Peds Concept Map
Peds Concept Map
Peds Concept Map
Step 2. Support problems with clinical patient data, including abnormal physical
assessment findings, treatments, medications, and IV’s, abnormal diagnostic and lab tests, Data don’t
medical history, emotional state and pain. Also, identify key assessments that are related know where to
to the reason for health care (chief medical diagnosis/surgical procedure) and put these in put in boxes:
the central box. If you do not know what box to put data in, then put it off to the side of
the map.
#1 Key Problem/ND: Risk for #5 Key Problems/ND: Anxiety #6 Key Problem/ND: Delayed
electrolyte imbalances. - grinds teeth when anxious Growth and Development (r/t
- High fever >101 degrees F - Fidgeting Down Syndrome)
- High HR above 200 bpm in the - Given Denedryl to help fall - wears diapers at 8 years old
ED asleep - Only eats baby food
- IV therapy : 0.9% NaCl with KCl - Poor eye contact - Speaks in few words/
- Skin turgor not elastic / slow - Still posture during patient care understands a few words
- 18.8 CO2 at admission - Needs extra IV site protection
- BUN ranged from 8-21 over last or patient will pull out IV
few weeks - Needs mom’s assistance for
all daily cares
# Key Problem/ND:
# Key Problem/ND
Step 3: Draw lines between related problems. Number boxes as you prioritize problems.
LASTLY- label the problem with a nursing diagnosis.
Problem # ____2___:
General Goal: maintain adequate hydration
1. Feed solid, low fiber diet 1. Patient only wanted baby food
2. Monitor bowel sounds 2. Normoactive bowel sounds
3. Assess abdomen 3. Pt ok with assessment when mom is present
Problem #4
General goal : parents will understand S/S of dehydration
7. Ed. Dehydration occurred due to N/V/D from 7. Parents verbally said this back to me later in
gastroenteritis day
8. Treating gastroenteritis will help prevent 8. Parents understood, stating they will finish
Further dehydration antibiotics tx