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RTU560 Interface

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Connections and Settings

DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

Application, characteristics and technical data
have to be taken from the hardware data sheet:
 560CIG10 1KGT 150 719

The 560CIG10 is a DIN rail RTU560 consisting of
a communication unit (CMU), a multi-I/O module
(MIO) and a power supply (PSU) in a metal DIN
rail housing.
The essential tasks of the 560CIG10 are:
 Capturing of 8 analog input signals
(mA or V signals)
 Capturing of 16 digital input signals
 Output of 8 binary commands (by relay)
 (1 out of n) check
Fig. 1: Block diagram 560CIG10
 Managing and controlling of the RTU211
I/O modules via the10 pole Wired-OR-Bus
To force the IP-Address to a default value at start-
up, the “Def. IP-Addr” switch on the front side (see
 Reading Process events from the input Fig. 16) has to be switched “ON”. The 560CIG10
boards. starts with the factory settings for the Ethernet
Interface (see Fig. 2) which are for
 Writing commands to the output boards.
the IP-address with the network setting
 Communicating with control systems and for the subnet mask and
local MMI systems via the 3 integrated se- for the gateway.
rial line interfaces and the Ethernet
10/100 BaseT LAN interface.
 Managing the time base for the RTU560
station and synchronizing the I/O mod- Switch „Def. IP- Address“
ules. ON position OFF
 Handling the dialogue between RTU560
and Web-Browser via the Ethernet inter-
face. Read IP address
Send Configuration from confi-
to RTU guration file

Set Switch
„Def. IP-Address“
to „OFF“

Fig. 2: Usage of Switch „Def. IP-Addr“

Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1 1

Connections and Settings DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

CPA Interface CP1 and CP2 Interface

The CPA Interface is available on the RJ45 con- The CP1 and CP2 Interfaces USART (universal
nector. It can interface RS485 signals. The bus is synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter)
terminated by a 1 kΩ resistor. are available on the RJ45 connectors. They can
The settings have to be done by the RTUtil560 Interface RS232C signals. On both Interfaces
different UART based protocol types can be used.
configuration tool. The signals are used according
to Tab. 1 The signals are used according to Tab. 2.

CPA Interface RS485 Mode CP1 and CP2 Interface RS232C Mode

Pin Signal Pin Signal Input/Output

1 - Not used 1 DCD Input

2 TA Data - 2 RxD Input

RJ45 RJ45
3 TB Data + 3 TxD Output
Rx 1 Rx 1
4 - Not used 4 DTR Output
Tx 8
5 GND Signal Ground 5 GND Signal Ground Tx 8

6 - 6 - Not used

7 - Not used 7 RTS Output

8 - 8 CTS Input

Tab. 1: CPA Interface RS485 Mode Shield Connected with


Tab. 2: CP1- and CP2 Interface RS232C Mode

2 Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1

Connections and Settings DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

Ethernet Interface Main Power Supply (MPS)

The Ethernet Interface is available on a RJ45 The supply voltage for the 560CIG10 is 24VDC.
connector and supports different functions: The connector X4 consists of a 3 pole pluggable
screw-terminal 5,08mm (see Tab. 4, Fig. 14 and
 Webserver-diagnostic with download of
Fig. 15). The maximum input power is 67 Watt.
configuration files and firmware
 TCP/IP based protocols IEC 60870-5-
104, DNP3, … Main Power Supply
 Integrated HMI Pin DC-IN
The signals are used according to Tab. 3 1 Vin (+)
2 Vin (-)

Ethernet Interface 3 Earth

Tab. 4: 3 Pole Power Connector
Pin Signal Input/Output

1 TD + Output In some cases an external potential

isolation for the DC-Input is neces-
2 TD - Output
! sary. This can be done e.g. by a
3 RD + Input power supply unit 560PSU40/41
4 - Not used
Lnk 1
5 - 560CIG10 Earthing
Act On the strength of safety and EMC protection it is
6 RD - Input
important to make a connection as short as possi-
7 - Not used
ble to a system earth (may be DIN-rail or mount-
ing plate). An ordinary 1.5mm2 multi-core wire
8 - (green/yellow) can be used and should not ex-
ceed a length of 100 cm (39 inch). Pin X4-3 of the
Shield Connected with 3 pole DC-In connector is the earth-pin (see Tab.
housing 4). The protection earth must be connected there.
Tab. 3: Ethernet Interface The power supply terminal X4-2 (Vin -) is internal
connected with the housing potential by jumper
X9 (see Fig. 7 or Fig. 8).
The connection to the local I/O boards is done by
a 20 pole female connector. The connection to the
serial peripheral bus (Wired OR-Bus) is done by a
20 pole male connector (see Fig. 15 IO-BUS). The
package of the 23AD62 or 211ADD52 module
includes one ribbon cable with the length of 19cm
(7,5inch). The ribbon cable should not exceed a
length of 50cm (20inch).

