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October 1-2

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St Roch Parish Bulletin

October 1—2, 2022 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish Office: 808-293-5026 * Fax: 808-293-1737 * Rectory: 808-367-0631
email: strochhi@gmail.com * Website: www.strochkahuku.com * Facebook: kahukuhawaii.com

St. Roch Church St. Joachim Mission Church

56-350 Kamehameha Highway Kahuku, HI 96731 53-543 Kamehameha Highway Punalu’u, HI 96762
Mass Schedule Mass Schedule
Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am Saturday 5:00pm
Daily Mass (Tues-Fri) and Communion Service (Mon) 9:00am First Saturday: Charismatic & Healing Mass 4:15pmh

Father Sebastian Kumar Soosai

This Week’s Reading
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for the Week
First Reading (From the Old Testament)
Habakkuk 1:2-3;2-2-4 (141C) Eternal Rest For:
Second Reading (From the New Testament)
Marcelo and Maxima Macanas, Jesus Panag,
2 Timothy 1”6-8,13-14 Shane Francisco, Ofelioo Mayo
and Brian Andrade
Luke 17:5-10

Next Week’s Reading

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Special Intentions For:
Eugene Stanley Santos, Melba Galace
First Reading (From the Old Testament)
2 Kings 5:14-17 (144C) and Marella Galace
Second Reading (From the New Testament)
2 Timothy 2:8-13
Thanksgiving For:
Luke 17:11-19
Nancy Manuel and Andrickson Manuel

Church Mission
St. Roch Parish (St. Roch Church and St. Joachim Mission Church) will engage in a life-long journey in
prayer and a relationship with the Lord by living our Catholic faith and transforming ourselves and others
spiritually for generations to come. We will create an open, hospitable and welcoming community that
embraces diversity and celebrates the giftedness of each person.

Church Vision
To be joyful disciples equipped to witness Jesus by living and sharing our faith with all.
St. Roch Parish Bulletin Page 2

Living and Walking by the Faith that never Fails Us

On this 27th Sunday of ordinary time, the holy mother church
invites us to reflect on one of the most important Christian and
theological virtues – Faith. It is the foundation of our Christian
life. Faith gives us a new vision and version of life.

Without faith, we see only the ugly and dark side of life.
Without faith, we remain helpless and slaves to despair and hope
lessness. Faith liberates us and helps us to see the power and love
of God at work in our lives.

In the gospel, the Apostles of Christ reminds us of what we should be praying for each
day. That is, praying to Christ: “Lord increase our faith.” Their humility and acceptance of
their lack equally remind us of the importance of faith in our Christian life and journey.

This following short story may highlight some thoughts in our lives. A rusty shield once
said to the sun, “dazzle me,” and the sun responded: “Polish yourself, and I will dazzle
you.” Our Lord Jesus Christ is always ready to increase our faith. However, we must
humbly ask for it. Second, we must make the necessary efforts through our actions.

Finally, we need faith to persevere in good works. We need it to remain steadfast

during difficult moments in life. We need more faith to trust in God’s will and judgment.
So, we must humble ourselves each day to say: “Lord, increase our faith.”

Let us continue to live and fight for our faith and witnessing to the world. Faith always
renews our way of life. Be faithful to one another.

God bless you. Have a wonderful week.

