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Irineu Loturco, Ian Jeffreys, César C. Cal Abad, Ronaldo Kobal, Vinicius
Zanetti, Lucas A. Pereira & Sophia Nimphius
To cite this article: Irineu Loturco, Ian Jeffreys, César C. Cal Abad, Ronaldo Kobal, Vinicius
Zanetti, Lucas A. Pereira & Sophia Nimphius (2019): Change-of-direction, speed and jump
performance in soccer players: a comparison across different age-categories, Journal of Sports
Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2019.1574276
CONTACT Irineu Loturco irineu.loturco@terra.com.br NAR - Nucleus of High Performance in Sport. Av. Padre José Maria, 555 - Santo Amaro, São Paulo, SP
04753-060, Brazil
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
players from four different soccer categories (under-15 [U15], U17, assessment. Prior to the tests, the athletes performed standar-
U20, and Senior), Loturco et al. (2018a) observed that the straight dized warm-up protocols including general (i.e., running at
speed did not improve gradually throughout the athletes’ specia- a moderate pace for 10-min followed by active lower limb
lization process and, surprisingly, the younger players (i.e. U15) stretching for 3-min) and specific workouts (i.e. submaximal
were faster than all the other groups in very short distances (i.e. attempts at each tested exercise). All tests were performed on
5-m). In view of these results, it would be interesting to investigate the first day of the preseason, for all age-categories. The physical
the changes in COD performance across a more diverse age- tests were all performed between 9:00 a.m. and 13:00 p.m.
range, especially with athletes from the same clubs, and therefore
submitted to the same training processes.
A potentially practical way to examine the COD ability of Participants
elite athletes in depth is by using a novel approach able to
provide a more isolated measure of this complex physical One-hundred and eighty-two male soccer players from
attribute (i.e. “COD deficit”) (Nimphius, Callaghan, Spiteri, & four different age-categories (U15: n = 38; 14.5 ± 0.3 years; 61.8 ±
Lockie, 2016). The COD deficit represents the additional time 7.3 kg; 172.6 ± 6.3 cm; U17: n = 53; 16.3 ± 0.2 years; 64.8 ± 7.3 kg;
that one directional change requires when compared with 176.3 ± 8.3 cm; U20: n = 42; 19.1 ± 0.4 years; 73.4 ± 9.3 kg; 178.2 ±
a linear sprint over an equivalent distance (e.g. 10-m time 9.6 cm; Senior: n = 49; 25.2 ± 4.3 years; 76.4 ± 6.5 kg; 178.8 ± 7.2 cm)
versus 505-agility test time) (Nimphius et al., 2016) or differ- participated in this study. All participants were members of two
ences in velocity between linear sprints and COD measure- soccer clubs and were undertaking different and standardized
ments of similar distances (Pereira et al., 2018). A recent study training routines, planned by their technical staff members for
performed with young soccer players (U20) revealed that each specific age-category, (as detailed in Table 1). Briefly, techni-
higher performances in speed tests are not necessarily related cal-tactical training involved specific soccer actions (e.g. free-kicks,
to better performances in specific COD maneuvers (Loturco corner-kicks, heading and dribbling drills) and small-sided games.
et al., 2018b). As a consequence, it is not possible to precisely For U15 and U17 players, the neuromuscular training comprised
determine what happens to COD speed and COD deficit unloaded plyometrics (e.g. countermovement jumps) and half-
throughout the different stages of development. squats with very-light loads (≤40% of body mass); for U20 and
The purpose of this study was to examine the evolution of Senior players the strength-power training comprised drop jumps,
vertical jump height, linear speed, COD speed, and COD deficit half-squats, and loaded jump squats with light to moderate loads
in soccer players from the typical development age-categories (from 40 to 70% of body mass). The study was approved by the
(i.e. U15, U17, U20, and Senior) within the same soccer clubs. local Ethics Committee and all subjects and their legal guardians
Due to our previous experience with these populations, we (when necessary) were informed of the inherent risks and benefits
hypothesized that the older athletes would not necessarily be associated with study participation, before signing informed con-
faster than their younger counterparts in the speed-related tests. sent forms.
