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PQP Rev. 001

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(DOC. No. GTPP -PQP-001 Rev. 00)

0 7-16-2016 IST Submission for review & approval of PQP Project Manager

B.I. / J.O. No. 10-01802 CONTRACT NO:6600036803


S/No Ref. No. Description Page
1 Purpose & Scope 5
1.1 Purpose 5
1.2 Scope 5
2 Normative References 6
3 Terms & Definitions 7
3.1 Distribution List 10
4 Quality Management System 11
4.1 General Requirements 11
4.1.1 Interaction and Application of Processes 12
4.2 Documentation Requirements 13
4.2.1 General 13
4.2.2 Quality Plan 13
Level 1 – Quality Management System Documents 14
Level 2 – Quality Procedures 14
Level 3 – Inspection & Test Plans 14
Level 4 – Reporting Formats 14
4.2.3 Control of Documents 14
4.2.4 Control of Records 17
5 Management Responsibility 18
5.1 Management Commitment 18
5.2 Customer Focus 19
5.3 Quality Policy 20
5.4 Planning 21
5.4.1 Quality Objectives 21
5.4.2 Quality Management Planning 23
5.5 Responsibility, Authority and Communication 24
5.5.1 Responsibility & Authority 24
5.5.2 QA/QC Organization Chart 24

6 Resource Management 29
6.1 Provision of Resources 29
6.2 Human Resources & Competence 30
6,2.1 General 30

6.2.2 Competence Awareness & Training 31
6.3 Infrastructure & Equipment Integrity 32

S/No Ref. No. Description Page
6.4 Work Environment 32
7 Project Execution (Product Realization) 33
7.1 Planning of Project Execution 33
7.2 Customer Related Processes 35
7.2.1 Determining Project Requirements 35
7.2.2 Reviewing Project Requirements 36
7.2.3 Customer Communication 37
7.3 Design and Development 38
7.3.1 Design & Development Planning 38
7.3.2 Design & Development Inputs 38
7.3.3 Design & Development Outputs 38
7.3.4 Design & Development Review 39
7.3.5 Design & Development Verification 39
7.3.6 Design & Development Validation 39
7.3.7 Design & Development Changes 39
7.4 Procurement and Purchasing 40
7.4.1 Procurement & Purchasing Process 40
7.4.2 Procurement & Purchase Information 41
7.4.3 Verification of Purchased Products 42
7.4.4 Control of Procured/ Purchased Products 43
7.5 Control of Production and Service Provision 45
7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices 47
8 Measurement, Analysis and Improvement 48
8.1 General 48
8.2 Monitoring and Measurement 49
8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction 49
8.2.2 Internal Quality Audit 49
8.2.3 Monitoring & Measurement of Processes 49
8.2.4 Monitoring & Measurement of the Product/ Work 50
8.2.5 Independent Testing Laboratory, NDT Agency 51
8.2.6 Field Inspection Coordination Procedure 54
8.3 Control and Reporting of Non-conforming Product/ Activities 55
8.4 Analysis of Data 57
8.41 Monthly Quality Management Report 57
8.5 Improvements 59

8.5.1 Continual Improvement 59


S/No. Ref. No. Description Page
8.5.2 Corrective Action
8.5.3 Preventive Action
Attachments/ Appendices

List of Attachments/ Appendices:

1. Appendix I- Request for Inspection (RFI) Flow Chart

2. Appendix II- Project Organization Chart
3. Appendix III- Scope of Works
4. Appendix IV Attachments (Evidence of Sub- Contract Review)


1. Purpose and Scope:

1.1 Purpose:

The purpose of this Project Quality Plan (PQP) is to describe and set out quality policies,
procedures and practices of GTPP to maintain an effective Project Quality Management System
(PQMS). It is a management tool to keep employees of GTPP aware of the commitment and
cooperation required to achieve the quality objectives and customer satisfaction. It is also a
suitable training document to reduce the learning curve.

Quality Management is a key ingredient in maintaining the continuing success of GTPP. The
principles of Quality Management will be passed on to the sub-contractors and vendors who are
participating in this project to ensure their full participation in the success of the project. Sub
-contractors and vendors will also be taken on board our definition of quality and establish,
document and maintain effective and economical Quality Systems to ensure and demonstrate
that products i.e. Results of activities or processes conform to specified Saudi Aramco Schedule
“Q” requirements. This PQP and the Quality System Documents outlined herein describe how
GTPP Quality Management System is designed to ensure that quality requirements are
recognized and that consistent and uniform control of these requirements is adequately
maintained. The PQP defines how effective control is established by use of formal written
procedures. The PQMS includes provisions for prompt detection of discrepancies and for timely
effective corrective action.

1.2 Scope:

The principle of this Project Quality Plan is to set out the strategy and techniques to be employed
to manage the Sub-contract works including the establishment of a management quality policy
statement and quality objectives for execution of the contract works.

This plan is established in accordance with the requirements of GTPP Quality Manual and in
accordance with Saudi Aramco requirements. The Plan shall also set out the basic structure and
interaction of the management documentation, the management processes to be controlled by
which the control referred shall be achieved.

The intent of this Quality Plan is to construct Flare Gas and its associated works in Qatif that
meets with Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards, Procedures and all applicable regulatory
requirements. Furthermore this plan aims to enhance Saudi Aramco satisfaction through the
effective application of the system, including processes for continual improvement of the system.

This Project Quality plan is intended to be used as required for the Sub Contract activities
involved in the contract as per following scope of work.

Under this package, the following Sub Contract works will be performed:

1) Closed Relief System

2) Flare Gas Recovery System

3) Construction and Demolition of Temporary Facilities.

4) Demolition work of Existing Utilities and Facilities that are affected by the Proposed

5) Reinstatement Work.

6) Site Preparation Work.

This is the overall Project Quality Plan of GTPP to define the project quality requirements and
implementation plan for the completion of the project as defined in the detailed Scope of Works.

2. Normative References:

Saudi ARAMCO References:

Saudi ARAMCO Engineering Procedures:

SAEP-127 – Security and Control of Saudi ARAMCO Engineering Data

SAEP-302 – Instructions of Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi ARAMCO Engineering


SAEP-303 – Engineering Reviews of Project Proposal and Detail Design Documentation

SAEP-1150 – Inspection Coverage on Projects

SAEP-1151 – Inspection Requirements for Contractor Procured Materials and Equipment

SAEP-1154 – Guidelines for Contractor’s Quality Plan

Other Documents:

Schedule “Q”: Quality Assurance & Control, Inspection and Testing

Applicable SATIP’s & SAIC’s

ISO References:

ISO 9000:2005: Quality Management Systems – Fundamentals & Vocabulary

ISO 9001:2008: Quality Management Systems – Requirements

ISO 10005:2005: Quality Management Systems – Guidelines for Quality Plans

ISO 19011:2011: Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems.

3. Terms and Definitions

For the purpose of this Quality plan, the following terms and definitions in addition to terms and
definitions given in ISO 9000:2005, Schedule “Q” and SAEP-1154 shall apply and have the meaning
indicated in this section. No attempt is made to define ordinary words which are used in accordance
with their established dictionary meaning.

For the purpose of the procedure, the definitions given in ISO 9000:2005 together with the following
definitions apply. Terms which are repeated here for clarity but have been defined in other
International Standards are identified by placing the number of the standard after the definition.

Acknowledgement, Receipt: A letter of transmittal, print order and transmittal (POT) or electronic
return receipt that is used to confirm the recipient received the documents transmitted.

Appraisal: Assessment of a supplier’s capability of controlling quality carried out before placing

Auditee: A person or organization that is audited.

Authorization: The sign-off on a document, of the individual who confirms that internal review
and approval of the document was completed and all comments were resolved.

Certification: The authoritative act of documenting compliance with requirements.

Client satisfaction: Client’s perception of the degree to which the client’s requirements have
been fulfilled.

Code: The code(s) or national/ industry standard(s) specified in the customer documents, for
design, fabrication and installation.

Compliance: All indication or judgment that the product or service meets the requirement of the
relevant specification or regulation; also the state of meeting the requirements.

Construction: The organization that performs fabrication and/ or installation, located at the field


Corrective action: Action to eliminate the cause of a detected non-conformity.

Customer: Recipient of a product provided by the supplier.

Defect: Non-fulfillment of an intended usage requirement or unreasonable.

Design Process: The verification that design criteria comply with specified requirements that
design data and methods are valid for the range of applications; and that the completed
design satisfies the design criteria.

Design Review: A documented, comprehensive and systematic examination of a design to

evaluate its capability to fulfill the requirements for quality, identify problems if any, and
propose the development of solutions.

Document: Hard copy or electronic record such as manuals, procedures, process control
documents and reports.

Documentation: Any record or pictorial information describing, defining, procedures or results.

Hold Point (H): Inspection or Test may not proceed without the QA/QC organization
representative in attendance.

Improvement: Actions taken to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of activities and
processes in order to provide added benefits.

Inspection: An activity such as measuring, examining, testing or gauging one or more

characteristics of an entity and comparing the results with specified requirements in order to
establish whether conformity is achieved for each characteristic.

Inspection and Test Plan (ITP): Document which defines or identifies in a tabulated form the
inspection, test methods, procedures and acceptance criteria to be used during
construction and commissioning.

Inspection Assignment Package: A set of documents that include details of purchased material/
equipment and their quality requirements needed to perform full inspection at the vendor/
sub-vendor facility.

GTPP : Green Top Power Projects Company Limited (Sub-Contractor)

Manufacturing: The organization that performs fabrication or shop assembly located at a

permanent or temporary facility (shop).

Materials and Items: All inclusive generic items used to describe the constituents that are
procured, fabricated and assembled to complete the facilities.

Preventive Action: Action to eliminate the cause of a potential non-conformity.


Procedure: A document that specifies or describes how an activity is to be performed. It may

include methods to be used, equipment to be used, sequence of operations, personnel
requirements and acceptance criteria.

Procurement Document: A purchase order, sub-contract or contract used to purchase goods

and services.

Pre-Commissioning: Testing of system components for continuity, operability and in the case of
the process plants, their ability to withstand operating pressure prior to the introduction of
feedstock or other final products into the facility.

Quality: Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfill requirements.

Quality Assurance: All the planned and systematic activities implemented within GTPP quality
system, and demonstrated as needed, to provide adequate confidence that an entity will
fulfill requirements for quality.

Quality Audit: A systematic and independent examination to determine whether quality activities
and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are
implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives.( Project duration is 10
months and needs Internal Audit at 15 % 60% Procurement and 15% 60% Design &
Construction Audit , that will be under the responsibility of the Main Contractor.

Quality Control: GTPP employs operational techniques and activities that are used so that its
operations and services conform to the quality requirements as per Saudi Aramco.

Quality Management: All activities of the overall management function that determines the
quality policy, objectives and responsibilities, and implements them by means of quality
planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement with GTPP Quality

Quality Plan: Document specifying which procedures and associated resources shall be applied
by whom and when to a specific product, process or contract. (ISO 9000)

Quality Policy: The overall intentions and direction of an organization with regard to quality, as
formally expressed by top management.

