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Lab by Dks PDF

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Materials Required:
Bricks, Water, (Sand, Cement, Trowel, Pan if frog is present in Brick), measuring tape
Apparatus Required:
Compressive strength testing machine, Weighing machine
Bricks are mostly subjected to compression. The usual crushing strength of common hand
moulded well burnt bricks is about 5 to 10 N/mm2 (50 to 100/kg/cm2) varying according to
the nature of preparation of the clay. Pressed and machine moulded bricks made of thoroughly
pugged clay are stronger than common hand moulded bricks from carelessly prepared clay.
And compressive strength of brick is calculated as:
𝑫𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒈𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈
Compressive strength =( ×1000) Mps
𝑨𝒓𝒆𝒂 𝒊𝒏 𝒔𝒒. 𝒎𝒎

Generally, various classes of bricks having following value of Compressive strength:

First class Second class Third class Fourth class (or jhama)

>140 kg/cm2 140 – 70 kg/cm2 70 – 35 kg/cm2 >150 kg/cm2

or, or or or
>13 Mpa 13 – 7 Mpa 7 – 3.5 Mpa >14 Mpa

1 Six bricks were taken for the compressive strength testing by 6 groups.
2. The size of brick was measured by using measuring tape.
2. The bricks are then immersed in water at room temperature for 24 hours.
3. Then these bricks are taken out of water and surplus water on the surfaces is wiped off with a
moist cloth. (But here we don’t follow these steps 2 and 3 due to lack of time)
4. The frog of the bricks is flushed level with cement mortar (1:3).
5. The bricks are stored under damp jute bags for 24 hours followed by its immersion in water at
room temperature for three days. (But our brick hasn’t frog so we jump these steps 4 and 5)
6. The bricks were placed in the compression testing machine with flat faces horizontal and mortar
filled face being upwards.
7. Load is applied at a uniform rate of 14 N/ m2 per minute till failure.
8. For the density, we first weighing dry brick and then calculating its volume by measuring its
length, breadth and height by measuring tape)

S. N Mass L B H Area Volume Density Dial gauge Compressive Remarks
(Grp.No) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm2) (cu. m) (m3/kg) reading Strength (in
(kpa) N/mm2)







Average Total

By doing this lab, we obtain average compressive strength of given bricks is ________ N/mm2
(Mpa). So, the given bricks are of class _____________

Materials Required:

Apparatus Required:
Oven, Weighing machine
Brick for external use must be capable of preventing rain water from passing through them to
the inside of walls of reasonable thickness. A good brick should absorb water maximum th of
the weight of the brick.

According to the water absorption capacity, bricks are classified according as following:

First class Second class Third class Fourth class (or jhama)

Shall not exceed Between 20-22 % Between 20-25 % Low in absorption

20 %

1. 6 bricks were taken randomly from a stack.
2. The bricks were then put in an ventilated oven at a temperature of 105 0C for drying for 24
hour until brick completely became dry.
3. Bricks were weighed in a digital weighing machine and is record as W1
4. The bricks are immersed in water at room temperature for 24 hours.
5. After 24 hours immersion, the bricks are taken out of water and wiped with a damp cloth
for 3 minutes.
6. The bricks were weight again and recorded as W2.
7. and finally,
Water absorption in % is calculated as
(𝑾𝟐 𝑾𝟏)
Absorption % = ×100


S.N. Weight W1 (in kg) Weight W2 (in kg) Water absorption % Remarks







Average Total:

After completed this lab test, we obtain water absorption of the given bricks is _________%
by its weight. Hence the brick is of class ___________________

Materials Required:
Coarse aggregate,
Apparatus Required:
Set of Indian standard sieves, Digital weighing balance, Sieve shaker, Tray etc.
The term gradation or sieve analysis is given to the sample operation of dividing a sample of
aggregates in to fraction each consisting of particles between specific limits. The analysis is
conducted to determine the grading of material proposed for use as aggregates. Gradation is
determined by passing the materials through a series of sieves stacked with progressively
smaller openings from top to bottomand weighing the material retained on each sieve.

