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Experiment 3: Neutralization Capacity of Commercial Antacid Acid

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Experiment 3: Neutralization capacity of commercial Antacid Acid


In this experiment, what most important is to determine the neutralization capacity of

commercial antacid, used a standard hydrochloric acid solution and standardize the acid and
sodium hydroxide. First of all, antacid tablet must be crushed to dissolve it with acid. Certain acid
will be neutralized but there will be not dissolved. By doing titration and using NaOH from previous
experiment which is experiment 2, it will give results of amount excess acid. From that, amount of
antacid that react with acid will be calculated also. This technique is known as back-titration where
there is will be a reversible reaction. The highlight of this experiment also is to boil the solution so,
that unnecessary product like when carbonate reacts with acid it will remove carbon dioxide gas.

1. To draw up a standard hydrochloric acid solution.
2. To standardize between acid and sodium hydroxide
3. To obtain the neutralization capacity of a commercial antacid tablet


What is the main purpose of this experiment are to standardize the acid and sodium
hydroxide also to determine the neutralization capacity of a commercial antacid tablet. Titration can
be one of the methods to determine the concentration of unknown solution by observing the
reaction. As a quantitative analysis, acidic or basic solution can use titration technique.
For antacids, it is bases that will be react with acid. To neutralize the commercial antacid
tablet, the number of moles of acid will mix with a tablet by using back-titration method as
mentioned earlier. For this experiment, the known amount excess of acid will be dissolving with a
crushed of antacid tablet. Then, it will be calculated to know the amount of neutralization of antacid
tablet by this reaction.
In order to calculated the amount of neutralization of antacid tablet that react with acid, the
number of moles of acid that neutralized by the antacid, the moles of acid that neutralized should
be subtract from the number of moles acid in the initial solution. This is the balanced equation of
neutralization of antacid:

Al(OH)3 + 3 HCl ⇌ Al3+ + 3 Cl- + 3 H2O


First step in this experiment is the hydrochloric acid solution was prepared by calculated the
volume of 6.0M HCl to prepare 250mL of 0.5M HCl. Distilled water also was calculated to find the
amount that required. 80% of distilled water that been calculated are been poured into 500mL
conical flask. The volume of 6.0M HCl that already calculated is been measured and transferred
into conical flask by using graduated cylinder. Distilled water was added to fill up until 250mL of
conical flask. Conical flask was covered with parafilm carefully and solution was mixed well.
Next, secondary standard NaOH is used from previous experiment, this is to standardize
the HCl solution and tertiary standard is formed. 50mL was filled and rinsed in a burette with
standard NaOH solution. Initial reading was recorded and an air bubble was removed at the tip of
burette. Then, 10mL of hydrochloric acid solution was accurately pipette and transferred into clean
conical flask. 20mL of distilled water was added into flask followed with 3 drops of phenolphthalein
indicator and titration was started by using standard NaOH solution until to the end point. Final
reading of titrant was recorded and this procedure is being repeated for two times.
After that, burette was filled with standard NaOH solution. Air bubbles was checked and
removed at the tip of burette. Initial reading also was recorded. One antacid tablet was prepared,
without touching the tablet, mass of the tablet was weighted and recorded. Then, antacid tablet was
crushed by using mortar and pestle. Tablet was splitted into two or three samples with similar
weights. Each sample was reweighed to the nearest milligram.
Then, each mass of samples was recorded and transferred into clean 250mL conical flasks
respectively. 25mL of distilled water was measured and been poured into flask. Volumetric pipette
was used to transfer 25.0mL of standard acid into flask that contained of crushed tablet. Then, the
contents in the flask were heated on a hot plate and were gently boiled for 5 minutes. The samples
was not completely dissolved even after been boiled due to the presence of ‘fillers’, but any
samples was already reacted with the excess HCl. The contain of the flask was only the remaining
of acid solution that been checked with litmus paper. Last step, the solution is been cooled down to
room temperature in a beaker that filled with tap water. 5 drops of phenolphthalein indicator was
added. The indicator changed the color from colorless (acid) to red (base). Solution was titrated
until pale pink appeared. This procedure is repeated for another 2 samples and all results were

A. Preparation of the hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution.

(i) Volume of 6.0M HCl needed to prepared 250 mL of 0.5M


(0.5M)(250mL) = (6.0M)(x)

X = 20.83mL of HCl
B. Standardization of the acid against sodium hydroxide (NaOH).

