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Evaluation of Mechanical and Durability Propierties of Concrete Paving Block Containing Granite Slurry Waste

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The thesis evaluates the mechanical and durability properties of concrete paving blocks containing granite slurry waste.

The thesis is about evaluating the mechanical and durability behavior of concrete paving blocks containing granite slurry waste.

The thesis mentions certificates of completion of comprehensive exam, approval of thesis topic, approval by advisory committee, and corrections made after viva.




Ashish Shrimali





(Structural Engineering)





UDAIPUR- 313001

Dated: 25/07/2017


This is to certify that Mr. Ashish Shrimali has successfully completed the comprehensive Examination
held on 06/04/2016 as required under the regulation for the degree of Master of Technology in
Structural Engineering (Civil Engineering).

(Dr.R.P. Arora)


Department of Civil Engineering,

C. T. A. E., Udaipur.

Dated: 25/07/2017


This is to certify that this thesis entitled “Evaluation of mechanical and durability behaviour of
concrete paving block containing granite slurry waste” submitted for the degree of Master of
Technology in the subject of Structural Engineering, embodies bonafide research work carried out by
Mr. Ashish Shrimali , under my guidance and supervision and that no part of this thesis has been
submitted for any other degree. The assistance and help received during the course of investigation
have been fully acknowledged. The draft of the thesis was also approved by the advisory committee on
date 02.9.2016.

(Dr. R.K. Sharma) (Dr. R. P. Arora)

Major Advisor Associate Professor and Head

Department of Civil Engineering,

C.T.A.E., Udaipur

(Dr. S.S. Rathore)


College of Technology and Engineering,





This is to certify that this thesis entitled “Evaluation of mechanical and durability
behaviour of concrete paving block containing granite slurry waste” submitted by Mr.
Ashish Shrimali to Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur
in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology in
Civil Engineering in the subject of Structural Engineering was after recommendation by
the external examiner and defended by the candidate before the following members of the
examination committee. The performance of the candidate in the oral examination on his
thesis has been found satisfactory; we therefore recommend that the thesis be approved.

Dr.Ravi K. Sharma Dr. Trilok Gupta

(Major Advisor) (Advisor)

Dr. R. P. Arora Dr. S.K.Jain

(Advisor) (DRI Nominee)

Dr.R .P. Arora Dr. S.S. Rathore

Associate Professor and Head Dean


Director Resident Instruction

MPUAT , Udaipur




This is to certify that student Mr. Ashish Shrimali of Master of Technology in Civil
Engineering in the subject of Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
has made all the corrections / modifications in the thesis entitled “Evaluation of
mechanical and durability behaviour of concrete paving block containing granite
slurry waste” which were suggested by the external examiner and the advisory committee
in the oral examination held on 22/07/2017. The final copies of the thesis duly bound and
corrected were submitted on 25/07/2017.

Dr. Ravi K. Sharma

(Major Advisor)
Dr. R .P. Arora
Associate Professor & Head
Department of Civil Engineering,
C.T.A.E., Udaipur

Dr. S.S. Rathore

C.T.A.E., Udaipur




Concrete consumption in India by various construction industries is around 370 million m3

per year and it is expected to increase by 30 million m3 every year. Concrete is highly

versatile construction material in nature, well suited for many applications which in its

simplest form requires three basic ingredients - cement (the binder), aggregates (ranging in

size from fine to coarse) and water. Cement reacts with water to form hardened silicate

compounds that bind all of the individual aggregate components together into one

homogenous material i.e. concrete. Concrete's constituent materials are available naturally in

all parts of the world. With more construction projects everywhere and due to the great utility

of concrete in constructions, with the passing of each day these materials are getting deficient

thus asking for the alternatives. It is thus a matter of serious concern for the civil engineers

who are exploring for suitable materials which can fully or partially replace the typical

concrete ingredients (cement/course aggregate/ fine aggregate).

Concrete paving blocks were first introduced in Holland in the fifties as replacement of

paver bricks. Concrete paving block is widely used in India. Concrete paving block, if

properly designed and constructed they can last for decades with little or no maintenance

necessary. However, there are certain requirements regarding the design and construction for

all types of pavements and structures. These requirements are important to the success of

Concrete paving block. These aspects are also critical for the successful long-term

performance of varied types of paving. The structural design of pavements is concerned with

traffic, layer work (foundations), materials, sub-grade soils, environmental conditions,

construction details and economics. Essentially the pavement must carry the traffic at an

acceptable level of comfort and safety and at an acceptable cost. This is achieved by a layered

structure where each layer has sufficient strength to cope with the induced stresses without

distress such as rutting, excessive settlement or deflection. A properly designed and

constructed concrete block pavement gives excellent performance when applied at locations

where conventional systems have lower service life due to a number of geological, traffic,

environmental and operational constraints. Many number of such applications for light,

medium, heavy and very heavy traffic conditions are currently in practice around the world.

With its increasing demand and limitation of natural resources engineers are continuously

exploring for new material to increase its various properties and to decrease its cost.

Some improvements are required to make its production much more sustainable and

economical by utilization of some locally available waste materials which would otherwise

cause environmental hazards, pollution and wastage of capital investments in handling and

disposing off operations.

Granite is famous for combination of beauty and strength. it is formed when bits of quartz

and feldspar are shot out of volcanoes, so it's one kind of igneous rock. The word "granite"

comes from the Latin word "granum", a grain, because granite is made of lots of smaller bits

of quartz and feldspar stuck together or can be defined as they are the most abundant plutonic

rocks of mountain belts and continental shield areas.

Total granite production in the Indian industry is estimated to be about 1120000 to 1280000

tons in a month (Vijayalakshmi et al., 2013)

India is one among the leading countries in mining and export of granite and is rich in granite

reserves. Geologically, the southern and eastern belts of the Nation are abundant in granite

deposits. Different shades of granites are available in abundance in Tamil Nadu, Andhra

Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Assam, Bihar, Rajasthan, Odessa, Meghalaya and Madhya

Pradesh. Indian granite stone has become the most sought-after and extensively used stone

material in building construction and massive structural works throughout the world, and it is

well known in the International market, not only for its elegance and aesthetic quality, but

also for its durability.



In India, the granite industry, Extraction of granite and its processing & handling leads to

generation of waste, the amount of wastes generated in production is reached about 15 to

20% of its global production, meaning millions of tons of colloidal waste per year and

million tons of wastes from granite industries are being released from granite cutting,

polishing, processing and grinding. These wastes have been dumped in arbitrary ways.

The granite stone industry generates different types of waste. Granite stone slurry is a semi

liquid substance consisting of particles originated from the sawing and polishing process and

water used to cool and lubricate the sawing and polishing machines. The slurry is stored in

tanks for evaporation. To conserve water the slurry is passed through filtration and slurry

compacting machine. The compacted granite fine cakes are transported and disposed in

landfills. Its water content are drastically reduced (Approx 2%) and the granite fines resulting

from this will have environmental impacts. Exposing the waste material to the environment

directly can cause environmental problems. In this granite industries, granite slurry waste

available by cutting and sawing process of granite stone. When dumped on land, these wastes

adversely affect the productivity of land due to decreased porosity, water absorption, water

percolation etc. They cause serious environmental and dust pollution and require vast area of

land for their disposal (Srinivasa et al., 2015).