Quality System: Organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources needed to

implement quality management. (ISO 9000)

Record: A document in hard copy or electronic form used to record permanent information
needed for procurement.

Requirement: Need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory.

Review: Evaluation for the purpose of acceptance or rejection.

Specification: A written document describing the general requirements of materials inspection
and/ or process including acceptance standards.

Standard: A document approved by a generally recognized body which results from the process
of formulating and applying rules for an orderly approach to a specific activity.

Supplier: A company supplying goods or services who were included in the RVL or Regulated
Vendor Lists

Surveillance: QA/QC organization representative to monitor work in progress without notice

from the construction organization.

Test: The determination or verification of the capability of an item to meet specified

requirements by subjecting the item to a set of physical, chemical, environmental or
operating conditions.

Traceability: The ability to verify the history, location or application of an item by means of
recorded identification.

Verification: The act of reviewing, inspecting, testing, checking, auditing or otherwise

determining and documenting whether items, processes, services or documents conforms
to specified requirements.

Witness Point (W): Inspection or Test may proceed as scheduled if QA/QC organization
representative is not present.

Work instruction: Detailed departmental procedures used to perform a task or operation in a

certain way.

Waiver: Written authorization to use or release a product or work that does not conform to the
specified requirements.

3.1 Distribution List

After approval by Arabian BEMCO / Saudi ARAMCO, a controlled copy of the Project Quality
Plan shall be issued to key personnel on the project as per the Distribution List. The
distribution shall be controlled and recorded by the QA Manager ( BEMCO)and recorded.

Controlled copies of PQP will be distributed at least to the following personnel:

Name of Holders Controlled Copy Number

BEMCO Managing Director Copy 1 001
GTPP General Manager Copy 2 002
GTPP Project Manager Copy 3 003
GTPP Site Superintendent Copy 4 004
GTPP Administrator Copy 5 005

10 | P a g e
GTPP Document Controller Copy 6 006
GTPP Planning Engineer Copy 7 007

The Project Quality Plan, is the property of GTPP and shall not be copied or distributed
Without the prior approval, authority and consent of the Company.

4. Quality Management System:

GTPP will establish, document, implement and maintain a Quality Management System
(as depicted by this Quality Plan) for the Project, Closed Relief System and Flare Gas
Recovery System in Qatif Producing Facility, which meets contract requirements more
specifically Schedule “Q”.

GTPP is committed to continually improve the effectiveness of the Contractor proposed

system by implementation and audits of the system. On-going improvements/
suggestions and recommendations from BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco will be implemented.

Project Quality Plan is developed and implemented to ensure all “activities” are controlled
and documented records are maintained to ensure compliance with the Contract
Requirements, BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco requirements, statutory, regulatory and industry

The processes/ procedures identified for Quality Management System and applicable
throughout the Organization are designed to result in continually improving effectiveness
of operations in our ability to satisfy BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco requirements.

GTPP has developed project Quality Management system in line with ISO 9001: 2008
requirements and Project Specification Requirements that includes Processes,
Procedures, Forms and various Quality Management System Reports.

4.1 General Requirements:

GTPP has established, documented and implements an effective QMS as a means of ensuring that
its construction of the project conforms to specified requirements, to foster an environment of
continual improvement, and to identify its position as a leading construction organization.

The GTPP QMS is comprised of the Processes (refer to 4.11 below) that take opportunities and
converts them into value added outputs to satisfy our customers’ needs and expectations.

The sequence and interaction of the Processes are described in Item 4.11 below.

11 | P a g e
The criteria and methods required to ensure the effective operation and control of these processes
are defined and documented.

The entire QMS documentation and other key information necessary to support the operation and
monitoring of the processes are available to all personnel, and other parties requiring access.

Appropriate levels and types of monitoring and measurement of processes have been determined
and are documented in relevant procedures.

The QMS includes policies and procedures for implementation of actions required to achieve
planned results, and for continual improvement of the processes.

4.1.1 Interaction and Application Processes

Contract Purchasing Purchasing

Review Evaluation Control

of Sub supplier/ Materials/ Equipment
Sub contractor Traceability


The Support Processes are:

Quality Management Document Control Quality System


Fig. A: Quality Procedures & Processes Sequence & Interaction

12 | P a g e
Each procedure and process has a process owner who has the prime responsibility for
ensuring that the process:

 achieves its objectives, and

 is under continual review for improvement.

Note: Please refer to actual Quality Processes/ Procedures in Appendix XI

(Quality Operating Procedures)

4.2 Documentation Requirements

Procedure GTPP-OP-12: Document Control

Procedure GTPP-OP-18: Project Control

4.2.1 General

GTPP is following Schedule “Q” clause 3 and has established the following
documentation for its quality management system:
 Quality policy and quality objectives (refer to Appendix XII)

 This quality plan; Documented procedures (refer to Appendix XI, List of

Quality Operating Procedures & Appendix XIII, List of Applicable Forms).

 Planning, operation, and process control documentation such as;

- Inspection and Test Plans including Saudi Aramco Typical

Inspection Plans (SATIP’s), Appendix III, Inspection checklists
(SAIC’s), Appendix II & Test Reports (SATR’s), Appendix II(A).

- Work Instructions.

- Records of internal reviews.

- Inspection & Test Reports.

- Internal/ external audit reports and corrective action.

- Other documentation used to ensure effective planning operation

and control of records.

4.2.2 Quality Plan

13 | P a g e
GTPP established and maintains a Quality Plan. The Quality Plan identifies
the scope of the Quality Management System, and any exclusion to the
requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and Schedule “Q”. It includes procedures and
documents covering work activities. It includes a description of sequences and
interactions of processes that fall under the scope of the quality management
system. Where a process or procedure differs from the requirement of the
contract, the contractual requirement shall prevail and the process or
procedure shall be applied. Level 1 – Quality Management System Documents: The Project Quality Plan is the level 1 and governing

document of the Quality Management System. The Project Quality Plan makes reference to the Scope of

Work, Project Specifications, Quality Procedures and
Inspection & Test Plans/ Work Instructions meeting quality
requirements. Level 2 – Quality Procedures: Level 2 Quality System documents will include project

quality process control procedures. The quality procedures
are elaborated and prepared based on Contract
Specifications & Scope of Works. Quality Procedures are issued by the Quality Department as

the general Quality Control tool. Project procedures shall be
prepared by the discipline engineers subject to review by
the QA Manager ( BEMCO) and Project Manager (BEMCO)
within the project team to supplement the quality procedures
or to develop specific procedures for operational and quality
activities applicable to the project. Procedures for the same
purpose/ subject shall be identified for all contractors and
sub-contractors. Separate procedures for example GTPP
will not be accepted. Level 3 – Inspection & Test Plans:

Level 3 documents are Inspection and Test Plans for the subject
Project consolidated list of ITP’s (SATIP’s) for the project which
includes BEMCO ITP’s and referred in Appendix III.

14 | P a g e
Other relevant applicable vendor ITP’s, as required in the contract
shall be submitted by BEMCO , to Saudi Aramco for approval and
PQP shall be amended accordingly. Level 4 – Reporting Formats:

Level 4 documents are Reporting Formats. Appendix XIII of this

quality plan gives reference to the reporting formats.

4.2.3 Control of Documents

The Quality Plan referenced procedures and Inspection & Test Plans are controlled
documents. The Quality Assurance Manager of BEMCO, is responsible to ensure the
initial issue and subsequent changes are acknowledged by those authorized to receive
the Quality Plan.

A documented procedure has been established to control documents required for the
Quality Management System. Project documents shall be maintained at the site field

Access to these files shall be limited to the Project Manager, Quality Assurance
Manager, Quality Control Manager and Quality Document Controller ( BEMCO)

 The Quality Plan, referenced procedures and Inspection & Test Plans are
controlled documents. The QA Manager of ( BEMCO)
 is responsible to ensure the initial issue and subsequent changes are
acknowledged by those authorized people to receive the Quality Plan.

 A documented procedure has been established to control documents required for

the Quality Management System. Access to these files shall be limited to
Document Project Management team only through Document Control.

 BEMCO shall use Document Numbering scheme as per Saudi Aramco

recommended numbering scheme.

 All incoming and outgoing correspondence/ transmittals are updated. A report is

generated from the database that highlights action items open/ closed for
management attention. Access to the files shall be provided to all selected Saudi
Aramco representatives.

 As-built documents shall be maintained by technical department. As-built

conditions shall be recorded on project documents. All documents shall be verified
for accuracy by discipline engineer and shall be transmitted to Saudi Aramco by
the Project Manager at the end of the project.

15 | P a g e
 Only the latest authorized issue of project documents shall be available for use by
the BEMCO personnel. Documents not authorized for use, voided documents or
superseded documents (Red-Stamped Superseded) shall be marked, placed in a
different file at a different location as a means to prevent use.

 The BEMCO (QA Manager) is responsible to review all documentation for

conformance to the contract prior to transmitting to Saudi Aramco for review and

 GTPP shall use approved Transmittal Form (using the document numbering
scheme given by BEMCO/ SAPMT Document Controller) for the
correspondences recommended by Saudi Aramco.
 All documents transmitted to Saudi Aramco for review shall use a transmittal form
which identifies the item transmitted and the action to be taken by Saudi Aramco.

 The document status shall be updated based on transmittal information.

 The Project Manager is responsible for reviewing the contract and identifying
submittals and deliverables to be transmitted to BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco as per
project management procedure included in this plan.

 A copy of the approved Quality Plan, Procedures, and Inspection & Test Plans for
Saudi Aramco use shall be available at all locations where work is undertaken for
this project.

 All Quality Procedures document shall be reviewed and approved for release/
distribution by the responsible authorized discipline engineer/ party.

 GTPP shall make the applicable issues of such documents based on the
contractual freeze date available at all function areas and inspection and test
points where they apply so they are readily accessible to the personnel

 The issue, control and recall of all engineering documents are under the
jurisdiction of the Technical Manager. He will be assisted by the Document
Controller at project site. Inspection & Test Plans and other related instruction
shall be issued by the Quality assurance Department. Test Reports shall be
prepared and issued by discipline and Quality Control.

 The system of documentation and data control shall ensure that essential
drawings, technical requirements, contract change information, inspection
instructions, specifications or any other document required by Quality
Management System, are available at the time and place of operation.

 Approved Quality Procedures of the latest issue, shall be distributed by the Quality
Control Manager to all locations where required for the effective functioning of the
Quality Program.

16 | P a g e

 All changes to the documents shall be implemented in writing and processed in a

manner, which ensure prompt action at the specified locations. Changes to the
documents shall receive the same authorizations as the original documents.
Records shall be maintained of changes as they are made.

 GTPP shall destroy or put superseded stamp on document/ drawing (if required
for future reference) from all points of issue and activity locations.

 GTPP shall ensure that Request for Information is raised and submitted to Saudi
Aramco when required.

