Routray 2013 PDF
Routray 2013 PDF
Routray 2013 PDF
Osteopontin: a marker for invasive oral squamous cell carcinoma but not for
potentially malignant epithelial dysplasias☆,☆☆
Samapika Routray MDS a,⁎, Supriya M. Kheur MDS b, Mohit Kheur MDS c
Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Gitam Dental College & Hospital, Gandhinagar Campus, Rushikonda, Vishakapatanam 530045, India
Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth's Dr. D.Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital, Maheshnagar, Pimpri, Pune, Maharastra, India
Department of Prosthodontics, M.A. Rangoonwala Dental College Pune, Maharastra, India
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: This study aimed to evaluate and correlate osteopontin (OPN) expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma
Osteopontin (OSCC) and potentially malignant disorders including oral leukoplakia and oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF).
Leukoplakia Expression of OPN was investigated in 140 samples including OSCC, oral leukoplakia, and OSMF with or
Oral submucous fibrosis without dysplasia and normal oral mucosa. By using immunohistochemistry. Both intercellular and
Oral squamous cell carcinoma intracellular staining of the keratinocytes was considered to be positive, and intensity grading was assessed.
Statistical analysis was done using analysis of variance. OPN positivity was detected in 85% cases of OSCC,
55% cases of oral leukoplakia, 35% cases of OSMF, and 60% cases of normal mucosa. These study highlights
OPN as a biomarker for malignancy in the form of invasion but not to study progression from dysplasia to
malignant transformation.
© 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction mation and invasion in head and neck cancer, is being considered as
one of the most promising biomarker for various cancers in the recent
The incidence of head and neck cancer in the developing world times [8].
is on the rise, where it is known to be the third most common cause Osteopontin, a major sialoprotein of the extracellular matrix, binds
of death among the spectrum of cancers [1,2]. In India alone, oral calcium and functions in early-stage mineralization in bone and
cancers account for 9.4% of all cancers [3]. Oral squamous cell car- dentin. It is an early component of type-1 immunity in activated T
cinoma (OSCC) is an archetype of cancer occurring when there is a lymphocytes and macrophages, mediating angiogenesis and inhibit-
complex and multistep process. This change is sometimes preceded ing apoptosis in soft tissues. Osteopontin is involved in cell adhesion
by clinically visible lesions, known as “precancerous lesions” [4]. and cell migration, as it has the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence that
In OSCC, surgery is generally the treatment of choice. Given the binds certain integrins, including integrin αvβ1, integrin αvβ3, and
morbidity associated with oral surgery, there is a need to identify integrin αvβ5 and influences cell migration via interaction with CD44
simple markers that estimate the transition potential of oral precancer and activation of the epidermal growth factor pathway [9].
to cancer [5]. For decades, numerous investigators have diligently The role of OPN in cancer biology has been the major focus of
searched for markers to collaborate malignancy with premalignancy research for last decade [10]. Although the expression of OPN has
[6]. One of the first markers to be carefully investigated was the already been studied in OSCC, only a few cases have been inves-
expression of cytokeratins, but unfortunately, they varied greatly tigated in OSCC cell lines [11] and OSCC of tongue [12]. No studies
within dysplastic epithelium, as does the phenotypic expression have yet analyzed or investigated the relationship between OPN
(morphology) reflecting genetic alterations [7]. Osteopontin (OPN), a expression and premalignant lesions and conditions, using immuno-
secreted plasma marker with an established role in tumor transfor- histochemistry. In the present study, an effort has been made to
standardize the findings of OPN expression in normal tissues and
study its expression in premalignant and malignant lesions in a group
of Indian patients.
☆ Key message: As a biomarker osteopontin has already established its efficacy in
cancers such as prostrate, breast, and others, particularly in its role in identifying
metastasis. In oral squamous cell carcinoma also, literature coincides with osteopontin's 2. Materials and methods
role in identifying metastasis and mostly at invasive front, but its role in distinguishing
dysplasia to malignancy is still at a very questionable stage. One hundred twenty cases of hematoxylin and eosin–stained
☆☆ Conflict of interest: None.
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 7702144800.
slides and their matched formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue
E-mail addresses: (S. Routray), blocks were retrieved from the surgical pathology archives of Dr D.Y. (S.M. Kheur). Patil Dental College and Hospital, Pune.
1092-9134/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
422 S. Routray et al. / Annals of Diagnostic Pathology 17 (2013) 421–424
Fig. 3. Photomicrograph of OSCC section showing invasive front with grade 3 intensity
under high-power view.