Essential constituents of environment corresponding to land/soil, water and air are

deteriorated. Serious threats to Eco–system, physical, chemical and biological components of

environment are impose by granite slurry. As a result of this the commercial operation of

mining is relatively more often than not blamed. The net resultant is the degradation of

environment and generation of waste and wasteland. Above all, incorrect waste disposal has

induced many issues like land degradation, decreasing pond capacity and many times

flooding of water, visual affect, loss of aesthetics, air pollution, well being and defences

dangers and furthermore if the handling waste being dumped on the riverbeds is debilitating

the porosity of aquifer zones and contaminating the underground water.

The following are the main problems associated with granite slurry disposal -

a) At the point when dried, the fine particles cause extreme air contamination and may

bring about air born infections and diseases. , lungs related silicosis are caused.

h) The plenty of granite slurry acquire massive land areas and after being dumped on

land, it reduces the fertility of the soil due to increasing its alkalinity decreased

porosity, water absorption, water percolation etc. Hence slurry dumped areas can not

support any vegetation and remain degraded. The waste along these lines dumped

dries out and the fine granite dust suspends noticeable all around and is gradually

showered out through wind to the close-by territory. It settles down on crops and

vegetation, hence seriously debilitating the nature and severely threatening the

ecology of the granite clusters. The porosity and penetrability for the topsoil is

decreased enormously and at the time it brings about water logging issues at the

surface and in this way not permitting the water to permeate down. At the point when

and where it has happened the ground water level has unfavourably been influenced

and it has gone down to more profound levels. Also, the heaps of slurry remain

scattered all round the industrial estate are an eye sore and spoil aesthetics of entire

region. In this way tourism and industrial potential of the state is unfavourably


i) The dumped slurry throughout rainy season, diverted to streams, drains, streets, and

water bodies influencing nature of water, diminishing stockpiling limits and harming

aquatic life. At the point when dumped along the catchment range of natural rain

water, it outcome in contamination of overgrown water reservoirs and furthermore

causes drainage issue. Also it affects road transport during rainy season.

j) It additionally affects machinery and devices set up in industrial areas.

In the literature, it has been shown that granite slurry waste can be used as partial

replacement of cement in concrete paver blocks. The cement industry is one of the principal

producers of carbon dioxides, a major greenhouse gas 5-10%. The use of granite slurry will

produce a modified concrete which will be cheaper than normal concrete and will solve the

problem of CO2 emission & saved the cost. Hence, this advancement of concrete technology

can reduce the consumption of natural resources, energy sources and lessen the burden of

pollutants on environment.


The aim of this research is to determine the suitability of granite slurry waste as a partial

replacement of cement in concrete paver block.


The following objectives have been considered for concrete paving block containing granite

slurry waste as partial replacement to cement:

 To prepare concrete paving block containing granite slurry waste using pre-

compression technique of M30 grade for water cement ratio of 0.40 and 0.42.

 To evaluate and compare mechanical properties of the concrete paving block.

 To investigate durability & impact resistance of the concrete paving blocks

 To determine the quality of the concrete paving block by non-destructive testing



The thesis is divided into five chapters. A brief description of the chapter’s contents is

presented below:

Chapter 1: Describes general idea about granite slurry waste and its environment problems.

In addition, aim and objectives of study are also described.

Chapter 2: Deals with a review of past-published work carried out by researchers on the

utilization of waste in concrete paver blocks , slurry waste used as partial replacement to

cement and fine aggregate in concrete.

Chapter 3: Explains the material and experimental work used in present study for the

production of the concrete paver block using granite waste slurry.

Chapter 4: Explains the analysis of the results and discussion on the experimental


Chapter 5: Explains the conclusions and scope for future scope of this study.




Plenty industrial wastes, (like granite powder, marble powder, fly-ash., stone slurry waste)

have been tried by various researches. The results have been encouragingly increased in

terms of improvement in strength parameters like compressive strength, split tensile strength

and flexural strength, etc. Many researches have been done to discover the benefits of using

waste in the manufacture and improving the properties of concrete. This chapter presents a

review of previously reported work on the use of granite slurry in concrete for construction

work. Some of the previous studies have been summarized below:

2.1.1 Waste used in concrete paving block:-

Marshey et al. (2015), studied effects of marble in corporation on the properties of

cement composites and concrete paving blocks. The main objective of this study was to

demonstrate the possibility of using marble wastes (marble sludge) as a cement substitute in

cement and concrete production. The characterization of marble sludge and various practical

formulations of cement composites and concrete mixtures have been reported in this study.

With regard to cement composites pastes, the marble sludge was substituted for cement

binder up to 40% at certain proportions of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. The mineralogical,

physical and mechanical properties of both the fresh and hardened cement composites pastes

and hardened concrete mixtures using marble sludge were determined at 3, 7 and 28 day,

curing times for cement composites and 28 day for concrete products according to standard

test methods (ASTM and BS EN). The obtained results were compared with the specification

requirements of these standards. It has been shown that using up to 20% of marble sludge,

physical and mechanical properties of concrete products were improved.

Upadhyay (2015), studied the use of rubber tyre (powder form) in concrete paver

blocks. Rubber tyre powder was used as partial replacement (0% to 25%) of fine aggregate.

Various test such workability, compressive test, abrasion resistance, impact resistance as

were done on prepared samples and the obtained test result showed increase in the slump and

workability, also it was reported that a reduction in unit weight of up to 5.27%, high impact

resistance and high abrasion resistance was observed. It was summarized that for the mix

behaviour of rubberized concrete can be used as having high impact and abrasion resistance

and use of rubber in concrete will also be economic as well as eco-friendly as compared to

conventional concrete.

Navya et al. (2014), investigated properties concrete paver block with the inclusion of natural

fibers. Various test such as the compressive strength, water absorption and flexural strength

of paver blocks were done by adding Coconut fibers in the top 20mm thickness. Coconut

fibers were added in proportions of 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.5% in volume of concrete.

The compressive strength, flexural strength and water absorption were determined at the end

of 7 and 28 days. Test results reported that addition of coconut fiber by 0.3% paver block

attains maximum compressive strength and it was also reported that the addition of coconut

fiber gradually increases flexural strengths and water absorption at 7 and 28 days. Results

reported that inclusion of fibers even up to 50% of top layer thickness compressive and

flexural strengths were increased.

Santos et al. (2013), studied the use of coal waste to produce concrete paving blocks. The

methodology considered sampling of a coal mining waste; gravity separation of the fraction

with specific gravity between 2.4 and 2.8; combination of the material and particle size

analysis; technological characterization of the material and the production of concrete paving

blocks. The results showed that it was possible to process the coal waste to obtain a recycled

fine aggregate which can be used in civil construction. Concrete blocks produced with 25%

and 50 % of recycled coal waste in substitution of river sand presented satisfactory results in

terms of mechanical strength. The use of coal waste as a fine aggregate for concrete block

paving presents technical viability and environmental benefits. This practice can collaborate

in clean coal production and enable socioeconomic development within the regional context.

The demand by sand deposits can be minimized and a part of coal tailings can be used,

reducing the volume in coal waste deposits. It was also reported that this procedure can be

applied to minimize the environmental problems in coal production.

2.1.2 Slurry waste as partial replacement of cement in concrete:-

Amudhavalli et al. (2012) examined the performance of concrete made with stone

slurry as the partial replacement of cement. Cement was replaced with in steps of 0%, 5%,

10%, 15% and 20% by weight by M 35 mix. The sample made were tested for compressive

strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength at age of 7 days and 28 days. The results

indicated that use of stone slurry in concrete has improved the performance of concrete in

strength and durability aspects.

