Installation Ipcbit Pcie
Installation Ipcbit Pcie
Installation Ipcbit Pcie
Signal ground direct/via 100 Ohm For non-standard applications only please consider
the following settings
Solder jumper BR52 (above the BITBUS connector,
see front page) is used to select whether the RS485 RTS-level H-active: Open BR51 (Default: closed)
ground line (pin 5 of the connector) gets connected Termination does not match a high-active RTS, hence
directly to the isolated ground of the BIT<PCIe please switch off 4 and 5 and use external termination.
BITBUS-PCI express board (jumper closed) or through a 100 Ohm resistor.
There are different ideas amongst experts as to what Full/half duplex mode (SW50)
is most suitable for BITBUS - normal applications Half duplex means reception and transmission using
won’t note a difference. the same wire pair, while the other wire pair can be
Technical data: used for RTS (active during transmit).
BITBUS: Isolated (500V) RS485 line driver, drives 32 standard loads Default: open
External amplifiers (repeaters) need RTS for direction
Speed: EEPROM selectable 62.5, 375, 750 and 1500 kBit/s
ELZET 80 - Theaterplatz 9 - D-52062 Aachen - Tel. +49-241-48410, Fax -48480
control from the slave side. In full duplex nets all slave
Node address: EEPROM selectable 0..255; 255=Master receivers are connected to the master's transmitter line.
Net message length: 0 to 249 bytes For full duplex the switches at SW50 have to be inverted
Board size: 170 x 64 mm (low profile) from the standard to read as follows:
PCIexpress: One lane 1=OFF, 2=ON, 7=OFF, 8=ON.
CTS - 8 3 - TxD
RTS - 7 2 - RxD Use flat cable to connect to sub-D9 Can be set from custom software, gets
NC - 6 1 - Pullup plug. Pin numbers correspond to reset on RESET.
sub-D. Leave pin 10 unconnected
on sub-D.