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Ecef 1114 Electronic Technology Lab 2: Diode Characteristics and Application

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Diode is a semiconductor and allow current flow in one direction although there is 2
terminals. It is one-way switch for current at the same time severly restrict current from
flowing in the opposite direction. Another usage of diodes can be rectifier which can
change alternating current (ac) into pulsating direct current(dc). Diodes have polarity of
anode the positive lead and cathode the negative lead. When there is current flow in diode
, it is forward biased. It can act as insulator by change diode into reverse biased. Forward
Bias is when voltage potential is connected to positive the P-type material and negative is
connected to N-type material across the diode which will decrease the depletion layer of
the PN junction. While as for reverse bias is when voltage potential is connected negative
to the P-type material while positive is connected to the N-type material across the diode
which will increases the depletion layer width of PN junction.
1. To mesure the effect of forward bias on current in a junction diode.
2. To determine the current-voltage characteristics of diode junction.
3. To observe the application of a diode as a clipper.

Part A:
VD(V) ID (A) RD(Ω) Vs(V)
0.7 V (forward bias) 0.037 135.14 5.0
0.7 (reverse bias) 0.03 173.67 5.21
Table 1 : Diode Biasing
Part B :
Table 2(a) : Current-Voltage Characteristics (IN4002)
Forward Bias
VD (Volt) ID(mA) Vs (Volt)
0 0 0
0.1 0 0.1
0.2 0 0.2
0.3 0 0.3
0.4 0 0.4
0.5 0 0.5
0.6 0 1.0
0.7 54 5.0
0.72 65 6.9
0.74 92 9.8
0.76 141 13.6

Table 2(b) : Current-Voltage Characteristics (1N34A)

Forward Bias
VD (Volt) ID (mA) Vs (Volt)
0 0 0
0.1 0 0
0.2 0 0
0.3 0 0.1
0.4 0 0.8
0.5 0 1.0
0.6 20.0 1.6
0.7 70.0 2.0
0.72 90.0 2.0
0.74 110.0 2.3
0.76 120.0 2.4

1. In Part A forward bias have high in current and low in resistance while reverse bias have
low current and high resistance. This is forward bias are more favorable in current flow.
This is because the depletion layer becoming narrow which also depicts low impedance
path through the junction, hence allowing more current to flow. While reverse bias is vice
versa. Junction in reverse bias will acts as very poor conductor. However, there is a small
flow of current due to thermally generate electron and hole. It is known as leakage
current. P-region connect to positive terminal of supply while N-region connect to
negative terminal of supply. At P-region ,positive terminal push holes towards junction,
recombination happens, negative ion near junction decrease. While at N-region , negative
terminal push free electrons towards junction and recombination happens also , negative
ion decrease. Thus, depletion region decreases, potential barrier decreases, electron in n-
type will move to p-region, majority carrier flow increase over junction. The diode will
not conduct well until the forward bias voltage is exceeded according to specific value.
Once threshold voltage exceeded, diode current rises rapidly with bias voltage. When
reverse bias voltage exceed reverse voltage peak , large reverse current will flow and
hence the diode is destroyed and burned. That is exceed 0.7 is not recommended. It will
started to have burning smell within the component.

2. When the connection of the diode is connected in forward bias, if the external voltage
greater than the value of potential barrier of 0.7volts for silicon and 0.3 for germanium,
the potential barrier will overcome and current start to flow. Based on table 2(a) ,once it
is over 0.6 or 0.7 Volt , the current started and voltage supply required a lot of voltage to
increase the current flow. Same goes table 2(b)..

3. Basically clipper designed is to prevent the output from a exceeding a predetermined

reference voltage level. The purpose is transmit that particular part of signal waveform
through oscilloscope.

4. Possible Errors
(i) Random errors : count wrongly from actual reading and measurement
(ii)Parallax errors : Eye must be perpendicular to the reading of the voltmeter
The mirror in the voltmeter will determine the value is taken accurately
(iii)Systematic errors : Incorrect calibration of the measuring instrument.
Inperfect of the instrument.
(iv)Zero errors : The reading of the instrument does not start from 0 value.

Ways to reduce errors

(i) Eyes must perpendicular to the reading of the measurement to avoid “parallax error”.
(ii) Cautious whenever want to take the reading .
(iii) Error can be avoid and prevent by repeat the reading and get a mean value.

Forward Bias required less voltage supply in order the electron move , Reverse Bias need higher
voltage supply in order to have a lesser amount of current compare to forward bias.When the
connection of the diode is connected in forward bias, if the external voltage greater than the
value of potential barrier of 0.7volts for silicon and 0.3 for germanium, the potential barrier will
overcome and current start to flow.

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