The term fineness modulus (F.M) is a ready index of coarseness or fineness of material. It is an
empirical factor obtained by adding the cumulative percentages of aggregates retained on each of
the standard sieves and dividing this sum arbitrarily by 100.

The higher the FM is, the coarser the aggregates. Determination of fineness modulus is
considered as a method of standardization of grading of aggregates i.e. the main object of
finding fineness modulus is to grade the given aggregate for the most economical mix and
workability with minimum quantity of cement.

Aggregate most of which is retained on IS 4.75 mm sieve is known as coarse aggregate. It may
be in the form of uncrushed gravel or stone resulting from natural distegration of rocks

 Fineness modulus


1. About 3 kg of coarse aggregate was taken from a sample of about 50 kg by quartering or through
riffle box.
2. The relevant sieves were arranged one above the other with the sieve size decreasing from the
top. The pan was put at the bottom. The sample was placed in the top sieve and covered.
3. The set of sieves were shaken for 2 to 3 minutes in a sieve shaker (or can be done by hand).
4. The amount of aggregate retained on each sieve was weighed along with the pan.

Weight of empty tray = 0 kg
Weight of tray + coarse aggregate = 3.085 kg
Weight of coarse aggregate = 3.085 kg

S.N Sieve wt. % of wt Cumulative wt. of % of wt Remarks

size retained retain % of wt passing passing
(mm) (kg) retained (kg) (in %)
(in %)
(in %)

1. 40 0 0 0 3.085 100

2. 25 0.765 24.79 24.79 2.32 75.2

3. 20 1.32 42.79 67.58 1 32.42

4. 16 0.665 21.56 89.14 0.335 10.86

5. 11.25 0.310 10.05 99.19 0.025 0.81

6. Pan 0.025 0.81 100 0 0

Total 3.085 w=380.7

Fineness modulus (FM) = = = 3.807

After doing this, lab we get the fineness modulus of given sample of coarse aggreate is 3.807.

Materials Required:
Coarse aggregate,
Apparatus Required:
 An open-ended 150mm cylindrical cell appropriate base plate and plunger, metal measure
and tamping rod confirming relevant IS-standard,
 Digital weighing balance
 IS sieve of sizes 12.5mm, 10mm, 2.36mm.
 A compression testing machine.
 weight balance
Aggregate crsuhing value test on coarse aggregate gives a relative measure of the resistance of
an aggregate crushing under gradually applied compressive load.

coarse aggregate crushing value is the percentage by weight of the crushed material obtained
when test aggregate are subjected to a specified load under standardized conditions.
Crushing value of aggregates indicates its strength. Lower crushing value is
recommended for roads and pavements as it indicates a lower crushed fraction under
load and would give a longer service life and a more economical performance.

The aggregates used in roads and pavement construction must be strong enough to
withstand crushing under roller and traffic. If the aggregate crushing value is 30 or
higher’ the result may be anomalous and in such cases the ten percent fines value should
be determined instead.

Calculation of Aggregate Crushing Value

The ratio of weight of fines formed to the weight of total sample in each test shall be
expressed as a percentage, the result being recorded to the first decimal place.

Aggregate crushing value = (W2 x 100) / (W1-W)

1. Sampling of aggregate:
Coarse aggregate passing 12.5mm IS sieve and retained on a 10mm IS sieve were
selected. The material is then pour in the cylinder. The quantity of aggregate shall be such that
the depth of material in the cylinde after tamping in 3 layers. Each layers being tamped 25
times with tamping rod.

2. Put the cylinder in position on the base plate and weigh it (W).

3. Put the sample in 3 layers, each layer being subjected to 25 strokes using the tamping rod.
Care being taken in the case of weak materials not to break the particles and weigh it (W1).

4. Level the surface of aggregate carefully and insert the plunger so that it rests horizontally on
the surface. Care being taken to ensure that the plunger does not jam in the cylinder.

