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Group No 18

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Academic year
1) Introduction

2) Need of study

3) Aim & Objective

4) Methodology

5) Literature Review

6) Materials used

7) Test and result

8) Conclusion

9) Reference

10) Images
Concrete :-
Concrete is considered world most use construction materials and they
form with homogeneous mixture of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water with
proper proportion.
In this experimental work we focus on the coarse aggregate in concrete.
We partially replace coarse aggregate by waste bricks. And we replace waste bricks in various
percentage like 0% ,20%, 30%.

Waste bricks are rejected bricks which are either over

burned or not in shaped according to specification and the best way to recycle
these bricks is by using them in making concrete.

Over burn bricks or rejected bricks.

For this replacement we choose waste bricks because of their
availability. The waste bricks are available from bricks manufacturing area. also
in brick making a large number of bricks are rejected due to non conformity with
the specification one such major nonconformity is the distorted form of brick
produced due to the uneven temperature in kiln. The main constituent of the
concrete is cement ,fine aggregate coarse aggregate, and water replacing some
of these materials makes significant changes in cost as well as performance.
coarse aggregate filled almost 70% of volume in concrete the cost of coarse
aggregate rapidly increasing also the availability of the aggregate is getting
reduced the major cost of the concrete is belonged to the aggregate. These
waste bricks is can also be a potential source of coarse aggregate.

1) Determine the mechanical strength of concrete by replacing coarse aggregate

with waste bricks.

2) Determine the behavior of fresh concrete after partial replacement of coarse

aggregate with waste bricks.

3) To find out optimum percentage of waste brick for maximum compressive

Mix proportion :
The batching of all ingredients was performed by weight.

The sand was air dried in the laboratory before mixing. First the surface of

damped with water then all the aggregate ( natural coarse aggregate ,fine

aggregate and waste bricks aggregate ) were spread on the surface area till

the aggregate.

After through mixing of aggregate cement was introduced

on the ground surface and water were added slowly as per W/C ratio. The

concrete was mixed for approximately three minutes after the water was


We use M20 grade of concrete for this replacement. It is

found that the waste bricks base concrete is dark in color and is cohesive.
The amount of water in the mixture plays important role on the behavior of
fresh concrete. When the mixing time is long , mixture with high water
content bled and segregation of aggregate and the past occurred . This
phenomenon is usually followed by low compressive strength of hardened
concrete. From the preliminary work, it was decided to observe the
following standard process of mixing in all further studies.

1) Take the suitable proportion of the ingredients of the concrete.

2) Spread the fine aggregate on ground .
3) After that put the coarse aggregate as well as waste bricks .
4) After that add the water in suitable quantity.
5) And continue the wet mixing for another four minutes.
6) Then the fresh prepared mix was casting in standard cube molds.
Curing :

All the mold were cured by immersing in a curing tank in

the lab the specimen were brought out from water approximately 24
hours before testing and kept at room temperature till testing.

Following test were conducted for this experimental work

a) Workability test
b) compressive strength test
2.1 Mr. G. S patil and Mr. P. B. Autade : have reported effect of replacement of course
aggregate by jhama class brick in concrete and to developed a mixture proportioning
process to manufacture jhama class brick base concrete and to identify study the effect of
silent parameters that affect the properties of jhama class brick based concrete and to study
the short term engineering properties of fresh and Hardened jhama class brick based
2.2 Dr. M. N. hirenath and Mr. Sanjay S. J : have reported replacement of course
aggregate by demolished brick waste in concrete and to determine the suitabilty of brick
waste as replacement of course aggregate in concrete production and discuss on investigate
the mechanical and physical property of brick waste concrete and to compare the
performance between concrete with brick waste as course aggregate partially replacement
and conventional concrete This research is focus on some properties and strength behavior
of concrete if demolised waste brick used as aggregate in construction.
2.3 Gopinandan dev and joyanta pal have reported on use of brick aggregate in
standard concrete and its performance in elevated temperature. Crush brick can be used
satisfactorily to produce M-25, M-30 keeping water cement ratt in range of 0.35 to 0.45

2.4 Bidve ganesh shivkant and G. N shete. Discuss about experimental study on effect
of partially replacement of course aggregate by over burn brick backs concrete is chipper
than conventional concrete 3% increment in the Compressive strength is found 20%
replacement of course aggregate by over burnt brick bat waste and strength decrease by
3.3% when the 40% of course aggregate is replace by over burnt brick bat waste, by
using aggregate cement ratio is 4.2 water cement ratio is 0.45 current study concluded
that over brunt brick bat waste can replace course aggregate up to 20 %
2.5 Akshay N kadu and PM kulkarni : discuss about of partial replacement of over
brunt brick. This research is basically study to development, the manufacture and
physical properties of the concrete made by over brunt brick and demolished brick as a
course aggregate from this chapter present the environment which upraise the utilization
of some alternative materials of course aggregate in concrete at the time of brick
manufacturing maximum number of brick are rejected due to non - Comformity with the
required specification this rejected and waste brick can also be a potential source of
course aggregate.

