CSTP 3 Babineau 4
CSTP 3 Babineau 4
CSTP 3 Babineau 4
I study the subject matter I use the standards to As part of vertically When teaching academic
for the content before I guide my lesson planning aligning with the grades language, I present terms
teach it, but still have a for instruction. I use above and below mine, in a variety of contexts
foundational knowledge teacher’s editions of my colleagues and I are and activities to give
in most of the subjects. I textbooks and workbooks rewriting and organizing students exposure to new
do not know all of the to help me connect the our report cards to more terms in ways that will
best strategies for each of standards to meaningful directly connect the make the learning long
the lessons and try instruction. I also representation of student lasting. For example, I
different ways to see supplement materials learning progress with connect ELA content
what is most effective. I when students need the academic content standards to academic
am still learning the additional support to standards. Using language learning in
standards as well, and I meet standards and when Gradelink, we are vocabulary terms each
am developing actionable needed to teach the changing the categories week. Students use the
learning goals to be different parts of various to directly correlate with words throughout the
achieved by my students. standards. Students and I academic content week and beyond. The
I am not completely make real world standards. words become relevant
familiar with the connections to the When planning lessons, I when we connect them to
academic language connect and how we can use copies of standards to other subjects, use them
associated with each use the standards for guide my instruction. in stories, create skits,
content area and what operating in the world. Teacher's Editions list and play games. I try to
students know and do We made connections to standards in key use the words more
not know from previous the use of a dictionary elements of the lesson during that particular
years. I am still assessing when reading and plan so that I week so students hear
what they know and headings when finding intentionally focus on the words in context.
what language I need to information in a text. these areas. For example, 4/14/23
explicitly teach for 4/25/22 in a recent ELA lesson,
students to effectively students wrote an
engage in the learning alternate ending to our
goals. 9/18/21 selection for the week to
demonstrate progress
toward our standard:
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning