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Evaluation of Neutralizing Capacity of Different Commercial Brands of Antacid Tablets

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CSJ 6(2): December, 2015 ISSN: 2276 – 707X Abdu and Abbagana

ChemSearch Journal 6(2): 32 – 34, December, 2015

Publication of Chemical Society of Nigeria, Kano Chapter

Received: 10/10/2015 Accepted: 31/10/2015 C .S.N

http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/csj.v6i2.6 LS

Evaluation of Neutralizing Capacity of Different Commercial Brands of

Antacid Tablets
Abdu, K. and 2Abbagana, M.
Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Bayero University Kano.
Department of Chemistry, Yobe State University, Damaturu.
Email: kabdu.chm@buk.edu.ng

This study is based on the evaluation of acid neutralizing capacity of five different commercial brands of antacid
tablets. Five different but widely used commercial antacid tablets were selected for the purpose of this study.
Each of the sample tablets was purchased, crushed, weighed and kept at room temperature before being
analyzed using titrimetric method. Titration of each sample tablet (0.5 g) dissolved in 20 cm 3 of 0.1 M HCl with
0.1 M NaOH was carried out and the average titer values of different runs were recorded. The titre value for
Gaviscon was 9.20 cm3, 13.04 cm3 for Gestid, 10.02 cm3 for Danacid, 10.10 cm3 for Cimetidine and 10.05 cm3
for Rennietidine. The neutralizing capacity (NC) of Gaviscon was found to be 82.6%, 53.4% for Gestid, 64.8%
for Danacid, 49.8% for Cimetidine and 36.6% for Rennietidine. Analysis of the results shows that Gaviscon
tablet has the highest NC, while Rennietidine shows lower NC value.

Keywords: Antacid, Neutralizing capacity, Titrimetric, Tablets, Ulcer

INTRODUCTION of heartburn and peptic ulcer pain. Commercial

Antacid is any substance, generally a base antacid comes in two forms, either as liquids or as
or basic salt, which neutralizes stomach acidity. solid tablets. The principal constituents of antacids
Antacids are pharmaceutical drugs being basic in are magnesium and aluminum as hydroxides alone
nature and having a characteristic ability to or in combination (Smith et al., 1976). Some
neutralize an acid of the gastric content (such as contains salt of calcium, sodium, carbon or
stomarch) and thus lower the acidity of the content bismuth. The effectiveness of each antacid depends
(van Riet-Nales et al., 2002). Antacid works on the on its neutralizing capacity and the transit time in
basis of different mechanism including directly the stomach. Liquid preparations of antacids are
neutralising acidity, increasing the pH or reversibly more effective than the solid ones (tablets) because
reducing or blocking the secretion of acid by the the constituents are already in their form (Duffy et
gastric cell to reduce acidity in the stomach (Pali, al., 1982).
et al., 2011). They are generally used to relieve This research work is aimed at evaluating
acid indigestion, stomach upset, sour stomach and the acid neutralizing capacity of five different
heartburn. Antacids also prevent irritation of the commercial brands of antacid tablets using
stomach ulcer and help relieve any pain which is titrimetric method of analysis.
associated with such ulcer. In addition antacid are
known to reduce peptic activity by acting as MATERIALS AND METHODS
pepsins. All antacids contain bases with a net pH Pharmaceutical drugs used
above 7 and have a buffer (substances that help The five different brands of commercial
minimize changes in the concentrations of antacids tablet used in this research work were
hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions). Changing purchased in Damaturu at Gidantu Patient medicine
of the gastric content to pH 4.0 and 4.2, antacids store, along Maiduguri road opposite Government
prevent irritation of the ulcer and relieve pain (van House Damaturu, Yobe state. These are Danacid,
Riet-Nales et al., 2002). They also reduce peptic Cimetidine, Gaviscon, Gestid and Rennietidine all
activity as pepsin is inactive at this pH 4.0 and in form of tablets.
above. However, they do not affect the rate of
healing of peptic ulcer but are used to relieve ulcer PREPARATION OF SAMPLES AND
pain and encourage healing (Farzaei et al., 2013). It REAGENTS
is also reported that antacids promote the healing in 0.1 M Hydrochloric Acid Solution
duodenal ulcer (Zajac et al., 2013). Different 0.1 M HCl was prepared by diluting 8.6
brands of antacids are now available for the relieve cm3 of 12 M HCl with deionized water in 1litre
CSJ 6(2): December, 2015 ISSN: 2276 – 707X Abdu and Abbagana
volumetric flask. After the addition of the acid the titrated with 0.1 M NaOH until the solution turns
volume of the flask was made to the mark using pink which persisted for 30 seconds without fading.
deionised water. The titration procedure was repeated 3 times, and
the average titre value was recorded.
0.1M Sodium Hydroxide Solution
0.1 M NaOH was prepared by dissolving Evaluation of the Neutralizing Capacity of
4.0 g of NaOH with deionized water in 1litre Antacids Tablets
volumetric flask. After the dissolution process, the Sample of each antacids tablet was
volume was made to the mark. separately weighed and crushed using a mortar and
pestle. 0.5 g of the crushed tablet was weight and
0.1 M Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate (KHP) transferred into a 250 cm3 Erlenmeyer flask. This is
Solution followed by the addition 20 cm3 of the
2.04 g of KHP was weighed and properly standardized HCl solution and swirled gently to
dissolved with deionized water in 100 cm3 dissolve the crush tablet as completely as possible.
volumetric flask. After the dissolution process, the 3 drops of bromophenol blue indicator were added
volume was made to the mark with the deionized to the solution which then turns yellow (if the
water. solution is still blue, then additional 10 cm3 of HCl
is required until the solution is yellow). The
Standardization of Sodium Hydroxide Solution solution was titrated with the standardized NaOH
20 cm3 of 0.1 M KHP was measured into a until it turns blue (van Dop, et al., 1976 and Lin, et
250 cm Erlenmeyer flask followed by the addition al., 1998). The titration procedure was repeated 3
of 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. The times, and the average titre value was recorded.
solution was titrated with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide The same procedure was repeated on all
solution until it turns pink which persisted for at the other brands of antacid tablets and the average
least 30 seconds. The volume of 0.1 M NaOH titre value of the NaOH solution required to
solution used was recorded. The titration procedure neutralize the excess acid (HCl) for each brand of
was repeated 3 more times, and the average titre the antacid was recorded.
value was recorded.
Standardization of Hydrochloric Acid Solution Analysis of Antacid Tablets
20 cm3 of the 0.1 M HCl solution was Analysis of the different commercial brand of
measured into a 250 cm3 Erlenmeyer flask antacids tablet was carried out to evaluate their acid
followed by the addition of 3 drops of neutralizing capacity and results was given in Table
phenolphthalein indicator. The solution was then 1.

