Solar Nanocomposite Materials
Solar Nanocomposite Materials
Solar Nanocomposite Materials
1. Introduction
The energy from the sun that strikes the earth is a gigantic 3×1024J a year, or about 10,000
times more than what the global population currently consumes (M. Gratzel, 2007; B. Li, et
al., 2006). World energy consumption is 5.0×1020J and is expected to grow about 2% each
year for the next 25 years (Us_Energy_Information_Administration, 2010). Covering 0.1% of
the earth’s surface with solar cells at an efficiency of 10% would provide the current energy
needs of the whole world (B. Li, et al., 2006). However, the electricity generated from solar
cells today is less than 0.1% of the world’s total energy demand (P. V. Kamat, 2007). The first
generation photovoltaic devices (PV) are based on single- or multi-crystalline p-n junction
silicon cells. They are commercially available for installation with market share of about 85%
and deliver power with 15% efficiency, but suffer from high cost of manufacturing and
installation. There are high purity requirements for the silicon crystals, high fabrication
temperatures and a large amount of material is needed for a wafer-based cell. The second
generation PV devices use polycrystalline semiconductor thin films, mostly based on CdTe,
having a market share of 15% (S. Ruhle, et al., 2010). Thin films of CuInGaSe2 (CIGS) bring
down the cost but their efficiency needs to improve for practical applications. The third
generation devices will be based on nanocomposites (nano-structured semiconductors,
organic-inorganic hybrid assemblies, and molecular assemblies), aiming to deliver high
efficiency at an economically viable cost (P. V. Kamat, 2007). Nanostructure offers spatial
quantum confinement for the tailor of the optical properties of semiconductor
nanomaterials. The use of multi-components offers a high degree of flexibility for altering
and controlling properties and functionalities of nanocomposites.
Nanocomposites are developed for superior device performance. In solar energy harvest
and conversion, nanocomposites are utilized to overcome limits of single materials in solar
spectrum response (band gap engineering), transport of electrons or holes (defect
engineering), reaction of electrons or holes with chemicals (catalyst engineering), and reduce
of costs (economic consideration).
4 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
about $4/W due to the materials used (the high quality and low defect single crystal Si, the
strengthened low-iron glass cover sheet, and encapsulants). They are quickly used in space
exploration. Considerable domestic use begun in 1978 when NASA installed a 3.5 kW
system in a 16-home India village in Papago reservation, Arizona. Apart from regular use in
power calculator, traffic signs, clocks and other small appliances, the use of solar cells has
grow slowly although steadily (L. M. Goncalves, et al., 2008). The first amorphous Si cell (a-
Si) appeared in 1976 right after the first oil shock (D. E. Carlson & C. R. Wronski, 1976). The
high absorption rate of a-Si comparing to crystal silicon make it be a thin film technology.
The thin film technology based solar cells are often called the second generation solar cells.
They aimed at lower cost than the first generation. Among the three thin film technologies
(a-Si, CdTe and Cu(In,Ga)Se2), Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) cells have the best future due to higher
efficiencies, confirmed maximum efficiency of 19.2% in 1999 (M. A. Contreras, et al., 1999;
M. A. Green, et al., 2008) and low manufacturing energy consumption. Both first and second
generation solar cells are based on single junction devices, for which the calculated
thermodynamic efficiency limits (33.7%) is called Shockley-Queisser limit (W. Shockley & H.
J. Queisser, 1961). Six junction (6J) cell (AlInGaP/InGaP/AlInGaAs/InGaAs/InGaNAs/Ge)
has a predicted maximum efficiency of 57% (M. Bosi & C. Pelosi, 2007). A theoretical limit
for infinity-layer cell is 68% (A. Devos, 1980). In space applications where cost is not the
major problem, multi-junction cells have replaced Si cells. The second generation solar cells
and multi-layer semiconductor stack cells are still under development.
TiO2 water
1972 Fujishima &Hoda
1976 Carlson et al. a-Si
Solar Nanocomposite Materials 5
mechanism for the sensitization (K. Hauffe, et al., 1970). Photoelectrochemistry became a
thriving research field on the foundation laid down by the work of Brattain and Garret (W.
H. Brattain & C. G. B. Garrett, 1955) and subsequently Gerischer (H. Gerische, 1966) who
took the first detailed electrochemical and photochemical studies of the semiconductor-
electrolyte interface.
6 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
The successful of DSSC has rekindled interest in tandem cells for water splitting by visible
light. Tandem cells are needed for two reasons. First, most metal oxide semiconductors
(such as WO3, Fe2O3 and TiO2) can only reduce or oxidize water, not both. Secondly, most of
the oxide semiconductors only absorb UV light. With DSSC can efficiently utilize the visible
light and TiO2 can reduce water, TiO2 DSSC are used as bottom electrode to absorb the
visible light and reduce water to hydrogen gas, which is in couple to the top electrode,
either crystalline WO3 (C. Santato, et al., 2001) or Fe2O3 (S. U. M. Khan & J. Akikusa, 1999) to
absorb the blue part of the sunlight. This configuration is in close analogy to the “Z-scheme”
of the photosynthesis of the green plants adsorbing complementary parts of the solar
spectrum, where one photosystem oxidizes water to oxygen and the other generate the
compound NADPH used in fixation of carbon dioxide. At present, the overall conversion
efficiency from standard solar light to chemical energy is 4.5%.
Further the idea of sensitization, but using quantum dots (QDs) instead of dye to be
attached to the semiconductor oxide matrix as light absorbers, we see the birth of the
quantum dots sensitized solar cells (QDSCs) in 1984 (N. Serpone, et al., 1984). Comparing to
DSSC, QDSSC has higher absorption, greater stability, wider tunable responsible
wavelength range, and importantly the possibility to exploit multiple exciton generation and
utilize hot electrons whose energy is higher than the low limit of conduction band (A. J.
Nozik, 2002). The solar efficiency of liquid junction QDSSCs has reach 4.9% at present (G.
Hodes, 2008; Q. X. Zhang, et al., 2011). The name of the third generation solar cells are given
to devices (M. A. Green, 2003) aim to overcome the Shockley-Queisser limit of single
junction or single band gap devices (33.7%), even the limit of an infinite stack of band gaps
that perfectly matched to the solar spectrum (68%), and large-scale implementation. In
principle, sunlight can be converted to electricity at efficiency close to Carnot limit of 93%.
QDSSCs are very promising third generation solar cells due to their potential of achieving
competitive cost-efficiency ratio. DSSCs are second generation solar cells with the possibility
to become third generation devices if the efficiency can be largely improved.
3. PV cells
3.1 Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
DSSCs differ from conventional semiconductor devices in that they separate the function of
light absorption from charge carrier transport, which solves the instability problem of
narrow bandgap semiconductors using the concept very close to compositing. Dye
sensitizer absorbs the incident sunlight (Fig.2 (M. Gratzel, 2004)) and exploits the light
energy to induce vectorial electron transfer reaction. DSSC has the following advantages
comparing with the Si based photovoltaics (D. Wei, 2010). (1) It is not sensitive to the defects
in semiconductors such as defects in Si. It was found that the charge transport of photo-
generated electrons passing the nanocrystalline particles and grain boundaries is highly
efficient (U. Wurfel, et al., 2008). (2) The semiconductor-electrolyte interface (SEI) is easy to
form and it is cost effective for production. (3) It is possible to realize the direct energy
transfer from photons to chemical energy using nanoporous structures that offer a
enormous surface area (1000 fold enhancement comparing a monolyer) for the adsorption of
dye molecules. Other names for DSSC are dye-sensitized nanostructured solar cells,
mesoscopic injection solar cells, nanosolar cells, the artificial leaves, or Gratzel cells (A.
Hagfeldt, et al., 2010). (4) It is a cheaper alternative to silicon solar cells.
Solar Nanocomposite Materials 7
Fig. 2. Sensitization effect. DSSCs can convert visible light into electricity while TiO2 only
Because of the encapsulation problem posed by liquid in the conventional wet DSSC, much
work has also been done on an all solid DSSC (U. Bach, et al., 1998). To construct a full solid-
state DSSC, a solid p-type conductor should be chosen to replace the liquid electrolyte. The
redox levels of the dye and p-type materials have to be adapted carefully to result in an
electron in the conduction band of n-type semiconductors (e.g., TiO2, ZnO (H. Tsubomura,
et al., 1976), SnO2, SrTiO3) and a hole localized on the p-type conductor (e.g., CuI (K.
