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GORDONS 11 FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PATTERN FUNCTION Nutrition BEFORE HOSPITALIZATION Eats 3x a day He loves toeat bread &processedfoods such

ashotdog,tocino,longanisa,an d others. He doesnt eatvegetablesand fish Seldom drinkswater He is able tourinate &defecatenormallyeveryday byhimself He doesnthave anyproblem onhis elimination Defecatesusually earlyin the morningbefore goingto school

Mostly eatbread This time hefrequentlydrinks water

The Doctor orderedDAT diet to thepatient except darkcolored food To replace fluid loss


He can stillurinate &defecate byhimself evenwithout anassistance

His condition doesntaffected hiselimination pattern


CognitivePerceptualPatter n

Has a regular sleepingpattern Normal sleepis 6-8 hrs. per day but henaps for 12hrs in theafternoon Has a normalcognitiveperceptio n

Disturbedsleepingpatter Due to adherence totime of medication &vital signs n


Has a normal cognitive perception Communicate well

Portrayingcooperativenes s


Before hospitalization:The patient perceived his health in the state of good condition. He perceiveshealth as wealth and he values his health a lot. He manages his health by practicing proper hygiene and eating nutritious food. During hospitalization:He sees himself as a total ill person because he cannot do anymore the things heusually does like playing with his siblings. He rely his present condition with the help of the therapeutic personnel and by following the prescribed medications. The patient perceived that he is not healthy because of his condition.

Before hospitalization:The patient eats 3 times a day and with afternoon snacks after coming from school. According to the SO of the patient, he eats meat, fish and also vegetables. Hedoesnt have any allergies on foods and drugs. His appetite is moderate and usually depends on the food being served. He didnt complain any difficulty in swallowing.

During hospitalization:The patient has loss his appetite and hasnt eaten a lot. He is on a DAT (Diet asTolerated) EDCF (Except Dark Colored Foods).

Before hospitalization:The patient does not have any problem on his elimination pattern. He usuallyurinates 4-5 times a day without any difficulty. He added that the color of his urine islight yellow. He didnt feel any pain in urination. The patient defecates once a day usuallyearly in the morning before going to school with yellow to brown color. He verbalizedthat sometimes however, it is hard in consistency with dark color, which genera llydepends on what he eats. During hospitalization:The patient urinates 2-3 times a day. The color of her urine is yellow. The patientdefecates once every two days.

Before hospitalization:He could perform activities of his daily living. According to him, he often playswith his siblings and this serves as a form of exercise for him. During hospitalization:His activity was limited lying on bed but the patient is given his bathroom privileges.

Before hospitalization: He has the normal 6-8 hours sleep. He also has his nap time for 1-2 hours a day.Sleeping and watching the television are his form of rest.

During hospitalization:He doesnt have the adequate time of sleep since he is disturbed with the nursesthat enter the room every now and then, and because of the environmental changes of hissurroundings. He also has inadequate time to rest since he doesnt have enough time tosleep.

Before hospitalization:H e i s n o r m a l i n t e r m s o f h i s c o g n i t i v e a b i l i t i e s . H e h a s g o o d m e m o r y a n d reasoning skills. He can easily comprehend on things. In terms of his perceptual pattern,he has no problems with his senses. During hospitalization:He was normal as before in his cognitive and perceptual pattern. He respondsclearly and well understood. He has no sensory deficit; He responds appropriately toverbal and physical stimuli and obeys simple commands.

He sees himself as a person with a good personality. He has been a good friend, brother and a son. He said he has to be a good person in order not to hurt others. He also describeshimself as a typical type of student and person.

Before hospitalization:He has a close relationship with his family. They were five siblings in their family. He was at the middle. I was also able to ask his mother about his being a son ands h e c o n f e s s e d t h a t h e i s a g o o d s o n b u t a t t i m e s h e d o e s n t o b e y h e r . H e i s a l s o a responsible student and knows all his duties as a friend.

During hospitalization:He had more time to bond with his family. He said that it was a nice feeling toknow that your family is so supportive to him. He learned to appreciate the beauty of having a family that gives you strength and support no matter what.

According to him, he doesnt think of the things like having a girlfriend and getting married yet. He is still young for such matters.

Before hospitalization:He does not fully identify his situations having stress but he always tell her parents when something is wrong. During hospitalization:He shares his problems to his family. He verbalizes his feelings.

He is a Roman Catholic devotee. He always goes with his family every Sunday to go tomass. He was taught by his family to believe and have fear to GOD. They usually believe inquack doctors

PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT Date assessed:June 18, 2008 General assessment:conscious and coherent Initial vital signs: T=36.2

C, RR=23, BP=90/60, PR=70

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