Weekly Treasures from September 19—25 Church Cleaners

Each one must do just as he has purposed in his Schedule
heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for
God loves a cheerful giver. October 8
Jennifer Ancheta, Jennifer Badua
(2 Corinthians 9:7)
October 15
Offertory $2096.00
Julitsa Siquig, Cion Ancheta
Online Blessed Mother’s Grotto $25.50
Candles $51.71 October 22
Funeral $500.00 Cora Acoba, Maribel Garduque
Weekly Total: $2673.21
St. Roch Parish Bulletin Page 3
Parish Office Hours: Father Sebastian visits the sick every Wednesday and is
available for home visits, blessings and prayers. Please
8:00am—12:00noon Monday—Friday
call the Parish Office at 293-5026 for information and
making appointments for Anointing of the Sick,
Parish Calendar
Baptisms, Funeral, Weddings and Reconciliations.
Saturday, October 1 (At St Joachim)
Charismatic 4:15pm Faith Formation
Mass at St Joachim 5:00pm
Healing Service 6:00pm Rosary is offered daily 45 minutes prior to the 7:30am Mass
House to House Rosary (*call) 6:30pm on Sundays and 30 minutes prior to the 9:00am daily Mass.
Sunday, October 2 26th Ordinary Sunday
Rosary 6:45am
Divine Mercy offered after 9:00am daily Mass on Friday.
Mass 7:30am Adoration is celebrated at 7:00pm on first month Friday..
Religious Education Classes 8:45am
Mass 9:30am Healing is offered every first Saturday at 4:15pm and third
House to House Rosary-Grotto 6:30pm
Sunday after 9:30am Mass.
Monday, October 3 Next Charismatic Healing Mass will be November 5
Communion Service 9:00am
House to House Rosary (*call) 6:30pm
Online Parish Offertory Available
Tuesday, October 4 Please consider going online to do your offertory
Rosary 8:30am
donations. Our official link is secure and confidential.
Mass 9:00am
House to House Rosary (*call) 6:30pm The direct link to donate is:
Wednesday, October 5
Rosary 8:30pm
Mass 9:00am Parish Directory
House to House Rosary (*call) 6:30pm St. Roch Altar Service Coordinator……….Nilo Tabangin
Thursday, October 6 St. Joachim Bereavement Coordinator........…...….Sharin Au
Rosary 8:30am
Mass 9:00am
Bookkeeper…………....……Margaret Primacio
House to House Rosary-Grotto 6:30pm Building & Maint Comm…..........James Oellien
Bulletin Editor…………….…..….Roy Nacapuy
Friday, October 7
Rosary 8:30am Divine Mercy Group…….…….Lydia Daquioag
Mass 9:00am Church Secretary…...……Kay Yumoto-Wagner
Chaplet of Divine Mercy 9:30am
Family Adoration 7:00pm
Extraordinary Ministers..….….Esther Crawford
House to House Rosary-Grotto 6:00pm Filipino Catholic Club Pres...…...Jarma Hudson
Saturday, October 8 (At St Joachim) Pray Finance Council Chair.....…....…Nancy Manuel
Mass at St Joschim 5:00pm Knights of Columbus GK………..Roy Nacapuy
House to House Rosary-St Joachim after for us! Lector Coordinator…..….....…….Myrna Ramos
Sunday, October 9 27th Ordinary Sunday Music Director (Roch)….......….Amy Swiderski
Rosary 6:45am Music Director (Joachim).….…...Mark Hazzard
Mass 7:30am Pastoral Council Chair….....…Federico Mejia Jr
RE Walk-a-Thon 8:45am
Mass 9:30am Religious Ed Coordinator……...Amy Swiderski
House to House Rosary (*call) 6:30pm Sacristan ……………..Lina Bruno, Lana Elder,
NOTE: Please call Gloria (723-9851) or Myrna Cleofe Mejia, Cristeta Recta, Grace Vendiola
(386-2670 for exact location. Safety Manager……..…..…….....Earl Alameida
Stewardship Coordinator….........LaVerne Rivas
Bulletin Editor: Roy Nacapuy * WebMaster: Andrina Kise Usher……………….…..………..Jarma Hudson
Submit notices in writing for bulletin to nacapuyohana@yahoo.com Young Adults….Donna Barsana, Jarma Hudson
Submit entires to website to adrinakise@gmail.com Web Master………………..Adrina Ramos Kise
St. Roch Parish Bulletin Page 4
The St Roch Religious Education Walk-a-Thon will Faith Formation
be held on Sunday, October 9 immediately after the During the month of October, the parish is
7:30am Mass. If you would like to make a pledge to devoted to pray the rosary each day at 6:30pm.
support our youth, please see any of the RE teachers This week’s rosary will be hosted by:
or students. Money raised will be used for RE October 1 Cristeta Recta
activities such as the Christmas movie event, Easter October 2 Nancy Castro (Grotto)
Egg Hunt and the end of year party. October 3 Laverne & Alfredo Rivas
We appreciate your support. Thank you. October 4 Merlie Domingo
October 5 Francisco & Lina Bruno
Second Collection October 6 Filipino Catholic Club (Grotto)
Annual Appeal for the Catholic Church in Hawaii October 7 Lydia & Jun Daquioag (6:00pm Grotto)
October 8 Lana Elder (after Mass St Joachim)
Ohana in Christ
St Roch has been tasked to raise funds in this Everyone is invited to join.
annual appeal. Your stewardship of treasure will Please check with contact Gloria (808-723-9851) or
especially help our diocese’s priests and deacons, Myrna (808 386-2670) for exact location.
youth and Young Ministry and those in need . We
Updated Liturgical (Church) Guidelines:
ask for your generous response to this appeal.
Flower for St Roch Church is limited to four
Please contribute to help our parish reach our goal.
arrangements. Two will be placed beside the
tabernacles, , small one next to St Roch
Flashing News: Statue and not so large front of the altar.
Father Sebastian will be a guest speaker at the
42nd Regional Charismatic Conference on October Father James Heft will deliver a lecture
29. at 10:00am, at the Hawaii Convention Center. Where have all the young people gone?
For more information and registration information,
On October 9, 2022 at 4:00pm at the Mystical Rose
please contact the Parish Office.
Oratory of the Chaminade University Campus.
HOPE for Mental Health Community Please see Kay for free complimentary tickets.
St. Anthony (Kailua) will be hosting a monthly support
group for those living with mental illness. Their family In preparation of All Soul’s Day on November 2,
and friends. are encouraged to attend. Attendees are we are updating the parish’s Book of the Dead.
expect a safe and welcoming place where everyone can The Book of the Dead consist of names of our
share openly about their lived experience. Local mental Parishioner’s family and friends who has
health professionals will be on hand to provide educa-
deceased. If you have a name that you would
tion on mental health and a practical wellness tools.
There will be a round table discussion for questions and like to be added, please complete the form (located
answers as well as guest speakers , fellowship and on the back table) by
prayers. Next gathering will be on Saturday, October 8 October 28 to the Parish
at St Anthony Church (Kailua) in the Parish Hall. Office. You do not need to
For more information,
resubmit names that has
please call St Anthony at 808-266-2222.
been previously submitted.
Please plan on attending the next Adoration of For more information,
the Blessed Sacrament on September 30 at
please see Roy Nacapuy.
7:00pm at St Roch Church.

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