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A Time-Dependent SIR Model For COVID-19 With Undetectable Infected Persons

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A Time-dependent SIR model for COVID-19 with

Undetectable Infected Persons
Yi-Cheng Chen∗ , Ping-En Lu† , Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Cheng-Shang Chang‡ , Fellow, IEEE, and
Tzu-Hsuan Liu§
Institute of Communications Engineering
National Tsing Hua University
Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Email: ∗ yichengchen@gapp.nthu.edu.tw, † j94223@gmail.com, ‡ cschang@ee.nthu.edu.tw,
§ carinaliu@gapp.nthu.edu.tw
arXiv:2003.00122v2 [q-bio.PE] 30 Mar 2020

The latest version will be placed on this link:

http:// gibbs1.ee.nthu.edu.tw/ A TIME DEPENDENT SIR MODEL FOR COVID 19.PDF

Abstract—In this paper, we propose two mathematical models I. I NTRODUCTION

for analyzing and predicting the number of confirmed cases
of COVID-19. Our first model is a time-dependent susceptible-
infected-recovered (SIR) model that tracks two time series: (i) At the beginning of December 2019, the first COVID-19
the transmission rate at time t and (ii) the recovering rate at time victim was diagnosed with the coronavirus in Wuhan, China.
t. Our time-dependent SIR method is better than the traditional In the following weeks, the disease spread widely in China
static SIR model as it can adapt to the change of contagious mainland and other countries, which causes global panic.
disease control policies such as city lockdowns. Moreover, it is The virus has been named “SARS-CoV-2,” and the disease it
also more robust than the direct estimation of the number of
confirmed cases, as a sudden change of the definition of confirmed causes has been named “coronavirus disease 2019 (abbreviated
cases might result in a spike in the number of new cases. Using “COVID-19”). There have been 80, 151 people infected by
the data provided by the National Health Commission of the the disease and 2, 943 deaths until Mar. 2, 2020 according to
People’s Republic of China (NHC) [1], we show that the one- the official statement by Chinese government. To block the
day prediction errors for the numbers of confirmed cases are spread of the virus, there are some strategies such as city-
almost less than 3% except for the day when the definition of
confirmed cases is changed. Also, the turning point, defined as wide lockdown, traffic halt, community management, social
the day that the transmission rate is less than the recovering distancing, and propaganda of health education knowledge
rate, is predicted to be Feb. 17, 2020. After that day, the basic that have been adopted by the government of China and other
reproduction number, known as the R0 (t) value, is less than 1 if countries in the world.
the current contagious disease control policies are maintained
in China. In that case, the total number of confirmed cases Unlike the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
is predicted to be around 80, 000 cases in China under our and other infectious diseases, one problematic characteristic
deterministic model. One problem for the first model is that there of COVID-19 is that there are asymptomatic infections (who
are undetectable infected persons for COVID-19. According to the have very mild symptoms). Those asymptomatic infections are
recent WHO data, only 87.9% of the confirmed cases of COVID- unaware of their contagious ability, and thus get more people
19 have a fever. If we use body temperature as a means to detect
COVID-19 infected cases, then more than 10% of infected persons infected. The transmission rate can increase dramatically in
cannot be detected. To model this, we propose our second SIR this circumstance. According to the recent report from WHO
model that has two types of infected persons: detectable infected [2], only 87.9% of COVID-19 patients have a fever, and 67.7%
persons (type I) and undetectable infected cases (type II). Type I of them have a dry cough. If we use body temperature as a
infected persons have a lower transmission rate than that of type means to detect COVID-19 infected cases, then more than 10%
II infected persons (as type I infected persons can be isolated).
Whether there is an outbreak in such a model is characterized of infected persons cannot be detected.
by the spectral radius of a 2 × 2 matrix that is closely related to Due to the recent development of the epidemic, we are
the basic reproduction number R0 . We plot the phase transition interested in addressing the following important questions for
diagram of an outbreak with respect to two parameters: the COVID-19:
probability of a type II infected case and the transmission rate
of type II infected cases. Our numerical results show that there (Q1) Is it possible to contain COVID-19? Are the com-
are several countries, including South Korea, Italy, and Iran, that monly used measures, such as city-wide lockdown,
are above the percolation threshold curve, and they are on the
verge of COVID-19 outbreaks on Mar. 2, 2020. traffic halt, community management, social distanc-
ing, and propaganda of health education knowledge,
effective in containing COVID-19?
(Q2) If COVID-19 can be contained, when will be the
peak of the epidemic, and when will it end?
Index Terms—COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, 2019-nCoV, Coron- (Q3) How do the asymptomatic infections affect the
avirus, time-dependent SIR model, asymptomatic infection
spread of disease?

