200 20 Mo SPC 0001 - D1
200 20 Mo SPC 0001 - D1
200 20 Mo SPC 0001 - D1
giuseppe by giuseppe
cornelli Date: 2019.07.04
07:53:45 +02'00'
3. GENERAL ................................................................................. 11
3.1 Principles ............................................................................................................................. 11
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Revision Tracking
Hold Record
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The overall NFPS Project objective is to sustain the Qatar Gas North Field production
plateau via an integrated investment in surface facilities expansion (Drilling/Production
Platforms, Riser Platforms, Pipeline Looping, and associated Brownfield modifications).
Additional drill wells are anticipated to be required by the early 2020’s, followed shortly
thereafter by export pipeline (or “trunk line”) looping. Compression facilities additions are
expected further in the future and are not part of this project scope.
The integrated FEED for these project elements is intended to capture the efficiencies and
synergies of concurrently designing like and similar project elements that will be executed
in a coordinated EPC phase. The FEED end products must be of sufficient quality,
completeness and detail to support competitive lump sum tendering for EPC execution with
minimal contract change order risk.
Safe execution and high-quality work products are base expectations. Beyond that, the
FEED must support a schedule driven project that achieves the shareholders’ production
need dates. Secondarily, the project must be implemented in a manner that minimizes
project adverse impacts on existing production operations. Lastly, the project should be
executed in as capital efficient manner as possible while not compromising schedule.
The FACILITIES shall be designed with a view to ensure that they are fit for their intended
purpose as described in the CONTRACT documents, and shall be safe, reliable,
maintainable, accessible, operable and efficient throughout their required life.
The project scope is comprised of five broad elements as summarized below and described
in more detail in Clause 2.0 of Section 3.0 of CONTRACT.
Wellhead Platform Topsides
(Jackets by others)
PL13S Pipelines
RGE Drilling
SC13S Subsea composite cables (Power + FO)
RP6S Riser Platforms
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BR6S-1 Bridges
Existing Offshore /
Associated Brownfield Modifications
Onshore Facilities
PL5 Decommissioning
RGE Looping PL10
RP9S Riser Platform
BR9S-1 Bridges
Existing Offshore /
Associated Brownfield Modifications
Onshore Facilities
Riser Platforms
RL1 Looping PL1L
Associated Brownfield Modifications, excluding
Existing Offshore /
shutdown-related tie-ins and equipment upgrade
Onshore Facilities
PL1N Pipeline
QG1 Looping Existing Offshore /
Associated Brownfield Modifications
Onshore Facilities
Wellhead Platform
Riser Platform
QG2 Drilling
Subsea composite cables (Power + FO)
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This specification covers the general requirements applicable to the execution of all marine operations
and provides guidance on the requirements to be met by CONTRACTOR.
This specification, referenced documents, contract documents, and defined national and international
standards comprise COMPANY's requirements for CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR's documents and
procedures shall be based on the above and provide a well-defined process to execute a safe, efficient,
timely, and cost-managed marine operation.
Activity-specific CONTRACTOR requirements are specified in the supporting specifications, which shall
be provided to CONTRACTOR. Marine operations cover the execution of scope associated with
transportation and installation activities from floating vessels or vessels secured to the sea floor or the
bottom of a body of water.
In addition to marine transportation and installation activities, the provisions of this document also apply
to any and all supporting marine operations from other vessels or structures.
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Safe Execution Codes and Standards - CONTRACTOR’s marine operations shall be planned and
documented to ensure safe execution of the scope of work in accordance with the codes and standards
defined in this specification and the referenced specifications.
Fail Safe - CONTRACTOR’s Marine operations shall be planned in accordance with fail- safe principles
(i.e., the activity shall remain under control even in the event of a failure situation happened). It should
always be possible to recover an activity to a safe condition or to interrupt the operations in case of a
possible failure situation has occurred.
Risk and Contingency - All practical contingency situations or risk events shall be identified, and
contingency plans/mitigations prepared by CONTRACTOR for these situations. The contingency and
mitigation plans shall consider redundancy, backup equipment, emergency procedures, additional
personnel, additional surveillance, and any other relevant preventive measures and actions.
Project Work Site - The term "Project Work Site" is used in this specification and shall be understood to
mean the entire work area where vessels are operating, including support operations. Project Work Site
operations within 500 m (1640.42 ft) of a facility or installation activity have additional requirements as
defined herein. CONTRACTOR shall advise COMPANY of all operations planned to take place within
500 m (1640.42 ft) of a facility or other installation activity to ensure that all COMPANY requirements
are understood and complied with.
All marine vessels, to include self and non-self-propelled vessels used on COMPANY projects, shall be
in compliance with all applicable IMO conventions, rules, and guidelines. All marine vessels are required
to be in documented compliance with IMO E904E. Without otherwise limiting this requirement,
COMPANY specifically requires the following prior to vessel mobilization to the COMPANY work site:
c. CONTRACTOR shall provide for COMPANY review and approval documentation that
demonstrates all vessel marine personnel are experienced, competent, and have had
their proficiency evaluated for their assigned job category. Other than as specifically
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a. All marine vessel operators are required to have an IMO ISM Code Document of
Compliance (DOC), and the DOC shall specifically define the types of vessel to which
the DOC applies.
3. Marine Vessel—Manned and Self-Propelled
All manned and self-propelled marine vessels are required to have the following:
a. ISM Code Safety Management Certificate (SMC), except that vessels that are not
required by IMO-defined tonnage to have the ISM Code SMC are required to be
manned and operated under a CONTRACTOR Safety Management System that is
based on the intent, clauses, and standards of the ISM Code. They shall also have a
documented internal auditing process and the audit results shall be submitted to
COMPANY to verify that CONTRACTOR's Safety Management System is effectively
implemented and compliant.
b. ISSC, IOPP, SOPEP, and certification to SOLAS and MARPOL. This applies to all
vessels except those that are specifically exempted under the IMO, Class, and/ or Flag
State. Vessels that have these exemptions shall have the appropriate documentation
from the IMO, Class, and/or Flag State to verify their status and are also required by
COMPANY to detail and document how they meet the purpose and intent of those
a. Certificate of Registry
d. IOPP Certificate
e. Class Certificate
g. Trading Certificate
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i. Stability Booklet/Letter.
All manned but non-self-propelled marine vessels are required to meet the following criteria:
b. Have documentation from Flag State of compliance with ISSC, IOPP, SOPEP, SOLAS,
a. CONTRACTORS proposing to use small work boats, such as but not limited to vessel
tenders, Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIBs), Zodiacs, Fast Rescue Craft (FRCs), multicats,
utility boats, and other similar craft that are otherwise not required to, and/or do not,
meet IMO and/or Class requirements because of their tonnage or type of service, are
subject to a COMPANY inspection and approval. COMPANY expects to use IMCA M
189 to conduct the inspection and define Corrective Actions. No small boat operations
shall be allowed until COMPANY Representative has verified in person the closure of
any actions resulting from either the Vessel Inspection or the Risk Assessment.
b. CONTRACTOR shall provide to COMPANY a detailed list of each proposed small work
boat(s), and this shall include vessel particulars, vessel safety equipment, type of
proposed service, and SOW. CONTRACTOR shall also provide copies of all types of
inspections, approvals, and certifications that are associated with the design,
construction, and operation of the vessels, including any of the Flag State or Registry.
This information shall be provided to COMPANY as soon as the candidate vessel is
nominated by CONTRACTOR and sufficiently before any vessel charter to ensure
COMPANY has adequate time to review.
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CONTRACTOR shall inform COMPANY of the vessels they are potentially planning to use, and the
specific SOW for each, prior to CONTRACTOR confirming selection.
CONTRACTOR shall conduct and provide COMPANY with documentation of its own comprehensive
inspection and suitability assessment for each proposed project vessel. CONTRACTOR's inspection
report shall be sent to COMPANY for COMPANY to determine if the proposed vessel is technically
suitable for the project SOW and if so, to advise CONTRACTOR of the level of COMPANY
audit/inspection that shall be required. CONTRACTOR's report shall include, as a minimum, all of the
following except for the use of Small Work Boats as noted in Section3.2:
2. Class - Copies of all Class and Statutory documents (Note: this may include Class inspection
results and hull survey reports as required through COMPANY notification to CONTRACTOR).
3. Flag State/Port State - Copies of all Flag State documentation and verification of compliance
with Port State of project operations requirements.
4. ISO 9001, ISO 14000 Series, and ISO 45001- Certificate of Compliance to ISO 9001, ISO
14000 Series, and ISO 45001 or documentation of COMPANY policies and procedures that
verify compliance with intent, clauses, and elements of these standards.
5. IMO - ISM Code DOC and SMC - Provide copies of certificates (as applicable).
6. DP Audits - Provide copies of the audit and documentation requirements for each DP vessel
as required by COMPANY.
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7. Cargo Vessels (Cargo Ships, Supply Vessels, Crew/Supply Vessels, and Cargo Barges) -
Provide verification that global and local structural capacity exists for the planned loading
conditions. This shall include (other than routine dead loading on ships or cargo barges)
hydrostatic loading of ballast tanks where the cargo vessel is to be submerged (float-on/float-
off operations).
10. Testing Procedures/Results - Provide testing procedures and results for all of the following:
a. Cranes and handling systems (including winches)
b. Wire and synthetic ropes, to include use and retirement criteria for all primary and
emergency tow lines, anchoring handling wire rope, tugger wire rope, mooring lines,
A&R wires, crane wires, and slings
11. Operations Documents - Provide a copy of the table of contents from the Vessel Management
Plans and Procedures, Safety Management Plans and Procedures, Vessel Control Systems,
Ballast Water Management Plans, and Planned Preventative Maintenance.
12. Preventative Maintenance System (PMS) and Critical Spares - CONTRACTOR shall
demonstrate to COMPANY the functionality of their PMS, which shall cover maintenance of all
machinery and operating systems, redundancy, components, general spares, critical spares,
and levels of inventory. This system shall include identification of all Safety Critical Equipment.
13. Loose Lifting Gear and Appliances - CONTRACTOR shall document to COMPANY its
inspection of loose lifting gear and appliances at intervals prescribed by industry standards.
Inspections shall be conducted by CONTRACTOR-accredited personnel or CONTRACTOR-
defined third parties with the documented training, certification, and experience. The loose
lifting gear and appliances shall carry a traceable identification (unique) number. All loose lifting
gear and appliances shall be registered showing the identification number, description, date
received on board, last date of service or inspection, if subsequently cut back and tested, and
when removed from service. Copies of certificates shall be filed with the registry.
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- The scope of any audit is determined by the COMPANY and shall typically include safety,
management, and operations. Generally, Suitability Surveys are conducted by COMPANY
MWS, and this is considered to be the minimum COMPANY requirement. COMPANY
MWS Suitability Surveys are generally sufficient for tugs, supply vessels, AHTs, cargo
ships, barges, crew vessels, and other marine transportation and support craft.
COMPANY audits of installation, construction, and accommodation vessels are more
comprehensive than a COMPANY MWS Suitability Survey and therefore require more
time and more detailed participation of CONTRACTOR vessel management and
operations personnel. COMPANY Vessel Audits generally are used for offshore
installation vessels, accommodation vessels, pipelay vessels, marine lifting vessels and
barges, diving vessels (DP and anchor moored), DP vessels, and others as determined
- COMPANY reserves the right to inspect and/or audit all vessels to be used on a
COMPANY project.
- COMPANY's use of its representatives and/or MWS to confirm vessel suitability does not
release CONTRACTOR from its obligation to ensure that all equipment nominated for
COMPANY use is suitable for its intended use and complies with all COMPANY and
regulatory requirements.
- COMPANY reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to re-survey or re-audit any vessel at
any time during the mobilization or execution of the project SOW.
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COMPANY requires that CONTRACTOR have an effectively implemented and comprehensive set of
QHSES policies, procedures, and certifications that meet the requirements of the project-specific
Coordination Procedures. All CONTRACTOR project-specific policies and procedures shall be
reviewed and approved by COMPANY.
COMPANY also requires that CONTRACTOR provide onboarding and fully implement the MCA Code
of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seaman, 2010, or as amended.
Where CONTRACTOR's detailed Safety Management Plan (SMP) and safety manuals, work
instructions, safe work practices, and equipment use requirements are more stringent than the above
MCA Code, then those shall be used by CONTRACTOR.
International and national regulations and/or detailed COMPANY requirements contained in this and
referenced Project Specifications, which are more stringent than the above Code, then those shall be
Pre-Task Acceptable Types - CONTRACTOR shall have formal pre-task planning for all operations,
including those generally considered routine. COMPANY accepts pre-task planning includes, but is not
limited to, the following:
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• JSAs
• Risk Assessments
• TBTs
• Safety Meetings
• Weekly Vessel Management Safety Walkthroughs
• Weekly Safety Meetings.