5. then, Place the cylinder with plunger on the loading platform of the compression testing

6. Applied load at a uniform rate so that a total load of 40 T is applied in 10 minutes.

7. Release the load and remove the material from the cylinder.

8. Sieve the material with 2.36mm IS sieve, care being taken to avoid loss of fines.

9. Weigh the fraction passing through the IS sieve (W2).


Initial weight of sample in Kg 3.58


Weight of portion passing on 2.36mm sieve 0.095

(B) in Kg

Aggregate crushing value = .

× 100 =2.654
(W2 x 100) / (W1-W)

After doing this lab we get the coarse aggregate crushing value is 2.654

Materials Required:
Coarse aggregate,
Apparatus Required:
 Impact testing machine: The machine consists of a metal base. A detachable cylindrical
steel cup of internal diameter 10.2cm and depth 5cm. A metal hammer of weight
between 13.5 to 14Kg, lOcm in diameter and 5cm long. An arrangement for raising the
hammer and allow it to fall freely between vertical guides from a height of 38cm on the
test sample in the cup.
 A cylindrical metal measure having 7.5cm and depth of 5cm for measuring aggregates .
 A tamping rod of circular cross section, lcm in diameter and 23cm long, rounded at one
end .
 I.S. sieve of sizes 12.5mm, lOmm and 2.36mm .
 Balance of capacity not less than 500gm to weigh accurate up to O.Olgm.
The property of a material to resist impact is known as toughness. Due to movement of
vehicles on the road the aggregates are subjected to impact resulting in their breaking down
into smaller pieces.

The aggregates should therefore have sufficient toughness to resist their disintegration
due to impact. This characteristic is measured by impact value test.

Classification of aggregates using Aggregate Impact Value is as given below:

Aggregate Impact Value Classification

<20% Exceptionally Strong

10 – 20% Strong

20-30% Satisfactory for road surfacing

>35% Weak for road surfacing

1. First we Sieve the material through 12.5 mm and 10.0 mm IS sieves. The aggregates passing
through 12.5 mm sieve and retained on 10.0 mm sieve comprises the test material.
2. Pour the aggregates to fill about just 1/3 rd depth of measuring cylinder.

3. then, Compacted the material by giving 25 gentle blows with the rounded end of the tamping
4. And we added two more layers in similar manner, so that cylinder is full.
5. Strike off the surplus aggregates.
6. Then, we determined the net weight of the aggregates to the nearest gram(W).
7.We Bring the impact machine to rest without wedging or packing up on the level plate, block
or floor, so that it is rigid and the hammer guide columns are vertical.
8. Fix the cup firmly in position on the base of machine and place whole of the test sample in
it and compact by giving 25 gentle strokes with tamping rod.
9. Raised the hammer until its lower face was 380 mm above the surface of aggregate sample
in the cup and allow it to fall freely on the aggregate sample. Give 15 such blows at an interval
of not less than one second between successive falls.
10. Removed the crushed aggregate from the cup and sieve it through 2.36 mm IS sieves until
no further significant amount passes in one minute. Weighed the fraction passing the sieve to
an accuracy of 1 gm. Also, weighed the fraction retained in the sieve.



Total weight of dry sample (W1 gm) 1810

Weight of portion passing 2.36 mm sieve (W2 gm) 75

Aggregate Impact Value (percent) =( W2 / W1 )×100 × 100 = 4.144

After completing this lab we get the impact value of aggregate is 4.144.

10 | P a g e
Materials Required:
Fine aggregate,
Apparatus Required:
Set of Indian standard sieves, Digital weighing balance, Sieve shaker, Tray etc.
The term gradation or sieve analysis is given to the sample operation of dividing a sample of
aggregates in to fraction each consisting of particles between specific limits. The analysis is
conducted to determine the grading of material proposed for use as aggregates. Gradation is
determined by passing the materials through a series of sieves stacked with progressively
smaller openings from top to bottomand weighing the material retained on each sieve.

The term fineness modulus (F.M) is a ready index of coarseness or fineness of material. It is an
empirical factor obtained by adding the cumulative percentages of aggregates retained on each of
the standard sieves and dividing this sum arbitrarily by 100.

