Hersheys Financial Ratio Analysis
Hersheys Financial Ratio Analysis
Hersheys Financial Ratio Analysis
Key Internal Factors Weight Raiting Weighted Score
Strengths - - -
Weaknesses - - -
TOTAL 1 2,54
Recommendations / Weaknesses
● When we look at the risks that ford faces, it can be seen that with regard to downsizing
that results in the reorganization or restructuring of companies, the concern within the
company is almost nil. living in a globalised world, it is vitally important that a company
remains at the forefront of innovation, organizational redesign and an alienated and
competitive workforce. if the company does not start to worry about this item could end
up having a setback that would result in financial losses
● In terms of long-term loans it can be observed that at a business level it is generally used
because of its predictability (budgeting the operational revenues needed to make
payments), if ford were to consider expanding its strategies in relation to this field, will
allow you to expand and diversify the company a little more.
Financial ratio Analysis
2013 2014
We can see that in 2013 most of the ratios were higher, such as current ratio, quick ratio
and debt to total assets ratio. The debts have been growing in 2014 and the inventory
has been decreasing. But there are margins that have remained the same in those last
two years, such as the gross profit margin, the operating profit margin and the net profit
margin. Earnings per share have increased, but the price earnings ratio has decreased.
We are going to compare the net profit margin between Nestle and Hesheys. The net
profit margin is the ratio of net profits to revenues for a company. Net profit margins
show how much of each dollar collected by a company as revenue translates into profit.
The Net profit margin of Nestle (Competitor) in 2014 was 0.119. In hershey’s the net
profit margin was 0.114. We can see that they are very similar but, Nestle is a little bit
bigger. This means that in a 0,005 Nestle is better on how much of each dollar collected
translates into profit.