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CSTP 3 Babineau 4

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CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Has a foundational Examines concepts in Understands and explains Uses broad knowledge of Uses extensive
knowledge of subject subject matter and the relationship between inter-relationships of knowledge of subject
matter, related academic academic language to essential subject matter concepts, academic matter concepts, current
3.1 Demonstrating language, and academic identify connections concepts, academic content standards, and issues, academic
knowledge of subject content standards. between academic language, and academic academic language in language, and research to
matter academic 9/18/21 content standards and content ways that ensure clear make relevant
content standards instruction. 4/25/22 standards.11/29/22 connections and connections to standards
relevance to students. during instruction and
4/14/23 extend student learning.

I study the subject matter I use the standards to As part of vertically When teaching academic
for the content before I guide my lesson planning aligning with the grades language, I present terms
teach it, but still have a for instruction. I use above and below mine, in a variety of contexts
foundational knowledge teacher’s editions of my colleagues and I are and activities to give
in most of the subjects. I textbooks and workbooks rewriting and organizing students exposure to new
do not know all of the to help me connect the our report cards to more terms in ways that will
best strategies for each of standards to meaningful directly connect the make the learning long
the lessons and try instruction. I also representation of student lasting. For example, I
different ways to see supplement materials learning progress with connect ELA content
what is most effective. I when students need the academic content standards to academic
am still learning the additional support to standards. Using language learning in
standards as well, and I meet standards and when Gradelink, we are vocabulary terms each
am developing actionable needed to teach the changing the categories week. Students use the
learning goals to be different parts of various to directly correlate with words throughout the
achieved by my students. standards. Students and I academic content week and beyond. The
I am not completely make real world standards. words become relevant
familiar with the connections to the When planning lessons, I when we connect them to
academic language connect and how we can use copies of standards to other subjects, use them
associated with each use the standards for guide my instruction. in stories, create skits,
content area and what operating in the world. Teacher's Editions list and play games. I try to
students know and do We made connections to standards in key use the words more
not know from previous the use of a dictionary elements of the lesson during that particular
years. I am still assessing when reading and plan so that I week so students hear
what they know and headings when finding intentionally focus on the words in context.
what language I need to information in a text. these areas. For example, 4/14/23
explicitly teach for 4/25/22 in a recent ELA lesson,
students to effectively students wrote an
engage in the learning alternate ending to our
goals. 9/18/21 selection for the week to
demonstrate progress
toward our standard:
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Generate alternative
endings to plots and
identify the reason or
reasons for, and the
impact of, the
alternatives. 11/29/22
Has basic knowledge of Expands knowledge of Adapts instruction in Integrates knowledge of Utilizes comprehensive
student stages of student development and response to knowledge of range of students’ knowledge of students to
development while implements learning student development and development into guide all students to
becoming aware of activities in single lessons proficiencies to meet instructional decisions to develop proficiencies,
differences in students’ or sequence of lessons students’ diverse learning ensure student understand subject
understanding of subject that addresses students’ needs. Ensures understanding of the matter including related
matter. proficiencies and support understanding of subject subject matter including academic language.
understanding of subject matter including related related academic
Teaches subject-specific matter including related academic language. language. 4/14/23 Engages student at all
3.2 Applying vocabulary following academic language. 4/25/22 levels of vocabulary,
knowledge of curriculum guidelines. 9/18/21 Provides explicit teaching academic language, and
student development Provides explicit teaching of specific academic proficiencies in self-
and proficiencies to Provides explicit teaching of essential vocabulary, language, text structures, directed goal setting,
ensure student of essential content idioms, key words with grammatical, and stylistic monitoring, and
understanding of vocabulary and multiple meanings, and language features to improvement. Guides all
subject matter associated academic academic language in ensure equitable access students in using analysis
language in single lessons ways that engage to subject matter strategies that provides
or sequence of lessons. students in accessing understanding for the equitable access and
Explains academic subject matter text or range of student language deep understanding of
language, formats, and learning activities. levels and abilities. subject matter.
vocabulary to support 4/25/22 4/14/23
student access to subject
matter when confusions
are identified. 9/18/21

I have done research and I change my instruction For a writing assignment,

talked with colleagues based on student students utilized their
about students’ academic, emotional, textbook and vocabulary
developmental stage. I social, and physical reference sheet to
attempt to be conscious development. I am aware incorporate academic
of this stage of of typical second grade language and vocabulary
development as well as development and the words into their writing.
individual learner needs development of my From student samples, I
to plan lessons students when giving could see students
accordingly. I explicitly instruction. For example, understanding how to
teach vocabulary for my students enjoy being apply these new words in
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

different content areas near each other, but a different way.
and incorporate sometimes do not realize Additionally, the
academic language into they are not giving summative assessment
discussions, lectures and enough personal space. for this reading selection
partner sharing time. When we do movement required me to preteach
When I realize students activities, students each academic language such
are unfamiliar with a have their own area or I as "synonym,"
word or concept as it limit the amount of "antonym," "except,"
relates to vocabulary, I students that can be at "selection," and others so
take time to teach it and one station at a time. I students were not
give students an plan instruction to meet hindered by a language
opportunity to apply the diverse learning needs by barrier. 11/29/22
word, phrase, or concept. including visual and
9/18/21 auditory supports for I make instructional
students that need it. For plans based on student
example, a few of my progress and needs. I
students need visual utilize small group time
instructions on their desk to differentiate and
as well as projected on diversify based on what
the board to stay on task. level of challenge is
Academic language is appropriate. While some
explicitly taught, students are creating
especially using our picture representations
reading, science, and of academic language,
social studies textbooks. others may use the words
We talk about lesson to create a poster, a
vocabulary as well as persuasive piece of
academic language. writing, or write their
Students then begin to own test. 4/14/23
use it throughout the
week in conversation as I I explicitly teach
use it in conversation grammar and text
with them. 4/25/22 structures daily through
daily maintenance
sentence corrections,
learning the part of
sentences and how to use
adverbial phrases, and
when teaching our text
selection per week as
students are exposed to a
wide range of text
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

features and styles.
Follows organization of Examines organization of Uses knowledge of Integrates knowledge of Uses extensive
curriculum as provided curriculum and considers curriculum and student curriculum and resources knowledge of curriculum
by site and district to adjustments in single readiness to organize and to organize and adjust and related resources to
support student lessons or sequence of adjust the curriculum to instruction within and flexibly and effectively
3.3 Organizing understanding of the lessons to support ensure student across subject matter to organize and adjust
curriculum to subject matter. understanding of subject understanding. 11/29/22 extend student instruction.
facilitate student matter. 4/25/22 understanding. 4/14/23
understanding of the Ensures student
subject matter comprehension and
facilitates student
articulation about what
they do and do not
I explore the curriculum ISTE Standard 4a: Through my knowledge
to find connections Educator as Collaborator: of the curriculum, I
across disciplines to Dedicate planning time to planned to read a
integrate lessons. I have collaborate with selection that correlated
not had many colleagues to create with our science unit. Our
experiences with authentic learning text selection discussed
integration, but I am experiences that leverage different types of rocks
currently examining technology. and how to differentiate
ways to make I organize my science them. In science, we were
connections for students. curriculum to incorporate learning about how to
The curriculum builds on game-based learning. classify rocks and
previous instruction. I Through collaboration minerals based on their
make adjustments based with colleagues, I learned properties. To extend
on student understanding how to use Kahoot!, learning, I had students
of the previous lesson. I especially as a tool for use rocks from our
also make adjustments formative assessment selection and sort them
during lessons if I realize and content review. I use in categories based on
students are missing an Kahoot! as a tool to what they learned in
essential component that review for upcoming science. They also tested
will prevent them from science tests. Students the hardness of each
deepening their learning compete against their rock, to further connect
of the concept. 9/18/21 classmates while being and deepen their
assessed on their recall learning. 4/14/23
I examine units of and application of the
curriculum at a time to material taught
find connections across throughout the chapter.
disciplines and make Student scores are
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