 GTPP shall ensure applicable documents from external sources (Saudi Aramco &
national/ international standards) are monitored for its integrity, use and
distribution by the assigned project personnel. GTPP internal violations shall be
reported through approved project Corrective Action Request (CAR). Details of
who, what, how, and when are defined in written procedures and other reference
of GTPP documents.

Note: Procedure for Document and Data control includes the provision of control of software
for suppliers’ systems supplied by supplier/ manufacturer.

All documents transmitted to Saudi Aramco shall identify the action taken by the engineer.
The document status shall be updated based on the response.

Methods shall be used to track the status of transmittals that require action by the
recipient. Documents issued for construction will be approved by qualified and
authorized individuals as required by the contract. As-built documents shall be
maintained by Document Controller at the field office. An index of as-built documents
shall be maintained as part of the file. As-built conditions shall be recorded on project
documents by blue line. All documents shall be verified for accuracy by the Project
Manager and shall be transmitted to BEMCO/Saudi Aramco at the end of the project.

Only the latest authorized issue of project documents shall be available for use by the
contractor personnel. Documents not authorized for use, voided documents or
superseded documents shall be marked and stamped “superseded” and placed in a
different file at a different location as a means to prevent use.

4.2.4 Control of Records

Project records shall be stored in a suitable environment to prevent damage or

deterioration and to prevent loss. Records shall be filed by subject, date, file category,

An index of project records shall be part of the file. Responsibility for the accuracy and
completeness of the records is assigned to the ( BEMCO)QA Manager. Access to
records shall be under the control of the ( BEMCO) Project Manager, QA Manager

17 | P a g e
together with the Document Controller. Removal of records to a location other than the
immediate area where the file is located shall be restricted to the Document Controller.
Measures to identify removed files and their location will be maintained.

Project Manager shall identify these records to be transmitted to BEMCO upon

completion of the project and transmit to BEMCO the appropriate records as per SAEP
– 122. GTPP records that provide evidence of conformance to requirements and of the
effective operation of GTPP Quality Management System shall be identified, stored,
protected and retained.

a) Updated Project Schedule.

b) Project progress report.

c) Concessions request.

d) Inspection and test request.

e) Close out Non-conformance reports.

f) Corrective action/ rectification records.

g) Quality Audit Reports.

h) Calibration Certificates/ Reports.

These quality records on project are filed based on guidelines of SAEP-127: Security
and Control of Saudi Aramco Engineering Data outside of Saudi Aramco.

An index of project records shall be part of the file. Responsibility for the accuracy and
completeness of the records is assigned to the Document controller. Access to records
shall be under the control of Document Controller.
hand over dossier/ construction dossier is compiled based on the Master Index (to be
submitted later) approved by the Saudi Aramco Representative (SAPMT).

GTPP records that provide evidence of conformance to requirements and of the

effective operation of the contractor’s quality management system shall be identified,
stored. protected and retained. QA Manager is responsible for identifying the records to
be retained, retention time, disposal method, and for arranging for their protection and
controlled retrieval.

GTPP copy will be retained till receipt of the Final Acceptance Certificate. All original
drawing diskettes/ electronic form of sepias are stored in the KICL corporate office.

5 Management Responsibility

18 | P a g e
Procedure GTPP -OP-01, Management Review

5.1 Management Commitment

The top management of GTPP is committed to the development and improvement

 The Project Manager is responsible in:

- Ensuring that the activities required for the quality management system
or contract are planned, implemented and controlled and their progress

- Communicating requirements to all affected departments and functions,

sub-contractors and customers, and resolving problems that arise at the
interfaces between such groups.

5.2 Customer Focus

GTPP will ensure customer’s satisfaction by:

 Reviewing contract requirements, quality management system, and procedures

for compatibility and submit revisions as appropriate. An evidence of reviewing
contract requirements are:

- Closing of issued NCR in a timely manner; investigating the root cause,

identifying and implementing the corrective/ preventive actions to avoid

- Submitting reports and documents on time as per the provisions of

Schedule “Q”, i.e. Monthly Quality Management Report (MQMR), etc.

- Immediate response to submittal revisions as per Schedule “Q”


- Conducting site survey to verify/ investigate accuracy of records/ data.

- Conducting regular meetings with sub-contractors on review/ progress of


- Continuing submission of resumes of project staff/ personnel for Arabian

BEMCO approval prior to mobilization on site.

19 | P a g e
 Taking the corrective actions for Saudi Aramco NCR within seven (7) days from
the issuance period.

 Allocating trained and qualified staff resources in accordance with Attachment I

of Schedule “Q” and other documents to perform project tasks.

 Schedule and reporting progress in sufficient detail to control project cost.

 Training project Key Personnel as required.

 Maintaining data control systems and records of project activities.

- Issue Internal NCR for all Non-Conformity.

- Report this NCR to BEMCO thru Saudi Aramco PMT & PID.

- Identify the root cause, verify corrective action.

- Ensure preventive action implemented.

- Conduct weekly meeting.

- Close NCR with the concurrence of PID & PMT.

- Report the NCR status in Weekly Meeting as well as in PQI.

 Performing project management reviews and internal quality audits as specified

in Schedule “Q” section 4 & 7.3.

 Reviewing for relevancy and appropriateness of objectives at regular intervals

and communicating to those performing the work.

 GTPP project quality plan and the system included therein, by describing how
the quality assurance program of GTPP is designed to ensure that all quality
requirements are recognized and that a consistent and uniform control of these
requirements are adequately maintained.

Reference Documents: Appendix XIV (Minutes of Meeting Log; MQMR; NCR closure,
Project & QC personnel CV Submittal Log, Verification of control point’s survey)

5.3 Quality Policy

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GTPP is committed to ensuring that all construction-related services meet the needs
and expectations of our clients’ and other interested parties. Our primary objective is
to maintain a high quality standard while keeping to the client’s budget and
completion time, and ensuring that all construction-related services comply with the
contractual and applicable statutory requirements, including safety and
environmental requirements. Please see the attached GTPP Policy Statement at
Appendix XII for further reference. To achieve this goal we strive to:

 Ensure that GTPP top Management shall review the Quality Management
System on a regular basis (every 6 months) for continuing suitability.

 Ensure that all employees understand the needs and expectations of our client
in an effort to achieving customer satisfaction.

 Comply with all relevant contractual and applicable statutory regulatory


 Resolve customer complaints/ non-conformances and taking action to prevent

their re-occurrence and occurrence and earning client’s trust in the process.

 Provide appropriate training to all employees for achievement of the corporate

and project objectives.

 Implement the requirements of Quality Manual, Project Quality Plan and other
documented plans/ procedures so that works are carried out in a consistent and
efficient manner.
 Monitor performance to ensure corporate objectives are met through regular
contract review, internal audits and site inspections.

 Continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System

through management review, internal audits and recommendations from Saudi

 Provide sufficient and suitable resources to implement this policy.

 Our overall quality goals are to achieve our quality policy, maintain the integrity
and continually improve our QMS compliant with ISO 9001:2008 and Schedule

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It is GTPP policy that construction activities are performed with the utmost attention
to quality, safety and respect to the environment. Quality, Health and Safety as well
as the maintaining a good working and living environment are our prime concerns.

The policy is appropriate to the purpose of the company; it includes a commitment to

meeting customer requirements and to improve the delivery of our services; it is
reviewed for relevancy and appropriateness of objectives and communicated to those
performing the work.

5.4 Planning
5.4.1 Quality Objectives
The top management of GTPP has identified the following quality objectives for the
project. The main quality objective of this contract is Quality of all its services,
workmanship and materials rendered to Saudi Aramco, will conform to all
contractual requirements and give value to its Customer with full satisfaction to
complete this project in time as per contract. GTPP considers attainment of these
objectives will be a continuous process of quality management system
improvement, and reputation of GTPP in the market. GTPP will strive to maximum
to achieve these objectives with full compliance to contractual requirements, proper
allocation of manpower with skilled work force, cost control, schedule control, etc.
GTPP will also seek continuous improvement in quality assurance procedures and
quality control with the ultimate aim of providing zero defects.

The objectives are controlled by measuring project quality indices which GTPP will
make use as part of continual improvement by analyzing each area as performance
objectives/ key performance indicators in order to enhance efficiency of the quality
system. These indicators will be discussed in the quality tool box meeting as well
as Quality Performance meeting.

The overall project quality objectives mentioned below will be monitored and
measured as follows:

 Project Quality Index (PQI) : ≥ 90%

 Weld Rejection Rate (Joint Basis) : < 5%
 RTFI Assessment Disagreement : < 5%
 Equipment Deficiency Report (EDR) :0
 RFI Acceptance Rate : ≥ 95%
 Valve Testing Acceptance Rate : ≥ 95%
 SA Worksheet :0
 Response Time by GTPP to QMIS entries : ≤ 48 hours

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 Repeated Violations for total violations reported : ≤ 5%
 Acceptance of proposed QC Candidates : > 90%
 Document Review Rejection from ID : 5% per month
 Non-Conformity Ratio (LBE/NCR/WS) Company: Contractor : 1: 10
 Closing LBE/NCR/WS within Agreed Completion Date (ACD): 100%
 NCR approval : within three (3) business days

This project Quality Plan is to meet compliance in regards to:

 Meeting contract requirements in terms of resource allocation by providing

qualified personnel to carry out inspection and test requirements, and
adhering to line management as described in the Organization Chart in this
Quality Plan,

 Meeting contract requirements in terms of cost and schedule control by

ensuring a first inspection pass-rate of project outputs and services of 90% or
above, planning and monitoring and take appropriate action to complete the
project on time.

 Meeting contract requirements in terms of cost & schedule control by limiting

the NCR’s raised on each project.

 Achieve a performance rating of “80”/ “Satisfactory” or above in the client’s

quarterly performance report.

 Meeting contract requirements by Auditing the system to seek compliance to

Schedule “Q” and ISO 9001:2008 as per the Audit Schedule.

 To minimize rework for the duration of the project.

 To ensure that safety of the personnel, facilities and environment have been
carefully considered and that appropriate measures have been implemented.

5.4.2 Quality Management Planning

The elements that comprise the quality planning process for implementation and
development are this Quality Plan, Inspection & Test Plans (SATIP’s, SAIC’s &
SATR’s provided by Saudi Aramco), project organization charts that prescribe
personnel allocations and mobilizations, titles of individuals, sub-contractors
necessary to complete the Work. The integration of quality improvement initiatives
are described in paragraph 5.6, Management Review, in 8.2 Monitoring and

23 | P a g e
Measurement, and 8.5 Improvements.

The planning of the quality management system involves establishing and

maintaining an integrated system that is based on the following strategies:

 Recognize and eliminate the cause of potential non-conformities to prevent

their occurrence.
 Careful review of Quality Procedures and Inspection and Test Plan prior to
granting approval.
 Perform early review and evaluation of quality procedures for practicality and
level of implementation and initiate timely process improvement measures.
 Emphasize the importance of quality personnel qualifications and ensure that
only competent personnel are accepted for the project.

 Increase and enhance Contractor work quality and job site awareness
through the Quality Tool Box Talk.

