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March 6, 2011

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MARCH 6, 2011



1501 South Main Street, Lombard, IL 60148

Rectory: (630) 629-1717 Fax: (630) 705-0692
Academy: (630) 627-0640 Fax: (630) 705-0139


You are
my Rock
Page 2 Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 March 6, 2011

Christ the King Directory

PASTOR: Rev. Peter Jarosz LITURGY:

630.396.6079; frpeter@ctklombard.org Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:00 Noon
WEEKEND ASSISTANT: Rev. Robert Schoenstene
630.629.1717 WEEK DAY LITURGY: Monday-Friday 8:30am
Deacons: Deacon Wayne Storrs 630.629.1717 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION:
Deacon Frank Lillig 630.396.6077 Saturdays: 4:00pm-4:45pm
frank@ctklombard.org M-F 9am; And by appointment

Deacon Peter Robinson (Coor. Pastoral Care) ST. PEREGRINE DEVOTIONS:

630.629.1717; deaconpeter@ctklombard.org Second Saturdays at 11:00am
Eileen Maggiore 630.396.6076; Weekdays at 7:35am
eileen@ctklombard.org Tuesdays 5:30pm
630.396.6073; elaine@ctklombard.org
1st Thursday 9:00am until
CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION: Sherry Rochford 1st Friday at 8:15am
630.396.6078; sherry@ctklombard.org Other Thursdays 9:00am-8:00pm
630.396.6075; bill@ctklombard.org
Mon-Thurs: 9:00 am-3:00 pm
PASTOR’S/PARISH OFICE SECRETARY: Carol Clishem Friday: 9:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.
630.629.1717; carol@ctklombard.org After Hours By Appointment
Lori Bhardwaj 630.627.0640; We welcome you as a family member of Christ the King
academy@ctklombard.org Parish. It is our hope and prayer that you feel at home
KINDERGARTEN TEACHER: Jill Placey, Academy Director with us at weekend masses, prayer times, and parish
630.627.0640; jplacey@ctklombard.org
Arrangements for baptisms are made by attending a
PRE-SCHOOL AIDE: Jan Waas preparation meeting. Parish registration is a pre-
requisite for attending the meeting.
630.629.1717; tony@ctklombard.org Please allow eight months of preparation time. Date
arrangements are made after the initial meeting with
MAINTENANCE: Paul Sweder, Joe Iapichino, Victor Mandin pastor or a representative before any other commit-
ments are made.
If you or one of your loved ones are in need of the Sac-
rament contact the rectory or see the priest after Mass.
In case of an emergency of illness or death, please con-
Christ the King Mission Statement tact the rectory, ext 1.
The People of Christ the King in Lombard are a wel- SACRAMENT PREPARATION FOR CHILDREN:
coming, vibrant faith community building the king- A child must be registered in Religious Education classes
dom of God through our many ministries. We cele- for two years prior to receiving the Sacraments of Initia-
brate our diversity, seeking to realize the gifts of each tion.
member of our parish, as we are all joined together
under one faith, in a spiritual journey of evangeliza- Individuals who are interested in becoming in full com-
tion, service to others, and a reverence for all life. In munion with the Catholic Church ought to contact the
the Eucharist, we find new life, and bring this life to parish rectory for an appointment.
others through stewardship, education, and worship.
March 6, 2011 Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 Page 3

Ash Wednesday
Sunday, March 6
Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Matthew Rusek Mass
Dt 11:18, 26-28, 32; Ps 31; 8:30 am in Church
10:00 am Dorothy Runge
Rom 3:21-25, 28 7:30 pm in Church
Mt 7:21-27
12:00 pm Margaret Nelson

Monday, March 7 Ash Service

St. Perpetua & Felicity 8:30 am Connie Thompson 12:00 pm in Church
Tb 1:3; 2:1a-8 5:00 pm in Church
Mk 12:1-12

