University of Palestine Gaza Strip Civil Engineering College Numerical Analysis CIVL 3309 Dr. Suhail Lubbad
University of Palestine Gaza Strip Civil Engineering College Numerical Analysis CIVL 3309 Dr. Suhail Lubbad
University of Palestine Gaza Strip Civil Engineering College Numerical Analysis CIVL 3309 Dr. Suhail Lubbad
Gaza Strip
If columns as well as rows are searched for the largest element and then switched, the
procedure is called complete pivoting which we won't use.
2- Round-off Errors
● Scaling
Setting the largest coefficient to 1
Terminate the calculations
Gauss Eliminations for determinants evaluation
REMEMBER: the hummer!!!
Gauss elimination to evaluate determinants
∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
EX 1 4
{ r 2 ' r 2 −4 r 1
r 3 ' r 3 −7 r 1
0 −3
0 −6 −12
−6 r 3 ' r 3−2r 2 0 −3 −6
0 0 0
∣ ∣{ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣
8 2 3 8 2 3 8 2 3
r 2 ' 4r 2−r 1 1 1 1 1
EX 2 2 4 6 × 0 14 21 r3 ' r 2 −r 3 × ×(−1) 0 14 21
r 3 ' 8r 3−r1 4 8 4 8
1 2 1 0 14 5 0 0 16
1 1
= × ×(−1) 8×14×16
4 8
∣ ∣
1 1
8 2 3 1 1
r 3 ' r 3−r 2 × 0 14 21 = × 8×14×−16
4 8
0 0 −16 4 8
Example 9.10
100,000 – 2 = 99,998 ≈ 100,000
Gauss-Jordan Elimination (forward + backward elimination)
Example 9.12:
See page 264 for algorithm for Gauss-Elimination with partial pivoting