The higher the FM is, the coarser the aggregates. Determination of fineness modulus is
considered as a method of standardization of grading of aggregates i.e. the main object of
finding fineness modulus is to grade the given aggregate for the most economical mix and
workability with minimum quantity of cement.

The aggregate most of which passes IS 4.75 mm sieve is classified as fine aggregates. The fine
aggregates obtained from natural disintegration of rocks and deposited by streams are knows
as natural sands. Fine aggregates resulting from crushing of hard stone and natural gravel are
known as crushing stone sand and crushing gravel sand respectively
 Fineness modulus


1. About 1.5 kg of fine aggregate was taken from a sample of about 50 kg by quartering or
through riffle box.
2. The relevant sieves were arranged one above the other with the sieve size increasing from the
top. The pan was put at the bottom. The sample was placed in the top sieve and covered.
3. The set of sieves were shaken for 2 to 3 minutes in a sieve shaker.
4. The amount of aggregate retained on each sieve was weighed along with the pan.

11 | P a g e
Weight of empty tray = 0 kg
Weight of tray + fine aggregate = 1.555 kg
Weight of fine aggregate = 1.555 kg

S.N Sieve wt. % of wt Cumulative wt. of % of wt Remarks

size retained retain % of wt passing passing
(mm) (kg) retained (kg) (in %)
(in %)
(in %)

1. 10 0.14 9.00 9 1.415 90.997

2. 4.75 0.145 9.325 18.325 1.37 88.103

3. 2.36 0.220 14.15 32.475 1.05 67.524

4. 1.18 0.350 22.51 54.985 0.7 45.017

5. 600µ 0.180 11.58 66.565 0.52 33.441

6. 300µ 0.360 23.15 89.715 0.16 10.29

7. 150µ 0.115 7.395 97.11 0.045 2.894

8. pan 0.045 2.894 100.004 0 0

Total 1.555 W=468.179

Fineness modulus (FM) = = = 4.6818

After doing this, lab we get the fineness modulus of given sample of FINE aggreate is 4.6818

12 | P a g e
Materials Required:
Sample of sand.
Apparatus Required:
Measuring jar, Taping rod etc.
Free moisture forms a film around each particle. This film of moisture exerts what is known as
surface tension which keeps the neighbouring particles away from it. Similarly, the force
exerted by surface tension keeps every particle away from each other. Therefore, no point
contact is possible between the particles. This causes bulking of the volume. It is interesting to
note that the bulking increases with the increase in moisture content upto a certain limit and
beyond that the further increase in the moisture content results in the decrease in the volume
and at a moisture content representing saturation point.
Sample of curve for bulking of sand

1. Put sufficient quantity of the sand loosely into a container. Level off the top of the sand and
pushing a steel rule vertically down through the sand at the middle to the bottom, measure the
height. Suppose this is h1 cm.
2. Empty the sand out of the container into another container where none of it will be lost. Half
fill the first container with water. Put back about half the sand and rod it with a steel rod, about
6 mm in diameter, so that its volume is reduced to a minimum. Then add the remainder of the
sand and rod it in the same way.
3. The percentage of bulking of the sand due to moisture shall be calculated from the formula:

Percentage Bulking =( − 1 )×100

13 | P a g e
initial height of sand without water (h1) = 600 mm
Aftre adding water height of sand without water (h1) = 375 mm
Bulking of Sand % = − 1 × 100 = 𝟔𝟎 %

After doing this lab we obtain the Bulking % for given sample of sand is 60 %.

Here, we skip the part of skitching of graph.

But we can make it by changing the water height in measuring cylinder and different datas will
be obtain and different values of % bulking. and hence graph can be plotted as % of bulking vs
water height.

14 | P a g e
Materials Required:
Some aggregate,
Apparatus Required:
Los Angeles Testing Machine, Digital weighing balance,
Abrasive Charges
Abrasive Charge-The abrasive charge shall consist of cast iron spheres or steel spheres
approximately 48 mm in. diameter and each weight between 390 and 445 g.

Abrasion test is carried out to test the hardness property of aggregates. The principle of Los
Angeles abrasion test is to find the percentage wear due to relative rubbing action between the
aggregate and steel balls used as abrasive charge.

The test sample consist of clean aggregate which has been dried in an oven at 105°C to 110°C
and it should conform to one of the gradings shown in Table 3.22

15 | P a g e

1. The test sample shall consist of clean aggregate which has been dried in an oven at 105 to
110°C to substantially constant weight and shall conform to one of the gradings shown in Table
3.22. The grading or gradings used shall be those most nearly representing the aggregate
furnished for the work. (This step was skip due to time limitation).
2. The test sample and the abrasive charge shall be placed in the Los Angeles abrasion testing
machine and the machine rotated at a speed of 20 to 33 rev/min. For gradings A, B, C and D,
the machine shall be rotated for 500 revolutions; for gradings E, F and G, it shall be rotated for
1 000 revolutions.
3. The machine shall be so driven and so counter-balanced as to maintain a substantially
uniform peripheral speed. If an angle is used as the shelf, the machine shall be rotated in such
a direction that the charge is caught on the outside surface of the angle.
4. At the completion of the test, the material shall be discharged from the machine and a
preliminary separation of the sample made on a sieve coarser than the l.70 mm IS Sieve.
5. The material coarser than the 1.70 mm IS Sieve shall be washed dried in an oven at 105 to
110°C to a substantially constant weight, and accurately weighed to the nearest gram. (we skip
this step )

 Aggregate of 12.5 mm and retain in 10 mm sieve.

S.N Description Sample weight (in gm)

1 Original weight of sample (W1) in gm 5000

2 Weight of aggregate retained on 1.7 mm IS sieve 3040

3 % of wear or LAA value
39.2 %
= × 100%

After doing this lab we get the Loss Angeles Abrasion value of given sample of aggregate is
of 39.2 %.

16 | P a g e
Materials Required:
aggregates (fine and coarse)
Apparatus Required:
Measuring cylinder; its selection is done on following manner.
for 20 mm down aggregate used 15 liter
Weighing balance

Bulk density of aggregate is defined as the Mass per unit.
If we know the bulk density of aggregate material than we can easily calculate the mass
required to fill a unit volume container. Bulk Density also indicates the %age of voids presents
in the aggregate material. This %age of voids effects the grading of the aggregate which is
important in higher strength concrete. When measured on any aggregate of a known grading,
uncompacted void content provides an indication of the aggregate’s angularity, spherical shape,
and surface texture.
Bulk Density depends upon how densely the aggregate is packed. It also depends upon the size,
distribution and shape of the particles. If particles are of the same size then it can be packed to
a limited extent but when the smaller particles are added, the voids get filled with them and
thus the bulk density increases. For a coarse aggregate a higher bulk density means that there
are few voids which are to be filled by the fine aggregate and cement.

1. Find the weight of the empty container W1.
2. Take aggregate in the container up to approximately half of the container and find out
the weight W2.
3. Fill the container with water upto the level of the coarse aggregates so that all void space
inside the aggregate is filled with water. Find its weight W3.
4. Fill the container with water after emptying it from mix of coarse aggregate and water.
5. Water should be upto the mark, upto which coarse aggregate is filled. Find its weight W4
6. Repeat the same process for another trail

17 | P a g e
Materials Required:
Dry sample of cement,
Apparatus Required:
Pycnometer, Weighing balance, tray etc.

Specific gravity is defined as the ratio between weight of a given volume of material and weight
of an equal volume of water

1. First of all, we taken weight of clean empty pycnometer. (say W1)
2. And then we put dry sample of cement in the pycnometer about half of the amount. and
weighted. (say W2)
3. After this, we fill up the pycnometer by distilled water up to its neck and it weighted.
(say W3)
4. and finally the sample was clear out from the pycnometer and then water about its neck was
filled up and weighted. (say W4)
(𝑾𝟐 𝑾𝟏)
and finally, specific gravity cement is =
(𝑾𝟒 𝑾𝟏) (𝑾𝟑 𝑾𝟐)