2.6 Durga chaitnya and kumar jagarapu. Alternative course aggregate in concrete they
review the various admixture utilize in concrete like cocot shell rubber waste e - waste
and jhama brick concrete made by utilizing jhama block as course total, at first
invigorates the elevated compressive for the substitution 20% and 20 later that it
diminished by 60% and 80%

Cement is a fine, grey powder. It is mixed with water and materials such as
sand, gravel, and crushed stone to make concrete. The cement and water form
a paste that binds the other materials together as the concrete hardens.
Ordinary Portland cement 53 grade was used for preparation of all concrete

1. Fineness
2. Standard consistency
3. Initial and final setting time

The size of aggregate lesser than 4.75 mm is considered

as fine aggregate. In this experimental programmed coarse sand which is less
than 4.75mm is use the physical properties of fine aggregate like specific
gravity , fineness modulus gradation are tested.


The size of aggregate bigger than 4.75 mm is

considered as coarse aggregate. There are different types of shape of coarse
aggregate like rounded aggregate ,flaky aggregate and angular or crushed
aggregate. In this experimental programmed 20mm crushed aggregate were
used. The physical properties of coarse like specific gravity , water absorption ,
fineness modulus are tested.

Bricks is a durable building materials and

construction materials with good load bearing properties various research have

been carried out in porosity, permeability and absorption of brick. The

traditional clay bricks are manually produced by pressing clay with certain

amount of sand in the wooden mould. Then the wet bricks are first dried in the

sun and air then transported to brick kiln for subsequent burning process the

brick are burn upto 800 to 900 C the brick kiln. If the temperature in kiln is

uncontrolled then the bricks are over burn.

Test on materials :
Test on cement
1) Fineness of cement
2) Standard consistency
3) Initial setting time
4) Final setting time of cement

Test on fine aggregate

5) Fineness modulus of fine aggregate
2) Specific gravity of fine aggregate
3) Water absorption

Test on coarse aggregate

6) Impact value of coarse aggregate
7) Specific gravity test
8) Water absorption test
9) Fineness modulus
10)Abrasion value

Test on waste brick aggregate

11)Impact value of brick waste
12)Water absorption test
13)Specific gravity test
14)Fineness modulus
15)Abrasion value
Results :
Test on cement :

the cement used was ordinary Portland cement 53 grade the

cement should be fresh and uniform consistency. Where there is evidence of
lumps or any foreign matter in the material


Sr. Characteristic value

1. Standard consistency 33 %
2. Initial setting time 48 min
3. Final setting time 240 min
4. fineness 4%
Test on fine aggregate :

fine aggregate play a major role in concrete as it helps

in packing of concrete that is as a filler in concrete. For making strong concrete
the naturally available strong aggregate with particular size and shapes for
making the concrete.


SR.NO. Characteristic value

1. Type uncrushed
2. Specific gravity 2.46
3. Fineness modulus 2.30
4. Grading zone III
5. Water absorption 0.7 %
Test on coarse aggregate :

the size of aggregate bigger than 4.75 mm is

considered as coarse aggregate there are different type of coarse aggregate like
rounded, flaky and angular aggregate in this experimental programmed 20mm
crushed aggregate are used.


SR. NO. Characteristics Value

1. Type Crushed
2. Maximum Size 20 mm
3. Specific Gravity 2.62
4. Water Absorption 0.50%
5. Impact test 10.65%

6. Abrasion value 17.60%

7. Fineness modulus 6.29
8. Flakiness & Elongation Index 13.21 & 14.20 %
Test on brick waste materials:

bricks is a durable building materials

with good quality load bearing properties various research have been
carried out in porosity ,permeability and absorption of brick. The traditional
clay brick are manually produced by pressing clay with certain amount of
sand in the wooden mould.