For (Q1), we analyze the cases in China and aim to predict in China will end in about 6 weeks after its peak in our
how the virus spreads in this paper. Specifically, we propose (deterministic) model if the current contagious disease control
using a time-dependent susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) policies are maintained in China. In that case, the total number
model to analyze and predict the number of infected persons of confirmed cases is predicted to be around 80, 000 cases in
and the number of recovered persons (including deaths). In the China under our (deterministic) model.
traditional SIR model, it has two time-invariant variables: the For (Q3), we propose our second SIR model that has two
transmission rate β and the recovering rate γ. The transmission types of infected persons: detectable infected persons (type
rate β means that each individual has on average β contacts I) and undetectable infected cases (type II). Type I infected
with randomly chosen others per unit time. On the other persons have a lower transmission rate than that of type II
hand, the recovering rate γ indicates that individuals in the infected persons (as type I infected persons can be isolated).
infected state get recovered or die at a fixed average rate γ. For such a model, whether the disease is controllable is
The traditional SIR model neglects the time-varying property characterized by the spectral radius of a 2 × 2 matrix. If
of β and γ, and it is too simple to precisely and effectively the spectral radius of that matrix is larger than 1, then there
predict the trend of the disease. Therefore, we propose using a is an outbreak. On the other hand, if it is smaller than 1,
time-dependent SIR model, where both the transmission rate then there is no outbreak. One interesting result is that the
β and the recovering rate γ are functions of time t. Our idea spectral radius of that matrix is larger (resp. smaller) than 1
is to use machine learning methods to track the transmission if the basic reproduction number R0 is larger (resp. smaller)
rate β(t) and the recovering rate γ(t), and then use them to than 1. The curve that has the spectral radius equal to 1 is
predict the number of the infected persons and the number known as the percolation threshold curve in a phase transition
of recovered persons at a certain time t in the future. Our diagram [11]. Using the historical data from Jan. 22, 2020 to
time-dependent SIR model can dynamically adjust the crucial Mar. 2, 2020 from WHO [2], we extend our study to some
parameters, such as β(t) and γ(t), to adapt accordingly to other countries, including Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Italy,
the change of control policies, which differs from the existing and Iran. Our numerical results show that there are several
SIR and SEIR models in the literature, e.g., [3], [4], [5], [6], countries, including South Korea, Italy, and Iran, that are above
and [7]. For example, we observe that city-wide lockdown can the percolation threshold curve, and they are on the verge of
lower the transmission rate substantially from our model. Most COVID-19 outbreaks on Mar. 2, 2020.
data-driven and curve-fitting methods for the prediction of The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section II,
COVID-19, e.g., [8], [9], and [10] seem to track data perfectly; we propose the time-dependent SIR model. We then extend the
however, they are lack of physical insights of the spread of the model to the SIR model with undetectable infected persons in
disease. Moreover, they are very sensitive to a sudden change Section III. In Section IV, we conduct several numerical ex-
in the definition of confirmed cases on Feb. 12, 2020. On periments to illustrate the effectiveness of our two models. In
the other hand, our time-dependent SIR model can examine Section V, we put forward some discussions and suggestions
the epidemic control policy of the Chinese government and to control COVID-19. The paper is concluded in Section VI.
provide reasonable explanations. Using the data provided by
the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of II. T HE T IME - DEPENDENT SIR M ODEL
China (NHC) [1], we show that the one-day prediction errors
for the numbers of confirmed cases are almost less than 3% A. Susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) Model
except for the day when the definition of confirmed cases is In the typical mathematical model of infectious disease, one
changed on Feb. 12, 2020. often simplify the virus-host interaction and the evolution of
For (Q2), the basic reproduction number R0 , defined as an epidemic into a few basic disease states. One of the simplest
the number of additional infections by an infected person epidemic model, known as the susceptible-infected-recovered
before it recovers, is one of the commonly used metrics to (SIR) model [11], includes three states: the susceptible state,
check whether the disease will become an outbreak. In the the infected state, and the recovered state. An individual in
classical SIR model, R0 is simply β/γ as an infected person the susceptible state is one who does not have the disease at
takes (on average) 1/γ days to recover, and during that period time t yet, but may be infected if one is in contact with a
time, it will be in contact with (on average) β persons. In person infected with the disease. The infected state refers to
our time-dependent SIR model, the basic reproduction number an individual who has a disease at time t and may infect a
R0 (t) is a function of time, and it is defined as β(t)/γ(t). If susceptible individual potentially (if they come into contact
R0 (t) > 1, the disease will spread exponentially and infects with each other). The recovered state refers to an individual
a certain fraction of the total population. On the contrary, the who is either recovered or dead from the disease and is no
disease will eventually be contained. Therefore, by observing longer contagious at time t. Also, a recovered individual will
the change of R0 (t) with respect to time or even predict not be back to the susceptible state anymore. The reason for
R0 (t) in the future, we can check whether certain epidemic the number of deaths is counted in the recovered state is that,
control policies are effective or not. Using the data provided from an epidemiological point of view, this is basically the
by the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic same thing, regardless of whether recovery or death does not
of China (NHC) [1], we show that the turning point (peak), have much impact on the spread of the disease. As such, they
defined as the day that the basic reproduction number is less can be effectively eliminated from the potential host of the
than 1, is predicted to be Feb. 17, 2020. Moreover, the disease disease [12]. Denote by S(t), X(t) and R(t) the numbers of

