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Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4805–4813
DOI 10.1007/s13369-014-1090-y
Received: 23 October 2012 / Accepted: 31 May 2013 / Published online: 10 April 2014
© King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals 2014
Author's personal copy
4806 Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4805–4813
Many engineers and scientists have tried to improve 2 Material and Methods
features of mechanical ventilator since 1980s. They have
firstly focused on monitoring patients’ respiration physi- In the designing of intelligent mechanical ventilator proto-
ology. Afterwards, microprocessor-driven ventilators have type and user interface, LabVIEW® software produced by
been used instead of the mechanically controlled ventilators national instrument (NI) was used to control all system and
[2]. create software-based user interface. The reason why we
After mid-1990s, the scientists focused mainly on three choose LabVIEW® is that it has fuzzy controller tool and
different systems. These are algorithmic programs, model- also the user interface can be created easily because of being
based system and knowledge-based system. Algorithmic graphical programming language.
program method is not suitable for ventilation because of The schematic diagram of intelligent mechanical ventila-
patients’ complex cardiovascular and respiration physiology. tor prototype was designed as shown in Fig. 1.
However, the other two systems can produce solution by tak- The prototype was created as modular structures. The pro-
ing into account the disadvantage of algorithmic programs. totype has eight electronic circuits. These are power unit, pro-
All respiration system must be modeled in model-based sys- portional valves circuit, pressure regulator circuit, solenoid
tem. Nevertheless, it is not easy to model respirations system valves circuit, pressure sensors circuit, inspiration and expi-
of patients with different lung pathologies. Modeling respira- ration flow sensor circuits and finally main board circuit. The
tion system is not necessary in the knowledge-based system. main controller unit of the prototype is NI-cRIO 9073 chas-
Experts’ opinion plays an important role in this system. Most sis. Analog input and output modules and digital input and
researchers have tried to control respiration parameters via output modules were added to the chassis.
open- and closed-loop controller in these systems. The power unit circuit was specially designed and has
After artificial intelligence techniques have been success- three power units such as 24 V and 90 mA, 12 V and 65 mA
fully applied to many systems, these techniques have begun and −12 V and 65 mA. The proportional valves were used
to be widely used in biomedical applications in recent years. to adjust oxygen percent of the air by mixing pure oxygen
There have been several attempts to design and control venti- and air. The pressure regulator was used to adjust pressure of
lator and ventilation via using classical control methods and the oxygen. The operating range of the regulator is between
artificial control techniques. Many researchers have gener- 0.001 and 0.1 MPa. The aim of using solenoid valves is to
ally developed open-loop systems to control patients’ respi- provide inspiration and expiration processes. The operating
ration parameters in model- and knowledge-based systems frequency of valves is 20 Hz. In the pressure sensors circuits,
[3–15]. There have been a few studies to design or develop two different sensors were used to measure oxygen pressures
closed-loop controller for mechanical ventilation [16–21]. during inspiration/expiration phases. The measuring ranges
However, these studies have been mainly focused on weaning of sensors are 1 and 5 PSI. The goal of using 1 PSI sensor
process in model- and knowledge-based systems. Commer- is to detect small pressure changes. Inspiration and expira-
cial ventilators have generally been used in these studies. In tion flow sensors measured to oxygen flow in the inspiration
[22–28] studies, respiration parameters such as FiO2 , SaO2 , and expiration phases. The measuring range of flow sensor
tidal volume and respiration rate have been controlled by the is 0–10 l/min. The main board circuit is designed to pro-
intelligent control techniques. vide commutations between the other seven circuits and NI
In the literature, although there are many studies about chassis. The figure of the circuit is shown in Fig. 2.
controlling ventilator, only a few studies about designing The prototype mechanical ventilator is shown in Fig. 3.
open- or closed-loop controlled ventilator exist. Recently, In modern ventilator used in ICU, ventilators provide
some researchers have tried to make intelligent ventilators many ventilation modes such as pressure-controlled ventila-
via using artificial intelligent techniques. However, in these tion (PCV), pressure support ventilation (PSV) and volume-
studies, researchers have used expensive commercial ventila- controlled ventilation. In this study, NI LabVIEW® 2010
tors. Thus, in this study, the low-cost LabVIEW-based intel- academic premium suite program was used. The two differ-
ligent mechanical ventilator and user interface were designed ent programs were implemented in LabVIEW® to provide
to reduce workload of clinicians. Eight female Wistar albino various ventilation modes. In addition, these programs offer
rats were used to test the designed ventilator. During the manual or automatic control for users. In the programs, fuzzy
experiments, the clinician did not adjust any parameters on logic controlled inspiration and expiration valves and pres-
ventilator prototype. According to the obtained results, it is sure regulator according to the measured pressure on rats.
seen that the designed intelligent ventilator supports rats’ res- The implemented software-based user interfaces are shown
piration successfully and the ventilator does not alter the lung in Figs. 4 and 5.
parameters of rats. In addition, it is obvious that this study In setting interface section for Fig. 4, respiration rate, the
may be the first step for future intelligent ventilator used in first inspiration time, PEEP, oxygen percentage and the first
ICU. value of pressure regulator are determined by clinician. In
Author's personal copy
Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4805–4813 4807
V3 V4
Air Tube
P1,2,3:Pressure Sensor
PR :Pressure Regulator
V1,2 :Proportional Valve F2
V3,4 :Selenoid Valve
F1,2 :Flowsensor
Author's personal copy
4808 Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4805–4813
µpe(k) µins
µ pe(k)
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Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4805–4813 4809
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4810 Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4805–4813
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Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4805–4813 4811
Fig. 14 The changes of rats’ static lung capacitance for before and
after experiments
X= (4)
(x − x)2
S =
(x1 − x2 )
t= (6)
S12 S22
n 1 −1 + n 2 −1
Fig. 12 The changes of rats’ lung resistance for before and after exper- where x is the arithmetic mean, S 2 is variance, t is the test
formula, x is the investigated group and n is the number of
data in group.
According to the results from student t test, it can be seen
that there is no statistical discrepancy for 98.7 % reliability
between the values of the rats’ lung resistance and capaci-
tance. It means that the designed intelligent ventilator does
not disturb lung parameters of rats and provides artificial res-
piration, successfully.
Author's personal copy
4812 Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4805–4813
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