LMRAs shall be promoted for use by all employees, regardless of the tasks undertaken. The intent is
to deliberately engage all workers in identifying and mitigating all risks associated with their specific
tasks, prior to starting any job activity.
• ILO MLC, Title 4, Regulation 4.1, Standard A4.1 and Guidelines B4.1 – B4.1.4 (Medical Care
onboard Ships and Ashore).
• WHO IMGS, 3rd Edition or equivalent.
• MARPOL - Compliance with MARPOL and any special requirements of the area of operation
or Port State and certified to or be in documented compliance with the standards of the ISO
14000 Series.
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• Waste Management - Waste management and services, including treatment or disposal of all
onshore and offshore trash and waste, environmental monitoring programs, water pollution
prevention, spill prevention, and response measures and environmental/regulatory compliance
• Oil Spill - SOPEP and defined processes and equipment to ensure that all potential spill
volumes are secured in closed bunded area of adequate capacity.
CONTRACTOR shall have a comprehensive set of policies, procedures and project specifications for
Quality Management that meets the requirements of the project-specific Coordination Procedures and
specification. These policies, procedures and Quality specifications must also be certified to, or be in
documented compliance with, the clauses and standards of the ISO 9001.
CONTRACTOR shall have a Regulatory Management Plan for COMPANY review and approval. The
plan shall include, but not be limited to, compliance with the project-specific Coordination Procedures
and the identification of and documented compliance with all regulatory requirements of the Port State
of operations (local, regional, and national) that are related to CONTRACTOR’s scope of work,
personnel, vessels, and equipment.
2. CONTRACTOR Threat Assessment - CONTRACTOR shall use the most current information
from the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) in addition to any
other resources, to develop and document to COMPANY a security threat analysis. The results
of the threat analysis shall be evaluated by CONTRACTOR with respect to CONTRACTOR
and its SUBCONTRACTOR vessel(s) existing plans, procedures, and certifications as detailed
3. CONTRACTORS' Site-Specific Security Plan - This plan shall highlight Deter, Detect, Delay,
and Response specifics for each vessel and outline steps that shall be taken to reduce the risk
of such attacks, possible responses to them, and the need to report attacks (successful and
unsuccessful) to the authorities of the relevant coastal state and to the ships' own maritime
administration. CONTRACTOR shall make available to COMPANY Vessel Auditors/Inspectors
a copy of its ISPS, which shall be reviewed with vessel Security Officer.
1. CONTRACTOR and its SUBCONTRACTOR-provided vessels of 500 gross tons and over shall
have documentation of compliance with the vessel IMO ISPS and have an ISSC
2. CONTRACTOR shall use IMO MSC.1/Circ.1334 to develop and effectively implement the
precautions to be taken to reduce the risks of piracy on the high seas and armed robbery
against ships at anchor, off ports, or when underway through a coastal state's territorial waters.
1. CONTRACTOR and its SUBCONTRACTOR-provided vessels that are less than 500 gross tons
shall have a detailed security plan that meets the purpose, intent, and clauses of the IMO ISPS.
2. CONTRACTOR shall use IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1283 to develop and effectively implement the
precautions to be taken to reduce the risks of piracy on the high seas and armed robbery
against ships at anchor, off ports, or when underway through a coastal state's territorial waters.
• All vessel marine operations and all work performed by CONTRACTOR and its
• All CONTRACTOR’s or its SUBCONTRACTOR’s vessels, and each vessel shall have its own
emergency response plan.
• Details of down manning for each specific work group onboard, highlighting the decision point
timeline for any evacuation (e.g., divers in Saturation or undergoing decompression,
nonessential marine personnel, etc.).
• Training of personnel in emergency response for all situations.
• Schedule and details of all emergency response drills, including pre- mobilization and execution
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1. Risk Assessments (RA) are required to be performed during various phases of the project
planning and for various aspects of the work as required by the project-specific Coordination
Procedure section under Risk Management.
2. CONTRACTOR is responsible for organizing the RA process and ensuring that the attendees
include CONTRACTOR's Project and Operations personnel, its SUBCONTRACTORs,
COMPANY Representatives, and outside specialists, as may be required by COMPANY.
1. Readiness Review - CONTRACTOR shall hold a Readiness Review meeting immediately prior
to mobilization, and this shall involve key operations personnel from COMPANY,
CONTRACTOR(s), and SUBCONTRACTOR(s). This meeting shall be used to confirm that all
parties have a clear mutual understanding of the work and procedures and alignment on
execution objectives, safety management, incident response, and reporting and emergency
2. Onboard Briefing - CONTRACTOR personnel shall perform a thorough onboard briefing for all
of its personnel and/or that of its SUBCONTRACTORs describing the key aspects of the
operation, roles and responsibilities, and safety expectations prior to commencing operations.
The briefing shall be repeated for all replacement personnel.
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CONTRACTOR shall perform all COMPANY-required engineering studies, calculations, and analyses
to verify to COMPANY that the planned marine operation is in accordance with the requirements of this
and supporting specifications. Generally, COMPANY shall provide to CONTRACTOR the
environmental, soils, and metocean criteria for CONTRACTOR to use in studies, calculations, and
analysis. If CONTRACTOR proposes to use its own environmental/metocean criteria, CONTRACTOR
shall submit this to COMPANY for review and approval. All assumptions, methodologies, and tools used
in these studies shall be approved by COMPANY prior to CONTRACTOR commencing the work. The
results of the engineering studies shall be submitted to COMPANY for approval prior to the finalization
of CONTRACTOR execution procedures.
1. CONTRACTOR shall clearly define during the planning phase any restrictions/limitations on
operations and shall ensure that safe and effective means are established and used to monitor
the controlling parameters during the operational phase. The restrictions/limitations and control
measures shall be submitted for COMPANY approval during the planning phase.
2. RESTRICTIONS on operations shall relate to specific aspects of the operation (e.g., personnel
transfer, crane operations, station-keeping, anchoring, mooring, diving, setting loads, barge
operations, towing, ingress and egress from worksites, dropped objects, and presence of
hydrocarbons [or other contaminants]) and any operation that is critical to the nature of the
1. Purpose and Use - Marine operations that require the placement or removal of an object either
by or onto a marine vessel or marine structure requires that guides and bumpers are used to
assist placement of the object or for protection of adjacent objects. This requirement is focused
primarily, but not exclusively, on topsides or subsea lifting operations where there is a risk of
injury to personnel or damage to COMPANY or CONTRACTOR equipment if manual
intervention is required to place the item. This requirement does not apply to small lifts of
equipment or items that can be considered normal cargo handling.
2. Design - Guides and bumpers shall be designed to allow the item to be installed within the
required tolerance while ensuring that they have sufficient dimensional scope so that there is
no risk of the object hanging up or jamming on the guides. The guides and bumpers shall be
designed to prevent damage to the object and the guides during the installation process.
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CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit for COMPANY approval documentation to describe and
demonstrate the below listed items. CONTRACTOR documentation shall be self-contained and/or
clearly refer to other relevant documents and shall be of such quality as to allow for independent review
of plans, procedures, and calculations for all parts of the operation.
• The quality of the intended marine operation is in compliance with this and supporting
• CONTRACTOR has met all statutory and/or regulatory obligations, including those of the Port
State of operations.
Operation procedure shall be developed for the planned operation and shall reflect characteristic
environmental conditions, physical limitations, design assumptions and tolerances. it should include the
following descriptions as applicable:
• General arrangement,
• Operational schedule,
• Tolerances,
CONTRACTOR shall comply with the following requirements for Execution Procedures and Operations
Communications Procedures.
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1. Development – CONTRACTOR shall develop Execution Procedures for all operations that are
in accordance with and inclusive of the environmental conditions, physical limitations, design
assumptions, and tolerances. All aspects of the execution shall have sufficient detail and be
based on comprehensive CONTRACTOR due diligence and engineering to ensure that the
requirements stated in the engineering studies and specifications shall be achieved. The
procedures shall be compiled by CONTRACTOR in a Marine Operations Manual covering all
aspects of the operations, including mobilization and demobilization. CONTRACTOR and its
COMPANY-approved SUBCONTRACTOR(s) are required to execute the proposed marine
operations in accordance with CONTRACTOR Execution Plans and Procedures as approved
by COMPANY. CONTRACTOR execution plan should incorporate the Readiness to Proceed
(RTP) requirements. Those RTP requirements should be identified for processes such as
vessel mobilization and installation activities.
3. CONTRACTOR to ensure that the operation is properly manned and organised; adequate
surveys are performed before and during the operation, and operation is properly documented.
4. The planned operation period should normally be based on a detail schedule for the operation;
CONTRACTOR to ensure that the estimated time for each task in the schedule should be based
on reasonable conservative assessment of experience with same or similar task. This planned
operation period should also include enough time for contingency situations. For critical marine
operations of short duration; e.g. lifting operations or float-over, a contingency duration of equal
length to the planned operation to be considered.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure in the planning phase that there is sufficient time, including contingency,
to execute the marine operations. The execution time allotment and contingency for each operation
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are to be separately defined in CONTRACTOR Execution Procedures and Schedule. Where specific
contingency situations have not been assessed and durations identified, and for critical marine
operations of short duration (e.g., lifting operations, float-on/ float-off), COMPANY requires a
contingency duration of equal length to the planned operation to be considered, but not less than 6
1. CONTRACTOR shall develop a SIMOPS Plan for COMPANY review and approval.
CONTRACTOR's plan shall be inclusive of the factors and guidance in IMCA M 203.
2. Where COMPANY has existing SIMOPS plans/requirements in place for the work site,
COMPANY shall provide those to CONTRACTOR for reference in CONTRACTOR's SIMOPS
CONTRACTOR shall not perform significant discretionary activities (e.g., vessel upgrades, preparation
or fabrication of components) for future projects not associated with the project SOW, as defined in the
project-specific contract documents, while on COMPANY property, work site, or right-of-way without
prior COMPANY approval.
7.5.1 DPR
CONTRACTOR shall submit a DPR summarizing the 24-hour period for the previous day.
CONTRACTOR shall state the 24 hour DPR period, and the DPR shall be sent to COMPANY each day
as soon as it is completed. The DPR shall specifically define any discrepancies in what is required by
the SOW or disagreements with COMPANY about the execution of the work. The DPR format shall be
for the specific operation and shall contain, as a minimum, details of key activities that include, but are
not limited to, the following:
• Forward Plan - Define critical or key activities for the next 24-hour period, including significant
activities not associated with the Scope of project work. The plan shall also include a plan for
the next 7 days, specifically the identification of needed materials, equipment, personnel, and
SIMOPS planning and notifications.
• Weather - Recorded every 6 hours, including the specific time and conditions for the vessel on
weather standby and returning to full operational status and the weather forecast for the next
24, 48, and 72 hour periods.
• Vessel Operating Conditions - Vessel heading and motions in heave, pitch, and roll shall be
noted for each of the 6-hour weather reporting periods.
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• Critical Equipment Downtime - Downtime, reason for the downtime, and expected return to
operating status of all critical equipment required to perform the project SOW
• Consumables - Fuel and lube consumed, amounts remaining onboard, and forecasted fueling.
• Diving Gas - Dive gas inventory, where appropriate.
• Support Vessels - All vessel activity engaged in loading or back-loading goods and equipment
and any other supply or resupply operations.
• Helicopter Operations - Record of operations.
• Persons on Board (POB) - All persons coming on board or departing and status of POB
• Safety - Leading and trailing indicators to include drills, safety meetings, and incidents.
• Medical - All medical emergencies and injuries requiring medical attention or evacuation shall
be recorded.
• Man-Hours - Man-hours worked by CONTRACTORs and SUBCONTRACTORs.
• ERP Drills Conducted - Details of drills completed and any key findings.
• Safety Critical Maintenance - Details of any Safety Critical Maintenance that are overdue and
the expected completion date.
Note: If a DPR is to include spread vessels, then a subsection for each shall be included in the primary
CONTRACTOR shall hold a Daily Progress Meeting during mobilization and the offshore phase(s) of
the work to review the DPR and safety items, and to review progress and upcoming work. The meetings
shall be chaired by CONTRACTOR’s Vessel Superintendent or Master and attended by all key
personnel, including COMPANY Vessel Lead/Representative. CONTRACTOR shall prepare formal and
signed minutes of meetings.
CONTRACTOR shall submit a Project Closeout Report, which shall include a minimum of the items
listed below. The Closeout Report and all attachments or documents incorporated by reference shall
be submitted in electronic format to COMPANY not later than 8 weeks after completion of the work:
• Executive Summary.
• General summary of each activity.
• Execution schedule with key activities and milestones.
• List of all vessels by operations activity.
• List of all SUBCONTRACTORs and SOW.
