Textbook Part 2
Textbook Part 2
Textbook Part 2
CHEMICAL Q1 (thermogenesis)
Depends from Т of air (Zone of apathy - 15-250 С)
Below 15 0С - rising heat-production
Above 25 0С - decreasing heat-production
Above 35 0С – may be failures of thermoregulation (Thermal fatigue, Thermal edema foots, Thermal
attrition, Thermal cramps, Thermal shock, Thermal syncope)
1. Temperature of air.
Optimum range for any rooms is 18-22 0С. In sports halls - 16-18 0С, in operational - 23-250С
(prevention postoperative cold complications, because patient is under narcosis and centers of
thermoregulation do not work).
Temperature of air, instruments and methods of its measuring
The instruments measuring temperature of air are called thermometers.
The thermometers may be: home, minimum and maximal.
The home thermometer - shows temperature in the given instant, it does not fix the temperature.
The minimum thermometer fixes least temperature for any period. The minimum thermometers have
inside tank with alcohol.
The maximal thermometer fixes greatest temperature for any period. The maximal thermometers
have inside tank with Hydrargyrum. The medical thermometers are maximal thermometers.
Rules of measurement of temperature of air in a room.
1. Measurement of temperature of air on a horizontal.
Temperature of air measurings at a distance of 1,5 meters from a floor in five points. First, second,
third, fourth point are in four corners of a room. The fifth point is at centre of a room. The odds
between metrics of temperature of air in these points should be no more 2 0С.
2. Measurement of temperature of air on a vertical.
Temperature of air measurings at centre of a room apart 0,1 meters from a floor (there are legs of
the man) and 1,5 meters from a floor (are organs of respiration of the man). The odds between
metrics of temperature of air in these points should be no more 2,5 0С.
3. Measurement of temperature of air within day.
Temperature in a room in the morning, day, evening and night is measured. The odds between these
metrics should be no more 5 0С at local heating (fireplaces, furnace).
The odds between these metrics should be no more 3 0С at the centralized heating (battery of central
Purpose - for definition and record of fluctuations of temperature of air in time.
Device and principle of work:
1. A perceiving part - gauge of temperature - bent bimetallic a plate consisting of 2 metals,
having various temperature factors. At fluctuations of temperature radius of curvature of a plate
changes, that with the help of system of levers (lever, draft, regulator, axis - the transfer mechanism)
- is transferred to an pointer.
2. A recording part: the pointer, which on the end has pen, writing on a tape drawn on hours
and days of change of temperature.
- drum with the hour mechanism. The tape is reeled - up on a rotating drum; the drum can
make a complete revolution for one day (daily) or for one week (week).
Thermograph provides continuous registration of temperature of air in a range from -45 up to
+55 С with accuracy +10.
2. Humidity of air.
Kinds of humidity:
а) Absolute – amount of water pairs in air now (g / m3 or mm. Hg.)
b) Maximal - the greatest possible saturation air by water pairs at given temperature,
c) Relative = absolute / maximal in %%.
Norm of air humidity is 40-60 % (30-70 %), at smaller humidity - dryness of skin and mucous
membranes, at the greater - infringement heat-return. In operational - up to 55 % (prevention
explosion narcotic-air mix).
The large pointer goes on a dial having 100 divisions, designating meters; small pointers
moves on a dial having 10 divisions and showing hundreds, thousand, tens thousand and more than
meters. Each small pointer shows at a complete revolution in 10 times the large sizes, than previous
pointer; for example, the transition of the first small pointer to one division (100m) is equaled to a
complete revolution of the large pointer; the movement on one division of the second small pointer is
equaled to a complete revolution of the first small pointer etc.
At supervision become the person to a wind and establish the device, that the dial was
inverted to the observer. Write down the indications of pointers (large establish on zero), give to
rotate 1-2 minutes empty, and then include the counter anemometer, starting up simultaneously in a
course a stop watch. In 10 minutes the counter switch off and write down the new indications of
pointers. A difference in the indications between the second meters, by an air flow for the period of
supervision. The found number of meters divide into amount of seconds of work anemometer.
The very weak currents of air determine with the help katathermometer (cylindrical or
spherical), representing special spirit thermometer with a scale 35-38 0 or 33-40 0.
At first determine cooling ability of air. For it katathermometer lower in hot water (about 80 0C) and
heat up so long as the spirit will not rise up to half of top expansion of a capillary. After that the device
wipe and hang up on a support or hold on the extended hand in a place of supervision, protecting
thus from action of sun energy by means of a small screen (cardboard, plywood). Then keep up on a
stop watch, during how much minutes pole of spirit will be lowered from 38 up to 35 0; experience
make twice and calculate average meaning.
CAA expect under the formula:
Н = F/t (mCal per one second/sm2),
where F - the factor katathermometer (is designated on the back party of each device),
t- time of cooling katathermometer.
Calculate speed of movement of air knowing CAA under the formula Hill.
For definition of speed of movement of air use the formula Hill:
, where Н — cooling ability of air, Q — a difference between temperature of body of
the man (36,5оС) and temperature of a premise(room), 0,2 and 0,4 — empirical factors, Х — speed
of movement of air in m/s. (for small speeds up to 1m\s)
4. Athmospheric pressure.
Devises for estimation athmosphere pressure
The barometer
consists of a vacuum metal
box with elastic wavy walls.
The fluctuations of
atmospheric pressure are
reflected in volume and form
of a box, which walls at
increase of pressure
прогибаются inside, and at
reduction of pressure are
straightened. These changes
by means of a spring and
systems are transferred to an
arrow driven on a dial, on
which the divisions
appropriate to a scale of a
mercury barometer are put.
The figures of a scale designate hundreds and tens millimeters of a mercury pole, units count on
intermediate divisions of a scale. Before readout it is necessary cautiously to knock on glass of the
device to overcome friction of metal transfer parts. On a dial there is also thermometer, which
indications are necessary for writing down
The metal barometers are less exact, than mercury, but портативны and are convenient in
circulation. Some of them have the second arrow for a mark of pressure at the given moment.
For continuous supervision over fluctuations of atmospheric pressure use self-write the device
- barograph, perceiving which part makes a number boxes connected with each other. At change of
pressure these boxes move, that is transferred on systems to an arrow with pen, rotating with speed
of one complete revolution per week. All components of the device are made in a case, which opens
only at change of tapes.
Example :
Graphic picture of the frequency of wind by the different directions during in some space
of time is called " Rose of winds ". The direction of a wind is revolted from the centre of
picture. Points of the direction of a wind is connected with line.
In this picture wind blow from east more often than not.
Scientists utilize " Rose of winds " in order that construct industriel enterprises, hospitals, dwelling – houses.
Idustriel enterprises must construct in zone of town where wind blow
least of all.