Tennakone, et al., 1998), CuSCN (B. Oregan & D. T. Schwartz, 1995)). Solid DSSC has also
been fabricated using TiO2 and conducting polymers (polypyrrole (K. Murakoshi, et al., 1998)
and polyaniline (S. Ameen, et al., 2009)) and low bandgap polymer (W. S. Shin, et al., 2007).
Solid state DSSCs based on ionic liquids were also reported to enhance the conversion
efficiency (P. Wang, et al., 2003), and the non-volatile character of ionic liquids offers the
easy packaging for printable DSSCs.
Plastic and solid state DSSCs incorporating single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) have
been fabricated (N. Ikeda & T. Miyasaka, 2007). When employing SWNT as conducting
scaffolds in a TiO2 based DSSC, the photoconversion efficiency can be boosted by a factor of
2 (A. Kongkanand, et al., 2007). Graphene was also introduced to the study of DSSC
recently. Transparent, conductive and ultrathin graphene films are used as an alternative to
the ubiquitously employed metal oxides window electrodes in DSSCs (X. Wang, et al., 2008).
In terms of publications, ZnO is so far the runner up to TiO2, mainly attributed to the
relative ease of synthesizing highly crystalline ZnO with various morphologies, such as
nanoparticles, nanowires, nanorods, nanotubes, tetrapods, nanoflowers, nanosheets and
branched nanostructures. Nanostructured ZnO has been synthesized via a wide range of
techniques. Historically, ZnO was one of the first semiconductors used in DSSCs (H.
Tsubomura, et al., 1976). The band gap of ZnO is similar to TiO2 (Fig.1). ZnO has higher
electron mobility than TiO2, which should favor electron transport. However, ZnO is not
chemically stable; it dissolves under both acidic and basic conditions. Other metal oxides
used in DSSCs include SnO2, SrTiO3 and others.
8 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
DSSC is the only solar cell that can offer both flexibility and transparency. Solid state and
printable DSSCs will have a promising future for the development of efficient and flexible
optoelectronics (S. Gunes & N. S. Sariciftci, 2008). Their efficiency is comparable to
amorphous silicon solar cells but with a much lower cost, longer lasting and work at wide
angles. Also, DSCCs work more efficiently in indoor light because dye absorbs diffuse
sunlight and fluorescent lighting (D. Wei, 2010).
A challenging but realizable goal for the present DSSC technology is to achieve efficiencies
above 15%. It requires developing dye-electrolyte systems that give efficient regeneration of
the oxidized dye at a driving force of 0.2-0.4 V (A. Hagfeldt, et al., 2010). DSSCis a good
example of a system where the function of the overall device is better than predicted from
the sum of the properties of its components (A. Hagfeldt, et al., 2010). The nanostructured
TiO2 electrode does not conduct any electrical current and itself is a very good insulator. The
conventional N3 dye dissolved in a solution degrades after a few hours under light. But
when these are brought together in a well-working device, the solar cell conducts electrical
current up to 20 mA/cm2 and the dye will stable for more than 15 years in outdoor solar
radiation. Therefore, the photovoltaic function is the emergent property of the device that is
made of the individual entities of the semiconductor, the sensitizer and the electrolytes.
The future directions for the development of DSSCs include (1) organic dyes that can extend
light absorption into the near infrared with good photo and thermal stability (K.
Kalyanasundaram & M. Gratzel, 1998), (2) synthesis and modification of various type of
TiO2, or other semiconductors, nanomaterials (X. B. Chen & S. S. Mao, 2006), and (3)
modification of the physical properties of TiO2 nanostructures to extend optical absorption
into the visible region (X. B. Chen, et al., 2005; S. U. M. Khan, et al., 2002).
Solar Nanocomposite Materials 9
cells are (G. Hodes, 2008) : (1) Multiple layer absorption of QDs on the mesoporous oxide
surface compared to a monolyer of absorbed dye might hindrance the electron transfer rate
from the QD to the oxide. (2) Different electrolytes are used (I. Mora-Sero & J. Bisquert,
2010). The polyiodide electrolyte used in DSSC might be also beneficial to QDSSC.
However, the choice of electrolyte will depend on the specific adsorbing semiconductor
used, and no optimized electrolyte system has been obtained. (3) The presence of
considerable surface charge traps on absorbed QDs which increases recombination.
Passivation of surface states on the QDs can be done, after deposition of the QDs to the
oxide, by coating the QDs with suitable band-aligned semiconductor shell or by adsorbing
long chain organic passiviting molecules onto the QDs. Passivation of the QD-Oxide
interface might be pre-deposition of a buffer layer or small molecules on the oxide before
QD deposition. Wide band gap semiconductor ZnS has coated on the surface of CdS QDs
that were grown in situ on TiO2 inverse opal and led to a higher efficiency due to the
decrease of QD surface traps (L. J. Diguna, et al., 2007b).
A recent study presented CdS QDSSC based on a mesoporous TiO2 film with remarkable
stability using I-/I-3 electrolyte (M. Shalom, S. Dor, et al., 2009). Chemical Bath Deposition
(CBD) was used to deposit the CdS QDs within the porous network. A thin coating of the QD
sensitized film with an amorphous TiO2 layer has improved the performance and photo-
stability of the solar cell, which confirmed the hypothesis that the coating passivates QD
surface states which act as hole traps and are responsible for photodegradation of the
device. In addition, this coating decreased the recombination of electrons from the CdS QDs
and the mesoporous TiO2 into the electrolyte solution. A total light to electric power
conversion efficiency of 1.24% was achieved.
The conduction and valence bands levels of QDs play an important role in dictating capture
of photogenerated electrons and holes at the interface. Both CdSe and CdTe QDs bind
strongly to TiO2 through a linker molecule, and inject electrons into TiO2 with an ultrafast
rate under bandgap excitation. CdTe has a more negative conduction band (-1.25V vs NHE,
normal hydrogen electrode) compared to CdSe (-1.2V vs NHE) and hence injects electrons
into TiO2 nanoparticles at a faster rate. The reactivity of photogenerated holes with the
sulfide electrolyte, however, determines their suitability in QDSSCs (J. H. Bang & P. V.
Kamat, 2009). CdSe remains regenerative during the operation of QDSSC as the
photogenerated holes are scavenged by S2- ions. A maximum Incident Photo to Charge
conversion efficiency (IPCE) of 70% shows the suitability of this system in a
photoelectrochemical solar cell. The scenario is, however, different for CdTe-based QDSC.
The formation of a CdS shell and the inability to scavenge photogenerated holes make CdTe
a poor candidate for QDSCs. A series of other redox couples were used in the
photoelectrochemical cells as a replacement of the S2-/Sn2- , none of them seems to provide
the required photostability for the CdTe QD electrodes; most of them immediately corrode
CdTe QDs even under ambient conditions. Despite the fast electron injection rate was
observed, it has a poor external quantum efficiency (3%) (J. H. Bang & P. V. Kamat, 2009).
The difference in the performance of these two systems has been understood based on the
position of their valence bands (0.53V in CdSe and 0.1V in CdTe). The energy levels of
valence bands are such that redox couples such as a sulfide/polysulfide couple (-0.5V)
scavenge holes only from CdSe and not from CdTe. This failure to scavenge photogenerated
holes results in the degradation of CdTe. Hence, the choice of CdTe for the operation of
QDSSCs (i.e., photoelectrochemical cells) currently poses a serious challenge.
10 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
There are generally two methods are adopted to realize QDs sensitizers over mesoporous
TiO2 films: (1) direct growth of the QDs on the TiO2 photoanode surface by chemical bath
deposition (CBD) or by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR); (2) pre-
synthesized colloidal QDs attached to the electrode surface directly or with the aid of
bifunctional linker molecules. These methods sometimes are combined in order to achieve
co-sensitized deposition (L. Yin & C. Ye, 2011; Q. X. Zhang, et al., 2011). For example, CdSe
can be pre-synthesized in a colloidal form with different shapes and sizes that may be
directly attached to the wide band gap semiconductors (the electron-transport matrix) (S.
Gimenez, et al., 2009; N. Guijarro, et al., 2009) or through bifunctional linker molecules (H. J.
Lee, et al., 2008; I. Mora-Sero, et al., 2008; I. Robel, et al., 2006). It has also been directly
grown on the surface on a wide gap semiconductor by CBD (L. J. Diguna, et al., 2007a; O.
Niitsoo, et al., 2006; Q. Shen, et al., 2008), SILAR (H. Lee, et al., 2009) or electrodeposition (C.
Levy-Clement, et al., 2005).