meaningful connections reported to me and I can
for students. To support use them to address
learning, I sometimes misconceptions, reteach,
change the order of and gain valuable insight
lessons, include on student
additional review, or understanding. 11/29/22
supplement in between
lessons to promote deep
learning of the content.
Uses instructional Gathers and uses Selects and adapts a Integrates instructional Uses an extensive
strategies that are additional instructional variety of instructional strategies appropriate to repertoire of
provided in the strategies in single strategies to ensure subject matter to meet instructional strategies to
curriculum. lessons or sequence of student understanding of students’ diverse develop enthusiasm,
3.4 Utilizing
lessons to increase academic language learning, to ensure meta-cognitive abilities,
student understanding of appropriate to subject student understanding of and support and
strategies that are
academic language matter and that academic language, and challenge the full range of
appropriate to the
appropriate to subject addresses students’ guide student in student towards a deep
subject matter
matter. 9/18/21 diverse learning needs. understanding knowledge of subject
11/29/22 connections within and matter.
across subject
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I use strategies described As the year has NBPTS: Proposition 3;
in the curriculum, but progressed, I have been Teachers are responsible
also use colleagues’ trying new instructional for managing and
suggestions and research strategies with the help of monitoring student
to find strategies that will my mentor. I have been learning.
work for this group of incorporating technology In our science unit on
learners. I use strategies in the form of review Earth's Materials,
such as sentence framing, games and fluency students engaged in
displays in the classroom, practice. I also use multiple hands-on
and discussions to multiple styles of exploration activities to
promote engagement teaching to support my make meaningful
with and use of academic visual, audio, kinesthetic, connections to the
language. 9/18/21 and tactile learners. material. Students were
Students act out words, engaged in multiple ways
use the word in a with rocks, soil, hand
sentence and swap, build lenses, water
words with magnetic experiments, videos, and
letters, and create readings. Since we were
pictures to help them learning about the
remember academic natural world, using
language. 4/25/22 Earth's materials is
appropriate to the
I use different strategies subject matter. Student
to develop students’ progress was monitored
knowledge of academic through observation,
language including using discussion, exit tickets,
the words regularly and and a pre-assessment
requiring students to and post assessment.
communicate orally with 4/14/23
classmates using new
words. I expose students
to the words in different
ways so it becomes part
of their vocabulary and
harken back to it
frequently. To meet
diverse needs of those
who need more support
in academic language, I
connect words to
concrete concepts, use
mnemonic devices, and
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

play games using the
words. 11/29/22
Uses available Explores additional Selects, adapts, and Integrates a wide range Engages students in
instructional materials, instructional materials, utilizes appropriate of adapted resources, identifying and adapting
resources, and resources, and instructional materials, technologies, and resources, technologies,
technologies for specific technologies to make resources, and instructional materials to and standards-aligned
3.5 Using and lessons to make subject subject matter accessible technologies for concept meet identified student instructional materials to
adapting resources, matter accessible to to students. and skill development in needs and make subject extend student
technologies, and students. 9/18/21 subject matter. Resources matter accessible to understanding and
standards-aligned Explores how to make reflect the diversity of the students. 4/14/23 critical thinking about
instructional Identifies technological technological resources classroom and support subject matter.
materials including resource needs. 9/18/21 available to all students. differentiated learning of Assists students with
adopted materials, to 4/25/22 subject matter. 11/29/22 equitable access to Ensures that student are
make subject matter materials, resources, and able to obtain equitable
accessible to all Guides students to use technologies. Seeks access to a wide range of
students available print, electronic, outside resources and technologies through
and online subject matter support. 4/14/23 ongoing links to outside
resources based on resources and support.
individual needs.
I am currently using I am continuing to I use a variety of I adapt and differentiate
much of the available explore the use of materials to improve material daily based on
materials and additional technological resources. I student learning and student needs. For
resources used by use technology for differentiate. I use pop its, example, when reading
colleagues to make students to record playdough, and shaving our weekly short story
subject matter accessible. themselves reading. This cream for practicing that utilized our phonics
I have been relying on the allows me to assess their spelling patterns. concept, I use three levels
guidance of mentors to fluency and differentiate Students have individual of activity response to the
find how to better the passages so students whiteboards to practice story. One level requires
support learners. I am have access to the skills. Students also have students to draw each of
learning what could work concept being taught. resources such as a math the components such as
for different students and Students who need it also folder, writing folder, settings and characters
how to facilitate learning are provided with audio spelling journal, and using a five-finger retell.
with specific students recordings of tests so that word wall to aid them. The middle level requires
using different reading does not Instructional materials students to begin to
instructional materials. interfere with assessment are provided to students analyze the text and find
I recently gained of content knowledge. based on differentiation problem and solution.
knowledge of the 4/25/22 needs. 4/25/22 The final level asks
technological resources students to synthesize
available for student use. I utilize Scholastic News information by making
I am working on as a resource to build connections to outside
exploring ways students students' knowledge of content. 4/14/23
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

can use these resources the world. I am able to
as supports. 9/18/21 differentiate through I seek out outside
using the different resources and help from
reading levels available our resource teacher. She
on the website. I give provides me with videos,
students access to the technology, instructional
student login where they strategies, scaffolds, and
can explore different other supports to help
ways of connecting with the wide range of
the material such as learners in my classroom.
watching a video, playing 4/14/23
a game, doing an
extension, and reading at
a different level. These
resources are based on
the individual needs of
students and help them
develop skills using this
resource. 11/29/22
Is aware of students’ Seeks additional Identifies language Integrates knowledge of Engages English learners in
primary language and information describing proficiencies and English English language assessment of their progress
English language elements of culture and learner strengths in the development, English in English language
proficiencies based on language proficiencies in study of language and learners’ strengths and development and in meeting
available assessment data. listening, speaking, reading, content. Differentiates assessed needs into English content standards. Supports
9/18/21 and writing. Uses multiple instruction using one or language and content students to establish and
measures for assessing more components of English instruction. 4/14/23 monitor language and
3.6 Addressing the English learners’ language development to content goals.
needs of English performance to identify support English learners.
gaps in English language 11/29/22
learners and
development. 4/25/22 Develops and adapts Is resourceful and flexible in
students with special Creates and implements instruction to provide a the design, adjustment, and
Provides adapted materials
needs to provide Attempts to scaffold content scaffolds to support wide range of scaffolded elimination of scaffolds
to help English learners
equitable access to access content. using visuals, models, and standards-based instruction support for language and based on English learners’
the content graphic organizers. using literacy strategies, content for the range of proficiencies, knowledge,
4/25/22 SDAIE, and content level English learners. 4/14/23 and skills in the content.
English language
development in order for
students to improve
language proficiencies and
understand content.
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I am aware of students’ I utilize resources for Alongside a few of my I use knowledge of ELD
primary language and teaching English Learners colleagues, I advocated and what I know about
proficiency with the to support my teaching. I for one-to-one access to my English learners to
English language based incorporate listening, technology in grades 2 plan instruction and
on observations, speaking, reading, and and 3. Students are able provide equitable access
assessments, discussions, writing portions of to use iPads and a variety to the content. English
consultations with assessments, both of apps to enhance learners are placed next
previous teachers, and informally and formally. I learning. My colleagues to model peers with
parent surveys. I make use fluency reading and I also utilize the strong oral abilities.
informal assessments of passages, scaffolded iPads to create better Vocabulary is pre-taught
students’ listening, writing assignments with opportunities for English and used in meaningful
reading, writing, and graphic organizers, Learners and students ways. English Learners
speaking skills, but am visuals, and sentence with special needs to may have sentence
still establishing a system frames, partner and succeed in demonstrating frames, more
for using this information group discussions, and what they learned. We opportunities to draw
to make instructional opportunities to listen to use an app called Audio what they know and
decisions. 9/18/21 read alouds and Exam Player to record label, and small group
discussions. 4/25/22 tests and scaffold by time to ensure access to
giving sentence frames the content. 4/14/23
I use many visuals and clarifying academic
throughout my lessons language throughout an Since my English
with pictures, slides, assessment. Students Learners are not all at the
projections using a may choose to click on same level of proficiency,
document camera, and each question multiple I adapt instruction based
displays around the times to have it repeated on my knowledge of
room. Students use to them. students and
manipulatives to model In addition, I use the assessments. For
concepts. I use graphic speech-to-text function example, students who
organizers like frames for on the iPads for students are nearing the
writing, thinking maps, developing fine motor expanding or bridging
and outlines to break skills to showcase their levels begin to require
down content into writing abilities. These less support and
meaningful chunks. students can talk in the additional challenge in a
9/18/21 sentences they want to variety of areas. In
use, and the iPad types science, I give these
what they say onto a students more
Google Doc or the Notes opportunities for written
app. This also takes away communication using
the barrier of spelling accurate grammatical
words correctly and structures, whereas
legibility of handwriting. English Learners at the
11/29/22 emerging and developing
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