Where must be industrial enterprises, hospitals, dwelling – houses construct?
Idustriel enterprises must not construct in the east of town. They must construct in other
zones of town (north - east, west, south ). The town make not one-self dirty with
industrial poisons under these conditions. Hospitals must construct in the east of town
( the most clean zone of town ). Living houses must construct in the north, north – west,
south – west, south – east, east of town.
Situational tasks
1.At inspection of conditions of stay of the patients in hospital is established: the area of ward for 1 cot 6m2,
average temperature of air – 18 o C, humidity - 60 %, speed of movement of air - 0,18m\s. Give a hygienic
estimation to a microclimate in ward.
2. In city Н. the construction of a machine-building factory is provided. On long-term supervision the
repeatability of winds (in percentage) makes: C - 14, СВ - 5, B - 2, ЮВ - 6, Ю - 19, ЮЗ - 26, СЗ - 18. Specify
an optimum direction of accommodation of a machine-building factory in relation to seliteb territory of city.
Example: temperature of the dry thermometer of Psychrometer is 24С, temperature of the wet thermometer of
a Psychrometer - 16С. Speed of air - 30 m / mines. Find effective temperature at it cinditions.
Solution: On a left-hand side of nomogramm we discover temperature on the dry thermometer. On the right
side of nomogramm we discover temperature on the wet thermometer. We superimpose bar on both
retrieved points. We see, that the bar intersects a curve of travelling speeds of air appropriate 30 m /
mines in a point designated digit 20. This digit also will be required effective temperature.
On the basis of numerous observations the following norms of effective temperatures were placed:
А). The zone of comfort is 17,2 - 21,7 effective temperature. At these temperatures 50 % of the people feel
well, is comfortable.
В). The line of comfort is 18,1-18,9 effective temperature. At these temperatures 100 % of the people feel
well, is comfortable
3.Definition equivalent-effective temperature. There is special tables, according to it, we can find optimun
microclimate for the person at different data of temperature, humidity and speed movement of air so, that heat
sence of organism will be such, as in zone of comfort.
Situational tasks
1.The dry thermometer shows 20 0C, and damp - 16 0C. The speed of movement of air is absent. Determine
effective temperature under the given conditions (on nomogramm)
2.Determine CAA and speed of movement of air, in a corridor of a hostel, if the F-factor katatermometer-630,
time of its cooling t – 90sec. Temperature in a premise (room) 21,0 0С
3.What should be thermal state of health of the man in an inhabited room, if temperature of air changes within
the limits of 18-20 0C, difference in horizontal and vertical directions accordingly 2,0-2,5 0С?
The standards of the answers:
1.On nomogramm we find a place of crossing of a line showing temperature of dry and damp thermometers
with a line of speed of movement of air =0. The answer: ET = 18,5 0.
2.The relation F\t = CAA = 630\90 = 7,0 mCal/sm 2 sec., that corresponds to norm. Under the formula Hill we
find speed movements of air, it is equal Н=7,0; Q = 36,6-21=15,60. Then Х=0,36m\s, that is norm.
3.It is satisfactory, since all parameters within the limits of norm.
Educational questions:
1. Basic weather-forming factors and their characteristics:
а) Meteorological,
b) Synoptical,
c) Heliophysical
d) Geophysical
e) Electical state and contence of athmosphere
2. Reason and mechanisms of development Heliometheothropic reactions.
3. Display Heliometheothropic reactions, diseases accompanied by it.
4. Medical classifications of weather and its medical estimation.
5. System of prevention Heliometheothropic reactions
6. Acclimatization, its kinds and reasons. Features of acclimatization for a hot and cold climate. Meaning of
acclimatization for health resort science.
The appendix № 1
Besides at air practically constantly there are natural substances due to chemical and
biological processes: ammonia, methane, oxides of nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, hydrocarbons etc.
Natural dust pollution of an atmosphere: a space dust, a terrestrial dust (soil, vegetative, fires,
the POPULATION: demographic, case rate, ILLNESS ITAI-ITAI, Minamata, Usho,
physical Development, physical inability FLUOROSIS, etc.
THE CHECK of working of clearing structures will be carried out on keeping the specifications
of MPE (maximal permissible emissions pollutants in free air calculated with the count MPC in air)
Educational questions:
1. Chemical structure of air and physiological importance of its basic parts.
2. The reasons, display and prevention high-altitude (mountain) and kesson (decompression) illness.
3. Importance of definition СО2 in air of premises (rooms). MPC СО2 and its substantiation.
4. Basic sources and factors of pollution of an atmosphere, criterion and factors (physical, chemical,
bacteriological) pollution of atmospheric air. Ways self-purification of an atmosphere
5. Displays of influence pollution of an atmosphere on health of the man and condition of his life.
6. Basic directions of protection of an atmosphere from pollution.
7. Hygienic importance of ventilation in various premises (rooms). Kinds of ventilation classification of
ventilating devices.
8. Hygienic characteristic efficiency of ventilation and its parameters.
Situational tasks
1. In an audience with volume 400m3 it is one fan, which is included on a break between lectures and the time
of its work makes 10min. It is a ventilating aperture round with radius 0,2m. Define FV, if the speed of
movement of air in a ventilating aperture makes 6m\s.
2. In a room with a cubic capacity 60m3, there are 5 men. Airing occurs at the expense of a window leaf, which
opens on 10min in each hour, speed of air movement 1m\s, area of a window leaf 0,15 m2. To give an
estimation of ventilation of a premise (room).
3. The microclimate of the appropriate premise (room) is characterized in its following parameters: temperature
of air – 40 oС; relative humidity - 70 %; speed of movement of air - 0,1 m/s; radiating temperature - 80-90 oС.
Define the most possible pathological condition the person, which can arise under the given microclimatic
DEVICE for aspiration air for detecting pollutants in air
At the aspirator the bodies of management are on a forward wall of the device: 1 - for connection of a
cord to the electric system by a voltage 220 V (at 127 in apply the transformer); 2 - toggle - switch for inclusion
and deenergizing of the device; 3 - handle of gates rotameters for adjustment of speed of selection of tests of
air; 4- rotameters; 5 - unions for connection rubber tubes with filters; 6 - safety valve serving for prevention of
an overload of the electric motor at selection of tests with small speeds; 7 - jack of safety-lock; 8 - plug for
grounding the device.
Beginning to work, grounded the device, attaching the plug 8 with the help of a flexible wire to water
or heating system, also connect it to the electric system. Then put the safety valve 6 in a situation 1 and the
gates rotametres 3 open before failure. After that by the toggle - switch 2 include the device and rotation of
handles of gates rotametres establish necessary speed of selection of tests. Then the device switch off, attach to
unions 5 necessary absorbers for selection of tests and again include the device, marking time on a stop watch;
establish on rotameter necessary speed of passage of air and select test. Readout of speed of air make on the top
edge of floats rotametres. Aspirator is designed for continuous work within 3 hours.
