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04 CL 06 GS PDF
04 CL 06 GS PDF
The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the speed, agility and quickness, and to
determine the correlation between tests with and without the ball in young soccer players. Research was
carried out on a sample of 25 elite soccer players from the Serbian U-16 national team, (aged 15.19±0.32;
height176.04±6.00 cm; body mass 65.19±9.41 kg). The participants were tested on a 10-m Sprint (B10S),
30-m Sprint (B30S), Flying 20-m Sprint (B20S), Zigzag test (CC) and Zigzag with the Ball (CCL). Significant
relationships were found between test CC and B30S (r=0.560), as well as between test CC and B20S
(r=0.603). There were no significant relationships between CC and B10S (r=0.323). The agility test with the
ball (CCL) has not shown significant correlation with speed and quickness (r=0.093-0.247). The SAQ training
method has made training much more applied than previously although it is mainly represented by the
movements during which the control and contact with the ball are at a minimum. This causes the loss of
specificity between exercises and demands in the demonstration both during the testing and the game. This
study has confirmed that the structure of the agility with the ball is much more complex in comparison with
the one without the ball. In addition, this research has shown that the basic skills without the ball have much
stronger relation among speed, agility and quickness than the skills with the ball.
Soccer is the most popular team game in the world, Spaniol, Flores, Bonnette, Melrose, & Ocker (2010)
played and watched by millions of people each investigated the relationship between speed and
year. As soccer has developed at the elite level agility of professional arena league football players
much research regarding match performance and and found a significant relationship between 40
training has been conducted (Bangsbo, Mohr, & yard dash and 20 yard shuttle times. In contrast,
Krustrup, 2006). Athletic performance in soccer is a Buttifant, Graham, & Cross (1999) and Young,
function of aerobic fitness, anaerobic fitness, speed, Hawken, & McDonald (1996) reported no significant
muscular strength, muscular power, and agility correlations between straight sprinting and agility
(Bangsbo, Mohr, Poulsen, Perez-Gomez, & speed tests in either Australian soccer or Australian
Krustrup, 2006; Stolen, Charmari, Castagna, & Rules football players. Furthermore, both Draper
Wisloff, 2005). During a match a player frequently and Lancaster (1985) and Mayew, Piper, Schwegler
performs activities that require rapid development & Ball (1989) reported low common variances of
of force, such as sprinting or quickly changing 21% between tests for straight sprinting speed and
direction (Bangsbo, 1996). Although high-speed agility. Young, McDowell, & Scarlett (2001)
actions only contribute to 11% of the total distance concluded that straight speed and agility training
covered in soccer, they actually contribute directly methods are specific and produce limited transfer
to winning possession of the ball and to scoring or to the other. The problem with agility is how to
conceding of goals (Reilly, Bangsbo & Franks, define this complex motor activity. At this point,
2000). High-speed actions in soccer can be there is no agreement on a clear definition in the
categorized into actions requiring acceleration, community of sports science (Sheppard & Young,
maximal speed or agility (Gambetta, 1996). 2006). Verstegen & Marcello (2001) stated that
Consequently, the SAQ (speed, agility and agility permits an athlete to react to a stimulus,
quickness) method has become dominant in soccer start quickly and efficiently, move in the correct
training (Pearson, 2001). Similar morphological and direction, and be ready to change direction or stop
biochemical determinants of acceleration, maximal quickly to make a play in a fast, smooth, efficient,
speed and agility have led to the assumption that and repeatable manner (20, pp. 140–141). One of
these qualities are highly related (Little and the main problems for training agility compared to
Williams, 2005). One way to examine the the linear speed is that the player learns to
relationship between linear speed and agility is to anticipate the next step (Pearson, 2001). The
determine the degree of correlation. Pauole, studies of anthropometric dimensions, physical
Madole, Garhammer, Lacourse, & Rozenek (2000) performance, and soccer-specific skills of young
found significant correlations between performance players have provided partly consistent findings.
