Present Status, Problem and Prospect of Duck Farming in Rural Areas of Mymensingh District, Bangladesh
Present Status, Problem and Prospect of Duck Farming in Rural Areas of Mymensingh District, Bangladesh
Present Status, Problem and Prospect of Duck Farming in Rural Areas of Mymensingh District, Bangladesh
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Present status, problem and prospect of duck farming in rural areas of
Mymensingh district, Bangladesh
Md. Asadul Islam1, Md. Abdur Rahman Howlider2, Md. Ashadul Alam3*, Md Abu Heyamet3 and Manika
Department of Livestock Services, Bangladesh
Department of Poultry Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensing 2202, Bangladesh
System Research Division, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka 1341, Bangladesh
*Corresponding author: Md. Ashadul Alam, System Research Division, BLRI, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. E-
1. Introduction
Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Poultry plays a significant role in the subsistence economy of the country
and contribute 1.6% in GDP (SAEDF, 2008). Among the poultry species, duck ranks 2 nd just after chicken in
producing poultry meat and eggs. DLS has given an estimation of duck population of 37.2, 38.70, 39.08 and
39.84 million for the year of 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively, while FAO given population of duck in
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2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 as 20, 21, 22 and 23 million, respectively. At present, prices of meat and eggs are
beyond the buying capacity of the poor people. Increased ducks egg and meat production can play a vital role in
solving these problems. Duck keeping is one of the possible means of breaking out poverty trap of resource-
poor small holder families in low income countries (Pym et al., 2002). Ducks are considered to be the most
important asset and source of income for ultra poor rural women. Small scale duck farming has not only been
proved to be a beneficial occupation for small, marginal and landless farmers, but also a potential source of self-
employment for the youth and distress women (Jabber, 2004). There are many advantages of duck production
and the duck can be considered as a good all purpose poultry species. Duck needs less care and management.
Ducks can exploit natural water bodies; marshy lands, haors, rivers, ponds and cannels for their individual gain.
About one-ninth of the total land of Bangladesh is low land which is very much suitable for duck rearing. It is
easy to raise, need less space for rearing and require low inputs of feed, housing facilities and management.
Ducks are hardy and can easily adapt to different climates and they are also relatively resistance to diseases
(Holderread, 1990). Ducks are excellent foragers and if allowed to scavenge, can consume enough natural feed
to cover most of their nutrient requirements. The scavenging venues of duck and chicken are different. So, they
are not competitor of each other for scavengable feeds. Duck offers the opportunity for better utilization of
water and aquatic resources to generate food and income for rural communities. Poor villagers can get
maximum return by giving minimum supplemental diets to their ducks. The prospect of duck rearing in
Mymensingh district of Bangladesh lies in the fact that there are large areas of low-lying water reservoirs where
waters stand throughout the year. These water reservoirs contain weeds, fishes, snails, insects, fallen grains etc,
which are the important feeds for ducks when reared under scavenging and semi scavenging systems. There is a
great potentiality in improving the productivity of duck through better feeding and management. The problem
and prospect of duck rearing has not been yet assessed and quantified. Very few research works had been done
on the potentiality, productivity and profitability of duck rearing. To increase the productivity of duck, the
present status, problems and prospects are needed to be assessed for economic rearing of duck in Bangladesh.
Therefore, the present experiment was undertaken to know the present status and existing production system of
duck and assess the problems and prospects of duck rearing in the rural reas of Mymensingh district.
The proportion of farmers reared deshi duck in this study was lower than that of Rahman (2009). He found
82.25% farmers reared deshi duck. The reason for decreasing of deshi duck may be for substitution of deshi
duck by Khaki Campbell and Jinding.
From the Table 2, it can be seen that about 48% farmers were medium producers than low and high producers.
The duck number per household agrees with that of Rahman (2009). He reported number of duck per household
was 10.41.
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3.4. Member involved in duck rearing
In taking care and management of duck, wife, son and daughter of the farmer were responsible (Table 3). Table
shows that 80% of wife of farmers’ household were responsible to take care of ducks rather than son, daughter
and others.
The finding is similar to the observation of Rahman (2009). He reported that 100% housewife was responsible
to take care of duck. It may be concluded that traditionally women were the sole raiser of duck under rural
This finding differs from Rahman (2009). He found 65.5% farmers used wood and tin, 17.5% farmers used
bamboo, 10.25% farmers used straw and bamboo and rest 6.75% farmers used soil and other materials for duck
It is evident from the current findings that 100% duck farmers used rice in the diet of duck which contradict
Rahman (2009). He did not find any farmer to use rice in the supplemented diet.
The cost of supplemented diet of duck was lower. The cost of diet/duck/day ranged from Tk. 0.49 to 1.83 with
an average of Tk. 0.85 (Table 5). The farmers were classified into three categories; namely low, medium and
high (Table 5). Table shows that 62% farmers used a diet of Tk. 0.6-0.75 for each duck/day.
It is evident from Table 5 that the amount of supplemental feed/day of each duck 121.91g agrees the observation
of Hoque et al. (2001). They observed that the farmers of Sylhet basin supplied 117g extra feed per duck per
day during dry period but according to Rahman (2009), farmers gave 120g supplemental feed/day to each duck.
The price of supplemented diet was higher than that of Rahman (2009). He found the average feed cost for each
duck Tk. 0.42.
This finding coincides with that of Rahman (2009) and Baki et al. (1986). Rahman (2009) found that 100% of
the duck owners in Noakhali Sadar and Ramgati reported that the most prevalent diseases of ducks were Plague
and Cholera. Baki et al. (1986) mentioned that Duck Plague and Duck Cholera are the common diseases of
epidemic nature in Bangladesh.
The mortality rate in this observation is lower than that of Huque and Hussain (1994) and Khanum et al. (2005).
Huque and Husain (1994) reported that the mortality of Khaki Campbell and Deshi duck were 58% and 72%
respectively. Khanum et al. (2005) reported that the mortality of duck in Netrokona was 27.1%. The mortality
was higher than that of Islam et al. (2003) and Sarker (2005). They reported that the mortality of indigenous
growing duck was 6-9%.
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3.15. Controlling procedure of duck diseases
Controlling procedure of duck diseases were varied among farmer to farmer. Most of the farmers (52%)
controlled their duck disease with medication, only 14% farmers used vaccine to prevent duck disease and rest
12% did nothing for controlling diseases (Figure 5).
It is revealed from the study that 36% farmer vaccinated duck which was higher than that of Rahman (2009). He
observed that only 14.5% farmers vaccinated duck.
Table 10. Reason of not consuming duck meat and duck egg
The observation is in agreement with Rithamber et al. (1986) and Ravindran et al. (1984). They indicated that
for non-existence of duck hatcheries in study areas the farmers obtained ducklings by hatching fertile eggs under
the broody hen.
Table 11. Cost of duckling and adult duck (Tk. /duckling or duck).
4. Conclusions
The study concluded that most of the farmers reared deshi duck. Duck rearing knowledge such as breeding,
feeding, housing, prevention and control of diseases are not satisfactory of the farmers. Therefore, a need-based
extension program should be introduced among the farmers giving more focus on building awareness and ability
about duck production.
Conflict of interest
None to declare.
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