Hygienic value of solar radiation.
All organic life on the Earth is obliged by the existence of energy of the Sun - unique external
source of heat and light.
On border of atmosphere voltage of solar radiation is on the average 2 cal / sm 2 minute, it is
named "solar constant" (depends on activity of the Sun, astronomical factors).
Due to absorption, dispersion and reflection solar beams in atmosphere there are quantitative
and qualitative changes of solar radiation:
а) Quantitative - surface of the Earth achieves only 43 % solar constant (depends on
geographical position, height of the Sun above horizon, cleanliness of atmosphere).
b) Qualitative changes in spectrum of solar radiation:
On border of atmosphere ultraviolet beams (UV) - 5 %, seen light - 52 %, infrared beams (IR) -
43 %,
At a surface of the Earth: UV - 1 %, seen light - 40 %, IR - 59 %
The reason of these changes - 2 screens:
а) electro-magnetic field of the Earth,
b) ozone layer - rejection short-wave beams and delay long-wave part of solar radiation.
The reasons, displays and prevention solar starvation.
At lack solar irradiation at people develops the original pathological condition - solar starvation
- asteno-vegetative syndrome, oppression CNS, decrease adaptable opportunities of organism. At
children may be rickets. The main reason of development this condition it is lack of UVR.
The reasons development solar starvation:
- Insufficient stay on open air – lack solar irradiation in rooms, because window glass detain 35-90 %
of solar stream.
- Climatic and geographical conditions of district - Far North - polar night (6 months there is no
Sun), very cold weather – children can not stay on open air.
- In Europe lack of solar irradiation at the agricultural population tests 2 months in one year, urban
population - 4 months (high level of air pollution),
- Pollution atmosphere - light exposure is reduced on 40-50 %, is especial UVR - in the center of
London level UVR in 36 times below, than in suburbs.
- Professional features - miners, submariners etc.
Prevention solar starvation:
1) The greater stay on open air - correct mode of day in children.
2) Correct layout inhabited quarters and buildings (distance from each other), observance norms
natural illumination in premises (rooms).
3) Struggle against pollution of atmosphere.
The most effective way prevention solar starvation is using preventive UVR in special fotaries
with luminescent UV lamps in mines, on Far North, for children during possible solar starvation.
Before giving course of UV radiation it is need to define biodoze UVR for concrete person,
because it is different for everybody.
Biodoze UVR and it definition.
It is the minimal time UVR causing on a not sunburn skin small erytema (reddening skin) in 8-
20 hours after UV irradiation. Minimal daily preventive doze of UVR - 1/8 part of biodoze, optimum
(treatment rickets) doze - 1/2-1/4 biodoze.
Action of separate components of solar radiation on organism.
Ultra-violet (UV) beams.
Most biologically important part of solar spectrum - UV - beams. Length of wave is 10-400
nanometer. The mechanism of action - photochemical effect - at hit in a skin - formation biologically
active substances (histamine, holin, acetylholin, etc.) - photochemical erytema at skin (attributes -
precise borders, then – formation melanin).
Kinds of biological action UVR:
- sunburnt (formation melanin), fluorescent - area A 400-315 nm
- erytemic, bactericidal - area B 315-280 nm
- luminescent + strengthening of the previous effects - area C 280-20 nm
- anty-rickets - area D 285-265 nm.
In optimum dozes UV renders strengthening effect, stimulates growth and regeneration
fabrics, improves metabolism, functions endocryn, immune system.
At big dozes UVR (sharp action) – fotoerytema, dermatitis, burns, rise temperature of body,
At chronic action big dozes UVR - deterioration state of health, decrease serviceability,
aggravation chronic diseases, risk factor of cancer of skin - in southern areas melanomas skin in
population in 4-5 times is more often, than in the North territories.
Seen light.
Length of wave 400-760 nm, has small photochemical effect - fotosensibilisation action on
visual elements in a retina of eye. There is small thermal action - braking quantums of light in fabrics.
Stimulates CNS through excitation the visual center, renders positive influence on emotional
condition of the person, function cardiac system and other systems.
At excessive intensity may be blinding action down to destruction photosensitive elements and
development retynitis - inflammations of retina.
Infrared (IR) beams.
Length of wave more 760 nm. A main effect - thermal - strengthening oscillatory and rotational
movements of molecules in fabrics. Strengthen biological effects UVR. Allocate 2 parts in IR-beams:
а) Long-wave IR-beams - more than 1500 nm. b) Short-wave IR-beams - 760 - 1500 nm.
Biological effects of IR-beams:
Hyperemia skin and internal bodies, increase gas exchange in fabrics, strengthening secretory
function of kidneys, soothing action, resolve the inflammatory centers - are applied in physiotherapy.
At excessive intensity IR - irradiation:
а) Heating brain environments - heatstroke and thermal faint,
b) Damage by short-wave IR-beams crystalline lens - cataract
c) Burns on skin different degree of weight.
Educational questions
1. Iimportance of solar radiation, spectral structure of solar light.
2. Concept about solar starvation, reasons, displays and prevention
3. Physiological influence of various components of a solar spectrum: UV, Seen beams, IR – beams
4. The basic sanitary - hygienic requirements to illumination
5. Characteristic light units
6. Principles of an estimation of natural and artificial illumination
7. Hygienic estimation of natural illumination of premises(rooms)
8. Hygienic characteristic of systems and kinds of artificial illumination
9. Hygienic requirements to illumination of inhabited and educational premises(rooms)
10. Hygienic requirements to illumination of hospital wards
11. Hygienic requirements to illumination operational
1. To measure distance on a horizontal from middle of a surface of a table up to a window frame (а) and
distance on a vertical from a window sill up to the top edge of a window (b).
2. To find tangens of a corner of fall, having divided size “a” on size “b”.
3. 3. Under the table tangens (see table) to determine size of a corner of fall (aо).
The table of natural trigonometrical meanings tangens
For example, height of a window is equal 2 m (а), distance from a window up to a workplace (b) is equal 3,5 m.
To find size of a corner aо. From here we find tga = 2: 3,5 = that under the table tangens corresponds to a
corner in 300.
2.2. Definition of a corner of an aperture
This corner is formed by two lines, from which top (as well as in a corner of fall) goes from a place of
definition of light exposure to the top edge of a window, and bottom — is directed to a maximum point shadow
object (for example, opposite house). The definition of a corner of an aperture will be carried out by two
students. A corner, adjacent with a corner of an aperture (b) in the beginning is defined. The first student,
having inclined a head up to a level of a table, mentally will carry out a direct line from middle of a surface of a
table to a maximum point of an opposite building. The second student worth at a window, under the instruction
of the first student fixes by a hand a point of crossing of this line with window glass and measures it from a
window sill (а1). Having divided the received size (а1) on distance from a window up to middle of a surface of
a table (б), receive tangens of a corner b.