susceptible persons, infected persons, and recovered persons illustrates the difference of R(t) at time t. Since three variables
at time t. Summing up the above SIR model, we believe it is S(t), X(t) and R(t) still satisfy (1), we have
very similar to the COVID-19 outbreak, and we will adopt the dX(t) dS(t) dR(t)
SIR model as our basic model in this paper. = −( + ),
dt dt dt
In the traditional SIR model, it has two time-invariant which is the number of people changing from the susceptible
variables: the transmission rate β and the recovering rate state to the infected state minus the number of people changing
γ. The transmission rate β means that each individual has from the infected state to the recovered state (see (3)).
on average β contacts with randomly chosen others per unit
time. On the other hand, the recovering rate γ indicates that C. Discrete Time Time-dependent SIR Model
individuals in the infected state get recovered or die at a fixed
average rate γ. The traditional SIR model neglects the time- Due to the COVID-19 data is updated in days [1], we revise
varying property of β and γ. This assumption is too simple the differential equations in (2), (3), and (4) into discrete time
to precisely and effectively predict the trend of the disease. difference equations:
Therefore, we propose the time-dependent SIR model, where −β(t)S(t)X(t)
S(t + 1) − S(t) = , (5)
both the transmission rate β and the recovering rate γ are n
functions of time t. Such a time-dependent SIR model is much β(t)S(t)X(t)
X(t + 1) − X(t) = − γ(t)X(t), (6)
better to track the disease spread, control, and predict the n
future trend. R(t + 1) − R(t) = γ(t)X(t). (7)
Again, the three variables S(t), X(t) and R(t) still satisfy (1).
B. Differential Equations for the Time-dependent SIR Model In the beginning of the disease spread, the number of
confirmed cases is very low, and most of the population are
For the traditional SIR model, the three variables S(t), X(t) in the susceptible state. Hence, for our analysis of the initial
and R(t) are governed by the following differential equations stage of COVID-19, we assume {S(t) ≈ n, t ≥ 0}, and
(see, e.g., the book [11]): further simplify (5), (6), and (7) as follows:
dS(t) −βS(t)X(t) S(t + 1) − S(t) = −β(t)X(t), (8)
= ,
dt n X(t + 1) − X(t) = β(t)X(t) − γ(t)X(t). (9)
dX(t) βS(t)X(t)
= − γX(t), From the difference equations above, one can easily derive
dt n
dR(t) β(t) and γ(t) of each day. From (7), we have
= γX(t).
dt R(t + 1) − R(t)
γ(t) = . (10)
We note that X(t)
S(t) + X(t) + R(t) = n, (1) Using (7) in (9) yields
[X(t + 1) − X(t)] + [R(t + 1) − R(t)]
where n is the total population. Let β(t) and γ(t) be trans- β(t) = . (11)
mission rate and recovering rate at time t. Replacing β and γ X(t)
by β(t) and γ(t) in the differential equations above yields Given the historical data from a certain period
{X(t), R(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T − 1}, we can measure the
dS(t) −β(t)S(t)X(t) corresponding {β(t), γ(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T − 2} by using (10)
= , (2)
dt n and (11). With the above information, we can use machine
dX(t) β(t)S(t)X(t) learning methods to predict the time varying transmission
= − γ(t)X(t), (3)
dt n rates and recovering rates.
= γ(t)X(t). (4)
dt D. Tracking Transmission Rate β(t) and Recovering Rate γ(t)
The three variables S(t), X(t) and R(t) still satisfy (1). by Ridge Regression
Now we briefly explain the intuition of these three equa- In this subsection, we track and predict β(t) and γ(t) by
tions. Equation (2) describes the difference of the number of the commonly used Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters
susceptible persons S(t) at time t. If we assume the total popu- in linear systems. Denote by β̂(t) and γ̂(t) the predicted
lation is n, then the probability that a randomly chosen person transmission rate and recovering rate. From the FIR filters,
is in the susceptible state is S(t)/n. Hence, an individual in the they are predicted as follows:
infected state will contact (on average) β(t)S(t)/n people in β̂(t) = a1 β(t − 1) + a2 β(t − 2) + · · · + aJ β(t − J) + a0
the susceptible state per unit time, which implies the number J
of newly infected persons is β(t)S(t)X(t)/n (as there are =
aj β(t − j) + a0 , (12)
X(t) people in the infected state at time t). On the contrary, j=1
the number of people in the susceptible state will decrease
γ̂(t) = b1 γ(t − 1) + b2 γ(t − 2) + · · · + bK γ(t − K) + b0
by β(t)S(t)X(t)/n. Additionally, as every individual in the K
infected state will recover with rate γ(t), there are (on average) =
bk γ(t − k) + b0 , (13)
γ(t)X(t) people recovered at time t. This is shown in (4) that k=1