• All as-built or as-installed documents with charts (as required).
• HSE.
• Copies of DPRs and minutes of meetings.
• A MOC summary of each affected activity and the approved changes to the amended
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• Listing of all lost time incidents and injuries, investigation report, and root cause dossier.
• Listing of all near misses, medical reports, and treatment.
• Lessons Learned.
COMPANY requires that all marine operations records from Section 7.6 and for the project SOW be
retained by CONTRACTOR for a minimum of 5 years and these shall include, as a minimum, the
1. Class Status - All vessels nominated by CONTRACTOR for use on COMPANY projects are
required to be in documented compliance with Class requirements (including Statutory
Certificates) and with no outstanding recommendations or requirements prior to mobilization to
the COMPANY work site. Class requirements for hull inspections and repairs (including dry
docking), if due during the period of the contract, shall be completed prior to vessel mobilization
to the work site.
2. Hull Condition - CONTRACTOR shall document to COMPANY that the condition of the vessel
hull external and internal structure is compliant with the loading to be imposed during
COMPANY project use and that any degradation or wastage that has occurred since the last
Class Hull Survey is documented.
CONTRACTOR shall submit current deck plate, bulkhead, and longitudinal and transverse frame web
thickness checks in way of the proposed loading arrangement as part of the vessel approval process
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described in Section3.2 for transport barges and construction vessels carrying project installation
1. Intact and Damage Stability - CONTRACTOR shall document to COMPANY that all vessels
proposed for use on any COMPANY marine operation have sufficient intact and damage
stability and reserve buoyancy under the design conditions. COMPANY requires
CONTRACTOR to comply with the stability requirements set out in DNV Offshore Standard
DNVGL-ST-N001, Section 5.
2. Stability Regulations - CONTRACTOR shall clearly define the stability regulations the vessel
shall meet by the Flag State, Class, and IMO, and shall document full compliance with the Flag
State, Class, and IMO requirements, inclusive of IMO IB874E and including a Stability Letter or
Stability Book.
3. The vessel's Class-issued Load Line Certificate and International Load Line (Plimsoll line) shall
be adhered specific to the area of operation and designations.
2. CONTRACTOR shall perform analysis, model testing, and anchor/mooring analysis as required
by COMPANY to predict the limiting conditions and to validate CONTRACTOR's assumptions
on the suitability of its vessels or its SUBCONTRACTOR vessels where accurate prediction of
motion and/or holding position or station keeping is essential to the safe execution of the SOW
(e.g., lifting, transport of large structures, mooring, float- on/float-off operations, modules
transports, motion sickness incidence, etc.).
1. Fuel Oil Management - CONTRACTOR shall have a Fuel Oil Management System for all
vessels. The Fuel Oil Management System shall be in compliance with all Port State (local,
regional, or national) operations regulations. The Fuel Oil Management System shall include
but is not limited to the following:
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- Fuel Vendor - Provide CONTRACTOR fuel oil Vendor selection, acceptability, quality
assurance, and test certification of how these are used prior to bunkering.
- Fuel System Design - Provide details of the arrangement of the vessel(s) fuel system
to ensure tank segregations and arrangement of fuel to prevent cross contamination.
- Flag State - Provide vessel Flag State approved procedures for tank cleaning, filtration,
loading, use of additives, centrifuging, transfer and settling of fuel prior to use, outfitting
and operation of fuel oil, and lubricating oil purification systems including redundancy
in case of single unit failure and fuel conditioning for cold region operations.
CONTRACTOR is required to have Flag State approved fuel oil transfer procedures and checklists and
these shall include a minimum of:
• Adequacy of tanks for the volume of bunkers to be loaded and the maximum filling volume
• Controls for setting of bunker system valves, arrangements for bunker tank ventilation, and any
internal overflow tank arrangements
• Determination and agreement on loading rates for start of loading, bulk loading, and topping off
• Verification of gauging system accuracy or of manual gauging
• Inspection of fuel transfer hoses and fittings
• Alarm settings on overfill alarm units or high tank level alarms
• Setting and witness of fuel meter, if fitted
• Tank change-over procedure
• Communications with receiving or delivery facility, including emergency stop and notice period
for reducing of transfer rates
• Manning requirements and the varying roles and responsibilities and personnel with
certification and specific training on the vessel as a Person- In-Charge
• Containment arrangements and availability of clean-up equipment
• Use of JSA and Toolbox Talk prior to operation
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Fuel oil transfers at sea or in port shall be conducted using an enclosed hose system, and fuel hoses
shall be a fail-safe system that prevents leakage when connected and meet the following criteria:
2. When conducting offshore operations and where the transfer vessels are not secured to each
other, the fuel transfer hose shall be fitted with a weak link dry break coupling of a fail-safe
design such that the weak link is of a lesser strength than the hose design and in the event of
undue tension shall part, preventing any spillage of fuel or other pollutant into the sea.
CONTRACTOR shall identify whether its marine operations are to be performed using vessel DP. Any
vessel to be used in a DP mode shall be required to undergo a COMPANY DP suitability audit. All
proposed DP vessels are required to have Class- appropriate DP notation for the specific activity and
shall comply with IMCA M 103 and requirements of IMO MSC/Circ. 645.
1. Class Status - Provide survey records that document the condition of the vessel and that state
the specific validity period.
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5. Risk Assessment - CONTRACTOR to conduct DP operation risk assessment for the project
6. Vessel Suitability - Define and document suitability for the intended SOW that includes all water
depth, adjacent assets, subsea assets, and expected environment, including wind, currents,
and storm frequency.
7. Capability Plots - Provide capability plots demonstrating vessel capability in expected project
environment after considering worst-case single-point failure. Capability plots shall show the
vessel's actual capability that can be applied through the DP system in auto-DP mode, taking
into account any limitations on applicable thrust or switchboard power imposed by the DP
software or PMS.
9. Seabed Acoustic Beacon - CONTRACTOR shall supply a seabed acoustic beacon or array
positioning system suitable for the water depth and intended SOW for position reference
acoustic systems supporting the DP.
• CONTRACTOR to clearly document for COMPANY review and approval that the crew
members (including their back-to-back reliefs) involved in DP operations and maintenance have
adequate experience, documented proficiency, competency to be applicable to the vessel type and
SOW, and sufficient working knowledge of vessel systems to ensure vessel is delivered fully operational
and in a safe and efficient manner prior to contract operations commencement.
• CONTRACTOR shall document that vessel crewing levels (Minimum Safe Manning Certificate)
for DP operations and maintenance requirements are adequate for the intended working hours of the
vessel with respect to specific manning and work/rest periods.
11. Dive Support - COMPANY requires that DP diving support vessels are categorized, as a
minimum, under IMO guidelines as Equipment Class 2 and compliance with IMO MSC/Circ.
645. COMPANY requires that for DP diving operations, a minimum of 3 totally independent
reference systems are fully functioning throughout the duration of the diving operations.
COMPANY requires that a diving support vessel, if diesel electrically powered and Classed as
Consequence Class 2/DP Class 2, and if operating either up- weather or up-current of a
platform, MODU, or subsurface structure, operates with a split main switchboard mode (i.e.,
with the two main bus bars separated [bus–tie open]) such that each half of the main
switchboard supplies a balanced half of the dive support vessel's thrusters and critical users.
COMPANY reserves the right to determine where loss of position may result in a higher than
normal risks for the candidate dive support vessel, the diver(s), or COMPANY assets. This
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determination by COMPANY is on a case-by-case basis and may result in the requirement for
DP Class 3.
12. DP 3 Required - COMPANY requires DP Class 3 for diving operations requiring divers to be
working within a structure (i.e., jacket or welding habitat), for vessels engaged in well
intervention work with or without associated diving operations, and for vessels engaged in
accommodation support and bridged to a platform or other COMPANY asset. COMPANY may
consider use of a DP 2 vessel if CONTRACTOR can demonstrate effective redundancy that
includes but is not limited to an open bus tie or having a certificated breaker test within the
previous 12 months.
13. DP Incident Log - CONTRACTOR to have and maintain a DP Incident Log Book that includes,
at a minimum, resolution of all incidents for the previous 12-month period.
1. A DP vessel when working close to a platform or structure shall have a CONTRACTOR- defined
and COMPANY-agreed Limiting Environmental Criteria as the basis for management of the DP
system. Close proximity is determined to be within 100 m of a structure or asset, including
subsea assets. Site weather management (condition verification), forecasting, and
observations shall be used to ensure the limiting conditions are not exceeded. The appraisal of
Limiting Environmental Criteria is based upon the DP vessel capability after suffering the
FMEA-defined Worst Case Single Point Failure (WCSPF). Vessels with a conventional A/B
switchboard where 50% of the load is from each board shall have this defined as the loss of
one side of the switchboard.
2. Vessel Limiting Criteria shall be defined and verified prior to commencement of DP operations.
The actual limit accepted by COMPANY shall depend on the SOW and the location.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure evaluation for the positioning of the vessel in a blow-on or blow-
off environment. The below criteria are based on DP vessels where the DP software is
programmed to apply a maximum thrust in excess of 90% to the thrusters when required to
operate in failure mode. In vessels where the DP software is such that the thruster load that
can be applied in DP Auto is less, then the 90% limits shall be reduced accordingly based upon
the DP vessel software application.
3. As weather conditions change, the capability assessment shall be continuously updated, either
electronically though the DP software (if fitted) or manually in reference to available data to
allow bridge personnel and DP watch standers to anticipate degrading of vessel performance
should there be shifts in current or wind to the beam that may compromise the vessels' station-
keeping capability.
4. Diving, Connection to an Asset, Blow-On Conditions, and Close Proximity Operations - The
Limiting Environmental Criteria shall be established based upon the 5. DP vessel sustaining
the WCSPF and having sufficient remaining power to effectively hold position and recover
divers or personnel and equipment, including safely disconnecting any equipment while
retaining the capability to manoeuvre the vessel in a controlled manner in DP Auto to a safe
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position. On vessels with a conventional A/B switchboard where WCSPF is 50% of power or
thrust, this shall be 40% of intact power or thrust, whichever occurs first. CONTRACTOR shall
note that when working in a blow-off condition or open water location where none of above
apply, the limits may be exceeded at the discretion of the Master and COMPANY Vessel Lead
such that loss of position of the vessel causes no risk to safety of personnel, environment, or
5. Station Holding - The DP vessel with diesel electric systems operating with a balanced electrical
board must be able to hold station within the specified diving watch-keeping circle, with all
thrusters running and no single thruster exceeding 40% of its rated capacity.
6. Contingency Procedure - The DP vessel shall have a DP Contingency Procedure on the bridge
that reflects the Risk Assessment, mitigating factors, and manoeuvring the vessel to safe
locations should an emergency occur. The DP Contingency Procedure shall be signed by all
DP Watch Standers.
7. Nonconventional Design Vessel without Standard A/B Switchboard - The operating limit shall
need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the vessel failure modes.
Evaluation of the vessel capability shall reference the single point worst-case failure as defined
in the FMEA (FMECA) and be evaluated on this basis, allowing for a safety margin similar to
that above with conventional power systems. Examples can include the following:
• Further switchboard segregation such that loss of one board has a lesser effect
8. Offshore Completion
• If not proven in annual DP trial, or doubt exists, the vessel shall set up such that
thrusters can be run (and where possible with thrusters opposed) at full capacity for a
COMPANY-agreed minimum timeframe to ensure that in an emergency, the thrusters
are capable of sustaining that high of an output for a COMPANY-agreed period (i.e.,
time required to recover divers and manoeuvre the vessel to a safe location) prior to
verifying the vessel's Limiting Environmental Criteria and conducting field entry trials.
Following successful completion of this operation and field entry trials, all outside the
500 m (1640.42 ft) zone, the Limiting Environmental Criteria shall be established.
• Trial of Thrusters and Capability Plots - The reduced thruster outputs and resulting
capability plots shall be trialled (worst case with all thrusters operating and not
exceeding 40% of capacity) to verify that the limiting criteria for the vessel and the
environmental conditions shall not be exceeded for any given heading, current, or wind
or wave condition at the time of the operation. It is the maximum weather (wind and
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current) that allows the vessel to operate within the 40% thruster output, which is
termed the Limiting Environmental Criteria, and to stay within the agreed watch circle.
The results of these tests shall be compared with the DP Manufacturer-produced
capability plots and DP Capability software (when fitted) to identify any errors.
• Critical Loss - The critical loss shall be trialled (i.e., the thrusters, which are driven by
what is deemed the most critical board, are taken off-line). Bridge personnel shall
record the power levels on the remaining thruster units required to maintain the agreed
watch circle. The remaining thrusters used to maintain the required watch-keeping
circle should never exceed 80% of the remaining thrusters' maximum output in this
replication of a DP emergency. This is to ensure that there is always sufficient power
in reserve to hold station for the required period and then manoeuvre the vessel to
• Vessel Positioning - The vessel shall, as far as practicable, and with critical loss
deselected, position beam to the environment to establish the loads and compare with
the WCSPF capability and footprint plots for accuracy.