levels use oral
communications with
framed or repeated
responses. 4/14/23
Has an awareness of the full Seeks additional Utilizes information on the Integrates accommodations, Guides and support the full
range of students identified information on the full full range of students adaptations, and extensions range of student with
with special needs through range of students identified identified with special needs to instruction for the full special needs to actively
data provided by the school. with special needs to to assess strengths and range of students with engage in the assessment
address challenges or competencies to provide special needs to ensure and monitor their own
supports in single lessons or appropriate challenge and adequate support and strengths, learning needs,
sequence of lessons. accommodations in challenge. 4/14/23 and achievement in
9/18/21 instruction. 11/29/22 accessing content.
Attends required meeting Communicates and
with resource personnel and Communicates regularly collaborates with colleagues, Communicates and
3.6 Addressing the families. Cooperates with resource with resource personnel, support staff, and families to collaborates with resource
needs of English personnel, para-educators, para-educators, and families ensure consistent personnel, para-educators,
learners and student and families during to ensure that student instruction. Supports families, leadership, and
with special needs to meetings and activities in services are provided and families in positive students in creating a
support of learning plans progress is made in engagement with school. coordinated program to
provide equitable
and goals. 9/18/21 accessing appropriate 4/14/23 optimize success of the full
access to the content range of students with
content. 11/29/22
Learns about referral Initiates and monitors special needs.
processes for students with Refers students as needed in referral processes and
special needs. a timely and appropriate follow-up meeting to ensure Takes leadership at the
Seeks additional manner supported with that students receive site/district and
information on struggling documented data over time, support and/or extended collaborates with resource
learners and advanced including interventions tried learning that is integrated personnel to ensure the
learners to determine previous to referral. into the core curriculum. smooth and effective
11/29/22 4/14/23 implementations of referral
appropriateness for referral.
I seek out additional I utilize doctor I integrate adaptations
information on students recommendations, IEPs based on needs of
identified with special and 504 Plans to individual students. For
needs to determine how accommodate based on example, I use
best to meet their needs student needs. The preferential seating, give
and provide instruction. I resource teacher and I extra time, provide
provide supports such as also work with parents to movement breaks,
manipulatives, reference fill out an accommodation support access to
sheets, and one-on-one checklist that shows interactive notebooks
support to address options for with editing checklists,
challenges. I also accommodations and assign leadership roles,
cooperate with our what would work best for and create multisensory
resource teacher to share the individual student. experiences with visual
our observations and The student also gives cues regularly. 4/14/23
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

decide on actionable input on what works best
goals for each student. I for him or her. Families are updated
communicate with regularly on student
families to learn about I communicate regularly progress. We create a
what they experience at with parents to get team with our resource
home and how we can updates from home life teacher and parents
work as a team in and out and provide updates from when creating and
of the classroom. school progress. We implementing
I use our resource discuss what works best accommodation plans. I
teacher, colleagues, and in each setting and how also utilize teachers who
other research to help we can be on the same have had the student
me determine when a page from school to before and teachers with
referral should take home. I also communicate experience with specific
place. I am still learning regularly with our learning abilities to
and sharing information resource teacher to get collaborate on effective
to receive help with the updates on progress strategies. 4/14/23
needs of individual when she pulls out
students. 9/18/21 students and what I can Once an accommodation
do in the classroom to plan is in place, I meet
I utilize our resource support that learning. regularly with our
teacher for assistance in 4/25/22 resource teacher to
assessing students and discuss what she is
determining I frequently utilize the working on and how we
appropriateness for expertise of other can be in alignment
referral. I also consult teachers and our working toward student
previous teachers and resource teacher to help goals. 4/14/23
other colleagues to find students with special
patterns that may lead needs. I use multiple
me to starting the strategies and
referral process. 4/25/22 approaches including
visual cues, eliminating
distractors on tests,
allowing extra time,
working in small groups,
and spending one on one
time with these students.
I have now had multiple
experiences referring
students for testing and
working through the
process with parents. I
keep detailed records of
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

student progress and
areas of growth,
especially to
communicate with
parents and others who
interact with these
students outside of
school (occupational
therapists, speech
pathologists, etc.)

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