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Government Polytechnic Muzaffarpur: Name of The Lab: Control System

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Government Polytechnic Muzaffarpur

Name of the Lab: Control System Lab

Subject Code: 1620608

Study of D.C. position control system
Aim: Study of D.C. position control system.
Apparatus: D.C position control system unit.


The D.C Position control system is so called because the D.C signals exist in the system. For
example if the reference input and the controlled output are constant values a straight line can
graphically represent the actuating signal. The signals in the other part of the system can be
represented in the similar manner. For D.C voltage controlled system, the actuating signal e [t]is a
D.C voltage. In the simplest form the output position and the reference position o1and 02 are
measured and compared by a potentiometer pair whose output voltage is proportional to error in
the angular position. The error voltage is amplified and applied to servomotor whose positions the
load and the output potentiometer such that the error is reduced to zero.


With switch SW1in open position and the step change in the input shaft, the output shaft exhibits
an oscillating behavior. This happens because of the system elements, which are capable of storing
energy i.e. capacitance, inductance inertia of moving components like rotor, load, gear train etc.
Once the system is excited by change in the input signal, the various elements begin to store
energy, even if the error voltage falls to zero. The stored energy causes the output shaft to move
in the same direction. This creates an error of opposite polarity and the system is again instructed
to work in the opposite direction. In this way, energy storing elements tend to produce overshoots
and undershoot in the system. In the experimental setup, output Derivative Feedback is used for
stabilization of the output. The Tacho generator, which is coupled to the motor, generates an output
voltage, which is proportional to the rate of change of displacement. This voltage is coupled to the
input of error amplifier, either in the regenerative mode or degenerative mode. By the adjustment
of potentiometer P4ampunt of derivative feedback can be adjusted, while DPDT switch is meant
for selection of mode of stabilizing feedback.


When switch SW1 is closed [i.e. in TACHO IN position] and the degenerative feedbacks are
suitably adjusted, we observe that the output shaft follows the input shaft in a smooth fashion
without any unwanted oscillations. If the mode of feedback is regenerative, then the output never
reaches the stable state. Instead it keeps on oscillating around the desired position. In short, for
degenerative feedback, the damping factor of the system is decreased, thus resulting in breaking
action on the moving components, prior to their final desired position. For a greater amount of
feedback voltage, damping becomes excessive and the system exhibits a very sluggish response,
settles to a final position. The tendency for oscillations is found to be dependent on the amplifier
gain setting.


1. Now put the SW switch in lower position i.e. tacho in position, SW2 must be in downward
position i,e degenerative mode. Keep P4 in fully anticlockwise direction.
2. The system can be tested for operation as follows
3. Now take the pot P1to 180 position& effect the step input change in one of the directions, output
again indicates oscillations. Now advance the pot in P4 in clockwise direction and the output now
is observed to follow the input in a smooth fashion without oscillation. If the P4 pot is too much
advanced, the output now follow input in a sluggish fashion indicating over –damped system. Now
take the pot P1 to 180 positions.
4. Now put the switch SW2 in upward position i.e. regenerative mode. Now if the pot P1 is
disturbed the output pot P2 is found to oscillate continuously around the desired position. As the
amount of feedback is adjusted the frequency and the amplitude of output is observed to vary.


Block Diagram of DC Position Control System:


1. Before switching on the main panel, see that the switches SW3, SW4 {on the LHS panel} are
in the downward position i.e. ON position.
2. Ensure that SW1&SW2are in the off position i.e. upward position.
3. Keep the input position P1 in 10 positions
4. Potentiometer p3 [amplifier gain adjustment] should be in mid position.
5. Now switch on the main unit LED ‘Rand LED ‘G” should glow.
Operation without feedback [SW1in off position i.e. Tacho Out}
6. Now slowly advance the input potentiometer P1 in clockwise direction. The o/p potentiometer
along with load will be seen to be following the change in the i/p potentiometer.
7. When the i/p is disturbed the null indicator will be showing some indication but when the o/p
reaches desired positions, again the null indicator indicates almost zero. It may be noted that when
i/p POT is moved in anti-clockwise direction, the o/p POT also moves in the reverse direction.

Step change in input

8. Now change the i/p POT in a step fashion (in fact approximating step input). The output will be
observed to change in oscillatory mode.

Plot the output angle v/s input angle for both the system i.e. without and with stabilizing feedback.

