With Readings
With Readings
With Readings
The present day world is witnessing the construction of very challenging and
difficult civil engineering structures. Quite often, concrete being the most important
and widely used material is called upon to possess very high strength and sufficient
workability properties. Efforts are being made in the field of concrete technology to
develop such concretes with special characteristics.
This project describes the feasibility of using marble dust in concrete production
as a partial replacement of cement. In INDIA, the marble and granite stone
processing is one of the most thriving industry the effects if varying marble dust
contents on the physical and mechanical properties of the fresh and harden concrete
have been investigated. Slump and air content of fresh concrete and absorption and
compressive strength of harden concrete were also investigated. Test result Show
that this industrial bi product is capable of improving harden concrete performance
up to 10%, Enhancing fresh concrete behavior and can be used in architectural
concrete mixtures containing white cement. The compressive strength of concrete
was measured foe 7 and 28 days. In order to evaluate the effects of marble dust on
mechanical behavior, many different mortar mixes were tested.
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
Leaving the waste material to the environment directly can cause environmental
problem. Hence the reuse of waste material has been emphasized. Waste can be
used to produce new products or can be used as admixtures so that natural
resources are used more efficiently and the environment is protected from waste
deposits. Marble stone industry generates both soils waste and stone slurry is a semi
liquid substance consisting of particles originating from the sawing and the polishing
process and water used to cool and lubricate the sawing and polishing machines.
Stone slurry generated during processing correspondence to around 40% of the final
products from stone industry. This is relevant because the stone industry presents
an annual output of 68 million tones of processed products. Therefore scientific and
industrial community must commit towards more sustainable practices. There are
several reuses and recycling solution for this industrial by-product, both at an
experiment phase and in nearby land the natural fertility of the soil is spoiled.
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
In India, million tones of wastage from marble industries are being released
from marble cutting, polishing, processing and grinding. In India, marble dust is
settled by sedimentation and then dumped away which results in environmental
pollution, in addition to forming dust in summer and public health. Their for utilization
marble dust in various industrial sectors especially the construction, will help to
protect the environment. Hence use of waste marble material has been emphasized
waste can be used as admixture so that natural resources are used more efficiently
and the environment is protected from waste deposited. Use of waste marble and
byproduct as aggregate has greater potential because 75% of concrete is composed
of aggregate. The physical and chemical properties are suitable for its proposed use.
The use of marble dust in construction might be cost effective because this waste is
available free of cost. In addition to this, due to fineness of marble powder, it will
easily mix with aggregate so that perfect bonding is possible. Marble powder will fill
the voids present in concrete and will give sufficient compressive strength when
compared with the ordinary concrete.
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
Literature Review
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
Manjupawar Et.al (2014) : They have done their search on periodic research, the
significance of partial replacement of cement with waste marble powder. They found
that the effect of using marble powder as a constituents of fines in mortar and
concrete been studied in terms of marble powder reveals that increased waste
powder ratio result in increased. They found out optimum % for replacement of
marble powder with cement gives strength.
Valdivia c (2013): Conducted the study done research on study on a marble dust a
partially replacement of cement in concrete. They found that marble dust from
marble processing in waste utilized. The use this waste was proposed in different %
both as an additional to and instead of cement for production of concrete mixtures.
In this study, the use of marble dust collected during shaping process of marble
blocks has been investigated in concrete mixture as cementitious material. The study
showed that the marble waste, Which are in dust from could be used as
cementatious material in concrete mixtures where they are available and the cost of
construction is lower than ordinary concrete material.
Prof. P. A.Shirule: Describe feasibility of using the marble sludge dust in concrete
production as the partial replacement of cement 3 blocks of each % are cased for
7,14,28 days. They conducted test using compression testing machine to test
strength of books. The powder passed from 90 micron sieve before mixing for
casing. Hence, asimple step to minimize cost of construction with usage of marble
powder which is freely or cheaply available .
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
Noha M. Soliman (2013): Presented the effect of using marble powder in concrete
Mixes and also its effect on the strength of R.C. Slabs. This research aims to study
the effect of using marble powder as partially replace of cement on the properties of
concrete. The behavior of reinforced concrete slabs by using marble powder is also
investigated. The main consideration in this investigation is the percentage of marble
powder as partial replacement of cement constituent in concrete mixes. The
experimental result showed that, the use of definite amount of marble powder as a
replacement of cement content increases the workability, compressive strength and
tensile strength. Use for marble powder enhances the structure performance of the
tested slabs as it increased the stiffness and the ultimate strength compared to the
control slabs.
