Basil - Elson
Basil - Elson
Basil - Elson
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 9, September- 2014
Abstract: - Consumption of concrete is increasing every year. of natural aggregate resources. So if construction and
Consumption of cement and conventional aggregates has to be demolition wastes are used instead of natural aggregates and
reduced for sustainability. Sustainable construction is one way ground granulated blast furnace slag is used as partial
to reduce cement and aggregate consumption. Supplementary replacement to cement without affecting the mechanical
cementitious materials can be used as a replacement for cement properties of concrete we can achieve economic and
and recycled aggregates for natural aggregates. This paper
environmental benefits.
studies the feasibility study of using ground granulated blast
furnace slag as an alternative for cement and recycled coarse Objective of this study is to assess the properties of concrete
aggregate for natural coarse aggregate. Experimental that combine both supplementary cementitious materials,
investigation is carried out with a conventional M30 mix, mixes ground granulated blast furnace slag and recycled coarse
by replacing with 40 percent, 50 percent and 60 percent of aggregate.
cement with ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). Mix
with 50 percent of cement when replaced with GGBS gave [1] M.L. Berndt studied the properties of sustainable
better performance compared to M30 conventional mix when concrete containing fly ash, slag and recycled concrete
tested for fresh and mechanical properties. For further study aggregate. Concrete mixes containing 50% replacement of
mix was made with 50 percent replacement of cement with slag
cement slag gave the best results.
and 50 percent replacement of coarse aggregate with recycled
coarse aggregate. Its fresh and mechanical properties were then
[2] A.H.L.Swaroop et al evaluated changes in compressive
compared with M30 mix. Fresh properties were studied using
slump test and compaction factor test. Mechanical properties strength in different mixes of M30 Grade namely
studied were compressive, flexural and splitting tensile conventional aggregate concrete, concrete made by replacing
strengths. Mix with GGBS and recycled aggregates gave a 20% and 40 %of cement by Fly Ash and GGBS. The early
satisfactory performance compared to M30 conventional mix. strength was less in fly ash and GGBS concretes then
conventional aggregate concrete. The results of fly ash and
Keywords:-Ground granulated blast furnace slag, Fly ash, GGBS concretes when replaced with 20% of cement are
Recycled aggregates, Compressive strength, Flexural strength,
more than compared to Conventional aggregate concrete at
Splitting tensile strength, Slump test.
the end of 28 days and 60 days for normal water curing.
1.INTRODUCTION [3]Vlastimir Radonjanin et al studied the properties of
Concrete is the most popular construction material across the green recycled aggregate concrete. Workability ranges from
world. Aggregates are the major component of concrete. For 120 to 130 mm. Mean compressive strengths at 2, 7, 28, 60
last few years the cost of aggregates are increasing and 90 days were 18, 35, 46, 52 and 54 MPa, respectively.
tremendously. Quality aggregates are also depleting year by Splitting tensile strength was 3 MPa.
year. Popularity of concrete also causes big damage to [4]Khaldoun Rahal studied the mechanical properties of
environment as billion tons of natural aggregates are being concrete with recycled coarse aggregate. The cube and
quarried from rock each year. Large scale production of cylinder compressive strength and the indirect shear strength
cement requires huge amounts of energy and large amount of of recycled aggregate concrete were about 90% of that of a
natural materials like limestone, clay etc. Also large normal aggregate concrete with similar mix proportions and
quantities of CO2 are released into the atmosphere in the slump.