S. Input Output Without

No. stabilizing
S. Input Output With
No. stabilizing

S. Input Output With

No. stabilizing


1. Please do not cross zero degree position by moving POT P1 i.e. do not operate between 3500
and 00.
2. Do not try to rotate output POT by hand .this may damage the potentiometer.


The output angle v/s input angle characteristics for both the system i.e. without and with stabilizing
feedback are to be observed.
Government Polytechnic Muzaffarpur
Name of the Lab: Control System Lab
Subject Code: 1620608


Study of control system components

Aim: To obtain
i. Pole, zero, gain values from a given transfer function
ii. Transfer function model from pole, zero, gain values
iii. Pole, zero plot of a transfer function

A transfer function is also known as the network function is a mathematical representation, in
terms of spatial or temporal frequency, of the relation between the input and output of a (linear
time invariant) system. The transfer function is the ratio of the output Laplace Transform to the
input Laplace Transform assuming zero initial conditions. Many important characteristics of
dynamic or control systems can be determined from the transfer function. The transfer function is
commonly used in the analysis of single-input single-output electronic system, for instance. It is
mainly used in signal processing, communication theory, and control theory. The term is often
used exclusively to refer to linear time-invariant systems (LTI). In its simplest form for continuous
time input signal x(t) and output y(t), the transfer function is the linear mapping of the Laplace
transform of the input, X(s), to the output Y(s). Zeros are the value(s) for z where the numerator
of the transfer function equals zero. The complex frequencies that make the overall gain of the
filter transfer function zero. Poles are the value(s) for z where the denominator of the transfer
function equals zero. The complex frequencies that make the overall gain of the filter transfer
function infinite. The general procedure to find the transfer function of a linear differential
equation from input to output is to take the Laplace Transforms of both sides assuming zero
conditions, and to solve for the ratio of the output Laplace over the input Laplace. The transfer
function provides a basis for determining important system response characteristics without
solving the complete differential equation. As defined, the transfer function is a rational function
in the complex variable ‘s’ that is It is often convenient to factor the polynomials in the numerator
and the denominator, and to write the transfer function in terms of those factors:
𝑁(𝑠) (𝑠 − 𝑧1 )(𝑠 − 𝑧2 ) … … … … . . (𝑠 − 𝑧𝑛 )
𝐺(𝑠) = =𝐾
𝐷(𝑠) (𝑠 − 𝑝1 )(𝑠 − 𝑝2 ) … … … … . . (𝑠 − 𝑝𝑛 )
Where, the numerator and denominator polynomials, N(s) and D(s).
The values of s for which N(S) = 0, are known as zeros of the system. i.e; at s = 𝑧1, 𝑧2,….. 𝑧n.
The values of s for which D(S) = 0, are known as poles of the system. i.e; at s = 𝑝1, 𝑝2,….. 𝑝n.
Government Polytechnic Muzaffarpur
Name of the Lab: Control System Lab
Subject Code: 1620608

Time domain analysis of first order system

Aim: To perform the time domain analysis of first order system.


A first order system is one in which highest power of s in denominator if transfer function defines
order of the system.
For first order system,
𝐶(𝑠) 1
𝑅(𝑠) 𝑠𝑇 + 1
𝐶(𝑠) = 𝑠𝑇+1 𝑅(𝑠)……………………………………………………………………………….. (i)

Since the Laplace transform of the unit step function is 1/s, substituting R(s) = 1/s in equation (i)
1 1
𝐶(𝑠) = ∗
𝑠𝑇 + 1 𝑠
Expanding C(s) into partial fraction gives
1 1
𝐶(𝑠) = −
𝑠 𝑠𝑇 + 1
1 1
𝐶(𝑠) = 𝑠 − 𝑠+(1/𝑇)……………………………………………………………………..……….. (ii)

Taking the inverse Laplace transform of equation (ii), we get

𝐶(𝑡) = 1 − 𝑒 −𝑡/𝑇 for t≥0 ……………………………………………………..……………….. (iii)
Equation (iii) shows that initially the output c(t) is zero and finally (t→∞) e-t/T is zero and the
output c(t) becomes unity.
At t=T,
C(t) = 1- e-1 = 1-0.368 = 0.632
i.e. the output response has reached 63.2% of its final value. T is known as time constant. Thus,
the time constant T is defined as the time required for the output response to attain 63.2% of its
final value or steady state value.
Equation (iii) shows that the response curve is exponential in nature as shown on figure below in
model graph.
Model graph:

Time domain analysis of the first order system having step input has been observed successfully.
Government Polytechnic Muzaffarpur
Name of the Lab: Control System Lab
Subject Code: 1620608

Time domain analysis of second order system

Aim: To perform the time domain analysis of second order system (theoretically and practically).