For definition of size of a corner of an aperture (g) find a difference between a corner of fall (a) and corner of
an aperture (b).
For example: a distance from a window sill up to a point of crossing conceivable line with a frame of a window
- 1,5 m., — distance from a window up to a workplace - 3,5 m: 1,5: 3,5 = 0,428. Under the table tangens we
find a corner б = 23o. A corner scale = 300- 230 = 7o.
2.3 Definition of light exposure of a workplace
The definition of light exposure of a workplace will be carried out by luxmeter (see higher).
2.4 Definition of depth room from windows
For definition this factor it is necessary to know height from the top edge of a window up to a floor and
distance from outside up to an internal wall (depth of a room). The definition of these sizes also is required
factor, which size on a workplace should be 1: 2.
2.5 Definition of factor of natural illumination (FNI)
FNI — relation of light exposure in the given point of a premise (room) to simultaneous outside light
exposure in conditions of absent-minded light expressed in percentage. FNI can be determined experimentally
with the help of luxmeter.
FNI = E in. x 100% / E ex. , where:
E in. - light exposure in the given point of a premise (room)
E ex. - light exposure outside of a premise (room)
4. THE CONCLUSION (to give a hygienic estimation and natural and artificial illumination):
Variant 1. The natural light exposure of a workplace sufficient (for a class room LF 1:4-1:6, corner of fall not
less than 270, corner of an aperture not less than 50, light exposure of a workplace is not lower 150 lux, FNI
there are less than 1,5 %).
Artificial light exposure sufficient (not less than 150 lux at incadescent lamps or 300 lux at luminescent
Variant 2. Natural and artificial light exposure of a workplace unsufficient (at lower sizes such parameters).
5. The general artificial illumination of a school class is planned to supply with fixtures with the lighting
fixtures of an in regular intervals disseminating type and incadescent lamps. Specify least meaning of light
exposure in lux, which answers the hygienic requirements of artificial illumination for the given type of
premises (rooms).
1. 200
2. 250
3. 300
4. 150
5. 350
6. Specify, what range of ultra-violet radiation has bactericid action (in nanometer):
1. 315-265
2. 280-10
3. 380-300
4. 400-315
5. 320-280
Situational tasks
1. Glass surface available in a room 3 windows is equal 3,6 m2, the area of a floor is equal 30 m2. Define light
2. The light exposure at open air 40.000 lux, FNI is equal 2 %. To that the light exposure on a workplace is
3. The depth of hospital ward is equal 5 m, length — 6 m. In chamber 2 windows, the area остекления which
makes 2,7 m. Height of the top edge of a window above a floor of 2,8 m. Orientation of windows — SE, the
walls are painted in light warm tone. The corner of fall is equal 350, corner of an aperture — 100. Give a
complex hygienic estimation to natural illumination in hospital ward.
The standards of the answers:
1. Light factor = 3,6: 30 = 1: 8. That for the given audience corresponds to norm
2. The light exposure on a workplace is equal 40000:2х100=800lux.
3. LF=30:2,7=1:10. Other all parameters corresponds to norm.
THEME № 13.
Value water for the person.
Water has huge physiological, hygienic and economic value for the person.
Kinds of water use:
- Drinking - the most important kind of water use for the health of the population, for it kind is the most
rigid requirements to water quality. On the data the WHO, 80 % of all diseases on the Earth are
connected to poor-quality water or connected with the bad sanitary conditions of life caused by
deficiency of clean water.
- household - for maintenance normal sanitary conditions of life of the population and prevention
infections. Requirements as to drinking water.
- Recreational - reservoirs and the water areas used for rest, aquatic sport, etc.- rigid requirements
to water quality
- Balneologic water use - baths, souls, inhalations etc.- high requirements to water quality,
- Industrial - use water in technological processes on manufacture - special requirements to water
- Meliorative - irrigation the grounds in agriculture etc. - special requirements to water quality,
- Fish-breeding - for cultivation fishes. Requirements sometimes even are higher, than for the person
- sensitive kinds of fishes. At pollution reservoirs toxicants can collect in fish and cause diseases in
- Transport - sailing charter, ports etc.
Problems fresh water on the Earth.
Only 3 % stocks of water on a planet is the fresh waters (other – seawater) intensively used for
the above-stated kinds of water use. Thus stocks of fresh waters are allocated very non-uniformly
and are available in enough only on 20 % densety populated territories, in other places - deficiency of
In addition to deficiency of fresh water, fresh-water reservoirs have the biggest
anthropogenous pollution, what frequently makes their unsuitable for water consumption.
UNESCO gives forecasts about real threat of water famine for mankind. A cardinal way of the
decision water problem – distillation of sea waters, but it is very expensive, besides the seas and
oceans are considerably polluted and at boiling toxic and cancerogenic substances can be formed.
Physiological value water.
Daily need of the adult person in normal conditions 2,5-3 l water, in a hot climate or at heavy
physical work - till 10-12 l / day.
Water carries out structural role - the organism of the adult consists on 51-66 % of water, in
organism of the child 80-90 %.
Besides water - weak electrolit, dissociate on ions Н + and OH - catalysts of biochemical
reactions and water - the environment of these reactions.
Temperature - 10-120C. Below – may be cold diseases, at higher - than change оrganoleptics
Value studying оrganoleptic properties of water
1) It are used for Initial examination quality of water,
2) Changes organoleptic properties - indirect attribute organic pollution of water.
The dry rest or mineralization of water - up to 1000 mg / l (1 g/l). At higher values of the dry
rest (1400 mg / l and more) - changes оrganoleptic propeties of water - smack of water.
Classification waters by a degree of mineralization:
- 1-2 g\l – water low mineralization,
- 10 g/l and more - high mineralization (seawater 35 g/l).
At the use high mineralization water (it is especial at sharp change water at moving to other
district) - violations of water-salt balance, delay water in organism, violations activity of digestive and
secretory systems, violations of metabolism. The increase frequency of urine and gall-stone illness is
statistically shown in these districts. With such water in an organism acts 25-100 % of total amount of
mineral substances of a diet.
On the other hand, experimentally and clinically it is proved, that waters with low
mineralization (100mg/l and less) are biologically defective - secretion and acidity of gastric juice
raises, is broken absorbtion waters in entestines, violations water-salt exchange, reabsorbtion in
kidneys, hypocalciaemya, decrease of osmotic resistance erytrocites, etc.
The contents chlorides - up to 350 mg / l. Give to water salty smack - in the big
concentration - change taste of water more than 2 points. At increasing chlorides in water it is
violations of water-electrolit exchange and function of kidneys. "The Salt hypertension" - in areas with
salty water arterial hypertension meets in 4 times more often. At concentration chlorides more than
500 mg / l - oppression secretion and acidity of gastric juice.