• Crew Competency Demonstration - The SDPO's and Master shall demonstrate ability
and competence to manoeuvre the vessel and maintain set position in manual lever
• Consequence Analysis - All DP 2 and DP 3 vessels are required to be fitted with and
use a Consequence Analysis System. This system shall be used but not relied upon.
Its presence does not relieve the DP Operators of their responsibility to monitor the
environment and the vessel thruster loads and power capability to sustain the demand
for maintaining vessel position. It should be noted that when the Consequence Analysis
System is activated, the vessel has already reached the redundant limit. During the
establishment of the Limiting Environmental Criteria, the Consequence Analysis shall
be verified as accurate. In reference to DP 1 vessels where the Consequence Analysis
System software is not a requirement and in its absence, the importance of constant
monitoring remains unchanged. Adherence to this principle ensures that there shall
always be an adequate margin of safety.
• Position Reference System Selection and Test - The position reference systems
intended for the SOW shall be deployed and selected within the DP system and tested
prior to 500 m (1640.42 ft) entry. It shall be ensured that the selected DP references
systems are equally split across the UPS' such that loss of a UPS would not lose all
available position reference systems. The vessel shall conduct a 360-degree rotation
and a box trial manoeuvre of 20 m (65.62 ft) legs to compare the standard deviation of
the Position Reference Sensors and ensure they are in agreement with all reference
systems selected. During this rotation any blind sectors or interference shall be noted.
Note that the deployed PRS shall likely need to be re-deployed.
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• Azimuth Thrusters - If the vessel is fitted with azimuth thrusters, these shall be rotated
and the time noted and compared with Manufacturers' specifications.
COMPANY requires CONTRACTOR and its SUBCONTRACTOR Vessel Senior Officers employed on
Dive Support Vessels (DSV), Field Installation Vessels (FIV), Main Installation Vessels (DP MIV), and/or
DP Heavy Lift Vessels to have the minimum certifications and levels of experience in addition to IMCA
minimum requirements. CONTRACTOR shall provide for COMPANY review a justification package
containing sound quality assurance evidence to support CONTRACTOR's claim that a proposed
candidate is competent and suitable if the candidate(s) do not meet COMPANY requirements defined
below. CONTRACTOR should note that vessel Officers with less than the below stated requirements
may not be acceptable to COMPANY:
1. Master
• Shall have a minimum 5000 hours DP desk time on Class 2 or Class 3 vessels while in
possession of a full unlimited DP certificate.
• Shall have a minimum 1-year sea time as Master on the proposed vessel, sister vessel(s), or
on similar vessels with similar DP systems and conducting similar operations to the proposed
project SOW.
• COMPANY is aware of the need to promote and, as such and subject to COMPANY approval,
can normally accept newly promoted senior personnel as long as the promotion has taken place
on the vessel served.
• Shall meet STCW requirements for Navigational OOW and hold valid certification.
• Shall have a minimum 2000 hours DP desk time on Class 2 or Class 3 vessels while in
possession of a full unlimited DP certificate.
• Shall have a minimum 2 years sea time, with the same Operator, on the proposed vessel, sister
vessel(s), or on similar vessels with similar DP systems and conducting similar operations to
the proposed project SOW.
• For SDPO's entering the Vessel 'Operator's service direct as SDPO (and in addition to minimum
desk hours and sea time periods), shall have a minimum of 6 months experience as SDPO on
sister vessel(s) or on similar vessels with similar DP systems and conducting similar operations
to the proposed project SOW.
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• Shall meet IMCA minimum and STCW requirements for an Unlimited DPO and Navigational
OOW, respectively.
• There should be no more than one industry new start OOW/DPO onboard the vessel at any
time. Industry new start is deemed by COMPANY to be any individual with less than 3 months
sea time in the position on vessels of the same DP class.
4. Chief Engineer
• Shall have a minimum 2 years’ sea time as Senior Watch Keeping Engineer on proposed
vessel, sister vessel(s), or on similar vessels with DP class and propulsion plant systems.
• Shall have a minimum 1-year sea time as Chief Engineer on the proposed vessel, sister
vessel(s), or on similar vessels with DP class and propulsion plant systems.
• Minimum 18 months sea time as Engineer Officer of the Watch (EOOW) on the proposed
vessel, sister vessel(s), or on similar vessels with DP class and propulsion plant systems.
• For Senior Watch Keeping Engineers entering the vessel Operator's service direct as Senior
Watch Keeping Engineer (and in addition to minimum sea time periods detailed above), a
minimum of 6 months experience as Senior Watch Keeping Engineer on sister vessel(s) or on
similar vessels with same DP class and similar propulsion systems.
• There shall be no more than one industry new start EOOW onboard the vessel at any time.
Industry new start is deemed by COMPANY to be any individual with less than 3 months sea
time in the position on vessels of the same DP class.
• The vessel shall be provided with a suitably qualified ETO who has conducted a formal
apprenticeship or COMPANY-approved equivalent in a related discipline and is capable of
maintaining and repairing the DP system.
CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate and provide COMPANY with a competency assurance and
proficiency evaluation system for all officers onboard. The document shall clearly demonstrate the
individual's awareness of operations and ability to operate the vessel above that of the STCW
requirements. This shall include detailed knowledge of machinery and propulsion systems
commensurate with rank position, ability to handle the vessel in manual lever mode, and understanding
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of the vessel SOW and project requirements such as construction, crane, and diving operations. A
CONTRACTOR- documented internal competency assurance scheme and extensive vessel
familiarization program would be seen by COMPANY as suitable means to achieve this, as would DNV
Standard Certification No. 3.322 – Competence of Dynamic Positioning Operators (DPO).
Diving operations conducted within the anchor pattern of another vessel(s) are restrictive and impose
significant hazards that are required to be properly planned for and risk- assessed by CONTRACTOR
prior to start of operations (see Section 9.4 for anchoring requirements and COMPANY approval
process). CONTRACTOR shall provide for COMPANY review and approval detailed plans, procedures,
equipment specifications/performance, and trained personnel to plan and execute this work.
CONTRACTOR shall reference IMCA D 010 and ensure that all of the following are fully included in its
submitted documents:
• Details of the task shall include the required working depth of the divers and the diving bell.
• Detailed drawings of the anchor plan shall include all catenaries together with normal and
expected worst case anchor tensions. This shall be displayed on the vessel bridge and in Dive
2. Mooring
• Mooring lines adjacent to the diving operation are to be slacked down and lowered to the
seabed, if possible.
• Moorings on the drift side of the location (downwind or current), if not laid down to seabed, shall
be ready to be immediately lowered to the seabed in event of position loss of the DSV.
• Exact positions of the nearest moorings and their chain/wire touchdown points shall be
established by ROV survey before diving operations commence and monitoring while divers
are deployed.
• Positions of all moorings together with any other relevant obstructions shall be displayed on the
vessel navigation screen and monitored in Dive Control. The Diving Team shall be made aware
of these details and be fully briefed beforehand.
• No adjustment to any winch or mooring shall be permitted when diving is being conducted. The
dive is to be terminated and the bell recovered to the moon pool if it is required to adjust any
• A further touchdown survey with the ROV shall be conducted if any winch or mooring is
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3. Diving
• All winches on the anchored vessel shall be isolated under a PTW system such that they cannot
be inadvertently operated. The isolation is to be issued before diving operations commence.
• The dive bell shall have a transponder attached so that the Supervisor can see on the display
panel an immediate reference to the bell/wire standoff distances from the anchor wires or chain.
• A drift-off test shall be conducted in the vessel working heading to establish the vessel rate of
drift and this shall be done prior to setting up (Pre-Setup Requirements) on location within the
anchor pattern (drift-off test). This shall be repeated at intervals during the SOW, such as at
bell turnaround, should the environment be expected to significantly change.
• A diver recovery exercise is a mandatory requirement prior to vessel setting up within the
anchor pattern and this shall include, after diver recovery, the time it takes to recover the bell
into the moonpool (or to the vessel's equivalent draft for side-launch bell systems).
• A planned escape route for the vessel shall be established and pre-plotted on the survey screen
and the DP vessel charts.
• The vessel bridge team shall have the ability to monitor, by radar, navigation system, or visual
means, the position of all relevant vessels and be able to determine if any evasive action should
be implemented.
5. Use of DP 2
• DP 2 vessels shall operate with a split Main Switchboard mode (i.e., with the two main bus bars
separated [bus–tie open]).
6. Use of ROV
• There shall be an ROV in the water at all times when diving within anchor patterns.
The closest point of approach of any part of the DSV to any platform structure shall be 10 m (32.81 ft).
Additional care should always be taken when the proximity of the DSV superstructure to platform
overhang pose a risk and in particular when crane movement may clash with the platform.
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Conventional single and twin screw propeller-driven vessels equipped with a single transverse stern
thruster with electrical dual supply shall not be considered by COMPANY as redundant in spite of
achieving a Class DP 2 Notation. COMPANY shall not accept vessels that rely on such a system as
being suitable for DP 2 operations.
1. CONTRACTOR operations that involve only light work class and work class vessel ROVs used
for installation operations are detailed below. CONTRACTOR operations that involve the use
of ROVs are required to comply with the following and shall be submitted for COMPANY review
and approval, including a document of compliance. All other ROV operations shall be covered
by the project-specific Task Plans.
2. In addition, CONTRACTOR shall provide for COMPANY review the Work History; Audit History;
appropriate FMEA, Operations, Quality, Safety and Training Manuals and Personnel
Qualifications; and manning levels for approval.
1. Number and Use - CONTRACTOR shall provide a minimum of two complete ROV systems
onboard the installation or support vessel. Unless otherwise stated in the project SOW, the
second ROV will be fully redundant, and the ROV spread shall have sufficient additional
maintenance crew to ensure that if one ROV is taken out of service, it can be repaired while
the second ROV is put into immediate operation. Each ROV shall have sufficient power to
provide the required thrust to safely manoeuvre in the specified currents and effectively run the
tooling packages specified in the project SOW. Each ROV will have its own LARS and Tether
Management System (TMS) and length of umbilical to meet project-specific requirements. One
ROV shall be capable of being operated 24 hours each day.
2. ROV Personnel - The ROV crews shall have documented qualifications and job-specific training
and be completely familiarized with any special tools or hardware required of the project SOW
at least 1 month prior to the start of the operations. CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate and
provide COMPANY with a competency assurance and proficiency evaluation for all ROV
personnel onboard. The document shall clearly demonstrate the individual's awareness of the
operation and ability to operate and or maintain the ROV that satisfy COMPANY and meet the
project requirements.
Each CONTRACTOR-provided ROV system shall meet the following minimum requirements:
1. Water Depth - Rated for operating in applicable water depths for the project SOW and work
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2. LARS and Umbilical Winch System(s) - The LARS shall have capacity to safely launch and
recover the ROV and TMS System in the project-specified sea state and operating water depth
and shall be built and maintained to Class, fully certified, and function and load tested. Unless
specified otherwise by the project, the integrated umbilical/strength member shall be capable
of level winding 3300 m (10,826.77 ft) of umbilical and have the additional strength to lift the
ROV and the TMS plus an additional minimum 1000 kg (1.0 metric ton or 2205 lb).
3. Tether - The TMS shall have sufficient working tether to meet project site requirements with a
minimum 400 m (1312.34 ft) working excursion length and one spare tether. The TMS shall be
equipped with two each colour CCD Fixed Focus Cameras and two each Remote Ocean
Systems (ROS) LED or COMPANY-approved equivalent spotlights.
4. Manipulators - The ROV shall be equipped with a minimum of one seven-function manipulator
and one five-function manipulator, unless otherwise specified in the project SOW.
5. Cameras, Lights, Pan and Tilt, Sensors, and Video—Each ROV shall have the following:
• Cameras—HD Colour Zoom, CCD Colour Zoom, CCD Colour Fixed Focus, Low Light Black
and White, T4 Manipulator with Wrist Camera, and ROV interface, which shall all be HD
6. Video - Video Recording shall be done on standard hard drive media or suitable substitute,
such as a DVD or other COMPANY-approved medium (VHS tape format is not acceptable). It
shall be overlaid with pertinent survey and operation information format and have audio
narrative (for any additional details of the operation). The video system shall have still picture
capability, and these still pictures shall be taken as directed by COMPANY. Video shall be
capable of simultaneous recording of information from the video cameras. The video data
system shall have Sea Bed Survey Data Model (SSDM) capability and have the ability to stream
video to a designated shore station as needed. Video shall be accessed by a secure remote
site and this site should only be accessed by authorized personnel. Accurate logs and indexing
of the video shall be maintained and documented by CONTRACTOR, and there shall be a
means onboard of making video copies.