1 2
Volume of the acid used 10.0 10.0

Final reading of NaOH 36.00 43.10

Initial reading of NaOH 6.00 13.10
Volume of NaOH used (mL) 30.00 30.00

Calculation : MaVa = MbVb

C. Determination of neutralization capacity of an antacid acid

Weight of 1 whole antacid acid = 0.6088 g

1 2
Weight of crushed antacid 0.2926 0.2895
tablet (g)
Volume of standard HCl 20.0 20.0
added (mL)
Volume of standard NaOH 46.80 36.80
(mL) First titration
Volume of standard NaOH 10.80 20.60
(mL) Second titration

Volume of standard NaOH 57.60 57.40

used (mL)

Calculation (Back titration)

HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O

Al(OH)3 Al + 3OH-

Use antacid contain hydroxide: Al(OH)3 in the calculation


From the experiment above, firstly is to prepare the hydrochloric acid. We know that
hydrochloric acid is a strong acid. Any acid should be handled carefully and caution because it can
harm especially on skin. Hydrochloric acid was diluted to reduce the concentration. The purpose to
dilute is to get the molarity that required which is 0.5M from 6.0M. Then, acid will be added to the
distilled water because mixture will undergo the exothermic, where it will produce heat. Parafilm is
used to avoid the acid from easily evaporate to the air and this will cause the reduction of amount
of acid.

Furthermore, in this experiment, standard NaOH from previous experiment were used with
concentration of 0.19M. Titration are used to identify the changes of acidic to basic by using
phenolphthalein as indicator because it is commonly used in acid-base titration where it can
indicate the changes of color from colorless to pale pink. Titration need to be repeat 3 times to
obtain a reliable results. Meanwhile, titration is being used because it must be stoichiometric, since
antacid and acid reaction is stoichiometry.

Antacid tablet is a weak base that will react with acid to neutralize and stabilize the pH. In
this experiment, to determine the amount neutralization of capacity of commercial antacid acid by
using back-titration method. Standard acid solution is used to titrate the antacid, where the antacid
is dissolved in hydrochloric and the excess acid will neutralized by the NaOH standard solution.
Because of the reaction, it will change the molarity of initial concentration of HCl and the results of
moles neutralized can identify the mass of active contain in antacid so that, antacid can works as
buffers to proof their effectiveness of the tablet. When doing this neutralize, strong bases are not
been used because it may occur reversible reaction where acidity will become more acidic.

Other than that, each experiment needs to be done with 3 samples. This is because of the
more samples that been observed, the higher the accuracy and precise that can be obtain. To
avoid the percentage error higher. Firstly, when burette is used, the most important to do is to rinse
and fill the burette with solution that will be filled in. This method will reduce the amount of other
particle inside the burette when doing the titration. Secondly, tip of the burette need to be check if
there is any air bubbles. The existing of air bubbles will not give an accurate reading and this will
affect the initial reading of the burette. To remove the air bubbles, one of the way is to rapidly
running the solution through the tip and whack a little bit.
Besides, when doing the crushing tablet, need to crush carefully because the powder of the
tablet may splash out from the mortar. And this will affect the actual quantity of the tablet. After that,
weighing also need to be careful because of the analytical balance may be very sensitive with
surrounding. Lastly, boil the solution gently because it may appear the ‘fillers’ which is means
undissolved particle and this also may give inaccurate results due to the quantity is not same as
weighing previously. Do not rinse the walls of glassware that been used with distilled water also
can contribute to the inaccurate reading.


As a conclusion, the average moles of HCl neutralized is 4.85x10-4. The result of

neutralization capacity of a commercial tablet is 5.19x10-4 and 5.91x10-4 moles per gram for a
tablet. As the calculated, the mass of Al(OH)3 is 0.012g and 0.013g. While the percentage error
of this experiment is 44.25%.


 Lin, M. S., Sun, P., & Yu, H. Y. (1998). Evaluation of buffering capacity and acid neutralizing-pH time
profile of antacids. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association= Taiwan yi zhi, 97(10), 704-710.
 https://www.odinity.com/acid-base-titration-analysis/
 DRAKE, D., & HOLLANDER, D. (1981). Neutralizing capacity and cost effectiveness of
antacids. Annals of internal medicine, 94(2), 215-217.
 Harvey, D. (2000). Modern analytical chemistry. Boston: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc..



1. Acid is always added to water, and never reverse. Why?

This is because when acid is added to water, it will release heat that called exothermic. So,
when more acid is added, when boiled it will cause more heat released and this will cause
splashes. That is why adding more water is better as it will reduce the concentration of

2. Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of the antacid with HCl if the antacid
contain hydroxide ion.

Al(OH)3(s) + 3 HCl(aq) -----> AlCl3(aq) + 3 H2O(l).

3. Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction if the antacid contains carbonate


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