When conditions require change, the process is controlled and the integrity of the
quality management system is maintained.

Changes to the quality system are controlled. It is the responsibility of the Quality
Assurance Manager and the Project Manager that when conditions require change,
the process is controlled and the integrity of the quality management system is

GTPP will strive to continually improve the effectiveness of the quality

management system through the use of the audit results, analysis of data, and
undertaking corrective and preventive actions resulting from Project
Management Review decisions and/ or Saudi Aramco instructions/ audits.

5.5 Responsibility, Authority and Communication

5.5.1 Responsibility and Authority

GTPP top management shall ensure that responsibilities and authorities are defined
and communicated within the organization. The Project Manager and QA Manager
(BEMCO) are responsible to create/ update the project organization chart and the
Quality Organization Chart.
GTPP quality personnel are endorsed to ( BEMCO) Saudi Aramco Units for interview/
approval prior to work as per Schedule “Q”.
GTPP quality personnel shall be dedicated to perform quality function as described in
Schedule “Q”. Paragraph 5.9. GTPP shall make personnel changes required due to
vacations, illness, temporary assignments, emergency leave, resignations or other
reasons as necessary to maintain required Quality coverage at least thirty (30)

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calendar days in advance of scheduled absences or changes and as soon as possible
for other changes.

5.5.2 QA/QC Organization Chart.:

Only one (1) QA/QC Inspector assigned to the project, Quality Inspector shall be
dedicated to the work in the Project as required by the Main Contractor ( BEMCO),
and perform no other function on this project. In providing effective Inspection as per
Quality requirements, GTPP assures optimum use of manpower, technological and
financial resources utilizing expertise is developed around highly competent, technical
and managerial personnel experienced in engineering and construction techniques.

CV Submissions:

GTPP shall make sure all CV’s be submitted to BEMCO, for review and approval prior
to the mobilization of the project quality personnel.

GTPP shall make necessary arrangements of qualified personnel for the backup for
the following reason but not limited to:

 In case of vacations replacement

 Illness

 Temporary assignments

 Emergency Leave

 Resignation or withdrawal with valid reason

 Or any other reason as necessary to maintain required Quality Assurance/

Control coverage.

To this end, GTPP has an obligation to ensure that the final product, i.e. result of
activities or processes meets its fitness for purpose and has been carried out in
accordance with the Job Specification and is consistent with design requirements.

Mobilization & Demobilization of QA/QC

Selection of QA/QC & Inspection personnel will be approved by BEMCO, based on

resumes submitted and the interview. Once a person is accepted and approved by
BEMCO for QA/QC position, shall not be removed and replaced without the written
consent of BEMCO Saudi Aramco. Demobilization notice will be provided before thirty
(30) days to Saudi Aramco.

GTPP has assigned responsibilities and authority in the following manner:

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1) Project Manager
2) Site Superintendent
3) QA/QC Inspector
4) Safety Engineer
5) Work Permit Receiver
6) Project Administrator Coordinator

The Project Key Personnel responsibilities are the following: Project Manager:

The authorized representative of GTPP shall be resident on the

project and responsible for ensuring that the Project Quality Plan and
Procedures are strictly implemented. The Project Manager shall also
be responsible for the overall site management on the Contract
including meeting the Client’s Specification, Cost/ Planning Control,
Safety, monitoring and execution of the works until the handing over
of the Project.

a) Ensuring adherence to GTPP company policies.

b) Managing site project activities on behalf of GTPP.

c) Establishing project requirements, policies, organization and


d) Monitoring project’s progress.

e) Approving all sub-contractors.

f) Ensuring implementation of the GTPP QA/ QC Program.

g) Issuing all projects directives.

h) Managing projects’ costs.

i) Initiating and negotiating with BEMCO, for all change orders

and/ or work requests, and signing change order/ or work

j) Preparing, approving and submitting progress reports to Saudi


k) Having final authority on all site project activities. Site Superintendent:

26 | P a g e
GTPP has assigned Site Superintendent as the overall Site
supervision representative for Civil, Mechanical and Electrical
activities on this project. He shall ensure that all jobs or works
executed were all as per approved Drawings, Specifications and
per approved submittals.
a) Responsible for the implementation of the Project as per
approved Work Schedule and also coordinates with QA/ QC
Inspector prior to execution of any activities to avoid NCR or
Non conformance issues. QA/QC Inspector;

Preparing and checking of all works done especially for Civil,

Electrical and Mechanical works prior to concreting or backfilling.

a. Prepare RFI for all works:

b. Evaluation of the suppliers/ sub-contractors Quality System.

c. Verify by means of planned audit schedule that the

requirements set in the quality plan are met.

d. Primary point of contact for quality accomplishments for the


e. Provide leadership developing and directing QA and quality

improvement initiatives for all company services.

f. Monitor QA Systems and advise executive team on system

performance, publish statistics regarding performance against
set goals.

g. Collaborate with client-facing QA representatives to ensure

full customer satisfaction with the company’s services.

h. Establish and maintain a QA program for monitoring supplier

quality, including audits and controls.

i. Conduct risks analysis, verification, validation activities, and

formal design reviews, as applicable.

j. Create and maintain QA control documentation.

k. Identify relevant QA training needs and opportunities.

l. Leading company’s efforts to maintain continuous quality

27 | P a g e
service by implementing process controls, data analysis and
measurement device.

m. Ensuring that processes needed for the quality management

system are established, implemented and maintained.

n. Developing and performing tests, implementing statistics and

process control tools, directing and supervising vendor-
supplied materials and maintaining effective compliance and
corrective action procedures.

o. Supervising QA/QC department, recruiting, hiring and training

of staff. Directing employees in matters of quality and
inspection, and assist in disciplining personnel.

a) Carrying out regular surveillance inspection activities on site and that of


b) Taking effective measures in coordination with the QA Manager and

Construction Department to avoid repetition of any Non-conformance to

c) Reporting weekly quality performance and documentation to QA


d) Implementation of objective set during Management Review.

e) Responsible for maintaining quality records on site and retaining them

in handover files. Safety Engineer

Responsible for ensuring Saudi Aramco and contractual HSE

requirements are complied with, Safety of Personnel and Property,
Identification and Controlling Hazards, Training in Safety, Safety
Performance Reporting. His responsibilities include but not limited to:

a) Ensure that all contractual/ Saudi Aramco and local authority

requirements for Quality, Health Safety & Environment (HSE)
requirements are complied with.

b) Developing, implementing and monitoring the Saudi Aramco HSE

system/ plan in co-ordination with HSE Coordinator.

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c) Ensuring Risk Assessment/ Job Hazard Analysis is done in advance

of commencement of activities and ensuring all preventive/ control
measures are in place.

d) Ensuring all permits are available for works on site and all safety
precautions are taken.

e) Imparting adequate training/ awareness of HSE systems/ regulations

especially safety for all personnel and sub-contractors on site.

f) Ensuring Emergency Procedures are prominently displayed and


g) Ensuring first aid facilities are available on site.

h) Ensuring all personnel are wearing Personnel Protective Equipment

(PPE) as per regulations.

i) Monitoring Safety Complaints and following up with site team for

close out.

j) Ensuring preventive actions are taken to avoid repetitions of non-


k) Interaction with Saudi Aramco for monitoring Safety Performance,

Weekly Reporting and documentation.

l) Prompt reporting of all near miss, incidents, accidents on site and

Investigation/ Assistance during investigation.

m) Carrying out HSE inspections/ audits on site and reporting status and
effectiveness of the system.

n) Safety Performance reporting and documentation to Saudi Aramco Quality Records Document Controller

Ensures that all controlled Quality Documents related to the Project are
maintained to the latest issue, and that these documents are made
available at all locations where operations essential to the effective
functioning of the Quality System are performed.

Ensures all obsolete documents shall be withdrawn and stamped

29 | P a g e
“Superseded” if retained for record purposes.

6. Resource Management{

6.1 Provision of Resources

The overall organization for the project shall be in accordance with the
organization charts included as an attachment to this Project Quality Plan (Please see
Appendix V for reference).

GTPP will ensure that all resources required for the successful execution of the project are
provided within the stipulated time frame. These resources include manpower, equipment,
temporary site facilities for GTPP, site facilities for Saudi Aramco, soft ware, computers, lifting
equipment, lifting tools & tackles, storage space / area, survey instruments, testing equipment,
machineries, personal protective equipment (PPE), etc.

The Project Manager is responsible for assessing organizational and project needs including
oversight functions and develops resource requirements in order to assure resources necessary
to implement and improve the process of the QMS and address Saudi Aramco satisfaction
issues are provided in a timely manner.

Key staff shall be assigned to the project as described in the Manpower Requirement
Program. As a general principle, only suitably skilled, trained, experienced and qualified
personnel shall be assigned to the work.

All personnel, whose activities have a direct bearing on the quality of the work, shall be made
available for interview by Saudi Aramco, if required, before they are assigned to the project.

All QA/QC personnel qualifications shall be reviewed interviewed and accepted by KICL before
submitting their CV’s to Saudi Aramco for review. All QA/QC personnel assigned to the project
shall meet the minimum qualification and experience requirements stipulated in the Schedule
“Q”. This includes any replacements that may become necessary due to vacations,
illness, emergency leaves, etc. Saudi Aramco shall be notified at the earliest possible time of
any such changes in the QA/QC personnel.

The GTPP Job Interview Form is included in the Lists of Applicable Forms at Appendix - XIII for

6.2 Human Resources and Competence

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6.2.1 General

GTPP shall assign Key Staff and personnel to the project in accordance with the
requirements of Schedule “Q”, Attachment VI that is competent on the basis of
applicable degree or education, training, skills and experience. All personnel assigned
to the project shall meet the minimum qualification and experience levels specified in
Schedule “Q”, Attachment I. The QA Manager is responsible to review the contract to
determine the customer requirement for competency level of personnel assigned to the
project and ensure that assignment of personnel including sub-contractors meet the
requirements. Resumes of all quality personnel including sub-contractor quality
personnel shall be submitted to Saudi Aramco for review and approval at least two
weeks prior to the start of work. All procedures and personnel qualifications for special
processes shall be submitted thirty (30) days prior to start of work.

GTPP will provide on a monthly basis a list of approved personnel forecast to mobilize
on the next 60 days as well as for those scheduled to be demobilized in the next 60
days. Attached (Appendix – X) is the project manpower histogram indicating the number
of QC personnel for mobilization and demobilization.

GTPP planned staffing level shall comply with the Saudi Aramco approved quality plan.
Reduction of quality personnel from the required level as stated in Schedule “Q” shall
require Saudi Aramco written approval.

Anticipated changes in personnel due to vacations change in assignments or

resignation shall be communicated to Saudi Aramco at least 30 days in advance of the
scheduled absence. All other changes as in illness or emergency leave shall be
advised as soon as possible.

6.2.2 Competence, Awareness & Training

Regular training sessions following the induction training shall be conducted on the
project to keep the personnel continuously aware of the requirements. all quality
requirements are explained and that HSE precautions are in place.