Fig. 1. Photomicrograph of OSCC section with epithelial cell islands showing grade 2
intensity under low-power view. proliferation and invasion were reduced by inhibition of OPN in
BSC-OF (derived from oral basaloid SCC) cells. In the study by
Matsuzaki et al [12], they showed scores that were significantly
lesion [14]. Expression of OPN, an extracellular matrix marker, has higher in carcinoma nests than in neighboring normal epithelium or
been examined in relation to the carcinogenesis and metastasis of epithelial dysplasia. In cases of early invasive carcinoma, in
various malignant tumors such as the lung, esophageal, breast, and particular, expression of OPN showed a remarkable increase at the
salivary gland, and the results have suggested that OPN is a candidate invasion front compared with the noninvaded regions. So results
biomarker of malignant tumors [12]. made it evident that OPN is more an early invasion marker than a
In the present study, our main objective was to evaluate the role prognostic marker in OSCC. As suggested by Zhu et al [16], under
of OPN in progression as well as determining prognosis of oral hypoxia, OPN expression is up-regulated via a Ras-activated
cancer and precancerous lesions, which are mainly tobacco and enhancer so OPN expression is significantly and consistently high
areca nut induced in the Southern Asian countries. Semiquantitative solid carcinomas. In our study, OSCC perfectly complies with the
evaluation of immunopositive reaction of OPN and scoring for each high expression of OPN.
case revealed that OPN expression was significantly higher in car- In the present study, for NE cases, 12 (60%) were mildly positive,
cinoma cells than in normal. The intensity of staining varied in the and 8 (40%) were negative for OPN expression. The results were not
islands and nests of epithelial cells in each case (Fig. 1) and espe- consistent with other studies with NE specimens using the same
cially in areas showing keratin pearls (Fig. 2). Osteopontin showed a
definite increased expression at the early invasion front than the
neighboring epithelial dysplasia (Fig. 3). In areas where the base-
ment membrane of squamous epithelium was unclear, OPN expres-
sion increased. As there was significant difference between OSCC
and NE (P b .05, significant), it correlated with increase in OPN
expression with malignant transformation. These results were con-
sistent with the study by Muramatsu et al [15], showing that
Fig. 2. Photomicrograph of OSCC section with keratin pearl formation showing grade
2 intensity and a high inflammatory component adjacent to the area under low- Fig. 4. Photomicrograph of oral leukoplakia section showing dysplastic epithelium with
power view. grade 1 intensity under high-power view.
424 S. Routray et al. / Annals of Diagnostic Pathology 17 (2013) 421–424
Osteopontin values in all the groups mild OPN expression in premalignant lesion and condition. Because
of less positivity observed, we concluded that its use as a biomarker
1.6 for malignant transformation is very limited and has no role to study
1.4 progression from dysplasia to malignant transformation.
Mean values
1 5. Conclusion
0.6 Osteopontin expression was observed in 55% positive Leukoplakia
0.4 cases, whereas in the study, only 35% positive OPN expression was
0.2 observed in OSMF cases with various intensity grading. Although
0 premalignant cases did show positive intensity, however, OPN
intensity in premalignancy was not in accordance with the histologic
Graph 1. Comparision of OPN intensity between leukoplakia, OSMF, OSCC, and normal
grading of the same cases. Intensity grading assessed was same as that
(control) groups. seen in the normal epithelium cases. So we would like to conclude
that although our results indicate that OPN expression cannot be used
as a relevant diagnostic and prognostic marker for oral mucosal
monoclonal antibody [11,12], but the strong intensity in our positive dysplasia and malignant transformation, OPN certainly has a role as a
control guaranteed the accuracy of our method. In the study done by prognostic marker in OSCC.
Devoll et al [11], OPN expression was not detected in epithelium
obtained from normal oral mucosa or gingiva. Matsuzaki et al [12]
found OPN expression to be negative or very weak in the basal cell Acknowledgment
layer of normal epithelium. Conversely, Coppola et al [17] saw high
OPN staining but identified in only a few cases of the corresponding I am thankful to Dr Sanjay Navani for availing me the technical
normal tissues (7/113). support in his establishment, Lab surg path, needed to carry out the
In leukoplakia samples, mild dysplasia cases showed 70% posi- thesis work. Dr NK Paniker (HOD, Department of Pathology), Dr Alka
tivity, but moderate dysplasia and carcinoma in situ cases did not Kale (Dean, K.L.E.I.D.S Belgaum), and Dr Meena Kulkarni for your
show any positivity, whereas severe dysplasia cases again showed unwavering support and intellectual guidance and Mrs SS Garad
80% positivity (Fig. 4). When correlated with OSCC intensity grading, (biostatistician) for the analysis of the results.
the premalignant lesion and condition showed significant difference.
The sections of both leukoplakia and OSMF cases did show highly References
positive staining for muscle tissues. In the study, we also correlated
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