In QDSSC, the diameter of QDs anchored on the photoanode generally ranges from 3 to 8
nm, much larger than that of dyes. For the normal nanoparticle-based TiO2 film, its inner
pores are much easier to be blocked while depositing QDs. Other factors such as TiO2
morphology, surface area, inner pore structure etc. will strongly influence the QDs loading
and cell performance. Of course, optical confinement and light scattering effect to improve
the light absorption efficiency are also necessary. Aiming at improving the efficient
assembly of the QDs onto the TiO2 photoanode, the influence of structural properties of
various TiO2 photoanodes on the photovoltaic performance of CdS/CdSe- QDSSCs has been
systematically investigated (Q. X. Zhang, et al., 2011). The results revealed that unlike
conventional DSSCs, the main contribution of the scattering layer to QDSSCs is adjusting
the aperture distribution of TiO2 working electrode for CdS/CdSe deposition, extending the
light path length and decreasing the electron recombination. In the meantime, an
introduction of large size 300 nm TiO2 particles into the photoanode can achieve a wider
pore size distribution from several nanometers to over 50 nanometers for effective
CdS/CdSe coverage on the surface of TiO2 photoanodes as well as facilitating the
polysulfide electrolyte penetration in the TiO2 films. A double-layer photoanodic structure
can gave 4.92% of light-to-electricity conversion efficiency with 0.15 cm2 of photoactive area,
which is among the best results for the QDSSCs.
To harvest as much as possible the solar energy, combination of the absorber materials with
varied band gap (nanocomposite absorbers) have been tested (V. Gonzalez-Pedro, et al., 2010;
Y. L. Lee & Y. S. Lo, 2009; O. Niitsoo, et al., 2006). An interesting study shows that CdS and
CdSe QDs have a complementary effect in light harvesting and the performance of a QDs
co-sensitized solar cell is strongly dependent on the order of CdS and CdSe respected to the
TiO2 (Fig.3 a&b. TiO2/CdS(3)/CdSe(4) means TiO2 nanoporous film was deposited CdS
QDs by 3 CBD cycles followed by deposition of CdSe by 4 CBD cycles) (Y. L. Lee & Y. S. Lo,
2009). In the cascade structure of TiO2/CdS/CdSe electrode, the re-organization of energy
levels (Fig.3c) between CdS and CdSe forms a stepwise structure of band-edge levels which
is advantageous to the electron injection and hole-recovery of CdS and CdSe QDs. An
energy conversion efficiency of 4.22% is achieved using a TiO2/CdS/CdSe/ZnS electrode,
under the illumination of one sun (AM1.5, 100 mW cm-2). The present of CdS between TiO2
and CdSe does not inhibit the transport of excited electron from CdSe to TiO2, but it is not
the case when you switch CdS and CdSe. In the long-wavelength region where only CdSe
can be photoexcited, the IPCE increment of the TiO2/CdS/CdSe device, with respect to that
Solar Nanocomposite Materials 11
of TiO2/CdSe, indicates that the presence of CdS between TiO2 and CdSe should take the
responsibility for the performance enhancement of the TiO2/CdS/CdSe device (Fig.3b).
12 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
device in the long-wavelength region, compared with the TiO2/CdSe device. When both
CdS and CdSe are photoexcited under white light illumination, the stepwise structure of the
band edges is advantageous not only to the electron injection but also to the hole-recovery
for both the inner CdS and outer CdSe layers. On the contrary, in the TiO2/ CdSe/CdS
device, the conduction and valence bands edges of intermediate CdSe will be higher
respected to those of CdS. In such an energy structure, energy barriers exist for injecting an
excited electron from outer CdS layer and transferring a hole out of inner CdSe, which
causes a low IPCE of the TiO2/CdSe/CdS device.
It is possible to design both injection and recombination in QDSSC by the appropriate use of
molecular dipoles and conformal coatings via energy level alignment (E. M. Barea, et al., 2010;
M. Shalom, S. Ruhle, et al., 2009). Mesoporous TiO2 electrodes were coated with "in situ"
grown CdSe semiconductor nanocrystals by CBD. Surface modification of the CdSe
sensitized electrodes by conformal ZnS coating and grafting of molecular dipoles (DT) has
been explored to both increase the injection from QDs into the TiO2 matrix and reduce the
recombination of the QD sensitized electrodes. Different sequences of both treatments have
been tested aiming at boosting the energy conversion efficiency of the devices. The obtained
results showed that the most favorable sequence of the surface treatment (DT+ZnS) led to a
dramatic 600% increase of photovoltaic performance compared to the reference electrode
(without modification), and efficiency 1.60% under full 1 sun illumination was obtained (E.
M. Barea, et al., 2010).
Ag2S has an energy band gap of Eg~1.1eV (Fig.1), which is equal to the optimal band-gap of
1.13 eV for a PV cells (A. Marti & G. L. Araujo, 1996). Ag2S QDs were synthesized using
successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) deposition (A. Tubtimtae, et al.,
2010). A 0.1 M AgNO3 ethanol solution was prepared by dissolving AgNO3 crystals in
ethanol, then stirring vigorously for 30 min. A TiO2 electrode was dipped into the 25°C
AgNO3 solution for 1 min, washed with ethanol, then dipped into a 0.1 M Na2S methanol
solution for 3 min. The two-step procedure forms one SILAR cycle, and was repeated
several times. The assembled Ag2S-QD solar cells yield a best power conversion efficiency of
1.70% and a short-circuit current of 1.54 mA/cm2 under 10.8% sun. The solar cells have a
maximal external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 50% at =530 nm and an average EQE about
42% over the spectral range of 400–1000 nm. The effective photovoltaic range covers the
visible and near infrared spectral regions and is 2–4 times broader than that of the cadmium
chalcogenide systems, the CdS and CdSe. The results show that Ag2S QDs can be used as a
highly efficient and broadband sensitizer for solar cells.
To increase the light absorption and raise the photoelectric conversion efficiency, porous
oxide semiconductor is frequently used as one of the electrodes. One dimensional
nanomaterials, such as nanotubes (D. R. Baker & P. V. Kamat, 2009; A. Kongkanand, et al.,
2008), nanowires and nanorods (A. Belaidi, et al., 2008), and inversed opals (L. J. Diguna, et
al., 2007a; K. Shankar, et al., 2009) are also excellent candidates (K. Shankar, et al., 2009; Y.
Tak, et al., 2009). QD-SSC was designed and prepared by using CdS/CdSe co-sensitized
TiO2 nanotubes (TNT) on Ti wire and a highly active Cu2S counter electrode (Fig.4). By
optimizing the CdSe deposition time and length of nanotubes, a best efficiency of 3.18% was
obtained under AM1.5 illumination (100mW cm−2). It is revealed that there are several
advantages of this fibrous QD-SSC based on TNT: (1) the conflict between illumination and
opaque electrodes is effectively solved, in contrast to the situation based on Ti foil; (2) many
more kinds of counter electrodes can be selected, giving the possibility of better photovoltaic
performance and (3) it is flexible, of low serial resistance and easily weaved and integrated.
Solar Nanocomposite Materials 13
Fig. 4. Fibrous CdS/CdSe QDs co-sensitized solar cells based on ordered TiO2 nanotube
Therefore, the fibrous QD-SSC is expected to have a potential application in the future (S. Q.
Huang, et al., 2010).
In summary, nanocomposite QDSSCs work through two beneficial effects, (1) broaden
spectral absorption range and (2) interaction between different absorbing parts reducing the
overall recombination. QDSSCs have experienced rapid growth over the past two decades,
and hold promising advantages over DSSCs. To achieve efficiency higher than the current
record of 4.9%, the future directions in QDSSCs include (1) developing strategies to organize
ordered assembles of two or more components (QDs and other semiconductors, metals,
polymers) on electrode surfaces (J. Chen, et al., 2009), and gaining thorough understanding
of the charge separation and transport (M. Shalom, S. Ruhle, et al., 2009); (2) developing new
QDs that can harvest infrared photons to broaden the photo-response in the solar spectrum;
(3) developing techniques to harvest hot (W. A. Tisdale, et al., 2010) or multiple charge
carriers generated in QDs (A. J. Nozik, 2002); (4) synthesis and modification of various type
of TiO2, or other semiconductors, nanomaterials (X. B. Chen & S. S. Mao, 2006; Y. J. Lin, et
al., 2009), and (5) modification of the physical properties of TiO2 nanostructures to extend
optical absorption into the visible region (X. B. Chen, et al., 2005; S. U. M. Khan, et al., 2002).
14 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
semiconductor nanocrystals can be tailored during the synthesis process before the organic
phase is incorporated. Conjugated polymers offer an attractive approach for increasing solar
cell efficiencies because their band gaps and energy levels can be engineered by modifying
their chemical structure (M. K. Siddiki, et al., 2010).
The highest theoretical energy conversion coefficiency for a single-junction polymer solar
cell is about 10-13% for a polymer with a band gap of 1.5 eV (M. C. Scharber, et al., 2006).
Multi-junction structures have appeared as a promising solution to achieve higher
efficiency. Currently, a maximum 7.9% efficiency has been obtained (M. K. Siddiki, et al.,
2010). New materials for broad spectrum light harvesting, highly efficient interfacial layer
materials as both protection and recombination layer, and novel device designs are needed
to increase the efficiency for large scale applications.
Tandem solar cells, in which two solar cells with different absorption characteristics are
linked to use a wider range of the solar spectrum, has been fabricated with each layer
processed from solution with the use of bulk heterojunction materials comprising
semiconducting polymers and fullerene derivatives (J. Y. Kim, et al., 2007). A transparent
titanium oxide (TiOx) layer separates and connects the front cell and the back cell. The TiOx
layer serves as an electron transport and collecting layer for the first cell and as a stable
foundation that enables the fabrication of the second cell to complete the tandem cell
architecture. An inverted structure was used with the low band-gap polymer-fullerene
composite as the charge-separating layer in the front cell and the high band-gap polymer
composite as that in the back cell. Power-conversion efficiencies of more than 6% were
achieved at illuminations of 200 mW/cm2.
Solar Nanocomposite Materials 15
production would make it possible to compete for the over $500B per year the US spends on
Currently, most of the hydrogen is produced from methane-steam reforming (E. Kikuchi, et
al., 2000), which consumes energy and produces green house gases emissions, mainly,
carbon dioxide (W. Dougherty, et al., 2009). In contrast, the photoelectrochemical water-
splitting process is a zero-emission process that only uses freely available solar energy (A.
Currao, 2007). The problems of direct photochemical conversion of solar energy into
hydrogen fall into the following categories: (1) inefficient use of solar spectrum for the
generation of excitons (Wide bandgap semiconductors TiO2, SrTiO3, KTaO3 that can split
water directly use only UV wavelengths 4% of the total energy), (2) exciton recombination,
and (3) inefficient use of dissociated electrons and holes in catalysis. Ever since the discovery
of water-splitting by Fujishima and Honda in 1972 (A Fujishima & K. Honda, 1972),
numerous studies have discussed these issues heavily to find a strong candidate material
that overcomes these problems. The properties, size, geometry and compositions of
materials are the keys to modify the material activity to improve hydrogen production (M.
Ni, et al., 2007). Many tested semiconductors are either unstable in aqueous solution (CdS),
or their band gap is too large to use light efficiently (SnO2) (M. Matsuoka, et al., 2007). TiO2
is chosen as the most stable semiconductor in water, but its large bandgap (3.2 eV) results in
poor solar energy conversion. Currently, the use of visible light responsive quantum dots
(including CdS, CdSe and PdSe) to improve the efficiency of TiO2-based photovoltaics is an
area of active exploration (T. Lopez-Luke, et al., 2008).
The advantage of photo-electro-chemical water splitting over water electrolyzing using solar
PV cells. The current commercially available electrolyzers have electricity to hydrogen
conversion efficiencies of up to 85%. To achieve a current density of about 1A/cm2 that is
normally used in electrolyzers, a cell voltage of 1.9V is required. Since the thermodynamic
potential required for water splitting is 1.23eV, the energy conversion efficiency has an
upper limit of 1.23/1.9=65% for the electrolyzers. Therefore, the PV-electrolyzer efficiency is
limited to ~8% (O. Khaselev, et al., 2001; R. Van De Krol, et al., 2008). On the other hand,
solar hydrogen production via direct photocatalytical reaction can be much higher, for
example 16.8% for using a single semiconductor (A. B. Murphy, et al., 2006). Other
advantages include the avoid of the significant fabrication and systems costs involved with
the use of separate electrolyzers that are wired to p-n junction solar cells, and the easiness
that an electric field can be created at a semiconductor-liquid junction (A. Heller, 1981).
Photoelectrochemical splitting of water involves the use of a semiconductor to convert solar
energy into electrochemical energy and using it to split water. Advanced concepts in solar-
fuel conversion share much in common with many third-generation concepts for solar cells.
Suitable photo-electrode materials for efficient solar hydrogen generation have to fulfill the
following requirement: (1) strong (visible) light absorption, (2) high chemical stability, (3)
suitable band edge positions to enable reduction/oxidation of water, (4) efficient charge
transport in the semiconductor, (5) low overpotential for the reduction/oxidation reaction,
and (6) low cost (R. Van De Krol, et al., 2008).
The first requirement is related to solar spectrum and energy requirement for chemical
reaction. The minimum band gap of the semiconductor for photo water splitting is
determined by the energy required to split water (1.23 eV), plus the thermodynamic loss
(~0.4eV) (M. F. Weber & M. J. Dignam, 1986), and the over-potentials that are required to
16 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
ensure sufficient fast reaction kinetics (~0.3-0.4eV) (J. R. Bolton, et al., 1985; A. B. Murphy, et
al., 2006). So, the low limit of band gap is 1.9 eV, which corresponding to light wavelength
of 650 nm, in the lower energy red portion of the visible spectra. Since the sunlight intensity
drops rapidly below 400 nm (corresponding to 3.1 eV), the suitable band gap for the
semiconductors is 1.9~3.1eV, which is in the visible range of the solar spectrum. Murphy et
al. predicted a maximum efficiency of 16.8% for a hypothetically idea material with a band
gap of 2.03eV (A. B. Murphy, et al., 2006), which exceeds the 10% target by 2018 set the U.S.
Department of Energy for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production
(Us_Department_of_Energy, 2007). Higher efficiencies can be obtained using a multiple
band gap system. Nanocomposites are needed to construct a system to meet the requirement of
visible-light absorption.
The second requirement excludes non-protected direct use of most non-oxide
semiconductors, such as Si, GaAs, GaP, CdS, which either dissolve or form a thin oxide film
that prevent electron transfer across the semiconductor-electrolyte interface. For
thermodynamic stability, a semiconductor’s reductive and oxidative decomposition
potentials must be more negative than the semiconductor’s conduction band-edge for water
reduction or more positive than the semiconductor valence band-edge potential for water
oxidation, respectively (O. Khaselev & J. A. Turner, 1998b). Photo generated holes are able to
oxide most metal oxides, but photo-corrosion can be avoided if the charge transfer across
the interface to oxidize water is faster than the decomposition reaction. TiO2 and SnO2 show
excellent stability over a wide range of pH values and applied potential, while ZnO always
decomposes and the stability of Fe2O3 depends on the present of dopants, pH, and oxygen
stoichiometry (R. Shinar & J. H. Kennedy, 1982). Generally speaking, wide bandgap metal
oxides semiconductors are stable against photo-corrosion and small band gap
semiconductors are not, in contradiction to the first requirement. This is the so called
“duality principle” limitation of photoelectrolysis (N. S. Lewis, 2001). Therefore,
nanocomposites are needed to solve the photo-corrosion problem.
Fig.1 shows the band-edge positions of various semiconductors. For photo water splitting,
the conduction and valence band edges should straddle the reduction and oxidation
potential of water: the conduction edge should above Ered(H+/H2) and the valence edge
should below Eox(OH-/O2). Most non-oxide semiconductors are able to reduce, but not
oxidize water; and most oxide semiconductors are able to oxidize, but not reduce water.
After photo-excitation and charge separation in an n-type semiconductor, holes in the VB
diffuse to the semiconductor-liquid interface to oxidize water. The large difference between
the VB of oxide semiconductors (~3eV vs NHE, cf. Fig.1) and the oxygen evolution reaction
(OER) potential (1.23 eV vs NHE) indicate, much of the excess energy (~1.77eV) is wasted by
thermal relaxation. Therefore, the efficiencies converting sunlight to O2 of most photoanodes
are very low.
Wide band gap metal oxide semiconductors absorb only a small portion of the solar
spectrum (UV part). By using a tandem cell approach, the remaining part of the spectrum
can be used to provide the additional bias voltage required for the reduction reaction. For
example, a separated DSSC was used to provide a bias voltage to WO3 or Fe2O3 photo-anode
(involving two separated devices). An efficiency of 4.5% was achieved for WO3 photo-anode
(M. Gratzel, 2001), which is close to the theoretical efficiency WO3 (A. B. Murphy, et al.,
2006). Using highly efficient dendritic α−Fe2O3 photo-anodes, overall solar-to-hydrogen
efficient 2.2% are reached (A. Kay, et al., 2006). A monolithic tandem cell (involving only a
Solar Nanocomposite Materials 17
single-device) based on a p-type CaInP2 photo-cathode biased by a GaAs p-n junction solar
cell was fabricated, and the solar-to-chemical conversion efficiency is 12.4% (O. Khaselev &
J. A. Turner, 1998a). The shortcomings of this device are high cost and severe photo-
corrosion problem. Amorphous silicon (a-Si) is much cheaper than GaAs-based materials.
The a-Si/WO3 hybrid photo-electrodes show solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiencies of
1% in out-door test (E. L. Miller, et al., 2005). A particular challenge for such device
fabrication is to deposit the metal oxides at sufficiently low temperatures (<300oC) to avoid
degradation of the underlying a-Si junctions.
In the composite particle systems, a hetero-junction forms between two component-particles.
Due to the different energetic positions of the conduction and valences edges, the electrons
are transported to one component-particle, while the holes move to the other one. The
effective charge separation in such systems limits the recombination of photo-excitons;
hence improve the sun-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency. In the mixed-particle systems, this
concept is taken a step further by perform the oxidation and reduction of water on two
different particles that are not in direct contact. To ensure a complete redox reaction at each
individual particle, a redox mediator, for example I-/IO3 (K. Sayama, et al., 2001), is used to
transport electrons from the oxygen evolving particles to their hydrogen evolving
Even though several semiconductors have band-edge positions that are appropriate for
water reduction or oxidation, the kinetics of these reactions on the bare semiconductor
surface generally limit the efficiency. Addition of a co-catalyst to the surface can improve
the reaction kinetics. Pt is the frequently used co-catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
(HER). Nobel metals and transition metals, such as Au, Ag, Cu and Ni, can be also effective
and cheaper (N. Alenzi, et al., 2010; M. G. Walter, et al., 2010). On the other hand RuO2, IrO2
can be effective co-catalysts for OER (M. G. Walter, et al., 2010). When the noble metals are
loaded to the surface of a semiconductor, they act as electron traps because their lower
Fermi energy level than the semiconductor, facilitating electron-hole separation and
promotes interfacial electron transfer process (V. Subramanian, et al., 2001). In addition,
surface plasmon resonances of noble metal particles, which can be excited by visible light,
increase the electric field around metal particles and thus enhance the surface electron
excitation and electron-hole separation on noble metal-doped semiconductor particles (Y. M.
Cho & W. Y. Choi, 2002; E. Kowalska, et al., 2010). The role played by the co-catalyst is
extremely important. It improves overall photocatalytical activity of the water splitting. In
many cases, the photo-catalyst is only able to evolve either hydrogen or oxygen gas, not
both at the same time. If only hydrogen (oxygen) evolves, a sacrificial electron donor
(accepter) must be present to ensure the stoichiometric consumption of electrons and holes.
The sacrificial systems are of considerable interest because they permit the study of
electrode reactions. Methanol is almost always used as a sacrificial electron donor (hole
scavenger) (E. L. Miller, et al., 2005).
4.1 CdS
CdS is a fascinating visible light-driven photocatalyst for water splitting having a band-
gap energy of 2.4 eV. Its CB and VB positions are very suitable for HER and OER,
respectively. However, CdS is very unstable toward photocorrosion due to serious self
oxidation of the photogenerated holes in the valence band (2h+vb+CdS→Cd2++S). CdS
nanocrystals, nanowires, and nanorods were synthesized and used to study photo
18 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
hydrogen production using sacrificial reagents under visible light irradiation (N. Bao, et
al., 2007; J. S. Jang, et al., 2007; Y. Li, et al., 2009). A high quantum yield of about 60%
measured(N. Z. Bao, et al., 2008) at 420 nm was obtained for hydrogen production over
nanoporous CdS nanostructures attributed the high efficiency to the efficient charge
separation, fast transport of the photo-generated carriers, and fast photochemical reaction
at the CdS/electrolyte interface.
Among the CdS composites, CdS-TiO2 has attracted the most extensive research (X. B. Chen,
et al., 2010; T. Y. Peng, et al., 2008). Both the conduction and valence band edges of CdS are
at more negative potentials than those of TiO2 (cf. Fig.1). Under visible-light irradiation, the
photogenerated electrons in the CdS particles quickly transfer to TiO2 particles, whereas
photogenerated holes stay in CdS. This facilitates the electron-hole separation and prevents
the charge recombination, improving the photocatalytical activity.
CdS-Au-TiO2 heterojunction was developed where CdS, TiO2 and the electro-transfer
medium Au were all spatially fixed. This three-component system exhibits a high
photocatalytical activity, far exceeding those of the single- and two-component systems, as a
result of vectorial electron transfer driven by the excitation of both TiO2 and CdS (H. Tada,
et al., 2006). General speaking, a Z-scheme water splitting involve two step photo-excitation
under visible light irradiation mimicking the nature photosynthesis of green plants (K.
Sayama, et al., 2002). The Z-scheme system consisted of a H2-evolution photocatalyst (PS1),
an O2-evolution photocatalyst (PS2), and a reversible redox mediator (Ox/Red) which acts
separately as electro donor (PS1) and acceptor (PS2) for the respective half reaction and
which is different from irreversible sacrificial reagents used in conventional systems. CdS-
Au-TiO2 is an all-solid-state Z scheme (PS1:CdS, PS2:TiO2 and Au is the electro-transfer
system). The electron supply from TiO2 to CdS via Au restricts the self-decomposition of
CdS due to the oxidation of surface S2- ions by the photogenerated holes in CdS. In a Z-
scheme system, H2 and O2 are evolved separately from two different photocatalysts, which
restrains the back-reaction of water decomposition to some extent.
In the CdS, TiO2 and Pt system (H. Park, et al., 2008), the direct particle to particle contact of
CdS and TiO2, and the photodeposition of Pt on the TiO2 particle surface which resulted in
the vectorial electron transfer of CdS →TiO2 →Pt were necessary to achieve efficient charge
separation and transfer, hence the observed highest photoactivity of the CdS/(Pt-TiO2)
hybrid catalyst. The photocatalytic activity of CdS could be enhanced significantly by
loading a small amount of a noble metal sulfide (PdS, Rh2S3, Ru2S3), as well as a noble metal
(Pt, Pd, Ru, Rh) (H. J. Yan, et al., 2009). Moreover, co-deposition of Pt with other noble metal
sulfides on CdS demonstrated further enhanced photoactivity in hydrogen production; the
photocatalytical activity of CdS co-deposited with Pt and PdS was greater than those of
Pt/CdS and PdS/CdS. This synergistic effect between the Pt and PdS cocatalysts could be
explained by the fact that the two cocatalysts may facilitate separation of the photogenerated
electrons and holes on the photocatalyst.
Nanostructured Ag2S/CdS were synthesized by a two-step precipitation method with
Ag2S (cf. Fig.1) (S. H. Shen, et al., 2010), the photoactivity was evaluated by hydrogen
evolution from aqueous solution containing Na2S/Na2SO3 as a hole scavenger under
simulated solar light (AM1.5). When the concentration of Ag2S was 5% by weight,
Ag2S/CdS showed the highest photocatalytical activity for hydrogen evolution due to the
efficient electron-hole separation, with the solar-hydrogen energy conversion efficiency
approximately 0.7%.
Solar Nanocomposite Materials 19
The transition-metal sulfides have also been developed as novel cocatalysts. The CdS
activity was enormously increased by loading with MoS2, even higher than that of Pt-loaded
CdS under the same reaction conditions (X. Zong, et al., 2010). The better coupling between
the structures and electronic configurations of MoS2 and CdS together, and the formation of
junctions between CdS and MoS2, improved the charge separation and were mainly
responsible for the high activity of this MoS2/CdS catalyst. The MoS2 activated the
photocatalyst by reducing the electrochemical proton reduction overpotential (F. A. Frame
& F. E. Osterloh, 2010).
CdSe and CdS have been used to co-sensitize nitrogen doped TiO2 (N:TiO2) (J. Hensel, M.
Canin, et al., 2010). The CdSe/CdS/N:TiO2 electrodes has much higher
photoelectrochemical (PEC) response as well as incident photon to charge efficiency (IPCE)
than the CdSe/CdS/TiO2 electrodes. This was attributed to increased hole transport from
CdS to oxygen vacancy levels introduced into the TiO2 upon nitrogen doping. This
increased hole transport reduces undesired electron hole recombination in the CdS layer
that otherwise tends to reduce PEC performance. The results demonstrate the importance of
engineering the band structure of metal oxide nanocomposite structures for PEC and other
In a heterostructure where a CdSe seed encapsulated in a CdS rod which is tipped with a Pt
particle (Fig.5) (L. Amirav & A. P. Alivisatos, 2010), the holes were three-dimensionally
confined to the CdSe seed while the delocalized electrons were transferred to the metal tip,
so the electrons were separated from the holes over three different components and by the
tunable physical length of the CdS rod. By tuning the nanorod heterostructure length and
the size of the seed, the hydrogen production acitivity was significantly increased compared
to that of the unseeded rods. This structure was highly active for hydrogen production with
an apparent quantum yield of 20% at 450 nm wave length. There was also a demonstrated
improved stability compare to CdS rods without CdSe seeding. Among all the systems
To improve their photocatalytical stability and photoactivity, sulfides, such as CdS, have
been intercalated into the layers of some layered metal oxide. The photocatalytical activities
for hydrogen evolution of CdS-intercalated composites were superior to those of CdS alone
or to a physical mixture of CdS and the metal oxides (W. F. Shangguan, 2007). The
improvement was attributed to the quick transfer of the photogenerated electrons from CdS
to the metal oxides through the layered nanostructure.
4.2 AgCl/AgBr
Thin silver chloride (AgCl) layers evolve oxygen under UV/vis illumination in aqueous
solution under appropriate conditions. AgCl deposited on a conducting support
photocatalyzes the oxidation of water to O2 in the presence of a small excess of silver ions
in solution. The light sensitivity in the visible part of the spectrum is due to self-
sensitization caused by reduced silver clusters which has CB significantly positive that
that of AgCl (D. Schurch, et al., 2002). Considerable improvement of sensitivity has been
observed with AgBr sensitized AgCl photoanodes. Similar to CdS and CdSe, the bandgap
edges of AgBr straddle the HER and OER potentials (cf. Fig.1). The AgCl photoanode was
combined with hydrogen-producing semiconductors, a platinized silicon solar cell or
platinized p-GaInP2 to reduce water to hydrogen. Direct water splitting use AgBr only has
not been performed yet.
20 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
4.3 InVO4
InVO4 has band gap of about 2.0 eV (Fig.1) and was found to be a new visible light
responding photocatalyst for water decomposition (J. H. Ye, et al., 2002). The photocatalyst
showed activity to visible light in a wide wavelength range up to 600 nm. The
photocatalytical water splitting activity increases significantly by loading NiO as a co-
catalyst. The evolution rate of H2 from water has achieved about 5 mol/(g·h) under visible
light ( >420nm) of a 300W Xe arc lamp.
The mesoporous photocatalyst InVO4 was synthesized by the template-directing self-
assembling method (L. X. Xu, et al., 2006). The crystal structure of InVO4 could be controlled
by changing the calcination temperature. Compared with the anatase TiO2 and conventional
InVO4, the mesoporous InVO4 was more responsive toward visible light. The evolution rate
of H2 from water over the mesoporous InVO4 achieved 1836 mol/(g·h) under UV light
irradiation, which was much higher than the anatase TiO2 and conventional InVO4.
4.4 CdSe
Nanocomposite materials based on visible-light-absorbing CdSe QDs and N-doped TiO2
nanoparticles and nanowire arrays with properties tailored for PEC hydrogen generation.
The experiments demonstrated that the synergistic effect of sensitization and elemental
doping significantly enhances the photoelectrochemical activities of the TiO2 nanostructured
photoanodes (Fig.6) (J. Hensel, G. M. Wang, et al., 2010). These composite nanostructures
show enhanced overall charge transport and improved PEC performance when the relevant
band gap states are properly aligned and utilized. Enhanced electron-hole separation and
hole transfer/transport through the oxygen vacancy states, Vo, mediated by N-doping has
Solar Nanocomposite Materials 21
been proposed to explain the observed experimental results. Such nanocomposite structures
simultaneously enhance visible light absorption and interfacial charge transfer. The results
provide useful insights for developing new nanostructures tailored for PEC hydrogen
generation and other applications via controlled band engineering.
22 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
which gains the required overvoltage necessary for sufficient water reduction reaction. As a
result, the significant enhancement of apparent quantum yield and a good stability was
obtained over the dye-sensitized 1.0 wt% CuO/TiO2 photocatalyst. The function of CuO is
to help the charge separation and to act as a water reduction size. In the presence of
triethanolamine, acetonitrile and triethylamine, the photocatalyst can catalyze hydrogen
evolution over 120 h. The highest quantum efficiency obtained was about 5.1%.
4.6 MoS2
Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is a layered semiconductor that exhibits both quantum
confinement and excellent catalytic activity for HER when nanostructured (J. Bonde, et al.,
2008; T. F. Jaramillo, et al., 2007). In the bulk, its conduction band sits below the HER
potential (J. P. Wilcoxon & G. A. Samara, 1995) and its band gap of 1.2 eV is too small to
drive water splitting without a bias. Nanostructured MoS2 could potentially alleviate these
limitations while further improving charge transport by minimizing the distance of travel
for photogenerated charge carriers. In addition, MoS2 is a material that has previously
exhibited excellent photocatalytical stability (H. Tributsch & J. C. Bennett, 1977) and is a
highly scalable, widely used industrial catalyst (R. R. Chianelli, et al., 2006) and solid
lubricant (C. Muratore & A. A. Voevodin, 2009).
MoS2 nanostructures were synthesized and their electrochemical activity was investigated
for hydrogen evolution and photoelectrochemical water splitting (Z. B. Chen, et al., 2010).
MoS2 nanoparticles were made using a reverse micelle encapsulation method and exhibit
quantum confinement of the indirect band gap up to 1.8 eV. A MoS2 double-gyroid bi-
continuous structure was made using an evaporation induced self assembly method. Both
nanostructures exhibit improved activity for the hydrogen evolution reaction versus bulk
MoS2. Photoelectrochemical activity was also observed in both nanostructures (Z. B. Chen,
et al., 2010).
UV-light irradiation to TiO2 in an aqueous ethanol solution of (NH4)2MoS4 under deaerated
conditions has yielded molybdenum (IV) sulfide nanoparticles on a TiO2 surface
(MoS2/TiO2). In HCOOH aqueous solutions, the MoS2/TiO2 system exhibits a high level of
photocatalytical activity for H2 generation (S. Kanda, et al., 2011).
4.7 WO3
WO3 has been suggested as a candidate material for PEC hydrogen production as earlier as
1976 (G. Hodes, et al., 1976). It can be fabricated using low-cost processes, such as anodic
oxidation, chemical vapor deposition, sol-gel as well as reactive sputtering (N. Gaillard, et
al., 2010). In the case of integration over low-cost amorphous silicon-based solar cells to
form hybrid-photo-electrode (HPE) device, reactive sputtering is of great interest because of
its low deposition temperature capabilities (from 200°C to 300°C). From an electrochemical
point of view, tungsten oxide corrosion resistance in acidic solutions has been already
demonstrated (M. A. Petit & V. Plichon, 1996) and its excellent behavior as a device under
various PEC operations has been widely reported (C. G. Granqvist, 2000; C. Santato, et al.,
2001). Due to its wide band gap (2.6eV), tungsten oxide framework or optoelectronic
properties modification using foreign element incorporation such as silicon, molybdenum or
nitrogen became of great interest. However, no modified tungsten oxide-based thin film
material has yet surpassed pure WO3 PEC performances, with a saturation photocurrent
density of approximately 3.0 mAcm-2 in acidic solution under AM1.5G illumination (R.
Solar Nanocomposite Materials 23
Solarska, et al., 2010), which is only 50% of the theoretical value based on pure WO3
bandgap (6% STH efficiency) (Z. B. Chen, et al., 2010), assuming a complete collection and
conversion to electronic current of photogenerated electron hole pairs. Thus, improvement
of tungsten oxide-based PEC devices performances is theoretically possible.