It is the indirect parameter of organic pollution water by household sewage - chlorides is a lot
in urine.
The contents sulfates - up to 500 mg / l. Give to water bitter smack more than 2 points. At
increase - oppression gastric secretion, break intestinal absorbtion, can be reflex dyarrea.
Also it is indirect parameter organic pollution – many sulfates in faecal masses.
Educational questions:
1. Physiological and hygienic importance of water
2. The documents regulating quality of water and the requirements to sources of water supply
3. Rules of selection tests of water for realization chemical and bacteriological researches
4. Organoleptic parameters quality of water, methods it research, norms.
5. Chemical parameters quality of water and diseases, connected with it deviations.
6. Bacteriological parameters of quality of water.Epidemic importance of water. Attributes of water epidemics.
7. Chemical parameters of organic pollution of water
8. Direct and indirect parameters of organic pollution of water
9. Water-nitrate methaemoglobynaemya, its reasons and prevention.
2. The transparency of drinking water is determined on a standard text (name on the author):
1. Heiner
2. Giss
3. Herbar
4. Stocks
5. Snellen
4. In 1 hour after feeding of the child by a dairy mix the child had following symptoms of disease:
cyanosis of lips, mucous environments, person, nausea, amplified salivation, pain in stomack, vomiting,
dyarrea. Pediatrist has noted at the child of the phenomenon of lungs-intimate insufficiency. During
investigation is established, that the dairy mix is prepared on water taken from well. What diagnosis has
established the doctor?
1. Nitrate intoxication
2. Food toxicoinfection
3. Staphylococcus toxicosis
4. Food poisoning with heavy metals
5. Sulphate intoxication
5. For water supply of city water is used containing in the structure: fluorine -2,0mg/l, nitrates - 43 mg/l,
chlorides – 250mg/l, iron -0,2mg/l, residual chlorine 0,5 mg/l. At the use of water with the given chemical
structure at the population can be registered mortality on:
1. caries of teeth
2. tyreotoxicosis
3. methaemoglobinaemya
4. fluorosis
5. endemic craw
6. The chemical analysis of water from well has established presence of the increased concentration
nitrates, iron and sulphates. What parameter of quality of water can testify fresh pollution of water by
organic substances of an animal origin?
1. nitrates
2. ammonia
3. nitrites
4. sulphates
5. chlorides
10. At a substantiation of the size of 2 zone of sanitary protection of sources of water supply the duration
of clearing of water from microbes is taken into account. For what period are cleared from microbes
underground waters?
1. 400 day
2. 200 day
3. 50 day
4. 5 day
5. 3 day
11. The military division after a long march has stopped on 3 seasons of year for rest near to the occupied
item. On the data sanitary - epidemic investigations some sources of water are revealed. It is necessary to
choose a source, which to the greatest degree answered the hygienic requirements to drinking water in
field conditions.
1. water of well
2. water artezian chinks
3. water river
4. rain water
5. thawed water
Situational tasks
1. At the population of one of areas of city the non-uniform colour of teeth was
marked. On cutters the cross brown strips were observed of a white stain.
Occurrence of the given symptoms have suspected drinking water from a deep
chisel chink. What microelement, from making waters could cause disease?
2. The mountain lake is located outside the occupied item. Around wood, coast
sandy, stony. The analysis of water: taste, smell - 1 number, ammonia and nitites
are absent, colour – colourless, nitrates - 40 mg/l, transparency - 40 sm, chlorides -
50 mg/l, coli-titr – 300, microbe number - 65. Give a sanitary estimation of water.
3. Morbidity by caries among the inhabitants of the town N. makes 89 %. Is
established, that water contains 0,1 mg/l fluorine. What preventive measures should
be carried out?
Situational tasks
1. What parameters should testify to reliability carried out disinfection of water in
case of use of a method hyperchlorination?
2. In 20 m from apartment houses is mine well, in 10 m from a lavatory, on distance
15 m from houses of the neighbour. What distance be agrees to sanitary norms
owes between well and source of possible pollution of water?
3. Epidemic of a typhus of a water origin after failure on a waterpipe is registered in
the occupied item N. With what from the listed attributes is characteristic given
In three conic flasks to pour till 200 mls of researched water. In 1 flask to add 2 drops 1 % of a solution of
lime chloride, in 2 flask - 4 drops and in 3 flask - 6 drops. Contents of flasks to intermix by rotary movement
and to leave for 15 minutes. After that in all flasks to add till 1 ml of a solution of a Hydrochloric acid in
delution 1:3 till 5 mls 5 % of a solution of Potassium iodide and till 1 ml 1 % of a solution of Amylum. Flasks
aggressively to shake up. At presence of free Chlorine the water is colored in dark blue colour, the more
Chlorine, the more intensively staining. In that flask, where all chlorine was spent – colouring will not take
plcace. Chlorine as most active substanse displaces from Potassium iodide Iodum, and Iodum with Amylum
gives a dark blue staining.
For example: We titrate 200 milliliters of water in 3 flasks. In 1 flask we add 2 drops 0,01 N Solution of
Sodium hyposulphitum, in 2 flask - 4 drops and in 3 flask - 8 drops. What is necessary quantity of dry lime
chloride for a disinfection of water (in grammes on 1 м3 of water )?
1). 1 ml 0,01 n Solution of Sodium hyposulphitum contain 20 drops. In 1 flask we were add 2 drops
1 ml - 20 drops
Х ml - 2 drops
Х = -------- = 0,1 mls of Sodium hyposulphitum
2). 1 ml 0,01 n Solution of Sodium hyposulphitum contain 20 drops. In 2 flask we were add 4 drops
1 ml - 20 drops
Х ml - 4 drops
Х = -------- = 0,2 mls of Sodium hyposulphitum
3). 1 ml 0,01 n Solution of Sodium hyposulphitum contain 20 drops. In 3 flask we were add 8 drops
1 ml - 20 drops
Х ml - 8 drops
Х = -------- = 0,4 mls of Sodium hyposulphitum
4). Residual quantity of chlorine in each flask determine under the formula:
Х = 0,355 A х 5
5). The amount of dry lime chloride in grammes necessary for a decontamination 1 cubic meter water is
determined under the formula:
The amount of dry lime chloride for a decontamination 1 cubic meter water = 10 grammes
Hygiene occupied places - the important section of municipal hygiene making hygienic
requirements to accommodation, to layout and functional zones occupied places, to layout inhabited
quarters, to premises. It has great importance for health of the population, for maintenance necessary
sanitary conditions in cities, etc.
Concept “Urbanization”.
Urbanization - prompt growth amount and the sizes of cities, increase urban population in
structure population due to reduction agricultural population.