GTPP employees and sub-contractor shall be made aware of the quality requirements
of the project and how their work activities shall contribute to the achievement of quality

This is achieved through regular awareness presentations to personnel and sub-

contractors project kick-off meeting, project position descriptions, project organization
charts, weekly toolbox meetings, newsletters and performance evaluation.GTPP shall
have site trainers for all disciplines wherever and whenever required for the continual
improvement of the respective disciplines. The mentioned site trainers shall conduct
toolbox meetings, pre-construction meetings, slide/ quality & safety poster
presentations prior to start of any new activity on site and repeated on a regular/ weekly

31 | P a g e
basis to explain the company’s expectations of the output of the work to be done, the
use of the approved method statements to avoid rework and non-conformances and the
proper use of tools and equipment in conformance to HS&E requirements. The project
team shall support the monitoring and assisting in all required aspects for the internal
site trainers. Some of the core areas where toolbox training is required are explained

 Site quality training for masonry foreman and works.

 Site quality training for coal tar epoxy coating application foreman and works.

 Site quality training for waterproofing sheet membrane installation foreman and

 Site quality training for ready mixed concrete pouring/ shrinkage crack
prevention foreman and works.

 Site quality training for materials handling and storage of epoxy coated steel
reinforcing bars.

 Site quality training for cable tray installation foreman and works.

 Site quality training for thermo-welding

6.3 Infrastructure & Equipment Integrity

All equipment deployed on the project shall be fit for use on the project site. Authority, Legal,
Saudi Aramco requirements for vehicles, lifting equipment and tackles will be complied with
during the use and installations on the project.

GTPP shall provide a work environment suitable to achieve its business objective and satisfy
project requirements. Workplace and associated facilities, equipment, hardware, software and
support administrative services shall be provided as required for the project. Accessibility to
computers, appropriate software and other tools shall be issued to authorized personnel.

6.4 Work Environment

Proper infrastructure, safety tools and tackle, necessary rest/ ablution facilities and other
requirement to provide a safe conducive work environment will be provided. This will help to
ensure provision of construction services in conformity to Saudi Aramco requirements.
Necessary house procedures and relevant contract requirements will be posted at pertinent

32 | P a g e

7. Project Execution (Product Realization)

7.1 Planning of Project Execution

The project will be executed strictly in accordance with the specifications and
drawings, approved procedures, programs, and shall comply with the following
requirements of Project Execution Phase:

Quality Objectives:

The quality objectives are identified in paragraph 5.4.1, communicated to the

project team, monitored as per the frequency established, updated based on the
performance. The following are proactive objectives intended to be used in the

- On-time completion of project deliverables to commit.

- Request for Inspection % (RFI) pass rate from Saudi Aramco.

- On-time delivery procurement.

- Saudi Aramco approval rate with code A &B (% first pass) for material

- Customer satisfaction.

The whole processes of project/ construction operations can be split into the
following phases:

 Design Control – Detail design computations, drawings and shop drawings (if
applicable) shall be submitted to Saudi Aramco for review and approval. KICL
shall perform design review at appropriate and agreed stages during the design

 Procurement and Purchasing Control – Use of approved supplier/ vendor,

materials and sub-contractors and store control. Inspection and testing of
materials and equipment at vendor premises as per SAEP - 1151.

 Construction Control – Inspection and testing including material inspection at

site, in-process inspection and testing.

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 Pre-commissioning Control – Prior to the completion of work, KICL shall perform
the inspection required as per Schedule “B” to complete the pre-commissioning
activities and documents.

In addition, the QA/ QC activities shall be governed to ensure the following:

 The incorporation of Saudi Aramco requirements during the design phase

(please see 7.3.1 & 7.3.7).

 Ensuring quality of delivered materials as per requirement.

 Ensuring quality of material by using approved vendor/ supplier, complying with

procurement process and securing Saudi Aramco review and approval.

 Ensuring in-process quality checks by review of inspection records/ conformity

certificates/ and or inspection at manufacturer’s premises as per the minimum
inspection level indicated in SAEP – 1151.

 Ensuring quality of installations by inspections and checks during and after

installations, as per Saudi Aramco Inspection & Test Plans & Inspection

 Closing-out of all snag lists (punch list items) and non-conformances (raised by
Saudi Aramco or internal by KICL).

All the above processes, forming the project/ construction operations are covered by
design/ engineering specification and project specific procedures. Records required
to demonstrate compliance are indicated in each of the relevant documents, plans,
procedures and Inspection and Test Plan.

Method Statements for critical activities on site will be submitted to ensure proper
planning of the detailed construction activities including specification requirements,
equipment, and risk assessments of possible hazards and control measures which
need to be addressed and in place for a safe operation.

Acceptance criteria for the work will be developed where appropriate. Records
attesting to conformity of processes and resulting work shall be maintained. Records
shall include but not limited to the following:

 Inspection reports and certificates.

 Disposition reports.

 Internal quality audit results and closures.

34 | P a g e
 Project management review records

The project acceptance by BEMCO/Saudi Aramco shall be documented. .

GTPP shall establish, document, implement and maintain a Quality Management

System and continually improve its effectiveness through documents/ activities
monitoring as indicated in the following:

 Planning quality objectives and requirements for the project.

 Planning and establishing the required and necessary documentations and

control as per the requirements of the project.

 Planning and arranging the required resources for the project.

 Establishing records as evidence of conformity to specified requirements and

controlled effective operation of the system.

 Determining, monitoring, measurement, inspection and test activities specific

for the project.

7.2 Customer Related Processes

7.2.1 Determining Project Requirements

GTPP will review the contract agreement to determine the customer requirements in
The Sub-Contract work.. The Project Manager will evaluate these requirements and
determine any additional requirements including regulatory and legal ones, which may
not have been identified by BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco and need to be implemented to
support the delivery of the work.

GTPP will establish and maintain procedures to ensure that:

 GTPP has the capability to meet the requirements of the contract.

 The requirements are adequately defined, documented and agreed,

 Any future requirement that differs from those of the contract are resolved and

 Formal lines of communication are established,

 Records are filed and maintained of all reviews.

The contract review carried out prior to the final acceptance by GTPP, if any future
changes required to do with the approval of BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco, perhaps to the

35 | P a g e
scope of work, or the original contractual milestone, in that case a review shall take
place with BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco and GTPP prior to final acceptance.

7.2.2 Reviewing Project Requirements

GTPP has assigned the responsibility to review the contract to the Project Manager.
The Project Manager shall ensure that the requirements are understood, that we have
the capability of performing the work. The contract shall be reviewed by the Project
Manager to ensure any agreed to changes have been incorporated. The contract review
shall be documented in the following manner and records maintained. Much of the
information in the contract will be relevant to the Project Quality Plan. Conditions of Engagement

Any ambiguities, disagreements to the contract shall be identified and recorded

and transmitted to BEMCO/Saudi Aramco for resolution. Minutes of meeting or
transmittal record shall be used to keep the record of any ambiguity
clarifications. Vendor/ Sub-contractor Approval

For Vendors & Sub-contractors not approved by Saudi Aramco, GTPP shall
submit a minimum of three (3) sub-contractors/ vendors with the following:

 Financial Status

 Reference List

 Technical data

GTPP shall keep open the opportunity to submit 4th and 5th vendors if Saudi
Aramco rejects one or more of the first three. Technical Requirements

All technical requirements forming part of the contract shall be identified,

reviewed, confirmed as acceptable or for further negotiation and recorded.
These shall include as applicable:

 Scope of Work.

 Technical standards or specification to be followed.

 Space, loading and environmental requirements.

 Equipment specified by Saudi Aramco.

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 Saudi Aramco supplied products/ services/ informing of any type. e.g.
Standard Drawings or details, Standard Specifications.

 Use of Method of Analysis specified by Saudi Aramco.

Saudi Aramco review and approval of Submittals shall not relieve GTPP of the
responsibility of any deviations from the requirements of the contract documents
unless contractor has advised in writing the Owner on any such deviation at the
time of submission and BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco has accepted that specific
deviation. In addition to, any acceptances by Saudi Aramco shall not relieve
GTPP from the responsibility for errors or omissions in Compliance Submittals
or from the requirements under this contract.

Any deviation from the Project Technical Specification Documents and Contract
Scope of Works shall be subject to BEMCO/Saudi Aramco review/ approval. Document Approval Program

Key dates of delivery of documents and drawings shall be reviewed, confirmed

as acceptable or for further negotiation, and recorded as per project contract and
document review cycle. Resources Allocation

A preliminary assessment shall be made of GTPP staff resources to satisfy

BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco requirements within the time allowed for execution. The
result of this assessment shall be recorded. Details of who, what, how and when
are defined in written procedures and other referenced GTPP documents.

Changes to contracts shall be controlled. The Project Manager is authorized to

accept changes to contracts, identify any restrictions or levels of acceptance.

Changes shall be documented and issued by the Project Manager to all staff
responsible for the execution of the original contract.

7.2.3 Customer Communication

At contractual level, BEMCO./Saudi Aramco and procedure, quality related documents

are transmitted to BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco for approval.

Communications means between BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco and GTPP includes but not
limited to, documents provided by BEMCO/Saudi Aramco, letters, emails, faxes,
submittals of deliverables by GTPP, weekly quality meetings and other meetings
whenever necessary.
Project Manager is responsible to establish and maintain communication with BEMCO/
Saudi Aramco representative regarding or construction activities. Project Manager is

37 | P a g e
responsible for evaluation of the BEMCO/Saudi Aramco feedback/ complaints and
responding to them.

Customer-BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco complaint records are maintained by document

controller and acted upon by the Project Manager

7.3 Design and Development

7.3.1 Design and Development Planning

By Main Contractor;

There shall be audit at 15% & 60% stages and audit report shall be submitted to Saudi
Aramco. Outsourced Detailed Engineering

7.3.2 Design and Development Inputs ( By BEMCO)

Design calculations shall be developed to written criteria. Assumptions shall be

delineated. Those that require confirmation before finalization of the calculations shall
be identified.

All the applicable Saudi Aramco, international codes and standards, regulations
required for this project shall be maintained and specified (with their cut-off dates) by
our outsourced design sub-contractor in their Project Quality Plan.

7.3.3 Design and Development Outputs ( By BEMCO)

Design output is documented by engineering drawings, specifications, calculations and

material take off. The design management procedure is used to ensure that the design
output is in line with the project schedule.

All the correct versions of applicable Saudi Aramco, International Codes and Standards,
Regulations used in delivering the design and development outputs shall be specified
(with the standards cut-off date of September 2014) by our outsourced design sub-
contractor in all the applicable deliverables.

All calculations, design and development outputs shall be signed and dated by the
originator, checked and approved prior to finalization by an authorized engineer
competent in the discipline but without direct responsibility for performing the
calculations. A system to validate the programs or algorithms for computer forming
calculations too shall be employed.

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Specifications shall be developed in conjunction with contract drawings.

Outsourced design sub-contractor shall ensure that the design and development
outputs/ deliverables referred above shall control the project quality, complies stake
holder requirements and enhance the client satisfaction.