Polycrystalline WO3 thin films for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production were
investigated using photoelectron spectroscopy and inverse photoemission. A careful study
has minimized X-ray and electron beam-induced degradation and combined ultraviolet
photoelectron spectroscopy and inverse photoemission determined the surface positions of
the valence and conduction band edges, respectively, and the work function (i.e., the
position of the vacuum level). This allows to paint a completely experiment-based picture of
the WO3 surface level positions, which are of central relevance for the photoelectrochemical
activity of such surfaces (L. Weinhardt, et al., 2008). It was found that the WO3 surface to be
wide gap (3.28±0.14) eV and n-type, with the conduction band minimum 0.39±0.10 eV above
the Fermi level and 0.31±0.11 eV above the H+/H2 reduction potential. The valence band
maximum is 2.89±0.10 eV below the Fermi level and 1.74±0.11 eV below the H2O/O2
oxidation potential (L. Weinhardt, et al., 2008).
In both PV and PEC cells, improved performance and higher conversion efficiency can be
obtained using diode structures combining suitable n-type photoanodes and p-type
photocathodes which lead to efficient electron-hole separation (M. Gratzel, 2001; O.
Khaselev & J. A. Turner, 1998a; A. J. Nozik, 1976). A p-Cu2O (band gap 2.0eV)/n-WO3 (band
gap 2.6eV) coupling system was developed to avoid back reaction of the photo-induced
charges (C. C. Hu, et al., 2008), and resulted in higher photocatalytical hydrogen production.
Mo incorporation in the entire WO3 film (WO3-Mo) results in poor PEC performances, most
likely due to defects that trap photo generated charge earners. However, compared to a pure
WO3, a 20% increase of the photocurrent density at 16 V vs SCE is observed for WO3-Mo
based PEC electrode if the Mo incorporation is limited to the near-surface region of the WO3
film. The resulting WO3/WO3-Mo bilayer structure is formed by epitaxial growth of the
WO3-Mo top layer on the WO3 bottom layer, which allows an optimization of the electronic
structure induced by Mo incorporation while maintaining good crystallographic properties
(N. Gaillard, et al., 2009). The WO3-Mo films were found in a recent study (M. Bar, et al.,
2010) to be n-type with an electronic surface band gap of 3.27±0.15 eV. The conduction band
minimum (valence band maximum) is 0.64±0.10 eV above (2.63±0.10 eV below) the Fermi
level and at most 0.38±0.11 eV above the H+/H2 reduction potential (at least 1.66±0.11 eV
below the H2O/O2 oxidation potential). The conduction band of WO3:Mo is shifted upwards
(further away from the reduction potential compared to WO3) while maintaining a valence
band position which is still sufficiently low with respect to the oxidation potential) for PEC
operation. The findings suggest an explanation why WO3:Mo/WO3 bilayer structures show
improved photoelectrochemical performance compared to respective single layer
photoanodes (M. Bar, et al., 2010). The bilayer approach, i.e., the deliberate decoupling of the
tailored electrode surface from its bulk properties may open a new promising route for the
development of next-generation PEC materials.
A new device integration scheme was presented recently to increase photocurrent density
using highly textured substrates (HTS) (N. Gaillard, et al., 2010), which were obtained by
anisotropic etching of [100] silicon substrates in KOH solution. A very good coverage of
WO3 onto the silicon pyramids and a photocurrent doubling is observed when compared to
WO3 deposited on flat silicon substrates.
24 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
4.8 F2O3
Early studies identified haematite (α-Fe2O3) as potential photoanode material for water
splitting (J. H. Kennedy & K. W. Frese, 1977; J. H. Kennedy & M. Anderman, 1983; R. K.
Quinn, et al., 1976). Recent work has focused on developing films that could be used as part
of tandem photoelectrolysis cells, in which high energy photons are used to drive the
oxidation of water by photogenerated holes at the Fe2O3 surface, and lower energy photons
transmitted through the oxide are harvested by a solar cell that applies a bias voltage to the
photoelectrolysis cell. Recent optimization of the morphology and doping of nano-
structured thin films of Fe2O3 have resulted in substantial improvements in the photocurrent
response (I. Cesar, et al., 2009; S. Saremi-Yarahmadi, K. G. U. Wijayantha, et al., 2009; S.
Saremi-Yarahmadi, A. A. Tahir, et al., 2009).
Photoelectrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (PEIS) has been used to characterize the
kinetics of electron transfer and recombination taking place during oxygen evolution at
illuminated polycrystalline α-Fe2O3 electrodes prepared by aerosol-assisted chemical vapor
deposition from a ferrocene precursor (K. G. U. Wijayantha, et al., 2011). The complex
potential dependence of the rate constants for these two processes highlights the non-ideal
nature of the α-Fe2O3–electrolyte interface arising from photogenerated surface species.
Efficient water splitting in a tandem photoelectrochemical cell using α-Fe2O3 as a
photoanode requires that the photocurrent onset should be as close to the flatband potential
as possible, about 0.8 V negative of the reversible oxygen electrode potential. A positive
displacement of the photocurrent onset represents a loss of free energy and hence of
efficiency. Clearly this means that accumulation of positive surface charge associated with
Fermi level pinning and changes in surface composition must be avoided as far as possible.
Since the accumulation of electronic and ionic surface charge appears to be associated with
sluggish hole transfer kinetics, it should be possible to overcome the effects by using a
suitable surface catalyst for the oxygen evolution reaction. The PEIS analysis also shows that
the limiting factor determining the performance of the α-Fe2O3 photoanode is electron–hole
recombination in the bulk of the oxide. The minimization of the loss of holes can be achieved
at least in part by growing nano-structured thin films in such a way that the dimensions are
comparable with the width of the space charge region (J. Brillet, et al., 2010; F. Le Formal, et
al., 2010). Other promising approaches include using oriented nanorod arrays (R. Van De
Krol, et al., 2008), or a host–guest structure in which small α-Fe2O3 particles are deposited on
a porous oxide substrate such as WO3 (K. Sivula, et al., 2009).
To improve the optoelectronic properties of iron oxide as a photoelectrode, hematite (α-
Fe2O3) thin films were doped with titanium using atmospheric pressure chemical vapor
deposition (APCVD) for synthesis (P. Zhang, et al., 2011). The films were prepared by
pyrolysis of Fe(CO)5 and TiCl4 precursors on fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) substrates and
found to have a polycrystalline morphology with faceted particulates about 20 to 50 nm in
size with a preferred crystallographic growth along the [110] direction (direct band gap with
a value of ~2.1 eV). The performance of the photoanodes was measured as a function of
titanium concentration. A maximum efficiency was observed at about 0.8 atom% Ti in
hematite. The Incident Photon-to-current Conversion Efficiency (IPCE) to hydrogen was
measured in alkaline electrolyte. Under an applied bias of 0.6 V vs. Ag/AgCl at 400 nm the
IPCE for water splitting in alkaline solution was found to be 27.2%, the highest efficiency
reported for Ti doped hematite photoanodes. The IPCE of the Ti doped hematite sample at
the lower bias (6% at 0.4 V vs. Ag/AgCl) is relatively low which is associated with a large
Solar Nanocomposite Materials 25
photocurrent onset potential (0.2V), which suggested a high density of trap states located
for photoelectrochemical water splitting is described (E. Thimsen, et al., 2011). A relative
enhancement in the water splitting efficiency at photon frequencies corresponding to the
plasmon resonance in gold was observed. This relative enhancement was observed only for
electrode geometries with metal particles that were localized at the semiconductor-
electrolyte interface consistent with the observation that minority carrier transport to the
electrolyte is the most significant impediment to achieving high efficiencies in this system.
26 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
dependent the precursor and the best performance (1160 μmol/hg) was obtained in S2O32-
reactions involving the reducing agents X2- (i.e., S2O32- and SO32-). The photoactivity was
(pH 13.5) over CuFeO2 synthesized from nitrate with a mass ratio (CuFeO2/SnO2) equal to
unity. A quantum yield of 0.5% was obtained under polychromatic light (A. Derbal, et al.,
The physical properties and photoelectrochemical characterization of the spinel ZnFe2O4
have been investigated for the hydrogen production under visible light (S. Boumaza, et al.,
2010). The forbidden band was found to be 1.92 eV and the transition is indirectly allowed.
The electrical conduction occurs by small polaron hopping with activation energy of 0.20 eV.
p-type conductivity is evidenced from positive thermopower and cathodic photocurrent.