Patel et al.(2013) studied the possibility of using stone slurry waste as replacement of

Pozzolana Portland Cement in the range of 5%, 10%, 30%, 40% and 50% by weight for M 25

grade concrete. They reported that stone waste of marginal quantity as partial replacement to

the cement had beneficial effect on the mechanical properties such as compressive strength

values for 7, 14, 28 days were decreased.

Abubaker et al. (2014) carried out an experimental investigation on strength

properties of concrete made with replacement of cement by granite slurry waste (less than 75

micron particle size) from 2.5% to 20%. M30 grade of concrete was produced by using 53

grades of cement, fine aggregates of zone II and Super plasticizers “master glenium”.

Compressive strength, splitting tensile strength & flexural strength test were used at ages 7

days and 28 days. It was shown that up to 7.5% replacement of cement by granite slurry

waste, there was no reduction in compressive strength. The tensile strength and flexural

strength are also not affected due to replacement of cement by granite slurry waste up to

7.5%. It was concluded that use of granite slurry waste in concrete will reduce carbon


Allam et al. (2014) investigated to use of granite slurry waste as partial replacement

of both cement as well as fine aggregate in producing green concrete. In this study,

Compressive strength of concrete mixes were produced by replacing cement (0%, 5%, 10%

and 15%) and sand (0%, 10%, 17.5% and 25%) by granite slurry waste. Ordinary Portland

cement as per Egyptian standards was used with constant w/c ratio of 0.45. Slump test has

been used for control mix and various different percentage replacement of granite slurry

waste. Compressive strength test were also used at different ages (7, 28 and 90 days). The

value of slump value test for all mixes ranged from 50-100 mm. It has been observed that 8-

12% compressive strength increase in all ages using 10% replacement of sand with granite

slurry waste. Compressive strength of concrete was also decrease at all ages with any

replacement of cement with granite slurry waste proportion. It has been also observed that the

compressive strength values of control mix are higher than all other mixtures except 10%

replacement of sand with granite slurry waste (which is higher than the control mix by about

12%) at 7 days. It was concluded that the values of slump tests for all mixes were ranging

from 50-100 mm indicating insignificant effects on the workability of prepared concrete. It

was also concluded in this study that 10% substitution of sand by the granite slurry waste

provided higher compressive strength compared to the control mix at all ages.

Sharma (2016), studied the use of granite slurry waste to replace cement at various (0

%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%) replacement levels. This study has been carried out for

w/c 0.5 and 0.4 and specimens have been cast to perform various tests (Compressive Strength

Test and Flexural Strength Test), durability properties (Water permeability test, Abrasion

resistance test), and it was observed that slump of concrete increased when cement was

replaced by granite slurry waste (replacement level 30%) as compared to control mix

(replacement level 0%) for w/c 0.5 & 0.4. More workable concrete is obtained at varied

replacement level of granite slurry waste and the compressive strength of concrete was

increased depending upon replacement level and w/c ratio. For w/c ratio 0.5, the increase in

compressive strength was observed at replacement level of 5% whereas the corresponding

increase was at the replacement level of 10% for w/c ratio 0.4. When Portland pozzolana

cement was used in place of ordinary Portland cement, the increase in compressive strength

was observed at the replacement level of 5% while it was noticed that the flexural strength of

concrete got increased depending upon replacement level and w/c ratio for modified concrete

containing granite slurry waste. For w/c ratio 0.5, the increase in flexural strength was

observed at replacement level of 5% whereas for w/c ratio 0.4, the corresponding increase

was at the replacement level of 10%. When Portland pozzolana cement was used in place of

ordinary Portland cement, the increase in flexural strength was observed at the replacement

level of 5% The value of water penetration depth increased gradually for the both w/c ratio

0.4 and 0.5 The value of abrasion loss was gradually increased with addition of varied

replacement level (5% to 30%) of granite slurry waste as partial replacement of cement (OPC

and PPC). It is also seen that the maximum loss of Abrasion is less than 1 mm. This type of

concrete can be used in many desirable applications (concrete blocks, paver block and other).

For w/c ratio 0.5, the modulus of elasticity of concrete was increased at replacement level of

5% whereas for w/c ratio 0.4, the corresponding increase at the replacement level upto 10%.

Ultra sonic pulse velocity result shows that good quality of granite slurry concrete. It was

concluded that this type of concrete can be used for concrete paving blocks.

2.1.3 Granite slurry waste as partial replacement of fine aggregate (sand) in concrete:-

Divakar et al. (2012), carried out the experimental investigation on behavior of

concrete using granite slurry. In this work, compressive strength of concrete, split tensile

strength and flexural strength of concrete with granite slurry is evaluated. M20 grade of

concrete is produced as a replacement of fine aggregates in five by granite slurry different

percentages namely 5%, 15%, 25%, 35% and 50%. Water cement ratio has been taken 0.6 for

this experimental study. In this study, it has been observed that 22% increase in the

compressive strength at 35% replacement of fine aggregates with granite slurry and also

observed that the Split tensile strength remain same for 0%, 25% and 35%. For 5%

replacement of fine aggregates, there is an increase of 2.4 % of strength and if 15%

replacement of fine aggregates then there is reduction of tensile strength by 8%. Up to 5%

decrease of flexural strength was observed at 15%, 25% and 35% replacement with granite

slurry as compared to conventional concrete.

Vijayalakshmi et al. (2013) performed study for the replacement of natural sand by

granite slurry waste up to 15% In this study .is suitable for the concrete production without

adversely affecting the strength and durability characteristics of concrete. Concrete mixes

with 5%, 10%, and 15% granite slurry waste showed better gain in compressive strength

compared to control mix whereas split tensile and flexural strength were either equal to or

little lower than the control mix. Concrete mix with low granite slurry waste content, was

found to have low water permeability (K= coefficient of permeability) and permeability of

concrete increases with increase in replacement rate.

Singh et al. (2016) studied performance of sustainable concrete containing granite

slurry Waste as partial replacement of fine aggregate. Strength and durability behavior of

concrete containing granite slurry waste was examined so as to determine its viability in

concrete production. Concrete was prepared with granite slurry waste from 4 different

proportions i.e. 10%, 20%, 30%, and 50% and various tests such as compressive strength,

flexural strength, abrasion resistance and permeability test were performed Optimal granite

slurry waste content as partial replacement of river sand enhances the overall strength and

durability of concrete. Microstructure investigation using SEM and XRD gives clear insight

of behavior of concrete with different percentages of granite slurry waste. Utilization of

granite slurry waste as a construction material will help in conservation of river beds with an

added benefit of waste management.


First group of studies shows investigation on concrete paving block, in this Marshey

et al. (2015) investigated marble slurry incorporation in concrete paving block as partial

replacement of cement in which it was found that 20% of marble improved the properties and

Upadhyay (2015) studied the use of rubber tyre waste powder in concrete as partial

replacement of fine aggregate, and it was reported that rubberized concrete is lighter in

weight as well as shows high impact and abrasion resistance. Navya et al. (2014),

investigated properties concrete paver block with the inclusion of natural fibers at different

replacement level (0.1 % to 0.5%). Various test such as the compressive strength, water

absorption and flexural strength of paver blocks were performed and it was reported addition

of coconut fiber by 0.3% paver block attains maximum compressive strength and the

addition of coconut fiber gradually increases flexural strengths and water absorption. Santos

et al. (2013), studied the use of coal waste to produce concrete paving blocks. The results

showed that it was possible to process the coal waste obtain a recycled fine aggregate can be

used in civil construction. Concrete blocks produced with 25% and 50 % of recycled coal

waste in substitution of river sand presented satisfactory results in terms of mechanical

strength. The use of coal waste as a fine aggregate for concrete block paving presents

technical viability and environmental benefits. The demand by sand deposits can be

minimized and a part of coal tailings can be used, reducing the volume in coal waste deposits.

Second group of studies was on slurry waste replacing cement in concrete, in this.

Amudhavalli et al. (2012) examined the performance of stone slurry incorporation in

concrete as partial replacement of cement to improve the properties of concrete. Allam et al.

(2014) studied the reuse of granite slurry waste in concrete at w/c ratio of 0.45 and observed

that 8 to 12 % replacement improved the properties. Sharma (2016) replaced cement by

granite waste slurry in preparation of concrete and found that good result and improved

properties are obtained at 10% replacement of granite slurry waste.

Third group of studies shows the slurry waste replacing fine aggregate (sand) in

concrete, Divakar et al. (2012), carried out the experimental investigation on behavior of

concrete using granite slurry, it was reported that for 5% replacement, the compressive

strength was increased by 22% with an increase of 2.4 % of tensile strength. Vijayalakshmi et

al. (2013) replaced fine aggregate with granite slurry waste and Singh et al. (2016) studied

performance of sustainable concrete containing granite slurry waste as partial replacement of

fine aggregate both observed a satisfactory result with incorporation of granite slurry waste as

replacement of sand in concrete.


It is evident from the literature review that different waste replacement in concrete paving

block has shown good result and it is also evident from the literature review that granite

slurry has shown a favourable result either it is replaced by cement or sand, but not authentic

studies is available on the utilization of granite waste in concrete paving block, Therefore,

there is a need for systematic experimental study on application of granite waste in concrete

paving block as partial replacement of cement and its various properties. In this systematic

work study of concrete paving blocks, granite waste slurry has been used in proportions

ranging 0%,5%,10%,15% in concrete to replace cement. Different mechanical and durability

properties with granite waste as partial replacement of cement are investigated. Various tests

like compressive strength test, flexural test, water permeability test, abrasion resistance test,

impact test, energy absorption test, N.D.T. were performed in this study.




In this systematic study cement, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, water and granite slurry

waste were used to produce concrete mixes. Suitability of these materials were checked at

laboratory by the performing various tests. The properties of materials obtained in the

laboratory are as follows:

3.1.1 CEMENT

The ordinary Portland cement (OPC) of 43-grade was used for casting the specimens of all

the concrete mixes. Cement bags used throughout the research work were of same production

batch. Cement was free from the moisture and also free from any hard lumps. The cement

was of uniform grey colour. Based on the test results, physical properties of cement were

calculated and tabulated in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Physical properties of cement

S. no. Physical properties Requirement as Test results

per IS 8112: 2013

1 Consistency - 32%

2 Initial setting time 30 minutes (min.) 125 minutes

Final setting time 600 minutes (max.) 213 minutes

3 Specific gravity - 3.12

4 7 day compressive strength 33 MPa 35.10 MPa

28 day compressive strength 43 MPa 45.25 MPa


Locally available fine aggregates were used for this study. The fine aggregate used for

investigation was procured from the local fine aggregate suppliers. It should be free from

organic matter, loam, silt, salt and clay. It stiffens the binder and fills the voids in the coarse

aggregate. Testing of fine aggregates is essential due to the composition of fine aggregates is

highly variable, depending on the local rock sources and conditions. Sieve analysis and

specific gravity test were performed using standard testing procedure as per IS: 2386 (part-1)

-1963 and IS: 2386 (part-3) -1963 respectively. The result obtained were compared with IS


Sieve analysis of fine aggregate

The quality of concrete to be produced is very much influenced by grading of aggregates.

Sieve analysis is used to determine the particle size distribution of aggregates using a series

of round meshes starting with the largest as per the IS: 2386 (part-1) - 1963.The fineness

modulus of aggregate was also measured. Fineness modulus for fine aggregate generally

ranges from 2 to 3.2.The results of this laboratory test as shown in Table 3.2 and Fig. 3.1.

Table 3.2 Sieve analysis of fine aggregate

Sieve size Aggregate retained % Cumulative % %

(mm) on each sieve (gm) retained retained Passing

4.75 25 2.5 2.5 97.5

2.36 28 2.8 5.3 94.1

1.18 227 22.7 28 72

0.600 381 38.1 66.1 33.9

0.300 190 19 85.1 14.9

0.150 141 14.1 99.2 0.8

Pan 6 0.6 99.8 0.2

The results of this test were compared with the IS: 383-1970 code and it belongs to the zone



% Passing




0.1 1 10
Seive Size (mm)

Fig. 3.1 Sieve analysis of fine aggregate

Specific gravity of fine aggregate

The specific gravity of an aggregate is required for the calculation of the quality or strength

of the material. Specific gravity test helps in the classification of aggregate. Specific gravity

is also required for mix design of concrete. The specific gravity of aggregates generally

ranges from 2.5 to 3.The specific gravity test was performed in the laboratory and Table 3.3

shows the results of specific gravity of fine aggregate.

Table 3.3 Specific gravity of fine aggregate

Weight of vessel Weight of Weight of Weight of oven Specific

+ sample + vessel + water saturated & dry dry sample (D) gravity

water (A) (B) surface sample (C) (gm) S=D/C-

(gm) (gm) (gm) (A-B)

1742 1430 500 496 2.64


The 10 mm size of coarse aggregate were used in this study. The coarse aggregate used for

investigation was procured from the local coarse aggregate supplier as per IS: 383-

1970.Coarse aggregate should be free from dust particles, vegetation, organic matters, and

clay. It should be angular in shape which shows good interlocking properties. Sieve analysis

and specific gravity test were performed in a similar manner like the fine aggregate, and the

results of this laboratory test are shown below.

Sieve analysis of coarse aggregate

Fineness modulus for coarse aggregate generally ranges from 6 to 8. Table 3.4 shows the

sieve analysis results for coarse aggregate.

Table 3.4 Sieve analysis of coarse aggregate

Sieve Quantity of Percentage of Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative

Size retained retained cumulative % retained percentage percentage passing

(gm) % retained passing (IS 383)

12.5 mm 7 0.7 0.7 99.3 100

10 mm 107 10.7 11.4 88.6 85-100

4.75 mm 805 80.5 91.9 8.1 0-20

2.36 78 7.8 99.7 0.3 0-5

PAN 3 0.3 100 0 0

% Passing

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Seive Size (mm)

Fig. 3.2 Sieve analysis of course aggregate

Specific gravity of coarse aggregate

The specific gravity test was performed in the laboratory and Table 3.5 shows the results of

specific gravity for coarse aggregate.

Table 3.5 Specific gravity of coarse aggregate

Weight of Weight of Weight of Weight of Specific

vessel + vessel + saturated & dry oven dry gravity
sample + water (B) surface sample sample (D) S=D/{C-
water (A) (gm) (C) (gm) (A-B)}
(gm) (gm)
3850 3210 991 985 2.8

3.1.4 WATER

The quality of the water plays an important role in production of concrete. The impurities in

water may affect the setting of the cement and the final strength of the concrete or cause

staining of its surface, and may also lead to corrosion of the reinforcement. It was free from

impurities, salt and other toxic substances. Water was taken from the same source throughout

the investigation. It was used for mixing, casting and curing the concrete specimen as per IS:



The granite slurry waste dust collected from cutting and polishing unit of M/S Balaji Kripa,

Udaipur was used for the experimental study. Waste granite slurry from this source was

collected and various tests were performed. This sample of granite slurry was used

throughout the research work.

Fig 3.3 Granite Slurry Waste

Chemical composition and physical properties of Granite Slurry: -

In this experimental study, tests on the chemical composition and physical properties of

granite slurry were carried out at Directorate of Mines & Geology, Udaipur to check

suitability of the material as shown in Table 3.6 and Table 3.7.

Chemical Composition:-

Table 3.6 Chemical composition of Granite (Test carried out at Directorate of Mines &
Geology, Udaipur)

SiO2 Fe2O3 Al2O3 TiO2 CaO MgO LOI Na2O K20

71.22% 0.56% 12.48% 0.16% 1.40% 0.81% 1.20% 6.16% 4.56%

Similarly specific gravity of granite slurry waste will have variation depending upon

procedure of cutting and types of granite rocks.

Physical Properties:-

Table 3.7 Physical Properties of Granite (Test carried out at Directorate of Mines &
Geology, Udaipur)

S. N. Characteristics Results

Form Fine Powder


2. Colour Red

3. Water Absorption% 7.6%

5. Specific Gravity 2.17


To accomplish the objectives of this experimental investigation, the work was undertaken as

per following steps:


In this study, mix proportion of concrete was prepared with the help of concrete mix design

method that has the mandatory desired properties. The concrete mix design of M30 grade was

made as per the guidelines given in the Indian standards namely IS: 10262 (2009) and IS: 456

(2000). The steps of mix design of concrete and details of proportions obtained are shown in

Annexure-A. The granite slurry powder was added to the mix by the weight of concrete and

as the partial replacement of cement. The water to cement ratio was maintained at 0.40 &

0.42 . The mix proportion for the control and the other mixes at different percentage of

granite slurry waste are shown in Table 3.8.

Table 3.8Mix proportion of concrete containing granite waste slurry

S. Replacement W/C Cement Fine Coarse Granite

No. of cement ratio (Kg/m3) aggregate aggregate slurry
(Kg/m3) (Kg/m3) waste
Control mix
1 0.40 478.95 640.78 1157.18 0.00

2 5% 0.40 455.00 640.78 1157.18 23.95

3 10% 0.40 409.50 640.78 1157.18 45.50
4 15% 0.40 348.08 640.78 1157.18 61.43

Control mix
5 0.42 478.95 640.78 1157.18 0.00

6 5% 0.42 455.00 640.78 1157.18 23.95

7 10% 0.42 409.50 640.78 1157.18 45.50
8 15% 0.42 348.08 640.78 1157.18 61.43

Total 168 specimens were cast during this study. In this way cubes and beams specimens

were cast during this study which is shown in Table 3.9.

Table 3.9 Concrete testing sample details

Shape and Dimensions of the Time No. of

Specimens Duration Specimens

(in days)

Compressive strength Cube : 150mm×150 mm×150mm 7,28 and 90 72

Flexural strength Beam : 100mm×100mm×500mm 28 24

Water Permeability Cube : 150mm×150mm×150mm 28 24

Abrasion Resistance Cube : 100mm×100mm×100mm 28 24

Impact test Beam : 100mm×100mm×500mm 28 24


Mixing being an essential aspect of any successful experiment and to gain the desired results,

extreme care should be needed in the mixing. The conventional mixer machine was used for

mixing all the ingredients which is shown in Fig. 3.4. All the dry mixing material like fine

aggregate, coarse aggregate, cement and granite slurry waste were put down in the drum

before the water was added. The mixer was loaded firstly with the coarse aggregate, then

with the fine aggregate, finally with the cement and granite slurry waste. Dry materials were

mixed thoroughly and the water was added immediately. The period of mixing was not less

than 2 minutes after all the ingredients were introduced into the drum, and continued tilled

the resulting concrete was homogeneous and uniform in appearance.

Fig. 3.4 Mixing of concrete using mixer machine


Paver blocks were casted in form of cube (150mm x 150mm x 150mm & 100mm x 100mm x

100mm) beam (500mm x 100mm x 100mm) with partial replacement of cement with granite

waste slurry powder. The proportion of coarse and fine aggregate, cement and granite waste

slurry powder was same as obtained from design concrete mixes. In this work waste granite

powder is to be added by replacing cement (0-15%).


Paver Blocks were pre-compressed with hydraulic pre-compression machine. Pre-

compression is performed to compress the material in mould at the time of casting of paver

blocks by using hydraulic machine which transmits a compressive force to the concrete via

bond between the plate and concrete. A pre-compression machine can transmit 20-200KN

load on a specimen. Load transmission was adjusted according to the requirement. After pre-

compression, the paver blocks were de-moulded. The de-moulding of paver block specimen

was done by pre-compression machine these de-moulded paver block was kept for 24 hours

in a shelter away from direct sun light and wind.

Fig. 3.5 Hydraulic pre-compression machine

3.2.5 CURING

The environment which is provided for the proper hydration of cement paste in cement

concrete called as curing of concrete. Curing is the process which protected the concrete from

loss of moisture and kept within a satisfactory temperature range. This process permits

hydration of cement and improve strength and impermeable nature of concrete. Curing is also

required to mitigating cracks, which can severely affect durability. After 24 hours, all the

prepared specimens were marked and remove from the moulds, and then immediately put

into the curing tank for a period of 7, 28, and 90 days as shown in Fig.3.6. Room temperature

maintained throughout the curing period. The specimens did not be allowed to become dry at

any time until they were tested.

Fig. 3.6 Curing of concrete specimens


After curing, the specimens were taken for testing such as compression test, flexure test,

abrasion test, water permeability test, modulus of elasticity test, impact and energy absorption

capacity test. The three numbers of specimens in each sample were tested and the average

value was calculated. The results were compared and analysed with that of control mix.

Following tests were carried out to assess the properties of concrete:-


Workability is the most essential property of fresh concrete which measures the amount of

useful internal work required to produce full compaction i.e. it is the amount of energy to

overcome friction while compacting. It is also defined as the relative ease with which a

concrete mixture can be mixed, transported, placed, compacted, and finished properly. It

gives an idea to control the quantity of water in concrete to get the homogeneous mix and

uniform strength. The primary properties of workability are consistency (or fluidity) and

cohesiveness. Consistency was used to determine the ease of flow of fresh concrete and

cohesiveness is used to describe the ability of fresh concrete to hold all ingredients together

without segregation and excessive bleeding.

In this investigation, workability of fresh concrete mixes were determined by slump cone test

as per guidelines of IS: 1199-1959


The compressive strength is the capacity of a material to withstand loads while being

contracted or pushed before failure or breaking. The compressive strength of concrete is the

most important property of hardened concrete which determine for deciding not only the

ability of the concrete to withstand load, but also the quality of the hardened concrete. The

compressive strength has a specific relationship with all the other properties of concrete i.e.

the other properties of concrete enhanced with improvement in compressive strength. In this

investigation, the specimens size of 150 mm × 150 mm × 150 mm concrete cubes (three for

each mix) were cast for compressive strength. The compressive strength test was conducted

on cubes at 7, 28, and 90 days as per the IS: 516-1959.The digital compression testing

machine (CTM) shown in Fig. 3.7 was used for testing specimens. All the specimens were

subjected to the compressive axial load without shock and increased continuously with the

rate of approximately140 kg/cm2 per minute until the failure of specimen and no greater load

can be sustained.

Fig. 3.7 Compression testing machine


Flexural strength is defined as the material’s ability to resist the failure in bending. The

flexural strength of concrete was evaluated by two point loading test as per IS: 516-1959.

