Connections and Settings: Communication Unit 560CMU05
Connections and Settings: Communication Unit 560CMU05
Connections and Settings: Communication Unit 560CMU05
Application, characteristics and technical data have to be taken The module has one jumper X1 (see Fig. 5 and 6), to force the
from the hardware data sheet: IP-address of the Ethernet interface to a default value. If the
jumper is set to 1-2 after a restart, the Ethernet interface E1
560CMU05 Data sheet 1KGT 150 619 will be initialized with the IP-address (Subnet mask, Gateway
Operation The connection to the RTU560 Serial Peripheral Bus (SPB) and
the RTU560 System Bus is done via 48 pole DIN-F socket con-
The communication unit 560CMU05 is one of the CMU mod- nector according to DIN 41612.
ules (CMU = communication unit) of the RTU560 product line.
The 560CMU05 controls process events and communications
with control centers and local MMI systems via up to four se- Communication interfaces
rial interfaces (CP1, CP2, CPA, CPB) and the two Ethernet
10BaseT/100BaseT LAN interfaces (E1, E2). On all interfaces different protocol types can be used. Possible
limitations can be found in the document: RTU500 series Inter-
faces and protocols (1KGT 150 853).
E1 E2 CP1, CP2
RS232C or
10/100 MB LAN 10/100 MB LAN
Ethernet Interfaces E1 and E2
Ethernet Interfaces
ELAN520 Memory
Pin Signal Input/Output
1 TD + Output
RAM 2 TD - Output 1
3 RD + Input
4 Not used
6 RD - Input
RS485 or
7 Not used
Shield Connected
Figure 1: 560CMU05 Block diagram CMU
with housing
The serial interfaces CP1 and CP2 are available on the RJ45 Serial Interfaces CPA and CPB
connectors on the front plate. It can interface RS232C and
RS485 signals. The interfaces CP1 and CP2 are connected to The communication interfaces CPA and CPB have two different
an USART (universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/trans- functions:
mitter). On both interfaces different UART based protocol types – SPB I/O bus connection
can be used. – UART character based protocols
In RS232C mode the signals are used according to: Both functions are mutually exclusive. The SPB allocates always
both interfaces in parallel. In this case the interface CPB is auto-
Serial Interface RS232C Mode matically routed to the 48 pole DIN-F socket connector of the
Pin Signal Input/Output
3 TxD Output
In RS232C mode the signals are used according to:
4 DTR Output
5 GND -
Jack Serial Interface RS232C Mode
In RS485 mode both sides of the serial bus must be terminated 7 RTS Output
by a 1 kΩ resistor. The termination on the CMU side is already
8 CTS Input
done onboard.
Shield Connected
Serial Interface RS485 Mode The RS232C standard defines a maximum cable length of 15 m.
Pin Signal
In RS485 mode both sides of the serial bus must be terminated
1 - Not used by a 1 kΩ resistor. The termination on the CMU side is already
2 TA Data - 1
done onboard.
3 TB Data +
The signals are used according to:
4 - Not used
5 GND Signal Ground Serial Interface RS485 Mode
6 - Pin Signal
8 - 2 TA Data - 1
6 -
Interface Type RS232C CMU parameter - serial inter-
7 - Not used faces
Shield Connected COM Speed 9600 bits/sec CMU parameter - serial inter-
with housing faces
value range: 50, 75, 100, 110, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1500, 2400, 4800,
The RS485 cable length should be less than 150 m. 9600, 19200, 38400 bits/sec; 50-600 bits/sec only on selected interfaces
A (green) Activity on Ethernet interface E Interface mode Auto-Negotia- CMU parameter - Network In-
tion terfaces
L (green) Link up on Ethernet interface E
Interface Mode:
– Auto-Negotiation
Firmware Version –
100BaseT full duplex
100BaseT half duplex
– 10BaseT full duplex
The actual firmware version will be delivered on a CompactFlash
– 10BaseT half duplex
memory card. A new firmware file can be loaded with the Web
diagnostic tool into the removable CompactFlash memory card. Node name none CMU parameter - Network In-
Exchanging of CompactFlash memory cards is possible. terfaces
The settings of the hardware and for operation of the communi- terfaces
cation interface is done with the RTUtil500 configuration tool. Default Gateway IP CMU parameter - Network In-
Following parameters can be defined for serial interfaces:
The module has one jumper X1 (see Fig. 4) to force the IP-ad-
dress of the Ethernet interface to a default value. If the jumper
is set to Position 1-2 after a restart, the Ethernet interface E1
will be initialized with the IP-address (Subnet mask, Gateway
Read IP address
Send Configuration from configuration
to RTU file
jumper X_ETH
to position 2-3
A 1 1 2 3
1-2 = Default IP
Figure 3: 560CMU05
front plate Figure 4: 560CMU05 jumper positions
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