18 | P a g e

S. N Description weight in kg.

1. wt. of empty bottle (W1) 0.623
2. wt. bottle after filled by dry sample (W2) 0.882
3. wt. bottle after water (W3) 1.560
4. wt. of bottle plus water (W4) 1.395

(𝑾𝟐 𝑾𝟏)
specific gravity cement=
(𝑾𝟒 𝑾𝟏) (𝑾𝟑 𝑾𝟐)
(𝟎.𝟖𝟖𝟐 𝟎.𝟔𝟐𝟑)
= (𝟏.𝟑𝟗𝟓 𝟎.𝟔𝟐𝟑) (𝟏.𝟓𝟔𝟎 𝟎.𝟖𝟖𝟐)
= 2.76

After doing this lab we get the specific gravity of cement is 2.76.

19 | P a g e
Materials Required:
Dry sample of sand,
Apparatus Required:
Pycnometer, Weighing balance, tray etc.

Specific gravity is defined as the ratio between weight of a given volume of material and weight
of an equal volume of water

1. First of all, we taken weight of clean empty pycnometer. (say W1)
2. And then we put dry sample of sand in the pycnometer about half of the amount. and
weighted. (say W2)
3. After this, we filled up the pycnometer by distilled water up to its neck and it weighted.
(say W3)
4. and finally the sample was clear out from the pycnometer and then water about its neck was
filled up and weighted. (say W4)
(𝑾𝟐 𝑾𝟏)
and finally, specific gravity sand is =
(𝑾𝟒 𝑾𝟏) (𝑾𝟑 𝑾𝟐)

20 | P a g e

S. N Description weight in kg.

1. wt. of empty bottle (W1) 0.631
2. wt. bottle after filled by dry sample (W2) 1.048
3. wt. bottle after water (W3) 1.815
4. wt. of bottle plus water (W4) 1.554

(𝑾𝟐 𝑾𝟏)
specific gravity sand=
(𝑾𝟒 𝑾𝟏) (𝑾𝟑 𝑾𝟐)
(𝟏.𝟎𝟒𝟖 𝟎.𝟔𝟑𝟏)
= (𝟏.𝟓𝟓𝟒 𝟎.𝟔𝟑𝟏) (𝟏.𝟖𝟏𝟓 𝟏.𝟎𝟒𝟖)
= 2.67

After doing this lab we get the specific gravity of sand is 2.67.

21 | P a g e
Materials Required:
Dry sample of aggregate,
Apparatus Required:
Pycnometer, Weighing balance, tray etc.

Specific gravity is defined as the ratio between weight of a given volume of material and weight
of an equal volume of water

1. First of all, we taken weight of clean empty pycnometer. (say W1)
2. And then we put dry sample of aggregate in the pycnometer about half of the amount. and
weighted. (say W2)
3. After this, we filled up the pycnometer by distilled water up to its neck and it weighted.
(say W3)
4. and finally the sample was clear out from the pycnometer and then water about its neck was
filled up and weighted. (say W4)
(𝑾𝟐 𝑾𝟏)
and finally, specific gravity aggregate is =
(𝑾𝟒 𝑾𝟏) (𝑾𝟑 𝑾𝟐)

22 | P a g e

S. N Description weight in kg.

1. wt. of empty bottle (W1) 0.611
2. wt. bottle after filled by dry sample (W2) 1.059
3. wt. bottle after water (W3) 2.347
4. wt. of bottle plus water (W4) 2.058

(𝑾𝟐 𝑾𝟏)
specific gravity aggregate =
(𝑾𝟒 𝑾𝟏) (𝑾𝟑 𝑾𝟐)
(𝟏.𝟎𝟓𝟗 𝟎.𝟔𝟏𝟏)
= (𝟐.𝟎𝟓𝟖 𝟎.𝟔𝟏𝟏) (𝟐.𝟑𝟒𝟕 𝟏.𝟎𝟓𝟗)
= 2.82

After doing this lab we get the specific gravity of aggregate is 2.82.

23 | P a g e
Materials Required:
Dry sample of cement,
Apparatus Required:
Vicat apparatus, Weighing balance, tray, Gauging, Stop Watch, etc.

