This document provides instructions for an ESL introduction game called ABC where students write information about themselves on cards and trade cards to learn about each other. The goal is for students to introduce themselves to the class by stating what they wrote on their own cards. It aims to help students get to know each other on the first day of class.
This document provides instructions for an ESL introduction game called ABC where students write information about themselves on cards and trade cards to learn about each other. The goal is for students to introduce themselves to the class by stating what they wrote on their own cards. It aims to help students get to know each other on the first day of class.
This document provides instructions for an ESL introduction game called ABC where students write information about themselves on cards and trade cards to learn about each other. The goal is for students to introduce themselves to the class by stating what they wrote on their own cards. It aims to help students get to know each other on the first day of class.
This document provides instructions for an ESL introduction game called ABC where students write information about themselves on cards and trade cards to learn about each other. The goal is for students to introduce themselves to the class by stating what they wrote on their own cards. It aims to help students get to know each other on the first day of class.
Writing, listening and You can use this card game on the first day of class to help speaking activity students introduce themselves. The game works best with small class sizes.
Language Focus Procedure
Introductions Give each student three blank cards. Giving personal On the first card, students write their name, surname and age. information On the second card, the students write four adjectives to describe their physical appearance and personality. Aim On the third card, students write their favourite TV programme To introduce yourself to and type of music. the class. You can change the information the students write on their cards, depending on their level and your chosen language focus. Preparation When the students have finished writing, take all the cards back Prepare three blank cards and shuffle them together. or pieces of paper for Next, sit the students in a circle and hand out three cards to each student. each student. If a student receives one of their own cards back, exchange it for another. Each student should have three cards that other students have written. Level One student begins by asking the person on their right to swap Any one, two or three cards with the student sitting to their right or left. Time Then, the next student does the same and so on. 20 minutes This continues until one of the students gets their three cards back. When this happens, the student says "ABC." All the students then place both hands in the middle of the circle. The last student to do this loses and gets the letter 'A'. The student who got all their cards back introduces themselves to the class using the information they wrote on their cards, e.g. 'Hello everyone. My name is Toby Smith. I'm 12 years old', etc. The student then leaves the game and becomes a spectator. If a student is the last person to put both hands in the circle a second time, they get a letter 'B'. If this happens a third time, they get a letter 'C'. The student then has to repeat the names and information of all the students that have introduced themselves. The game continues until all the students have introduced themselves to the class.