point to a valid Vendor
alid IRS transaction
Top of index

Functional Acknowledgement Document Rejects:

Reject Reason Description Originator Comments

DuplicateDRN Used when the document reference number Distributor
has already been used /Vendor
DuplicateTRN Used when there is a duplicate transaction Distributor
reference number inside the current /Vendor
InvalidXMLValidation Used when any part of the XML document Distributor
does not pass schema validation. /Vendor
InvalidMarketParticipantID Used when the Keys of the Sender do not Distributor
match the Market Participant Identifier in the /Vendor
PIPE Document
NoTradingPartnerAgreement Used when the receiving party does not have Distributor
a complete, valid and signed service /Vendor
OptionialTransactionNotSupport Used when currently defined transactions are Distributor
optional and not supported by the Distributor. /Vendor
(i.e. Kitchener does not support Price Point
DuplicateFileName Used when the file name has already been Distributor
used. /Vendor
Top of index

Reason Codes:

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Drop Request:

Reason Code Description Originator Comments

ConsumerRequested Used when Consumer request to be dropped Distributor/
ContractExpired Used by Vendor when consumer’s contract Vendor
has expired.
VendorRequested Used by Vendor when Vendor wishes to Vendor
terminate their contract with the consumer
Top of index

Termination of Service Request (TOS):

Reason Code Description Originator Comments

Bankruptcy Used when the consumer has declared Distributor
CCAA Used when a consumer is under bankruptcy Distributor
protection and the account is being managed
by a receiver.
ChangeOfBillingSystem Used when the Distributor moves an account Distributor EG and
from one system to another. ROS will follow a Kitchener only
ChangeOfAccountOwnership Used when the account ownership changes Distributor
from one party to another.
CreditFinal Used when the distributor has terminated the Distributor Are used by
consumer’s service and written off the Union.
account to bad debt as a result of consumer
ConsumerDisconnect Used when a consumer removes their Distributor
location from the distribution system.
Deceased Distributor
MoveOutOfTerritory Used when the consumer informs the Distributor
Distributor that they are moving out of the
Distributor’s franchise area.
MoveForceOut Used when another consumer moves into a Distributor
location occupied by the vendor’s consumer,
but the vendor’s consumer has not yet
contacted the distributor.
MoveUndisclosedLocation Used when the consumer informs the Distributor
Distributor they are moving and do not inform
the Distributor where they are moving to.
PowerOfSale Used when the Distributor is informed that the
account is under power of sale.
Receivership Used when the consumer informs the Distributor
Distributor they are in receivership.
Top of index

Change Consumer Information (CCI) Request:

Reason Code Description Originator Comments

AccountSetupFollowingMove Used to indicate the new account number at Distributor EGD only
the move in location (EG)

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AccountSetupROS Used to indicate a new account number Distributor EGD only
change in the ROS, The old account number
has been finalized
ConsumerInitiated Used when the Consumer informs the Distributor /
Distributor of a change in information. Vendor

ConsumerMove Used by the Vendor to inform the Distributor Vendor

the Consumer is moving
DistributorInitiated Used when the Distributor changes the Distributor
Consumers Information
Refolio Used to indicate the account know has a new Distributor
account number because of refolio. (EG)
Top of index

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Appendix E – EBT Standards Document – Collision Matrix


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