where J and K are the orders of the two FIR filters (0 < ALGORITHM 1: Tracking Discrete Time Time-
J, K < T − 2), aj , j = 0, 1, . . . , J, and bk , k = 0, 1, . . . , K dependent SIR Model
are the coefficients of the impulse responses of these two FIR Input: {X(t), R(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T − 1}, Regularization
filters. parameters α1 and α2 , Order of FIR filters J and
There are several widely used machine learning methods for K, Prediction window W .
the estimation of the coefficients of the impulse response of Output: {β(t), γ(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T − 2},
an FIR filter, e.g., ordinary least squares (OLS), regularized {β̂(t), γ̂(t), t ≥ T − 1}, and
least squares (i.e., ridge regression), and partial least squares {X̂(t), R̂(t), t ≥ T }.
(PLS) [13]. In this paper, we choose the ridge regression as 1: Measure {β(t), γ(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T − 2} using (11) and
our estimation method that solves the following optimization (10) respectively.
problem: 2: Train the ridge regression using (14) and (15).
X −2 J
X 3: Estimate β̂(T − 1) and γ̂(T − 1) by (12) and (13)
min (β(t) − β̂(t))2 + α1 a2j , (14) respectively.
t=J j=0 4: Estimate the number of infected persons X̂(T ) and
X −2 K
X recovered persons R̂(T ) on the next day T using (16)
min (γ(t) − γ̂(t))2 + α2 b2k , (15) and (17) respectively.
t=K k=0 5: while T ≤ t ≤ T + W do

where α1 and α2 are the regularization parameters. 6: Estimate β̂(t) and γ̂(t) in (12) and (13) respectively.
7: Predict X̂(t + 1) and R̂(t + 1) using (18) and (19)
E. Tracking the Number of Infected Persons X̂(t) and the 8: end while
Number of Recovered Persons R̂(t) of the Time-dependent SIR
In this section, we show how we use the two FIR filters III. T HE SIR M ODEL WITH U NDETECTABLE I NFECTED
to track and predict the number of infected persons and P ERSONS
the number of recovered persons in the time-dependent SIR
According to the recent report from WHO [2], only 87.9%
model. Given a period of historical data {X(t), R(t), 0 ≤
of COVID-19 patients have a fever, and 67.7% of them have
t ≤ T − 1}, we first measure {β(t), γ(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T − 2}
a dry cough. This means there exist asymptomatic infections.
by (10) and (11). Then we solve the ridge regression (with
Recent studies in [7] and [14] also pointed out the existence
the objective functions in (14) and (15) and the constraints
of the asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19. Those people are
in (12) and (13)) to learn the coefficients of the FIR filters,
unaware of their contagious ability, and thus get more people
i.e., aj , j = 0, 1, . . . , J and bk , k = 0, 1, . . . , K. Once we
infected. The transmission rate can increase dramatically in
learn these coefficients, we can predict β̂(t) and γ̂(t) at time
this circumstance.
t = T − 1 by the trained ridge regression in (12) and (13).
To take the undetectable infected persons into account, we
Denote by X̂(t) (resp. R̂(t)) the predicted number of
propose the SIR model with undetectable infected persons in
infected (resp. recovered) persons at time t. To predict X̂(t)
this section. We assume that there are two types of infected
and R̂(t) at time t = T , we simply replace β(t) and γ(t) by
persons. The individuals who are detectable (with obvious
β̂(t) and γ̂(t) in (7) and (9). This leads to
symptoms) are categorized as type I infected persons, and
the asymptomatic individuals who are undetectable are cate-

X̂(T ) = 1 + β̂(T − 1) − γ̂(T − 1) X(T − 1), (16)
gorized as type II infected persons. For an infected individual,
R̂(T ) = R(T − 1) + γ̂(T − 1)X(T − 1). (17)
it has probability w1 to be type I and probability w2 to be type
To predict X̂(t) and R̂(t) for t > T , we estimate β̂(t) and II, where w1 + w2 = 1. Besides, those two types of infected
γ̂(t) by using (12) and (13). Similar to those in (16) and (17), persons have different transmission rates and recovering rates,
we predict X̂(t) and R̂(t) as follows: depending on whether they are under treatment or isolation
 or not. We denote β1 (t) and γ1 (t) as the transmission rate
X̂(t + 1) = 1 + β̂(t) − γ̂(t) X̂(t), t ≥ T, (18) and the recovering rate of type I at time t. Similarly, β2 (t)
R̂(t + 1) = R̂(t) + γ̂(t)X̂(t), t ≥ T. (19) and γ2 (t) are the transmission rate and the recovering rate for
type II at time t.
The detailed steps of our tracking/predicting method are
outlined in Algorithm 1.
We note that this deterministic epidemic model is based A. The Governing Equations for the SIR Model with Unde-
on the mean-field approximation for X(t) and R(t). Such tectable Infected Persons
an approximation is a result of the law of large numbers. Now we derive the governing equations for the SIR model
Therefore, when X(t) and R(t) are relatively small, the mean- with two types of infected persons. Let X1 (t) (resp. X2 (t)) be
field approximation may not be as accurate as expected. In the number of type I (resp. type II) infected persons at time t.
those cases, one might have to resort to stochastic epidemic Similar to the derivation of (6), (7) in Section II-C, we assume
models, such as Markov chains. that {S(t) ≈ n, t ≥ 0} in the initial stage of the epidemic

and split X(t) into two types of infected persons. We have Now we find the larger eigenvalue of the matrix A. Let I
the following difference equations: be the 2 × 2 identify matrix and

X1 (t + 1) − X1 (t) = β1 X1 (t)w1 + β2 X2 (t)w1 Ã = A − I. (25)

