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EE 306 - Electrical Engineering Laboratory

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Faculty of engineering
Electrical Engineering Department

EE 306 – Electrical Engineering Laboratory

Experiment Of: Half Wave Rectifier

Experiment Number: 2
Experiment Date: 24/2/2015


‫محمد أنس عبد الحميد حجازي‬ :‫اسم الطالب‬

20132025018 :‫الرقم الجامعي‬

1 :‫رقم الشعبة‬
‫أنس الكايد – خالد حنتش – جميل أبو الهيجا‬ :‫الزمـــالء‬

 To deal with the diode, how we can use it as a rectifier to convert the AC
supply signal and produce a DC voltage and current.
 To make different rectification circuits with different resistors, capacitors and
study their effects on the waveform. (modification to get better DC signal )
 To learn how to connect the different AC circuits.
 To learn how to use the oscilloscope, display the waveform, analyze the
waveform and relate it to the circuit diagram. And if there any distortions in
the waveform to determine the cause.
 Diode (Si)
 Various resistors 4.7 k – 2.2 k – 1.0 k – 470 – 220 Ω
 Various capacitors 10 – 100 – 1000 µF
 CRO-Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
 DMM-Digital Multi Meter
 Transformer 220V/9V
 Connecting wires
Background Theory & Mathematical Expressions:
There is two type of rectification:
 Uncontrolled rectification ( half and full wave by diodes )
 Controlled rectification (by some electronic devices like thyristor)
The experiment is about the half wave rectifier.

Hall wave Rectifier with Resistive Load

The simplest rectifier circuit is the half wave (HW) rectifier with resistive load. The
HW rectifier has a single diode as shown below.

The source voltage is described as

And is typically the secondary voltage of a supply transformer. When V S is positive,

the diode is forward and the source voltage appears directly across the load.
When is negative, the diode is reverse-based and the load is effectively disconnected
from the source. The switching function of the diode is illustrated in the figure

No current flows through the load during the negative half cycle of the source
consequently, the load voltage is zero. The load voltage and current waveforms are
illustrated in figure

Average Load current

The load voltage and current waveforms are expressed as follows:

The average output voltage is determined from the average value integral

Equation above reveals that the output voltage of the HW circuit is roughly one-
third of the peak source voltage.

The average load current is determined as the average load voltage divided by the

Since the diode and load resistor are in series, the average diode current is the same
as the average load current. The power dissipation in the diode, therefore, is

Power Computations
Application of the RMS value definition yields the RMS source (and load) current

Evaluation of the equation above results in an RMS value of

The power output to the load is

The circuit efficiency is the ratio of the output power absorbed to the sum of the
output power and the power dissipated in the diode:

The product of RMS source voltage and RMS current is the apparent volt-amperes.

And the power factor is

It reveals that the power factor is not dependent upon any circuit parameter; it is
simply 0.707 for the HW rectifier with resistive load. Although the power factor is
rather poor, the HW rectifier is the most economical rectifier circuit because only
one diode is required.

HW Rectifier with R-C Load
The figure below shows the HW rectifier with resistive load with a capacitor filter.

When the source voltage exceeds the capacitor voltage, the diode is forward-biased
and the source current flows into the capacitor and the resistor. When the source
voltage falls below the capacitor voltage, the diode becomes reverse-biased and the
source is disconnected from the load. The capacitor then discharges into the load
resistance until the capacitor voltage is exceeded once again by the source voltage
The HW rectified source, the source current, and the output voltage are plotted in
the figure below.

As shown, the output voltage follows the source voltage during the interval
θ1 <θ<θ 2 While the diode is forward-biased. When the source current is
interrupted, the output voltage exponentially decays until the start of the next
source cycle.



Without capacitor
 We will build the circuit without the capacitor c in the circuit for the first part of
the experiment. Use different resistors. Using a multimeter, measure the ac
voltage at point A with respect to the common point E. (VA, volts rms.)
 With the oscilloscope switched to "external trigger," use point A to get the
trigger voltage for the entire experiment. Connect the ground lead of the
oscilloscope to point E
 Now. Observe simultaneously, and measure the amplitudes and durations of the
waveforms at points A and B. Always measure the amplitudes of ac voltages,
pulses. etc. From peak to peak unless told to do otherwise in the instructions.
Make the drawings of two cycles of the waveforms in the same relative
positions in the x direction (horizontal) as they would appear on the oscilloscope
when displayed simultaneously.
 Now, zero center the sine wave at point A on a grid line on the oscilloscope by
either temporarily moving the ac-ground-dc switch to "ground" if there is one
on the oscilloscope or by temporarily disconnecting your signal lead from the
circuit, and then moving the horizontal line so that it is on one of the lines on
the grid of the oscilloscope. Now observe the waveform at point A. It should be
centered on the zero volts line.
 Now, find the zero volts line for the probe connected at point B in the same
manner as for A above and superimpose this zero volts line on the same grid line
as before. Then we observe the waveform at point B.
With capacitor
 Now, with C in the circuit, simultaneously we observe the voltage at points A
and B.
 Move the waveform at a vertically so that it is just a positive peak at A. Now
move the trace at B until the positive ramp sets on the waveform at A. Note the
voltage at point A when the diode is cut off
 Move the dc zero volts line for the waveform at B to an upper grid line. But not
the top one, and measure and record the items requested.

 When I searched about the half wave rectifier to write about the concepts and
the procedure I understand how it works, but the procedure that I mentioned
above still unclear to me, how can I use the oscilloscope and how to show the
waveform on it, so I want to learn about that.
 Also, when I read about the rectification circuits, they talked about capacitors
that act in these types of circuits as ''filters" to reduce the ripple in the dc signal.
So I'm looking forward to realize how that happens.
From the university library
 Fundamentals of power electronics with matlab. Randall Shaffer
 Laboratory manual for electronics via waveform analysis . Edwin C. Craig
Our lab. Manual


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