Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program I L P: Ndividualized Earning Lan (ILP) - Teacher Leader Project
Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program I L P: Ndividualized Earning Lan (ILP) - Teacher Leader Project
Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program I L P: Ndividualized Earning Lan (ILP) - Teacher Leader Project
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at department/school/district level.)
My coworker talked about how important it is to
include play-based learning in the classroom. She
talked about how it was especially important for
During one of the seminars that I attended, the speaker had an entire seminar dedicated
young learners to learn social skills. My coworker also
to play-based learning.
talked about how she used “Fun Friday” in her
classroom but recently combined “Fun Friday” into
her daily centers.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
CSTP Element Initial Revised Evidence/Rational for Rating Suggestions for Moving Forward
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 2 of 5
Rating Rating
To move to INNOVATING level: Consider how to
Promoting critical
Teacher asked questions of analysis and evaluation. increase complexity of task beyond a single lesson so that
thinking through T – Applying T – Integrating
1.5 Students answered questions that included all levels of Bloom’s. Students created their there are continuing opportunities for students to
inquiry, problem S – Exploring S - Integrating
own math problems. engage in inquiry in complex problem. How could you
solving, and reflection
extend lesson into PBL?
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of 5
The topic of play-based learning is an effective subject especially in an elementary
Value of topic for audience.
school setting where many of the students are young learners.
Unfortunately due to the coronavirus, I was unable to present this project to my PLC group. Since we are doing distance learning and
because the members of my PLC all have different schedules, I was only able to email my PLC group the Power point presentation of
my Teacher Leader Project. I also sent out a brief google survey link after to receive their feedback. The teachers in my PLC group
consist of a 1st grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and kindergarten teacher. All of the teachers stated that they enjoyed reading and looking
through my teacher leader project presentation. One teacher suggested that I could include more activities for play based learning for
the upper grades. All of the teachers in my PLC group said that they would share what they learned about play-based learning to
another colleague they know.
Other N/A
Other Notes and Comments
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 4 of 5
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 5 of 5