Tuesday, March 8
St. John of God 8:30 am Special Intention
Tb 2:9-14
Mk 12:13-17 LENTEN
Wednesday, March 9
Ash Wednesday
8:30 am Souls In Purgatory REGULATIONS
12:00 pm Ash Service
Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51; 2 Cor 5:20 - 5:00 pm Ash Service
1. Everyone 14 years of age or over is
6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 bound to abstain from meat on Ash
7:30 pm Priests of the Diocese
Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent
Thursday, March 10 (excluding the Solemnity of the Annunciation.
Thursday after Ash Wednesday 8:30 am Paul E. Sweder Sr. Canon 1251).
Dt 30:15-20 2. Everyone 18 years of age and under 59
Lk 9:22-25
years of age is bound to fast on Ash Wednesday
Friday, March 11 and Good Friday.
Friday after Ash Wednesday
8:30 am Peter W. Jarosz
3. On these two days of fast and abstinence,
Is 58:1-9a only one full meatless meal is allowed. Two
Mt 9:14-15
other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain
Saturday, March 12 strength, may be taken according to each one’s
Saturday after Ash Wednesday
5:00 pm Peter W. Jarosz
needs, but together they should not equal another
Is 58:9b-14 full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted
Lk 5:27-32
on these two days, but liquids, including milk
Sunday, March 13 8:00 am Ethelyn Kennedy and fruit juices are allowed. When health or
First Sunday of Lent
ability to work would be seriously affected, the
Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Ps 51; Rom 5:12- 10:00 am Joan Frichtl
19 [12, 17-19]
law does not oblige.
Mt 4:1-11 12:00 pm Anton Jarosz 4. To disregard completely the law of fast and
abstinence is seriously sinful.
5. Lent is the principal season of penance in the
Pray for Healing Christian year. All of the faithful are strongly
Brenda Sasso, Stewart Switzer, Lucy Lejeaunesse, Fred urged to develop and follow a program of volun-
Hendersen, Dyan Melton, Ken Esposito, Art Waters, Tina tary self-denial (in addition to following the
Orlita, Dorothy Hamil, Cathy Castro, Ed Fontana, Emily Lenten regulations), serious prayer, and a per-
Rusek, Marge Urbonas, Sandra Caeiro, Joan Danz, Alex
Norkus, Jean Brzezinski, Lillian Szmurlo, Dave Hepko,
Marge Gavcus.

If it has been longer than six weeks since you or your, Rest in Peace
loved one’s name has been on the list, please call the
rectory to give an update.* Our condolences to the family and friends of
Betsy Downing .
Page 4 Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 March 6, 2011

St. Joseph Table Sunday March 20: Year of the Eucharist

Christ the King St. Joseph Table will be held in the school gymnasium on Sunday, March 20,
at 1 p.m. This is a chance for all of our parishioners, friends and benefactors to share a
meatless meal, participate in raffles and raise funds for a worthy cause. This year the pro-
ceeds will be donated to the good works of Catholic Charities.
Please plan to join us on March 20. If you would like to help, please fill out the form below and
return it to the rectory (attention Mary Ellen), in the offertory basket, or call Mary Ellen at (630)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name_____________________________________ Phone _________________________
Email ___________________________________________________________________
The parish provides mostacciolo, fish, scrambled eggs, soup and salad. We would like donations of the follow-
ing items to complete our meatless meal.
(Please have food in disposable pans ready to serve. We are not able to cook anything.)

Vegetable Lasagna Jell-O Mold Dessert

Cheese/Veggie Pizza Fresh Fruit Tray/Salad Bottled Water

Macaroni and Cheese Fresh Vegetable/Salad Wine

Tuna/Seafood Salad Potato Salad/Cole Slaw etc. Hot Vegetable Dish

My Specialty
_____ I can donate ____________________________ as a raffle prize or to be used in the raffle baskets.
Call Mary Ellen Clish, St. Joseph Table Chairperson, at 630-495-1339, for pickup and drop off arrangements.
Other ways to help:
Help solicit raffle prizes and donated food
Pick up donated food from vendors (March 19/20)
Help set up on March 19
Be a greeter, food server or helper at the Table
Sell raffle tickets at the Table
Help clean up at 3 o’clock on March 20.
I’m flexible - please let me know how I can help.
I can’t help with food or raffle prizes but would like to make a monetary donation.
I would like to donate a gift card to a store or restaurant to be donated to Catholic Charities. (Gift
cards can easily be ordered through our Manna program.)

The St Joseph Table Committee of the Service Commission are grateful for your support.
St. Joseph, pray for us!
March 6, 2011 Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 Page 5

Come to a Baby Shower to

A Luncheon to Honor St. Patrick Celebrate LIFE!
You are invited to join us for
lunch on March 17-
Our parish will be tak-
Members of the Council of Catholic ing part in 40 Days for
Women invite you to join us for a Life, a worldwide cam-
Luncheon to Honor St. Patrick to be paign to end abortion,
held on Thursday, March 17. Fr. John Guiney, from March 9th – April
our honored guest, will add that bit of authenticity 17th. Be a part of it
to the party. The luncheon will take place in the from the beginning at a
Parish Life Center and begin at 11:00 a.m. A free
baby shower/kick-off
-will offering is suggested. Call Florence at (630-
792-9546) or Pat at (630-629-8543) to let us know
that you are coming, so that we can plan our food
purchases. You don’t have to be Irish to enjoy When: Sunday, March 6th at 2:30 – 4:30 pm
the celebration! Come and bring a friend. Where: Christ the King Parish Life Center
What: A family event with food, music, and
inspiration. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Please bring an unwrapped baby gift or a
financial donation to benefit local crisis
pregnancy centers.
For more information contact Maria Gold-
stein or Deacon Frank and Marlene An-
nerino at editorofthesoul@yahoo.com

Getting to
Know You!
March 5th, 6th join
the community after
Mass for hospitality. It’s a nice
chance to meet & greet those we
worship with every week. Find out
more about parish activities also.
ST. Vincent de Paul food pantry will
be out host. Take a few moments
and come by the Parish Life Center.
Page 6 Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 March 6, 2011

        If you’ve ever had the desire to help with the Life Movement, this is a wonderful opportunity. There are 3
ways to be a part of 40 Days for Life. Take part in all three or just one:

1. Prayer – Unite your voice with others around the world for 40 days of fervent prayer. Commit to praying daily
for the unborn, women in crisis pregnancies, abortionists, all who work in the abortion industry, and for an end to
abortion. You can also sign up to receive daily devotionals and updates at www.40daysforlife.com.

2. Fasting – Fasting is a form of physical prayer. During these 40 days, make a commitment to fast from a certain
food, TV, alcohol, or anything else as a sign of your support for the unborn. This will give your Lenten sacrifice
new intention and purpose.

3. Peaceful Vigil – Spend an hour with fellow pro-lifers outside an abortion facility praying. This spring the vigil
will be changing locations weekly to reach six different suburban abortion clinics that are all owned and op-
erated by the same local abortionist. At the Aanchor Abortion Clinic in Glen Ellyn we will be there praying
from March 30 through April 5. Check the bulletin weekly to find out how to take part in the vigil.

Please join Christ the King and sign up for 1 hour on 4/1/11, between 1 - 4 pm or 4/4/11 between 4 - 7 pm
Contact Eileen Maggiore 630-396-607 eileen@ctklombard.org to sign up for one hour.


NEW BISHOP http://www.vocations.com
As our diocese awaits the selection of a new MEN’S DISCERNMENT GROUP: The group contin-
Bishop, pray the following prayer each day as ues to use the new book To Save A Thousand Souls, by
we seek God's guidance: Fr. Brett Brannen to discuss many topics relevant to
discerning a priestly vocation. Books will be provided
Lord God, you are Eternal Shepherd and guide. for those who do not already have the book. Meetings
In your mercy grant the Diocese of Joliet a Shep- take place at the John Paul II House, 430 N. Center St.,
herd who will walk in your ways, and whose Joliet, IL 60435 and are for all men who are juniors in
watchful care will bring us your blessing. In your high school or older. The meeting schedule is as fol-
love for us, give us the joy of receiving a Shep- lows:
herd who will be an example of goodness to your Sunday, March 13 – 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – When
people; and who will fill our hearts and minds do I Start? (Chapter 14)
with the truth of the Gospel. We ask this through Sunday, March 20 – 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The
our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives, and Application and Admission Process (Ch. 15)
reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God Sunday, March 27 – 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – What is
forever and ever. Amen. Seminary Like? (Chapter 16)
March 6, 2011 Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 Page 7

Mass Intention Book

Do you want to have the intention of
Come for Healing
a mass for your loved one who has
died recently, the anniversary of your “Is anyone among you sick? He should sum-
marriage, death of a loved one, birth- mon the presbyters of the church, and they
day and baptismal day remem- should pray over him and anoint (him) with
brances? Please specify if it is for the living or de- oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of
ceased. The day you desire may not be available but faith will save the sick person, and the Lord
the closest day. Please type the names and dates, with will raise him up. If he has committed any
a $15 suggested stipend for each mass desired, with sins, he will be forgiven. “James 5:14-15
your name, number and send to; Christ the King, atten-
tion Carol: Mass. Three mass intentions is the maxi- Jesus Christ instituted the Sacraments
mum for each person who asks. For more explanation to confer sanctifying Grace. The two Sac-
of a mass intention, its purpose, contact
frpeter@ctklombard.org raments of healing will be offered: Private
confessions offered before Mass and Anoint-
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1030 – 1031)
teaches that: All who die in God’s grace and friend- ing of the Sick on Saturday March 12th, 11:00
ship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured a.m. at Christ the King Parish.
of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo
purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to
enter the joy of heaven.

Easter Triduum Choir Rehearsals Rite of Elect

Next Sunday, March 13, we will have three catechu-
Choir rehearsals for the
mens attend the Rite of Elect at the Diocese of Joliet.
Easter Triduum begin
This is a liturgy reserved for the Bishop at the Cathe-
Wednesday, March 9 fol-
dral. The bishop receives the witness of the catechu-
lowing the 7:30pm Mass for
men’s Godparents and declares the catechumens are
Ash Wednesday. We will
now “elect”- that is, they are to be numbered among
rehearse each Wednesday leading up to Easter from
the new chosen people of God. Just as God chose a
7:00pm until 9:00pm in church. The choir will sing at
personal nation through the covenant with Abraham,
the 7:30pm Holy Thursday Mass, the 7:30pm Good
so God is choosing a personal people the covenant of
Friday liturgy, and the 8:00pm Easter Vigil Mass. All
Baptism. By entering their names, the catechumens
are welcome, more men are needed! For more informa-
state their intention to complete their formation, and
tion, please call Bill Runge at 630.396.6075,
the book becomes a symbol of God’s call.
bill@ctklombard.org or stop by the organ area after
Here at Christ the King we will have the catechumens,
Jim Kinzel, Amber Kinzel, and Sydney Rudman, along
Is your marriage built on rock or with their Godparents sign the book of the elect to be
on sand? Learn how to strengthen presented at the Cathedral on the afternoon of the 13th.
your marriage so when hardships
come, your marriage will stay Catechumens become elect only after they have had a
strong. Plan to attend a Worldwide conversion of mind and action, and acquired a good
Marriage Encounter Weekend on understanding of Christian teaching as well as a spirit
April 8-10, 2011. Contact Tim and
of faith and charity.
Pat Doyle, 630-577-0778. For more information visit
our website at: wwmejoliet.org.
Page 8 Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 March 6, 2011

Stations of the Cross

“The Young Adult Experience”
St. Procopius Benedictine Abbey
5601 College Rd. Lisle

April 16 @ 6:00 pm On the first Friday of Lent, come and begin the season
with others your age for a prayerful service focused on the
In the gym. life and passion of Jesus, as “told” by the young adults
from the Scriptures and Catholic tradition.
This event is free no registration is required. Sponsered
by the Diocese of Joliet Young Adult Ministry Office.

Congratulations Sherry Rochford!

Sherry has just completed a three year certificate program for Lay
Ecclesial Ministers in the Church called New Wine. Sherry has spent
the last three years on Monday evenings studying scripture, church
documents, and prayer. This is an awesome undertaking! We are so
proud of Sherry’s work and would like to congratulate her accomplish-
ments. On Saturday, March 19 we will have a light reception for
Sherry in the Parish Life Center. You are welcome to stop by and
congratulate Sherry.