The flat band potential (-0.33 VNHE) determined from the capacitance measurements is
suitably positioned with respect to H+/H2 level. Hence, ZnFe2O4 was found to be an efficient
photocatalyst for hydrogen generation under visible light. The photoactivity increases
significantly when the spinel is combined with a wide band gap semiconductor. The best
performance with a hydrogen rate evolution of 410,688 μmol/hg concurs over the hetero-
system ZnFe2O4/SrTiO3 in Na2S2O3 (0.025 M) solution, which is the record high among all the
photocatalysts studied so far (X. B. Chen, et al., 2010).
Nanocrystalline photocatalysts of spinel MgFe2O4, ZnFe2O4 and orthorhombic CaFe2O4
oxides were synthesized (at low temperature about 973 K) by microwave sintering, in one
sixtieth of the time required to that of the conventional method (R. Dom, et al., 2011). A
significantly improved crystallinity was obtained for the samples irradiated for longer
duration of time (10-100 min). The theoretically computed electronic structure of the MFe2O4
(M: Ca, Zn, Mg) systems was respectively correlated with the experimental results obtained
from their structural and photocatalytical characterization. The photocatalytical
performance was found to be affected by surface area and crystallinity of the photocatalyst.
The density functional theory (DFT) calculations of MFe2O4 lattices revealed that M-ion
controllably affects the density of sates of the Fe-d orbitals near the Fermi level.
Consequently they play an important role in determining the band-energetics and thus the
visible light photocatalytical activity for methylene blue degradation (Fig.7).
Solar Nanocomposite Materials 27
TiO2-rutile photocatalyst only, even from a mixture of IO3- and I- in a basic aqueous solution.
Therefore, the undesirable backward reaction, H2O formation from H2 and O2 on Pt
particles, was suppressed. Among the various Z-scheme systems studied, the (Pt/ZrO2-
TaON)-(Pt/WO3)-(IO3-/I-) system showed the highest photocatalytical activity for overall
water splitting with a quantum efficiency of ca. 6.3% at 420.5 nm (X. B. Chen, et al., 2010). In
this Z-scheme overall water splitting system, the H2 and IO3- production took place over the
Pt/ZrO2-TaON photocatalyst; meanwhile, the IO3- reduction and water oxidation to O2 took
place over Pt-WO3 under visible-light irradiation (K. Maeda, et al., 2010).
An overall water-splitting system driven by a Z-scheme inter-particle electron transfer
between H2 and O2 photocatalysts (Ru/SrTiO3:Rh-BiVO4) without a redox mediator is
shown in Fig.8 (Y. Sasaki, et al., 2009). The undesirable reactions and negative effects by an
electron mediator were excluded. Although the activity of a Z-scheme overall water
splitting system is quite low and only a little higher than that achieved by conventional pure
water-splitting systems using one single photocatalyst, these results provided a promising
approach to constructing efficient overall water splitting systems.
28 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
P. Alivisatos, 2010; J. Hensel, G. M. Wang, et al., 2010; H. Tada, et al., 2006), improve energy
conversion efficiency (Y. L. Lee & Y. S. Lo, 2009), and realize hydrogen evolution reaction
(M. Bar, et al., 2010), (4) development of inexpensive, effective and stable catalyst for HER
and OER (M. G. Walter, et al., 2010) and to host them in well defined and tailored locations,
(5) establishment of nanostructures to control charge movement and light absorption
pathways which might allow the use of less expensive catalyst with lowered catalytic
activities (X. B. Chen & S. S. Mao, 2006; E. Thimsen, et al., 2011; M. G. Walter, et al., 2010),
and (6) improvement of the efficiency of the overall water splitting systems (K. Maeda, et al.,
2008; K. Maeda, et al., 2010) through a better understanding of the reaction kinetics and
carry out of scale-up study from lab to industry applications.
Solar Nanocomposite Materials 29
for improvement of charge separation and transfer, co-catalyst sensitization (C. C. Chen, et
al., 2010; P. Lianos, 2010).
30 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
Solar Nanocomposite Materials 31
radicals mainly comes from the reductive decomposition of H2O2 that is produced in situ
from the reduction of O2 on Pt/ WO3. The rate of in situ production of H2O2 under visible
light was significantly faster with Pt/ WO3 than WO3. Six substrates that were tested for the
visible light (λ > 420 nm) induced degradation on Pt/ WO3 included dichloroacetate (DCA),
4-chlorophenol (4-CP), tetramethylammonium (TMA), arsenite (As(111)), methylene blue
(MB), and acid orange 7 (A07). The degradation (or conversion) of all six substrates was
successfully achieved with Pt/ WO3 and the role of OH radicals in Pt/ WO3 photocatalysis
seemed to be different depending on the kind of substrate. In the presence of tert-butyl
alcohol (TBA: OH radical scavenger), the photocatalytical degradation was markedly
reduced for 4-CP or completely inhibited for DCA and TMA whereas that of As(III), MB,
and A07 was little affected. Pt/WO3 photocatalyst that oxidizes various substrates under
visible light with a sufficient photostability can be applied for solar water treatment (J. Kim,
et al., 2010).
The photocatalytical decomposition of acetaldehyde over CaFe2O4 (CFO)/WO3 based
composite photocatalysts under visible light irradiation was carried out. The
photocatalytical activity of WO3 was improved by simply mixing with CFO, and 5 wt %
CFO coupled WO3 showed the optimized performance. Ag and ITO coating on the CFO
particle surface obviously promoted the photocatalytical activity of the CFO/WO3
composite. The CFO/Ag (or ITO)/WO3 composite photocatalyst could completely
decompose acetaldehyde under visible light irradiation (Z. F. Liu, et al., 2009).
A review of patents on the application of titanium dioxide photocatalysis for air treatment
was presented (Y. Paz, 2011). A comparison between water treatment and air treatment
reveals that the number of scientific publications dedicated to photocatalytical air treatment
is significantly lower than the number of scientific manuscripts dedicated to photocatalytical
water treatment, yet the situation is reversed upon comparing relevant patents. This
indicates a growing interest in the implementation of photocatalysis for air treatment
purposes, which surpasses that of water treatment. The review analyzed the various patents
in the area of air treatment, while differentiating between indoor air treatment and outdoor
air treatment. Specific efforts were made to characterize the main challenges and
achievements en-route for successful implementation, which were categorized according to
mass transport, adsorption of contaminants, quantum efficiency, deactivation, and, no less
important, the adherence and the long term stability of the photocatalyst.
In summary, future research in photocatalytical degradation should include, (1) systematic
study on visible and solar light activated photocatalysts to achieve high efficiency (S.
Ahmed, et al., 2010; C. C. Chen, et al., 2010), (2) catalyst immobilization strategy to provide
cost-effective solid-liquid separation (M. N. Chong, et al., 2010; R. Leary & A. Westwood,
2011), (3) improvement in the photocatalytical operation for wider pH range, and (4)
effective design of photocatalytical reaction system.
6. Conclusion
The discovery and utilization of solar composite materials have a long history which was
dated back to 1800s. Accelerated development has taken place in recent decades, with a
great promise to solve the global energy, environmental and social problems. Along with
the relative maturing of dye sensitized solar cells, quantum dots solar energy harvesting is
predicted to be the future technology to be developed, in the forms of QDSSC, solar
hydrogen production via water splitting, and photocatalytical degradation of pollutants or
32 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
biomass in conjunction with fuel or electricity generation. In the effort to improve device
efficiency and achieve commercialization, further research should be carried on to tailor the
nanostructures, to control the charge separation and transportation, to effectively use
inexpensive cocatalysts, and to study the reaction kinetics and their large scale realization.
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46 Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
Advances in Nanocomposite Technology
Edited by Dr. Abbass Hashim
ISBN 978-953-307-347-7
Hard cover, 374 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 27, July, 2011
Published in print edition July, 2011
The book “Advances in Nanocomposite Technology†contains 16 chapters divided in three sections.
Section one, “Electronic Applicationsâ€, deals with the preparation and characterization of nanocomposite
materials for electronic applications and studies. In section two, “Material Nanocompositesâ€, the
advanced research of polymer nanocomposite material and polymer-clay, ceramic, silicate glass-based
nanocomposite and the functionality of graphene nanocomposites is presented. The “Human and
Bioapplications†section is describing how nanostructures are synthesized and draw attention on wide variety
of nanostructures available for biological research and treatment applications. We believe that this book offers
broad examples of existing developments in nanocomposite technology research and an excellent introduction
to nanoelectronics, nanomaterial applications and bionanocomposites.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Zhengdong Cheng (2011). Solar Nanocomposite Materials, Advances in Nanocomposite Technology, Dr.
Abbass Hashim (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-347-7, InTech, Available from: