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Environmental Engineering-Ii: Instructions

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Time- 2 hrs Total marks – 50

1. Solve any three questions from Section-I i.e. Question no. 2 to Question no. 5.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks
3. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention it clearly
4. Use of non programmable calculator is allowed

Q1. Choose correct option and tick mark the same in the box provided against it. (10)
1. Ozone is ______________ amongst the following.
a) Primary b) Secondary
c) Tertiary d) None of these
4. Carboxy-hemoglobin is formed by reaction between ____________in human body.
a) CO and HB b) CO and carbonate
c) Carbonate and HB d) All of above
7. _____________ particulate control equipment has collection efficiency of 99%
a) Cyclone b) Gravity settler
c) Bag house filter d) Scrubber
10. Which of following is a combustible waste?
a) metal b) aluminum tins
c) bagasse d) glass
13. Major gas responsible for greenhouse effect is _____
a) CO2 b) CO
c) CFC d) All of above
16. Value of DO saturation of water at 20 C is _____mg/lit
a) 9.13 b) 9.17
c) 8.9 d) 8.17
19. In clear water zone D.O.% is __________ of saturation value
a) ≤ 40 b) 40 – 50
c) 50 – 100 d) 100
22. DO reaches minimum value in zone of __________
a) Active decomposition b) Degradation
c) Clear water d) Recovery
25. Pick out the odd one : ____________
a) Deep well injection b) Landfilling
c) Land farming d) Composting
28. _______________ can be collected from landfills.
a) leachate b) gas
c) Both a) and b) d) None of these
Section –II
Instruction :- Question no. 6 is compulsory in Section-II and solve any two questions from the
Q 2] a) Discuss structure of atmosphere with the help of graph. (6)
b) Differentiate between Centralized and Decentralized treatment systems. (6)
Q 3] a) Using following data find out DO at the end of 1 and 2 days (7)
River Wastewater
Flow (m /sec) 25 3
DO (mg/lit) 9.1 0
BOD5 (mg/lit) 2 300
Take deoxygenation constant as 0.1 /day and reoxygenation constant as
0.3 /day (both are to the base 10). Take DOsat = 9.17 mg/lit
b) Explain Indore method of composting. (7)
Q4] a) Enlist physical and chemical properties of municipal solid waste. Explain (6)
any two physical properties.
b) Explain cyclone with respect to following points (8)
i. sketch
ii. working principle
iii. advantages
iv. disadvantages
Q5] Write short notes on the following (any three) (14)
1. Composting of MSW
2. Types of inversions
3. Structure of atmosphere
4. Streeter Phelps equation

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