7.3.4 Design and Development Review ( BY BEMCO)

Violations/ deviations/ non-compliance to applicable Saudi Aramco, International Codes

and Standards, regulations observed during design reviews or any other problems shall
be identified as Non-Conformance by issuing report to outsourced design
subcontractor, its disposition and necessary preventive actions shall be carried out as
per their approved project quality plan within the agreed timeframe.

7.3.5 Design and Development Verification

The Project Manager of GTPP is responsible to assure the output meets the design
inputs. Records of verification activities shall be maintained by Engineering Document
Controller of outsourced design subcontractor and shall be maintained by the project
Document Controller for GTPP.

In coordination with the outsourced design sub-contractor, GTPP shall plan and
carryout periodic meeting for design and development verification to ascertain that the
outputs meets the inputs by carrying out the reviews, performing alternate calculations,
review of design output documents.
Constructability review is required to be performed as part of this contract.

7.3.6 Design and Development Validation

Design validation verifies that user’s needs are met. These shall be performed in
accordance with planned arrangements mentioned in 7.3.1 Design and Development
Planning, to ensure that the resulting product shall meet the specified requirements.
This will be achieved by ensuring completed works are checked, tested, commissioned,
and Saudi Aramco user departments/ authorities/ proponents have accepted the works.

For the nature of the construction industry, the design validation documents will be final
inspection reports, snag lists if any, testing and commissioning reports and the
provisional and final acceptance certificates.

7.3.7 Control of Design and Development Changes

39 | P a g e

All requests for design changes as a result of design review, verification, validation,
BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco instructions, changes in law/ regulations, etc. will be recorded
in Design Change or Saudi Aramco approved formats. Affected changes shall be
documented, reviewed and approved.

The Project Manager is responsible to provide the interface with BEMCO/ Saudi
Aramco representative during the execution of the contract. Supplements or addenda
developed during this period shall receive the same level of review as the original
document and will be reviewed by BEMCO Engineering Manager/ Coordinator and/ or
Project Manager prior to issue.

Revision to project design documents shall be controlled. Revisions are reviewed to the
same level as the original document as stated. .

Records of design developed changes shall be maintained by the Document Controller.

Only the document controller/ authorized personnel shall be allowed to distribute the
drawings to GTPP and its sub-contractors for project use.

Only IFC drawings shall be used for the construction of works on site.

GTPP QA/QC Inspector, shall be assign to continuously monitor the compliance of

latest drawings are used at site.

As-built shall be developed per contract requirements and to verify the implementation
of the changes. As-built shall be independently reviewed internally to ensure field-
marked prints and other sources of as-built information have been correctly translated
onto the original document.

7.4 Procurement and Purchasing

7.4.1 Procurement and Purchasing Process

Supply of raw materials, fabrications, services and finished items shall be processed
from Saudi Aramco approved vendors or as per approved VENDOR mentioned in RVL

To the extent practical, GTPP shall procure its materials from Saudi Aramco approved
sources. Other sources for material selected by Purchasing shall be evaluated and
approved by GTPP QA/QC Department, Procurement and BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco
engineering prior to placing them on the acceptable Vendor’s list.

The extent of control over purchasing includes quality surveys and monitoring at the
supplier’s premises as required.

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A current list of approved vendors for parts and processes shall be maintained and
distributed by the Purchasing Department.

Contract/ purchase orders shall be spot checked by the QA/QC department to the
extent required to ensure that all pertinent drawings, specifications and complete
information relative to the item(s) procured are listed and that the sources of supply
have all the data required to supply Materials of an acceptable quality.

QA/QC Department shall evaluate all purchase items where any of the following
conditions apply:

 Inspection of quality characteristics cannot be verified during subsequent

processing or would require destructive testing.
 Inspection is necessary to verify that specific process, test or inspections required
of the supplier were adequately accomplished
 Inspection at any other point would destroy or require the replacement of costly
packing materials

Records shall be maintained that substantiate vendor quality performance.

7.4.2 Procurement and Purchase Information

In accordance with the Schedule ’G” of the contract, purchase orders with Supplier’s
and Sub-contractor shall be defined services and/ or product requirements. All
requisitions shall be reviewed by GTPP for technical and quality requirements prior to
submitting to BEMCO /Saudi Aramco for review.

Purchase orders shall include the following information:

 Test and Calibration Certificate requirement, if any,

 Submittal references

 Description

 Quantity

 Expected Delivery Dates ( As per Site Delivery mentioned in Schedule)

The quality documents, if any, requested from the suppliers shall be specified on the
purchase order:

 Quality Plan

 Inspection and Test Procedures

41 | P a g e
 Delivery Schedule

The following documents shall be attached to the purchase order:

 Specifications and drawings

 Contractual Requirements

Order to sub-contractor shall include the following information:

 Contractual requirements

 Scope of work – Work Breakdown Structure

 Specifications and Drawings

 Schedule

 Description of resources needed

 Quality requirements

Requirements on Procurement and Purchasing in terms of timely deliveries will be

complied with critical milestones on procurement of long lead items and necessary
follow up will be done to meet the milestone deadlines.

7.4.3 Verification of Procured/ Purchased Products

All major equipment manufacturers shall be required to submit evidence of a quality

assurance program satisfactory to GTPP and BEMCO/Saudi Aramco. Such quality
assurance program shall be in accordance with Saudi Aramco requirements: reviewed
and approved by BEMCO/Saudi Aramco. All major material and equipment for the
project shall be procured from the company qualified and approved by Saudi Aramco.

Detailed Inspection & Test Plans for all equipment and material shall be prepared by
suppliers and submitted to Saudi Aramco with the Inspection Assignment Package
(IAP) three weeks prior to start of fabrication.

Rejected material shall not be allowed to ship. When no form SA-175 exists. Material
shall not be inspected upon receipt at site. Non-conforming material shall be returned to
originator or marked in a manner that shall prevent its use.

A list of materials which are required to be inspected at the Manufacturer/ Vendor

premises as per approved vendor ITP per applicable SA-175 will be maintained. The
inspection requirements will be notified to the manufacturer/ supplier during initial order.
Manufacturer/ supplier are instructed to inform well in advance of such inspection.

42 | P a g e
GTPP shall submit each week a two-week look-a-head schedule of all planned vendor
inspections electronically in a format acceptable to BEMCO/Saudi Aramco.

Records of supplier’s inspections shall be prepared following each inspection or weekly

for resident inspectors and submitted to BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco as per Schedule”Q”.
Inspection disposition report shall be prepared within two weeks following release to
ship material and submitted to Saudi Aramco.

7.4.4 Control of Procured/ Purchased Product

All procured/ purchased materials are correctly identified and stored as per vendor/
supplier recommendations. On receipt of the expiry dates will be checked, where
available on the item, and the First IN – First Out (FIFO) principle is used for issue.

Special care is taken for materials that need to be stored outside for need of space.
Materials such as reinforcing bars and metallic pipes, waterproofing materials, cable
tiles, galvanized items will be supported on timber skids/ pallets covered by
polyethylene sheet to protect such materials from dampness, corrosion and weather/

Most of the construction materials are identifiable by means of labels and packaging by
the vendor/ supplier. Where not available, materials will be suitably identified by using
colored markers and/ or tags. Vendor/ supplier will be consulted for storage
arrangements requiring special conditions of temperature and environment

Inflammable materials are stored in well ventilated areas, with suitable segregation of
areas for different kind of materials, e.g. Oil, Diesel, Gas cylinders, etc. are kept in
separate areas

7.5 Production and Service Provision

GTPP understands the critical operation involved during the project execution works. As such,
coordination, use of dated and approved drawings and strict compliance to HSE requirements
and approved method statements will be ensured. GTPP understand that Work Permit System
for the individual areas and will comply with the Saudi Aramco requirements.

7.5.1 Control of Production and Service Provision

Familiarity and knowledge of contract specifications/ drawings and strict adherence

together with the regular interaction/ monitoring/ in-process inspections will ensure that
the works is executed to satisfy contract requirements.

The GTPP Project Manager together with the Site Superintendent , QA/QC Inspector
and the project team will ensure that the work is executed in line with the relevant
procedures/ method statements, suitable equipment used and the work is monitored at
various stages as required by the specifications and as identified in the relevant
operating procedures.

43 | P a g e
Inspection shall be done using calibrated instruments at pre-defined inspection times as
per the Inspection & Test Plans.

Contract requirements on planning, progress reporting and construction management

will be complied with. Work progress is monitored on a daily/ weekly basis and progress
reporting is done as per contract requirements. Suitable actions shall be taken to
accelerate progress to take care of slippages. Where required, the schedules will be
modified as agreed with BEMCO/Saudi Aramco. The project Planning Engineer is
responsible in planning, progress reporting and to modify the schedules to accelerate
progress to take care of slippages as agreed with BEMCO/Saudi Aramco.

All sub-contract arrangements for executing works reflect the maintenance clause so as
to ensure servicing/ product warranty is guaranteed for Saudi Aramco. Records of
correspondence with relevant sub-contractors during this stage are maintained and
retained in the GTPP office.

All Operational/ Maintenance Manuals and Spare Parts Lists and Spares as applicable
for the project shall be submitted to Saudi Aramco for approval sufficiently in advance of
completion and handover stage. Saudi Aramco comments shall be incorporated and all
submissions will be done accordingly in compliance to SAEP-122, Project Records and
SAEP-329, Project Close-out Report.

The Project Manager ensures that the process description is to outline the planning and
progress monitoring of project.

GTPP has established the following control applicable to construction and

management activities. These activities are reflected in the detailed Inspection and Test
Plans and form part of this quality plan.

 Activities are planned.

 Activities are scheduled.

 Acceptance criteria are defined.

 Adequate resources are available to perform the work.

 The work environment is safe and conforms to health and safety requirement in
the contract.

 Methods are employed to monitor resource expenditure against expected results.

 Procedures, work instructions/ installation instructions are available to the work


 Codes, standards and other references, including portions of the contract are
available to the workforce.

44 | P a g e

 Standards of workmanship are implemented.

 Where required, licensed or certified personnel are assigned to the project to


 A program to monitor the effectiveness of this process is in place and


 Criteria for release, approval and acceptance are established.

All above activities are defined under project procedures mentioned in this quality plan.

7.5.2 Validation of Processes for Production and Service Provision

The validation of the design is the constructed project that satisfies Saudi Aramco

The validation of certain construction processes can only be ascertained when load is
applied or operation is initiated. For the project, these processes include as necessary.
Application of load and operations would only be allowed if the mentioned processes
have been applied/completed successfully, which will be proved before operations by
suitable approved testing’s.

 Positive Material Identification (PMI)

 Structural concrete placement

 Coating

GTPP assures these processes can achieve planned results through following
documented procedures, Inspection Checklist and Inspection and Test Plans
referenced in this document.

 Process qualification

 Equipment and personnel qualification

 Defined methods and procedures

 Records shall be maintained and revalidation performed as necessary.