7. Positioning, Survey, and Bathymetry - The ROVs shall be equipped with USBL positioning,
survey grade gyrocompass, and bathymetry system. The ROV shall have the capacity above
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the required tooling spread (See Section D below) to carry additional survey equipment as
defined by the project SOW. Sufficient umbilical and tether data capacity shall be available for
survey sensors on ROV for simultaneous operation of survey sensors. The ROV requires, as
backup, a minimum of two USBL beacons and at least one USBL beacon for the TMS. The
primary ROV USBL beacon shall be capable of operating in responder mode. ROV's used in
low- or zero-visibility conditions for installation and diver monitoring shall utilize Coda Octopus
or COMPANY-approved equivalent and be able to display the monitoring of the diver and
seabed installation components in real time.
8. ROV Payload and Tooling Capacity—The ROV shall have the payload capacity, and sufficient
additional power, to operate the tooling packages listed below and sufficient additional payload
to handle specific additional tooling as required by the project SOW
9. Minimum ROV Tooling—The following tooling shall be included with the ROV:
• Dirty work pack to provide hydraulics for jumper tool operation, external seal tests, etc.
Pressures, flow rates, and volumes shall be determined based on project requirements.
• Wire cutters (a minimum of 38 mm [1.5 in.] and 75 mm [2.95 in.]) with spare blades and anvils
and appropriate pressure intensifiers.
10. Maintenance Records - Maintenance records of all ROV-related equipment shall be kept
onboard the vessel, including pre-job checklists, pre-dive checklists, and spares usage and
11. Critical Spares - CONTRACTOR shall provide for and document onboard status of critical
spares, and this shall include both Manufacturers' recommendation and CONTRACTORS'
usage experience with respect to routine operations and equipment maintenance requirements
during the execution of the project SOW. The definition of critical spare usage depends on the
project SOW, area of operation (i.e., remote/non- remote), and where lack of a timely delivery
or availability will put the project on the "critical path."
12. Spares Inventory - In the event any spare is a critical path item, consideration shall be given to
increasing the normal inventory quantity of already carried items and augmenting those
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components with long life expectancy items not normally carried in inventory (e.g., slip rings,
etc.) to give a higher probability of a repair being possible onsite. This shall include
consideration given to the failure involving a main component on both vehicles.
1. CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate to COMPANY that all vessels and equipment proposed for
CONTRACTOR SOW are inspected and maintained in accordance with a systematic and
comprehensive inspection and maintenance program. This requirement extends to all
subcontracted vessels and equipment. CONTRACTOR shall have and maintain an inspection
and maintenance backlog system, and all safety-critical preventative maintenance shall be
highlighted and tracked within CONTRACTOR's maintenance program. CONTRACTOR shall
provide COMPANY Representative with access to vessel's maintenance and backlog system
at all times. All safety-critical preventative maintenance items that are overdue should be
highlighted in CONTRACTOR Daily Report to COMPANY.
3. Wire Rope Management - CONTRACTOR shall have a Wire Rope Management Plan that is
based on and inclusive of the content of IMCA M 194.
CONTRACTOR shall develop, document, and provide COMPANY test /trial procedures and certification
for all equipment required for the project SOW and necessary to meet COMPANY-referenced standards
and practices. This shall include testing/trial programs prior to the start of operations that may be
witnessed by COMPANY. Project-specific equipment that does not form part of the normal marine
equipment shall be calibrated and function tested, and any necessary Operator training shall be given
prior to mobilization. COMPANY reserves the right to inspect/survey and approve all project equipment
and to approve all test procedures.
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at any time during CONTRACTOR operations, CONTRACTOR shall comply with Items (2) or
(3) below. COMPANY has the sole discretion to accept or deny the request.
CONTRACTOR shall provide office space, communications, recreation, catering, and accommodations
for COMPANY offshore installation management teams on installation and construction vessels and
other vessels. These facilities shall comply with the more stringent of ILO MLC or as defined within the
project SOW and Contract documents. CONTRACTOR shall provide for COMPANY review and
approval the details and specifications of these facilities/equipment to meet the following minimum
CONTRACTOR shall provide furnished cabins, meals, refreshments, janitorial services, and laundry
services at the same level as the vessel Officers per the project Contract documents. Allocations are
per the following:
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CONTRACTOR shall supply COMPANY facilities and equipment in accordance with the project
Contract documents. COMPANY offices shall be private, secure from outside entities, and fully
dedicated to COMPANY use. Facilities shall be outfitted with sufficient work stations for the number of
COMPANY personnel assigned and this shall include WiFi internet, computer, and telephone and radio
communications. Offices shall be furnished with coffee machine, refrigerator, and access to galley.
Allocations are per the following:
CONTRACTOR shall supply COMPANY with communications systems in accordance with the project
Contract documents. CONTRACTOR shall provide a minimum of the following for COMPANY use in
each office:
Structure and Roles / Responsibilities - CONTRACTOR shall develop an organizational structure and
define the roles and responsibilities of key personnel involved with the marine operations (shoreside
and onboard vessels) in the planning and execution phases. Organization charts, including names and
functional titles of key personnel, shall be developed and included in the Marine Operations Manual.
Authority during the operation and interfaces with COMPANY or other relevant third-party groups shall
be clarified as shall responsibilities and actions in emergency response and incident notification
Experience / Competency / Project Induction - Vessels’ Masters and Superintendents shall possess a
thorough knowledge and have experience with the full project SOW, and other key personnel shall have
COMPANY DOC NO.: 200-20-MO-SPC-0001 REV: D1 CONTRACTOR DOC NO.: HS0063-Z-SAI-CS00-S-00001 PAGE: 44 of 80
knowledge and experience within their own area of responsibility. CONTRACTOR is responsible for
ensuring that documentation and procedures for the project SOW are produced in sufficient time prior
to the mobilization of vessels, equipment, and personnel to allow for all of its or its SUBCONTRACTOR
personnel to completely understand and be capable of safely executing the project SOW.
Lines of communication with redundancy shall be clearly defined and included in the Marine Operations
Manual. A test of the communications shall be performed prior to commencement of the SOW.
Fatigue of Personnel - CONTRACTOR shall ensure that there are at all times sufficient numbers of
trained and experienced personnel for all ratings available onboard (or that can be rotated onboard) to
avoid fatigue and be in compliance with Flag State and Port
• IMO MSC/Circ.1014
• ILO C180
• ILO MLC, Title 2, Regulation 2.3
• STCW Rest Periods.
CONTRACTOR shall implement a weather management system in accordance with the requirements
of DNV MAROPS Rules, Part 1, Chapter 2, (or as superseded by DNV Offshore Standards), and this
process shall include the following minimum COMPANY requirements:
2. Weather Routing - CONTRACTOR shall provide for complete weather routing services and
plans/procedures for all marine operations during mobilization of CONTRACTOR or its
SUBCONTRACTORs marine equipment to the COMPANY work site and for the transport by
CONTRACTOR or its SUBCONTRACTORs of any COMPANY/project assets/cargoes to or
from the work site. The weather routing services shall be fully integrated with the
forecasting/monitoring services. The objective of the weather routing shall be to ensure
avoidance of environmental/metocean situations/conditions that could put the personnel,
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3. Vessel Communications - The vessel(s) shall have direct voice and email contact with the
environmental/metocean service/weather routing provider and shall be required to supply the
forecasting service with vessel environmental/metocean reports at least 2 times each day
during the vessels transits to or at project work site. More frequent vessel reports and
communications shall be required at any time the vessel(s) might encounter weather conditions
that are significantly different than were forecasted to occur or where defined limiting conditions
are forecasted to or do occur.
5. COMPANY Access - COMPANY shall have direct access for receipt of CONTRACTOR
weather forecasts, vessel weather reports, weather routing information/vessel status, weather
alerts, and any wave rider buoy outputs.
CONTRACTOR shall provide a survey spread and qualifications of surveyors for COMPANY review
and approval. CONTRACTOR shall perform site surveys as detailed in the project SOW.
CONTRACTOR's survey system on the primary installation vessel(s) and support vessels shall include
the following:
1. Displays - The position of all subsea assets, target positions for all anchors, and target positions
for any subsea equipment to be installed. Unit shall also be equipped to display and track the
relative separation between any vessels when located at or near a floating structure.
2. Printout - Unit to be equipped to print out (where applicable) the target positions for new built
jackets and existing platforms in the vicinity of the marine operation.
3. Number and Operations - Two independent surface (DGPS) and integrated subsea positioning
systems operated 24 hours each day or as defined by the project SOW and Contract.
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5. ROVs - The installation and/or support vessel shall have a work class ROV fitted with a
navigation system and sonar for distance and bearing measurements. The ROV shall be
tracked using a subsea acoustic system (USBL, SBL, LBL, or COMPANY-approved equivalent)
if required in the project SOW, and this shall be capable of being fully integrated with the
navigation suite.
6. Anchoring - Survey systems used for anchoring shall include a survey screen on the vessel
being anchored that displays all AHTs and a track with range and bearing to the target position.
The AHTs shall be able similarly equipped to read off of the same system so that their range
and bearing to the vessel being anchored is displayed at all times.
7. Pipelay—Beacons shall be provided to ensure three-range position fixing at all times when
pipeline target positioning is required for deep water operations. There shall be a telemetric link
to transmit the acoustic data from the survey vessel for display on the pipelay vessel.
8. Other Subsea Installations - CONTRACTOR shall supply a seabed acoustic array positioning
system with a minimum of three intelligent transponders situated to obtain the highest possible
accuracy. The system shall be capable of operating in the project site water depth, to the
required duration, and with a level of accuracy that meets the project- defined specifications.
The depth sensors shall be calibrated by Manufacturer immediately prior to mobilization. The
display of this system shall show the position of the ROV, divers, dive bell, and position of items
being installed relative to the installation vessel. The system shall also indicate depth, range,
and bearings between the respective seabed transponders and vessel's hydrophone and/or
ROV(s) positioning equipment.
9. Diving - The navigation suite monitor shall be able to track and show real time position of the
diver and the diving bell and all equipment being lowered or lifted in the water column when the
survey spread is used in support of and monitoring dive operations. The leg batter of a jacket
shall be graphically shown on the survey plot and monitored in Dive Control when the diving
bell proximity to the platform legs or platform horizontals is required to be maintained at a 10 m
(32.81 ft) separation. This requires that there are navigation suite monitors at all critical
operational control locations, including (as applicable) DP console, Dive Control, ROV Control,
and Crane Operator's cabin.
1. Calibration and Acceptance - Operations shall not proceed until the survey system has been
calibrated against known reference points and certified accurate by the designated surveyor.
2. Accuracy - Each system shall have accuracy better than 1.5 m or as agreed between
COMPANY and CONTRACTOR (if satellite coverage at the project work site is less than
adequate). The accuracy of these systems shall be compatible with installation tolerances, and
all systems shall have independent backup power supply. The surface positioning system shall
be based on the use of two independent systems, including a DGPS using satellite differential
correction and a DGPS using HF signal correction.
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1. Minimum AHTs - COMPANY requires at least two AHTs shall be employed in the anchoring of
a vessel. One AHT must be capable of handling towing and all required mooring operations,
and the second AHT is specifically designated to perform the anchoring handing SOW.
2. Class Notation - All AHTs engaged in anchor handling operations shall be required to have an
IACS Class Notation/ symbol as an AHT.
3. Brake Horsepower - All AHTs shall be required to have IACS Class-documented Brake
Horsepower necessary to meet the project-specific anchoring handling requirements as
determined by CONTRACTOR-provided complete anchoring handling analysis for the project
SOW, including anchored vessel equipment, type of operation, water depths, metocean
operating conditions at the project work site, and all other factors that would affect required
brake horsepower requirements.
4. Certified Bollard Pull - All AHTs shall be required to have a Bollard Pull Certificate (IACS Class
or other COMPANY approved third party) that is no more than 5 years old from the scheduled
date of the anchor handling services at the project work site. The Bollard Pull Certificate should
indicate two kinds of effect output:
• Specify a maximum continuous bollard pull that can be achieved by use of the vessel's
main propellers alone, and;
• Register an effect output in which the reduction in bollard pull with full loading of the
auxiliary generator is taken into account. The certified Bollard Pull shall be sufficient to
execute the anchor handling operations based on a complete anchoring handling
analysis for the project SOW, including anchored vessel equipment, type of operation,
water depths, and metocean operating conditions at the project work site.