in an agility t-test and in a 40-yard sprint time in For example, elite young players (as compared with
both men and women. the sub-elite ones) could be characterized by high
Sporiš, G. et al.: Correlation between speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) in elite... Acta Kinesiologica 5 (2011) 2: 36-41
agility (Gil, Ruiz, Irazusta, Gil & Irazusta, 2007; dribbling a ball (Sheppard & Young, 2006). Very
Reilly, Bangsbo & Franks, 2000) and running speed few studies concern the correlation of linear speed
(Gil, et al., 2007; Reilly, et al., 2000; Rosch, et al., with agility with the ball, so this research will be
2000). Furthermore the soccer specific skill could one of the first in soccer. The need for agility with
also be distinguished among the elite and non-elite the ball is of great importance for dribbling and
young competitors (Davids, Lees & Burwitz, 2000; one-on-one game situations. Therefore, the
Mirkov, Nedeljković, Kukolj, Ugarković & Jarić, purpose of this study was to determine the
2008; Vaeyens, et al., 2006), although some correlation between speed, agility and quickness
authors argue that the testing of physical abilities and to determine the correlation between the tests
rather than the testing of skills could be more with and without the ball in young soccer players.
important for early selection (Helsen, Hodges, Van
Winckel & Starkes, 2000; Malina, et al., 2005; Methods
Malina, et al., 2000). Mirkov, Kukolj, Ugarković,
Koprivica & Jarić (2010) recommend for early Subjects
selection testing the agility and coordination, which Research was performed on a sample of 25 elite
could be among the most important factors for later soccer players from the Serbian U-16 national
success. Ramos, et al. (2009) investigated team, (aged 15.19±0.32; height176.04±6.00 cm;
performance of youth elite soccer players through body mass 65.19±9.41 kg.). All players and their
physical tests according to positional roles and did parents or guardians were fully informed and they
not find significant differences between positional signed a consent form. The study protocol was held
roles in the agility test. Some studies show very for every subject. Beside the results, the basic
high specificity of agility and straight speed anthropometric parameters (body height-TV and
(Buttifant, et al., 1999; Young, et al., 1996). body weight-MT) and the age of the players were
Young, et al. (2001) concluded that straight speed registered in the study protocol. Measurements for
and agility training methods are specific and the speed, quickness and agility were carried out in
produce limited transfer to the other. Sheppard & the same day, during the morning. The protocol of
Young (2006) assume that straight speed would the study was approved by the Ethical Committee
have an even lower transfer rate upon the change of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education,
of direction speed which requires decision-making. University of Nis, according to the revised
Expected low transfer refers also to a complex Declaration of Helsinki.
action which is specific to the given sport, such as
Testing procedure
Body height and body weight were measured the formula: Adult body fat % = (1.20 x BMI) +
according to the instructions of the International (0.23 x Age) - (10.8 x gender) - 5.4 (Deurenberg,
Biological Program–IBP (Weiner & Lourie, 1969). Weststrate & Seidell, 1991). The tests for the
Body height was measured with a GPM speed, quickness and agility were performed from a
anthropometer (Siber & Hegner, Zurich, standing start and measured by means of infrared
Switzerland) to the nearest 0.1 cm. Body weight photocells Uno Lux (The Republic Institute for
was obtained by TANITA BC 540 (TANITA Corp., Sports, Belgrade, Serbia). The following tests were
Arlington Heights, IL) to the nearest 0.1 kg. used for measurement of speed, quickness and
Percentage of body fat (Bfat%) was calculated by agility with and without the ball.