This test is conducted to calculate the amount of water to be added to the cement to get a paste
of standard consistency which is defined as that consistency which will permit the Vicat
plunger to penetrate to a point 5 to 7 mm from the bottom of the Vicat mould. This experiment
is done with the help of Vicat apparatus. The time taken between adding of water to the cement
and filling of mould of Vicat apparatus is called as gauging time which should be between 3 to
5 minutes.
For finding out initial setting time, final setting time, soundness of cement and compressive
strength of cement, it is necessary to fix the quantity of water to be mixed in cement in each
case. Since different batches of cement differ in fineness, pastes with some water content may
differ in consistency when first mixed. For this reason, the consistency of the paste is
standardized by varying the water content until the paste has a given resistance to penetration.

Fig. Vicat apparatus

24 | P a g e

1. Initially a cement sample of about 400 g was taken in a tray and was mixed with a
known percentage of water by weight of cement, say starting from 26% and then it was
increased by every 2% until the normal consistency is achieved.

2. then prepared a paste of 400 g of Cement with a weighed quantity of potable or distilled
water, taking care that the time of gauging is not less than 3 minutes, nor more than 5
min, and the gauging shall be completed before any sign of setting occurs. The gauging
time shall be counted from the time of adding water to the dry cement until commencing
to fill the mould.

3. Filled the Vicat mould (E) with this paste, the mould resting upon a non-porous plate.
After completely filling the mould, smoothen the surface of the paste, making it level
with the top of the mould. The mould may be slightly shaken to expel the air.

4. Placed the test block in the mould, together with the non-porous resting plate, under the
rod bearing the plunger; lower the plunger gently to touch the surface of the test block,
and quickly release, allowing it to sink into the paste. This operation shall be carried
out immediately after filling the mould.

5. Prepared trial pastes with varying percentages of water and test as described above until
the amount of water necessary for making up the standard consistency as defined in
Step 1 is found.

Express the amount of water as a percentage by mass of the dry cement to the first place of decimal

S.No. Weight of cement Percentage by Amount of Penetration

(gms) water of dry water added (mm)
Cement (%) (ml)
1. 400
2. 400

The normal consistency of a given sample of cement is _ _ _ _ %

25 | P a g e
Materials Required:
Dry sample of cement,
Apparatus Required:
Weighing balance, tray, pan, IS-90-micron sieve conforming etc.

Cement is obtained by grinding various raw materials after calcination. The degree to which
cement is ground to smaller and smaller particles is called fineness of cement. The fineness of
cement has an important role on the rate of hydration and hence on the rate of gain of strength
and on the rate of evolution of heat. Finer cement offers a greater surface area for hydration
and hence the faster development of strength although the ultimate strength is not affected.
Fineness also provides more cohesiveness to concrete and avoid separation of water at the top
of concrete (called bleeding). However, increase in fineness of cement increases the drying
shrinkage and cracking of the concrete.
Fineness of cement is tested either by sieving or by determination of specific surface using air-
permeability apparatus. The specific surface is defined as the total surface area of all the
particles in cm2 per one gram of cement. Although determination of specific surface is more
accurate to judge fineness of cement, it is rarely used except for specific purpose. In contrast
sieving is most used method to determine fineness of cement and is quite good for field works.


1. Weighted accurately 100 g of cement to the nearest 0.01 g and placed it on a standard
90 micron IS sieve.
2. Then we break down any air-set lumps in the cement sample with fingers.
3. Agitate the sieve by giving swirling, planetary and linear movements for a period of 10
minutes or until no more fine material passes through it.
4. Collected the residue left on the sieve, using brush if necessary, and weigh the residue.
5. Expressed the residue as a percentage of the quantity first placed on the sieve to the
nearest 0.1 percent.
6. Repeated the whole procedures two more times each using fresh 100 g sample.

