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Effect of Feeding Bamboo (Dendrocalamus Strictus) Leaves On Growth Performance of Osmanabadi Goats

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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2022; SP-11(7): 3898-3901

ISSN (E): 2277-7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23 Effect of feeding bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus)
TPI 2022; SP-11(7): 3898-3901
© 2022 TPI leaves on growth performance of Osmanabadi goats
Received: 12-04-2022
Accepted: 16-05-2022 Divya Sakhare, Motghare AB, Bhavana Wankhade and Bawaskar SS
Divya Sakhare
P.G. Student, Section of Animal Abstract
Husbandry and Dairy Science, The study entitled “Effect of Feeding of Bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) Leaves on Growth
College of Agriculture, Nagpur, Performance of Osmanabadi Goats” was conducted for period of 84 days. Twelve goats were divided
Maharashtra, India into four groups on the nearness of age and weight. Four feeding treatments were studied namely T1-
Control (Dry roughages ad lib. + 100% green hybrid napier), T2- Dry roughages ad lib. + green fodder
Motghare AB (80% hybrid napier + 20% bamboo leaves), T3- Dry roughages ad lib. + green fodder (60% hybrid napier
Assistant Professor, Veterinary
+ 40% bamboo leaves), T4- Dry roughages ad lib. + green fodder (40% hybrid napier + 60% bamboo
Science, College of Agriculture,
leaves) was fulfil the requirement of goats in all treatments.
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Daily DM intake differed significantly between the treatments. The average daily intake was 891.9,
Bhavana Wankhade 902.55, 964.37 and 1023.8 g/day/goat in T1, T2, T3 and T4 groups respectively but gradual increase in DMI
Assistant Professor, Veterinary was observed 4.11, 4.15, 4.33 and 4.43 kg/day/100kg BW in T1, T2, T3 and T4 groups respectively. This
Science, College of Agriculture, trend thus indicated that there was increase in the daily DM intake when bamboo leaves was incorporated
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India as feed in the rations of goats.
All the goats exhibited satisfactory growth rate 26.80 to 37.50 g per day and differences were significant.
Bawaskar SS Per kg gain of body weight was higher in group (T4) 60% bamboo leaves fed.
Assistant Professor, Section of In experimental result, the treatment (T4) 60% bamboo leaves fed showed better and desirable result as
Animal Husbandry and Dairy compared with T1, T2 and T3 treatment.
Science, College of Agriculture,
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India Keywords: Osmanabadi, growth performance, bamboo leaves, green fodder, roughages

Livestock is an integral part of agriculture and also plays a pivotal role for future growth and
development of the agricultural sector. Adequate provision of feed is essential for the survival
of livestock and its scarcity has been one of the major limiting factors in improving livestock
productivity in developing countries like India.
Nearly 72.2% population of India is living in 6.38 lakh villages, mostly dependent upon
agriculture and livestock for their livelihood. Crop productivity is largely restricted by
uncertain and erratic rainfall, scarcity of water for irrigation and deterioration of soil-health.
Out of the 138 million Indian rural households, 33.01 million (24%) are maintaining goats.
Households cultivating less than 2.0 ha of land (marginal and small) are the custodian of more
than 76% of the total goats in the country. Goats has been playing multiple roles in livelihood
of the rural people by providing income, employment, nutrition, supporting crop production
and risk aversion in case of crop failure. Landless men and women are increasingly relying on
goat keeping for their socio-economic upliftment (Singh et al., 2018) [16].
Goat (Capra hircus) is a poor man’s cow in India. It is the first ruminant animal kept by
human for production of milk, meat, skin, mohair and manure (Gall, 1981). In Maharashtra,
osmanabadi and sangamneri are important goat breeds. Osmanabadi is for meat, while
sangamneri for meat and milk. In the present socio-economic system, goat is an important
source of livelihood for landless laborers.
In India requirement and availability of green fodder is 1061.00 million MT and 395.20
million MT whereas in case of dry fodder requirement is 589.00 million MT and availability is
451.00 million MT. (Ministry of Agriculture, 2015). It indicates that there is deficit gap
between the requirement and availability of green and dry fodder. Feed and fodder availability
is not sufficient to meet even dry matter requirement of growing ruminant population, there is
Corresponding Author
Divya Sakhare
need to explore new feed resources which do not compete with human food chain. The scarcity
P.G. Student, Section of Animal of feed and fodder, escalating demand and cost of concentrate feed ingredients necessitates the
Husbandry and Dairy Science, role of animal nutritionists for supplying balanced nutrient to maintain optimum productivity
College of Agriculture, Nagpur, potentials (Srinivasulu et al., 1998) [17].
Maharashtra, India
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Bamboo (Family: Poaceae, subfamily: Bambusoideae) is a Material and Methods