On the average in the countries of the Western Europe urban population makes 60 %, in
England, Belgium, Germany - 80-90 %. According to the United Nations, for 200 years (1800-2000)
the population of the Earth has increased in 7 times, and urban population - in 125 times.
Principal causes urbanization:
а) Development the industry, science, transport in cities is required many workers living near to the
b) In cities the level of cultural, public service, information is higher, that in rural - aspiration rural
youth in cities.
Large cities create not optimum conditions for life and health of the person, therefore at the
WHO the special Committee on problems of urbanization was created.
Consequences of urbanization:
Alongside with the positive sides of urbanization – high level cultural, public service,
information, there is present a number
1) High density of the population in small territory - there is growth infectious disease (flu,
tuberculosis etc.).
2) High pollution city environment by chemical substances, physical and biological factors.
3) Decrease solar radiation on 10-20 %, including UVR - growth rickets in children.
4) High level of noise - on the big highways noise even at night up to 80 deciBell (dB), (norm for rest
- 30 dB). Occurrence noise illnesses is possible at 50-60 dB.
5) Because of building in cities air ventilation is worsened - accumulation pollutants (fogs - murderers,
6) Not optimum microclimate - in the summer big heating buildings, roads etc.
7) High level transport traumatism of the population.
8) Big empty losses of energy and time on road for work and back.
9) Problem of rest behind city - in city parks is not enough, and departure city for rest is not always
possible in large city.
10) High level of negative psychogenic factors - stresses, psychological diseases.
11) Growth of cities limits agricultural use of the suburban grounds.
These negative consequences of urbanization for health illustrates by greater disease of urban
population in comparison with rural, deterioration demographic parameters, decrease parameters of
physical development of children and teenagers in large industrial centers.
The urbanization has resulted in occurrence of superlarge cities (New York, Tokyo, etc.) -
megacities with huge amount of the population and sharp deterioration of all negative consequences
of urbanization.
In the past such factors were:
1) Development crafts and convenient waterways – in mouth of the rivers, at coasts of the seas -
Athens, in Crimea - Chersonese, Feodosiya (Cafa), Sudak (Sugdeya).
2) Presence feudal fortress with the lock, strong city walls for protection the population from enemies
(medieval cities – center of Moscow, Bonn, Krakow).
3) In 19 century - growth the industry and business activity (Manchester).
1) Presence the industrial enterprises and deposits of minerals. Many cities it is in bad climatic
conditions (Norilsk in Arctic zone).
2) Presence the large transport units and crossing of large highways. So 200 years back there was
formed Simferopol (city - collector).
3) Presence administrative establishments state level - governmental, republican, regional. In USA it
is Washington, new capital of Brazil – Brazilia.
4) Presence science, education centers and scientific and technical complexes - the Novosibirsk
academic town, Oxford, etc.
5) Presence the large bases of the Navy - Sevastopol, Vladivostok, etc.
For cities - resorts - presence recreational resources (medical dirties, mineral waters, coastal
seawaters) - cities - resorts of Crimea, Caucasus.
The basic groups urban population.
All urban population shares on 3 groups:
1) town-forming group - workers of the industry, transport, administration, science. It makes about 30-
35 % of the population of city.
2) Serving group - workers of municipal services, education, public health services, trade,
communication, etc. (20-25 % of the city population).
3) Not amateur population – it is children, learning, pensioners, jobless. (40-45 % of the city
1) Inhabited (seliteb) zone where the basic part of the population lives. Should have the best
hygienic conditions.
2) Industrial zone. Concentration the industrial enterprises in industrial units. Between this zone
and inhabited zone should be sanitary - protective breaks (zones) with green plantings.
3) Тransport-warehouse zone. In Simferopol it is brightly expressed in area of railway station
near our university.
4) The green zone - is located diffusely in territory, is very important for auto purification of
atmosphere and creation recreational conditions in city.
5) Residential suburb - parks, woods, zones of rest, the agricultural enterprises serving city.
1) Radial-ring layout - medieval cities, in the center - the feudal lock and narrow circular streets and
streets - radiuses to former city gate. (Center of old cities - Moscow, Bonn, Krakow etc.). Lack - high
density of the population, bad airing, lighting, it is not enough parks and squares.
2) Chess lay-out - streets and lanes are crossed under a right angle - cities of 18-19 centuries - St.
Petersburg, the center of Simferopol, Odessa etc. Airing is complicated, difficulty for transport - it is a
lot of crossroads - air pollution.
3) Linear layout - the city is located along the rivers, highways - Volgograd, Dnepropetrovsk,
Zaporozhye etc. Hygienic conditions are better, but huge losses of time for transport (very long along
4) Modern type lay-out – free lay-out - in view of a relief, hygienic conditions, functional zones. Old
kinds of city layout at reconstruction try to transfer in this kind.
Kinds of law-out of inhabited quarters.
The initial inhabited cell of city is quarter - the part of residential buildings limited by streets
and lanes. They can have the various sizes depending on type of building of quarter:
1) Continuous building - old quarters in city center – all area of quarter has buildings. Lacks - bad
airing, lighting, high level of noise, air pollution, the big density of inhabitants.
2) The closed building - continuous building - on periphery of quarter, inside - empty places. Lacks -
bad airing, high level of noise and pollution. It is recommended for conditions of Far North.
3) Perimetery building – buildings are with intervals on perimeter of quarter, inside gardening. It is
used at reconstruction old types of building. Lack - the raised noise level.
4) Line building - buildings are located by lines along streets. Better conditions for airing and light,
bul it is hogh level of transport noise.
5) Stitch building - buildings at end (short part) face to roads. Better hygienic conditions. Lack -
architectural monotony of quarters.
6) Free building - buildings are located in one quarter in apparent disorder, but in view of hygienic
Modern principle of layout of residential zones – it is MICRODISTRICT - large inhabited files
for 10-12 thousand inhabitants with free building. In the center - establishments for service
inhabitants - school, polyclinic, post office, etc. The highways is only on periphery of microdistrict. At
such layout in city center there are only townspeople's establishments that reduce transport losses
for inhabitants of microdistrict.
The appendix 1.
Of the act of sanitary inspection of an apartment
1. The general items of information: the name of a building, year of construction, address.
2. Topography of district: a height, lowland, open or closed from winds.
3. The characteristic of environmental territory: green plantings, arrangement of factories and pollution
by it atmospheric air, presence noisy, dusty of streets etc.
4. An accomplishment of the ground area of a building: the general area, percent of a built up part,
degree of gardening, system and condition of its cleaning.
5. The characteristic of a building: is located in one quarter (with lower case, continuous, perymethric
type of a lay-out), microarea. Distance from the next buildings ________ Meters. The long axis of a building is
located (from the south on north; from west on east etc.). Number of floors, amount of apartments on each floor
and in all house. A material of building (ferro-concrete, stone, wooden).
