Strengths Weight AS TAS AS TAS AS TAS
Strengths Weight AS TAS AS TAS AS TAS
Strengths Weight AS TAS AS TAS AS TAS
1. As we said before, Hesheys must focus on aggressive strategies. That's why from the QSPM, we concluded that it should focus on aggressive marketing strategies where it will try to reach new markets
through product diversity and product innovation. Likewise, investment will be made in marketing to induce consumers to spend.
2.On the other hand, we can realize that strategy 3, where we want to invest in R&D to be able to compete better with other companies, must have a lot to do with the first strategy since from R&D
we can obtain information on how to innovate our products but in addition to this, we can see what consumers really want and how they want to o see it reflected in advertising.
This is why we recommend that these two strategies are closely related.