process. There is a need to economize the use of cement and [5]Amnon Katz studied the Properties of concrete made with
aggregates. This study points to some efforts to economize recycled aggregate from partially hydrated old concrete. The
the use of aggregate. slump of almost all the mixes was in the range of 135–185
Large quantities of wastes from construction and demolition mm (mostly 175 mm). Concrete made with 100% recycled
works are produced every year and production is increasing aggregates was weaker than concrete made with natural
year by year. Large quantities of waste materials and by- aggregates at the same water to cement ratio
products like fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag etc
are generated from industrial processes. We are wasting 2. EXPERIMENTAL WORK
majority of these materials by dumping as landfills which Five different mixes were considered in the investigation
causes shortage of dumping place in large cities. One way to work. The first of these was a conventional M30 mix which
make use of these waste materials is sustainable construction. did not contain ground granulated blast furnace slag. Mixes
It can considerably reduce the problem of shortage of containing 40%, 50% and 60% replacement of cement with
dumping place and simultaneously it helps in the preservation slag is then considered. From the test results of these
IJERTV3IS090087 68
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 9, September- 2014
Percentage Voids (%) 38.73 tensile strength of the concretes. All specimens were cast in
steel molds and compacted using hand. After casting, the
specimens were cured in air for a period of 24 h, and then
3.4 Coarse Aggregates removed from mold. The specimens were cured in a water
Natural and recycled aggregates were used as the coarse tank at 27 ± 1 C until the test ages (3 days, 7days and 28
aggregates in the concrete mixtures. Locally available days) were reached.
crushed granite of size 20mm was used as the natural coarse
aggregate. 6. TESTS
Recycled aggregates obtained by demolishing a water tank of 6.1 Fresh properties
having age 17 years were used. Various properties of coarse Fresh properties studied included were
aggregates are given in table 3. (i) Slump test
(ii) Compaction factor test.
Table 3, Material properties of coarse aggregates Slump test and compaction factor tests were done on fresh
Name of test Test Results
Natural Recycled concrete to test the consistency of fresh concrete.
aggregates Aggregates
Specific gravity 2.74 2.26 6.2 Mechanical properties
Water Absorption (%) 1.2 3.1% The mechanical properties of the concrete investigated
Bulk Density (kg/l) 1.52 1.38kg/l included were
Percentage Voids (%) 44.53 41.59%
Crushing value (%) 27.78 26.83
(i) Compressive strength,
Impact value (%) 29.8 31.45 (ii) Flexural strength
Abrasion Value (%) 40.29 40.38 (iii) Splitting tensile strengths.
Flakiness index (%) 5.76 5.55 After curing, the cube and cylinder specimens were tested in
Elongation index (%) 20.21 9.75
the compression testing machine. Third point loading method
is used for testing beams. Cubes were tested at 3, 7 and 28
days. Cylinders and beams were tested at 7 and 28days. Three
specimens per mix were tested at each age.
IJERTV3IS090087 69
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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 9, September- 2014
7 day 28 day
CM 2.63 N/mm2 3.5 N/mm2
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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 9, September- 2014
Fig 3, Variation of splitting tensile strength with age for GGBS mixes Fig 4, Variation of compressive strength with age for 50 GGBS + 50RCA
IJERTV3IS090087 71
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 9, September- 2014
[1] M.L. Berndt, “Properties of sustainable concrete containing fly ash,
slag and recycled concrete aggregate”, Construction and Building
Material, 2009
[2] A.H.L.Swaroop, K.Venkateswararao, Prof P Kodandaramarao
“Durability Studies On Concrete With Fly Ash & GGBS”, International
Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ,Vol. 3,
Issue 4, Jul-Aug 2013, pp.285-289
[3] Vlastimir Radonjanin , Mirjana Malesev , Snezana Marinkovic , Ali
Emhemd Saed Al Malty “Green recycled aggregate concrete”,
Construction and Building materials ,2013
[4] Khaldoun Rahal ,”Mechanical properties of concrete with recycled
coarse aggregate”, Building and Environment ,2007
[5] Amnon Katz,”Properties of concrete made with recycled aggregate
from partially hydrated old concrete”, Cement and concrete research,
[6] IS 10262 – 2009, Concrete mix proportioning – Guidelines, Bureau of
Indian standard, July 2009, New Delhi
[7] M.S Shetty, “Concrete technology, theory and practice”, Revised
edition, S chand and company Ltd, 2005.
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