−γ1 X1 (t), (20) Then  
X2 (t + 1) − X2 (t) = β1 X1 (t)w2 + β2 X2 (t)w2 β w − γ1 β2 w 1
à = 1 1 . (26)
β1 w2 β2 w 2 − γ 2
−γ2 X2 (t), (21)
R(t + 1) − R(t) = γ1 X1 (t) + γ2 X2 (t), (22) Let
z1 = β1 w1 − γ1 + β2 w2 − γ2 , (27)
where β1 , β2 , γ1 , and γ2 are constants. It is noteworthy that
those constants can also be time-dependent as we have in and
Section II. However, in this section, we set them as constants to z2 = β1 w1 γ2 + β2 w2 γ1 − γ1 γ2 . (28)
focus on the effect of undetectable infected persons. Rewriting It is straightforward to show that the two eigenvalues of à are
(20) and (21) in the matrix form yields the following matrix
equation: λ1 = (z1 + z12 + 4z2 ), (29)
X1 (t + 1) 1 + β1 w1 − γ1 β2 w1 X1 (t) and
= , 1
X2 (t + 1) β1 w2 1 + β2 w2 − γ2 X2 (t) λ2 = (z1 − z12 + 4z2 ). (30)
where w2 = 1 − w1 . Let A be the transition matrix of the
Note that λ1 ≥ λ2 . In view of (25), the larger eigenvalue of
above system equations, i.e.,
the transition matrix A is 1 + λ1 .
If R0 < 1, we know that z2 < 0, w1 βγ11 < 1, and w2 βγ22 < 1.
1 + β1 w 1 − γ 1 β2 w1
A= . (23)
β1 w 2 1 + β2 w2 − γ2 Thus, we have from (27) that z1 < 0. In view of (29), we
conclude that
It is well-known (from linear algebra) such a system is 1
λ1 < (z1 + |z1 |) = 0.
stable if the spectral radius (the largest absolute value of the 2
eigenvalue) of A is less than 1. In other words, X1 (t + 1) and This shows that 1 + λ1 < 1 and the spectral radius of A is
X2 (t + 1) will converge gradually to finite constants when t less than 1.
goes to infinity. In that case, there will not be an outbreak. On On the other hand, if R0 > 1, then z2 > 0 and we have
the contrary, if the spectral radius is greater than 1, there will from (29) that
be an outbreak, and the number of infected persons will grow
exponentially with respect to time t (at the rate of the spectral 1
λ1 > (z1 + |z1 |) ≥ 0.
radius). 2
To further examine the stability condition of such a system, This shows that 1 + λ1 > 1 and the spectral radius of A is
we let larger than 1.
β1 β2
R0 = w1 + w2 . (24)
γ1 γ2
The relation between the system parameters and the phase
Note that R0 is simply the basic reproduction number of a transition will be shown in the next section.
newly infected person as an infected person can further infect
on average β1 /γ1 (resp. β2 /γ2 ) persons if it is of type I (resp.
type II) and that happens with probability w1 (resp. w2 ). In
the following theorem, we show that there is no outbreak if A. Dataset
R0 < 1 and there is an outbreak if R0 > 1. Thus, R0 in (24) In this section, we analyze and predict the trend of COVID-
is known as the percolation threshold for an outbreak in such 19 by using our time-dependent SIR model in Section II and
a model [11]. the SIR model with undetectable infected persons in Section
III. For our analysis and prediction of COVID-19, we collect
Theorem 1. If R0 < 1, then the spectral radius of A in (23)
our dataset from the National Health Commission of the
is less than 1 and there is no outbreak of the epidemic. On the
People’s Republic of China (NHC) daily Outbreak Notification
other hand, if R0 > 1, then the spectral radius of A in (23)
[1]. NHC announces the data as of 24:00 the day before.
is larger than 1 and there is an outbreak of the epidemic.
We collect the number of confirmed cases, the number of
Proof. (Theorem 1) recovered persons, and the number of deaths from Jan. 15,
First, we note that γ1 and γ2 are recovering rates and they 2020 to Mar. 2, 2020 as our dataset. The confirmed case
cannot be larger than 1 in the discrete-time setting, i.e., it is defined as the individual with positive real-time reverse
takes at least one day for an infected person to recover. Thus, transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) result. It
the matrix A is a positive matrix (with all its elements being is worth noting that in the Hubei province, the definition of
positive). It then follows from the Perron-Frobenius theorem the confirmed case has been relaxed to the clinical features
that the spectral radius of the matrix is the larger eigenvalue since Feb. 12, 2020, while the other provinces use the same
of the 2 × 2 matrix. definition as before.

B. Parameter Setup reference value. We mark these data points for β(t) and γ(t)
For our time-dependent SIR model, we set the orders of the with the gray dashed curve.
FIR filters for predicting β(t) and γ(t) as 3, i.e., J = K = 3.
The stopping criteria of the model is set to X(t) ≤ 0. Since
the numbers of infected persons before Jan. 27, 2020 are too 

small to exhibit a clear trend (which may contain noises), we 0HDVXUHG7UDQVPLVVLRQ5DWH β

only use the data after Jan. 27, 2020 as our training data for
predicting β(t) and γ(t). 