SR. NO. Properties Value

1. Impact Value 21.19 %
2. Specific gravity 2.27
3. Water Absorption 8.11 %
4. Abrasion Value 39.26%
5. Fineness modulus 6.19
6. Flakiness & Elongation Index 11.48 &12.04 %
1) M-15 Grade :

Material Cement Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate Water

Quantity 286.76 kg/m3 701.10 kg/m3 1218.30 kg/m3 157.72

Proportion 1 2.44 4.24 0.55

2) M-20 Grade :

Material Cement Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate Water

Quantity 315.45 kg/m3 673.54 kg/m3 1221.44 kg/m3 157.72

Proportion 1 2.13 3.87 0.50

Test on Fresh Concrete

1) Slump Cone Test : ( M-15 Grade )

Replacement In ( % ) Without Admixture With Admixture

0% 30 mm 120 mm
20% 34 mm 130 mm
30% 40 mm 135 mm

2) Slump Cone Test : ( M- 20 Grade )

Replacement In ( % ) Without Admixture With Admixture

0% 22 mm 75 mm

20% 32 mm 110 mm

30% 50 mm 180 mm
1) Compaction Factor Test : ( M -15 Grade )

Replacement in ( % ) Without Admixture With Admixture

0% 0.90 0.92
20 % 0.87 0.88
30% 0.84 0.87

2) Compaction Factor Test : ( M – 20 Grade )

Replacement In ( % ) Without Admixture With Admixture

0% 0.84 0.89
20 % 0.82 0.85
30 % 0.81 0.84
Compressive strength test :

M-15 Grade

Replacement In Strength Strength Strength

(%) After 7 Days After 14 Days After 28 Days
0% 10.65 N/ 11.79 N/ 16.30 N/

20 % 7.18 N/ 10.41 N/ 14.24 N/

30 % 5.20 N/ 7.07 N/ 10.90 N/

Compressive Strength (M15)

0% 20% 30%

7 DAY 14 DAY 28 DAY

Compressive strength test :

M -20 Grade

Replacement In Strength Strength Strength

(%) After 7 Days After 14 Days After 28 Days

0% 10.40 N/ 14.19 N/ 20.22 N/

20 % 6.42 N/ 10.48 N/ 17.02 N/

30 % 5.77 N/ 8.01 N/ 12.70 N/

After the completion of project and final testing of cubes after 28 days And on the basis of results obtained during the experimental investigation, following.
The compaction factor decreased as the percentage of waste bricks increased.
The unit weight also decreased as the percentage of waste bricks increases in comparison with conventional concrete.
Concrete made by using waste bricks as a coarse aggregate, it gives better strength for replacement of 20 % in M 15 grade of concrete.
Compressive strength was decreases after adding 30 % of waste bricks aggregate by the replacement of stone aggregate in M 15 grade.
In M15 grade of concrete it gives high strength as compared to M20 grade of concrete and it is suitable up to 20% replacement.
Use of such waste materials not only cuts down the cost of construction, but also contributes in safe disposal of waste materials .
1.Mr.G..S.Patil Mr.P.B.Autade international Journal of Engineering Research and General
Science Volume 3, Issue 4, Part-2, July-( August, 2015.) Effect of partial replacement of
coarse Aggregate by jhama class brick in concrete.

2. Dr.M.N Hirenath , Mr . SJ international journal of science Technology And engineering |

volume 4 | Issue 2 |( Augest 2017) Replacement of coarse aggregate by demolished brick
waste in Concrete

3. Akshay N kadu , PM kulkarni International journal of innovative Research in science

Engineering and technology | Volume 9 | | Issue 7 | (July 2020 .) Used of partial replacement
of over Burnt brick.

4. Bidve ganesh shivkant , G.N. shete international journal of Research in engineering

science and management | volume | | Issue 4 | (April 2019.) Experimental study on effect of
partial Replacement of coarse aggregate by over burnt brick.
5. Vikash Kumar Gautam , Mr. Devesh jayasawal international Journal for research in
engineering application and management | Volume 4 | | issue 2 | (May 2018. ) Use of over
burnt crushed Brick as coarse aggregate in concrete mix.
6. kumar nilesh , saxena anil kumar ,Sonu gourav international Journal of advance research ,
idea innovation in technology | Volume 3 |. | Issue 6 | ( 2017 ) Analysis of concrete made From
over burned bricks.
7. Durga Chaitanya kumar international journal of emerging Technology in engineering
research | volume 8 | | issue 12 | ( December 2020 ) Alternative coarse aggregate in concrete.
8. Gopinandan Dey and jayant pal international journal of Engineering and technology |
volume 5 | No 4 (August 2013) Use Of brick aggregate in standard concrete and it's
performance in Elevated temperature

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