Sporiš, G. et al.: Correlation between speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) in elite... Acta Kinesiologica 5 (2011) 2: 36-41
Sporiš, G. et al.: Correlation between speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) in elite... Acta Kinesiologica 5 (2011) 2: 36-41
Agility without the ball (CC) had statistically The existence of this correlation could be regarded
significant correlations with the speed tests B20S- from the point of view of the agility test which has
20m flying and B30S-30m sprint (between r=0.560 three directon movement changes under the 100
and r=0.603).The results of the B10S test has degree angle. This huge angle enables the players
shown low correlation with agility (CC) without the to perform direction movement changes in much
ball (r=0.323). This low correlation could be related greater speed. Sheppard and Young (2006) have
to the different distances covered in the course of assumed that there is not any influence of the
testing speed and agility, which was also concluded straight speed on the change of direction speed
by Draper and Lancaster (1985) and Mayhew et al. which requires decision making or includes a
(1989). In contrast to the results of our research, complex task specific for the sport involved, for
no significant correlation was found between speed, instance controling the ball. This assumption has
quickness and agility in several research papers been confirmed by our research which shows that
(Buttifant et al., 1999; Young, Hawken & McDonald, agility with the ball has little connection with speed
1996; Young, McDowell & Scarlett, 2001). This can and quickness. The coefficient of the correlation
be explained partly by several facts. Firstly, the between these variables range from r=0.093 to
factors of perception and decision making quite r=0.247. Making complex movements during agility
often specify an elite soccer player who performs leads to a lower relationship with the speed in a
with greater agility on the field than the non-elite straight line (Sheppard and Young, 2006). It is
ones (Young and Farrow, 2006). Moreover, quite obvious that the test CCl is much more
Vaeyens et al. (2006) indicate that elite and non- complex than the CC test, which results in the low
elite youth soccer players differ greatly in functional correlation. On the other hand, the SAQ method is
capacities and sport-specific skills. The statement is generally involved with the movements in which
endorsed by research which implies that better controlling and contact with the ball are reduced to
athletes have quicker and more precise reactions a minimum. This causes the loss of specificity
due to their ability to choose anticipated between exercises and demands in the
information (Abernethy, Wann & Parks, 1998) and demonstration both during the testing and the
is extremely important in the course of the agility game. As a result of this research we could
test performance. A key factor that contributed to consider the application of the tests which actually
the correlation found herecould be the more assess the speed of the direction movement change
frequent use of the SAQ method in current training instead of agility. In future research we need to
than in the period of the previous researchstudies apply the tests which demand the subjcts to alter
(Buttifant, et al., 1999; Young, et al., 1996; Young, the change the direction of the movement as a
et al., 2001). reaction to a stimuli such as a luminous signal.
These tests include reaction time as part of the
Thus players have got more familiar with the complete time from the movement of the stimulus
method since they apply it twice or three times appearance until the end of the movement.
during every microcycle. If we add that this Moreover, the correlation between speed, quicknes
research has been done on high performance and agility tests could be examined in the situation
players, members of the youth national team, this when they are all performed with the ball. At the
correlation is understandable. We think that they development of the agility programme, the coach
have managed to master the direction change should not only identify aimed moving patterns and
movement technique and the adjustment of the define the aimed movement mechanics, but also
body posture under time limited conditions similar evaluate their functions, and thus ensure during the
to game and test situations. This brings us to the training session the development of the aimed
conclusion that agility is a motoric skill which is moving patterns in accordance with their aimed
learnable, but it is much more complicated. In functions (Jeffreys, 2006). The SAQ method
order to achieve the connection, we must observe brought a lot of advantages and innovations in the
the agility from the point of view of the theory of modern training system of the soccer players. It's
motor learning (Jeffreys, 2006). The most use is growing on a daily basis and as a benefit of
appropriate means for this is the SAQ method all this we have a connection between three
because the exercises represent the moving extremely important motoric activities - speed,
patterns which appear during the game. quicknes and agility.
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Svrha ovog istraživanja je bila utvrđivanje korelacije između brzine, agilnosti i okretnosti, kao i utvrđivanje
korelacije između testova sa i bez lopte kod mladih nogometaša. Istraživanuje je provedeno na uzorku od 25
elitnih nogometaša nacionalnog U-16 tima Srbije (uzrasta 15.19±0.32 g.; visine 176.04±6.00 cm; mase
65.19±9.41 kg). Ispitanici su mjereni u 10-m Sprintu (B10S), 30-m Sprintu (B30S), etećem 20-m Sprintu
(B20S), Cik-cak testu (CC) i Cik-cak testu s loptom (CCL). Značajne relacije su pronađene između testova CC
i B30S (r=0.560), kao i između CC testa i B20S (r=0.603). Nije bilo značajnih relacija između CC testa i
B10S (r=0.323). Test agilnosti s loptom (CCL) nije pokazao značajne korelacije s brzinom i reakcijom
(r=0.093-0.247). SAQ trenažna metoda pokazala je trening mnogo praktičnijim nege prethodno iako je
uglavnom predstavljena kretanjem za vrijeme kojeg su kontakt i kontrola lopte bili minimalni. Ovo je
prouzročilo gubitak specificiteta između vježbanja i zahtjeva u demonstraciji, u oba slučaja - za vrijeme
testiranja i igre. Istraživanje je potvrdilo da je struktura agilnosti s loptom mnogo složenija od one bez lopte.
Nadalje, ovo istraživanje je pokazalo da temeljne vještine bez lopte imaju mnogo snažnije veze s brzinom i
agilnošću nego vještine s loptom.