Research Report 3
Research Report 3
Research Report 3
on technology to get to where they are going, find new information, interact with other people,
and countless other things. It has created so many new unique jobs and opportunities.
Technology has not just shaped everyday lives and the world, in general, it has also shaped the
classroom. Using technology in schools was not always how the learning was done. It wasn't
until pretty recently that technology started to make its way into the classroom. However,
introducing technology into the classroom has been a heavily debated topic. Some say it
distracts students from learning and should not be used in school, while others say it is
beneficial to the classroom and students’ learning. To understand the beneficial impact
technology has on students learning there needs to be a very wide approach to find all of the
benefits it has to offer. This paper examines multiple studies were done that show how
technology in schools helps students engage better while helping students learn more which
Technology was first introduced into schools in the 1980s. And ever since then its effect
on students learning in the classroom has been a controversial topic. However, technology has
had a very positive impact on students’ overall learning. Specifically, technology has improved
students focus in the classroom and has helped students be more engaged in what they are
doing. It has also opened up a lot of new opportunities for students to get more familiar with
technology which can open up better job and career choices later down the road. Lastly it has
helped give students a better hands-on learning experience which is one of the best ways people
Studies show that technology has been very beneficial to the classroom. It has not only
gotten students more familiar with using technology which will help open up more job
opportunities for them down the road, but it has helped keep students engaged. Technology also
helps students with hands-on learning which is one of the most beneficial ways of learning.
Each of these benefits, student engagement, job opportunities, and hands-on learning will all be
Student Engagement. Technology has made quite the positive impact on student
engagement by providing students with a new and fresh way of doing things. Student
engagement is the most important factor in retaining information and learning more. According
to Baytak, Tarman, & Ayas, all of whom are very respected and distinguished experts on the
impacts of technology found that most students believe that their learning is improved by
integrating technology into the classroom curriculum. Students participating in the study
reported that using technology in school makes learning fun and helps them learn more. They
believed that technology makes learning interesting, enjoyable, and interactive. “Students today
love to learn by doing, interacting, and discovering” (Baytak, Tarman, & Ayas, 2011). By
from the normal pen and paper exercises and makes what they are doing a lot more interesting.
From personal experience as a current high school student being able to either use my phone or
the computer to do my classwork, is something to look forward too because it is so much more
interesting than using a pen and paper. According to a study done on the impact of technology
in elementary schools states “When elementary school teachers use and model different forms
of technologies, they actively engage their students and create a stimulating work environment”
(Kenney, 2011). Technology stimulates the kids minds in a different way than teachers were
able to before technology was being used in classrooms. The fact is simple, the better student
engagement is the better they will be at retaining information and using that information on tests
or even in there everyday lives. The more students and schools use technology the higher the
student engagement will be. Technology improve student engagement which in turn leads to
Job Opportunities. Technology has made a positive impact on students' futures due to
the experience it provides students. By students learning how to use technology in school there
are so many job opportunities that can be achievable that there was not before technology was
used in the classroom. Using technology at school will set students up for a better future.
Almost all jobs today require a basic understanding of how to use technology so practicing it in
school it prepares students for those jobs down the road. According to a study done by
DePasquale, McNamara, & Murphy “Teachers should model the use of technology in support
of the curriculum so that children can see the appropriate use of technology and benefit from
exposure to more advanced applications that they will use independently when they are older”
(Pg. 56). By setting students up for the future will not only benefit the students learning, but it
learning skills because it provides so many more opportunities to learn using hands on methods.
Hands-on learning is one of the best ways of helping students learn more effectively.
Technology has changed the game when it comes to hand-on learning. Online interactive
activities play an integral role in many classrooms across the world. These hands-on lessons are
a much more interesting and visual way to learn which helps students who are better visual
learners retain information. A study was done on the effects of technology on a school in Iowa
called Van Meter. The study found that “the use of technology has helped developed skills such
as exchange ideas, research independently, adapt to new situations, and take ownership over
their own learning” (Miller, 2011). These skills are great examples of skills developed through
hands-on learning. The technology they are using has allowed students to develop skills that
will help them learn much more effectively than the would have been able to without
technology. Hands-on learning creates a more stimulating environment, which leads to better
student engagement. Technology acts as a catalyst for hands-on learning because it makes it so
much more accessible than it ever was before. This just further proves that technology has a
learning, it is necessary to conduct more research into the long term effects of the
implementation of technology in school. This includes but is not limited too, how different
countries use technology, specific technological job opportunities, as well as the impact
technology has on standardized test scores. Technology helps bring students a fresh new
perspective on their learning which has made such a big impact on students learning.
Technology also helps give students more experience which helps them with their future
careers. Technology has also been a catalyst for one of the most important ways students learn,
Baytak, A., Tarman, B., & Ayas, C. (2011). Experiencing technology integration in education:
DePasquale, R., McNamara, E., & Murphy, K. (2003). Meaningful connections: Using
Kenney, L. (2011). Elementary education, there’s an app for that: communication technology in
Miller, S. (2011). Student voices for change. Learning and Leading with Technology, 38(8), 20-