6. A sanitary accomplishment of a building: system of removal of liquid and firm waste. A sanitary
condition of a court yard, ladders, work of the lift.
7. The floor, on which is an apartment, number of inhabited rooms ____, orientation it to a street
_______, in a court yard __________. Shadow by the next buildings (is, is not present).
8. The general area of an apartment ______ m2, height of a ceiling ______ m, inhabited area _______
m2, cubic capacity _______ m3.
9. Number of the people living in an apartment, from them children till 14 years _______.
10. The inhabited area on 1 man ______ m2.
11. Walls: brick, wooden, the dampness (is whether or not). Sound insulation, material and condition of
floors, windows, doors.
12. Heating: central, oven. Temperature of air _____ 0 С.
13. Ventilation: central (works whether or not). Window leaves, the through airing is possible whether
or not.
14. Illumination: light factor in inhabited rooms _______. Artificial illumination by incadescent lamps,
luminescent lamps, kind of the light fixture.
15. The area of rooms in m2, are blocked up with things whether or not.
16. Kitchen: a condition of walls, ceiling, floor. A plate (gas, electrical). A sanitary condition of
17. The waterpipe (is whether or not), bathroom (is, is not present), where the linen is erased.
18. A lavatory canalized (is, not present), sanitary condition _________.
19. Insects in an apartment (is, is not present, what).
20. The noise in an apartment (is, is not present), its origin.
21. The dampness in rooms is observed (is, not present). The reasons of occurrence.
22. The complaints of the tenants.
23. The general conclusion about a sanitary condition of object.
24. Measures on sanitary improvement state of object.
Date of inspection ___________ the Signature ________________
The appendix 2.
4. An inhabited apartment.
Structure of an apartment includes inhabited and auxiliary premises (rooms). To inhabited premises
(rooms) concern: a bedroom, drawing room, studies.
Auxiliary premises (rooms): kitchen, forward, bathroom, lavatory, pantry, balcony, veranda.
The bedroom - should not be checkpoint, be designed owes no more, than on 2- men, is located far
from kitchen and forward. The area it must be not less than 10 m2.
The room of day time stay (drawing room, restaurant) - can be checkpoint. The area not less than 14-16
m2. The depth should not be more than double width.
The kitchen - should be not less than 7 m2 and should be isolated from inhabited rooms.
Forward - serves for undressing, storage of the top clothes and footwear, protects inhabited rooms from
penetration in them cold, noise. Width forward should be not less than 1,2 m.
Internal corridors - width them not less than 1,1 m.
Situational tasks
1. For construction shielding (from noise) of building, it is chosen the screen length 110m, height 5,5 m, for
protection by a number of the constructed apartment house № 4. Beside passes a highway. Equivalent noise
level in apartments of a house now makes 50,5 dB, in inhabited territory 65,5 dB. Give the conclusion about
expediency of construction of screen.
2. In a room of a student's hostel there are 4 men. Frequency of ventilation 3 time\hour, concentration СО2 –
0,2 %. Light factor-1:5. Temperature 20 0 C, air humidity -55 %. General illumination by incadescent lamps
-150 lux, local illumination 50 lux. What diseases or deviations in a physiological condition at the students can
3. The two-room inhabited apartment is located on 6 floor, the lift does not work. The windows leave on
South-East. The kitchen is directly informed with an inhabited room. A bathroom and toilet are combined. The
general area of an apartment is 45m2, lives 5 men. Noise at the night 25 dB. The walls of a bedroom are painted
in salad colour. Relative humidity 66 %. Temperature of air –18 0 C. Drawing rooms - wall pink. Temperature –
20 0С . Frequency ventilation in kitchen 1,5 times/hour. Give a hygienic estimation.
The tests for the final control of knowledge, SECTION “ MUNICIPAL HYGIENE ”
THE TEST 1. Specify major factors of a microclimate:
А. Temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, light exposure
В. Humidity, ionization of environment, athmosphere pressure
С. Temperature, humidity, contents СО2 in air
D. Temperature, athmosphere pressure, speed of movement of air
Е. Temperature, humidity, speed of movement of air
THE TEST 2. Specify devices for measurement humidity of air:
А. Katatermometer
В. Psychrometer
С. Anemometer
D. Barometer
Е. Thermograph
THE TEST 3. What occurs with heat-return of organism by perspiration at increase of humidity of air?
А. Increase
В. There are no changes
С. Decrease
D. Insignificant increase
Е. Sharp increase
THE TEST 4. Specify norms of speed of movement of air in an inhabited premise (room):
А. 0,1-0,2 m/s
В. 0,3-0,6 m/s
С. 0,4-0,6 m/s
D. 0,2-0,4 m/s
Е. 0,6-1,0 m/s
THE TEST 5. To what a method of katatermometry now is applied:
А. For a complex estimation of a microclimate
В. For definition of speed of movement of air
С. For exact definition of temperature of air
D. For definition of atmospheric pressure
Е. For definition of extreme climatic conditions
THE TEST 6. Specify a zone of comfort on effective temperatures:
А. 18-200 ЭТ
В. 20-240 ЭТ
С. 20-230 ЭТ
D. 17-220 ЭТ
Е. 22-280 ЭТ
THE TEST 7. To what group weather-forming factors temperature and humidity of air concerns?
А. Synoptical
В. Meteorological
С. Heliophysical
D. Geophysical
Е. Microclimatic
THE TEST 8. Name the basic characteristics of a cyclone as weather-forming factor:
А. Low atmospheric pressure, deposits, fogs, biothropic weather
В. High atmospheric pressure, clear weather, favorable for health
С. Low atmospheric pressure clear weather, biothropic weather
D. High atmospheric pressure, deposits, fogs, biothropic weather
Е. Low atmospheric pressure, deposits, fogs, favorable weather
THE TEST 9. To metheptropic reactions of the man concern:
А. Occurrence of chronic diseases lungs and pneumoconiosis
В. Allergic reactions under influence of pollution of an atmosphere
С. Changes of health under influence of the weather factors
D. Raised distribution rickets at children
Е. Growth oncologic diseases
THE TEST 10. That the formula Н = F/t represents?