26 | P a g e

Si. No. Weight of sample Weight of residue %age of residue Average % of

taken (W) (in g.) (R) (in g.) 𝑹
= ( 𝑾 × 𝟏𝟎𝟎) residue

1. 100 3 3



After completing this lab, we get Percentage residue of cement sample by dry sieving is
_______3____ percentage
So, the given sample of cement contains less than 10% by weight of material coarser than 90-
micron sieve.

27 | P a g e
Materials Required:
sample of cement, water
Apparatus Required:
Vicat apparatus, weighing balance, tray, pan, measuring cylinder; stop watch etc.

Cement when mixed with water forms slurry which gradually becomes lesser and lesser plastic,
and finally forms a hard mass. In this process a stage is obtained when the cement paste is
sufficiently rigid to with stand a definite amount of pressure. The time to reach this stage is
called setting time. The setting time is divided into two parts: the initial setting time and the
final setting time.
Initial set is a stage where the cement paste stiffens to such an extent that the Vicat
needle is not permitted to move down through the paste within 5 ± 0.5 mm measured from the
bottom of the mould. In other words, the cement paste starts losing its plasticity. The time
elapsed between the moments that the water is added to the cement to the initial set is regarded
as initial setting time. Any crack that may appear after initial set may not re-unite. Final setting
time is the time when the paste becomes so hard that the annular attachment to the needle under
standard weight only makes an impression on the hardened cement paste.
In order that the concrete may be mixed, transported and placed in position
conveniently, it is necessary that the initial set of cement is not too quick. But after, it has been
laid; the hardening should be rapid so that the structure can be made use of as early as possible.
For an ordinary Portland cement, the initial setting time should not be less than 30 minutes
while the final setting time should not be more than 600 minutes.
The setting time of the cement is influenced by factors such as: percentage of water,
amount of kneading the paste, temperature and humidity of the environment. As per codal
provisions; this test should be conducted at temperature of 27𝑜𝑜±2𝑜𝑜 𝐶𝐶 and 90% humidity.
Flash set and false set are two terms, which are generally encountered in relation to the
setting of cements. Flash set refers to the immediate stiffening of the cement paste due to
violent reaction of pure 𝐶𝐶3𝐴𝐴 with water. To prevent flash set gypsum is added to the cement
clinker during grinding. A phenomenon of abnormal and premature hardening of cement within
a few minutes of mixing with water is termed as false set. It differs from flash set in that no
appreciable heat is evolved, and remixing the cement paste without addition of water restores
plasticity of the paste and the concrete sets in normal manner without a loss of strength. This
happens due to dehydration of gypsum when it comes in contact with excessively hot clinkers
during grinding.

28 | P a g e

1. Prepared a uniform cement paste by gauging 400 g of cement with 0.85 times the water required
to give a paste of standard consistency. The procedure of mixing and filling the mould is same
as standard consistency.
2. Started the stopwatch or note down the time when water was added to the cement.
Determination of initial setting time:
3. Placed the test block confined in the mould and resting on the non-porous plate, under the rod
bearing the initial setting needle (with cross section 1 mm ); lower the needle gently until it
comes in contact with the surface of the test block and quickly release, allowing it to penetrate
into the test block
4. Repeated this procedure until the needle, when brought in contact with the test block and released
as described above, fails to pierce the block beyond 5.0 ± 0.5 mm measured from the bottom
of the mould. Note the time.
5. The difference of time between operations (2) and (4) provides the initial setting time of cement.

Determination of final setting time: (not executed due to time limitation)

6. Replace the initial setting needle of the Vicat apparatus by the needle with an annular attachment.
7. The cement shall be considered as finally set when, upon applying the needle gently to the surface
of the test block, the needle makes an impression thereon, while the attachment fails to do so.
8. The interval of time between operation (2) and (7) provides the final setting time of cement.


 Weight of given sample of cement is 400 gm.
 The normal consistency of a given sample of cement is ___________ %
 Volume of water addend (0.85 times the water required to give a paste of standard
consistency) for preparation of test block ____________ ml

Time in minutes:

Height in mm fails to penetrate

Initial setting time of cement (in min):

The given sample of cement satisfied/ does not satisfy criterion for initial setting time.

29 | P a g e

30 | P a g e

31 | P a g e

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