group of broadly distributed large grasses, including more The present investigation entitled “Effect of feeding bamboo
than 100 genera and at least 1400 species. They contribute to (Dendrocalamus strictus) leaves on the growth performance
both traditional and developing technologies needed to of Osmanabadi goats” was carried out at Livestock
provide important resources throughout the world. Instructional Farm, Department of Animal Husbandry and
Dairy Science, College of Agriculture, Nagpur for a period of
Bamboo species are integral components of agroecosystem
84 days. The experiment was undertaken with a view to know
and they can also be grown on variety of soil types and are a
the palatability and nutrient utilization of bamboo leaves in
fast-growing plant species. Bamboo is used for human and Osmanabadi goats.
animal food, fuel, pharmaceuticals, building materials,
chemicals and also provide wildlife habitat, stream bank Selection of animals
stabilization and erosion control. In addition, the potential Twelve Osmanabadi goats were selected from Livestock
importance of bamboo as a biofuel and means for carbon Instructional farm, Section of Animal Husbandry and Dairy
sequestration has received recent attention (Halvorson et al. Science, College of Agriculture, Nagpur on the basis of
nearness of age and body weight. Selected goats were divided
2010) [7].
into 4 groups of 3 goats in each treatment. The details of
selected goats are tabulated in table 1 in each treatment.

Table 1: Details of experimental goats

Age of goats at start of experiment Body weight at start Average body
Groups Tattooing No.
(Month and Days) of experiment (kg) weight (kg)
G337 12 Month 25 Days 22.10
I G336 14 Month 09 Days 27.00 19.43
G324 5 Month 18 Days 9.20
G313 9 Month 20 Days 17.30
II G328 10 Month 06 Days 18.20 19.50
G318 11 Month 15 Days 23.00
G315 8 Month 02 Days 13.10
III G331 9 Month 26 Days 17.95 19.56
G325 14 Month 11 Days 27.65
G311 10 Month 09 Days 19.00
IV G316 5 Month 28 Days 10.20 19.95
G338 19Month 11 Days 30.65

Allotment of treatments design used with four treatments as detailed below in Table 2.
The present experiment was conducted by randomized block

Table 2: Details of allotment of treatments in feeding trials

T1 Control (Dry roughages ad lib. +100% green hybrid napier).
T2 Dry roughages ad lib. + green fodder (80% hybrid napier+20% bamboo leaves).
T3 Dry roughages ad lib. + green fodder (60% hybrid napier+40% bamboo leaves).
T4 Dry roughages ad lib. + green fodder (40% hybrid napier+60% bamboo leaves).
Concentrate was fed to meet out DCP and TDN requirement as per standard.

Management practices were stall fed and offered fresh bamboo leaves at 8.00 a. m.,
All the four groups of goats were kept under identical 1.00 p.m. and 5.00 p.m. and left over was measured on next
standard management practices. The goats were groomed day morning.
twice daily at 9.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. They were washed
daily at 9.30 a.m. after watering and grooming, the goats were Daily dry matter (DM) consumption
kept free in open paddock for an hour. This was done at the start of the experiment and at week
interval till the completion of experiment feed samples were
Watering and housing of goats collected at fortnightly interval for estimating DM content.
Fresh and clean water were offered ad lib three times in a day.
The goats were housed in disinfected, well ventilated Water intake and Body weight
permanent shed covered with tiles. The stall, where goats Water intake of individual animal was recorded once in a
housed during period of experiment were clean daily. week. Body weights of the experimental animals were
recorded before feeding and watering at the start of
Health and sanitation experiment and later on at weekly interval on weighing
The floor and surrounding area were disinfected with BHC balance.
powder. The visits of veterinarian were undertaken whenever
necessary. Analysis of feeds and fodder
The sample of the bamboo leaves were analysed for the Dry
Feeding matter intake. (A.O.A.C., 1995) [1].
Fresh bamboo leaves were made available from the agro
forestry, College of Agriculture, Nagpur. All the twelve goats
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Results and Discussion content of feed.

1. Feed intake The average daily DM intake as shown in table 3 in treatment
Dry matter intake groups T1, T2, T3 and T4 were 891.9, 902.55, 974.37 and
The dry matter is the most important component of the feeds 1025.8 g respectively. The weekly dry matter intake in
and fodder. It excludes the moisture content of feed and treatment group T1, T2, T3 and T4 were 6.24, 6.31, 6.75 and
fodder. The feed requirement of animal is based on the DM 7.116 kg respectively.