Apparatus required:

Time Response of a second order system Trainer Kit

Multi meter
Patch cords

Circuit Diagram:

1. Switch ON the Main supply and observe the signal source output by varying potentiometer.
2. Apply Square wave or step input by varying amplitude potentiometer.
3. Make sure signal source is connected before the input of the second order system.
4. Now select square wave signal. Draw the input square wave signal.
5. Connect the output of square wave signal source to second order system using RLC.
6. Adjust the resistance value in the RLC circuit for different damping factors.
7. For different values of damping factor, observe second order response.
8. Verify time response specifications theoretically and practically.
Use 3 pin grounded main supply to the unit avoid line interference. Use proper CRO probes to see
the output wave forms.
For all these cases note down the time response specifications and compare them with theoretical
Observation table:
S R(in Ω) L(in H) C(in µF) Δ(damping Td Tr Mp Tp Ts Ess
No. factor)
1 500 2 0.32
2 1000 2 0.32
3 1500 2 0.32
4 2000 2 0.32
5 3000 2 0.32
6 4000 2 0.32
7 5000 2 0.32
8 6000 2 0.32
9 8000 2 0.32
10 10000 2 0.32

Time domain specification:

Time domain specification Theoretical Practical

Rise time(tr)
Peak time(tp)
Delay time(td)
Setting time(ts)
Peak overshoot(mp)
Model graph:

Fig: Step response of underdamped system

Time domain analysis of the second order system having step input has been observed
Government Polytechnic Muzaffarpur
Name of the Lab: Control System Lab
Subject Code: 1620608

ON-OFF temperature control system

Aim: To study the performance of ON/OFF controller to control the temperature of an oven.


Temperature control system unit.

Stop watch.
Connecting wires.


On/Off controller or two position controller is one of the various controller modes which shows
discontinuous changes in controller output as controlled variable error occurs. Although an on/off
type does not qualify as a control (continuous), it used in numerous residential, commercial and
industrial application. It is commonly used in control of home appliance, hot plate and oven
temperature control, refrigerator, temperature control and dishwasher, water level control of all
residential and commercial buildings.
Types of on/off control:
o (Strict) on-off control
o Two-position control
o Floating control

(Strict) on-off control: This method of control is not practical one, because in the majority of
applications, controller output would constantly be switching between full scale (100%) and zero
(0%) output. Thus a strict on-off method of control is seldom used. A modified form of on-off
control, two position control, is more commonly used.
Two position control: It is an improvement over the basic on-off. The controller output still swings
between 0% and 100%, but an additional hysteresis element (neutral zone) is now incorporated.

Neutral Zone

The neutral zone is the region of error over which the controller does not change its output. The
neutral zone is also known by the terms dead band and error band.

Circuit Analysis: In this circuit, RTD is made an arm of a simple bridge circuit. The RTD exhibits
a change of about 39% in resistance from 100 ohms at 0 degree centigrade to 139 ohms at boiling
point of water. So in case of RTD is made part of a bridge circuit with equal arms. There will be a
nonlinear relationship between resistance change and bridge output voltage.

Diagram of on/off controller (Heater system):


1. Connect the RTD sensor PT-100 to binding post provided on the front panel.
2. Connect the heater cable on the rear side socket.
3. Keep rotary switch on front panel in 0 degree position and switch on supply.
4. The D.P.M should indicate 0.0 degree centigrade.
5. When select switch is taken to 100 degree position, DPM should indicate 100 degree centigrade.
This completes calibration check and ensures that MAX and MIN controls on the
PCB are properly adjusted.
6. Keep select switch in set position and adjust SET temp to 55 degree centigrade and keep dead
band pot to most C.C.W position (MIN).
7. Take select switch to RTD position now you can observe the RTD temperature goes on
increasing and controller keeps temperature of process around the set point depending upon dead-
band adjustment.
8. You may take temp reading at regular interval of 15 sec and plot a graph for temp VS time
9. You may adjust dead band to most C.W position (MAX) and repeat above process.
10. If you keep a fan near the process model you may again take another set of readings.


o Operate the select rotary switch carefully.

o RTD connection should be firm.

Result: Working of on-off temperature controller is studied.

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