V.M. Sountharajan and A. Sivakumar (2013): Add marble powder and check its
effects on concrete mix. In this research work, the waste marble powder up to 10%
by weight of cement was investigated for hardened concrete properties. The effect of
different percentage replacement of marble powder on the compressive strength,
splitting tensile strength and flexural strength and flexural strength was calculated. It
canbe noted that the influence of fine to coarse aggregate ratio(F/C) and cement –
total aggregate ratio (C/TA) had a higher influence on the important in strength
properties. The immense increase in the compressive strength of 46.80 MPa at 7
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
days for 10% replacement of marble powder in cement content was calculated and
also showed an improvement in mechanical properties as compared to the
conventional concrete.
BabooRai and Khan Naushad (2011): Studied the influence of marble powder in
cement concrete mix. In this paper the effect to use of marble powder and granules
has been studied by partially replacing with mortar and concrete constituents and
checked the different properties like relative workability and compressive and flexure
strengths. By partial replacing the constituents it reveals that increased waste
powder of waste marble granules ratio resulted in increased workability and
compressive strength of the mortar and concrete.
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
➢ We are using waste marble powder which partially replaces cement in step of
10%, 20%, 30%,40% in concrete..This partial replacement of cement with
waste marble powder improves the properties of concrete in various
ways. We are casting the blocks to check the compressive strength of
➢ In this project our main objective is to study the influence of partial
replacement of cement with marble powder , and to compare it with the
compressive strength of ordinary M20 concrete. We are also trying to
find the percentage of marble powder replaced in concrete that makes
the strength of concrete maximum.
➢ Now–a-days marble powder has become a pollutant. So partially replacing
cement with marble powder, we are proposing a method that can be of great
use in reducing pollution to a great extent.
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
Percentage of To be To be tested To be
marble powder tested For 14 days tested for Total blocks to be
for 7 Days 28 days tested
0% 3 3 3 9
10% 3 3 3 9
20% 3 3 3 9
30% 3 3 3 9
40% 3 3 3 9
Total 15 15 15 45
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
3.3.1. Cement
The history of pozzolanic material goes back to Roman’s time. The Portland
pozzolana cement (PPC) is manufactured by the intergrading of OPC clinker with 10-
25% of pozzolanic material (as per latest amendment, it is 15-35%). Pozzolanic
material is essentially a silicious or aluminous material which while in itself
prossessing no cementitious properties. Which will, in finally divided from and in
presence of water, react with calcium hydroxide, liberated in the hydration process,
at ordinary temperature, to form compound possessing cementitiousproperties. The
pozzolanic materials generally used for manufacturer of PPC are calcined clay (IS
1489 part II of 1991) or fly ash (IS 1489 part I of 1991).
Portland pozzolana cement produces less heat of hydration and offers greater
resistance to the attack of aggressive waters than ordinary Portland cement
.moreover, it reduces the leaching of calcium hydroxide when used in hydraulic
structure. It is particularly useful in marine and hydraulic structure/ construction and
mass concrete constructions. Portland pozzolana cement can generally be used
where Ordinary Portland cement is usable.
Advantages of PPC
PPC os finer than OPC and also due to pozalanic action; it improves the pores size
distribution and also reduce the microcracks at the the transition zone.
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
Over 60 million tons of fly ash is generated from over 75 thermal power stations. But
the quantities of such fly ash are generally not satisfactory to be used in PPC. In
India, only 19% of total cement production is PPC (1998-1999) and 10% of slag
cement. Government of India has set up an organization called fly ash mission to
promote the fly ash as mineral admixture or in manufacturing PPC. As they know the
importance of the quintiles of the fly ash, they take particular care to produce fly ash
of good qualities to be used in PPC.
Portlanspozzolana cement can be used in all situation where OPC is used expert
where high early strength is of special requirement. As PPC needs enough moisture
falls sustained Pozzolanic activity, A little longer curing is desirable. Use of PPC
would be particularly suitable for the following situation.
For finding out initial setting time, final setting time and soundness of cement
and strength parameter known as standard consistency has been used. The
standard consistency of a cement paste is defined s that consistency which will
permit a vicat plunger having 10 mm diameter and 50 mm length to penetrate to a
depth of 33-35 mm from top of mould. The apparatus is used to find out the
percentage of water require it produce cement paste of standard consistency.