7.5.3 Product Identification and Traceability

45 | P a g e
GTPP will develop, implement and maintain a system to identify, design or report
documents so they remain traceable to their originator and contain Saudi Aramco
identification. Saudi Aramco plant, equipment tagging system will be complied with.
Incoming materials are correctly identified and stored. Most of the construction
materials are identified by means of labels and packaging by the manufacturer/
supplier. Where not available, materials will be suitably identified by using markers or
tags. All materials coming out of store shall be traceable by marking/ label, store
records, test certificates, etc.
will be maintained on equipment, materials, parts and components as specified in Saudi
Aramco standards and manufacturer’s specifications. Unless otherwise specified in
SAEP-1160: Tracking and reporting of Welding, NDT and Pressure testing for Capital

GTPP will include a documented system for tracking pipe welding rejection including
that of sub-contractors, detailing reporting of repair rates, and accounting for required
tracer (penalty) radiography. Documents and records will enable an item to be traced
throughout fabrication, erection, installation, repair, modification and use of item.

Non-conforming material shall be identified or removed to prevent inadvertent use.

Details of who, what, how and when are defined in written procedures and other
referenced GTPP documents.

Procedure Reference: Product Identification and Traceability.

7.5.4 Saudi Aramco (Customer) Property

As applicable, GTPP shall maintain a system to receive, log and maintain Saudi
Aramco supplied documents, data, material or equipment. .

As applicable, all Saudi Aramco supplied material shall be inspected against the
shipping documents for accuracy and damage by the Project Controls Manager and
stored in such a way to prevent damage or deterioration.

7.5.5 Preservation of Procured/ Purchased Products

A system shall be maintained for the handling, storage and shipping, including
cleaning, packing and preservation of all items through the entire manufacturing,
receipts, construction process till the commissioning phase is completed and handed
over to Saudi Aramco. All precautions shall be taken to protect material from abuse,
misuse, damage, deterioration and unauthorized use.

Items subject to deterioration or corrosion due to environment shall be cleaned and

preserved to fully protect at all times. The responsible inspector in the particular area
shall monitor handling and marking of parts during construction/installation.

46 | P a g e

Unsatisfactory conditions shall be brought to the attention of the Quality Control

Manager for corrective action. Suspect items shall be placed on “Hold” and transferred
to a restricted storage area until acceptability is established or other disposition

Restricted storage areas shall be made available for the isolation and protection of
accepted raw material, semi-finished parts and finished parts pending use or shipment.

7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices

GTPP and subcontractor shall establish, maintain, and implement a written program to identify,
control, and calibrate measurement and monitoring devices used to assure conformity of work
as required by the contract. The program shall contain the following elements:

 Identification of what equipment needs to be monitored and measured.

 Identification of equipment and instruments (like survey instruments, pressure gauges,

thermometers, meger testers, etc.) that require calibration to maintain capability.

 Listing of such equipment and instruments, frequency of calibration, and evidence

calibration took place. Calibration frequency shall be based on the most stringent of Saudi
Aramco’s standards specified in the Project documents.
- Availability and use of calibration instructions, manufacturers' instructions, codes, or
national standards for calibration.

- A program of corrective actions to repair or replace items that do not meet acceptance

- A program to ensure measuring and monitoring devices are protected from damage
deterioration and unauthorized alterations of settings.

- A program of corrective actions for previously accepted work, if defective equipment

and instruments were used to inspect or test the work.

- Confirmation that computer software used as a basis of product acceptance is

acceptable for the intended application. Confirm prior to use and as necessary

 Records to demonstrate calibration and verification.

 Use of Saudi Aramco approved testing agencies.

 Use of Saudi Aramco approved technicians to conduct tests

 Use of backup equipment when primary equipment is being tested or calibrated.

47 | P a g e
 Copies of the Calibration Certificates will be available at the GTPP office and original at
site. Same copies shall be submitted to Saudi Aramco for information.

The instrument and measuring equipment are stored in such a way as to avoid damage and
alter the calibrated status. Users of all instruments and equipment are responsible to check that
the measuring devices they are using are calibrated and accurate. Initial checks are generally
done to ensure accuracy. Instruments/ equipment used by sub-contractors on site will be
subjected to the same control.

Calibration checks/ accuracy checks will be done before actual measurement of any
characteristic. Any instrument showing errors will be subject to calibration. Any measurement
done with such instrument will be validated once again using calibrated instrument.

All inspection, measuring and test equipment and devices used to determine conformance to
Saudi Aramco specification, including that used for welding, non-destructive testing,
dimensional control, pressure testing, coating thickness, shall be controlled, calibrated and
maintained with an established written calibration and maintenance schedule.

All measuring and test equipment and devices having an effect on quality shall bear a tag,
sticker or other suitable marking, indicating calibration status. The validity of previous
inspection and test results when measuring and test equipment are found be out of calibration
shall be assessed and documented.

Equipment and devices used for measuring, testing and inspection shall require an initial
inspection for accuracy, or shall be proven prior to release for use on production.

The program shall provide for a pre-planned calibration frequency chart showing all applicable
test and inspection equipment, calibration frequency and status.

8. Measurement Analysis and Improvement

8.1 General

GTPP will plan and implement the monitoring, measurement, analysis and
improvement processes to demonstrate with the conformity to contract requirements,
process performance objectives, conformity of the planned quality management
system, and for the continuous improvement of the quality management system.

The monitoring, measurement and analysis processes are indicated below:

1) Saudi Aramco satisfaction – through quarterly evaluation of Saudi Aramco

assessments, non-conformance reports (NCR) and inspection Log Book entries
during the duration of the project.
2) Internal and External quality audit – to check compliance and the effectiveness
of the quality management system and the processes.

48 | P a g e
3) Internal & external non-conformities
4) Repeated violations
5) Process performance measures
6) Analysis of data
7) Management review
The improvement process includes:

1) Corrective action
2) Preventive action
3) Continuous improvement
The above processes are discussed in detail below.

8.2 Monitoring and Measurement

8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction

GTPP will evaluate Saudi Aramco response through quarterly evaluation of

Saudi Aramco assessments and Customer Satisfaction Surveys, non-
conformance reports and inspection Log Book entries during the project
duration and response will be analyzed and weak areas will be highlighted to
KICL management. Necessary actions will be taken to improve upon the weak
areas indicated.

8.2.2 Internal Quality Audit ( By Main Contractor)

Audit notifications and agenda shall be submitted to Saudi Aramco by BEMCO

fourteen (14) calendar days in advance to intimate for any participation.

All audits shall be executed by quality system auditors (qualified as per

attachment I of Schedule “Q”) not directly responsible for the area being
audited should be independent of the activity. Saudi Aramco approval for
auditor shall be obtained.QA Manager can audit the sub-contractors working
under their own quality management system.

The findings shall be reported within 14 calendar days to Saudi Aramco .

8.2.3 Monitoring & Measurement of Processes

49 | P a g e
The project execution processes described in Section 7 of this Quality Plan
necessary to achieve Saudi Aramco requirements are measured and
monitored as follows:

The quality management system and processes shall be monitored and

measured via internal meetings, communication with the customer, audits and
site inspections to demonstrate the ability of the process to achieve the
planned results. If planned results are not being achieved, preventive and
corrective action shall be taken to ensure conformity of the product.

The following measuring and monitoring methods to assure KICL’s processes

are acceptable will be applied:

- Internal audit results,

- Non-conformance reports (non-conformance and corrective action),

- Error and omission punch lists,

- Log book entries,

- Analysis of data,

- Customer satisfaction,

8.2.4 Monitoring and Measurement of the Product/ Work (Inspection & Testing)

GTPP will establish, maintain and implement a program stated in 7.3 Design
Development to control the development, review and release of designs that are
in conformance with Saudi Aramco requirements. The program shall be
controlled by written procedures, instructions, or checklist as appropriate
.Results shall be recorded, authenticated and distributed..
GTPP shall establish, maintain and implement a program as per 7.4,
Procurement and Purchasing to control procurement, inspection and acceptance
of equipment, material and construction activities performed by GTPP own work
forces or its sub-contractors. Records shall be maintained.
GTPP Procurement QC Inspector shall ensure that incoming equipment and
materials are inspected and accepted for project use prior to incorporation into
construction. When material is received without inspection release,the

BEMCO Procurement QC Supervisor shall perform inspection against

Purchase order requirements and verify that the equipment and materials
meet the specified standards.

50 | P a g e
BEMCO Project’s Quality Personnel shall inspect the quality of the
construction effort through regular inspection of the work in progress as
agreed to in the respective Inspection and Test Plan during construction.
Activities shall be recorded via inspection and test reports attached to relevant
procedures and work instructions and acceptance verified against written
acceptance criteria obtained from applicable contract documents or
referenced code and standards.QA/QC Inspector shall notify BEMCO/ Saudi
Aramco by initiating Requests for Inspections (RFI) for all inspection points
coded as Witness or Hold or any works prior to proceed further with following

Testing if required in the contract, shall be performed by Saudi Aramco

approved Third Party Testing Laboratory with acceptance criteria defined and
results identified and submitted to BEMCO/Saudi Aramco. All tests shall be
documented on forms appropriate for the tests, dated and signed by the test
personnel. Results shall be issued as required by the contract. Necessary co-
ordination shall be done with the BEMCO/Saudi Aramco representative.

8.2.5 Independent Testing Laboratory, NDT Agency

An approved independent Third Party Testing Laboratory and NDT specialist

sub-contractor as required shall be utilized for the project. The proposed 3 rd
party laboratory, NDT testing agency and their personnel are subject to Saudi
Aramco approval as per Schedule “Q”. Applicable tests will be carried out in
the site laboratory, or if required, other tests shall be conducted off-site in
approved laboratories and the availability of testing equipment.

The QC Manager of BEMCO and GTPP QC Inspector will interact and

coordinate with Testing Laboratory, NDT Agency for attendance and testing as
required. All laboratories, agency equipment will have current calibration, and
failures, if any, will be reported to BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco.

8.2.6 Field Inspection Coordination Procedure Inspection Activities and Attendance

GTPP implement Saudi Aramco provided Inspection and Test Plan

(SATIP) together with the Saudi Aramco Inspection Checklist (SAIC).
In the absence of SATIP and SAIC, GTPP will provide a set of
Inspection and Test Plans together with Checklists for recording the

Each of these Inspection and Test Plans indicates the various testing
activity for production and installation, the relevant specification/

51 | P a g e
acceptance criteria and the QC Checklist (verifying document)
required for the inspection documentation.

The QC Inspector will raise the request for inspection and test for
Hold and Witness activities. Additionally, it is understood that
BEMCO/Saudi Aramco has the right to witness at any moment the on-
going construction activities, as per contract agreement.

Definition of Symbols

H - Hold Point – Saudi Aramco shall be notified of the timing on the

inspection or test in advance. Inspection or test shall not be
carried out without the BEMCO/Saudi Aramco representative in

W – Witness Point – BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco shall be notified of the

timing of inspection or test in advance. However, the test or
inspection shall be performed as scheduled if the BEMCO/Saudi
Aramco representative is not present.