Two points loading method produces a constant bending moment along the central part of a

test specimen. The dimension of the moulds depends on the nominal size of aggregate in

concrete. In this investigation, the specimens size of 100 mm × 100 mm × 500 mm concrete

beams (three for each mix) were cast for flexural strength. The flexural strength test was

conducted on beams after 28days curing. The flexural testing machine (FTM) shown in Fig.

3.8 was used for testing specimens. In this test, the concrete member to be tested was

supported at its ends and loaded at its interior locations by a gradually increasing load with

the rate of approximately 180 kg/cm2 per minute until the failure of specimen and no greater

load was sustained.

Fig. 3.8 Flexural testing machine


This test measures the depth of water penetration into concrete samples subjected to

hydrostatic pressure over a period of three days. The water permeability of specimens was

determined as per guidelines of DIN 1048. The specimens of size (150mm×150mm×150mm)

were used after 28 day curing and were loaded in the cells, these specimens were sealed

properly such that water allowed above the specimens percolated through the top surface of

the specimens and collected in the bottles kept below the cell with funnel arrangements. A

constant air pressure of 15 kg/cm2 was maintained along with water pressure of 5 kg/cm2 by

using air compressor throughout the experiment for a specified period of time. After three

days, the samples were removed from the testing apparatus and cracked in two parts. The

maximum depth of water penetration into the sample was then measured.

Fig. 3.9 Water permeability test apparatus


Abrasion resistance test were performed on the prepared specimens after standard curing as

per recommended guide lines of IS:1237 (2012). The weight of the specimen was noted to

nearest 0.1 gram before to the abrasion test. Before testing, 20 gram of abrasive powder was

evenly strewn on the grinding disc. The specimens were then fixed in the holding device such

that the testing surface faces the grinding disc and loaded with 300 N at the Centre. The

contact face and the opposite face of the specimen were parallel and flat. The grinding disc

was at a speed of 30 rpm. The disc was stopped after every 22 revolutions. The disc and

contact face of the specimen was cleaned of abrasive powder and debris. The specimen was

turned 90° in the clockwise direction and fresh 20 g of abrasive powder was evenly applied

on the testing track each time before starting the next cycle. The test cycle was repeated 9

times. The specimen was reweighed after the abrasion is complete. The abrasive wear of the

specimen after 9 cycles of testing was calculated as the mean loss in thickness of the


Fig. 3.10 Abrasion resistance testing machine

Fig. 3.11 Abrasion powder for experiment


Portable ultra sonic pulse velocity tester was used for this study. UPV test has been

conducted on specimens of size 150mm×150mm×150mm. This test was done to assess the

quality of concrete by ultrasonic pulse velocity method as per IS: 13311 (Part 1) – 1992. The

method consists of measuring the time of travel of an ultrasonic pulse passing through the

concrete being tested. Comparatively higher velocity has been obtained when concrete

quality was good in terms of density, uniformity, homogeneity etc. Transducers with

frequency 54 KHz will be used to transmit and receive the pulse through specimen. The

quality of concrete was assessed using the guidelines given in IS 13311(Part 1):1992.

Table 3.10 Quality Assessment of Concrete by Standard Pulse Velocity

Pulse velocity recorded Concrete quality

(KM/Sec) (grading)

Above 4.5 Excellent

3.5 to 4.5 Good

3.0 to 4.5 Medium

Below 3.0 Doubtful

Fig. 3.12 Ultra sonic pulse velocity test apparatus


Impact loading, in general, is an extremely severe loading condition characterized by its

application of a force of great intensity within a short duration. This test was carried out to

determine the energy that is consumed by the specimen either up to the peak load or up to

failure. The energy absorbed up to failure is also called Fracture Energy. The impact testing

machine consists of a load cell which was allowed to free fall on the concrete specimen from

certain height and with certain velocity. The data acquisition system software attached with

the impact testing machine records the deflection and the load data and plots a graph of

deflection v/s time and load v/s time. Impact energy was calculated with the help of software

from graph of load and deflection.

Fig. 3.13 Impact testing machine



This chapter presents the results of the tests carried out in the laboratory to investigate the

various properties such as workability, density, compressive strength, flexural strength,

abrasion resistance, water permeability, and energy absorption capacity tests of the granite

slurry waste mix concrete. This chapter focuses on analysing and discussing the data obtained

from the laboratory test carried out to investigate the properties of fresh and hardened

concrete with or without granite slurry waste.

4.1 Workability

The value of the slump was obtained from the distance between the underside of the round

tamping bar and the highest point on the surface of the slumped concrete sample. Table 4.1

shows the results of the slump test for the concrete paving block mix with or without granite

slurry waste at w/c ratio of 0.40 and 0.42. The graphical variation of Workability of Concrete

at w/c ratio 0.40 and 0.42 had been shown in Fig. 4.1.

It may be noted that the observed slump value was in range of assumed slump value in mix

design. The result revealed that the substitution rate of waste decreases the workability of

concrete when compared to control mix, because granite slurry waste constitute of fine

particles which increases the surface hydration of the green concrete produced, leading to the

greater water absorption.

Table 4.1 Workability of Concrete (Slump Result)

Specimen Water- % Replacement of Slump

number cement ratio granite slurry value

1 A1 0.40 0% 60
2 A2 0.40 5% 60
3 A3 0.40 10% 55
4 A4 0.40 15% 50
5 B1 0.42 0% 65
6 B2 0.42 5% 65
7 B3 0.42 10% 60
8 B4 0.42 15% 60

Slump value (mm)

0 5 10 15

% Granite slurry waste

0.42 w/c ratio 0.40 w/c ratio

Fig. 4.1 Slump value of different concrete mix

4.2 Compressive Strength

The compressive strength of concrete containing granite slurry waste as partial replacement

of cement for 0.40 and 0.42 w/c ratio at 7, 28, and 90 days curing had been shown in Fig. 4.2

and Fig.4.3 respectively. It can be seen by Fig.4.2 and 4.3 that the compressive strength of

the concrete was increased with increase in curing age (from 7days to 90 days). Results of

compressive strength of concrete with different percentage level of granite slurry waste had

been shown for w/c ratio 0.40 in Table 4.2. The graphical variation of compressive strength

at w/c ratio 0.40 had been also shown in Fig. 4.2. The varied compressive strength of

concrete for w/c ratio of 0.42 had been shown in Table 4.2. Similarly, graphical variation of

compressive strength at w/c ratio 0.42 had been also presented in Fig. 4.3.

It can be observed from Table 4.2 at w/c ratio of 0.40, highest compressive strength was

45.70 MPa at 10% partial replacement of cement as granite slurry waste at 28 days. Increase

in the compressive strength of concrete was observed with up-to 10% inclusion of Partial

replacement of cement as granite slurry waste in shown in Fig. 4.2. From the Fig. 4.2, the

compressive strength of concrete is decreased after 10% partial replacement of cement at w/c

ratio of 0.40.

It can be also be observed from this Table 4.2 at w/c ratio of 0.42, highest compressive

strength are 39.38 MPa at 5% partial replacement of cement as granite slurry waste at 28

days. Increase in the compressive strength of concrete have been observed with up-to 5%

inclusion of Partial replacement of cement as granite slurry waste in shown in Fig. 4.3. From

this Fig. 4.3, the compressive strength of concrete started decreasing after 5% partial

replacement of cement at w/c ratio of 0.42. This reduction in compressive strength is

increased with the increase in replacement percentage of granite slurry waste.

Granite slurry waste has fine particles which ensure effective packing (micro structure) and

reduce the space of free water with the results towards better bonding in concrete matrix,

which increase the strength of concrete and due to use of granite slurry as partial

replacement of cement excessively the concrete strength decrease.

Table 4.2 Compressive strength test result

Granite Compressive strength at

Samples W/C Ratio replacement
level (%)
7 days 28 days 90 days
A1 0.40 0% 26.76 38.6 43.44
A2 0.40 5% 28.90 41.73 46.04
A3 0.40 10% 33.16 45.70 49.34
A4 0.40 15% 28.38 39.32 44.86

B1 0.42 0% 23.16 35.38 39.84

B2 0.42 5% 28.66 39.38 44.04
B3 0.42 10% 24.16 34.60 39.99
B4 0.42 15% 22.96 33.65 37.24

Compressive strength (MPa)






0 5 10 15

Granite slurry waste %

Fig. 4.2 Compressive strength of concrete paving blocks containing granite slurry waste at

w/c ratio 0.40.


Compressive strength (MPa)





0 5 10 15

Granite slurry waste %

0.42 w/c ratio 7days result 0.42 w/c 28days result

0.42 W/C 90 days result

Fig. 4.3 Compressive strength of concrete paving blocks containing granite slurry waste at

w/c ratio 0.42.

4.3 Flexural strength

The flexural strength of concrete specimens was determined after 28 days of standard curing.

Results of flexural strength of concrete with different percentage level of granite slurry waste

have been shown for w/c ratio 0.40 and 0.42, in Table 4.3. The graphical variations of flexure

strength at w/c ratio 0.40 and 0.42 have been also shown in Fig. 4.4.

It can be observed from this Table 4.3 at w/c ratio of 0.40, maximum flexural strength had

been obtained at 10% partial replacement of cement by granite slurry waste. The flexural

strength at this replacement level increases to 5.72MPa (at 28 days). From this Fig. 4.4, the

flexural strength of concrete was decreasing after 10% partial replacement of cement at w/c

ratio of 0.40.

It have been observed from this Table 4.3 at w/c ratio of 0.42, maximum flexural strength

was obtained at 10 % partial replacement of cement by granite slurry waste. The flexural

strength at this replacement level increased to 4.58 MPa (at 28 days). From this Fig. 4.4, the

flexural strength of concrete was decreasing after 5% partial replacement of cement at w/c

ratio of 0.42. This reduction in flexural strength was increased with the increase in

replacement level of granite slurry waste.

Granite slurry waste has fine particles which ensure effective packing (micro structure) and

reduce the space of free water with the results towards better bonding in concrete matrix,

which increase the strength of concrete but with excessive use of granite slurry as cement

replacement, the concrete strength was decreased.

Table 4.3 Flexure strength test results

Granite Flexural Strength

Samples W/C Ratio replacement level (N/mm2)
A1 0.40 0% 4.56
A2 0.40 5% 5.26
A3 0.40 10% 5.72
A4 0.40 15% 5.18

B1 0.42 0% 4.26
B2 0.42 5% 4.58
B3 0.42 10% 4.21
B4 0.42 15% 3.78

Flexure strength (MPa)

0 5 10 15

Granite slurry waste %

Fig. 4.4 Flexural strength of concrete paving blocks containing granite slurry waste for varied

W/C ratio.

4.4 Water Permeability of Concrete

The mean maximum water penetration depth with different % of granite slurry waste as

partial replacement of cement have been shown in Fig. 4.5 respectively. It was observed that

with increase in level of granite as cement replacement, a gradual increase in water

penetration depth of concrete was noted. The water permeability value as compared to

controlled mix (replacement level 0%) contained granite slurry as partial replacement of

cement in both w/c ratio (0.40 and 0.42) was increased (Table 4.4). It have been also seen

that gradual increase in water penetration depth occurs when replacement level of granite

slurry waste increases (Fig. 4.5).

The granite slurry waste have fine material and have different surface area characteristics as

compared to cement particles so the water permeability is increased when granite slurry

waste is used as partial replacement of cement.

Table 4.4 Water permeability test result

Granite Water Permeability

Samples W/C Ratio replacement (mm)
level (%)
A1 0.40 0% 18
A2 0.40 5% 23
A3 0.40 10% 28
A4 0.40 15% 38

B1 0.42 0% 24
B2 0.42 5% 31
B3 0.42 10% 39
B4 0.42 15% 45


Water penetration

depth (mm)
0 5 10 15

Granite Slurry waste %

Fig. 4.5 Water penetration depth of concrete paving blocks containing granite slurry waste

for varied W/C ratio.

4.5 Abrasion resistance

Abrasion resistance have been calculated as the depth of surface wear. The graph shows the

variation in the depth of wear with respect to the varied percentage (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%) of

granite slurry waste as partial replacement of cement at w/c ratio of 0.40 and 0.42 in Fig. 4.6.

On further increase in level of granite as cement replacement, a gradual increase in abrasion

loss of concrete was noted. From the Table 4.5, value of abrasion loss for granite concrete

contained granite slurry as partial replacement of cement in both w/c ratio (0.40 and 0.42) as

compared to controlled mix (replacement level 0%) increases.

It was observed from the above results that minimum loss in thickness (Abrasion) occurs in

control sample whereas maximum loss occurs when the replacement level of granite slurry

waste is 15 %.

It was also observed from above cited Tables and Figures that the thickness loss for concrete

with replacement level of granite slurry waste from 5-15% was 0.271 mm for w/c ratio 0.40

and 0.323 mm for w/c ratio 0.42 (less than maximum permissible limit for abrasion loss for

concrete paving blocks). These samples can be safely use for the construction of concrete


It was noted that abrasion los was significantly reduced as compared to abrasion loss

observed by Sharma (2016), for granite slurry concrete, in this study concrete specimen were

pre-compressed and this pre-compression modified the microstructure of concrete paving

blocks which in turn reduced the abrasion loss for each mix (0% to 15%).

Table 4.5 Abrasion resistance test result

Granite Abrasion Loss

Samples W/C Ratio replacement level
t (mm)
A1 0.4 0% 0.177
A2 0.4 5% 0.203
A3 0.4 10% 0.208
A4 0.4 15% 0.271

B1 0.42 0% 0.197
B2 0.42 5% 0.211
B3 0.42 10% 0.224
B4 0.42 15% 0.323

Abrasion loss (mm)

0 5 10 15

Granite slurry waste %

Fig. 4.6 Abrasion resistance of concrete paving blocks containing granite slurry for varied

W/C ratio.

4.6 Energy absorption capacity

The energy absorption capacity of concrete containing granite waste slurry as partial

replacement of cement was determined with falling weight impact test. The energy

absorption capacity of concrete for various concrete mixes was determined with the help of

load and displacement relationship as shown in Fig. 4.7. The energy absorption capacity of

concrete containing granite waste as partial replacement of fine aggregates for 0.40 w/c ratio

at 28 days curing have been shown in Fig. 4.7.The general trend of the energy absorption

capacity increased till 10% for w/c ratio 0.4 and as the percentage replacement of granite

slurry increased more than 10% than capacity got decreased, where as if water cement ratio

was increases to 0.42 than the energy absorption capacity increased till 5% and further

decreased with increase in replacement of granite slurry with cement fine aggregate with

polythene waste increases. The increase in the energy absorption capacity may be due fine

particles of granite slurry which ensure effective packing (micro structure) and reduce the

space of free water with the results towards better bonding in concrete matrix, which increase

the strength of concrete and due to use of granite slurry as cement replacement excessively

the concrete strength decrease.