Chicago Catholic Men's Conference

Saturday, March 19, 2011 Our congratulations to Tom Carroll who on
Marriott Oak Brook February 26,2011 attended the Fourth Degree
1401 West 22nd Street , Oak Brook,IL 60523 Exemplification in Lisle,IL and become a Sir
The conference fee is $45.00 per Attendee Knight of the 4th Degree.
(Fee includes lunch)
Anyone having a name for possible membership
Sponsored by Archdiocese of Chicago Office for into our Council please let Ed Schumann know
Evangelization. Knights of Columbus and Relevant at the monthly meeting or call him at 630-627-
Radio.2011 Conference Agenda: Doors open at 7am, 8213.
welcome at 8:30am, closing Mass at 4:30pm. Speak-
ers: Chris Godfrey; Fr. Johnpaul Cafiero, OFM; Dea-
con Alex Jones; Sean Forest. MAJOR SEMINARY VISITS: Men who are seniors in col-
Please join me for this great spiritual event. Let me lege or who already are college graduates are invited to visit
know if you will attend so I can get the registrations one of the major seminaries that the Diocese of Joliet uses
in together. Your sons, ages 13 thru 20, are admitted for theology, Mundelein Seminary and St. Meinrad Semi-
for $20 with you. nary. During these visits participants have the opportunity to
meet current seminarians, hear vocation stories and witness
Deacon Frank Lillig 630-661-8362 first-hand what seminary life is all about. There is no cost
frank@ctklombard.org for the trip. If interested, please contact Fr. Burke voca-
tions@dioceseofjoliet.org or ((815-834-4004). Upcoming
retreat dates St. Meinrad Seminary: March 14-16; Mundelein
Seminary: April 8-10.
March 6, 2011 Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 Page 9

Lenten Parish Retreat

EUCHARIST: Core of our Catholic Faith
Join us for a three night mission
which will focus on the centrality of the
Eucharist in our life:
March 21: Eucharist: Invitation to Spiritual Transformation
March 22: Eucharist: Pathway to Healing
March 23: Eucharist: Renewed Call to Discipleship
Each evening begins at 7:00 p.m. in the church..

Dr. Mary Amore will be our retreat presenter.

For more information please contact Eileen Maggiore at 630 396 6076.

All Are Welcome!

March Kindergarten Newsletter: Early Learning Academy

Religion-The children are learning about being a good neighbor, focus on the Holy Spirit,
and begin Lent. They are putting together care pkgs. for the sick children at Good Sa-
maritan Hospital, where Fr. Peter is catholic chaplain at the hospital. Our community ser-
vice project will be collecting coins for Catholic Charities, during Lent.
Reading- We are now into Unit 5 and are filling in sentences with words and making sen-
tences of our own. We will begin a neat book of ABC’s.
Math- completing a unit on measurement, then move onto addition.
Science- We will study about weather and begin springtime topics.
Fr. Peter made a visit to the kindergarten children during lunch and played with the pre-k
students. He goes over their prayers and is so proud of what they remember. The parents
teach them so well at home. Fr. Peter shares the toys with the kids and reads stories.
We are using the Smart Board every day to reinforce many skills just like our computer
programs for phonics, math, reading, thinking skills ,etc.
Open registration for the new school year. 3, 4, 5 year olds. Call today, don’t delay!
We are so proud of the children. We love to see them at Mass each Sunday—close to
Mrs. Placey, Director and Kindergarten Administrator Fr. Peter Jarosz, Pastor
Page 10 Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 March 6, 2011

Administration Commission Meeting Minutes

…..Continued from last week: Stewardship of Treasure
February 19-20, 2011 Collection
School Roof Floodlights
We are waiting for a quote from Fitzgerald for this
lighting and it appears it will also entail some re- # Registered Families 1380 Households
wiring and replacement. Account No. Amount

Office Furniture Donation White Envelopes 352 $7,762.57

Various office furniture, chairs, etc. was donated to
Non-envelope users $1,684.77
Christ the King by TriZetto Group Inc. of Naperville.
Members of the administration Commission volun- This week’s total $9,447.34
teered for the unloading of this furniture last week,
and it was placed in various locations on our campus. Weekly Budget $12,692.00
A thank you letter was prepared to be signed and sent
*Difference* - $3,244.66
by Father Peter.

PLC Washroom Driers Green Envelopes* 72 $1,203.00

It was recommended that the paper-towel holders in (Mortgage)
the PLC restrooms be replaced by electronic driers or
electronic eyes, one each in the ladies and men’s Restricted Budget** $1,731.00
rooms. Tony advised we have had several backups in
the outside pipes which needed rodding as a result of Difference
+ $528.00
paper toweling being improperly disposed of. That
cost was over $400 for each occurrence, and the auto-
Gold Envelopes $1046.50
matic driers would eliminate the problem. He routed
papers showing the driers we are seeking. John
Gold Budget $673.00
Mikel suggested we also contact McMaster-Carr in
Elmhurst as they have favorable pricing. Donations for Lights $7,495.00

Blizzard of 2011 2011 Catholic Ministries Annual

A note from a neighbor: Appeal
They are known as random acts of kindness.
Today I received one of those acts from your
snow removal crew.
Diocese of Joliet
I’m a senior citizen who lives across from the
school and as I was trying to clear my drive-
way at the street, a young man in a silver
truck came over and pushed the snow to the
side so I could get to the mail box. He then The Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal begins in
proceeded to clear the drifts on the rest of my
our parish this weekend. Every family will receive a
drive. But for him I’d be shoveling til March
and it only took him 20 minutes.
letter from Bishop Joseph Siegel, Diocesan Adminis-
Please thank your snow removal crew and trator asking for a pledge to help us remain a beacon
all those others who help their neighbors. of Christ's light to those who rely upon the services of
our Diocese. Please return your pledge card to the
Thank you to so many others in the parish that did ran- parish next weekend, March 12/13, 2011.
dom acts of kindness that day. That’s what family is
all about! Fr. Peter
March 6, 2011 Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 Page 11



Mass 8:00 am Church Adoration 9:00 am Church
New Parishioner Registration 8:00 am Narthex Break Open the Word 10:00 am ER
RE Classes 8:45 am Academy K of C 7:30 pm ER
RE Prayer Service 8:45 am Gym
Mass 10:00 am Church FRIDAY 3/11
BOW-WOW 11:00 am ER
Stations of the Cross/soup 12:00 pm Church/PLC
Mass 12:00pm Church
Adoration Comm Meeting 5:00 pm PLC
40 Days for Life Baby Shower 2:30 pm PLC
Prayer Group 7:00 pm ER
Hospitality/Med Collection All Day PLC
Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm Church
St. Vincent De Paul 12:00 pm ER
Anointing of the sick 11:00 am Church
First Holy Comm Retreat 1:00 pm C/PLC/Narth
TUESDAY 3/8 Confessions 4:00 pm Narthex
Mass 5:00 pm Church
Staff Meeting 11:00 am DR
Children’s Choir Rehearsal 4:15 pm Church NEXT SUNDAY 3/13
Rosary and Chaplet 5:30 pm Church
Mass 8:00 am Church
RE Classes 8:45 am Academy
WEDNESDAY 3/9 RE Prayer Service 8:45 am Gym
Ash Wednesday All Day Mass 10:00 am Church
ELA Ashes 10:45 am Academy Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10:00 am Church
Ash Wednesday Service 12:00 pm Church BOW-WOW 11:00 am ER
Ash Wednesday Service 5:00 pm Church Mass 12:00 pm Church
Ash Wednesday Mass 7:30 pm Church Spirit of Life Concert 1:00 pm C/PLC
Rite of Election 2:00 pm Cathedral
Spirit of Life Concert 4:30 pm C/PLC

Mar 12, 5:00 PM Mar 13, 8:00 AM Mar 13, 10:00 AM Mar 13, 12:00 PM

Sydney Rudman Lance Grunert Gianna Czernek Harshini Bellamkonda

Altar Server McKenna Sanders Charles Grunert Kaitlyn Sweeney Quinn McDaniel
Maureen Sweeney Mallory McDaniel
Elizabeth Carnahan Jan Benshoof Joshua Czernek Sean McDaniel
Adrienne Forstneger Marie Brudnicki Maryanne Klomfar Leslie McNamara
Extraordinary Pat McGovern Rudy Caselli Iner Olson Sharon Pierscionek
Minister of Holy Jerry Pizzotti Eugene Caselli Cathy Porras Brenda Sasso
Communion Roger Reeder Michelle Iwinski Henry Sokalski Joyce Sasso
Fran Zelazny Gary Majcen Ellen Sweeney Galileo Torralba
George Zelazny Carol Paulsen KimberlyAnn White Lilibeth Torralba
Lector Sue Wick Marilyn Seagraves Family Mass Lisa McDaniel
Presider Fr. Bob Schoenstene Fr. Bob Schoenstene Fr. Peter Jarosz Fr. Peter Jarosz

Irene Boutiette, M. Brudnicki, M. Gonzalo, E. Lay, E&O Manicad, L. Michalik, G. Doretti, S. Pier-
Ministers of Care scionek, E& E Mears
Christ The King #512918

1501 South Main Street
Lombard, IL 60148


Eileen Maggiore

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E-Mail from bulletin@ctklombard.org
Adobe Acrobat

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