Sports, São Paulo, Brazil) (Loturco et al., 2017b). The best the second pair of timing gates, placed 20-m from the starting
attempt was used for data analysis purposes. line (Little & Williams, 2005; Pereira et al., 2018). The fastest
time from the two attempts was retained for further analysis.
To evaluate the efficacy of each athlete’s ability to utilize their
Sprinting and acceleration abilities linear speed during a specific COD task, an adapted COD
Prior to the execution of the speed tests, four pairs of photo- deficit calculation was used, as described elsewhere (Loturco
cells (Smart Speed, Fusion Equipment, AUS) were positioned et al., 2018b; Nimphius et al., 2016; Pereira et al., 2018). Thus,
at distances of 0, 5-, 10-, and 20-m along the course. The the COD deficit was calculated as follows: 20-m velocity – COD
soccer players sprinted twice, starting from a standing position test velocity.
0.3-m behind the start line. To avoid weather influences, the
sprint tests were performed on an indoor running track. Sprint Statistical analysis
velocity (VEL) was calculated as the distance traveled over
a measured time interval. The acceleration (ACC) capacity in The normality of the data for each age-category was checked
the different distances (i.e. 0–5-, 5–10-, and 10–20-m) was using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Due to the normal distribution,
calculated as the rate of change of velocity with respect to data are described as mean and standard deviation (SD).
time. A 5-min rest interval was allowed between the two Magnitude-based inference (Batterham & Hopkins, 2006) was
attempts and the fastest time was retained for the analyses. used to compare the differences in the physical test results
among the different age-categories. The quantitative chances
of finding differences in the variables tested were assessed
Change of direction ability and deficit qualitatively as follows: <1%, almost certainly not; 1–5%, very
unlikely; 5–25%, unlikely; 25–75%, possible; 75–95%, likely; 95–
The COD test was performed on an indoor court and consisted
99%, very likely; >99%, almost certain (Batterham & Hopkins,
of four 5-m sections (a total of 20-m of linear sprint) marked
2006). If the chances of having better and poorer results were
with cones set at 100° angles (Figure 1), requiring the athletes
both >5%, the true difference was rated as unclear. The stan-
to decelerate and accelerate as fast as possible around each
dardized differences for the comparisons in all variables were
cone. Two maximal attempts were performed with a 5-min
analysed using the Cohen’s d effect size (d). The magnitude of
rest interval between attempts. Starting from a standing posi-
the effect was qualitatively interpreted using the following
tion with the front foot placed 0.3-m behind the first pair of
thresholds: <0.2, trivial; 0.2–0.6, small; 0.6–1.2, moderate;
timing gates (Smart Speed, Fusion Equipment, Brisbane,
1.2–2.0, large; 2.0–4.0, very large; and >4.0, nearly perfect
Australia) (i.e. starting line), the players were instructed to
(Hopkins, Marshall, Batterham, & Hanin, 2009).
complete the test as quickly as possible, until crossing
Figure 2 demonstrates the comparisons of SJ and CMJ heights
among the different age-categories. The U15 group presented
almost certainly lower jump height than the other groups in
both jump modes (d = 0.97, 1.04, and 1.16 for SJ; d = 1.19,
1.33, and 1.41 for CMJ, when compared to U17, U20, and
Senior players, respectively). Figure 3 shows the comparisons of
Figure 2. Comparisons of the squat and countermovement jump height (SJ and
CMJ, respectively) among the different age-categories of soccer players.
****: almost certainly different. Letter a corresponds to difference from U15 age-category.
Figure 1. Schematic presentation of the change of direction speed test. The The figure demonstrates the spread from minimum to maximum with the line of the box
circles represent the positions of the photocells. and whisker at the mean along with individual data points to show the full spread of data.
and U17 groups, respectively (d = 0.62, 0.41, 0.70, and 0.51, for
U20 vs. U15 and U17, and Senior vs. U15 and U17, respectively).
Figure 4 shows the comparisons of the ACC between 0–5-,
5–10-, and 10–20-m among the different age-categories. In the
ACC 0–5-m, U17, U20, and Senior players demonstrated pos-
sibly to likely lower performances than the U15 players
(d = 0.53, 0.34, and 0.44, respectively). In addition, the U17
group demonstrated possibly lower values than the U20 and
Senior groups (d = 0.23 and 0.17, respectively) in the ACC
0–5-m. In relation to the ACC 5–10-m, the U15 group demon-
strated almost certainly poorer performances than the U17,
U20, and Senior groups (d = 1.37, 1.31, and 1.58, respectively).