Attention: It is not allowed to pull

! or to plug the 20 pole ribbon
cable during the operation pro-

Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1 3

Connections and Settings DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

Signalling Firmware Version

The LED’s of the 560CIG10 are controlled by the The current firmware version will be delivered on
RTU560 firmware (except Tx and Rx). For the a CompactFlashTM memory card. A new firmware
definition and operation of the LED “ERR" please file can be loaded via the Web diagnostic tool into
refer to the release specific function description. the removable CompactFlashTM memory card.
The connector embedded LEDs “Tx” and “Rx” are
directly connected to the receiver/transmitter of
the communication line. The LEDs “Act" and “Lnk” The 560CIG10 will be delivered without a
are directly connected to the Ethernet-controller. CompactFlashTM memory card.
Tab.5 describes the system LEDs of the
560CIG10. For changing the CompactFlashTM memory card
the right side of the housing has to be opened
(see Fig. 16).
LED Colour Meaning

ERR (1x) red Warning / Error

For changing the CompactFlash
Tx (4x) green Transmit data (CP1, 2, A) ! card follow the instructions below:

Rx (4x) green Receive data (CP1, 2, A)

Lnk (2x) yellow Ethernet Link 1. Disconnect the power-supply of the

Act (2x) green Ethernet Activity 2. Take care of ESD protection before
opening the 560CIG10 housing.
IO-Bus (1x) green Serial Peripheral Bus
3. Open the 4 screws on the right side of
PF (1x) red One of the output voltage the housing (see Fig. 16).
is fail 4. Pull or plug only the CF-card. Don’t
touch other components.
RUN (1x) green The CMU is reachable
via Ethernet 5. Close the housing before the power-
supply is connected to the 560CIG10
RUN (1x) yellow The firmware is running
but not reachable via

RUN OFF No firmware is running

Def. IP- (1x) red The default IP-address is

Addr active

BI (16x) yellow Signals the binary Input-

Units status

BO (8x) yellow Signals the binary Out-

Units status

Tab. 5: Meaning of LEDs

Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1 4

Connections and Settings DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

Input / Output Binary Input

The 16 binary inputs of the 560CIG10 are
The multi-I/O-part of the 560CIG10 board scans
grouped into two groups of 8 inputs each (see Fig.
analog and digital signals and prepares them for
15 and 17). Each group has its own common re-
the RTU560 on the basis of predefined parame-
ters. The board is available in two versions:
The 560CIG10 board scans all 16 binary inputs
 R0001: 24 ... 60 V DC process voltage
every millisecond and prepares them for the
 R0002: 110 / 125 V DC process voltage RTU560 on the basis of predefined parameters.
In general the 560CIG10 board can process the The board 560CIG10 supports:
following signals:
 16 single indications with time stamp
 Max. 8 analog inputs
 8 double indications with time stamp
 Max. 16 binary inputs
 2 digital measured values with 8-bit
 Max. 8 binary outputs
 1 digital measured value with 16-bit
In addition the 560CIG10 is equipped with an (1
out of n) check circuit for command output.  16 pulse counters
channel 1 up to 16 kHz count events,
all others up to 120 Hz count events
Processing functions (on the lower eight input channels)

Analog Input Binary Output

Each analog input can process the following func- The 560CIG10 has 8 binary output channels
tions (see Fig. 15 and 17): equipped with relays. The outputs are isolated
from the electronic part by means of optocoupler.
 Zero point monitoring
Each output channel has its own return.
 Switching recognition
The 560CIG10 can process the following com-
 Smoothing mands:
 Threshold value monitoring of absolute val-  Commands with 1 or 2 pole connection
ue or with accumulation and periodic back- without (1 out of n) check
ground transmission
 Commands with 1 or 2 pole connection
Input signal conversion with (1 out of n) check

The 560CIG10 board transmits the measured  Regulation commands (1 and 2 pole)
value with 12-bit plus sign. The scaling for the  Setpoint commands (8 bit)
telecontrol transmission protocol presentation is
done by the CMU.  Bit string output (1, 2 or 8 bit)

(1 out of n) check circuit

Two transistor outputs are available to connect
two external relays X1-4 and X1-5 for the inte-
grated (1 out of n) check circuit of the 560CIG10.
The check circuit can be used also for additional
output boards.
The resistor measurement range for the integrat-
ed (1 out of n) check circuit can be configured
between 100Ω and 10kΩ in steps of 10Ω by the
RTUtil560 configuration tool.

Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1 5

Connections and Settings DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

Settings CH1 S1-1 S1-2

Off Off 2V, 20V (bipolar)
Analog Input
On Off 2mA, 5mA, 10mA (bipolar)
Input Signal Range Off On 20mA, 40mA (bipolar)
The voltage/current measuring range can be in- CH2 S1-3 S1-4
dependently configured for each of the channels
by switches (DIP-Switches) S1 and S2 (see Fig. Off Off 2V, 20V (bipolar)
14). On Off 2mA, 5mA, 10mA (bipolar)
X3-1, X3-3, X3-5 Off On 20mA, 40mA (bipolar)
X3-7, X3-9
X7-7, X7-5, X7-3 + CH3 S1-5 S1-6
Resistor Off Off 2V, 20V (bipolar)
DIP-Switch On Off 2mA, 5mA, 10mA (bipolar)
X3-2, X3-4, X3-6 -
X3-8, X3-10 Off On 20mA, 40mA (bipolar)
X7-6, X7-4, X7-2
CH4 S1-7 S1-8
Fig. 3: Analog Input 560CIG10 Off Off 2V, 20V (bipolar)
On Off 2mA, 5mA, 10mA (bipolar)
The measuring range for the channels 1 to 5
(X3-1 to X3-/10) can be configured with S1. The Off On 20mA, 40mA (bipolar)
measuring range for the channels 6 to 8 (X7-7 to CH5 S1-9 S1-10
X7-2) can be configured with S2.
Off Off 2V, 20V (bipolar)
The configuration of the switches S1 and S2 have
to be assumed into the RTUtil560 configuration On Off 2mA, 5mA, 10mA (bipolar)
tool. Off On 20mA, 40mA (bipolar)
The switch configuration for the different measur- CH6 S2-1 S2-2
ing ranges is shown in Tab. 6.
Off Off 2V, 20V (bipolar)
On Off 2mA, 5mA, 10mA (bipolar)
The default configuration of Off On 20mA, 40mA (bipolar)
! the Analog Inputs is set to
CH7 S2-3 S2-4
measuring voltages!
Off Off 2V, 20V (bipolar)
On Off 2mA, 5mA, 10mA (bipolar)
Off On 20mA, 40mA (bipolar)
CH8 S2-5 S2-6
Off Off 2V, 20V (bipolar)
On Off 2mA, 5mA, 10mA (bipolar)
Off On 20mA, 40mA (bipolar)

Tab. 6: Analog Input Measurement Range


6 Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1

Connections and Settings DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

Configuring the line frequency Connections

The information about the line frequency is re- Power Supply
quested for the A/D conversion. The configured The power supply for the 560CIG10 R0001 (see
line frequency is valid for all 8 channels and will Fig. 6) and for the 560CIG10 R0002 (see Fig. 8)
be configured by a parameter at the RTUtil560 will be connected to screw terminal X4-1 (+) and
configuration tool. X4-2 (-) and will be relayed internal to the power
supply unit board.
Line fre- Conversion time Complete The protection earth must be connected to screw
quency per input [ms] scan cycle terminal 4-3 (see Fig. 14) for both 560CIG10 revi-
[Hz] [ms] sions.
60 50.0 400 The power supply terminal X4-2 (-) is internal
50 60.0 480 connected with the housing potential by jumper
X9 (see Fig. 7 and Fig.8).
16.6 180.0 1440
In rare cases (e.g. when grounding signal zero to
Tab. 7: Configuration of line frequency Vin (+)) the jumper X9 has to be removed. Open-
ing of the housing is done in the same way as for
In addition max. two channels can operate at the changing the CF card but the opposite side has to
fast-scan mode (the other channels will be deac- be open.
tivated at the fast-scan mode). For the fast-scan
mode following values are valid:

Line fre- Conversion time Complete

quency per input [ms] scan cycle
[Hz] [ms]
60 50.0 100
50 50.0 100
16.6 100.0 200

Tab. 8: Configuration of line frequency at

fast-scan mode

Factory calibration Fig. 4: Placement of X9 (topside PCB inside

On-site calibration of the A/D converter is not
necessary. Analog Input
The 560CIG10 is calibrated for all channels and The process signals will be connected to screw
measuring ranges at the factory. During the cali- terminal X3-1 to X3-10 (channel 1 to 5) and X7-7
bration the firmware calculates a rating value per to X7-2 (channel 6 to 8).
measuring range and channel and stores this
rating value in an EEPROM. The analog inputs are designed for current range
from 2mA, 5mA, 10mA, 20mA to 40mA (bipolar)
Binary Input and voltage range from 2V to 20V (bipolar).