All vessels engaged in anchoring handling operations shall have a minimum of the items listed in this
Section. CONTRACTOR shall provide COMPANY the full particulars list and equipment
specifications/performance for each proposed AHT. All AHT equipment shall have certifications from
IACS Class or Manufacturer that documents the specific capacity and/or limitations of each unit, and
each shall have been tested with documentation (see Section, Items [9] and [10]) within 90 days
prior to use on the project work site. The capacity of each unit of equipment shall be sufficient for the
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project SOW, and all equipment shall be maintained to ensure continuous safe and efficient operation
during the execution of the project SOW.
1. Main Engines, Propellers, and Rudders - Each vessel shall have a minimum of two main
engines connected to two main propellers, and each propeller shall be fitted with a rudder.
Alternative propulsion systems, such as azimuthing stern thrusters, cycloidal propellers, etc.,
that achieve the same level of propulsion performance and redundancy shall be presented to
COMPANY for review and approval.
2. Bow Thruster - Each vessel shall have a minimum of onebow thruster, sufficiently powered to
provide position control of the vessel during anchoring handling operations and specific to the
metocean operating conditions at the project work site.
3. Tow/Anchoring Handling Winch - Each vessel shall have a minimum of one double drum
towing/anchoring handling winch. The winch shall have an emergency release from the main
deck and the bridge control station. Testing and documentation of the winch brake and
emergency release shall be provided to COMPANY. The winch shall be equipped with line-out
and tension monitors with continuous readout.
4. Stern Roller - Each vessel shall have an IACS Class certified capacity stern roller with diameter
and width capable of handling the specified maximum size anchor and buoy.
5. Tow Pins and Karm Forks/Shark Jaws-Each vessel shall be equipped with a minimum of one
set of hydraulic shark jaws and one set of hydraulic tow pins. Testing and documentation of
operation shall be provided to COMPANY.
6. Deck Tuggers - Each vessel shall have a minimum of two deck tuggers. Deck tuggers shall
have sufficient capacity for the anchoring equipment being used on the project.
7. Tow/Anchoring Handling and Tugger Wire Rope - Each vessel shall be provided with sufficient
quantities and properly sized wire ropes for anchoring handling, towing, and deck tugging
operations per the project specific requirements.
8. Pelican Hooks - The use of pelican hooks or other similar equipment is prohibited.
1. All vessels that are anchor moored are required to have a minimum of the items listed in this
Section. CONTRACTOR shall provide COMPANY the full particulars list and equipment
specifications/performance for each vessel that is to be anchored at the project work site. This
shall include all winches, wires, anchors, and buoys together with details of each unit of
equipment used to measure, monitor, or control the anchoring process.
2. All vessel equipment shall have certifications from IACS Class or Manufacturer that document
the specific capacity and/or limitations of each unit, and each shall have been tested with
documentation (see Section, Items [9] and [10]) within 90 days prior to use on the project
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work site. The capacity of each unit of equipment shall be sufficient for the project SOW and all
equipment shall be maintained so as to ensure continuous safe and efficient operation during
the execution of the project SOW.
4. Self-propelled vessels used for diving and/or ROV operations that are anchored and/or
attached to COMPANY platforms or assets shall use a minimum of four attachment points (for
example, two anchors and two mooring lines). CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for
review and approval, and prior to the commencement of any operations, a detailed mooring
analysis and step-by-step mooring/unmooring procedures. The analysis and
mooring/unmooring plans shall include maximum expected sea, wind, and current conditions
and provide the limiting criteria and evacuation procedure should the limiting criteria be
5. All anchor winches shall be fitted with tension monitors with continuous readout and line out
distance counters. The display shall be mounted locally and have remote readout at all control
positions. All components shall be certified and shall be complete with the required certification
covering all equipment (permanent and temporary fixtures included) from winch to anchor.
• Have the capacity to display all existing facilities and future facilities.
• Be capable of displaying the vessel to be anchored and all AHTs in real time
8. Pendant buoys and mid-line buoys shall meet the following criteria:
• Have lifting attachment points NDT tested/documented per the schedule of all lifting
and rigging equipment.
• Be painted with a bright color such as yellow, orange, red, etc., to ensure enhanced
visibility and be marked with the maximum weight they can support and unique label.
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• Be the appropriate length, diameter and capacity with contingency for the specific
• Be inspected and tested with documentation per the vessel wire management plan.
CONTRACTOR shall provide a project work site-specific mooring analysis operability report that defines
the number, location, capacity, and loads of the mooring winches, wires, and anchors of the vessel to
be anchored that meets the requirements of project SOW, is capable of operating in the water depths,
and can be positioned with respect to any assets and for the metocean/environmental conditions. This
report shall be submitted to COMPANY for review and approval prior to CONTRACTOR developing the
associated project-specific Anchor Handing Manual.
In the event that it is necessary to connect mooring wires to any assets, approval shall be sought from
COMPANY and the proposal from CONTRACTOR shall be subjected to a detailed risk assessment.
CONTRACTOR is advised that the following general limitations and/or restrictions are in place for all
COMPANY anchor handling operations and that mooring to or over or adjacent to COMPANY assets
requires COMPANY approval. The term "adjacent to" should be understood to mean within 500 water
surface m (1640.42 ft) of a COMPANY asset that includes but is not limited to a jacket, tower, platform,
FSO/ FPSO or other such facilities. Execution of the anchoring work shall adhere to COMPANY-
approved patterns and procedures without deviation. If deviation is required, it shall be initiated from
the Vessel Master and shall follow the project-specific MOC process. COMPANY approval of the
deviation shall be given in writing. Work shall proceed only after all AHTs involved have been fully
briefed and the necessary JSA and Toolbox Talks have been concluded. The following shall be
addressed, as required, in the project-specific Anchor
Handling Manual and the SOW shall be executed to ensure compliance. Specifically, there shall be no
• Deployed where direct uplift can occur either by direct tension or mid-line buoy placement.
• To be deployed on COMPANY work site without COMPANY Representative onboard and until
the survey system(s) are checked against existing facilities
• Passed between a construction vessel and an AHT within 50 m (164.04 ft) of an existing subsea
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CONTRACTOR shall have a project-specific Anchor Handling Manual for the specific operation, specific
AHTs, and specific vessel to be anchored. Anchor patterns are required for all activities performed
within 1 km (3300 ft) of existing offshore structures, pipelines, and cables. The project-specific Anchor
Handling Manual shall include step- by-step operations and procedures and shall be submitted to
COMPANY for review and approval per the schedule in the Coordination Procedures. No anchor
handling operations shall take place for the Contracted SOW until the documents have been approved
by COMPANY. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the project-specific Anchor Handling Manual includes
and details all of the following:
1. Management and Organization - Identify the person(s) in charge of the operation and the key
personnel involved and their responsibilities. CONTRACTOR's person in charge of anchoring
handling operation must be in the control tower, bridge, or other location to directly oversee and
communicate the operations.
2. Safety - Define all PPE requirements, safe handling of buoy/anchor to AHT, safety when
working around wires under tension, existing JSAs relevant to anchor handling and
establishment, and marking and maintenance of personnel safety exclusion zones.
• Transferring of buoys and anchors between the AHT and the vessel to be anchored.
• Running and deploying anchors, retrieval of anchors to the AHT, and vessel to be
• Detailed drawings and charts that show the mooring patterns, set-up sequence, final
layout, tensions under all operating and stand-off conditions, mooring line catenaries
showing clearances to and over subsea infrastructure, midline buoys, mooring
fixtures, topographical data/features, and the presence of existing facilities.
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• Recovery of anchor and cable after anchor cable parting; of anchor with broken
pendant line, anchor with sunken pendant buoy, and anchor with sunk mid-line buoy
• AHT winch, tow pin, tow wire, shark jaw, main engine, thruster(s), and vessel control
system failures
• Detailed limiting weather conditions for executing the anchor handling operation
5. AHT- Provide a section that includes the following for the AHT
• Detailed specifications of the AHT and all its anchor handling equipment, including
ratings and capacities. The AHT portion of the project-specific Anchor Handling Manual
shall be based on and inclusive of the full content of the MSF AHM and shall be
inclusive of the safety recommendations for AHTs contained in MSF MOU and AH.
• Procedures to maintain water-tight integrity that identify the requirements for minimum
freeboard, management of water-tight doors, hatches, and deck closures.
• A sketch of the GZ curve (the curve of vessel righting arm [GZ] plotted against vessel
heel) and a table of tension and forces that give the maximum acceptable heeling
moment are required, to include the following:
o Maximum force from the wire or chain acting down at the stern roller and
transversely to the outer pins that is acceptable without taking the vessel above
the angles in the list above.
o The heeling moment based on transverse bollard pull shall also be shown and
allowed for. The vertical component is to be taken as the vertical distance from
the deck at the tow pins to the centre of the stern thruster or propeller shaft,
whichever is lower.
o The maximum force in the wire or chain as well as the point where the lateral
force is assumed to be applied (towing pin or stern roller).
o The safe working load of the stern roller, which shall never be exceeded.
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6. Anchored Vessel—Provide a section that includes the following for the vessel to be anchored:
• Detailed specifications of the vessel to be anchored and all components of its anchor mooring
and management systems.
• Detailed description of the survey positioning system used for anchor deployment.
• Description of how all anchor drop and retrieval locations and times are recorded and made
available to COMPANY.
• Explanation that anchor pendant buoys shall not be used as temporary mooring locations by
any vessels and that the AHT shall only be connected when in the process of running the
• Explanation that a maximum tension of 5 metric tons (11,023 lb) to 8 metric tons (17, 637 lb) is
used for any position when the AHT is not making way (deploying or retrieving anchor from
seabed) when calculating cable catenary. Higher values can be used during the actual running
• Detailed requirement that no action shall be taken to recover the anchor until the COMPANY is
informed and is in agreement with the steps to be taken at any time an anchor is inadvertently
deployed or drags into an exclusion zone.
• Explanation that recovery by grappling shall not to take place within 200 m
• (656.17 ft) of any subsea installation and it shall at all times be monitored by survey throughout
the operation.
The following minimum clearances apply to anchoring operations between and passing structures.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all items are detailed and incorporated in CONTRACTOR's project-
specific Anchoring Handling Manual.
1. AHTs—AHTs shall have a minimum 50 m (164.04 ft) clearance to all existing structures,
including the structure footprint. This clearance also applies to the AHT minimum clearance
where two structures have a bridge span between them.
2. Anchor Cables—Anchor cables shall have a minimum 50 m (164.04 ft) clearance from all
existing structures, including the structure footprint.
3. Anchors—Anchors shall not be deployed within a 100 m (328.08 ft) radius of a future structure
and no anchors shall be deployed within 200 m (656.17 ft) of existing facilities.
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Where an anchor is in proximity to or where an anchor cable must cross an existing pipeline or cable,
the following requirements apply:
1. Procedures
• The anchor pattern shall be modified so that all exposed pipelines or cables are not contacted
by an anchor line.
• The anchor shall not remain at the AHT stern roller and shall be brought on deck and double
secured when crossing an existing pipeline or cable.
• The AHT must maintain tension on the anchor cable sufficient to maintain vertical seabed
clearance while being pulled back along the line of the cable. If this is not achievable, action as
described in item (e) below shall be used.
• The bight of the anchor cable cannot be pulled across the seabed while a cable is across an
existing pipeline or cable.
• An AHT shall be placed over each exposed pipeline or cable with under- running block(s)
attached to the anchor lines so that the required minimum clearance (10 m [32.8 ft] over the
pipeline or cable) is maintained at all times. The under-running block(s) shall be held above the
water surface if water depths are less than 10 m (32.8 ft).
• The AHT shall deck the anchor and head back toward the vessel being anchored after anchor
recovery, and this shall be executed along the line of the anchor cable until the cable is well
clear of the pipeline. Only when the above is complete shall the AHT move to the new anchor
cable heading and next anchor location. The position of the AHT shall be verified and logged
prior to lowering an anchor.
• Removal of suspended-in-water buoys, inserts, or mooring attachments shall be made with due
regard to maintaining seabed clearance of the anchor line from any crossed pipeline, cable, or
subsea asset.
2. Clearance:
• Existing Exposed Pipelines - The anchor shall not be located within 200 m
• (656.17 ft) of a crossing pipeline. If an anchor line crosses over an existing pipeline or
submarine cable, then the anchor shall be placed a minimum of 300 m (984.25 ft) from the
pipeline or cable.
• Future Pipelines/Cable Routes - Anchors shall not to be deployed within 50 m (164.04 ft) of the
corridor for future pipelines or cables route. When crossing future pipeline or cable routes, a
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clearance of 100 m (328.08 ft) in the line of AHT pull shall be maintained when deploying and
setting anchors. When crossing future pipeline or cable routes, no vertical clearance is required.
• Horizontal Clearance - When anchors are required to be deployed such that the anchor line
catenary shall result in being across a pipeline or cable, a 300 m (984.25 ft) horizontal clearance
in the direction of the AHT line of pull is required for deployment of the anchor and shall be
maintained throughout any vessel movements.