S – Surveillance – BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco to monitor work in progress

without notice from the construction organization.

R – Review of Documents – BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco is requested to

review documents issued such as inspection reports, mill
certificates, and other documents.

I – Inspection – Daily Inspections by GTPP as work progresses.

RH – Review and Approval of Documents – The party involved is

requested to give approval on the relevant item.

All the controls and tests that involve BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco are
intended to be performed jointly with GTPP QA/QC organization. Any
test/ inspection report which will be reviewed by GTPP and reviewed
by BEMCO/Saudi Aramco as applicable. Request for Inspection and Test (RFI)

Request for Inspection (RFI) is the notification from contractor to

BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco Projects Inspection (PID) and Saudi Aramco
Project Management Team (PMT) that has the point of inspection
details, date and time.

52 | P a g e
RFI’s shall be raised only through the QMIS (Quality Management
Information System) as per SAEP-1150 par. 9.5. This can be initiated
by the RFI Initiator, and all mandatory steps shall be adhered as per
QMIS User Manual.

RFI’s in QMIS has five (5) categories. The selection of the appropriate
category by PID Inspector is based on RFI inspection result of the
issued RFI. These Categories are as follows:

1) Inspected and Accepted: BEMCO or PID Inspector shall select

this category if the RFI was physically inspected and accepted the
inspection point. At this point the RFI is closed.

2) Job Not Ready: BEMCO or PID Inspector shall reject the issued
RFI if the activity is not ready for inspection. The RFI will be in
open rejected disposition status in QMIS and will be closed when
the final inspection is completed and accepted.

3) Violation: BEMCO or PID Inspector shall reject the issued RFI if

inspection resulted in violation to Saudi Aramco Standards,
Procedures and International Code and RFI will be kept open and
will be closed when the corrective action is completed and

4) On Hold: BEMCO or PID Inspector may place the issued RFI “On
Hold” status if there deficiency is minor and can be rectified within
few hours.

5) Work Not Inspected and Accepted: BEMCO or PID Inspector shall

select this category if he is not able to attend the requested RFI
due to urgent mandatory management matter but decided to
accept the RFI. The RFI is closed in this instance.
RFI Timing:
RFIs should be prepared and submitted to BEMCO or PID through QMIS
sufficiently in advance of the work activity. Unless agreed between BEMCO or
SAPMT and PID, RFIs should be submitted in accordance with the following
time constraints:

At least 24 hours prior to the time required for inspection.


53 | P a g e
At least 48 hours prior to the time required for inspection. Receiving Inspection

All construction materials which are going to be permanently

incorporated in the project, received on site will be subjected to
receiving inspection on site as stated at 7.4.3 of this document. Inspection at Vendor/ Manufacturer Premises/ 3 rd Party Attendance

Materials/ equipment which are required to be inspected at

Manufacturer/ Vendor premises as per Saudi Aramco proposed
inspection level for Supplied Equipment and Material as indicated in
SAEP-1151 inspection requirements will be complied with. Saudi
Aramco form SA-175, inspections by Saudi Aramco/ Third Party
Inspection Agencies will be arranged by GTPP. Sufficient notice
period shall be ensured. When 3 rd party inspection agencies are
required to be utilized, they will be as approved and all test
certificates and reports will be submitted to BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco as
per ref. Schedule “Q”. Final Inspection/ Testing & Pre-Commissioning

The Project Manager along with the QA/QC Inspector and ( BEMCO
Quality Inspection Division) will ensure all final inspection and testing
are carried out as outlined in the Inspection & Test Plans. The punch
Lists will be generated and closed out as applicable. Testing, Pre-
Commissioning & Commissioning Completion will be followed upon
successful completion of final inspection, close out of snag points
which will not directly affect the Pre-Commissioning & Commissioning
activities. Pre-Commissioning & Commissioning Plans & Procedures

After completion of all functional checks on each element of work/

equipment, pre-commissioning checks will be done to ensure
compliance and proper functioning of all systems. Final Testing and
commissioning will then be done as per agreed schedule with full
witnessing from BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco as per mutually agreed and
approved procedure.

54 | P a g e
GREE TOP Commissioning Data Packages

The data package shall be issued for the following: ( Scope of Main

1) Safety relief devices (PZV’s)

All construction and pre-commissioning activities for the project shall
have been completed.

 All agreed “Yes” items on the MCC Exception Item List shall have been
completed and approved by the Acceptance Committee members or
their representatives.

 All Operation and Maintenance (O&M) manuals will have been submitted
to the Proponent for review four (4) weeks prior to MC.

Note: Process O&M manuals for facilities must be approved by the

Proponent before MC.

8.3 Control and Reporting of Non-Conforming Product/ Activities

GTPP ensures that any non-conformance or non-conformity is controlled, acted upon

and documented as necessary and resolved. All GTPP employees are encouraged to
highlight any non-conforming activity or product to his immediate Supervisor.

Non-conformance might be identified and initiated by the BEMCO /Saudi Aramco/

GTPP during;

1) Material/ equipment inspection at vendor/ supplier premise or material

receiving inspection.

2) Site works inspected or daily/ routine surveillance and testing/ commissioning.

3) Quality audit by Saudi Aramco.

55 | P a g e

4) External- 3 rd party quality audit (as may be applicable)

Depending upon the nature of non-conformance, any non-conforming work identified

(by GTPP or Saudi Aramco) on site is rectified as per agreed corrective action.
Actions include:

1) Repair/ rework to drawings and specifications.

2) Reject if non-conforming product is beyond repair.

3) Accept as is when further rectification may result in serious functional


A. Non-conformance related to Material/ Equipment

Materials non-conformance found during the inspection at vendor/ supplier

premises are not delivered to site until the corrections/ corrective actions are
agreed upon were done and verified.

Material/ equipment non-conformance found during the incoming material

receiving inspection stage are kept isolated from use or in quarantined area,
labeling the item if necessary. The concerned Supplier or the Procurement
department is then intimated to resolve the non-conformance and propose
necessary corrections/ corrective actions. For major materials, these
corrections/ corrective actions shall be discussed and agreed with BEMCO/
Saudi Aramco. Generally, immediate replacements/ rectifications, resolutions
are provided.

Non-conforming materials are not used/ incorporated in the project site,

unless allowed/ agreed with and approved by the BEMCO/Saudi Aramco
Representative with full traceability for a positive recall if needed (ref.
Schedule “Q” par. 7.5).

B. Non-conformance identified during site works inspection or daily/ routine

Once the corrective and preventive actions are agreed and coordinated with
GTPP Project Manager , they will be implemented at site. GTPP will forward to
BEMCO/Saudi Aramco records of all NCR’s within forty eight (48) hours of
issue. Corrective actions shall investigate the root cause of non-conformities
and initiate corrective actions to prevent recurrence of non-conformities seven

56 | P a g e
(7) days of the issue date unless otherwise justified ( Non-conformance issued
by BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco)

Non-conformance may be received from BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco as a result of

an audit or due to non-conformance detected during site works inspection or
daily/ routine surveillance or during Testing and Commissioning. After
receiving a non-conformance report (NCR), Saudi Aramco, and agree on the
immediate corrective action to rectify the non-conformance and a preventive
action to prevent recurrence.
GTPP will write the Corrective/ Preventive Action on the NCR and meet the
BEMCO/Saudi Aramco Representative who issued the NCR and forward a
copy of the NCR with proposed corrective and preventive actions within 48
hours of receiving the notification of non-conformance as per( Schedule “Q”)

On review and approval by BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco, the corrective actions will
be completed and offered for re-inspection and then closed as applicable. The
non-conforming work shall be put on Hold until the corrective action as
accepted by BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco.

Records of rectification necessary to close out a non-conformance are kept.

Actions taken are recorded on the non-conformance report. After disposition of
the NCR, Saudi Aramco will be requested to verify the same.

All NCR’s will be registered in the NCR log/ register. GTPP Internal NCR Log,
C. Non-conformance Identified during Quality Audit

Non-conformance identified during Internal, Second Party and External-3 rd

Party Audits will be reviewed and appropriate corrective/ preventive actions
will be proposed. Once the corrective/ preventive actions are agreed by the
Auditor (who conducted the audit), these actions will be implemented and
Auditors will be requested to close the NCR’s after submission of appropriate
evidence of completion.

8.4 Analysis of Data

8.4.1 Monthly Quality Management Report ( Scope of Main Contractor)

The report shall include the following items as a minimum:

General Items

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1) Listing of quality audits completed (internal and sub-contractor), in
progress, and planned the next month.

2) Status of open corrective actions for non-conformities (NCR’s,

Discrepancy reports, Saudi Aramco log Book entries, etc.), audits and
management reviews.

3) Quality personnel listing by discipline as specified in Schedule “Q”.

4) Listing and status of engineering waivers requested.

Design and Procurement Phase Items

1) Listing of supplier surveys performed and results.

2) Planned surveys for the next month.

3) Listing of pre-inspection meetings conducted and planned for the next


4) Listing of supplier inspections performed and those planned for the next

Construction Phase Items

1) Listing and disposition of all defective or rejected material or equipment

received at job site by GTPP and sub-contractor(s).

2) Welding rejection rate reported in accordance with SAEP-1160, A chart

showing the historical performance during the project shall be included.

Narrative Section for Process Improvement Activities

This section describe GTPP and sub-contractor activities during the month to
continually improve its processes, correct and eliminate non-conformities,
prevent potential problems and improve schedules, etc. It will include trend
analysis for processes identified above.

The following data are gathered and analyzed, the QA/QC Inspector is
responsible for the effort and to ensure closure where Quality system
Improvements are warranted.

1) BEMCO/Saudi Aramco satisfaction/ dissatisfaction

2) Conformity of products to requirements

58 | P a g e

3) Measuring and monitoring data

4) Internal Quality Audit data

5) Others as applicable

6) Trends of both positive and negative compliance

8.5 Improvements

8.5.1 Continual Improvements

GTPP will strive to continually improve the effectiveness of the quality

management system through the use of the audit results, analysis of data as
indicated above, and undertaking corrective and preventive actions.

8.5.2 Corrective Action;

Corrective action for defective work is immediately implemented after approval

of proposed corrective action from the BEMCO/ Saudi Aramco Representative.
The corrective actions taken are recorded on the non-conformance report and/
or the relevant check lists or by a letter.

The project QA/QC Inspector will ensure all agreed corrective actions have
been completed and related non-conformance reports closed out.

8.5.3 Preventive Action ;

GTPP Project Manager is responsible to initiate suitable preventive action to

ensure the non-conformance do not repeat. Preventive actions like project
documentation method statements and job hazard analysis together with the
control measures required are already documented. Compliance with these
will ensure that potential non-conformities and accidents will be prevented
from occurring. The QA /QC Inspector will be responsible to monitor the
effectiveness of the preventive action plans.

All corrective/ preventive actions will be reviewed and implemented as per

the Project Quality System.


59 | P a g e
1) Scope of Works
2) Project Organizational Chart

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