Meanwhile, the Senior players presented possibly and likely
higher values in the ACC 5–10-m than the U17 and U20
athletes (d = 0.32 and 0.39, respectively). Finally, for the ACC
10–20-m an almost certainly lower performance was observed
for the U15 groups in comparison to the U17, U20, and Senior
groups (d = 0.96, 1.48, and 1.64, respectively). In addition, very
Figure 3. Comparisons of the velocity (VEL) in 5-, 10-, and 20-m among the
different age-categories of soccer players.
likely and almost certainly higher performances were observed
*: possibly different; **: likely different; ***: very likely different. Letters a and b correspond for the U20 and Senior players in comparison to the U17
to differences from U15 and U17 age-categories, respectively. The figure demonstrates the athletes (d = 0.65 and 0.75, respectively).
spread from minimum to maximum with the line of the box and whisker at the mean along
with individual data points to show the full spread of data. Figure 5 demonstrates the comparisons of the COD speed
and COD deficit among the different age-groups. The Senior
soccer players demonstrated a likely to very likely lower COD
the sprint velocity in 5-, 10-, and 20-m among the different age- speed performance than the other groups of players (d = 0.52,
categories. The VEL 5-m was likely lower in the U17 when 0.53, and 0.46, when compared to U15, U17, and U20 groups,
compared to the U15 group (d = 0.51). In the same distance, respectively). For the COD deficit, the U15 group demonstrated
the U20 athletes demonstrated a possibly lower velocity possibly to almost certainly lower values, when compared to
than the U15 and U17 groups (d = 0.32 and 0.23, respectively), U17, U20, and Senior groups (d = 0.34, 0.81, and 1.12, respec-
while the Senior players demonstrated a likely and possibly lower tively). The U17 players showed likely and almost certainly lower
VEL 5-m than the U15 (d = 0.41) and U17 (d = 0.15) groups, COD deficit values than the U20 (d = 0.54) and Senior (d = 0.90)
respectively. In relation to the VEL 10-m, the U20 and Senior athletes, respectively. Lastly, the Senior group demonstrated
players demonstrated a possibly higher value than the U15 and a likely greater COD deficit than the U20 players (d = 0.40).
U17 groups (d = 0.17, 0.20, 0.25, and 0.30, for U20 vs. U15 and
U17, and Senior vs. U15 and U17, respectively). In the VEL 20-m,
the U17 group was possibly higher than the U15 players
(d = 0.28). In the same sprint distance, the U20 and Senior players This is the first study to examine the evolution of COD ability,
demonstrated very likely and likely higher velocities than the U15 COD deficit, and sprint performance across four different
Figure 4. Comparisons of the acceleration (ACC) in 0–5-, 5–10-, and 10–20-m among the different age-categories of soccer players.
*: possibly different; **: likely different; ***: very likely different; ****: almost certainly different. Letters a, b, and c correspond to differences from U15, U17, and U20 age-categories,
respectively. The figure demonstrates the spread from minimum to maximum with the line of the box and whisker at the mean along with individual data points to show the full spread of
strength, speed, and power gains to COD performance and present to determine the optimal content of each specific
speculatively to braking ability or ability to control COD as and particular type of training, it is certain that these proce-
sprint speed continues to increase. This issue was recently dures are essential to generate faster and more efficient adult
addressed in a study that examined the correlations between soccer players. Further studies should be conducted to define
conventional speed and power measures and COD speed the best training approaches and content to meaningfully
(Loturco et al., 2018b). For the authors, the limited relation- improve speed-related qualities in soccer players from differ-
ships between these mechanical variables may force practi- ent age-groups.
tioners to include specific COD workouts in soccer players’
training routines (e.g. acceleration and deceleration drills,
planned and unplanned agility tasks, and maintenance of Disclosure statement
velocity or “maneuverability”), in order to elicit positive adap-
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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(Loturco et al., 2018b; Young, Dawson, & Henry, 2015). Still in
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incorporate a more holistic training strategy, which combines Irineu Loturco http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1309-2568
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