• Vertical Distance - A 10 m (32.81 ft) vertical clearance between the anchor cable and existing
facility shall be maintained at all times.
1. Self-propelled, self-mooring vessels (i.e., vessels that drop anchors without the use of an AHT)
shall not be allowed to straddle existing subsea structures and shall adhere to the same
guidelines referred to in this document as to minimum clearances, monitoring line out and line
tension, using approved surveyor to position anchors, and contingency procedures to cover
cable failures, anchor drags, etc.
2. These vessels have the same requirement to develop and submit for COMPANY approval a
project-specific Anchor Handling Manual, and the manual shall contain all items listed above in
Section, except that which is applicable to AHT.
All anchor lines shall be tested for a minimum of 15 minutes to a load equal to expected maximum
operating load as determined by the mooring analysis to verify the holding capacity of the anchors. Personnel
CONTRACTOR shall provide for COMPANY review and approval the Vessel Officer's competency for
the intended work, to include numbers of years in position, number of years in AHT operations, details
of last 3 years of AHT service, and copy of CONTRACTOR proficiency evaluation report. Additionally,
CONTRACTOR shall provide the Officer's knowledge and documented training to complete and comply
with all aspects of the requirements of the MSF MOU and AH and especially for vessel stability, limiting
operating, and metocean conditions. AHT Officers shall comply with the following:
1. Master
• Meet STCW requirements for Master on vessel tonnage and hold valid certification.
• Have a minimum 3 years on vessel type in position as Master, Chief Mate, or 2nd Mate.
• Have a minimum 1-year sea time as Master on the proposed vessel, sister vessel(s), or on
similar vessels with similar operating winch systems and conducting similar operations to the
proposed project SOW.
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• In the case of anchored rig or barge moves, have conducted ten moves previously.
• COMPANY is aware of the need to promote and, as such and subject to COMPANY approval,
can normally accept newly promoted senior personnel as long as the promotion has taken place
on the vessel served.
2. Chief Officer
• Have a minimum 1 year sea time, with the same Operator, on the proposed vessel, sister
vessel(s), or on similar vessels with similar operating systems and conducting similar
operations to the proposed project SOW
• For officers entering the Vessel 'Operator's service direct as Chief Officer, have a minimum of
6 months experience as Chief Officer on sister vessel(s) or on similar vessels with similar
operating systems and conducting similar operations to the proposed project SOW
3. Second Mate
4. Chief Engineer
• Meet STCW requirements for Chief Engineer on vessel power and hold valid certification
• Have a minimum 3 years sea time as Watch Keeping Engineer on proposed vessel, sister
vessel(s), or on similar vessels
• Have a minimum 1-year sea time as Chief Engineer on the proposed vessel, sister vessel(s),
or on similar vessels
• Meet STCW requirements for 2nd Engineer on vessel power and hold valid certification
• Have a minimum 1-year sea time as EOOW on the proposed vessel, sister vessel(s), or on
similar vessels and propulsion plant systems
• For Senior Watch Keeping Engineers entering the Vessel Operator's service direct as Senior
Watch Keeping Engineer (and in addition to minimum sea time periods detailed above), have
a minimum of 6 months experience as Senior Watch Keeping Engineer on sister vessel(s) or
on similar vessels with similar propulsion systems
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Lifting operations from installation vessels, including dive support vessels and construction barges to
support subsea installations operations, shall be based on well- proven principals, technology, systems,
and equipment. All loads for subsea installation, except for smaller and nonspecific loads covered by
CONTRACTOR's generic lift plans, shall be "Engineered Lifts" and required to be in general
conformance with the requirements of this document and specification (and the relevant sections of
DNV MAROPS Rules and DNV- RP-H103.
CONTRACTOR shall perform detailed static and dynamic installation engineering to demonstrate that
the installation equipment and methods can be used to install subsea packages within the limits and
acceptance criteria that are agreed between the subsea Manufacturer and installation CONTRACTOR.
COMPANY prior agreement is required if calculated static load throughout the installation/recovery
process is shown to exceed 80% of winch or winch cable capacity. CONTRACTOR's installation
analysis shall include, account for, and document the following:
• Vessel and/or vessel asset(s) limits (i.e., crane or J-Lay tower limits)
CONTRACTOR's management plan and procedures for shallow water subsea lifts shall include all of
the following:
1. General Management of Subsea Lifts - The management of subsea lifts shall be different from
topside requirements only after the load is through the splash zone, where the control of the
crane is managed from ROV Control initially and then from Dive Control, depending on the
requirements for the final hang-off or set down. Where both ROVs and divers are involved, the
control shall always be from Dive Control.
2. Attaching Subsea Loads - All subsurface loads to be installed on platforms shall be attached to
platform rigging and not installed directly by the DSVs or installation barge crane where divers
are to be involved.
3. Securing Subsea Loads - All subsea loads that can be captured topsides shall be firmly
clamped and otherwise secured to the platform rigging, and the installation crane used to
transfer the load shall slacken its rigging prior to being disconnected by divers.
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4. Transferring Loads - Transferring of crane loads to rigging on a fixed installation platform shall
be engineered so that the wire from the platform installation winch shall (where possible) be
brought to the installation vessel and attached to the load.
5. Monitoring - The installation crane shall have an ROV monitor installed in the crane cab. There
shall be a direct and secure line of communications to both Dive and ROV Control. During
lowering, the hook load and lowering velocity shall be monitored in the crane and other aspects
of the load, such as sling connections, tilt, orientation of the load, and initial installation
tolerances, shall be monitored by ROV.
6. Diver Monitoring Limitations - Direct diver monitoring during the initial hang-off process or for
anything other than final guidance to the set point or to help engage the installation guides is
not to be considered. During these periods, the diver shall never be in a position where loss of
control of the load could cause injury to the diver.
7. Use of Handling Frames - Fit-for-purpose handling frames shall be installation device of choice,
and airbags shall only be used when it is shown that the use of proper handling frames is
prohibitive due to access for manoeuvring pipelines and installation of spools.
8. Use of air bags, Tirfors, chain falls, and other installation aids is covered separately under
specification 200-20-MO-SPC-0004.
Execution of deep-water lifts will require all the elements outlined in Section 10 of this document, with
the exception that ROV(s) would be used for monitoring the altitude of the lift through the water column
and touchdown on an installed structure on the seabed or within a surveyed target box on the seabed.
Where heading of the object when landed is critical, CONTRACTOR shall engineer a means to prevent
rotation of the load or have the ability to rotate it to the correct heading prior to touchdown.
3. DSV Work - Crane Operators shall have completed a Sparrow's DSV assessment or
COMPANY-approved equivalent for DSV work.
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This Section addresses personnel transfer operations and includes the following:
1. Vessel Requirements
2. Rescue Craft
6. Personnel
All vessels used to transport personnel between vessels, between vessels and offshore facilities, and
between shore and vessels are required to have a minimum of the following:
1. Class - IACS Class certification with appropriate notations or symbols for this type of service
and area of operation and statement of fact or other Class documentation of maximum
passenger capacity
• Documentation shall include that all LSAs (life rafts, life rings with lights, life jackets, water
smoke flares, etc.) have documented SOLAS approval, are in clearly marked locations for
immediate use, and that cold-water exposure/immersion suits are provided for all persons
onboard in compliance with IMO MSC/Circ. 1046.
3. Design/Arrangement
• Vessel shall be designed to provide an individual seat with seat belts for all passengers in a
weather-protected and well-lighted area that is dedicated for this use.
• Vessel shall be arranged to provide for safe, protected, and efficient movement of personnel
between the seating and embarkation/disembarkation locations.
4. Operations
• Vessels shall be operated at all times within its stated limits, so as to minimize vessel motions
and prevent the risk of sea sickness of transported personnel.
All vessels to which personnel are being transferred shall be equipped with a dedicated and type
approved FRC, rescue boat (RB) or man overboard boat (MOB). Vessel lifeboats are not acceptable to
COMPANY as the designated rescue vessel for recovering of persons from the water. Rescue craft
shall meet the following criteria:
1. Procedures and Equipment - Rescue procedures for man overboard and equipment for man
overboard retrieval, such as a Jason's Cradle, shall be provided by CONTRACTOR and are
subject to COMPANY review and approval. CONTRACTOR shall define to COMPANY and
ensure that man overboard rescue equipment is onboard FRCs, RBs, or MOBs as required to
recover personnel in the water.
2. Use - During passenger transfers, the vessel FRC or RB or MOB shall be available for
immediate deployment. In the case of RBs and MOBs that are not on a single point launch
facility, the rescue boat shall be deployed from the vessel and in the water prior to transfers.
All rescue craft listed in the safety equipment certificate are for emergency use only and are
not to be used for any other purpose, including routine personnel transfer or tasks related to
performing the project SOW.
3. Engines and Fuel - FRC, RB, and MOB can be powered with internal or external engines on
any suitable fuel type, but if using petrol (gasoline) engines the following shall apply:
• Fuel shall be stored in a safe area with adequate ventilation and clear of any sources
of ignition and seating areas.
• Fuel storage shall be at the vessel side on a raised bunded platform fitted with a
remotely operated jettison facility.
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Gangways, ladders, accommodation ladders, dynamic gangways, and transfer devices (such as
offshore baskets, Billy Pugh, TORO, FROG, etc.) used for the transfer of personnel shall be approved,
certified, designed, installed, and operated/used so that each person being transferred can have and
maintain three points of contact at all times throughout the transfer. Equipment shall meet the following
• All transfer devices are required to have documented IACS Class Type Approval and,
where required, Port State of operation certification.
• All gangways, ladders, accommodation ladders, and dynamic gangways are required
to have documented IACS Class Type Approval or industry certification.
3. Inspection and Maintenance - CONTRACTOR shall have, and shall provide for COMPANY
review and approval, detailed inspection and maintenance procedures/records for each piece
of equipment. The procedures shall be based on Manufacturer, industry standard, or IACS
Class requirements. Inspections and maintenance shall only be conducted by CONTRACTOR
or Third-Party personnel that have specific and certified training.
All cranes and winches used for lifting/transfer of personnel shall be designed with a passenger lifting
facility. Cranes shall comply with DNVGL-ST-0378, May 2016, Section 11 "Lifting of Personnel".
CONTRACTOR shall provide COMPANY with detailed specifications and
operations/testing/maintenance documents on each item. All cranes shall be equipped with a minimum
of the following and all features shall be labelled and legible:
• Boom Stops
• Override/Bypass Prevention
• Emergency Stop
• Load/Radius Indicator
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• Deadman Controls (the operating lever returns back to neutral and automatic brake is set in
the event of loss of power or Operator releases lever)
• Secondary Independent Power Source Preferred (in case of primary power failure)
• Emergency Manual Lowering/Controlled Winch Lowering (in the event of sudden loss of power
of primary control)
• Overpull Limiter (limits the load the crane can exert in passenger mode) and Setting (basket
weight, passengers + safety margin)
All cranes/winches used for personnel transfer shall be certified as passenger transfer rated. The
minimum requirements for cranes/winches used for personnel transfer shall be in accordance with
DNVGL-ST-0378, May 2016, Section 11 "Lifting of Personnel". All cranes, winches, personnel baskets,
wires, load cell calibrations, and load tests shall be certified, and this documentation provided to
COMPANY for review and approval.
11.4.3 TESTING
Test certification shall clearly state the crane or winch is suitable for passenger transfer; a record of the
specific tests conducted/date shall be included with the certification package demonstrating the
passenger rating requirements have been adequately tested. COMPANY may accept equivalent
standard to that stated above (e.g., ABS Guide for Certification of Cranes – Personnel Lifting), which
shall be evaluated by COMPANY on a case-by-case basis. Testing documentation shall include
compliance with DNV and a minimum of the following complete function:
• Emergency Stop
• Wire Ropes
• Overpull Limiting Device (does not allow excess load to be exerted on whip line /basket (i.e.,
10 tonne whip line is downrated to 2 tonne limits for basket when in passenger lifting mode)
1. Crane and winch inspections shall be conducted by personnel specifically trained and certified
for the specific type of equipment and use. CONTRACTOR shall provide COMPANY with
copies of training and certificates for review and approval.
3. CONTRACTOR shall provide COMPANY with a copy of the maintenance protocol and
maintenance results for all elements of cranes and winches and their associated equipment
used for personnel transfer. Maintenance protocol shall be based on DNVGL-ST-0378, May
2016, Section 11 "Lifting of Personnel."
1. CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate and submit for COMPANY review and approval wire
maintenance and retirement program for the type of crane, load, and amount of expected
operational use. This program shall define and include the process and documentation for a
minimum of the following:
2. Regular visual inspection of all wires for damage and status of lubrication.
3. Periodical E-mag or other system to identify any internal damage. This shall be on a minimum
2-year basis for boom hoists and main lift wires under normal use and annually for whip lines
in daily use. This shall include that an end sample is taken at these same periods and sent for
destruction testing.
4. Planned wire change out program based on the operations of the crane, to include at least
every 5 years for deck crane boom and main hoist wires and the defined minimum change out
of whip wires in daily use (recommended annually).
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CONTRACTOR shall provide site-specific procedures and conduct a Risk Assessment for the transfer
of personnel. Any outstanding issues shall be mitigated by CONTRACTOR prior to COMPANY
1. CONTRACTOR shall develop a comprehensive set of personnel transfer procedures that cover
the full SOW of the Contract.
2. All Personnel Transfer procedures are subject to COMPANY approval and shall be based on
both the IMCA M 202 and all requirements in the following subsections. Without COMPANY-
approved procedures, no personnel transfers shall be allowed.
4. COMPANY requires that, on an agreed date (approximately 3–6 months prior to mobilization),
CONTRACTOR shall hold a Methodology Workshop with COMPANY Project Management
Team detailing the base plan for all personnel transfers on the project. This workshop shall
cover the specific details regarding vessels, transfer aids, number of transfers, and
operational/environmental parameters.
5. Procedures shall detail how CONTRACTOR plans to move personnel between installation
vessels, anchor handling tugs, materials barges, fixed or floating facilities, or any other vessels.
Procedures shall be provided to indicate the safe usage and suitability of use in the intended
environment for each of the components. The procedures shall detail the following:
• Vessel specifications
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CONTRACTOR shall conduct a Risk Assessment which shall include, as a minimum, an assessment
of the following hazards before the COMPANY approves the Transfer Procedure:
1. All Transfers
• Vessel acceptability
• Security breach
• Passenger behaviour
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• Gangway collapse
3. Banksman - A dedicated Banksman shall be in radio communication at all times with the Crane
4. Crane Operator Training - Crane Operators shall be properly trained and experienced in vessel-
specific personnel transfer operations and equipment to COMPANY approval. Crane Operator
shall hold Sparrows3, Norske GP5, OPITO Offshore Crane Operator Stage 3, or COMPANY-
approved equivalent certification.
5. Drills/Training - CONTRACTOR shall conduct and document regular drills to ensure the marine
crew are trained for and can quickly and effectively respond to man overboard situations.
6. FRC/RB and MOB Personnel - FRCs, RBs, and MOBs are required to have trained and
certified/licensed Operators, and CONTRACTOR shall ensure that these personnel have
regularly schedule training on the vessel. Crews for FRCs, RBs, or MOBs shall be trained and
exercised in the vessel/equipment operation and response procedures.
7. Transfer Person in Charge - Have at least one dedicated and trained crewman to manage the
safe transfer of personnel.
1. Class Certification for Accommodation Vessels - COMPANY requires that all include Class
Notations and symbols that specify vessel certification for the accommodation block or units.
This requirement applies whether the vessel is purpose built for accommodations or is a barge
that is outfitted with accommodations. CONTRACTOR shall supply with the Class certification
the Class Notation definition and standards that were used to create the Notation.
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2. SOLAS and MARPOL - All vessels are required to be in compliance with and have certification
3. Persons On Board Management - All vessels used to provide accommodations are required to
have a computer-based People On Board (POB) management system that ensures
comprehensive tracking of all personnel onboard the vessel, and between the vessel and other
vessels or platforms, structures, or dockside facilities. The system and POB personnel
identification cards shall be used for all emergency response operations, including drills,
training, or actual abandonment and for routine transfer of personnel. CONTRACTOR system
shall be sent to COMPANY for review and approval per the schedule in the Coordination
4. Comfort and Habitability - All vessel accommodations and recreational facilities for the marine
crew, industrial personnel, or COMPANY Representatives are in documented compliance with
ILO MLC Title 3. All vessels are required to have Class certification for comfort (e.g., COMF,
COMF+) and habitability (e.g., HAB and HAB+) or have documentation that they meet the
specific intent of those types of Notations. COMPANY reserves the sole authority to approve
the comfort and habitability or to require corrective actions from CONTRACTOR to meet
comfort and habitability requirements.
5. Medical and Occupational Health - All vessels used for accommodations are required to have
accommodations, catering, and hospital facilities that meet the COMPANY Coordination
Procedures and COMPANY MOH guidelines. Each vessel shall be inspected by a COMPANY
MOH Representative as part of the COMPANY vessel audit.
6. Moored Vessels - Accommodation vessels moored to either fixed structures, other floating
vessels, or to the sea bed require the following (as applicable):
• Fenders—Fenders and fender racks are to be engineered such that they are sufficient
in number, location, and capacity to protect the accommodation vessel and the vessel
or structure to which they are moored. The impact of the fender system on the hull of
the accommodation vessel and the vessel/structure to which it is moored shall consider
all relevant loadings (e.g., fender loads, hydrostatic loads), in combination with the
existing hull/structure utilization to assess integrity against the requirements of Class
Hull rules.
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8. Temporary Accommodation Units - All temporary accommodation units are required to comply
with the following, and CONTRACTOR shall have documentation that verifies the certifications:
• IACS Class A60 Certification including a minimum A60 windows and hatches
• HVAC system.
• Linking systems (if used) shall have waterproof seals and watertight barrier.
• Sprinkler system.
• Emergency lighting.
• Fire dampers.
The requirements in this Section apply to self-elevating platforms (sometimes referred to as Mobile
Offshore Units, Lift Boats, or Jack-up Rigs) when used for offshore installation, accommodations, or
construction work. The requirements in this Section are in addition to those previously defined for all
vessels (e.g., Class Certification and statutory compliance for afloat and elevated operations,
COMPANY suitability inspection and approval, etc.). CONTRACTOR shall submit for COMPANY
review and approval all of the following:
1. SOLAS—Detailed list of SOLAS-approved equipment and procedures for safe and rapid
evacuation of all vessel personnel when the vessel is in the lifted and lowered position. These
can include Life Boats, Marine Evacuation Systems, and Life Rafts with approved launching
appliances for the lifted position. The reason is that SOLAS is the highest international standard
for safety of life at sea.
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4. Project Work Site Seabed Survey—Provide survey and how vessel shall be positioned and use
of lifting system in those seabed/soils conditions.
5. Prior Work at Site—Detailed list of previous jack-up installations positions used at the project
work site.
6. Adjacent Structures—Details and specifications of any adjacent structures at the project work
• Overturning stability
• Leg strength
• Inspection of 10 m (32.08 ft) radius around each intended leg location prior to
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• Pre-loading procedure to confirm seabed stability before elevating unit to final working
elevation. “First contact” load planning and detection, which accounts for soil
hardness/stiffness, depth of water, oscillation period, and hull geometry/draft.
• Accurate survey data of previous jack-up locations at the project work site
(acknowledging potential need for operating near previous spud can holes).
• Where geotechnical data indicate that stuck legs are a concern, a predetermined
methodology for retrieving stuck legs.
• All wet tows of these units shall be planned to be unmanned. Where CONTRACTOR
can present to COMPANY a compelling safety necessity for the tow to be manned,
then CONTRACTOR shall do the following:
o Define unit maximum freeboard and associated limiting sea states and other
metocean conditions.
o Verify Flag State and Port State of operation approval for the tow to be
o Provide detailed emergency response plan for all personnel on the manned
tow unit.
2. CONTRACTOR is responsible for knowing and complying with all Flag State, Port State,
regional, and Classification requirements for operating in the Arctic or Subarctic.
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3. CONTRACTOR shall reference and use all applicable sections of IMO MSC/Circ.1056 -
6. CONTRACTOR shall reference and be guided by the content of OCIMF OVO I&SST.
CONTRACTOR to provide to COMPANY for review and approval all of the following for marine vessels
and equipment:
1. Vessel Hull - Vessel icebreaking and/or ice strengthening hull requirements as defined by the
COMPANY project, area of operation, vessel SOW, and all Port State of operations regulations.
CONTRACTOR shall propose only vessels that have documented capability to meet these
3. Classification - Provide IACS Class documents with all Notations/Symbols using the IACS
Unified Requirements for Polar Ships (IACS UR I).
5. Non-Ice Classed Vessels - Provide the proposed use of all non-ice class vessels in Arctic and
Subarctic regions during ice-free (or limited ice) operating seasons, including risks associated
with this SOW and detailed list of operating precautions/limitations required.
7. Towing Equipment - Provide details, specifications and, capacity of primary and emergency
towing equipment for use in these regions. This applies to emergency towing equipment of all
vessels and for the normal operation of all vessels proposed to conduct anchor handling or
towing in these regions.
CONTRACTOR shall provide to COMPANY for review and approval all of the following for ice
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1. Plans and Procedures—Detailed and location-specific plans and procedures for Ice
Management and Ice Defence
2. Alerting Systems—Alerting systems for ice and metocean limits and detailed vessel response
3. Ice Detection—Details and documented performance for vessel-based ice detection systems,
to include but not be limited to enhanced ice radar systems such as Rutter, IceNav and Narwhal
systems, and FLIR system
4. Airborne Ice Reconnaissance—Plans, procedures, and reports from the use of airborne ice
reconnaissance operations including visual and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
5. Satellite Ice Reconnaissance—Plans and reporting details for satellite ice reconnaissance,
including Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Infrared Radar (IR), and
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
CONTRACTOR shall provide to COMPANY for review and approval all of the following for ice
2. Over Wintering - Detailed preparations, plans, and procedures for any vessels over- wintering
in Arctic or Subarctic regions
4. Supply Chain and Logistics - Local and regional material and supply chain support and
management, including shore bases and resupply vessels. Vessel- and operations- specific
logistics requirements and detailed logistics management plans and procedures
5. Port State Compliance - Detailed understanding and compliance plans for all Port State
regulations and requirements
7. Anchor Handling - Detailed procedures and equipment to be used for anchor handling
operations in ice
9. Oil Spill Response - Oil spill regulations and detailed oil spill response plans, procedures,
communications, and equipment
1. General - CONTRACTOR shall provide to COMPANY for review and approval documentation
of the licensing, training, certification, and proficiency evaluations of all Vessel Officers
operating in Arctic and Subarctic areas. COMPANY recommends that Vessel Navigation
Officers be provided with and guided by Nautical Institute publication "Handling Ships in Ice,"
2007 (ISBN—978 1 870077 84 2) and IMO MSC/Circ.1056 - MEPC/Circ.399.
2. Ice Navigator - Vessels operating in Arctic ice-covered waters shall carry at least one Ice
Navigator who is specially trained and qualified to direct the movement of the vessel in ice-
covered conditions. The Ice Navigator shall have completed with documentation a COMPANY-
approved training program in ice navigation that includes a minimum of recognition of ice
formation and characteristics, ice conditions, ice manoeuvring, use of ice forecasts, hull stress
caused by ice, ice escort, ice breaking operations, and effects of ice accretion on vessel
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Abbreviation Definition
A&R Abandonment and Recovery
AHT Anchor Handling Tug
CCD Charged Couple Device
COLREGS Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at
Sea (IMO E904E)
CPFG Combined Pressurisation Fire and Gas Control Panel
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DOC ISM Code of Compliance
DNV Det Norske Veritas
DP Dynamic Positioning
DPO Dynamic Positioning Operator
DPR Daily Progress Report
DSV Dive Support Vessel
EOOW Engineer Officer of the Watch
ERP Emergency Response Plan
ETO Electronics Technical Officer
FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
FMECA Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis
FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Offloading
FRC Fast Rescue Craft
FSO Floating Storage and Offloading
GBS Gravity-Based Structure
HF High Frequency
HP High Pressure
HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
HAZID Hazard Identification
HD High Definition
HF High Frequency
HP High Pressure
IACS International Association of Classification Societies
IAPP International Air Pollution Prevention
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This Section lists Practices and Standards that are generically referenced and assumed to be a part of
this document. Unless otherwise specified herein, the latest edition shall be used and referenced.
Where references conflict as to requirements, the most stringent shall govern. CONTRACTOR shall,
where there are discrepancies or inadequacies in the practices or standards, immediately notify
COMPANY for resolution. COMPANY approval does not relieve CONTRACTOR of its responsibility to
execute the Scope of Work in accordance with this specification and the references stated herein.
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8. IMCA M 179 Rev. 1, The Manufacture and Safe Use of Cable-laid Slings
Sep. 2016 and Grommets
9. IMCA D 010 Diving Operations from Vessels Operating in
Dynamically Positioned Mode
10. IMCA M 103 Guidelines for the Design and Operation of Dynamically
Positioned Vessels
11. Recommended Practice for the Analysis of Spread
API RP 2P Mooring Systems for Floating Drilling Units
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