We use the scikit-learn library [15] (a third-party library of

Python 3) to compute the ridge regression. The regularization 

parameters of predicting β(t) and γ(t) are set to 0.03 and 10−6

respectively. Since the transmission rate β(t) is nonnegative,
we set it to 0 if it is less than 0. Then, we use Algorithm 1 

to predict the trend of COVID-19.

C. Time Evolution of the Time-dependent SIR Model 

In Figure 1, we show the time evolution of the number                 

of infected persons and the number of recovered persons.
The circle-marked solid curves are the real historical data Figure 2: Measured transmission rate β(t) and recovering
by Mar. 2, 2020, and the star-marked dashed curves are our rate γ(t) of the COVID-19 from Jan. 15, 2020 to Feb. 19,
prediction results for the future. The prediction results imply 2020. The two curves are measured according to (11) and
that the disease will end in 6 weeks, and the number of the (10) respectively.
total confirmed cases would be roughly 80, 000 if the Chinese
government remains their control policy, such as city-wide
lockdown and suspension of works and classes.
In an epidemic model, one crucial question is whether the
disease can be contained and the epidemic will end, or whether

 X(̂ t) there will be a pandemic that infects a certain fraction of the
X( t )
 R(̂ t)
total population n. To answer this, one commonly used metric
R(t) is the basic reproduction number R0 that is defined as the

average number of additional infections by an infected person
 before it recovers. In the classical SIR model, R0 is simply

 β/γ as an infected person takes (on average) 1/γ days to

recover, and during that period time, it will be in contact with
(on average) β persons. In our time-dependent SIR model,

the basic reproduction number R0 (t) is a function of time,
 and it is defined as β(t)/γ(t). If R0 (t) > 1, the disease will

spread exponentially and infects a certain fraction of the total
             population n. On the contrary, the disease will eventually be
'DWH contained. Therefore, by observing the change of R0 (t) with
Figure 1: Time evolution of the time-dependent SIR model respect to time or even predicting R0 (t) in the future, we can
of the COVID-19. The circle-marked solid curve with dark check whether certain epidemic control policies are effective
orange (resp. green) color is the real number of infected or not.
persons X(t) (resp. recovered persons R(t)), the star-marked In Figure 3, we show the measured basic reproduction
dashed curve with light orange (resp. green) color is the number R0 (t), and the predicted basic reproduction number
predicted number of infected persons X̂(t) (resp. recovered R̂0 (t). The blue circle-marked solid curve is the measured
R̂(t) persons). R0 (t) and the purple star-marked dashed curve is the predicted
R̂0 (t) (from Feb. 15, 2020). It is clear that R0 (t) has decreased
In Figure 2, we show the measured β(t) and γ(t) from the dramatically since Jan. 28, 2020, and it implies that the
real historical data. We can see that β(t) decreases dramati- control policies work in China. More importantly, it shows
cally, and γ(t) increases slightly. This is a direct result of the that the turning point is Feb. 17, 2020 when R̂0 (t) < 1. In
Chinese government that tries to suppress the transmission rate the following days after Feb. 17, 2020, X(t) will decrease
β(t) by city-wide lockdown and traffic halt. On the other hand, exponentially, and that will lead to the end of the epidemic in
due to the lack of effective drugs and vaccines for COVID-19, China. Our model predicts precisely that R0 (t) will go less
the recovering rate γ(t) grows relatively slowly. Additionally, than 1 on Feb. 17, 2020 by 3 days in advance (Feb. 14, 2020).
there is a definition change of the confirmed case on Feb. 12, The results show that our model is very effective in tracking
2020 that makes the data related to Feb. 11, 2020 have no the characteristics of β(t) and γ(t).


( )
( )
R (t) = βγ tt

R(̂ t)

R ̂ ( t)


                  Figure 4: One-day prediction for the number of infected and
recovered persons. The unpredictable points due to the change
Figure 3: Basic reproduction number R0 (t) of the time- of definition of the confirmed case are marked as gray. The
dependent SIR model of the COVID-19 in China. The circle- circle-marked solid curve with dark orange (resp. green) color
marked solid curve with blue color is the R0 (t) based on the is the real number of infected persons X(t) (resp. recovered
given data from Jan. 27, 2020 to Feb. 20, 2020, the star-marked persons R(t)), the star-marked dashed curve with light orange
dashed curve with purple color is the predicted R̂0 (t) based on (resp. green) color is the predicted number of infected persons
the data from Jan. 27, 2020 to Feb. 15, 2020, and the dashed X̂(t) (resp. recovered persons R̂(t)).
line with red color is the percolation threshold 1 for the basic
reproduction number.  %




To show the precision of our model, we demonstrate the 


prediction results for the next day (one-day prediction) in 

Figure 4. It contains the predicted number of infected persons  %

X̂(t) (orange star-marked dashed curve), the predicted number  %
of recovered persons R̂(t) (green star-marked dashed curve),  %
and the real number of infected and recovered persons (dark  %
orange and dark green circle-marked solid curves) every day.  %
The unpredictable days due to the change of the definition of  %
the confirmed case on Feb. 12, 2020. are marked as gray.  %