The compressive strength of harden is the most important that all the properties
therefore cement is always tested for its strength at the laboratory before the cement
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
is used in important works. Strength test are not neat cement paste because of
difficulty of excessive shrinkage and subsequent cracking neat cement. Strength of
the concrete is directly found on cement sand mortar in specific proportion. It self
confirm to IS 650-1991.The ratio of cement to sand is 1:3. Immediately after mixing
the mortar Is filled into the cube of size 7.07cm. The area of the face of the cube will
be equal to 50sq.cm. Compact the mortar either by hand compaction in the standard
specified manner or on the vibrating equipment for 2 minutes.
The fineness of cement has unimportant bearing in the rate of hydration and hence
on he rate of gain of strength and also on the rate of evolution of heat. Finer ceent
offers a greater surface area for hydration and hensefaser the development of
The period elapsing between the time when water is added to the cement and the
time at which the needle penetrates the test block to a depth equal to 33-35 mm
from the top is taken as initial setting time. When the taste block has attend such
hardness that heneedle does not pierce through the block more than 0.5mm, that
time is known as the final setting time.
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
Observation Table
NO. (gm) (gm) (W2/W1) TOP (mm)
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
=690 ml
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
Observation Table:
Sr. Cube Age Crushing Area A Strength Avg. Strength
No Indentation (Types) load W (N) (𝒎𝒎𝟐 ) (W/A) (N/𝒎𝒎𝟐 )
2 C7 7 305× 103 20125 15.15
5 C14 14 405× 103 20125 20.12
8 C28 28 450× 103 20125 12.42
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
= (500/100) × 100
= 5%
Result :
Fineness of cement = 5 %
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
= 0.85 × 34%
= 28.9% of cement
I.S. Requirement:
Initial setting time = more than 30 minutes (as per I.S. 4031- 1968)
Final setting time = less than 600 minutes (as per I.S. 4031-1968)
Result :
Since the initial setting time is more tham 30 minutes and final setting time is
less tham 600 minutes. Hence, it is ok.
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
3.3.2. Sand
We have been use natural sand; it is easily available and low in price. It
has cubical or rounded shape with smooth surface texture. Being cubical, rounded
and smooth texture it give good workability. Sand which is used here is taken from
Girnariver . Particles of this sand have smooth texture and are blackish. Sieve
analysis test is conducted on sand for finding out the finesses modulus. in this test
we sieve the sample through I.S. sieve ranges from 10mm to 150 micron in
descending order . Fineness modulus is empirical factor by adding the cumulative
percentage of sample retain on each of the standard sieve and dividing this sum by
arbitrary number 100.
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
3.3 Aggregate:
Aggregate are the important constituted in concrete. They give body to the concrete,
reduce shrinkage and effect economically. Almost all natural aggregate materials
originate from bed rock. There are three kinds of rock, namely igneous, sedimentary
and metamorphic.
The aggregates used in this project mainly of waste marble pieces which
comes under normal weight category.
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
= (0.920/3.77) × 100
= 24.40%
I.S. requirement:
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
= (0.050/0.668) × 100
= 7.49%
I.S. Requirement:
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
We have castes total 45 numbers of blocks. The block has been casted to the
compressive strength of concrete with inclusive of marble powder.
7 DAYS:-
355000 17.63
330000 16.39
305000 15.15
355000 17.63
280000 13.91
300000 14.9
260000 12.91
220000 10.93
215000 10.63
190000 9.44
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
14 DAYS:-
400000 19.87
450000 22.36
405000 20.12
408000 20.27
385000 19.13
350000 17.39
405000 20.12
390000 19.37
290000 14.4
300000 14.9
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
28 days:-
465000 23.1
450000 22.36
450000 12.42
470000 23.35
460000 22.85
450000 22.36
430000 21.36
435000 21.61
395000 19.62
400000 19.37
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
4.2 SAND
Table 4.2
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
= (500*103 )/(20125)
= 24.84 N/𝑚𝑚2
= (450*103 )/(20125)
= 12.42 N/𝑚𝑚2
= (470*103 )/(2012)
= 23.35 N/𝑚𝑚2
= 60.61 N/𝑚𝑚2
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
5.1. Conclusion
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
6.1. Reference:
5) http;// www.engineeringcivil.com/project-on-partial-replacement-of-cement-
9) Alyanac K.E. Ince R (2009. A preliminary concrete mix design for SSC with
marble powder. Const. Build Mat., 23(3): 1201-1210
10) Ali EErgun 92011), “Effects of the usage of diatomic and waste marble
powder as partial replacement of cement on the mechanical properties of concrete”,
Construction and building Material, 25(2), pp 806812
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Use of Waste Marble Powder & Aggregates in paver Blocks
13) Noha .Soliman (2003) “Effect of using marble powder in concrete mixes
on strength of RC slab. (SSRG- IJCE) – EFES April 2015.
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