Table 4.6 Energy absorption test results


A1 0.4 0% 0.52
A2 0.4 5% 0.54
A3 0.4 10% 0.56
A4 0.4 15% 0.40

B1 0.42 0% 0.45
B2 0.42 5% 0.48
B3 0.42 10% 0.40
B4 0.42 15% 0.33


Energy Consumed (J)





0 5 10 15

Granite slurry waste %

Fig. 4.7 Energy absorption capacity of concrete paving blocks containing granite slurry for

varied W/C ratio.

4.7 Ultra Sonic Pulse Velocity of Concrete

Ultra sonic pulse velocity of modified concrete was observed at w/c (0.40 and 0.42) for

various replacement levels (ranges from 0% to 15%). Table 4.7 show the UPV results

obtained for w/c 0.40 & w/c 0.42. It was observed that when percentage level of

replacement of cement by granite slurry waste increases, the values of UPV for this

concrete decreases. It was further seen that the minimum value of UPV for w/c ratio 0.40

and 0.42 was 4160 m/s and 3960 m/s respectively. As per IS 13311 (Part 1), the quality of

concrete comes under good category for various results obtained (Table 4.7).

Table 4.7 Ultrasonic pulse velocity test results

Granite replacement
Samples W/C Ratio UPV
level (%)

A1 0.4 0% 4515
A2 0.4 5% 4393
A3 0.4 10% 4260
A4 0.4 15% 4160

B1 0.42 0% 4330
B2 0.42 5% 4175
B3 0.42 10% 4055
B4 0.42 15% 3960

Velocity (m/sec)




0 5 10 15
Granite slurry waste %

Fig. 4.8 Variation in pulse velocity of concrete paving blocks containing granite slurry for

varied W/C ratio.


In this work, suitability of granite concrete paving blocks had been evaluated. In this research

work, cement was partially replaced by granite slurry waste at varied replacement level

ranging (0%, 5%, 10% and15%). This systematic study for granite slurry concrete had been

carried out for w/c ratio 0.40 and 0.42. Workability test for fresh concrete and compressive

strength, flexural strength & energy absorption test have been performed for hardened

concrete paving block sample. The durability test (Water permeability test and Abrasion test)

were also performed on modified concrete paving blocks. Ultra sonic pulse velocity test had

been also carried out to show quality control exercised in production of concrete. The results

of these tests for replacement level (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%,) were discussed in previous

chapters. Following conclusions were drawn from the discussion of results of granite slurry

concrete in the previous chapters:

i. The workability of concrete was decreased when cement was replaced by granite slurry

waste (replacement level 15%) as compared to control mix (replacement level 0%) for

w/c 0.40 & 0.42.

ii. For granite concrete paving blocks, the compressive strength of concrete was increased

depending upon replacement level and w/c ratio. For w/c ratio 0.40, the improvement in

compressive strength was observed at replacement level of 10% whereas the

corresponding increase was at the replacement level of 5% for w/c ratio 0.42.

iii. The flexural strength of granite concrete paving blocks increased depending upon

replacement level and w/c ratio for modified concrete containing granite slurry waste.

For w/c ratio 0.40, the increase in flexural strength was observed at replacement level

of 10% whereas for w/c ratio 0.42, the corresponding increase was at the replacement

level of 5%.

iv. The value of water penetration depth as compared to control mix (replacement level

0%) increased gradually for the both w/c ratio 0.40 and 0.42. Maximum water

penetration depth was observed as at 15% replacement level of granite slurry waste at

w/c of 0.40 and 0.42.

v. The value of abrasion loss was gradually increased with addition of varied replacement

level (5% to 15%) of granite slurry waste as partial replacement of cement. It was also

seen that the maximum loss of Abrasion was 0.32 mm (less than permissible abrasion

loss for concrete paving block). So, this type of concrete samples can be used in

concrete paver block.

vi. For w/c ratio 0.4, energy absorbed by the concrete samples was increased at

replacement level of 10% whereas for w/c ratio 0.42, the corresponding increase at the

replacement level up-to 5%.

vii. Ultra sonic pulse velocity result shows that quality of granite slurry concrete paving

blocks (for both w/c ratio of 0.40 and 0.42) was of good category as per IS


Utilization of granite slurry waste will solve the disposal problem associated with this waste

material. Also modified concrete paving blocks will reduce the CO2 emission because of

less consumption of cement which intern will clean the environment. It may be also noted

that the saving in cement will conserve the natural recourses and will reduce the energy

demand needed in the production of cement. Hence, Utilization of granite slurry waste in

concrete paving blocks will produce more sustainable concrete.


The project focused on the usage of granite slurry waste (Replacement level from 0% to

15%) as partial replacement of cement in production of concrete paving blocks.

Research may be conducted on the other properties and uses of granite slurry waste in the

near future to make this product as a precious building material to improve the quality of

building construction industry.

i. Study on behaviour of concrete utilizing granite waste slurry in concrete paving blocks

may be done at replacement 5% to 10% by cement with an interval of 0.50% or 0.25%.

ii. The durability of modified concrete paving blocks through other test like chloride

penetration, sulphate attack testing, freezing and thawing etc.


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Concrete paving block is widely used in India. If it is properly designed and constructed, will

last for decades with little or no maintenance is being necessary. With its increasing demand

and limitation of natural resources engineers are continuously exploring for new sustainable


Concrete consumption in India by various construction industries is around 370 million m3

per year and it is expected to increase by 30 million m3 every year. Concrete is highly

versatile construction material in nature, well suited for many applications. Concrete's

constituent materials are available naturally in all parts of the world. With more construction

projects everywhere and due to the great utility of concrete in constructions, with the passing

of each day these materials are getting deficient thus asking for the alternatives.

Utilization of waste material in concrete paving block can be beneficial in order to find an

alternative solution to reduce environmental pollution. The granite stone is most widely used

in the construction and it generates granite slurry through cutting and polishing of the stone.

Granite slurry is waste material consisting of very fine powder and these creating

environmental problems worldwide today. Disposal of these granite waste leads to health

hazards like respiratory and allergy problems to the people around. It also causes the

pollution of air and water.

Thus, utilization of granite slurry waste in concrete can solve many problem related to waste

generation, reduction in the consumption of natural resources and CO2 emission by cement.

In this work, systematic experimental study has been carried out using granite slurry waste to

replace cement at various replacement levels in concrete paving blocks. This study has been

carried out for w/c 0.40 and 0.42 and specimens have been cast to perform various tests

(Compressive Strength Test and Flexural Strength Test), durability properties (Water

permeability test, Abrasion resistance test), ultrasonic pulse velocity meter test and impact


It has been shown that inclusion of granite slurry modifies the compressive strength and

maximum strength has been obtained depending upon replacement level and w/c ratio.

Flexural strength is also influenced by the addition of granite slurry waste in similar way as

of compressive strength. Water penetration depth increases with the inclusion of granite

slurry waste for both w/c ratio 0.40 and 0.42. The abrasion loss is also influenced by the

inclusion of granite slurry waste in similar way to water permeability. It is also seen that

maximum loss of abrasion is less than the permissible abrasion loss limit for concrete paving

block. It has been also shown that the energy absorption increases with the addition of granite

slurry waste up-to certain replacement level, impact resistance increases when energy

absorption is increased. Ultra sonic pulse velocity result shows that the quality of granite

slurry concrete was of good category. This study demonstrate that the concrete paving blocks

will be economically and the saving in cement will protect the natural resources, reduce CO2

emission, reduce land dumping issues of granite slurry waste. It can be further concluded that

utilization of granite slurry waste in concrete paving blocks will be sustainable and

advantageous to society.




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w / c 0.40 0.42

), (

, ),

w / c

w/c 0.40 0.42

- ,

, CO2 ,


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