The predicted curves are extremely close to the measured                

curves (obtained from the real historical data). In this figure,
we also annotate the predicted number of infected persons Figure 5: Errors of the one-day prediction of the number of
X̂(t) = 27, 433 and the predicted number of recovered persons infected and recovered persons. The unpredictable points due
R̂(t) = 52, 785 on Mar. 3, 2020. to the change of definition of the confirmed case on Feb. 12,
We further examine our prediction accuracy in Figure 5. The 2020 are marked as the gray dash curve.
error rates are all within ±3% except for the predicted number
of recovered persons R̂(t) on Feb. 1, Feb. 3, and Feb. 5, 2020.
The gray dashed curve stands for the unpredictable points due number of cases (X(t) < 500) before Jan. 21, 2020 (that
to the change of definition of the confirmed case. However, causes the curve to fluctuate a lot), it is notable that β(t)
from the prediction results after Feb. 16, 2020, we find that increases gradually then drops dramatically during Jan. 23,
our model can still keep tracking β(t) and γ(t) accurately and 2020 to Jan. 28, 2020, and it reaches the peak point on Jan.
overcome the impact of the change of the definition. 26, 2020, which coincides with the trends of the moving out in
Wuhan during the Chunyun (Spring Festival travel season) [16]
in Figure 6. Especially, the emigration trend is almost the same
E. Historical Data Analysis as the β(t) during Jan. 23, 2020 to Jan. 28, 2020. We speculate
In this subsection, we show the relationship between the that people rushed into the public transportation system when
epidemic prevention policies issued by the Chinese govern- the announcement of the Wuhan city lockdown was out, which
ment and the historical data of the time-varying transmission significantly increases the contact among people and speeds up
rates. the spread of the virus. As a result of that, the transmission
As shown in Figure 2, the disease has been gradually rate β(t) increases substantially. As pointed out in Zhong’s
controlled in China as time goes on. Excluding the small study [17], the median of the incubation period of COVID-19

is 3 days among 1099 valid confirmed cases, which makes the yellow zone), then there will not be an outbreak. As shown
emigration trend aligns with β(t) if the extra 3 days are taken in Figure 7, we would like to point out the importance of
into account. Finally, the disease is gradually getting under detecting an infected person. As long as more than 90% of
control after the lockdown. The basic reproduction number those infected persons can be actually detected and properly
R0 (t) is less than 1, i.e., β(t) < γ(t) since Feb. 17, 2020. isolated and treated, it is possible to contain the spread of the
disease even if the transmission rate of type II infected persons,
i.e., β2 , is as high as 0.7. On the other hand, suppressing
the transmission rate of type II infected persons can also be
effective in controlling the disease while the detection rate is
not that high. For example, wearing masks and washing hands
can be an effective epidemic prevention mechanism to reduce
β2 .





Figure 6: Trends of moving out during the Chunyun (Spring 

Festival travel season) in Wuhan city. The vertical axis 

represents the ratio between the number of people leaving 

the city and the resident population in Wuhan. The orange β2


curve shows the ratio in 2019, while the blue curve shows
the ratio in 2020. We redraw this figure by our-self from Figure 7: Phase transition diagram of an outbreak with respect
https://qianxi.baidu.com/ [16]. to β2 and w2 . The black curve is the percolation threshold. The
orange area means the disease will be an outbreak while the
yellow area means the disease is under control.
F. The Effects of Type II Infected Persons
In this subsection, we show how undetectable (type II) In the following experiments, we extend our study to other
infected persons affect the epidemic. In particular, we are in- countries, including Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Italy, and
terested in addressing the question of whether the existence of Iran. We collect the historical data from Jan. 22, 2020 to Mar.
undetectable infected persons (type II) can cause an outbreak. 2, 2020 from WHO [2]. For these countries, the transmission
To carry out our numerical study, we need to fix some rates β(t) and the recovering rates γ(t) (measured from the
variables in the system of difference equations in (20)-(22). time-dependent SIR model in Section II) during the initial
For the transmission rate (resp. recovering rate) of type I period with a rapid increase of the number of confirmed cases
infected persons, i.e., β1 (resp. γ1 ), we set it to be the measured can be viewed as β2 and γ2 . This is because during that
β(t) = 0.00383 (resp. γ(t) = 0.08493) on Mar. 1, 2020 in period of time, there is no epidemic prevention intervention,
China. The rationale behind this is that type I infected persons and all the infected persons are basically not detected. It is
were detected and they were under treatment and isolation interesting to note that different countries might have different
after Mar. 1, 2020 in China. Also, as there is no medicine for β2 and γ2 . On the other hand, only 87.9% of COVID-19 cases
COVID-19, we may assume that these two types of infected have a fever from the report of WHO [2]. If we use body
persons have the same recovering rate, i.e, γ2 = γ1 . In view temperature as a means to detect an infected person, then only
of the system equation in (20)-(22), there are still two free 87.9% of COVID-19 cases can be detected. For this, we set
variables w2 and β2 , where w2 is the probability that an w1 = 87.9%.
infected person is of type II and β2 is the transmission rate of With β1 and γ1 specified in the previous study for China,
type II. we plot the the phase transition diagram in Figure 8 in terms
In Figure 7, we illustrate how w2 and β2 affect the outbreak of the two variables β2 and γ2 . Again, the black curve is
of the COVID-19. Such a figure is known as the phase the curve when the spectral radius of the transition matrix A
transition diagram in [11]. The black curve in Figure 7 is in (23) equals to 1. Such a curve represents the percolation
the curve when the spectral radius of the transition matrix threshold of a COVID-19 outbreak. If β2 and γ2 fall above
A in (23) equals to 1. This curve represents the percolation the black curve (in the orange zone), then there will be an
threshold of COVID-19. If w2 and β2 fall above the black outbreak. On the contrary, if β2 and γ2 fall below the black
curve (in the orange zone), then there will be an outbreak. On curve (in the yellow zone), then there will not be an outbreak.
the contrary, if w2 and β2 fall below the black curve (in the The countries with large confirmed cases, including Japan,