TABLE 1: Results of antacid tablets analysis

Danacid Cimetidine Gaviscon Gestid Rennietidine
Titre value (cm3) 10.02 10.10 9.20 13.04 10.05
Total amount of HCl used (mol.) x 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Amout HCl neutralized by NaOH 1.002 1.010 0.920 1.304 1.005
(mol.) x 10-3
Excess HCl neutralized by Antacid 9.98 9.90 10.80 6.96 9.95
(mol.) x 10-4
Mass of Antacid used (g) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Molar mass of the antacid (g/mol) 325 252 382 383 184
Excess HCl neutralized by a molar 0.324 0.249 0.413 0.267 0.183
mass unit of Antacid (g/mol)
NC or % of Excess HCl neutralized 64.8 49.8 82.6 53.4 36.6

According to the results obtained in the compared to other antacids used in the study.
analysis of different brands of antacid tablets Similarly, less amount of Gaviscon is needed to
(Table 1), it was clear that Gaviscon tablet shows neutralize same amount of HCl compared to the
lower average titer value of 9.20 cm3, while Gestid rest of the antacids used in the study.
tablet has the highest average titer value of 13.04 The total amount of HCl (mole) used was
cm3. This indicate that Gaviscon with the lower determined using the equation (1), while the
average titre value records the highest value of the amount of HCl (mole) neutralized by NaOH was
excess HCl neutralized, while Gestid with the determined using the expression (2). The amount of
highest titre value records the lowest value of the excess HCl neutralized by antacid was determined
excess HCl neutralized. This means more amount by subtracting the amount of HCl neutralized by
Gestid is needed to neutralize same amount of HCl
CSJ 6(2): December, 2015 ISSN: 2276 – 707X Abdu and Abbagana
NaOH from the total amount of HCl used as represented by equation (3), (Heriro, et al., 1997).

…… (1)


Excess HCl neutralized by antacid = M (HCl ) – M (HCl neutralized by NaOH) ……… (3)
The moles of excess HCl neutralized was Mg(OH)2; Danacid has Mg2O8Si3 and Al(OH)3;
multiplied by the molar mass of the antacid and in Rennietidine has CaCO3 and MgCO3; while
order to get the moles of excess HCl per molar Cimetidine has C10H16N6S.
mass unit of the antacid. Percentage of the excess HCl neutralized or the
Each antacid tablet has different active ingredient, neutralizing capacity was calculated for each brand
so for Gavison contains NaHCO3, CaCO3 and of antacids as follows;
NaC6H7O6; Gestid has Mg2O8Si3, Al(OH)3 and

Therefore, it was clear from the results Pali-Scholl I. and Jensen–Jarolim E. (2011): Anti-
that Gaviscon gives the highest neutralizing acid medication as a risk factor for food
capacity of 82.6% while, Rennietidine represent the allergy. Allergy 66 (4): 469-77.
tablet with lowest neutralizing capacity of 36.6%. Smith, R.D., Herzeg, T., Wheatley, T.A., Hause,
W. and Reavey-Cantewell, N.H. (1976): An in
CONCLUSION vitro evaluation of the efficacy of the more
From the results shown it was clear that frequently used antacids with particular
Gaviscon tablet is more active, because it attention to tablets. J. Pharm. Sci. 65, 1045-
neutralized more amount of acid than the rest. It is 1047.
recommended that further work should be carried Van Dop, C., Overvliet, G.M. and Smits, H.M.
out on other antacid drugs particularly on the (1976): Quality control of antacids. Pharm
enzymatic assay, cytotoxicity and tissue absorption weekblad, 111, 748-750.
to fully ascertain their neutralizing capacity. van Reit-Nales, D.A, van Alst, P., de Caste, D.,
Barend, D.M. (2002): An improved in vitro
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Duffy, T.D., Fawzy, Z.S., Ireland, D.S. and vivo relevance. Eur. J. Pharm. & Biopharm.
Rubinstein, M.H. (1982): A comparison, 53, 217-223.
evaluation of liquid antacids commercially Zajac, P., Holbrook, A., Super, M.E. and Vogt, M.
available in the United Kingdom. J. Clinic. (2013): An overview: current clinical guide
Hospt. Pharm. 7, 53-58. lines for the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment
Farzaei, M.H., Mohammad, R.S., Zahra, A. and and management of dyspepsia. Osteopathic
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fruits and spices used for the treatment of
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Lin, M.S., Sun, P. and Yu, H.Y. (1998): Evaluation
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