The 560CIG10 has no switch or jumper for the Binary Input

binary input part.
The process signals will be connected to screw
Binary Output terminal X5-19 to X5-12 (channel 1 to 8) and X5-8
to X5-1 (channel 9 to 16). The common return for
The output solid state relay circuit (24 VDC) is the first eight channels is screw terminal X5-11,
monitored during the output process. for the last eight channels X5-9.

Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1 7

Connections and Settings DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

Binary Output
The process signals will be connected to screw ALARM – Output (ALR)
terminal X2 (channel 1 to 8), see Fig. 14. If an error condition occurs in the RTU the ALR-
Figure 10 shows the one pole connection. output will be switched. RTU error conditions have
to be taken from the function description of the
For a 2 pole connection (see Fig. 11 and Fig. 12)
RTU560 releases.
two internal relays of the 560CIG10 are used (e.g.
The alarm output is a normal close contact which
C1 and C3 for a double command output, and C2
will be opened if alarm status is off.
and C4).

(1 out of n) check circuit

For the (1 out of n) check two external relays are Alarm status: on contact closed
used, which will be connected to X1-4 (GO relay Alarm status: off contact open
R9, optional) and X1-5 (measurement relay R10).
The coil voltage of the relay is 24V. X1-6 (+) and
X1-7 (-) is the input for the integrated check cir- X6-1
cuit. The external relays are not scope of
delivery! X6-2
ABB recommend following relay:
Finder, miniature-relay
! (, 24VDC, 2W, 10A)
Fig. 6: ALARM-Output

The measuring relays are switched on and the

configured delay time has to be expire before the
actual measuring starts.

Process Voltage (UP)

The process voltage (see Fig. 14) will be connect- Signaling
ed to screw terminal X1-3 (+) and X1-2 (-).
The function earth can be connected to screw Analog Input
terminal X1-1 (PE).
The analog input part of the 560CIG10 has no
Main Supply Supervision (MSS) external signaling.
By using an AC-power supply unit (e.g. 23VG23)
with integrated battery load control a MSS is Binary Input
necessary. The MSS shows the status of the bat- 16 yellow LED’s are mounted on the front side of
tery, cabling the 560CIG10 (see Fig. 16), showing the actual
and fuse protection. state of the binary inputs.

Binary Output
8 yellow LED’s are mounted on the front side of
the 560CIG10 (see Fig. 16), showing the actual
state of the binary output channels.

Fig. 5: Main Supply Supervision (MMS)

8 Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1

Connections and Settings DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

Fig. 7: Power Supply 560CIG10 R0001

Fig. 8: Power Supply 560CIG10 R0002

Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1 9

Connections and Settings DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

Fig. 9: Binary Input 560CIG10

C1 C8


X2-1 X2-2 X2-15 X2-16

R1 ….. R8
1 pole Connection
Fig. 10: Binary Output 560CIG10, single command, 1 pole connection

10 Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1

Connections and Settings DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

C1 C2


X2-1 X2-2 X2-3 X2-4

R1 +
Single Command
2 pole Connection
Fig. 11: Binary Output, Single Command, 2 pole connection

C1 C2 C3 C4


X2-1 X2-2 X2-5 X2-6

X2-3 X2-4 X2-7 X2-8

Double Command 2 pole Connection

Fig. 12: Binary Output, Double Command, 2 pole connection

Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1 11

Connections and Settings DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

Fig. 13: Binary Output, (1 out of n) check, single command, 1 pole connection

Fig. 14: Placement of the terminal screws and switches

12 Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1

Connections and Settings DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

The settings of the Ethernet Interface are:
Hardware settings and operation of the communi-
cation Interfaces of the 560CIG10 and IO-settings  Node name
are carried out with the RTUtil560 configuration
 IP address
tool. For the configuration procedure of the com-
munication Interfaces and the IO-Bus, please  Subnet mask
refer to the RTUtil560 user guide.
 Default gateway
The following parameters have to be defined for
all protocols:  Routing information

 Baudrate: 50 to 19 200 baud  Number of the host Interfaces.

Modem control:
 Direct link (TxD/RxD only)
 WT link full duplex (560FSM10/11 no
 WT link half duplex (560FSM10/11 with
 Dial up (external modem without hand-
shake, without RTS / CTS)
 Loop switch unit (RP570/71 Host Inter-
face only)
 Link with collision avoidance (TxD, RxD,
DCD, without handshake (DNP 3.0 only)

Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1 13

Connections and Settings DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

Fig. 15: Top side of 560CIG10 housing


Fig. 16: Front and right side of 560CIG10 housing screws

Fig. 17: Bottom side of 560CIG10 housing

14 Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1

Connections and Settings DIN Rail RTU 560CIG10

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Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 720 V006 1 15

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