Singapore, South Korea, Italy, and Iran, are marked in Figure have developed comprehensive isolation systems to limit the
8. From Figure 8, we observe that both Singapore and Japan spread of disease by confirmed cases, which can lower β1
are below the percolation threshold. But Japan is much closer effectively. Besides, from the experimental result in IV-F,
to the percolation threshold. On the other hand, both South managing, and controlling the asymptomatic infected persons
Korea and Italy are above the percolation threshold, and they are also important and urgent. Due to the limitation of the
are on the verge of a potential outbreak on Mar. 2, 2020. medical resource, we cannot put everyone under rRT-PCR test
These two countries must implement epidemic prevention and detect all of the asymptomatic infected persons. However,
policies urgently. Not surprisingly, on Mar. 10, 2020, the we can track the travel history, occupation, contact, and cluster
Italian government announces the lockdown and forbids the (TOCC) of the confirmed cases to narrow the range of the
gatherings of people. It is worth mentioning that there are two possible source of infection. In other words, by tracing the
marks for Iran in the Figure. The one above the percolation connection of social networks, it helps us to identify the
threshold is the one without adding the number of deaths into most possible source of the infection. Taking care of the
the number of recovered persons. The other one below the close contacts of the possible infection source can increase
percolation threshold is the one that adds the number of deaths w1 (and thus decrease w2 ). Moreover, the propaganda of
into the number of recovered persons. For some unknown health education knowledge, wearing masks, washing hands,
reason, the death rate in Iran is higher than the other countries. and other prevention policies can also reduce the transmission
The high death rate seems to prevent an outbreak in Iran. rate β2 of asymptomatic infected persons. We can observe
the effectiveness of suppressing w2 and β2 to prevent an
outbreak of the disease from Figure 7. Simultaneously, medical


resources like the rRT-PCR test need to be allocated according


to priorities. By doing so, the society can operate normally,

which leads to the goal of optimal control. From the view

of our system model, we regard the following four points

as particularly important when preventing the disease from


 1. Increasing the recovering rate γ can be helpful in con-

trolling disease, but it depends on the standard of medical

  treatment, which we cannot control. Therefore, reducing

 the transmission rate is the first priority.

2. In addition to the rRT-PCR test, having a fever is a

crucial symptom to identify the infected persons. Once
confirmed, isolation is essential to avoid extra infection
Figure 8: Phase transition diagram of an outbreak with respect
on society and lower the transmission rate β1 .
to β2 and γ2 . The black curve is the percolation threshold. The
3. Asymptomatic infected persons may be identified by
orange area means the disease will be an outbreak, while the
tracking the TOCC of detected cases and their social
yellow area means the disease is under control.
network connections. Quarantine of the persons who are
suspected to be in contact with infected persons is also
necessary in this stage to lower transmission rate β2 .
4. Propaganda of health education knowledge can reduce the
In this section, we put forward some discussions and transmission rate β2 substantially. For example, wearing
suggestions based on the observation made from the results masks in public and enclosed space, washing hands,
of our system models. As of Mar. 2, 2020, it seems that avoiding touching your mouth, eyes, and nose, limiting
COVID-19 has been gradually controlled in China since the the gatherings are good ways to not only protect ourselves
prevention policies, such as city-wide lockdown have been from being infected by the asymptomatic infected persons
issued in China. Although the policies such as traffic halt, but also avoid infecting others.
small community management, and city-wide lockdown can
effectively reduce the transmission rates β1 and β2 . However,
these relatively extreme policies not only restrict the right
of personal freedom but also affect the normal operation of During the outbreak of COVID-19, we proposed the time-
society. These extreme policies forced several companies and dependent SIR model that uses the FIR filters to simulate
factories to halt production, which impact all sectors of the and predict the future trend of COVID-19. Our approach is
economy. Therefore, to strike a balance between the prevention different from the other time-invariant epidemic model in the
of disease and ensuring the normal operation of society is literature. From the experimental results, we show that our
crucial, and it is important to suggest the so-called optimal model is able to predict the number of infected persons X(t)
control policies. and the recovered persons R(t) within (almost) 3% of the error
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controlling the transmission rate in this stage. Many countries are capable of tracking the characteristics of the transmission

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we further extended our study to other countries, including
Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Italy, and Iran. Last but not
least, based on the experimental results, some discussions
and suggestions on epidemic prevention are proposed from
the perspective of our models. In the future, we will extend
our deterministic model by using stochastic models, such as
the non-homogeneous Markov chain, to further improve the
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