Table 3: Mean daily, weekly and DMI as % of body weight of different feed stuff fed to goats under different groups
Average body Daily DMI/day (g) Weekly Daily DMI/100
weight (kg) Gram straw Bamboo leaves Hybrid napier Concentrate mixture Daily total DMI(g) DMI (kg) kg body weight
T1 21.68 365.4 - 312.2 214.30 891.9 6.24 4.11
T2 21.91 392.6 53.73 241.92 214.30 902.55 6.31 4.15
T3 22.27 448.02 112.62 189.43 214.30 964.37 6.75 4.33
T4 23.10 487.06 197.9 124.6 214.30 1023.8 7.16 4.43
F test Sig Sig Sig
S.E.(m) ± 31.56 0.22 0.08
C.D. 95.75 0.67 0.24

The corresponding values when express as per cent live 2. Water intake
weight base were 4.11, 4.15, 4.33 and 4.43 kg per 100 kg Water intake in animals depends upon the season,
body weight in treatment groups T1, T2, T3 and T4 environmental condition, physiological condition of animal,
respectively. type of ration given to the animals and dry matter intake. The
The feeding of experimental feed affects the DM intake and average water intakes in goats over an experimental period
per 100 kg body weight significantly. It indicates that goats in are depicted in Table 4.
group T4 consume higher DMI than group T3, T2 and T1 It was observed that average water intake over an
control group. experimental period were 912.69, 939.28, 958.99 and 992.63
The increase in DMI was expected because increase in ml/day/goat in treatment group T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively.
palatability due to incorporation of bamboo leaves. The corresponding values for water intake per 100 kg body
The present result is similar with Gebreziabhear (2016) [6], weight were 3.95, 4.21, 4.37 and 4.57 lit respectively in
Andriarimalala et al. (2019) [2], Asaolu et al. (2010), treatment groups T1, T2, T3 and T4. The differences in water
Kumawat and Chaudhary (2004) [5], Baruah et al. (2005) [4], intake were statistically significant and water intake per 100
Jadhav, P. (2005) [8], Niranjan et al. (2007) [10] and kg body weight were also found significant.
Maheshwari et al. (2008) [9], Patil et al. (2009) [14].

Table 4: Mean water intake in experiment goats under different treatment

Treatments Water intake/day (ml.) Weekly water intake (ml.) Water intake /100 kg body weight (lit.) DM to water intake ratio
T1 912.69 6388.83 3.95 1:0.96
T2 939.28 6574.96 4.21 1:1.00
T3 958.99 6712.93 4.37 1:1.01
T4 992.63 6948.41 4.57 1:1.07
F-test Sig Sig Sig -
S.E(M)± 16.83 117.85 0.13 -
C.D. 51.06 357.47 0.39 -

The DM to water intake ratio were 1:0.96, 1:1.00, 1:1.01 and end of 84 days trial were 2.25, 2.41, 2.71 and 3.15 kg
1:1.07 in T1, T2, T3 and T4 treatment groups respectively. The respectively. The corresponding values of weekly gain in
water intake was increased in groups under successive period body weight were 187.50, 200.83, 225.83 and 262.50 g in
of investigation. It is further noticed that there were treatment T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively. The average body
significant differences in water intake when Osmanabadi weight gains per day per goat were 26.80, 28.70, 32.26 and
goats were supplemented with bamboo leaves. Feeding of 37.50 g in treatment groups T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively.
bamboo leaves increases water intake in experimental goats. The average body weight gain per day per goat in treatment
Water consumption rates were directly correlated with group T4 was higher as compare to other treatment groups.
maximum ambient temperature and not with the DM intake. The present values are nearer to the values reported by
Gebreziabhear (2016) [6], Oladepo et al. (2016) [11], Sapkale et
3. Body weight gain al. (2013) [15], Patel et al. (2017) [13] Pachauri et al. (2012) [12]
It was observed from the Table 5 that there was significant and Oladepo et al. (2016) [11].
difference in weight gain under different treatment groups. It The gain in body weight of animals in the present study
was that feeding of bamboo leaves was beneficial without any indicated that the nutrient availability of bamboo leaves is
adverse effect on body weight gain. The total gain in body sufficient to meet the maintenance requirement of the goat.
weight goat fed with experimental ration T1, T2, T3 and T4 as

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Table 5: Body weight gain of experimental goats under different treatments (84 days)
Treatments Initial weight (kg) Final weight (kg) Daily weight gain (g) Weekly weight gain (g) Total weight gain (kg)
T1 19.43 21.43 26.80 187.50 2.25
T2 19.50 21.91 28.70 200.83 2.41
T3 19.56 22.27 32.26 225.83 2.71
T4 19.95 23.10 37.50 262.50 3.15
F-test Sig Sig Sig
S.E(M)± 2.35 16.48 0.19
C.D. 7.13 50.00 0.59

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14. Patil MB, Thirumalesh IT, Ramesh BK, Surekha Kale.
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