А. Formula for calculation of relative humidity of air
В. The formula for calculation of cooling ability of air
С.Formula for definition of speed of movement of air
D. Formula for definition of absolute humidity of air
Е. Formula for calculation of the maximal humidity of air
THE TEST 11. Specify structure of atmospheric air:
А. Oxygen - 18 %, nitrogen - 70 %, СО2 -0,1 %, other gases -12 %
В. Oxygen - 20 %, nitrogen - 76 %, СО2 -0,06 %, other gases -4 %
С. Oxygen - 21 %, nitrogen - 78 %, СО2 -0,03 %, other gases -1 %
D. Oxygen - 22 %, nitrogen - 70 %, СО2 -0,01 %, other gases -6 %
Е. Oxygen - 20 %, nitrogen - 76 %, СО2 -0,6 %, other gases -3,4 %
THE TEST 12. The reason of development of high-altitude illness is:
А. Decrease partial pressure О2
В. Decrease of the contents О2 at rise on height
С. Increase of the contents СО2 at height
D. Increase of the contents of nitrogen
Е. Downturn of the contents СО2 at height
THE TEST 13. Specify symptoms of high-altitude illness:
А. Change рН of blood, infringement of an exchange of vitamin В1, apathy
В. Dyspnoe, cyanosis, taxicardia, euphoria, deterioration of sight, hypoxia
С. Anemya, frustration gastric secretion, irritation of the top respiratory ways
D. Increase arterial pressure, spasmes accomodation, dyspnoe, infringement of memory
Е. Headaches, trombosis of vessels, increase saliva secretion, dyspnoe
THE TEST 14 Reason of development kesson illness is:
А. Decrease of concentration of nitrogen
В. Increase of pressure of gases of an inhaled air mix
С. Increase of concentration СО2
D. Decrease of pressure of gases
Е. Increase of concentration of nitrogen
THE TEST 15. The mechanism of action СО2 on the man is connected with:
А. The influence on the respiratory centre
В. Development methaemoglobinaemya
С. Narcotic influence on CNS
D. Development carboxihaemoglobinaemya
Е. Development anoxemya
THE TEST 16. Maximal permissible concentration (MPC) СО2 in air of rooms is:
А. 0,07-0,1 %
В. 0,3-0,5 %
С. 1-2 %
D. 0,1-0,4 %
Е. 2-4 %
THE TEST 17. To the remote effects of influence of atmospheric pollution on the man concern:
А. Growth of chronic lungs diseases
В. Cancerogen and mutagen action
С. Increase of prevalence rickets at children
D. Aggravation of chronic diseases
Е. General increase morbidity
THE TEST 18. To parameters of efficiency of ventilation in a room concern:
А. Temperature and humidity of air
В. Speed of movement of air and temperature of air
С. Frequency ventilation and contents СО2
D. Contents in air СО2 and temperature of air
Е. Change of temperature and frequency ventilation
THE TEST 19. The air conditioning is:
А. Change of chemical structure of air
В. Decrease bacterial pollution
С. Change of microclimatic parameters
D. Change of temperature and humidity of air
Е. Change of humidity and speed of movement of air
THE TEST 20. Specify, in what premise above natural illumination at such meaning of light factor:
А. 1:10
В. 1:6
С. 1:8
D. 1:4
Е. 1: 9
THE TEST 21. What parameter reflects size of natural illumination in a workplace?
А. Light factor
В. A corner of fall
С. Factor of depth room
Е. A corner of aperture
THE TEST 22. Specify norm of general artificial illumination in a class (incadescent lamp):
А. 50 lux
В. 150 lux
С. 100 lux
D. 75 lux
Е. 125 lux
THE TEST 23. What device is used for definition of a level of light exposure?
А. Anemometer
В. Aspirometer
С. Hygrometer
D. Luxmeter
Е. Lactodensimeter
THE TEST 24. As a biodoze of a UV-irradiation refers to as:
А. Doze which is not causing any changes on a skin
В. Doze causing erythema in 4 hours
С. Doze causing expressed erythema in 48 hours
D. A doze causing weak erythema in 8-20 hours
Е. Doze causing reaction of a skin
THE TEST 25. The infra-red beams have:
А. Photochemical action
В. Bacreticid action
С. Thermal action
D. Antyrickets action
Е. Melanin-forming action
THE TEST 26. The urbanisation is:
А. Increase of pollution of an atmosphere in cities
В. Acceleration of rates of physical development of children
С. Growth of number of the urban population
D. Decrease of growth of infectious diseases
Е. Decrease speed of physical development of children
THE TEST 27. What functional zones allocate in cities?
А. Zone of inhabited buildings and industrial structures
В. Central, industrial, transport, suburban
С. Central, country, transport
D. Seliteb, industrial, transport-warehouse, green
Е. Recreational and transport
THE TEST 28. Inhabited quarter in the occupied places is:
А. Inhabited file limited to large streets
В. Inhabited buildings limited to streets and lanes
С. Inhabited file with establishments on service of the population
D. Inhabited file with medical establishments for service of the population
Е. Inhabited file for 10-12 thousand inhabitants
THE TEST 29. The maximal permissible level (MPL) of household noise in inhabited premises
(rooms) makes:
А. 50 dB
В. 40 dB
С. 20 dB
D. 30 dB
Е. 25 dB
THE TEST 30. Name existing systems of building of quarters:
А. Continuous, closed, perymetrical, lower case, free
В. Lower case, perymetrical, through, continuous
С. Free, closed, lower case, chess, cross
D. Chess, linear, closed, continuous
Е. Closed, linear, perymetrical, free
6. At realization of the laboratory analysis of water from a chisel chink the increase colour is
revealed at satisfactory bacteriological parameters. What parameters are necessary for
determining for finding - out of the reason of increase colour of water:
А. Sulphates
В. Chlorides
С. Iron
D. Fluorine
Е. Arsenicum
7. The laboratory analysis of tests of water has shown the raised size of taste and smack.
What from the given parameters of quality of water could cause change organoleptical
properties of water:
А. Turbidity
В. Fluorine
С. Chlorides
D. Nitrates
Е. Sulphate
10. Regional SES carries out the control of quality of drinking water in a distributive
network. Specify parameters of quality of water, on which the given laboratory control will be
carried out:
А. A coli - index, general number of microorganisms in 1 ml
В. Rigidity general, dry rest
С. Contents fluorine, iron
D. Turbidity, colour, smell, smack.
Е. Sulphates, chlorides.
11. What diseases can arise at the contents fluorine in water 0,3 mg/l?
А. Fluorosis
В. Tyreotoxicosis
С. Caries
D. Mixedema
Е. Minamata illness
17. As a source of water supply of the village occupied item it is supposed to use
underground waters with the following qualitative structure: colour — 200, turbidity — 1,0
mg/l, iron — 0,8 mg/l, coli - index — 10. Define the necessary circuit of processing of water:
А. Upholding, desinfection.
В. Filtering, desinfection
С. Aeration, filtering, desinfection
D. Coagulation, filtering
Е. Coagulation, upholding, filtering
19. The contents of residual chlorine in water after chlorination should be:
А. 0,5-1 mg/l
В. 0,2-0,4 mg/l
С. 0,1-0,3 mg/l
D. 0,3-0,5 mg/l
Е. 1-2 mg/l